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Email Newsletters
Revised: 28 May 2024

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Types of Newsletters
  • Case of the Month: Currently 11,235 subscribers. Sent once a month. Contains an interesting pathology related case with images and a short discussion that can be reviewed in 5-10 minutes (sample). Visit our Cases Home page.
  • Image quiz: Currently 10,834 subscribers. Sent every 2 weeks. Contains an image used in our textbook and a related board review style question (sample).
  • Promotional: Currently 7,652 subscribers. Sent from time to time. Contains information of interest to pathologists (sample).
  • Jobs, Fellowships and Conferences: Currently 8,431 subscribers. Sent biweekly. Lists new postings for Pathologist, Ph.D. and related Jobs, Fellowships, Conferences and CME (sample).
  • Monthly updates: Currently 8,167 subscribers. Lists new and updated features of the website (see Blog) and new books added to the Books pages (sample).
  • Spotlight on: Currently 10,388 subscribers. Sent quarterly at most. Features information about one of our Editorial board members (sample).
  • What's New in Pathology: Currently 11,911 subscribers. Sent every 3-6 months. Written by members of the Editorial Board (sample) and now copublished with the Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine.
  • blog: 717 subscribers. Updated every 1-2 days. New features and images for the website.
  • Dr. Pernick's Curing Cancer Network: Currently 1,789 subscribers. Sent every 1-2 months. This project of Dr. Pernick discusses the implementation of his strategic plan to substantially reduce cancer deaths.

What's New in Pathology - Archives
Future What's New Newsletters:
  • Not scheduled yet: Thoracic, CNS, head & neck, inflammatory dermatopathology, nonmelanocytic cutaneous tumors, soft tissue

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