Conferences and Webinars for Pathologists and Laboratory personnel

Copyright: 2002-2024,, Inc.

Revised: 15 July 2024

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Page views in 2023: 183,535
Page views in 2024 to date: 95,289

Advertise your Pathology Conferences and Webinars with us!

To advertise on this popular page, email your text, graphics and contact information to If no response within 1 business day, please resend and CC Ads are posted until the conference / webinar date. Email us once you have the date and we will create a Save the Date ad to use until you get your official ad; there is no additional charge for changes or for rescheduling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After posting, we will send you a confirmation email and invoice; please use the link at the bottom of the invoice to pay. Prepayment may be required.

We have these options for posting:
(a) $750 for a highlighted listing (most of the ads below are highlighted listings) with graphics, text and links.
(b) $850 for option (a) plus a CME page posting for offerings related to this conference.
(c) $450 for a one line listing (date, location, title and link).
(d) $1,250 to add a standard E-blast or social media posting (more information).
(e) $775 to add a banner for one month on the Conferences page (top: 728x90, side: 300x250).
(f) $4,500 for a package of 6 highlighted listings plus one E-blast or social media posting plus an Organization listing.
(g) Contact us for additional promotional packages at (248) 646-0325 or

Links to all recent posts are included in an E-blast sent biweekly to 8,431 subscribers for no additional charge. Frequently asked questionsTestimonials
*All prices are in US dollars

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