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Postings within the last 90 days are also listed in our biweekly emails, sent to 8,753 subscribers. Frequently Asked Questions, Testimonials
*All prices are in US dollars
Immediate openings
Unexpected openings
Openings for July 2025
Openings for July 2026
Openings for July 2027
Openings for July 2028
Openings for July 2029
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
This one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship offers extensive clinical and laboratory experience in all aspects of blood banking, transfusion medicine, apheresis, and coagulation service at the University of
Alabama Hospital, including patient blood management (PBM), pre-transfusion testing,
investigation of antibody problems and transfusion reactions, component therapy, hemostasis
consultation, apheresis collections and various types of therapeutic apheresis, including photopheresis, transplantation immunogenetics, and HLA. Donor experience and reference laboratory consultation occur at the American Red
Cross Blood Services. Teaching and research involvement are not only abundantly available,
but expected and rewarded. The fellow will work, mentor and teach residents and trainees from other specialties throughout the year.
This program is directed by Katayoun Fomani, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology.
Candidates should be Board-eligible or Board-certified in Clinical Pathology or
other major specialty board such as Anesthesiology, Medicine or Pediatrics and have an
unrestricted Alabama license prior to starting fellowship.
Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Katayoun Fomani, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-8, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Women's Health Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
Description: The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama Medical Center,
Birmingham, offers a one-year fellowship experience in Diagnostic Surgical Pathology with
subspecialty focus on Breast/GYN Pathology. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
Surgical Pathology laboratory performs approximately 60,000 surgical cases yearly, which cover
the entire breadth and depth of clinical material. There are especially strong services in Breast
Pathology and GYN Pathology. Opportunities for elective rotations in other subspecialty areas
exist, including GU, Musculoskeletal, ENT, Transplant, and GI Pathology as well as
Cytopathology, Hematopathology, and Molecular Pathology. There are multiple interdisciplinary
conferences at UAB in which fellows may actively participate. Fellows are encouraged to
participate in ongoing basic, translational or applied research projects in collaboration with the
more than two dozen faculty members in the Division, leading to publications and presentations
at national meetings. Rotations are entirely at The University of Alabama Hospital. The program
is optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice. For
those having an interest in Pediatric Surgical Pathology, a selected rotation at Children's of
Alabama (adjacent to UAB Hospital) is possible.
This program is directed by Andrea Kahn, M.D., Professor and Section Head of Gynecologic Pathology.
Requirements: MD degree, license to practice medicine in the State of Alabama, and completion of pathology core requirements (3 years of AP or 4 years of combined AP/CP training). Most fellows are in their 5th postgraduate level of training.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Applications: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Andrea Kahn, M.D.
Professor of Pathology
Director, Women's Health Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-9, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027
Number of appointments per year - 2
Description: The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham, offers a one-year ACGME-approved fellowship experience in Cytopathology, with rotations entirely at the University of Alabama Hospital. The UAB Cytopathology laboratory receives approximately 14,180 gynecologic cases per year (conventional and liquid based) and 6,100 non-gynecologic cases per year, including fluids, FNAs, EUS-FNAs, and pulmonary cases. Fellows actively participate in previewing and signing out all types of Cytopathology cases and perform rapid on-site evaluation. In addition, fellows will have hands-on experience with ultrasound-guided thyroid FNA and Head and Neck FNAs. Opportunities for elective rotation in subspecialty areas of Surgical Pathology are available, making the program flexible and individually tailored. Participation in ongoing clinical studies and translational research is also encouraged, leading to publications and presentations at national meetings. The program is optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice and Board examination, as well as continuing education through the American Society of Cytopathology monthly webinars. Faculty evaluation of fellows focuses on achievement of competency in patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and lastly system-based practice. Additionally, progress is evaluated through the Progressive Evaluation of Competency exam provided by the American Society of Cytopathology, and through the quarterly meeting of the Clinical Competency Committee.
• Dedicated Education Time
• FNAs including thyroid FNAs in Clinic
• Electives
• Research
This program is directed by Frida Rosenblum, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology.
Requirements: Applicants must be AP or AP/CP Board eligible, or Board certified. Graduates
of medical schools approved by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and those
who are Board certified will be given preference. Most fellows are in their 4th or 5th
postgraduate year.
Stipends: Salary levels are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Applications: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program
director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Frida Rosenblum, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-3, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
**We are participating in the NRMP MATCH for AY 2026-2027** Learn more here.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026
Number of appointments per year - 1
Application Deadline: 1/1/2025
Interview Deadline: 2/1/2025
The Pathology Department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and the Jefferson County Coroner/Medical Examiner Office offer a one year accredited fellowship training program in forensic pathology. The office draws its caseload from Jefferson County, which includes the city of Birmingham, and has a population base of approximately 660,000. The office annually examines approximately 1200 bodies including approximately 200 homicides and 550 accidental deaths. Complete scene investigations are routinely conducted by in-house investigators of homicidal, accidental, and suicidal deaths. All medical and police records are routinely obtained. The fellow acts as a functioning forensic pathologist and is responsible, under supervision by staff pathologists, for scene investigations, complete postmortem examinations, protocol preparations, conferences with interested parties, and actual court testimony. Consultation in all medical specialties is readily available if needed, as are opportunities for teaching. Two crime laboratories (representing two jurisdictions) serve the metropolitan area. The medical examiner office is well staffed and equipped, including complete photographic and radiography facilities and digitization of all records. The database makes research feasible, and research with presentation at a national scientific meeting is encouraged. In addition, toxicological testing is provided in-house by the UAB Department of Pathology's Forensic Toxicology Section. Opportunities for collaboration on research projects with faculty in the Toxicology Division are also available.
Daniel Dye, M.D., Associate Professor/Associate Coroner-Medical Examiner, Fellowship
Program Director; Gregory G. Davis, M.D., Professor/Chief Coroner-Medical Examiner; Daniel
Atherton, M.D., Associate Professor/Associate Coroner-Medical Examiner; Brandi McCleskey, M.D.,
Associate Professor/Associate Coroner-Medical Examiner, Assistant Fellowship Program Director
Successful completion of accredited pathology residency training program in
either anatomic pathology or anatomic/clinical pathology.
Salary levels are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Applications are being accepted through ERAS: Applying to Fellowships with the ERAS® System | Students & Residents (
Address letters of recommendation to:
Daniel Dye, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-6, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
University of Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
**We are now participating in the NRMP MATCH** Learn more here.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Departments of Pathology and
Genetics jointly offer a one-year ACGME accredited fellowship in molecular genetic pathology.
The fellowship is designed to train academically oriented pathologists and medical geneticists
for a career in molecular genetic pathology, including hematology/oncology, infectious diseases, cytogenetics, and medical
genetics. After completion of this program, the fellow will be eligible to take the Molecular
Genetic Pathology board examination cosponsored by ABP and ABMMG.
Training includes hands-on case review experiences, didactic courses, selected laboratory rotations and an in-depth research
experience. The fellow will gain experience in a broad range of molecular techniques including
nucleic acid extraction and amplification (PCR, RT-PCR, real-time PCR, NASBA, and SDA),
sequencing, capillary electrophoresis, traditional cytogenetics, FISH, microarray and next
generation sequencing technology. Trainees are expected to function as junior attending
physicians and will be actively involved in test development, performance, quality control/quality assurance of the assays, preparation of report
of sign-out, participation in clinic/inpatient visits and clinical consultation. Fellows are also
exposed to administrative aspects of directing a modern molecular diagnostics laboratory.
Opportunities for research experience are available.
This program is directed by Shuko Harada, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Associate Director of
the Division of Genomic Diagnostics & Bioinformatics and Section Head of Molecular Pathology.
Requirements: Applicants must be AP, CP or AP/CP or medical genetics Board eligible, or
Board certified.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the year of postgraduate training in pathology or
genetics. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program
director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Shuko Harada, M.D.
Professor of Pathology
Director, Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-4, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Gastrointestinal/Hepatobiliary Fellowship & Transplant Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027
Number of appointments per year – 1
Description: The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham, offers a one-year fellowship experience in GI tract, liver, pancreas and biliary tract. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Surgical Pathology laboratory performs approximately 60,000 surgical cases yearly, of which 25% are GI cases. Our robust liver transplant program provides the fellow with numerous diverse GI cases that complement the junior faculty experience. There are multiple interdisciplinary GI conferences at UAB (including GI/Hepatobiliary Oncology, Transplant/Medical Liver Conference among others) in which fellows may actively participate. Sign-out privileges are also anticipated for fellows with appropriate qualifications for both routine and frozen section services. Fellows are encouraged to participate in ongoing basic, translational or applied research projects in collaboration with the more than two dozen faculty members in the Division, leading to publications and presentations at national meetings. Rotations are entirely at the University of Alabama Hospital. The program is optimized with structural didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice. For those having an interest in Pediatric Surgical Pathology, a selected rotation at Children's of Alabama (adjacent to UAB Hospital) is possible.
This program is directed by Sameer Al Diffalha, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology.
Requirements: MD degree and completion of pathology core requirements (3 yrs of AP or 4 yrs of combined AP/CP training). Previous Surgical pathology or cytopathology training is preferred.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Applications: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Sameer Al Diffalha, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, GI Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-11, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
Description: The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, offers a one-year fellowship experience in Genitourinary (GU) pathology. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Surgical Pathology laboratory performs approximately 60,000 surgical cases yearly, of which ~2500 are GU cases comprising benign and malignant conditions of prostate, bladder, kidney, testis, penis and adrenal gland, from different specimen types, including needle biopsies, resections, and consult cases. Fellows actively participate in previewing and signing out all types of GU cases. Sign-out privileges are also anticipated for fellows with appropriate qualifications for both routine and frozen section services. Opportunities for elective rotation in subspecialty areas of Surgical Pathology are available, making the program flexible and individually tailored. There are multiple interdisciplinary conferences at UAB (including GU and multidisciplinary tumor board, among others) in which fellows may actively participate. Fellows are encouraged to participate in ongoing basic, translational or applied research projects in collaboration with the more than two dozen faculty members in the Division, leading to publications and presentations at national meetings. Rotations are entirely at The University of Alabama Hospital. The program is optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice. A combined GYN/GU fellowship may be considered for those interested in both subspecialties. A GU/Renal Pathology fellowship is also available.
This fellowship program is directed by Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, M.D., Ph.D., Chair and Professor of Pathology.
Requirements: MD degree, license to practice medicine in the State of Alabama and completion of pathology core requirements (3 years of AP or 4 years of combined AP/CP training). Previous Surgical Pathology or Cytopathology training is preferred.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Applications: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair and Professor of Pathology
The C. Bruce Alexander Endowed Professorship in Pathology
Director, GU Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-10, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama (UAB) Medical
Center, Birmingham, offers a one-year Fellowship/Instructorship position in Diagnostic
Gynecologic Pathology with advanced comprehensive training experience, graduated
responsibilities, and sign out privileges. The Gynecologic Pathology Section at UAB provides
diagnostic interpretations of routine gynecology and gynecologic oncology specimens for UAB
Hospital, satellite clinics, and O'Neil Comprehensive Cancer Center patients. It receives
consultations that serve UAB pathology outreach services (CPPP), other local and regional
institutions, providing comprehensive review of the cases. From the approximately 60,000
surgical pathology accessions performed at UAB Surgical Pathology laboratory, about 4,500
represent gynecologic pathology specimens, including in-house and consultation material.
Fellows are expected to present at weekly Gynecologic Oncology Tumor Board conferences
and supervise residents in the gross room. Fellows are encouraged to participate in ongoing
basic or translational research projects in collaboration with the Gynecologic Pathology section
faculty members, leading to publications and presentations at national meetings. The program is
optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice.
Rotations take place at The University of Alabama Hospital. For those with an interest in
Perinatal and Placental Pathology, ongoing rotation through the MDL service is possible.
Combined GYN/GU and Breast/GYN one-year fellowship options are also available.
This program is directed by Andrea Kahn, M.D., Professor and Section Head of Gynecologic Pathology.
MD degree, license to practice medicine in the State of Alabama and completion of pathology core requirements (3 years of AP or 4 years of combined AP/CP training).
Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Andrea Kahn, M.D.
Professor of Pathology
Director, Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-7, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026
Number of appointments per year - 2
**We are now participating in the NRMP MATCH** Learn more here.
Hematopathology Fellowship at UAB is a one-year program, fully accredited by ACGME for two fellows towards subspecialty board certification. The program includes experience in all major aspects of hematopathology, including morphology, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, coagulation, pediatric hematopathology and diagnostic molecular pathology. Fellows are responsible for initial review, final drafts of bone marrow, lymph node biopsies, complex consult cases and other hematopoietic entities. Hematopathology service handles ~ 8,500 cases per year (flow, bone marrows and lymph node biopsies, etc). Fellows supervise the residents in bone marrow, flow cytometry, lymph node diagnosis and consults. Fellows have teaching responsibilities to junior residents and at MS-II student Hematology/Oncology module. The fellows participate in clinical research projects during the fellowship and presentation at national meetings is strongly encouraged.
Hematopathology attendings and fellows participate in a number of weekly, biweekly multidisciplinary conferences (heme malignancy, Lymphoma, Heme-Onc tumor boards, etc.) with the Hematology/Oncology division focused on pathology/flow/molecular findings, imaging modalities and treatment considerations. UAB Hematology/Oncology fellows rotate at Hematopathology sign-out sessions as well. Hematopathology attendings, fellows and residents attend and present cases at daily afternoon department-wide Consultants’ Conference. In addition, journal clubs are presented by fellows and residents at weekly Laboratory Medicine conferences.
The program is directed by Diana Morlote, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology.
Applicants must be Board eligible in Pathology.
Salary levels are commensurate with the level of post graduate training. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Diana Morlote, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Director, Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-1, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Neuropathology Fellowship is a 2-year training program
We accept 1 fellow per year of training
Opening for 2027-2029
The Neuropathology Fellowship at UAB is a two-year program, fully accredited
by the ACGME for one Fellow per year, eventuating in subspecialty board certification. The
program includes experience in all areas of Neuropathology, including intraoperative
consultations (frozen sections) as well as appropriate use and interpretation of special
stains, immunohistochemistry, and molecular studies including FISH and next generation
sequencing. There is also weekly experience in brain cutting and in case presentation at the
Neuro-Oncology Brain Tumor Conference. The fellows also attend conferences and lectures
in neuromuscular pathology. Fellows also have many opportunities to teach Pathology and
Neurology Residents and medical students. There are many opportunities for translational or
clinical research in the first year, leading to presentation at regional or national meetings
such as the Association of American Neuropathologists. In the second (research) year, there
are numerous choices for basic, translational or clinical research, either within the
Department of Pathology or in other Departments of the UAB Medical Center.
Rati Chkheidze, M.D., Assistant Professor, Neuropathology Fellowship Program Director; C. Ryan Miller, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Neuropathology Division Director; Richard Powers, M.D., Professor; Neda Wick, M.D., Assistant Professor.
Board eligibility or certification in anatomic pathology or AP/CP; additionally, a
license to practice medicine in Alabama, which requires successful completion of USMLE
Steps 1, 2 and 3, is needed.
Commensurate with year of postgraduate training; also, a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance is provided.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program
director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Rati Chkheidze, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Director, Neuropathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-5, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
GU/Renal Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 1
Description: The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, offers a one-year fellowship experience in Genitourinary (GU) and Renal pathology. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Surgical Pathology laboratory performs approximately 60,000 surgical cases yearly, of which ~2,500 are GU cases comprising benign and malignant conditions of prostate, bladder, kidney, testis, penis and adrenal gland, from different specimen types, including needle biopsies, resections, and consult cases.
Renal biopsy laboratory, a sub-section of the main histopathology lab, receives approximately 850 renal biopsies per year from nephrologists at UAB and across the state of Alabama, with a broad spectrum of native and transplant cases.
Fellows actively participate in previewing and signing out all types of GU and Renal Pathology cases. Sign-out privileges are also anticipated for fellows with appropriate qualifications for both routine and frozen section services. Opportunities for elective rotation in subspecialty areas of Surgical Pathology are available, making the program flexible and individually tailored. There are multiple interdisciplinary conferences at UAB (including GU, Renal and multidisciplinary tumor board, among others) in which fellows may actively participate. Fellows are encouraged to participate in ongoing basic, translational or applied research projects in collaboration with the more than two dozen faculty members in the Division, leading to publications and presentations at national meetings. Rotations are entirely at The University of Alabama Hospital. The program is optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice.
This fellowship program is directed by Huma Fatima, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology.
Requirements: MD degree, license to practice medicine in the State of Alabama and completion of pathology core requirements (3 years of AP or 4 years of combined AP/CP training). Previous Surgical Pathology or Cytopathology training is preferred.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Applications: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Huma Fatima, M.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, GU/Renal Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#15924, posted 2 April 2024, exp. 2 April 2025]
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Department of Pathology
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year - 4
The Division of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Alabama (UAB) Medical
Center, Birmingham, offers a one-year Fellowship/Instructorship position in Diagnostic Surgical
Pathology with advanced comprehensive training experience, graduated responsibilities, and
sign out privileges. There are approximately 60,000 specimens per year, which cover the entire
breadth and depth of Pathology. It provides service to O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at
UAB, supports the liver and kidney transplantation program, and provides daily consultations to
the UAB - affiliated peripheral medical Centers in the State of Alabama. The Anatomic
Pathology division is subspecialized with major sections including GI/liver Pathology, Breast
Pathology, GYN Pathology, GU Pathology, Musculoskeletal Pathology, Head and Neck
Pathology, Pulmonary Pathology, and Renal Pathology. Tailoring the fellowship with
subspecialty focus in up to three aforementioned (Breast, GYN, GU, ENT, Bone/Soft tissue, GI)
areas is possible. Opportunities for elective rotations in other services including Pediatric
Pathology at Children's of Alabama (adjacent to UAB Hospital) and Molecular Pathology exist.
The responsibilities include covering frozen sections, active participation in interdepartmental
tumor boards and conferences, and teaching residents and medical students. Fellows are highly
encouraged to participate in ongoing basic, translational or clinic-pathologic research projects in
collaboration with more than 90 faculty members in the Department. Rotations are entirely at
The University of Alabama Hospital.
This program is directed by Andrea Kahn, M.D., Professor and Section Head of Gynecologic Pathology.
MD degree, license to practice medicine in the State of Alabama, and
completion of pathology core requirements (3 years of AP or 4 years of combined AP/CP training).
Most fellows are in their 5th postgraduate level of training.
Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology. Also provided is a professional development fund and a generous relocation allowance.
Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program
director to:
Address letters of recommendation to:
Andrea Kahn, M.D.
Professor of Pathology
Director, Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
619 19th Street South, HSB 149M
Birmingham, AL 35249-6823
Additional information can be obtained from:
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (205) 975-3450
[#16695-2, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 16 November 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2026
The Department of Pathology of the University of Arizona College of Medicine/Banner University Medical Center – Tucson (BUMC-T) offers a 1 year, ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Hematopathology, to start July 1st. The fellowship emphasizes academic diagnostic hematopathology. There is a strong tradition of excellence in Hematopathology at the University of Arizona, supporting adult and pediatric hematology and oncology (including bone marrow transplants), the regional Hemophilia Center and solid organ transplant programs. We are recognized as a regional Hematopathology referral center for the Southwest and as a participant in the Southwest Oncology Group.
Training includes acquisition of diagnostic skills for benign and neoplastic hematologic disorders in both adults and children. The fellow has exposure to a wide variety of specimens including blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and body fluids. The clinical service includes evaluation of any tissues involved by hematologic disorders. The fellow will become proficient in applying various techniques for the diagnosis of hematopoietic disorders including flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, interpretation of cytogenetics (FISH, karyotypes); other techniques used include automated hematology and special coagulation. Molecular testing, including a microarray core facility and next-generation sequencing, is available. Furthermore, the fellow is involved in review of complex coagulation testing and generating patient-specific narrative interpretations. Exposure to laboratory administration and leadership is part of the training. With attainment of knowledge, the fellow is given gradual increase in responsibility to become a competent and independent hematopathologist. Another component of the fellowship involves overseeing and teaching pathology residents and medical students. The fellow is expected to be a key part of the hematopathology team that bridges clinical and laboratory medicine.
Please visit our website: for complete checklist and more information.
All materials and inquiries should be addressed to the program coordinator:
Anne de Leon
Fellowship Program Coordinator
Telephone: (520) 626-5669
University of Arizona/Banner University Medical Center Tucson offer a competitive salary and benefits package. The opportunities for recreational and educational activities along with a sunny and thriving desert climate are very attractive features. We are an EEO/AA employer.
[#16091, renewed 3 May 2024, exp. 10 May 2025]
Renal Pathology Fellowship
One Opening for 2026-27
Two Openings for 2027-28
The Arkana renal pathology fellowship is a one-year program designed to train a well-rounded academic renal pathologist. With more than 25,000 medical kidney biopsies each year (native and transplant) and 24 renal pathologists from different training backgrounds, Arkana provides an unparalleled resource for training. We foster an environment in which every trainee can become an expert in diagnostic renal pathology, developing a full understanding of the lesions that can be seen in medical kidney disease.
Because it is important for a renal pathologist to be able to design and carry out academic research, fellows will learn how to develop a research project, write a manuscript, and navigate the peer-reviewed medical literature submissions process. Our fellows are required to participate in journal clubs, national meetings, engage in social medical outlets, and develop leadership skills that will serve them throughout their careers.
Our fellowship is designed to maximize learning and minimize extraneous "scut work" without educational value. Fellows are welcome to work on projects on the weekend but there is no weekend on-call responsibility in fellowship year. Above all, we are proud of providing a warm and supportive environment with a staff of pathologist eager to help fellows immediately step into a full-time renal pathology position upon successful completion of the program.
Visit our website to learn more about our fellowship program and to apply:
[#16760, posted 16 September 2024, exp. 16 September 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Opening for July 2026
The Department of Pathology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematopathology. The fellowship provides comprehensive training in morphologic and immunologic hematopathology as well as subspecialty training in molecular diagnostics, flow cytometry, blood coagulation, laboratory hematology, pediatric hematopathology, hemoglobinopathies and cytogenetics. The fellow will participate actively in diagnostic evaluations, clinical consultations, and teaching programs in the department. Opportunities for clinical and translational research are available, in which participation is strongly encouraged.
The clinical material signed out by the UAMS Hematopathology Division includes nearly 5000 bone marrow biopsies and approximately 350 lymph node biopsies. The Division also provides diagnostic services at Arkansas Children's Hospital. Our flow cytometry laboratory performs 8-color flow cytometry for diagnosis and minimal residual disease monitoring of hematolymphoid malignancies. Fellowship training is enhanced by a close working relationship with Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, which has the only allogeneic bone marrow/stem cell transplant service in the state of Arkansas, and the Myeloma Center, an international center of excellence for research and treatment of plasma cell myeloma.
Requirements: Applicants must have an M.D. or D.O. degree (or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification) and be board eligible or certified in anatomic and clinical pathology
Staff: Rodolfo Henrich Lobo, MD (Program Director); Ginell Post, MD, PhD; Daisy Alapat, MD; Soumya Pandey, MD; Jeanette Ramos, MD; Vijay Patel, MD; Susan Harley, MD; Jacob Wooldridge, MD; Brent Harbaugh, MD; and Rakesh Sethapati, MD.
Social Media: Facebook page: UAMS Hematopathology and Twitter page: HemepathUAMS
Submit current CV, personal statement, and three letters of recommendation by email to:
Renee Baldwin
Interim Fellowship Coordinator
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR 72205-7199
[#15821, renewed 14 March 2024, exp. 11 June 2025]
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Hematopathology Fellowship
Position: 1
2026 - 2027
Program Description
The Hematopathology Fellowship at Cedars-Sinai is a one-year program offering trainees access to first class facilities including 10+ color flow cytometers, expansive immunohistochemistry menu, in-house molecular testing with comprehensive, fully annotated NGS panels, cytogenetics/FISH testing, as well as exposure to consultative coagulation testing. Rotations through each of these laboratories also equip the fellow with analytical/technical knowledge essential for a practicing hematopathologist. Hematopathology faculty have diverse and complementary interests, thus providing the fellow with a broad and well-balanced coverage in hematopathology education. With a high faculty to fellow ratio, teaching occurs at the scope in one-on-one and small group settings, didactics and journal clubs. Cedars-Sinai and Cedars-Sinai Guerin's Children is a 1022-bed quaternary medical care center serving 9 million people in Los Angeles County providing trainees with abundant case material with over 1300 bone marrows, 1000 lymphoma work-ups, 7000 flow cytometry cases and 5000 coagulation consultative reports.
Fellow Responsibilities and Requirements
The fellow will gain experience diagnosing a variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic hematolymphoid disorders incorporating the use of flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetic and molecular studies. The program provides graduated responsibility by progressing the fellow from supervised assessment to independent assessment of cases by the end of the year. The educational experience includes participation in tumor boards, journal clubs, opportunities to teach medical students, pathology residents and non-pathology residents/fellows, and clinical collaboration with hematology-oncology experts in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, cellular therapy and clinical trials. Based on the fellow's specific interests and career goals, additional training experiences include opportunities for creative scholarship, quality improvement, patient safety and educational projects.
Candidates must be eligible to sit for AP/CP, AP or CP boards. California licensure is required within 90 days from start date of training.
Commensurate with the applicant's year of postgraduate training (PGY5)
Benefits information: Click here
Program Director
Sumire Kitahara, MD
Offers will be made through the NRMP Match. Please refer to the FAQ document on the Society for Hematopathology webpage.
All materials and inquiries should be addressed to the program coordinator:
Carrie Domagas
Fellowship Program Administrator
Telephone: (310) 423-1610
[#15918, posted 1 April 2024, exp. 1 April 2025]
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Positions: 2
2026 - 2027
Program Description
The Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center provides a funded ACGME-accredited fellowship position with a unique opportunity to combine state of the art molecular pathology with hands-on exposure to the clinical laboratory, clinical genetics, cytogenetics, and translational research. The Molecular Pathology Laboratory combines single gene tests and next-generation sequencing, with a focus on precision medicine for oncology, but also provides exposure to inherited and infectious disease. The Cytogenetics Laboratory is uniquely integrated with the Molecular Division and fellows participate in an integrated daily sign-out. The Cytogenetics Laboratory offers a broad range of testing which includes prenatal and postnatal diagnostics, and oncology testing by karyotype, FISH, and chromosomal microarray. With an excellent ratio of faculty to trainees, there is the opportunity to observe different approaches to clinical evaluation and to receive a high level of individualized mentorship.
Fellow Responsibilities and Translational Research Opportunities
In addition to daily routine sign-out, the fellow has hands-on experience in the laboratory with current assays and is required to develop a new clinical test during the course of the fellowship. As fellows gain experience, they act as junior attending with participation in all aspects of laboratory management including test development, validation, clinical interpretation, reporting, and ongoing proficiency testing/CAP preparedness, and management.
The wide scope of patient material in the pathology department and the Division's relationship with the Biobank & Translational Research Core and physician-scientists in a large number of departments provides a variety of opportunities for fellows to engage in clinical or bench research and develop their own projects of interest. This is facilitated by the Cedars-Sinai Clinical Scholars Program, which provides formal training in biostatistics, scientific ethics, grant writing, and approaches to clinical research and personalized medicine. California licensure is required at the time of appointment.
California licensure is required within 90 days from start of training.
Commensurate with the applicant's year of postgraduate training (PGY5)
Benefits Information: Click here
Offers will be made through the NRMP Match. Please refer to the FAQ document on the Association for Molecular Genetic Pathology. You can also visit our Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship website for complete checklist.
Program Director
Eric Vail, MD
All materials and inquiries should be addressed to the program coordinator:
Carrie Domagas
Fellowship Program Administrator
Telephone: (310) 423-1610
[#16205-5, posted 30 May 2024, exp. 30 May 2025]
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Renal Pathology Fellowship
2026 - 2027
Program Description
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine offers a one-year fellowship in renal pathology. We receive approximately 3800+ kidney biopsies per year for comprehensive evaluation from adult and pediatric patients, including 75-80% native kidney and 20-25% transplant biopsies. In addition to light, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, IHC and molecular studies are performed as appropriate. Cedars-Sinai has a large active transplant center, and there are ample opportunities for clinical and translational research in transplant and native kidney disease.
Fellow Responsibilities and Requirements
Training includes graduated responsibility in the diagnosis and reporting of renal biopsies, including performing electron microscopy and interacting with nephrologists. The fellow is expected to participate in regular renal pathology conferences and resident education during the residents' required renal pathology rotation. Participation in at least one research project is expected during the year. Candidates must be eligible to sit for AP/CP or AP boards. California licensure is required at the time of appointment.
Commensurate with the applicant's year of postgraduate training (PGY5)
Benefits Information: Click here
Program Director
Cynthia C. Nast, MD
Please visit our Renal Pathology Fellowship for a complete checklist and more information.
All materials and inquiries should be addressed to the program coordinator:
Carrie Domagas
Fellowship Program Administrator
Telephone: (310) 423-1610
[#16205-1, posted 30 May 2024, exp. 30 May 2025]
Keck Medical Center of USC/Los Angeles General Medical Center
GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship
Accepting applications for
Academic Year 2027-2028
The GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship training program of the Keck Medical Center of USC/Los Angeles General Medical Center has one vacant position available for AY2027-2028
The GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship training program provides primary training experience in gastrointestinal and liver pathology at Keck Medical Center and Los Angeles General Medical Center. The trainee will be exposed to a wide variety of gastrointestinal surgical pathology specimens and gain exceptional experience in transplant and non-transplant liver pathology. In addition, the fellow will have an opportunity to gain experience in gastrointestinal cytopathology.
The candidate must have completed 3 years of Anatomic Pathology training or 4 years of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training by the beginning of the fellowship training. The candidates are encouraged to have a year of surgical pathology fellowship training prior to the beginning of the GI/Liver fellowship.
The candidate must have a California Medical License by July 1st of their training year.
The candidate must be a U.S. green card holder or U.S. citizen.
Please submit the CAP Surgical Pathology Fellowship Application and 3 letters of recommendation (one from the Program Director and two from faculty members; letters from gastrointestinal pathologists are encouraged).
Submit applications to:
Sergei Tatishchev, MD, GI/Liver Program Director
Keck Medical Center of USC/Los Angeles General Medical Center
HC4, Room 2415
1450 San Pablo Street
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9092
Telephone: (323) 865-6907
[#17672, renewed 13 March 2025, exp. 17 June 2026]
LAC+USC Medical Center/Keck School of Medicine of USC
Cytopathology Fellowship
Accepting Applications for Academic Year 2026-2027 (4 positions)
The Cytopathology Fellowship training program of the LAC+USC Medical Center has positions available for 2026-27. This Cytopathology Fellowship training program has the status of Continued Accreditation by the ACGME.
The Cytopathology Fellowship training program provides primary training experience in
cytopathology at LAC+USC Medical Center where there are annually 21,000 cytology
accessions, including 1,300 fine needle aspirations (FNA’s), 2,900 non-gynecologic exfoliative
specimens and 16,800 ThinPrep Pap tests per year. The affiliated hospitals of Norris Cancer
Hospital and Keck Hospital of USC provide an additional 6,900 cytopathology accessions,
including 850 FNA’s, 2,850 non-gynecologic exfoliative specimens, and 3,200 ThinPrep Pap
tests. The Department of Pathology at the LAC+USC Medical Center operates a daily morning
ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration clinic. The LAC+USC Medical Center has a high risk
population with a cervical cancer rate that provides ample experience in gynecologic
cytopathology. The Norris Cancer and Keck Hospitals provide extensive exposure to cancer
Requirements: The candidate must have completed 3 years of Anatomic Pathology training or
4 years of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training by the beginning of the fellowship training.
The candidate must have a California Medical License by July 1st of their training year. A letter
from the resident’s Program Director must document all rotations the resident has taken.
Additional letters from the resident’s Cytopathology faculty are recommended.
Stipends: Support will be commensurate with the applicant’s level of training.
Submit applications to:
Wafaa A. Elatre, M.D., M.P.H., Cytopathology Program Director
Maria Guerra, Cytopathology Program Coordinator
LAC+USC Medical Center
1200 North State Street, Room A7E114
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Telephone: (323) 409-7150
Fax: (323) 441-8193
For more information, please visit our website at
[#16735, renewed 11 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
LAC+USC Medical Center/Keck School of Medicine of USC
Hematopathology Fellowship
Accepting applications for Academic Year 2026-2027
The Hematopathology Fellowship training program of the University of Southern California (USC)/LAC+USC Medical Center has positions available for academic year 2026-2027.
This Hematopathology Fellowship training program has Continued Accreditation status by the ACGME and provides diverse rotations – four months each – at USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, a tertiary referral center; Los Angeles County (LAC) + USC, a large historic county hospital with a highly diverse patient population; and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, a top-tier pediatric hospital with high-volume pediatric hematopathology and referral testing for flow cytometry-based minimal residual disease (MRD). These structured rotations afford our fellows exposure to a wide variety of practice settings and case materials, with abundant opportunities for scholarly activity. In particular, four months dedicated to pediatric hematopathology and flow cytometry MRD analyses (lymphoid and myeloid) is a highly unique training experience. Training at all sites emphasizes development of problem solving skills. Fellows are required to become involved with research projects and to participate in a variety of conference presentations and teaching activities.
Requirements: The candidate must have completed 3 years of Anatomic Pathology training or 4 years of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training and have a California Medical License before the start (July 1st) of the fellowship training year. A letter from the resident’s Program Director must document all rotations the resident has taken. Additional letters from the resident’s Hematopathology faculty are recommended.
Stipend: Support will be commensurate with the applicant’s level of training.
Submit applications to:
Imran N. Siddiqi MD, PhD, Hematopathology Program Director
c/o Maria Guerra, Hematopathology Program Coordinator
LAC+USC Medical Center
1100 North State Street, Room CTA7E
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Telephone: (323) 409-7150
Fax: (323) 441-8193
[#16734, renewed 11 September 2024, exp. 21 September 2025]
Los Angeles General and
USC Medical Center/Keck School of Medicine of USC
Department of Pathology
Surgical (Selective) Pathology Fellowship
Accepting Applications for
Academic Years 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
An ACGME accredited one-year surgical pathology fellowship program provides broad training in both academic and community setting to prepares our fellows for successful general surgical pathology. Overall, the Department of Pathology accessions approximately 60,000 surgical pathology specimens annually. At LAG+USC, fellows perform junior attending duties including frozen section diagnosis and diagnostic sign-out with the residents. Extensive autonomy is encouraged with strong faculty support. Elective blocks are available to allow the fellows additional experiences in the various subspecialty areas of her/his interest. The Medical Center is home to a vibrant scientific community and ample translational and collaborative research opportunities are available to trainees.
We are still open for AY2025-2026 and have started to accept applications for AY2026-2027.
Los Angeles metropolitan is a community of approximately 10,000,000 people with an unmatched year-round climate, readily accessible mountains, beaches, snow and surf, and as a wide variety of cultural, social, educational, recreational and sporting events as can be found anywhere in the world.
For inquiry and application, please contact:
Yomaira P Diaz
Program Coordinator, Department of Pathology
Keck School of Medicine of USC
LAGMC and USC Medical Center
1100 N. State St. Clinic Tower A7E
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Telephone: (323) 409-5126
Dr. Guang-Qian Xiao
Director of Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
[#16255, renewed 7 June 2024, exp. 7 June 2025]
Olive View / UCLA Medical Center
Department of Pathology
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Description: The UCLA affiliated Olive View / UCLA medical center offers a one-year fellowship in general surgical pathology. The fellow's primary responsibilities include signing out of surgical cases, frozen section diagnosis and occasional autopsies. The program offers excellent experience in fine needle aspiration, including ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsies. With UCLA-affiliated attending faculty, there are many opportunities for interacting with staff and direct teaching. In addition, the county hospital provides exposure to many unusual and rare cases. There is also ample opportunity to attend and organize specialty conferences. Research and study time is available, including elective time in selected subspecialty areas. The rotations are predominantly at the Olive View - UCLA Medical Center, with the option to do electives at other hospitals including UCLA main campus.
The positions are open to candidates who have completed their training in AP and are Board eligible or certified.
The candidate must have a California Medical License by July 1st of their training year.
The candidate must be a U.S. green card holder or U.S. citizen.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with the applicant's level of training
Book/study materials fund
Please submit the CAP Surgical Pathology Fellowship Application, Curriculum Vitae and 3 letters of recommendation (one from the Program Director and two from faculty members).
Please direct inquires to:
Payman Fathizadeh, M.D., Program Director
Cynthia Inez, Program Coordinator
Olive View/UCLA Medical Center
14445 Olive View Drive
Sylmar, CA 91342-1495
Telephone: (747) 210-4025 / (747) 210-4036
Fax: (747) 210-4065
[#17380, renewed 16 January 2025, exp. 16 April 2026]
Stanford University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology
Genitourinary (GU) Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2028-2029
At Stanford, we offer a dedicated Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship (1 position per year, ACGME accredited) that will provide in-depth training in GU pathology with the goal of becoming a specialist in the field. The Stanford Genitourinary Pathology Service is rich with both routine GU pathology and advanced consultative material to learn from. Graduated responsibility opportunities include a Junior Attending rotation, presenting at GU tumor boards, teaching opportunities (such as departmental fellow-led teaching conferences), and service as a point person and consultant on GU-pathology-related issues.
Elective and research time can be used to pursue additional subspecialty training in other areas (such as GYN, GI, or renal pathology) or to work on research projects. Departmental resources and support are available for clinicopathologic and translational research projects.
- We offer a one-year GU fellowship that provides advanced, focused, and intensive training in diagnostic genitourinary pathology:
- GU service fellowship rotation (consults, in house overflow cases, second reviews, tumor board coverage, overall service point person)
- "Junior Attending" rotation (fellow reviews GU cases with assigned residents at "sign-out" and works up cases as if going to finalize independently, with hand-off to GU pathology faculty for report finalization and discussion)
- Frozen section rotation
- Surgical pathology selectives (including "Hotseat" preliminary review of all cases prior to residents with focus on GU bench)
- Research
- Elective
- Vacation and educational/conference leave (4 weeks total)
Prerequisites: 3 yrs AP or 4 yrs AP/CP
Application Process:
We are currently full and will accept inquiries for July 2028 starting in 2026. Please contact the fellowship director for additional information:
Dr. Emily Chan, MD, PhD
Director of Genitourinary Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
Stanford University School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive, Room L235
Stanford, CA 94305-5324
Telephone: (650) 723-6111
[#17693, renewed 18 March 2025, exp. 27 June 2026]
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship
Opening for July 2025-2026
The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of California, Irvine is now accepting applications for a 1-year fellowship in GI and liver pathology, starting July 2025. This fellowship provides training in all aspects of GI, liver, pancreas and biliary tract disease with opportunities for clinical research. The GI service (more than 10,000 cases annually) includes full range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions with special emphasis on IBD, colon cancers, gastric dysplasia/carcinoma, celiac disease and Barrett esophagus. We also have an active pancreas (more than 100 pancreatic resections/year) and liver (more than 300 biopsies and resections/year) service. The fellow will also be exposed to cytopathologic specimens from EUS guided aspirations from the GI and pancreato-biliary tracts.
The fellow participates with 4 fellowship trained GI/liver pathologists in sign-out of GI and liver surgical and biopsy material, frozen sections and consultation cases. The position is structured for graduated responsibility to the level of junior faculty. The fellow may also take few weeks of call during the year, as an acting attending on Surgical Pathology service. There will also be active involvement in resident teaching and presenting at the weekly GI/liver tumor board meetings during the fellowship. Funded research opportunities are available within the department and the fellow will be expected to present their research at national meetings.
The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.
Program Director:
Vishal S. Chandan, MD
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Requirements: Candidates are required to have successfully graduated from an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency program and have an active California medical license.
To apply, please go to this link to complete an online application process:
[#16745, posted 12 September 2024, exp. 12 September 2025]
Neuropathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UC Irvine Medical Center offers an accredited two-year neuropathology fellowship. This fellowship is designed to provide fellows with extensive experience in clinical diagnostic and experimental neuropathology and leads to eligibility for Board certification in neuropathology. Prior training in Anatomic or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology is essential. The active clinical service includes surgical and autopsy neuropathology including neuromuscular and ophthalmic pathology. Training includes pediatric neuropathology (Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles) and forensic neuropathology (Orange County Medical Examiner and Coroner). Conference participation provides opportunity for teaching of anatomic pathology residents and clinical rotators. Basic and/or applied research within the rich and diverse neuroscience and neurodegeneration communities at the medical center is a formal part of the program.
Fellowship Start Date:
Fellowship Length:
Candidates are required to have successfully graduated from an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency program.
Application Instructions:
To apply, please reach out to:
Ellie Hunt
Contact Website:
[#16400, renewed 11 July 2024, exp. 22 July 2025]
Selective Surgical Pathology Fellowship
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UC Irvine Medical Center offers a one-year selective Surgical Fellowship starting July 2025 that provides training to prepare fellows for successful general surgical pathology. Training includes broad exposure to all aspects of surgical pathology, including preparing complex surgical cases for sign-out, frozen section examination, consultation cases, gross room supervision, and junior attending role. Additional time may be spent in subspecialized services including Head & Neck, GYN, Breast, Women’s Health (GYN & Breast) or GU, among others. Areas of focus, if chosen, will be documented, on the graduation certificate. The fellow will be responsible for one month of grossing, some multi-disciplinary tumor board conferences and resident teaching. Research activity is highly encouraged during the year as well. Candidates are required to have successfully graduated from an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency program.
The base salary range for this position is $70,800 - $103,898. The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and step at appointment. This position includes membership in the health science compensation plan, which provides for eligibility for additional compensation.
UCI Health is comprised of: the Douglas hospital, a 400+-bed state-of-the-art tertiary -quaternary care center, which is the principal clinical facility for UCI Health and School of Medicine’s teaching and research programs; the NCI-designated Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center; Regional Burn Center; the only Level I trauma center in Orange County; and, a new hospital complex on the Irvine campus. UCI Health is the only academic medical center in Orange County, the nation’s 6th largest county and one of the most desirable locations to live in the US.
Director of Surgical Pathology Fellowship: Dr. Vishal Chandan
UC Irvine Medical Center
101 The City Dr. S., Dept. of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Orange, CA 92868
To apply, please send letter of intent and Curriculum Vitae to:
Erika Somers & Ellie Hunt
Email: &
And apply online at:
The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC anti-discrimination policy.
As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.
[#15972, renewed 10 April 2024, exp. 19 July 2025]
University of California, Davis
Department of Pathology
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Department of Pathology at the University of California, Davis, has an opening in their blood banking/transfusion medicine fellowship for the academic years 2026-2027 and 2027-2028.
The year-long fellowship program is designed to provide excellent training in blood banking and transfusion medicine. The fellow will be exposed to a diversity of cases encompassing immunohematology, transfusion therapy, blood bank oversight, therapeutic apheresis, cellular collections, blood product manufacturing, donor care, and coagulation. Fellows will grow their academic and teaching experience through interaction with pathology residents and via a month of research/scholarly activity. Fellows rotate for about 3 weeks through Stanford Health and Stanford Blood Center (to facilitate exposure to blood product manufacturing, donor care, and enhanced immunohematology techniques).
Requirements: Candidate must be board-eligible or certified in clinical pathology, hematology, or anesthesiology at the time s/he begins the fellowship program. Board-eligibility or certification in another clinical specialty or subspecialty will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
To apply, please follow the directions on our website: Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program | UC Davis Health Department of Pathology
[#17675, renewed 13 March 2025, exp. 7 June 2026]
University of California, Davis
Department of Pathology
GYN/Breast Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027
The University of California, Davis, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is seeking candidates for its Gyn/Breast Pathology Fellowship for the 2026-2027 academic year.
UC Davis offers a 1-year GYN/Breast pathology fellowship which is designed to prepare the fellow as a diagnostic expert in the interpretation of GYN and breast pathology specimens, while also providing continued exposure to the other surgical pathology subspecialties. Expertise will include gross examination, biopsy diagnosis / interpretation, appropriate workup of cancer resections, and intraoperative consultations (frozen section interpretation). The fellow will develop an integrated analytical approach to diagnosis, synthesizing clinical information, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular pathology. Training in this program will encompass consultation to health care staff, residents, pathologists, and clinicians including tumor boards and other conferences. The fellow will also participate in departmental teaching activities for residents and medical students. At completion, the fellow will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, poise, maturity, and communication skills to effectively function at the level of junior staff/faculty. Additional components of this fellowship may include junior attending sign-out experience (at the discretion of the Fellowship Director and in accordance with institutional policies).
The Fellowship Director will select from resident applicants who have preferably had four or more years of training (i.e., combined anatomic pathology and clinical pathology residency) or an AP only residency. Applicants must be licensed in California by the spring prior to their start date.
Completed applications consist of the following and must be free of significant gaps of time:
- CV/Resume/CAP standardized form
- Personal statement
- Three letters of recommendation sent directly from the author (one must be from the Residency Program Director)
- Please address to Anthony Karnezis, M.D., Ph.D., Director, GYN/Breast Pathology Fellowship
Please submit all application materials to Damaris Rodriguez, Fellowship Program Coordinator at:
For additional information, please visit our website at:
[#15652, renewed 13 February 2024, exp. 18 May 2025]
Department of Pathology
Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Immediate opening for 2025-2026
Accepting applications for 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at the University of California, Davis, has openings in their cytopathology fellowship for the academic years 2025-2026 and 2026-2027.
The program is designed to provide comprehensive training in diagnostic cytopathology including fine-needle aspiration biopsy with surgical pathology and clinical correlation. The fellow will be exposed to a wide spectrum of fine needle aspiration and exfoliative cytology specimens. Fellows are active participants in our weekly FNA clinic where they learn how to perform ultrasound-guided FNAs. Fellows also have a month dedicated to honing their rapid on-site evaluation (“ROSE”) skills for FNAs performed by other proceduralists. Two months are also allocated for electives, with one often being used for research.
Requirements: Candidate must be board-eligible or certified in Anatomic Pathology at the time s/he begins the fellowship program. Must be eligible for a California Medical License.
To apply, please follow the directions on our website:
[#17305, renewed 6 January 2025, exp. 9 March 2026]
University of California, Davis
Department of Pathology
GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2028
The University of California, Davis, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is seeking candidates for its GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship for the 2027-2028 academic year.
UC Davis offers a one-year GI Pathology fellowship which is designed to prepare the fellow as a diagnostic expert in the interpretation of GI, liver, and pancreatobiliary specimens, while also providing continued exposure to the other surgical pathology subspecialties. Expertise will include: gross examination, biopsy diagnosis/interpretation, appropriate work-up of cancer resections, and intra-operative consultations (frozen section interpretation). The fellow will develop an analytical approach to diagnosis, which includes the appropriate use of ancillary techniques (immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology). Training in this program will encompass consultation to health care staff, residents, pathologists and clinicians including tumor boards and other conferences. The fellow will also participate in departmental teaching activities for residents and medical students. At completion, the successful fellow will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, poise, maturity and communication skills to effectively function at the level of junior staff/faculty. The fellowship also includes the opportunity for junior attending sign-out experience, upon approval of the Fellowship Director.
The Program Director will select from resident applicants who have preferably had four or more years of training with two years anatomic pathology and two years clinical pathology experience or an AP only residency. Completed applications consist of the following and must be free of gaps of time, whether professional or personal: CV/Resume/CAP standardized form; personal statement, three letters of recommendation sent directly from the author (one must be from the Residency Program Director). Please address all letters to Karen Matsukuma, M.D., Ph.D., Director, GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship.
Applicants must be licensed in California in the Spring prior to their start date. Please submit application materials to Fellowship Program Coordinator, Damaris Rodriguez at:
For additional information, please visit our website at:
[#17389, renewed 20 January 2025, exp. 6 April 2026]
University of California, Davis
Department of Pathology
Hematopathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
The University of California, Davis, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is seeking candidates for its ACGME-certified Hematopathology Fellowship for the 2026-2027 academic year.
The program is designed to give a broad experience in diagnostic hematology and in laboratory hematology. The fellow in hematopathology will gain experience and expertise in the processing and interpretation of peripheral blood smears, bone marrow aspirates and biopsies and lymph nodes. Since hematopathology is primarily a subspecialty based in the laboratory, exposure to a variety of modern diagnostic techniques and the operation of a laboratory is required. This includes familiarity with a full range of standard coagulation measures, immunopathology, hemoglobin analysis, molecular biology, special histochemistry, cytogenetics, hematology instrumentation, quality control and laboratory management. Training in this program will encompass studies relevant to hematopathology with flow cytometry, electron microscopy and surface marker techniques. The fellow will be encouraged to develop research projects in one or more areas of interest to him/her.
The Program Director will select from resident applicants preferably who have had four or more years of training with two years anatomic pathology and two years clinical pathology experience; or three years clinical pathology experience with eligibility to take CP Boards. E.O.E. Completed applications consist of the following and must include all gaps of time regardless of professional or personal:
- CV/Resume/CAP standardized form
- Personal Statement
- Three letters of recommendation (one must be from your Residency Program Director), please address to Dr. Elham Vali Betts, Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
- Letter of interest or intent
Applicants must be licensed in California in the Spring prior to their start date. Please submit application materials to Fellowship Program Coordinator, Damaris Rodriguez, at:
For additional information, please visit our website at:
Starting from positions beginning in 2026, the UC Davis Department of Pathology Hematopathology Fellowship will participate in the NRMP Pathology Fellowship Match. For the most current and detailed information, please visit the Society for Hematopathology (SH) website.
[#16307, renewed 18 June 2024, exp. 10 September 2025]
Sacramento, California
Clinical Informatics Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2028
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and the Department of Radiology at UC Davis Health seeks a Fellow for its Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program. This trans-disciplinary ACGME-accredited program provides the fellow will unique opportunities to:
- Engage with clinical and informatics faculty in multiple specialties throughout UC Davis Health.
- Gain experience with machine learning through UC Davis Digital Davis AI sandbox.
- Work directly with Chief Medical Information Officer Jeffery Wajda (Program Director).
- Pursue learning projects in collaboration with industry and UC Davis Health.
- Participate in course work from UC Davis Health's highly regarded Health Informatics Graduate Program:
- Leverage programs and resources at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Center for Health and Technology, Center for Virtual Care, and the Center for Population Health Improvement.
Length of fellowship is two years. The selection of our fellow occurring in December for the coming year by AMIA Match.
Minimum Qualifications:
- MD or DO degree from an appropriately accredited institution.
- AP/CP, AP-only, or CP-only residency training or completion of another ACGME-accredited residency program, and eligibility/certification in the area of training from the American Board of Medical Specialties.
To initiate the application process: Please submit CV/Resume/CAP Standardized Form, Personal Statement, and three letters of recommendation (one must be from your Residency Program Director). Please address to John P. Graff, DO, Director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship, and a letter of interest to Program Coordinator, Damaris Rodriguez, at
[#16850, renewed 2 October 2024, exp. 26 October 2025]
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship
The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of California, Irvine is now accepting applications for a 1-year fellowship in GI and liver pathology, starting July 2026. This fellowship provides training in all aspects of GI, liver, pancreas and biliary tract disease with opportunities for clinical research. The GI service (around 10,000 cases annually) includes full range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions with special emphasis on IBD, colon cancers, gastric dysplasia/carcinoma, celiac disease and Barrett esophagus. We also have very active pancreas and liver pathology service. The fellow will also be exposed to cytopathologic specimens from EUS guided aspirations from the GI and pancreato-biliary tracts.
The position will have an appointment as a Clinical Instructor in the department of pathology and it is structured for graduated responsibility to the level of junior faculty with sign-out privileges. You will participate with 4 fellowship trained GI/liver pathologists in sign-out of GI and liver surgical and biopsy material, frozen sections and consultation cases. The fellow may also take few weeks of call during the year, as an acting attending on Surgical Pathology service. There will also be active involvement in resident teaching and presenting at the weekly GI/liver tumor board meetings during the fellowship. Funded research opportunities are available within the department and the fellow will be expected to present their research at national meetings.
The base salary range for this position is $70,800 - $103,898. The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and step at appointment. This position includes membership in the health science compensation plan, which provides for eligibility for additional compensation.
Program Director of GI/liver Pathology Fellowship: Vishal S. Chandan, MD
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
UC Irvine Medical Center
101 The City Dr. S., Dept. of Pathology
Orange, CA 92868
Requirements: Candidates are required to have successfully graduated from an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency program. An active California Medical license will be required before the start of this position.
To apply, please send letter of intent and Curriculum Vitae to:
Erika Somers & Ellie Hunt
Email: &
AND apply online at:
The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC anti-discrimination policy.
As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.
[#16517-2, posted 29 July 2024, exp. 29 July 2025]
Selective Surgical Pathology Fellowship 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UC Irvine Medical Center offers a one-year Selective Surgical Pathology Fellowship starting July 2026 that provides training to prepare our fellow for successful general surgical pathology within a sub-specialty-based sign-out model. This fellowship will provide broad exposure to all aspects of surgical pathology, including preparing complex surgical cases for sign-out, frozen section examination and consultation cases. Additional time may be spent focusing in subspecialized services including GI/liver, Head & Neck, Women’s Health (GYN & Breast) or GU. An area of specialized focus, if chosen, will be documented, on the graduation certificate. The position will have an appointment as a Clinical Instructor in the department of pathology and it is structured for graduated responsibility to the level of junior faculty with sign-out privileges. The fellow may also take few weeks of call during the year, as an acting attending on Surgical Pathology service. There will also be active involvement in resident teaching and presenting at the weekly tumor board meetings during the fellowship. Funded research opportunities are available within the department and the fellow will be expected to present their research at national meetings.
The base salary range for this position is $70,800 - $103,898. The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and step at appointment. This position includes membership in the health science compensation plan, which provides for eligibility for additional compensation.
Program Director of Surgical Pathology Fellowship: Vishal S. Chandan, MD
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
UC Irvine Medical Center
101 The City Dr. S., Dept. of Pathology
Orange, CA 92868
Requirements: Candidates are required to have successfully graduated from an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency program. An active California Medical license will be required before the start of this position.
To apply, please send letter of intent and Curriculum Vitae to:
Erika Somers & Ellie Hunt
Email: &
AND apply online at:
UC Irvine Medical Center is the principal clinical facility for UC Irvine Health and School of Medicine’s teaching and research programs. For 14 consecutive years, the medical center has been rated among the nation's best hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. The Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) of UC Irvine is an NCI- designated comprehensive cancer center. The CFCCC has a membership drawn from more than 32 academic departments across six schools at UC Irvine, including the schools of Medicine, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Information & Computer Science, Engineering and Business.
The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC anti-discrimination policy.
As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.
[#16517-1, posted 29 July 2024, exp. 29 July 2025]
UCLA General Surgical Pathology Fellowship
2026-2027 Academic Year
Program Description
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is currently accepting applications for its one-year, non-ACGME accredited fellowship in General Surgical Pathology, for the 2026-2027 academic year.
The General Surgical Pathology fellows rotate through the equivalent of month-long assignments at a senior or supervisorial level at two different hospitals. The year is intended to provide the fellow with the last layer of confidence necessary to practice surgical pathology independently in a variety of settings from small community hospitals to large community hospitals or academic institutions. As a Junior Attending at the main campus (UCLA Center for Health Sciences/Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center), the fellow will rotate on different surgical pathology subspecialty services, previewing cases with the residents on service, including challenging outside consult cases, and presenting cases to attendings, ready to be finalized. The fellow independently orders ancillary studies as appropriate. Additional duties include presenting at tumor boards, supervising/teaching residents in the gross room and in the preparation of their write ups, and preparing telepathology consult cases. The fellow will also rotate for the equivalent of 2-3 months at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center (a 281-bed hospital with a large surgical oncology division), which provides exposure to a true general surgical pathology practice setting in a busy hybrid community-academic hospital. At Santa Monica, the fellow reviews and writes up all surgical excision cases, biopsies, and cytology cases independently. Cases are general in scope, ranging daily from small biopsies to small excisions to large oncologic resection cases. At both the main campus and Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center, the expectation is that the fellow will be able to prepare a thorough and final report on most cases, double scoping (consulting) with attendings on a minority of cases which require consultation before finalization.
In addition, during a 4-week frozen section rotation at The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, the fellow will serve as the frozen section/gross room supervisor to oversee the preparation, interpretation, and communication of intraoperative consults, and will guide residents and pathology assistants in the gross analysis and processing of specimens for frozen section and tissue procurement.
As part of graduated responsibility, the fellow will have the opportunity to independently sign-out clinical cases and perform intraoperative/frozen section consultations when the fellow is ready. There will be a proctoring process in place to determine the fellow’s readiness to have these clinical privileges, and the expectation is that all fellows will progress to independent sign-out by the end of their fellowship.
Fellows are also granted 4-8 weeks of elective time to pursue additional training in any subspecialty areas of interest (e.g., lymphoma, cytology/FNA) and/or to pursue research.
For more information and to apply, please click on the following link and follow the instructions:
Program Directors:
Steven Hart, MD
David Y. Lu, MD
Inquiries should be addressed to the program coordinator:
Andrew Aldapa
Telephone: (310) 206-1770
[#16820, posted 25 September 2024, exp. 25 September 2025]
Neuropathology Fellowship
Unexpected Opening for 2025-2027
Opening for 2026-2028
The UCSD Neuropathology Fellowship has an unexpected opening for July 2025-June 2027 and an opening for 2026-2028.
The strengths of the Program include the participating teaching faculty with subspecialty expertise in pediatric, forensic, neuromuscular, ophthalmic, tumor and neurodegenerative pathology, and research scientists, including basic and physician-scientists, who have active laboratory research programs and are recognized experts in their respective fields. The Program also enjoys an outstanding relationship with the Departments of Neurosciences and Neurosurgery with respect to daily interactions associated with patient care activities, teaching conferences, and rotations of post-graduate trainees in Neuropathology. Such a relationship enriches the clinical neuroscience educational environment of the Training Program. The scope and quality of the clinical case material results from the four sites providing teaching materials, including the UC hospitals, the VA San Diego Medical Center, Rady Children’s Hospital, and the San Diego County Medical Examiner. The program curriculum also emphasizes neuroscience research training by utilizing one of the most outstanding neuroscience research environments in the United States. It is uniquely strengthened by the outstanding affiliated institutes and centers, including the Salk Institute, the UCSD Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, the Scripps Research Institute, the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, the Burnham Institute, and the Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Requirements: Applicants must have completed Anatomic Pathology residency training and are expected to be eligible for certification by the American Board of Pathology. Applicants for combined AP/NP training are expected to meet the requirements for the overall residency program.
To apply, please submit a CAP application, updated CV and 3 letters of recommendation to Alexandra Murtha at
[#16373, renewed 3 July 2024, exp. 6 July 2025]
Post Graduate Fellowship Training Positions
July 2026
The Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, University of Alberta and the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Calgary together with Alberta Precision Laboratories, is offering Post Graduate Fellowship Training positions in:
• Adult Medical Autopsy
• Breast Pathology
• Clinical Biochemistry
• Clinical Microbiology
• Cytopathology
• Dermatopathology
• Gastrointestinal Pathology
• Gynecological Pathology
• Hematopathology
• Histocompatibility
• Lymphoproliferative Disorders
• Medical Genetics
• Molecular Pathology
• Pediatric Pathology
• Pulmonary Pathology
• Renal/Transplantation Pathology
• Transfusion Medicine
• Uropathology
For detailed Fellowship Training Program descriptions and application deadlines at the University of Alberta:
• MD fellowships, click here
• PhD fellowships, click here
For detailed Fellowship Training Program descriptions and application deadlines at the University of Calgary, click here.
[#15966, renewed 10 April 2024, exp. 22 July 2025]
Oncological Pathology Fellowship
BC Cancer – Provincial Health Services Authority
Two Openings for 2025
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory at BC Cancer, the affiliated cancer center of the University of British Columbia, is seeking highly motivated and qualified candidates for two 12-month full-time Oncological Pathology Fellow positions commencing July 1, 2025. BC Cancer Pathology provides provincial centralized cancer pathology consultation and review services, as well as other provincial programs, including tumor biomarker testing, cancer genetics laboratory, lymphoma service, and cervical cancer screening laboratory. This fellowship provides advanced training in the field of oncological pathology, with a focus on the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic diseases. The successful candidates will work closely with experienced pathologists, participate in cutting-edge research, and contribute to the academic mission of our institution. Fellowships are customizable according to interests and needs for future practice.
- Responsibilities:
- Diagnostic Services:
- Perform diagnostic evaluations of oncological specimens, including surgical pathology, cytopathology, and molecular pathology.
- Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, surgeons, and oncologists to provide comprehensive diagnostic support.
- Research and Scholarly Activities:
- Engage in research projects related to oncological pathology, with opportunities to present findings at national conferences and publish in peer-reviewed journals.
- Collaborate with ongoing research initiatives within the Department of Pathology.
- Teaching and Training:
- Participate in the education and training of residents and medical students, including case presentations, lectures, and laboratory instruction.
- Contribute to educational programs within the department and institution.
- Quality Improvement:
- Actively participate in quality assurance and improvement activities to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care.
- Qualifications:
- Medical Doctor (MD) or an equivalent degree.
- Completion of pathology residency program.
- Board eligibility or certification in Anatomic Pathology or General Pathology.
- Strong interest and commitment to oncological pathology.
- Application Requirements: Interested candidates should submit the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Personal statement outlining career goals and interest in oncological pathology
- Three letters of recommendation
- Medical school transcripts
Contact Information: For inquiries or to submit application materials, please contact:
Gang Wang, MD PhD FRCPC
Department Head, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | BC Cancer Vancouver
Clinical Associate Professor | University of British Columbia
600 West 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5Z4E6
Telephone: (604) 877-6125
[#16132, posted 15 May 2024, exp. 15 May 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - blood bank / transfusion medicine, opening for 2026 [#16399-1, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - breast / gynecologic pathology, opening for 2025 [#16399-2, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - forensic pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-3, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - GI / hepatic pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-4, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - hematopathology, openings for 2026 [#16399-5, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine-molecular genetic pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-6, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine-pediatric pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-7, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - soft tissue pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-8, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 23 July 2025]
Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine - surgical pathology, opening for 2026 [#16399-9, posted 12 July 2024, exp. 12 July 2025]
Yale University School of Medicine
Thoracic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2026
The Department of Pathology at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT announces an opening for a Thoracic fellowship for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Description: The GME-accredited fellowship is one year of intensive training in all aspects of diagnostic and molecular thoracic pathology including both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lung, mediastinum, and pleura. Fellows will work closely with faculty who have expertise in diagnostic and molecular thoracic pathology, a track record of academic achievement, and a strong commitment to education. Partnering with colleagues in research pathology, Thoracic Surgery, and Oncology, thoracic pathology fellows will have numerous opportunities for clinical and translational research.
Requirements: Three years of training in anatomic pathology or four years of training in combined anatomic and clinical pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with hospital policy.
Applicants should submit their application, curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores.
Application materials, questions, and inquiries should be directed to:
The Office of Education
Department of Pathology
Telephone: (203) 785-6363
[#16865, posted 4 October 2024, exp. 4 October 2025]
Fellowship in Renal/GU Pathology
The Department of Pathology at Yale School of Medicine is offering a position in the ACGME accredited Renal and Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship Program for the 2026-2027 academic year. The fellowship offers a wide variety of medical renal and GU pathology specimens and the opportunity for scholarship, participation in Tumor Boards and Transplant Conferences and teaching Yale Medical Students.
Three years of training in anatomic pathology or four years of training in combined anatomic and clinical pathology an ACGME-accredited pathology residency program.
Commensurate with hospital policy.
Applicants should submit their application form, curriculum vitae, Medical Diploma, ECFMG certificate (if applicable), USMLE scores (all 3 are required), letter of intent, and 3 reference letters.
Application materials, questions, and inquiries should be directed to:
The Office of Education
Department of Pathology
Telephone: (203) 785-2339
[#16928, posted 15 October 2024, exp. 15 October 2025]
Yale University School of Medicine
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025-26
The Department of Pathology at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT announces openings for Surgical pathology fellowship.
Description: This one-year fellowship provides practical well-rounded surgical pathology training using a hybrid/oligo-specialty sign-out model. The fellowship is based in Bridgeport Hospital, a member of the Yale New Haven Health system. The pathology lab receives about 24,000 surgical specimens per year covering a wide spectrum of cases including frozen sections. There is opportunity to develop skills in cytopathology ROSE, participate in lab management and performance improvement activities in histology, immunohistochemistry and clinical pathology, and teach Yale surgical pathology residents rotating through the department. Eight weeks of the fellowship will be at Yale-New Haven hospital for subspeciality training of the fellow’s choosing. This program has potential for a Clinical Instructor position with sign-out privileges during the latter part of the year (up to the discretion of the fellowship management team).
Requirements: Three years of training in anatomic pathology or four years of training in combine anatomic and clinical pathology
Stipend: commensurate with university policy
Applications: Application packet should include fellowship application, curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores.
Applications should be directed to:
Office of Education
Department of Pathology
Telephone: (203) 785-6363
[#16731, posted 10 September 2024, exp. 10 September 2025]
Department of Pathology-George Washington University
Cytopathology Fellowship
Currently Accepting Applications for 2025 - 2026
Accepting Applications for 2026 - 2027
Description: The Department of Pathology at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, DC, announces openings for July 2025 and July 2026 for Cytopathology fellowship training. This one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship training provides advanced training and experience in all areas of cytopathology including gynecologic, non-gynecologic, and fine-needle aspiration.
Our cytopathology laboratory performs approximately 4500 tests per year, including liquid based gynecologic cases, body fluids and fine needle aspiration cytology. The fellow participates in rapid on site evaluation at George Washington University Hospital and VA medical center. Rotation at VA and NIH are provided for additional experience in dedicated Fine needle aspiration training and Gynecologic cytology. The fellow also participates in interdepartmental conferences and teaching pathology residents and medical students.
Fellows participate in our quality improvement program, including cytology-surgical pathology correlation and pathology cases at multidisciplinary clinical conferences.
Involvement in clinical research leading to publication in a peer-reviewed journal is encouraged and well supported. Opportunities for elective rotation are available. Completion of this program qualifies the candidate to take the cytopathology subspecialty boards
Requirements: MD, MD, PhD or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology at the time the fellowship begins. Must be legally authorized to work in the United States. A DC license is required.
Stipends: Will be commensurate with the level of postgraduate training.
Elham Arbzadeh MD, Program Director -
Ali Alzeer MD –
Edina Paal MD –
Suman Chauhan MD –
- Applications: Send applications to the Fellowship Coordinator with the following materials:
- Completed CAP Standardized Application Form – application form
- Personal Statement
- Curriculum Vitae
- USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3
- 3 Letters of recommendation, one from your current Program Director
- ECFMG Certificate (if applicable)
- Current Photo
Applications open in July 2024.
Questions and inquires can be directed to:
Gerel Grandison, Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology - George Washington University
2300 M Street NW Suite 715
Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: (202) 677-6615
[#16571, posted 9 August 2024, exp. 9 August 2025]
Department of Pathology-George Washington University
Fellowships in Surgical Pathology with emphasis in Gastrointestinal-Pancreas-Hepatic Pathology or Gynecologic-Breast Pathology
Openings for 2025 and 2026
Description: The Department of Pathology at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, DC, announces openings for July 2025 and July 2026 for Surgical Pathology fellowship training with emphasis in Women’s Pathology (Gynecologic and Breast Pathology) or Gastrointestinal-Pancreas-Hepatic Pathology. This is a one-year fellowship. The department has a subspecialty focus practice with four gynecologic pathologists, six breast pathologists and three gastrointestinal pathologists.
Surgical cases are diverse and well represented across specialties from GWU-Hospital and GW-Clinics, including pathology from all organs, liver-pancreas transplant, and placenta. Fellows work up cases to sign out either with the attending faculty or independently as junior attending in a very supportive environment, and will develop expertise in interpretation of biopsy, surgical resections, general frozen sections, immunohistochemistry, special stains, DISH, molecular tests, and contribute to multidisciplinary clinical-pathological conferences. Elective time allows for further training in surgical pathology subspecialty areas, to participate in quality assurance and clinical research projects.
Requirements: MD, MD, PhD or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology at the time the fellowship begins. Must be legally authorized to work in the United States. A DC license is required.
Stipends: Will be commensurate with the level of postgraduate training.
Faculty: Antonia Sepulveda MD, PhD, Program Director; Shabnam Samankan MD; Mohadese Behtaj MD, PhD; Ali Alzeer MD; Elham Arbzadeh MD; Andrew Hall DO; Abiye Kassa MD; Mamoun Younes MD.
- Applications: Send applications to the Fellowship Coordinator with the following materials:
- Completed CAP Standardized Application Form – application form
- Personal Statement
- Curriculum Vitae
- USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3
- 3 Letters of recommendation, one from your current Program Director
- ECFMG Certificate (if applicable)
- Current Photo
Applications open in July 2024.
Questions and inquires can be directed to:
Gerel Grandison, Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology - George Washington University
2300 M Street NW Suite 715
Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: (202) 677-6615
[#16537, posted 1 August 2024, exp. 1 August 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
Mayo Clinic Florida’s ACGME accredited surgical pathology fellowship has an opening for the 2026-2027 academic year. Applications are now being accepted for this position.
This established program offers extensive and comprehensive training to prepare fellows for successful transition to an attending pathologist. The established program offers extensive and comprehensive training to prepare fellows for successful transition to an attending pathologist. Last year, over 41,000 cases were accessioned, including over 2600 frozen sections and 3000 outside consult cases. We have an intimate department which facilitates individualized training with graduated responsibility. Program faculty are experienced in GI, lung, breast, urology, kidney, neurology and transplant pathology. Fellows sign out cases, participate in departmental and interdepartmental conferences, and have opportunities to teach residents and medical students.
Mayo Clinic Florida is a 300-bed hospital located in beautiful northern Florida where the weather is pleasant all year round.
Requirements: Applications must be graduates of an accredited pathology residence program (AP/CP or AP) and be board-eligible or certified.
Mayo Clinic supports ECGMG J-1 visa sponsorship and many H-1B temporary work visa in special circumstances.
Program Director: Shweta Agarwal, MD
Contact: Andersen Carter
Mayo Clinic Florida
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Telephone: (904) 953-5548
Website: Mayo Clinic Florida: Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
[#17295, posted 2 January 2025, exp. 2 January 2026]
Mayo Clinic – Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 (2)
Mayo Clinic Florida has an ACGME accredited surgical pathology fellowship program that hosts two fellows/year. Currently, there is an opening for two openings for the 2026-2027 academic year. Applications are now being accepted for these positions. Please click here to submit your application.
The established program offers extensive and comprehensive training to prepare fellows for successful transition to an attending pathologist. Last year, over 36,500 cases were accessioned, including 2100 frozen sections and 3000 outside consult cases. We have an intimate department which facilitates individualized training with graduated responsibility. Program faculty are experienced in GI, lung, breast, urology, kidney, neurology and transplant pathology. Fellows sign out cases, participate in departmental and interdepartmental conferences, and have opportunities to teach residents and medical students.
Mayo Clinic Florida is a 300-bed hospital located in beautiful northern Florida where the weather is pleasant all year round.
Requirements: Applications must be graduates of an accredited pathology residence program (AP/CP or AP) and be board eligible or certified.
Mayo Clinic supports ECGMG J-1 visa sponsorship and many H-1B temporary work visa in special circumstances.
Program Director: Shweta Agarwal, MD
Contact: Pamela Furneaux, MHA
Mayo Clinic Florida
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Telephone: (904) 953-4597
Website: Mayo Clinic Florida: Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
[#16464, posted 19 July 2024, exp. 19 July 2025]
Breast Surgical Pathology Fellowship (one position per year)
Accepting Applications for 2027-2028
The Breast Pathology fellowship at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) is an ACGME accredited one-year fellowship designed to provide extensive exposure to diagnostic, prognostic and molecular breast pathology, as well as the multidisciplinary management of breast disease. The fellow participates in intraoperative gross examinations of breast specimens, intraoperative evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes, sign out of cases, and breast multidisciplinary tumor board discussions. The fellow will also have 3-4 weeks of clinical rotations through radiology, the breast medical oncology and radiation oncology clinics as well as surgical oncology including OR observership. The fellow participates in teaching breast pathology to residents, surgical oncology fellows and visiting international physicians. The fellow has dedicated research time and is required to participate in research and contribute to publishing abstracts and peer-reviewed articles.
Moffitt Cancer Center is a premier hospital with NCI/NIH Comprehensive Cancer Center designation. The University of South Florida and The Pathology Department at MCC offer fellowships in Cytopathology, Surgical Oncologic Pathology, Head/Neck and Endocrine Pathology, Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology, Dermatopathology, Molecular Pathology, GU/GYN pathology, and Hematopathology. MCC accessions approximately 6,000 breast cases per year and approximately 2400 prognostic/predictive tests. In addition to the large number and the complexity of cases, a great asset of this program is the outstanding faculty as well as the in-house molecular diagnostics. The breast pathology faculty consists of nine fellowship trained breast pathologists which allows the fellow to be exposed to a variety of teaching styles. In addition, the integrated multidisciplinary practice model enhanced with molecular pathology and personalized medicine programs well prepare the graduates to practice Breast pathology in the changing world of precision medicine.
Requirements: Applicants must have at least three years of AP training or four years of AP/CP training in an ACGME accredited program and must be eligible for AP or AP/CP boards.
Program Director: Erika Harper, DO
Applications: We will be accepting applications for AY 2027-2028 Summer 2025 and offers in the Fall 2025.
Request applications from Angie Courtney C-TAGME, Program Administrator at
You can read more about Moffitt's fellowships at
[#17438-1, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 12 October 2026]
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship (one position per year)
Accepting Applications for 2027-2028 starting on February 1, 2025
Thank you for all the applicants that applied for our position for 2026-2027.
The position has been filled.
The Department of Anatomic Pathology at the Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute offers a one-year fellowship in Gastrointestinal and Hepato-pancreato-biliary pathology, starting July 1, 2027. The 2025 and 2026 positions have been filled.
The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center is a Comprehensive Cancer Center designated by the National Cancer Institute and located on the campus of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. The Cancer Center has ~5,500 GI biopsies, ~2,400 GI resections, and ~6,000 GI consultations /year from outside institutions. The existence of a busy pancreato-biliary surgical oncology program provides a large number of pancreatic and hepatobiliary specimens, in addition to esophageal, gastric, intestinal and colorectal resections. The advanced endoscopy service performs endoscopic mucosal and submucosal resections. The Cancer Center has an active bone marrow transplantation service, and the GI pathology group reviews many biopsies to rule out graft-vs-host disease. There are ~1,000 cytology FNA specimens.
The fellowship program is designed to provide comprehensive and advanced training in all aspects of GI and Hepato-pancreato-biliary pathology including both neoplastic and non-neoplastic surgical pathology and cytopathology utilizing immunohistochemistry, fluorescent in situ hybridization and molecular pathology (pyrosequencing, sequenom, next generation sequencing, etc.).
The GI fellow's responsibilities include specimen gross inspection, frozen section interpretation, complete evaluation and preparation of GI cases including review/consultation cases, and presentations at the tumor boards and intradepartmental conferences. The fellow is expected to be closely involved in the Anatomic Pathology departmental research activities. The fellow is expected to present the research activities at national and international meetings (USCAP, ASCP, CAP etc.), and to submit at least one Moffitt research manuscript for publication during the training period. The fellow is also expected to actively participate in the teaching of medical students, residents and visiting physicians. The fellow will be supervised and guided by the GI Pathology faculties. The Fellowship will consider optional elective time for gaining experience in other specialties prior to the graduation. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2025. The standard CAP Fellowship training application packet is accepted.
Requirements: Applicants must have at least three years of AP training or four years of AP/CP training in an ACGME accredited program, eligible for AP or AP/CP boards, previous pathology fellowship training is preferred.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Program Director: Kun Jiang, MD, PhD, Senior Member
Applications: We will be accepting applications for AY 2027-2028 starting on February until June 30, 2025 and offers early in the Fall 2025.
Request applications from Beliza Rohena, C-TAGME, Program Administrator at
You can read more about Moffitt's fellowships at
[#17438-2, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 28 July 2026]
Genitourinary and Gynecologic (GU + Gyn) Pathology Fellowship
(1 position per year)
Accepting Applications for 2027-2028
The Division of Genitourinary (GU) Pathology and Gynecological (Gyn) Pathology in the Department of Pathology at Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) is currently accepting applications for a combined GU and Gyn Pathology fellowship position starting July 1, 2027. The 2026 position has been filled.
Description: The combined GU + Gyn Pathology Fellowship Program at MCC is an ACGME accredited program which provides comprehensive training in all oncologic aspects of GU and Gyn pathology. The fellow will equally divide the clinical service time rotating between the two subspecialties and will be trained to diagnose and report routine and complex cases of the two subspecialties. Fellow is expected to present tumor boards and departmental teaching conferences. Involvement in departmental research activities contributing to publishing abstracts and papers is encouraged.
The Department of Pathology processes 4500 GU and 3600 Gyn specimens per year which include in-house, review and consult cases.
The program allows for 2 weeks research, 3 weeks vacation and 1 week conference time.
Requirements: Applicants must have completed three years of accredited anatomic pathology training in the U.S. and must be Board certified/eligible. Board certified candidates are preferred.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the years of postgraduate training.
Required application material:
• Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships (download from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) website)
• 3 letters of recommendation (1 from current program director)
• CV
• Personal Statement
• USMLE scores
• Transcripts
Please send completed applications and direct questions to:
Jamie Harrington
Graduate Medical Education Coordinator
Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida 33612
Telephone: (813) 745-0589
Jasreman Dhillon, MD
Program Director, GU+Gyn Fellowship
Associate Member and Section Head, GU Pathology
Department of Pathology, MCC
[#17438-3, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 8 August 2026]
Head & Neck and Endocrine Pathology Fellowship
(One position per year)
Accepting applications for 2027-2028
The Head & Neck and Endocrine Pathology fellowship based at the Department of Anatomic Pathology. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) is an ACGME accredited one-year fellowship.
The Head & Neck, and Endocrine Pathology Fellowship Program is designed to provide a broad exposure, along with in-depth training in all aspects of neoplastic and non-neoplastic head & neck and endocrine pathology, including both routine and diagnostic, immunohistochemical and other advanced ancillary techniques. This fellowship will be an opportunity to enhance the diagnostic and clinical correlative skills and competency of the fellow to be able to pursue a successful career in the academic, community hospital and practice settings. This will include the gross inspection and dissection, frozen section selection and interpretation, as well as complete evaluation of the surgical and consult cases assigned to the fellow and under direct supervision of the attending and participating faculty members with expertise in head & neck, and endocrine pathology.
The variety of lesions/neoplasms seen at Moffitt Cancer Center includes pathologic conditions (mostly neoplasms) from all anatomic sites incorporated within head and neck sites (i.e., sinonasal tract, pharynx, larynx, trachea, salivary glands, neck, and ear/temporal bone) and endocrine organs (i.e., thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal gland, paraganglia). Further, the existence of a busy external consult service will provide the fellow with the opportunity to review difficult and challenging diagnostic cases of nonneoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the head and neck, and endocrine organs. In addition, the integration of the Pathology Fellow with the Head and Neck, and Endocrine Organs Cancer Programs in a programmatic fashion will provide a unique experience is also a peculiarity of this proposed fellowship that makes it very competitive. Finally, the extension of the fellowship to include rotations in cytopathology and a CLIA certified Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory as well as exposure to the remaining CCSG Cores and to QA/Lab Management topics is novel and will attract fellows across the country.
This fellowship will be a reflection of Moffitt's national and international reputation as the steward of personalized medicine and translational research. Our Mission Statement is to contribute to the prevention and the cure of cancer through education of future Head and Neck, and Endocrine Pathologists, especially those with interest in an academic career.
Moffitt Cancer Center is a premier hospital with NCI/NIH Comprehensive Cancer Center designation. The University of South Florida and The Anatomic Pathology Department at MCC offer fellowships in Cytopathology, Surgical Oncologic Pathology, Head/Neck and Endocrine Pathology, Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology, Dermatopathology, Molecular Pathology and Hematopathology. MCC accessions approximately 6,000 breast cases per year plus approximately 2,400 prognostic/molecular tests. In addition to the large number and the complexity of cases, a great asset of this program is the outstanding faculty as well as the in-house molecular diagnostics. The integrated multidisciplinary practice model enhanced with molecular pathology and personalized medicine programs well prepare the graduates to practice Breast pathology in the changing world of precision medicine.
Requirements: Applicants must have at least three years of AP training or four years of AP/CP training in an ACGME accredited program and must be eligible for AP or AP/CP boards.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Program Director: Juan Hernandez-Prera MD, Associate Member
Applications: We will be accepting applications for AY 2027-2028 until the summer of 2025. Interviews will be conducted by Zoom in the fall.
How to Apply:
Send a completed standard CAP Application to, along with a personal statement, CV, three letters of recommendation and USMLE or equivalent score report.
You can read more about Moffitt's fellowships at
[#17438-6, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 25 April 2026]
Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Two Open Positions for 2027-2028
The Hematopathology Fellowship is an ACGME accredited, one-year comprehensive training program. We strive to train independent hematopathologists to acquire state of the art diagnostic skills and clinical research knowledge, and to foster the pursuit of academic or specialty practice careers. The structure of our one-year clinical fellowship provides one core year of training in diagnostic hematopathology to meet eligibility for the subspecialty certification in Hematology given by the American Board of Pathology.
The training program allows the fellows to be responsible for daily direction of a busy clinical service and consultation and mentoring both pathology residents and hematology/medical oncology fellows. The fellows will become proficient in evaluation of hematopathologic materials by exposure to approximately 5,800 in-house and 2500 consultation bone marrows, 11,000 flow cytometry analyses, 4000 in-house and consultation lymph nodes, 2000 fine needle aspirates of lymph nodes, and 14,000 peripheral blood smears and body fluids yearly.
- Eligibility:
- M.D. degree (or foreign equivalent) and USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 certifications.
- Completion of an accredited residency program in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (AP/CP).
- Board eligibility or certification in Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology (AP/CP) - ABPath.
- Eligible for a full Florida State medical license.
- Demonstrated interest in hematopathology and a commitment to pursuing a career in this subspecialty.
- Application Requirements:
- CAP Application form
- CV
- Personal Statement
- USMLE transcripts
- ECFMG Certificate (if necessary)
- Three (3) letters of Recommendation
The application will start June 2025 for the 2027-2028 fellowship positions.
Please also refer to our updated website ( and Society of Hematopathology ( for national MATCH.
Submit application and supporting documents to:
Cheryl Bollman Taskey
Program Administrator
Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive, CSB2 Fl 2
Tampa, FL 33612
Telephone: (813) 745-3965
Ling Zhang, MD
Program Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida 33612
Telephone: (813) 745-2852
[#17438-4, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 7 April 2026]
Moffitt Cancer Center
Oncologic Molecular Pathology Fellowship
(One Position for 2026-2027)
The Department of Anatomic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida offers a one-year fellowship in experimental and translational Oncologic Molecular Pathology in conjunction with ongoing exposure to Surgical Pathology.
Our fellowship provides the successful candidate an opportunity to pursue translational research in personalized cancer
care. Duties will include advanced molecular analysis including ISH, image analysis, molecular pathology, and next
generation genomics. There will be ample opportunities for participation in biobanking, retrospective specimen review,
TMA construction, as well as opportunities to learn and participate in translational studies including biomarker intensive
clinical trials. Historically, fellows have had abundant opportunities to pursue research that has focused on the career that
they are specifically interested in. There has been a strong relationship between faculty in Molecular Pathology and
faculty in Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology that have provided a diverse array of research opportunities for our
Candidates that are interested in acquiring a skill set in Molecular Pathology in order to complement a career in Anatomic
Pathology or Clinical Pathology are encouraged to apply in addition to candidates interested in a career focused solely on
Molecular Pathology. This Fellowship is a unique opportunity that is intended to provide an optimal learning experience
tailored to prepare candidates for the career that they are interested in. Opportunities to perform elective months in sub-
specialties for Anatomic Pathology or Clinical Pathology are available for our fellows.
Moffitt Cancer Center is a premier hospital with NCI/NIH Comprehensive Cancer Center designation. The University of
South Florida and The Anatomic Pathology Department at MCC offer fellowships in Cytopathology, Surgical Oncologic
Pathology, Head/Neck and Endocrine Pathology, Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology, Dermatopathology, Molecular
Pathology and Hematopathology. MCC accessions approximately 6,000 breast cases per year plus approximately 2,400
prognostic/molecular tests. In addition to the large number and the complexity of cases, a great asset of this program is
the outstanding faculty as well as the in-house molecular diagnostics. The integrated multidisciplinary practice model
enhanced with molecular pathology and personalized medicine programs well prepare the graduates to practice Breast
pathology in the changing world of precision medicine.
Requirements: Applicants must have at least three years of AP training or four years of AP/CP training in an ACGME accredited program and must be eligible for AP or AP/CP boards.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Program Director: James Saller, MD Assistant Member
Applications: We will be accepting applications for AY 2026-2027 in the Fall of 2024.
- Required application material:
- Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships (download from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) website)
- 3 letters of recommendation (one from current program director preferred)
- Updated CV
- USMLE scores
- Transcripts
- Personal Statement
Please send completed applications and direct questions to:
Cortney Bruce
Clinical Education Support Liaison
[#17438-7, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 25 April 2026]
Moffitt Cancer Center
Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship
(2) Openings for 2027-2028
The Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship based at Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) is designed to provide training in all aspects of tumor pathology. The fellow will be involved in subspecialty sign out rotations on a monthly basis for 10 months and two months of elective in all subspecialty areas, including research and Molecular Pathology. The elective time may also be devoted to one subspecialty area.
This fellowship will include the gross inspection, frozen section interpretation as well as complete evaluation of the surgical and consult cases assigned to the fellow and under direct supervision of the faculty members. There are approximately 20,000 mostly complex surgical cases and 16,000 consultations/reviews per year. The fellow will actively participate in the teaching of medical students, pathology residents, and visiting international physicians. Fellows are required to be involved in departmental basic and translational research activities and contribute to publishing abstracts and peer reviewed papers.
Moffitt Cancer Center is a premier hospital with NCI/NIH Comprehensive Cancer Center designation. The fellowship program has a 25-year history and has trained many pathologists who are now in leadership positions in various practice settings. In addition to the large number and complexity of cases, a great asset of this program is the outstanding faculty who are experts in their respective subspecialties with national and international recognition. The integrated multidisciplinary practice model enhanced with molecular pathology and personalized medicine programs equip the graduates to practice surgical pathology in the changing world of precision medicine.
Requirements: Applicants must have either four years of Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology (AP)/(CP) training or at least three years of AP training and eligible for the AP Board examination by the American Board of Pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Request applications from Jamie Harrington, Fellowship Education Coordinator, at You can read more about Moffitt's fellowships at
[#17438-8, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 23 April 2026]
Thoracic Pathology Fellowship Program
Brand New – One Open Position for 2025-2026
The Thoracic Pathology Fellowship at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center is designed to provide comprehensive training in thoracic pathology, including both neoplastic (focused) and non-neoplastic diseases. The one-year, ACGME-accredited program aims to enhance diagnostic skills, develop research capabilities, and prepare fellows for successful careers in academic and community hospital settings.
- Program Highlights:
- Comprehensive Training: In-depth exposure to thoracic pathology, including gross inspection, dissection, frozen section interpretation, and generation of comprehensive and personalized pathology reports.
- Multidisciplinary Approach: Integration into tumor boards, molecular diagnostics laboratory, thoracic radiology, and oncology clinical services.
- Research Opportunities: Participation in basic and translational research, including NIH-funded projects and clinical trials.
- Teaching and Mentoring: Active involvement in the training of medical students, pathology residents, surgical oncology fellows, and visiting scholars.
- State-of-the-Art Facilities: Access to advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, including state-of-the-art molecular facilities, whole slide imaging and digital pathology.
- Eligibility:
- M.D. degree (or foreign equivalent) and USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 certifications.
- Completion of an accredited residency program in Anatomic Pathology (AP) or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (AP/CP).
- Board eligibility or certification in Anatomic Pathology (AP) or Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology (AP/CP) - ABPath.
- Eligible for a full Florida State medical license.
- Demonstrated interest in thoracic pathology and a commitment to pursuing a career in this subspecialty.
- Application Requirements:
- CAP Application form
- CV
- Personal Statement
- USMLE transcripts
- Three (3) letters of Recommendation
Application Deadline: March 1, 2025 for AY 25-26
Submit application and supporting documents to:
Cheryl Bollman Taskey
Program Administrator
Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive, CSB2 Fl 2
Tampa, FL 33612
Telephone: (813) 745-3965
Humberto Trejo Bittar, MD
Associate Professor
Program Director, Thoracic Pathology Fellowship
Moffitt Cancer Center
12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida 33612
[#17438-9, posted 7 March 2025, exp. 7 March 2026]
Blood Banking Fellowship
Openings for 2025 and 2026
Description: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited University of Florida Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine Transfusion Medicine/Blood Banking Fellowship is a comprehensive one-year training program in transfusion medicine, with the aim of Board certification and preparation for a career in academic transfusion medicine/blood banking, that begins annually on July 1. The blood bank/transfusion medicine fellowship will be a yearlong training program with emphasis on donor center activities (donor criteria, collection, processing, labelling, and storage of components), blood groups (serologic and genetic), antibody/antigen detection and identification, compatibility testing, immune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn, tissue and organ transplantation, component therapy and indications for use, adverse reactions to transfusion, apheresis (collection and therapeutic), laboratory standards and regulations, clinical consultations (manage patients with allo-immunizations, hemoglobinopathies, coagulation factor deficiencies, perinatal, pediatric, transplantation, massive transfusion & trauma patient care) and management and direction of a transfusion service and blood center; peri-operative blood management.
This program is directed by Dr. Pelletier, MD and co-directed by Dr. Mukhtar, MD.
Requirements: Successful fellowship candidates must be certification-eligible or certified in clinical or anatomic/clinical pathology, anesthesiology or internal medicine in their respective board awarding specialty. (i.e. American Board of Pathology, Internal Medicine or Anesthesiology). Applicants are required to have passed the first three steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination.
For International Medical Graduates: The Department requires that all IMG applicants have valid certificates from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. The University of Florida only supports J1 visas.
Applications: Submit application along with personal statement of interest, CV, and 3 letters of recommendation addressed to the fellowship director.
For more information, contact:
J Peter R Pelletier MD
Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
University of Florida College of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Immunology & Laboratory Medicine
P.O. Box 100275
Gainesville, FL 32610
Send completed applications packets to:
Stacey Oliver
Manager, Human Resources
Telephone: (352) 265-7785
[#17540, renewed 13 February 2025, exp. 23 May 2026]
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026 - 2027
Maximize your potential with the non-ACGME-accredited Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship offered by the University of Florida’s Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine. This comprehensive one-year program provides advanced training and hands-on experience in the field of GI/liver pathology. With a fellowship faculty comprising a dedicated group of collegial GI/liver pathologists, you’ll receive the guidance and expertise needed to further your career in whichever practice setting you choose.
Between working up complex neoplastic and nonneoplastic cases, teaching the next generation of medical professionals, participating in dynamic clinical conferences, and performing scholarly activity founded on clinical utility – the opportunities for development are infinite. This comprehensive training program covers the full spectrum of GI/liver pathology including exposure to a wealth of transplant liver pathology, with UF Health serving as one of the nation’s highest-volume transplant centers. Finally, for those interested and qualified, opportunities for independent sign out are provided, allowing for a unique experience of graduated responsibility and autonomy.
Applicant Requirements
Successful fellowship candidates must be certification-eligible or certified in anatomic, or anatomic and clinical pathology, by the American Board of Pathology. Applicants are required to have passed all three steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
For International Medical Graduates
The department requires that all IMG applicants have valid certificates from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). The University of Florida supports J1 visas but does not support H1B visas.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship (non-ACGME-accredited) » Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine » College of Medicine » University of Florida (
Completed application packets must include:
- National Standard Application [PDF] (or National Standard Application [Word document])
- Personal statement of interest
- Curriculum vitae
- Three letters of recommendation (addressed to the fellowship director)
Please send completed packets to:
Michael Feely, D.O.
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Fellowship Director
University of Florida, College of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine
P.O. Box 100275
Gainesville, FL 32610
Please cc:
Margo Kramer
Fellowship Coordinator
[#17508, renewed 12 February 2025, exp. 24 May 2026]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings 2026-2027
The University of Florida Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine offers a comprehensive one-year fellowship in surgical pathology that provides advanced and intensive training in diagnostic surgical pathology.
The non-ACGME-accredited Surgical Pathology Fellowship at the University of Florida provides fellows with the opportunity for advanced training and in-depth experience in different facets of surgical pathology with particular interest in Gastrointestinal and Liver, Genitourinary, Breast and Gynecologic pathology. It also prepares them for a career in either academics or private practice. A large volume of surgical and consultation material provides an opportunity for the development of proficiency in the diagnosis of neoplastic and benign diseases, as well as transplant pathology. In addition to all subspecialties of surgical pathology, elective rotations in hematopathology/flow cytometry, dermatopathology, renal
pathology/electron microscopy and cytopathology are available.
Fellows will have the opportunity for graduated sign-out responsibilities, including intraoperative consultations. Please visit the Departmental website at
Applicant Requirements:
Successful fellowship candidates must be certification-eligible or certified in anatomic, or anatomic and clinical pathology, by the American Board of Pathology. Applicants are required to have passed all three steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination.
For International Medical Graduates
The Department requires that all IMG applicants have valid certificates from the Educational Commission
for Foreign Medical Graduates. The University of Florida supports J1 visas but does not support H1B
Completed application packets must be must include:
- National Standard Application [PDF] (or National Standard Application [Word document]);
- Personal statement of interest;
- Curriculum vitae; and
- Three letters of recommendation (addressed to the fellowship director).
Please send complete packets to:
Sara Moscovita Falzarano, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
University of Florida College of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine
P.O. Box 100275
Gainesville, FL 32610
Please cc:
Margo Kramer
Fellowship Coordinator
[#16774, renewed 18 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville
Openings for 2026 and 2027
The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville has an unexpected cytopathology fellowship position available for a Fell 1 beginning July 1, 2026 and 2027.
Description: The University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville offers a one-year ACGME accredited cytopathology fellowship. The fellows evaluate and participate in the sign-out of all abnormal gynecologic preparations, as well as all non-gynecologic preparations. Training is provided in the performance, preparation and evaluation of fine needle aspiration biopsies. Immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, image analysis, and molecular studies are utilized for analysis of cytologic material. We are committed to excellence and producing graduates capable of entry into academic or private practice.
Eligibility and Requirements: Candidates must be board eligible or certified in anatomic pathology (AP or AP/CP), and have completed an ACGME-accredited residency program. Applicants are required to have passed all three USMLE or Comlex exams. The University of Florida supports J1 Visas.
Application Process: Applicants must submit the Standardized CAP Application for Fellowships, CV, MD degree, personal statement, USMLE score report, and three letters of recommendation. Email all inquiries and application information to Mrs. Rebel Jones, Senior GME Program Administrator at
Letters should be addressed to
Shahla Masood, MD
Professor and Chair
Program Director, Breast Pathology Fellowship Program
Program Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
655 W. 8th Street
Jacksonville, FL 32209
[#17462, renewed 5 February 2025, exp. 26 February 2026]
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Health System
Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
The fellowship is a one-year ACGME accredited program offering a complete range of training opportunities in Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. Jackson Memorial Hospital is a tertiary care healthcare institution affiliated with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and with over 1550 licensed beds, is one of the largest public teaching hospitals in the country. It includes a level one trauma center, solid organ and hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation programs, a pediatric hospital, high risk neonatal and obstetrical programs and neurological and cardiovascular surgery programs.
Fellows will also become engaged with other clinics and laboratory sites that interface with Jackson Memorial Hospital, including the University of Miami Hospital and Clinics (UMHC) and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in order to create a learning environment that includes exposure to a broad range of clinical experiences. During the year, the fellow will receive training in immunohematology, blood banking/transfusion therapy, coagulation, therapeutic apheresis, cell therapy including cellular collection (adult and pediatric) and processing, as well as rotations in HLA testing and blood donation and manufacture and laboratory management.
The Fellow will also participate in administrative and educational activities aimed at improving clinical utilization of blood products. Opportunities to engage in clinical research and present at a national meeting are encouraged. The fellowship is a hands-on experience featuring a high degree of responsibility and involvement in teaching and patient care that will prepare the candidate for a future in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine.
Applicants should be MDs / DOs, completed residency training in CP, AP/CP or other qualified training in an ACGME accredited program.
Candidates should submit the CAP Standardized Application, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation via email to Letters of recommendation should be addressed to the Program Director.
Fellowship Director
Yanyun Wu, MD, PhD
Program Manager
Anail Moreno
[#17181, renewed 4 December 2024, exp. 7 December 2025]
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Breast Pathology Instructorship
Opening for 2026-2027
Instructor in Breast Pathology in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Job Description
Functions as a member of the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine reporting directly to the Specialty Service Director or Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs with the following responsibilities:
- Non-accredited training curriculum in Breast Pathology working directly under the supervision of the faculty in the Division of Breast Pathology.
- Provide breast pathology diagnostic services under the direct supervision of the faculty in the Division of Breast Pathology.
- Participate in tumor boards and education sessions related to breast pathology.
- Program certification issued upon completion.
Working Environment:
The work is mainly performed in a hospital environment and excellent citizenship and professionalism are expected.
Please send your CV and three letters of recommendation addressed to Dr. Carmen Gomez-Fernandez to
[#17659, renewed 11 March 2025, exp. 26 March 2026]
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Health System
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Cytopathology Fellowship Program offers two positions for a one-year ACGME-accredited program that provides comprehensive training in diagnostic cytology. Our laboratories are located at the University of Miami Hospital and Clinics/Jackson Memorial Medical Center which provides service to over 65,000 in-patients and more than 300,000 out-patients annually. We evaluate approximately 20,000 cases per year, of which 9,000 are non-gynecologic, including over 2,700 fine needle aspirations. The location of our laboratory within the Department of Pathology provides ready access to a wealth of teaching material and three large libraries which offer unique patient care perspectives and research-related services.
The fellows cover the Breast Health Center, Thyroid, Head & Neck and Surgical Oncology Clinics with a total of 12,000 visits a year and participate by performing FNA and immediate FNA analyses at these clinics. During their second quarter, in order to have an intense hands on experience in performance of FNA, the Fellows may take 2-4 weeks of rotation in the FNA Clinics. They take an active role in teaching medical students and pathology residents, present at departmental conferences, and participate in the cytology workshops given by faculty at local and national meetings.
Requirements: Applicants must be American Board of Pathology eligible or certified in Anatomic/Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with the level of training and experience.
Faculty: Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD, Monica Garcia-Buitrago, MD, Carmen Gomez-Fernández, MD, Merce Jorda MD, PhD, MBA, Jaylou Velez-Torres, MD, Yiqin Zuo, MD
Application: Applications should be submitted by August 31 (22 months prior to start date). Candidates should submit the CAP standardized application, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation via email to
Fellowship Program Director
Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Cytopathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Sr. Program Manager
Adriana Zanaty
[#17233, renewed 13 December 2024, exp. 8 March 2026]
Head & Neck Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-26, 2026-27, 2027-28
The Head and Neck Selective Pathology Fellowship is a one-year ACGME- approved position designed to provide advanced in-depth training in head and neck pathology. The Head and Neck Pathology Fellow will be an integral member of the University of Miami Head and Neck Pathology Service and as such, will work closely with the Head and Neck specialty pathology faculty as well as the University Of Miami Department Of Otolaryngology, a renowned program that is consistently top ranked by the US News and World Report. Their strong surgical presence on campus affords a large Head and Neck surgical pathology case volume with complex, unique and interesting cases.
Annually, the University of Miami Pathology Laboratory at the University of Miami Hospital receives and processes over 1000 Head and Neck surgical specimens from the operating rooms at the University of Miami Hospital, and over 875 Head and Neck surgical specimens from the UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. An integral part of practice of both Head and Neck Surgery and the practice of pathology is the use of intraoperative frozen sections. There are over 800 Head and Neck surgical cases performed at the University of Miami that typically require multiple frozen sections, which account for approximately 4300 individual frozen sections performed and diagnosed annually. Of the Head and Neck surgical cases from UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, 275 require frozen section with nearly 1000 individual frozen sections performed for these cases. The Department of Otolaryngology and its associated clinics are a premier referral center, and as a result the Department of Pathology receives nearly 650 surgical cases in consultation yearly. The UM Head and Neck Pathology Service is in charge of diagnosing these cases along with cases processed at the JMH pathology laboratory. The JMH laboratory receives approximately 350 head and neck surgical specimens a year, ranging from diagnostic biopsies to large complex resections.
The Head and Neck selective pathology fellowship curriculum includes core training in intraoperative Head and Neck frozen sections. Elective rotations are available, as well as opportunities for clinical and translational research. The Fellow is primarily responsible for the consultative services and the multidisciplinary clinical-pathological conferences. It is expected that the fellow will participate in the academic activities of the Pathology Department, including Journal Club, Grand Rounds, resident conferences, and publish at least one paper in a peer reviewed journal.
Requirements: Applicant must be Board eligible or certified in Anatomic/Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology.
Facilities: Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH), Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center (SCCC) and University of Miami Hospital and Clinics (UMHC).
Stipends: Commensurate with the applicant’s year of postgraduate training.
Staff: Carmen Gomez-Fernandez MD; O. Oleksandr Kryvenko MD; Jaylou Velez-Torres, MD, Manuel Lora-Gonzalez, MD, Youley Tjendra, MD
Application: Applications should be submitted by August 15th, 2 years prior to start date. Candidates should submit by email the JMH/UM fellowship application, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to the Fellowship Program Director and copy the Fellowship Program Coordinator.
Fellowship Program Director
Carmen R. Gomez-Fernandez M.D.
Professor of Pathology
Director, Head and Neck Pathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Manager
Anail Moreno
[#16429-1, posted 15 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-27 and 2027-28
Description: Our Hematopathology training program is both clinically and academically oriented and focused on development of diagnostic skills in the areas of bone marrow interpretation, lymph node and extranodal lymphoma pathology, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometric immunophenotyping, peripheral blood interpretation, and molecular genetic analysis of hematopoietic malignancies.
Our division provides a robust volume of excellent and diverse materials for the education of our clinical fellows. In addition to learning to interpret and appropriately report a wide variety of neoplastic and reactive hematologic conditions, our fellows are also directly responsible for management of associated laboratory testing (from a quality perspective), development and implementation of quality improvement processes for our clinical laboratories, and act as our direct liaison with our clinical colleagues. The fellow in Hematopathology is central to our clinical academic work and is therefore a critical component of the multidisciplinary approach to leukemia and lymphoma care at Jackson Health System, University of Miami Hospitals and Clinics, and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, the only NCI-designated cancer center in South Florida. Our fellows are responsible for presentation of clinical cases in a variety of weekly multidisciplinary clinicopathologic conferences where integration of clinical, radiographic and pathologic findings are discussed and management plans are determined.
Hematopathology faculty are engaged in teaching our fellows in all areas of hematopathology. Educational activities aimed at providing an avenue for reinforcing medical knowledge, in addition to daily sign out sessions, include weekly interesting case conferences, lymphoma and leukemia tumor boards, journal clubs, and didactic sessions. In addition, there are a wide variety of other academic activities offered by the Departments of Pathology and Hematology/Oncology. Fellow are exposed to a variety of clinical – translational research opportunities and are expected to participate actively in these. Clinical and basic science research laboratories also exist for fellows interested in this type of research activity.
Requirements: Applicant must be American Board of Pathology eligible or certified in Anatomic/Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with the level of training and experience.
Staff: Catalina Amador, MD, Daniel Cassidy, MD, Jennifer Chapman, MD, Julio Poveda, MD, Yi Zhou, MD, PhD, Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD, Xiaqiong Wang, MD, PhD, Theresa Spivey, MD
Application: The program is participating in the NRMP Match for the 2026-27 recruitment cycle. Applications should be submitted by January 1, 2025. Candidates should submit the CAP application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to
Fellowship Program Director
Catalina Amador, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Manager
Adriana Zanaty
[#16429-2, posted 15 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-27 and 2027-28
Description: The University of Miami/Jackson Health System is pleased to announce the availability of a 1-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Molecular Genetic Pathology for the academic years 2026-27 and 2027-28. This fellowship provides comprehensive training in the rapidly evolving field of molecular genetic pathology, equipping fellows with the skills necessary to excel in academic, clinical, and industry settings.
Fellows will receive in-depth training by renowned faculty in molecular diagnostics, including next-generation sequencing, molecular cytogenetics, and bioinformatics. Extensive hands-on experience in both adult and pediatric molecular genetic pathology across diverse patient populations. Fellows are encouraged to engage in research projects with opportunities to present at national and international conferences.
Join us in Miami, a vibrant city known for its cultural diversity and beautiful weather, and become part of a dynamic team dedicated to advancing the field of molecular genetic pathology.
Requirements: Applicant must be American Board of Pathology eligible or certified in Anatomic/Clinical Pathology, Anatomic Pathology, or Clinical Pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with the level of training and experience.
Staff: Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD, Yi Zhou, MD, PhD, Erik Williams, MD, David Lombard, MD, PhD
Application: The program is participating in the NRMP Match for the 2026-27 recruitment cycle. Applications should be submitted by January 1, 2025. Candidates should submit the CAP application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to
Fellowship Program Director
Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Manager
Adriana Zanaty
[#16429-3, posted 15 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Health System
Neuropathology Fellowship
Unexpected Opening for 2024-2026
Opening for 2027-2029
The University of Miami/Jackson Health System has an unexpected vacancy for its two-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program in Neuropathology. The program will have one position available annually, for a total of two fellows (one junior and one senior fellow).
Description: The Neuropathology Fellowship is a two-year training program offering advanced study in diagnostic neuropathology. The Neuropathology division is run by three board certified Neuropathologists and serves one of the busiest brain tumor centers in the country with over 1,000 in-house CNS tumors besides muscle biopsies, adult and pediatric autopsies, consultations, and multiple clinical conferences. Due to the unique geographic exposure, fellows will be exposed to a variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic CNS diseases such as rare infectious diseases of the CNS. There are also 150-200 autopsies per year with significant exposure to pediatric and adult CNS autopsy material. The Neuropathology service receives patient samples from Jackson Health System (JHS), University of Miami Hospital and Clinics (UMHC), and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer (SCCC). The Department of Pathology has a busy surgical pathology service with a robust residency program and fellowships in multiple subspecialties. Additional in-campus presence of ophthalmic pathology at BPEI, Miami-Dade County medical examiner’s office, UM Brain Endowment Bank, Sylvester CCC Brain Tumor Initiative, and Lois Pope Institute provide ample opportunities for learning and research. The Neurology Department also offers the fellows a large spectrum of activities, including a robust Neuromuscular Diseases unit and a Brain Endowment Bank, an NIH designated Biobank.
Fellows are expected to participate in clinical research with results leading to attendance at national meetings and peer-reviewed publications. Electives are available in other pathology services such as Molecular Pathology, Pediatric Pathology, Cytopathology, and Head & Neck Pathology, as well as a rotation in Laboratory Management. After completion of the program, fellows will be eligible for the American Board of Pathology exam in Neuropathology.
Requirements: Applicants must be American Board of Pathology eligible or certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology.
Compensation: Commensurate with the applicant’s level of postgraduate training.
Application: Candidates should submit the CAP fellowship application, CV and three letters of recommendation addressed to the Program Director to
Program Director
Sakir Humayun (“Hume”) Gultekin, MD, FCAP
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Neurology
Director, Neuropathology Service
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Sr. Program Manager
Adriana Zanaty
[#17263-1, renewed 19 December 2024, exp. 19 January 2026]
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Health System
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Unexpected Vacancy for 2025-26
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine invites applications for a one-year, ACGME accredited fellowship in Pediatric Pathology. The applicant should be Board certified or Board eligible in Anatomic & Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology and have completed a residency in an accredited AP or AP/CP residency program. The program is intended to provide focused training and experience in pediatric and perinatal pathology.
The Department of Pathology is subspecialty-based and serves patients within the University of Miami Health System (UHealth) and the Jackson Health System (JHS). The fellow reviews cases from major institutions including Jackson Memorial Hospital, Holtz Children’s Hospital, University of Miami Hospitals and Clinics, and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The fellow will be trained to perform pediatric autopsies, diagnose pediatric surgical specimens from embryo-fetal pathology to placental pathology, pediatric frozen sections, pediatric tumors, gastro-intestinal and liver biopsies, pediatric endomyocardial biopsies, head and neck tumors, multivisceral transplants, etc. The program includes rotations through the Cytogenetics Laboratory in order to learn proper tissue sampling and collection, karyotype, FISH and other techniques, the Bone & Soft Tissue pathology service, and the Cytopathology service. The fellow will present at several interdisciplinary conferences including pediatric tumor board, neonatal mortality and morbidity, pediatric critical care, pediatric mortality and morbidity, etc. The fellow will be expected to complete at least one research project during the fellowship and will have opportunities to participate in basic and translational research leading to publications or presentations at national conferences.
The fellow has access to a large slide collection with more than 2,000 cases of pediatric surgical specimens and thousands of medical photographs organized by organ system and in alphabetical order.
Stipends: Commensurate with the applicant’s year of postgraduate training.
Application: Candidates should submit the CAP standardized application, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to
Fellowship Program Director
Dr. Miguel Reyes-Múgica
Professor of Pathology & Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric & Perinatal Pathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Manager
Anail Moreno
[#17263-2, renewed 19 December 2024, exp. 19 January 2026]
Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-27 and 2027-28
The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of Miami/Jackson Health System has an opening for a 1-year, non-ACGME accredited fellowship position in Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology for the 2026-27 and 2027-28 academic years.
The program is intended to provide focused training and experience in Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology. Excellence in diagnostic services, strong communication skills, a commitment to the teaching and training of residents and students, and a record of peer-reviewed clinical and translational research are desired qualifications for this position.
The Department of Pathology is subspecialty-based and serves patients within the University of Miami Health System (UHealth) and the Jackson Health System. The instructor reviews cases from three major institutions, including the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, the only NCI-designated cancer center in South Florida, Jackson Memorial Hospital, a large tertiary hospital, the University of Miami Hospital and Clinics) and private consultation cases of Drs. Rosenberg and Montgomery. The instructor will participate in and complete translational research projects that will result in publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national conferences.
The instructor will have the opportunity to review cases with the skeletal radiologists. The case mix includes those from in-house operations, consultation cases, and the private consultations of Drs. Rosenberg and Montgomery. There are over 24,000 archived consultations from around the world that include digital copies of all the relevant paperwork as well as large study sets. The instructor will be responsible for daily signout, journal clubs, two weekly multidisciplinary tumor boards, and interesting case slide review conferences. The instructor will also participate in the academic activities of the Pathology Department including Grand Rounds and residents’ conferences.
Eligibility: The applicant should be Board certified or Board eligible in Anatomic & Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology and have completed a residency in an accredited AP or AP/CP residency program.
Application: The program is participating in the NRMP Match for the 2026-27 recruitment cycle. Applications should be submitted by January 1, 2025. Candidates should submit the CAP application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to
Stipend: Commensurate with post-graduate year of training.
Teaching Faculty: Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, Dr. Domenika Ortiz-Requena
Program Director
Andrew Rosenberg, MD
Professor of Pathology
Director, Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
University of Miami Department of Pathology
Sr. Program Coordinator
Melisa Urra
[#16429-4, posted 15 July 2024, exp. 15 July 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-26 and 2026-27
Description: The Surgical Pathology Fellowship at the University of Miami/Jackson Health System is a one-year non-accredited program intended to provide advanced training and experience in the various diagnostic areas in surgical pathology. Excellence in diagnostic services, strong communication skills, a commitment to the teaching and training of residents and students, and a strong record of peer-reviewed clinical and translational research are desired qualifications for this position.
The Department of Pathology at the Miller School of Medicine is subspecialty based and serves patients within the Jackson Health System and University of Miami Health System (UHealth), which includes the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Opportunities to collaborate in basic and translational research projects are numerous.
Rotations: Breast Pathology, Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology, Cardiothoracic Pathology, Head and Neck Pathology, Gastrointestinal Pathology, Genitourinary Pathology, and Gynecologic Pathology.
Electives may include additional weeks in any of the above surgical pathology subspecialty areas as well as: dermatopathology, pediatric pathology, renal pathology, neuropathology, or research (with approval by Program Director).
During the clinical rotation, the fellow is responsible for the daily sign out of cases and will assist in the full preparation of all cases, producing accurate and concise reports. The fellow has an active role in the teaching of junior residents.
Requirements: Applicants must be Board eligible or certified in Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with the applicant’s year of postgraduate training.
Applications: Candidates should submit the CAP application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to
Fellowship Program Director
Elizabeth Montgomery, MD
Professor of Pathology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Manager
Adriana Zanaty
[#16705, posted 5 September 2024, exp. 5 September 2025]
University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine
Moffitt Cancer Center
Cytopathology Fellowship
Unexpected Opening - 1 Fellow Position for AY 2025-26
1 Fellow Position Open for AY 2026-27
2 Fellow Positions Open for AY 2027-28
The Department of Pathology and Cell Biology at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine offers a one-year fellowship in Cytopathology, beginning July 1 and based primarily at the NIH-designated comprehensive Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) with 1-month rotation at the University-affiliated James A. Haley VA Hospital and 1-month rotation at the Quest Diagnostics of Tampa. The ACGME-accredited program provides extensive training in all areas of Cytopathology, including gynecologic and non-gynecologic specimens as well as performance and interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies. Curriculum also includes laboratory management and molecular pathology.
The fellow is required to conduct research and expected to bring to completion at least one research project upon graduation. There is strong departmental and institutional support for research and additional education funding will be available for the fellow to attend or present at national conferences. The fellow is required to attend weekly educational conferences and is involved in the education of pathology residents during electives in Cytopathology as well as surgical oncology fellows during their 1-month rotation.
This is a premier cytopathology fellowship program. In addition to the large number and complexity of cases, the fellow has the opportunity to work in a program with an inclusive and supportive culture. Faculty provide a dedicated high quality teaching (Moffitt faculty to fellow ratio of 14:2) and are experts in their respective fields with national and international recognition.
Requirements: Applicants must have four years of Anatomic Pathology (AP)/Clinical Pathology (CP) training or three years of AP training and be eligible for the AP or AP/CP Board. Board certified candidates and candidates who have completed a surgical pathology or other subspecialty fellowships are encouraged to apply.
Program Director: Sana Tabbara, MD
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Applications: : We will be accepting applications for:
AY 2025-2026 – 1 position
AY 2026-2027 – 1 position
AY 2027-2028 – 2 positions
Send applications to Jamie Harrington, Program Administrator at
[#17438-5, renewed 7 March 2025, exp. 7 April 2026]
One Additional Forensic Pathology Fellowship Opening for 2025-2026
Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
Interview Deadline: March 15, 2025
Acceptance Deadline: April 1, 2025
Description: The University of South Florida, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Department announces a recently approved second fellowship spot available for 2025-26. This fellowship is a one-year ACGME accredited forensic pathology training program. There will be two fellows for the 2025-26 academic year, one of which participated in the 2025-26 Forensic Fellowship Match. The second fellowship was approved after the 2025-26 Match.
The office serves Hillsborough County Florida, which includes the city of Tampa and the surrounding urban and rural areas, which has a population base of approximately 1,408,000 residents and hosts over 26 million visitors yearly. The office reviews over 10,000 deaths per year, with approximately 1402 autopsies performed in 2023, including approximately 110 homicides annually. The autopsy room, coolers, toxicology laboratory and offices of the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Department are housed in a spacious state-of-the-art three-building complex (built in 2008).
Fellows will accompany Hillsborough County medical examiner death investigators or attendings to the scenes of homicides, infant deaths, suicides, and industrial accidents when there has been no hospital treatment; and to any other scenes that they elect. The fellows participate in the morbidity and mortality conferences of the USF Department of Surgery at Tampa General Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital. All medical and police records are routinely obtained.
A fellow can expect to perform approximately 200-220 autopsies during the academic year, testify in depositions, and toward the end of the year, and possibly testify in court. Each fellow can expect to spend two days at the Tampa Regional Crime Laboratory of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, interact directly on a regular basis with our on-site board-certified forensic anthropologist and our two on-site forensic toxicologists during consultations and lectures.
Staff: Kelly Devers, MD, Chief Medical Examiner and Program Director; Carolina McEnnan, MD, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner; Ashley Perkins, DO, Associate Medical Examiner and Assistant Program Director; Ryan McCormick, MD, Associate Medical Examiner; Milad Webb, MD, PhD, Associate Medical Examiner; Noah Reilly, DO, Associate Medical Examiner; Julia Pearson, PhD, Chief Forensic Toxicologist; Dina Swanson, PhD, Assistant Chief Forensic Toxicologist; Jonathan Bethard, PhD, University of South Florida Forensic Anthropologist.
Requirements: Successful completion of accredited pathology residency training program in either anatomic pathology or anatomic/clinical pathology.
Stipends: The salary is $95,000. Educational fund for books and conferences for each fellow is $5500. Benefits:
Application: Submit the following information to Michelle Burnham at
- CAP Standardized Application
- USMLE/COMLEX transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal Statement
- 3 letters of reference (1 from Program Director)
- RISE scores
Contact Information:
Dr. Kelly Devers, MD
Program Director
Michelle Burnham
Program Coordinator
[#17178, posted 10 January 2025, exp. 10 January 2026]
Surgical Pathology NST
The Department of Pathology invites applications for a one-year training in surgical pathology. Primary responsibilities include grossing of all assigned cases including biopsies and resections, and processing and cutting of frozen section tissues. Although not required, the trainee is encouraged to attend and will have access to educational activities. Based in a university health care system (Wellstar MCG Health) that includes a 478-bed adult medical center, 154-bed Children's Hospital of Georgia, and Georgia cancer center; the program provides advanced training and graduated responsibilities in surgical pathology. The department examines about 16,000 surgical specimens and about 1,500 frozen sections per year.
The faculty includes board certified pathologists with subspecialty training. The department also has a trained and certified pathology assistant who helps with processing specimens and training.
Augusta, second largest city in Georgia, is a growing and thriving city. The city has an active cultural life including symphony and ballet organizations, a choral society, and theatre groups as well as excellent outdoor activities. Augusta is also world renowned as the home of the Masters Golf Tournament.
- Applicants must have one of the following:
- Certificate of Graduation from a Medical School accredited by the LCME; or an Osteopathic School in the US accredited by the AOA; or
- Current valid ECFMG certificate
- Applicants must have one of the following:
- US citizenship
- Valid Permanent Resident status; or
- Valid Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
- J1 Visa (GME will consider/review applications on a case-by-case basis)
- Eligible to obtain valid Georgia Temporary Training Permit
- Basic Life Support (BLS) training, active
Salary will commensurate with candidate's level of training.
Application and required documents:
Quintanna Samuels, Fellowship Coordinator
Augusta University
Pathology, 1120 15th Street, BF-104
Augusta, GA 30912-3600
Telephone: (706) 721-2924
Fax: (706) 721-2358
[#17595, renewed 28 February 2025, exp. 19 April 2026]
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Opening
The Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta are accepting applications for the 2025 and 2027 ACGME-accredited fellowship.
The program offers a one-year fellowship, and applications are being accepted for July 2025 and July 2027. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA) is affiliated with Emory University School of Medicine, and is one of the largest children's healthcare system in the United States. In the U.S. News & World Report CHOA ranks among ‘Best Children’s Hospitals’ in the nation with 4 specialties ranked in the Top 10 and 8 specialties in the Top 20. Broad training in all aspects of pediatric pathology is supported by the diversity of the training locations, teaching faculty, and abundant archival material. On September 29, 2024 CHOA opened the new state-of-the-art, 19-story, 2-million-square-foot Arthur M. Blank Hospital.
The CHOA Department of Pathology consists of 8 pediatric pathologists, 4 hematopathologists, 2 clinical microbiologists, 2 clinical chemists, 2 neuropathologists, 1 pathology informaticist, 1 cytopathologist, 3 transfusion medicine specialists, and 2 pathologist assistants all with applicable subspecialty board certifications. In 2023 and 2024, the Department accessioned more than 10,000 cases including consults. Additionally, approximately 1500 cytology specimens and more than 500 bone marrows were evaluated. On average, nearly 50 autopsies are evaluated per year with exposure to an even larger number of pediatric autopsies available at Emory Midtown Hospital and at Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI).
Fellows have the opportunity to teach and mentor EMORY pathology residents. Multiple conferences in both pediatric and perinatal medicine allow the fellow the opportunity to gain experience in presenting to colleagues within the multidisciplinary setting. Research is encouraged and supported.
Please contact Serita Philips (Pathology Education Coordinator) at 404-727-4283 / or Dr Jose Velazquez (Program Director) at 404-785-1459 /
Visit our website for additional information.
[#17397, posted 22 January 2025, exp. 22 January 2026]
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2028
We have an opening for a one-year ACGME accredited Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine fellowship for the July 2027-2028 academic year. We will start accepting applications in July of 2025.
Education and Research
This interdisciplinary fellowship offers an extensive portfolio of transfusion medicine training activities. Program faculty have a combined 25 consecutive years of scientific presentations at annual AABB meetings. Training includes the nationally accredited immunohematology reference laboratory of Versiti Illinois which resolves difficult and interesting cases from across the region. Dedicated research time is provided for fellows to develop and complete publication-worthy scientific studies for presentation at regional and national meetings.
Clinical Experience
The Transfusion Service at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) supports a Level 1 trauma center, 12,000 annual deliveries, and a full spectrum of medical and surgical specialties. RBC molecular testing is routinely performed in our laboratory. NMH has an active therapeutic apheresis service supporting hematology, transplant, neurology and other consultative services. The Lurie Childrens Hospital (LCH) Transfusion Service supports a Level 1 pediatric trauma center, active neonatal and pediatric intensive care units, and a large population of sickle-cell and thalassemia patients. Combined, the two hospitals perform over 1000 stem cell and organ transplants a year. Versiti Illinois collect over 140,000 donations a year and supports over 70 Chicago area hospitals. The fellow will have extensive experience in transfusion medicine consultations and donor center medical affairs. Training is included in preoperative anemia clinic, blood management, and pediatric sickle cell care. Cellular therapy training includes HLA testing and stem cell processing and transplants.
Rotation Schedule
Four-week-long rotations are scheduled at NMH, LCH and Versiti Illinois, with specific goals and objectives for each period. These include two rotations in apheresis and one rotation each devoted to pediatrics, cell therapy, and research project development.
The stipend is commensurate with the fellow's PGY year of training. Find stipend information via the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University site.
Application Process
Please prepare an application package with the following materials:
CAP or McGaw fellowship application
Curriculum vitae
Personal statement
Three letters of recommendation
Send application materials and letters of recommendation to:
[#17574, renewed 21 February 2025, exp. 24 May 2026]
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Advanced Specialty Training Program (ASTP) in
Breast Pathology
Opening for 2027-28
Education & Research
The program is designed to offer comprehensive advanced training, including state-of-the-art diagnosis of common and rare benign and malignant breast conditions, immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics.
Breast cancer is one of the areas of excellence of the institution, with more than 5,500 in-house breast cases and almost 1,000 breast pathology second-opinion cases evaluated annually. Breast Pathology Didactics, Unknown Slide Reviews and Fellows’ Journal Club are offered to residents and fellows year-round. Two multidisciplinary conferences (Breast Tumor Board and Breast Pathology/Breast Radiology Conference) are offered every week.
Members of the faculty are actively involved in several funded basic science, translational science and clinical research studies at Northwestern University, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and at the national level.
Clinical Experience
The fellowship is designed to provide comprehensive training in diagnostic breast pathology, including the use of standard diagnostic practices and specialized techniques.
The Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Center at Lurie Cancer Center is one of the largest referral centers in the Midwest for patients with diseases of the breast. Fellows are expected to participate in the evaluation and diagnosis of breast specimens, inter-departmental conferences and clinical services. Fellows will gain experience with immunohistochemistry, FISH and molecular testing.
Eligibility & Requirements
Candidates must be board eligible or certified in anatomic pathology (AP or AP/CP) and be able to obtain an unrestricted permanent Illinois medical license. Please note that we are only able to accept applications to US Citizens/Permanent Citizens and Green Card Holders.
Rotation Schedule
A weekly rotation schedule includes biopsies and consultation cases, large surgical specimens and frozen section consultations and presentations at the Breast Tumor Board and the Breast Pathology-Radiology Clinical Correlation Conference. Rotations also include breast imaging, breast clinics (surgery, medical oncology, radiation, oncology) and molecular pathology.
Please contact Tyler Sutton for information regarding stipends.
Application Process
Prepare an application package with the following items:
• Current CV
• Personal statement
• Three letters of recommendation
Send application materials and letters of recommendation to Andie Van Voorhis at
[#17536, renewed 13 February 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Cytopathology Fellowship
Two Positions are Currently Open for Academic Year 2027-28
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University - Department of Pathology
Institution Address
303 E. Chicago Avenue, Ward 3-170
Chicago, IL, 60611
The Department of Pathology is currently recruiting to fill spots for the ACGME-accredited Cytopathology fellowship starting July 1, 2027 that emphasizes a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. The Cytopathology faculty members are actively involved in Cytopathology at the local, national, and international levels.
This fellowship program provides comprehensive training in diagnostic cytopathology and is centered at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The program offers the opportunity to learn the diagnostic and prognostic applications of cytopathology in a variety of specimen types including gynecologic and non-gynecologic samples, as well as fine-needle aspirates and core biopsies of deep-seated organs and superficial masses.
At Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the Division of Cytopathology's annual volume is approximately 40,000 (26,000 gynecologic; 14,000 non-gynecologic including 4,000 fine-needle aspiration/many with corresponding core biopsy specimens also diagnosed by Cytopathology). The faculty and trainees participate in performance of superficial FNAs. In addition, there is a weekly ENT Clinic in which fellows perform ultrasound guided FNAs.
The trainees are closely involved with on-site adequacy evaluation and triage of specimens acquired percutaneously in Interventional Radiology, and by endoscopic ultrasound in Bronchoscopy and Gastroenterology. lmmunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics, liquid-based and automated (Thin Prep imager) cytology, and high risk HPV testing are regularly utilized and integrated into the cytology report.
A close working relationship exists with the Surgical Pathology and Hematopathology sections. A daily organized teaching curriculum is in place and an extensive glass slide teaching collection is available for residents and fellows. The fellows' responsibilities include clinical service, review of outside consultations, teaching, participation in departmental and multidisciplinary conferences, quality assurance activities, and translational research. The volume, breadth, and scope of interesting cases, exposure to a variety of specimen types and preparations, experience in performing ultrasound guided FNAS, multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, and the teaching expertise of the faculty are strengths of this program.
Fellowship Start Dates
Fellowship Length
1 year
Fellowship Sub-Specialty
The stipend is commensurate with the PGY year of training.
Application Instructions
• McGaw application
• Current CV
• Personal Statement (including career goals)
• 3 Letters of recommendation
Address Letters of Recommendation To
Dr. Lucy Jager, Fellowship Program Director
Susan Lee
Fellowship Program Coordinator
Telephone: (312) 926-2876
[#16591, renewed 14 August 2024, exp. 7 November 2025]
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
The subspecialty of Molecular Genetic Pathology employs testing of nucleic acids for disease diagnosis, prognosis and selection of therapy. A variety of tests are used for the detection and quantification of mutations in chromosomes, DNA, and RNA in four general areas of disease:
1. Hereditary diseases (e.g., epilepsy)
2. Hematologic malignancies (e.g., leukemia)
3. Solid tumors (e.g., lung cancer)
4. Infectious diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS)
The fellow will rotate through molecular genetics, cytogenetics and microbiology laboratories at Feinberg-affiliated hospitals (Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago) and work with expert faculty who are nationally-recognized in the areas of education, research and patient care.
Our Residency and Fellowship Programs function under the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University and are primarily based at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), which is consistently ranked as the top hospital in Illinois and in the top 10 nationwide. Our Northwestern University based faculty are dedicated to the education and mentorship of our trainees. The MGP fellow will work in a collegial environment with 22 pathology residents and 14 other fellows in which education and training remain the primary focus.
The molecular laboratories provide translational and clinical research support to a variety of Centers and Institutes, including the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Northwestern Medicine Developmental Therapeutics Institute, Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Science Institute and NUgene. The MGP fellow will have opportunities to engage in translational and clinical research such as test development and validation in one or more areas.
Patient Care
Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Lurie Children's Hospital are consistently ranked as the top hospitals in Illinois and among the best in the nation. The MGP faculty provide state-of-the-art testing to clinicians at these and other Feinberg-affiliated care sites for disease diagnosis, prognosis, selection of therapy and patient management.
The Molecular Genetic Pathology Division of the Department of Pathology at Northwestern University is participating in the Pathology Fellowship NRMP Match for AY2026-27. Click here for more information: Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) Fellowship Training Programs - Association for Molecular Pathology (
Send application materials and letters of recommendation to:
[#17561, renewed 19 February 2025, exp. 18 May 2026]
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Advanced Specialty Training Program (ASTP) in
Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology
Opening for 2027-28
The Department of Pathology offers a one-year position in the Advanced Specialty Training Program (ASTP) in gastrointestinal/liver pathology for the 2027-28 academic year. The candidate will be offered a junior faculty position at the rank of Instructor (non-tenure eligible).
The program is designed to provide comprehensive advanced training in diagnostic surgical pathology including standard diagnostic practices, immunohistochemistry, and specialized techniques such as cytogenetics and molecular pathology. As GI, liver, and pancreaticobiliary tract pathology services constitute a major portion of in-house and referral cases, surgical pathology training in these areas will be emphasized and translational research opportunities in GI and liver pathology are available.
Clinical Experience:
As a junior faculty member, the ASTP Instructor will be granted the privilege of independently signing-out surgical pathology and frozen section cases, and participating in on-call process similar to the department's staff pathologists after an initial six-month observation period. Additionally, the ASTP instructor is expected to participate in interdepartmental clinical conferences and training of anatomic pathology residents. The department provides ample opportunities for scholarly collaborations in all areas of surgical pathology, and for participation in the activities of the neuropathology and dermatopathology divisions of the Feinberg-affiliated Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and the Pediatric pathology department of the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. As the pathology department plays an integral part in the medical school's Scientific Basis of Medicine course, teaching M2 medical students is also encouraged.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the main teaching hospital of the fellowship, is one of the largest referral centers in the Midwest for patients with gastrointestinal, liver, pancreatic, urologic, and gynecologic/breast disorders. The pathology department accessions more than 43,500 in-house and 2,500 consultation cases per year. The anatomic pathology staff includes experts in the fields of gastrointestinal/liver/pancreaticobiliary tract, urologic, breast, gynecologic, pulmonary, and soft tissue/bone pathology, and transition to a subspecialty sign-out format is scheduled for this year.
Candidates must be board eligible or certified in anatomic pathology. Please note that we can only accept candidates that are US Citizens/Permanent Citizens or Green Card Holders.
Please contact Tyler Sutton for stipend information.
Submit the following documents via email to program coordinator at Andie Van Voorhis:
• Completed application
• Current CV
• Personal statement
• Three letters of recommendation
[#17535, renewed 13 February 2025, exp. 25 May 2026]
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Advanced Specialty Training Program (ASTP) in Genitourinary Pathology
Opening for 2027-28
Clinical Experience
The candidate is expected to participate in the diagnosis of GU specimens from a wide range of benign and malignant urologic conditions and interdepartmental clinical conferences.
As a junior faculty member in the Department of Pathology, the ASTP instructor will be granted the privilege of independently signing out surgical pathology and frozen section cases and participating in on-call process similar to the department’s staff pathologists after an initial six-month observation period. Additionally, the ASTP instructor is expected to participate in interdepartmental clinical conferences and training of anatomic pathology residents. In addition, the program offers focused training in digital pathology, general surgical pathology, and frozen section service.
Education & Research
Great environment for education and research at Northwestern Memorial Hospital with the NCI designated Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and Prostate SPORE program. Fellows will get to participate in teaching conferences and a number of research projects.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital is one of the premier referral medical centers in the Midwest for patients with urologic diseases and a Urology department with 20 full-time urologists on staff. Within pathology, there are 4,000+ GU cases per year, including more than 500 prostatectomies, more than 1,000 in-house prostate needle core biopsies, and a wide range of benign and malignant conditions from all other GU organs. Also, there are active consultation cases from 10 other Northwestern-affiliated hospitals. Fellows will get to experience Daily Surgical Pathology QA conference and weekly multidisciplinary GU tumor board conferences.
Eligibility and Requirements
Candidates must be board eligible or certified in anatomic pathology. Please note that we can only accept candidates that are US Citizens/Permanent Citizens or Green Card Holders.
Application Process
Submit the following documents via email to the Program Coordinator at
• Current CV
• Personal statement
• Three letters of recommendation
• ASTP Application
[#16240, renewed 5 June 2024, exp. 3 June 2025]
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University
Hematopathology Fellowship Program
The Hematopathology Division of the Department of Pathology at Northwestern University has two openings for a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship position starting July 1, 2027. We will start accepting applications in April 2025. At present, we are not taking part in the NRMP hematopathology fellowship match.
The hematopathology division at Northwestern is a collegial group of ten core faculty members, including seven clinician-educators and three physician-scientists. Each year, the division receives ~2000 in-house bone marrow biopsies, ~1100 in-house tissue specimens, ~1200 second opinion referral cases, ~4200 in-house and ~2500 outside flow cytometry cases, ~7500 peripheral blood smear reviews, ~3900 hemoglobin electrophoresis evaluations, ~1100 body fluid reviews, and ~450 Sézary cell counts. In addition to high volume of clinical work, the division is actively engaged in several high-quality basic and translational investigative projects, educational activities, and quality improvement endeavors. Our fellows are highly involved in all aspects of our divisional operations, and as such, the program takes pride in its longstanding track record of training successful academic hematopathologists.
The fellows will spend ~34 weeks of their fellowship on the three core rotations of bone marrow pathology, tissue hematopathology, and flow cytometry. The fellows will spend an additional 12 weeks in aggregate rotating through seven ancillary rotations, including cytogenetics/FISH, molecular hematopathology, pediatric hematopathology, coagulation, dermatopathology, bench flow cytometry, and bone marrow biopsy procedures. In addition, the fellows are allotted ~5 weeks of elective time that can be spent on an area of their choosing or research activities. Throughout the year, fellows participate in several conferences within and outside hematopathology including consensus conferences, journal clubs, didactic lectures, unknown sessions, cytogenetics/molecular conferences, general clinical pathology conferences, and hematology/oncology conferences.
The fellowship is designed to benefit highly motivated candidates to get extensive training in hematopathology at a state-of-the-art academic medical center in the heart of beautiful downtown Chicago. Thank you for considering the Hematopathology Fellowship Program at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University.
Candidates must be Board-eligible or certified in clinical and/or anatomic pathology, preferably both.
Stipend is commensurate with PGY level and previous training and experience.
Application Process:
Fill out this application and email the following items, including Letters of Recommendation to
• Current CV
• Personal statement
• Three letters of recommendation
• USMLE 1, 2, and 3 scores. COMPEX scores are also acceptable
[#16617, renewed 20 August 2024, exp. 10 November 2025]
Northwestern University
Neuropathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2029
This two-year ACGME-accredited neuropathology fellowship program provides comprehensive training in diagnostic neuropathology and is centered at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The program has an established tradition of excellence in clinical service, teaching and scholarly activity. The fellows are actively involved and responsible for diagnostic workup of the diverse neurosurgical, neurodegenerative, neuromuscular, autopsy, forensic and extramural consult cases reviewed at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
Our training program is centered around contemporary approaches to diagnostic neuropathology, including rotations at Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and the Northwestern's Diagnostic Molecular Biology laboratory and integration of advanced molecular diagnostic techniques. The training program provides broad fund of knowledge in neuroanatomy, gross and microscopic diagnosis and ancillary molecular techniques including DNA methylation profiling. Our faculty includes nationally and internationally recognized experts, particularly in the fields of brain tumor biology, neurodegenerative diseases, neuromuscular pathology, and forensic neuropathology.
The neuropathology fellows supervise the pathology, neurology and neurosurgery residents rotating on the neuropathology service, present during multidisciplinary neuro-oncology tumor board and neuromuscular consensus conference, lead didactic conferences and brain cutting sessions for residents and medical students. Research and scholarly activities are individually tailored to each fellow to best serve their career goals.
One new fellow is accepted into the program every year, and the program requires a two-year commitment. The fellowship program has one opening for a position starting July 1, 2027. Applications will be accepted in the summer of 2025 for the 2027-29 academic years.
Neuropathology: Department of Pathology: Feinberg School of Medicine (
Eligibility and Requirements
The candidate must be Board eligible or certified in either Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, or in some other medical specialty such as Neurology and have had one-year Anatomic Pathology training. Candidates for combined training in Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology will be considered. The candidate must have passed USMLE Steps 1, 2 and 3.
Types and Numbers of Appointments
The Neuropathology fellowship program has one ACGME accredited position available every year.
Stipends and Maintenance
The stipend is determined by previous pathology training and experience.
Please send your application package with the following components to
- Current CV
- Cover letter including career goals
- At least two letters of recommendation
- USMLE Step Scores 1, 2 and 3
[#17496, renewed 11 February 2025, exp. 16 April 2026]
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Department of Pathology
Advanced Specialty Training Program (ASTP) in
General Surgical Pathology / Subspecialty Selective Pathology
Opening for 2027-2028
The Department of Pathology offers a one-year position in the Advanced Specialty Training Program in general surgical pathology for the 2027-28 academic year. The candidate will be offered a junior faculty position at the rank of Instructor (non-tenure eligible).
Fellows may choose one to three subspecialties for special focus from the following three major areas: Bone and Soft Tissue, Head and Neck, and Thoracic. Experience in the Frozen Section Laboratory is integral to all subspecialties. In addition to 7-8 months in the 3 main focus area(s), fellows will have 3-4 months of elective time available to rotate in the remaining subspecialties. The program will also provide opportunities to focus on the following areas: digital pathology, gastrointestinal/liver pathology, genitourinary pathology, gynecologic pathology, and breast pathology.
The program is designed to provide advanced training in diagnostic surgical pathology including standard diagnostic practices, immunohistochemistry, and specialized techniques such as cytogenetics and molecular pathology.
Clinical Experience:
As a junior faculty member, the fellow will be granted independent sign-out privileges for surgical pathology and frozen section cases, and participating in on-call process similar to the department's staff pathologists after an initial six-month observation period. Additionally, the fellow is expected to participate in interdepartmental clinical conferences and training of anatomic pathology residents. The department provides ample opportunities for scholarly collaborations in all areas of surgical pathology, and for participation in activities within neuropathology and dermatopathology. As the pathology department plays an integral part in the medical school's Scientific Basis of Medicine course, teaching M1/M2 medical students is also encouraged.
Candidates must be board eligible or certified in anatomic pathology. Note that we can only accept candidates that are US Citizens/Permanent Residents or Green Card Holders.
Please contact Tyler Sutton for stipend information.
Submit the following documents via email to program coordinator at
- Completed application
- Current CV
- Personal Statement
- 3 LORs
[#17386, renewed 17 January 2025, exp. 11 April 2026]
University of Chicago Medicine
Department of Pathology
Breast Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2028
The Department of Pathology at the University of Chicago Medicine has an opening for a Breast Pathology fellow for the 2027-2028 academic year. We are a major referral center for breast cancer that examines over 2,500 breast specimens annually, including in-house biopsies, resections, and consultation cases. This one-year non-ACGME accredited fellowship provides in-depth exposure to diagnostic breast pathology, emphasizing histologic correlation with radiographic and clinical findings, immunohistochemistry, and molecular testing. The fellow actively participates in weekly Multidisciplinary Breast conferences and is encouraged to participate in basic and translational research projects and educational and teaching opportunities.
Applicants must have completed a four-year Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency or a three-year Anatomic Pathology Residency from an ACGME-accredited Program to apply. The stipend is commensurate with the year of postgraduate training. The fellowship application includes a personal statement, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation.
Please send materials to:
Anna Biernacka, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Pathology
Program Director, Breast Pathology Fellowship
University of Chicago Medicine
[#17497, renewed 11 February 2025, exp. 7 February 2026]
University of Illinois College of Medicine
Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027
An ACGME-accredited 12-month fellowship in Blood Banking / Transfusion
Medicine is offered at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of
Medicine. The University of Illinois Hospital is a 441 bed tertiary care
university hospital where the Transfusion Medicine service provides over
27,000 blood components and performs approximately 1800 therapeutic
apheresis procedures annually in support of active solid organ and bone
marrow transplantation programs, as well as comprehensive surgical,
pediatric, obstetrics/gynecology, neurologic and medical services,
including the largest Sickle Cell Center in the Midwest. The
all-inclusive transfusion and hemapheresis services stress development
of clinical consultative, technical, administrative, and leadership
skills. The fellow will gain extensive experience in clinical
transfusion medicine, therapeutic hemapheresis, stem cell collection and
processing, immunohematology, transplantation immunology, intraoperative
and patient blood management, and coagulation. In addition, donor
management and component manufacture training occurs through our
partnership with our blood supplier, Vitalant, who collects 1.8 million
donations from 780,000 donors annually, and serves over 1,000 hospitals
in the US across 40 states.
Additional focused training in Cellular
Therapy/Stem Cell processing or Hemostasis/Thrombosis laboratory testing
is available if desired.
Research is strongly encouraged.
Applicants for this fellowship must have completed training in an ACGME
approved residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical
Pathology by July 1, 2025. Applicants completing training in
Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, or other medical
specialties will also be considered.
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office
( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
A letter of interest with attached curriculum vitae and three letters of reference should be sent to:
Ms. Rafaela Guillen
Fellowship Program Coordinator
Department of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago
MC 847, Room 130 CSN
840 South Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60612
Telephone: (312) 996-1657
[#17643, renewed 10 March 2025, exp. 7 March 2026]
Cytopathology Fellowship
University of Illinois at Chicago
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
Description: This fellowship is a one-year, ACGME-accredited program that offers advanced training in diagnostic cytopathology, with equal emphasis on gynecologic, non-gynecologic and fine-needle aspiration cytology. The fellow will be expected to work closely with residents rotating through the cytopathology service. The fellow will alternate with residents on the Head and Neck tumor board presentation schedule. The fellow will have increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with level of performance. Strong emphasis will be placed on the integration of cytopathologic findings with corresponding histologic findings and ancillary study results. Diagnostic, research and teaching skills are emphasized in our collegial academic environment. This program would be a good fit for a self-motivated trainee with a strong interest in Cytopathology and a desire to start functioning at the level of a junior faculty member, with the caveat that the fellow will not have signout privileges. Strengths of this program include collegial faculty throughout the department and the opportunity to benefit from interactions with other outstanding departmental laboratories such as Molecular Pathology, Microbiology and Hematopathology/Flow Cytometry. Research projects may be developed according to the interests of the fellow.
ThinPrep technology, including the ThinPrep Imaging System, is utilized in the laboratory. The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Cytopathology Laboratory also performs HPV testing in-house on the Roche COBAS platform, ensuring exposure to molecular techniques and clinical applications with which the cytopathologist needs to be conversant. The fellow will also become familiar with the quality control and quality assurance activities of the laboratory as well as with technical and professional billing considerations. The fellow will have the opportunity to perform superficial fine-needle aspiration biopsies in outpatient and inpatient settings and participate in the assessment of adequacy of image-guided fine-needle aspiration specimens, although these activities are not dependent on the fellow.
Over the course of the fellowship, the fellow will have the opportunity to develop the necessary medical knowledge and interactive skills to communicate effectively with medical professionals and patients. Upon completion of this fellowship program, the fellow should be ready to practice independently in private, commercial or academic settings and be able to meet all competency requirements for the daily practice of cytopathology.
Requirements: Applicants should have passed USMLE Step III and be board-eligible or board-certified in anatomic pathology or combined anatomic and clinical pathology. The applicant must be eligible for a permanent Illinois medical license.
Stipend: Commensurate with level of training. The UIC Graduate Medical Education Office ( posts specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Application: Email (preferred) or send curriculum vitae, personal statement and completed College of American Pathologists (CAP) Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application to Dr. Odile David, Cytopathology Fellowship Program Director.
Three letters of reference should be forwarded to:
Odile David, MD
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago
840 S. Wood Street, Room 130 CSN
Chicago, IL 60612
[#16511, renewed 26 July 2024, exp. 27 October 2025]
University of Illinois at Chicago
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026
The ACGME accredited hematopathology fellowship at the university of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago is a one-year program, designed to provide eligibility for the American Board of Pathology specialized examination in hematology.
The Medical Center is a 470-bed, tertiary care, university hospital, which supports an active bone marrow/peripheral blood stem cell transplantation service. The fellowship program includes both diagnostic and investigative hematopathology. The fellows will be exposed to the full range of diagnostic hematopathology including bone marrow biopsy and aspirate morphology, lymph node biopsy interpretation, body fluid and peripheral blood smear morphology, flow cytometric immunophenotyping using a 10-color flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology, cytogenetics, coagulation, hemoglobinopathies, and hematology instrumentation.
There is a formal hematopathology didactic lecture series and structured electives in molecular diagnostics, cytogenetics, and coagulation. Presentation of cases at hospital-wide clinicopathologic conferences, supervision of residents, as well as teaching medical students and residents are expected. Participation in research projects and a range of scholarly activities are required.
The candidate must be Board eligible or certified in either clinical pathology, anatomic pathology or clinical and anatomic pathology.
The stipend is commensurate with the PGY year of training.
Prepare the following items in an application package:
- Current CV
- Personal statement
- Three letters of recommendation
- USMLE scores 1, 2 and 3
Submit application package via email to:
Ms. Rafaela Guillen
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Pathology
Telephone: (312) 996-1657
Address letters of reference to:
Ms. Rafaela Guillen
Hematopathology Fellowship Program Coordinator
Department of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago
Room 130 CSN
840 South Wood Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Telephone: (312) 996-1657
[#17642, renewed 10 March 2025, exp. 7 March 2026]
University of Illinois at Chicago
Oncologic - Surgical Pathology Fellowship
(1) Opening for 2026-2027
Program Length: 1 year
Site: University Illinois Hospital, Chicago
Surgical Pathology (Oncologic and Selective) Fellowship Director: Vijayalakshmi (Viju) Ananthanarayanan, MBBS, MD, FCAP
Eligibility: Individuals who are eligible to take ABP Anatomical Pathology Examination or have passed the American Board of Pathology Anatomical Pathology Examination and/or have already completed at least one year of fellowship in another area of Pathology are eligible for the fellowship program in oncologic surgical pathology. The training program expects candidates to have the knowledge and skills to function as a beginning general surgical pathologist, to be able to diagnose benign disease processes. Candidates must have the skills, knowledge, and most importantly good judgement in knowing the boundaries of their knowledge and skill, so as to seek consultation when there is a discordance in diagnoses (malignancy encountered).
Fellowship trainees will have the opportunity to trail in at least two of the four subspecialty areas at UIC: Breast, Genitourinary-Gynecologic, Gastrointestinal-Hepatobiliary and Head-Neck-Endocrine-Pulmonary with instruction in examination of complex cancer resections, diagnosis, staging, testing to determine therapeutic options, complications of cancer therapy and recurrent disease. Fellows are expected to perform an analysis of a problem encountered in oncologic surgical pathology, an unusual case or a series of cases with literature review. S/he will present this analysis at the Pathology Department Grand Rounds.
The program will provide advanced training and in-depth experience in different facets of oncologic surgical pathology. It also prepares them for a career in either academics or private practice. A large volume of surgical and consultation material provides an opportunity for the development of proficiency in the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases and precursor lesions, including complications of therapy and transplant pathology. No less than 24 weeks and a maximum of 36 weeks is designated for oncologic surgical pathology training. Fellows will participate in the subspecialty services with senior pathologists, assist in the gross examination of complex specimens, documentation, diagnoses, and reporting of findings in the EMR and communicating directly with services caring for each patient.
Fellows will have the opportunity for graduated sign-out responsibilities in general, non-oncologic pathology, primarily tissue specimens categorized as 88300, 88302, 88304 and some 88035. Cases will be assigned so that a fellow is able to become comfortable with being responsible with a full workload. The time designated for this activity will be no less than 12 weeks to a maximum of 24 weeks.
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Address letter of interest indicating your interest in the Oncologic-Surgical Pathology fellowship program with curriculum vitae to:
Beverly Tousana
Medical Education Program Coordinator
Department of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago (MC 847)
840 S. Wood Street, Suite 130 CSN
Chicago, IL 60612
Telephone: (312) 996-3879
[#17662, renewed 12 March 2025, exp. 24 June 2026]
Fellowships in surgical pathology are offered by the University of Illinois College of Medicine. This is a re-organization of the fellowship program for UIC.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
(0) Openings for 2025-2026
(1) Opening for 2026-2027
The fellowship in surgical pathology at University of Illinois Medical Center is for one year. This fellowship is designed for postgraduates with excellent skills in surgical pathology who wish to develop expertise both in general surgical pathology as well as a subspecialty area such as breast, renal, liver, ophthalmologic, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal disease and who also have an interest in medical education. Fellows will work with faculty and teaching pathologist assistants in optimizing workflow, frozen section, biopsy adequacy assessment, tumor banking and teaching residents gross diagnosis and dissection. The fellows will also be responsible for reviewing and independently diagnosing all cases received by the department of Pathology's outreach program. Fellows may also elect to review and sign-out with subspecialty pathologists, liver, dermatology, renal, and/or gastrointestinal cases. One course, in clinical/ translational research is given over the course of one year. UICOM is one of two medical schools in the US with a department of medical education and the department of pathology shares faculty and courses with this department. A stellar candidate may wish to combine renal pathology training or course work in medical education to prepare the candidate for subspecialty renal pathology or directorship of a pathology residency program and / or overseeing medical student education.
The University of Illinois Medical Center is a 491-bed, tertiary care, university hospital, which receives 18,000 surgical pathology cases yearly. The center has one of the largest kidney and liver transplant services in the US, as well as a large gastrointestinal and liver service. The surgical pathology service includes both eye and skin pathology for the medical center. Resources for diagnostic and research activities include immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, laser capture microdissection, tissue microarrays and molecular pathology. Each fellow receives two (2) months of elective time.
Applicants should have completed four years of training in a combined AP/CP residency or three years in AP, USMLE Step 3 and must be eligible for a permanent Illinois license.
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Address letter of interest indicating your interest in the Selective (Surgical) Pathology fellowship program with curriculum vitae to:
Vijayalakshmi (Viju) Ananthanarayanan, MBBS, MD, FCAP
Surgical Pathology (Oncologic and Selective) Fellowship Director
c/o Beverly Tousana, Anatomical Pathology Education Coordinator
Department of Pathology
University of Illinois at Chicago (MC 847)
840 S. Wood Street, Suite 130 CSN
Chicago, IL 60612
Telephone: (312) 996-3879
[#16592, renewed 14 August 2024, exp. 21 August 2025]
Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Surgical Pathology Fellowship 2026-27
The goal of this program is to provide one year of advanced training in surgical pathology through exposure to a wide range of diverse cases at an academic medical center. The trainee will actively participate in all aspects of surgical pathology, including in-house and consultation cases, as well as participation in an active frozen section service. The case material (approximately 100,000 cases) is enriched in oncology, transplantation-related and GI specimens that originate from 10+ hospitals. There is subspecialty sign-out in all surgical subspecialties, including GI/hepatobiliary, GU, GYN, breast, head & heck, bone and soft tissue, peds, and medical kidney pathology that are available as electives (total of 5 months electives). Attendance at teaching conferences, including a daily consensus conference and tumor boards, is expected. Participation in research projects is encouraged.
Candidates must have completed an AP or AP/CP pathology residency and hold (or be eligible for) a medical license in the state of Indiana.
M. Amin Mustafa MD, Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship; Andres Acosta, MD; Muhammad Ahmad, MD; Shaoxiong Chen MD, PhD; Katrina Collins MD; Sam Franks, MD; Ivan Gonzalez, MD; Shunhua Guo, MD; Tieying Hou, MB; Muhammad Idrees, MD; Varsha Nair, MD; Nikolay Popnikolov, MD, PhD; Mohammed Saad, MD; Omer Saeed, MD; Sheila Segura, MD; Brandon Umphress, MD; Xiaoyan Wang MD, PhD; Laura Warmke, MD Dongwei Zhang, MD, PhD
A standardized CAP fellowship application, curriculum vitae, personal statement and three letters of reference are required. Please address inquires to:
Cailin Harris
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Indiana University School of Medicine
[#16763, posted 16 September 2024, exp. 16 September 2025]
Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027
The Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship Training Program at Indiana University School of Medicine has two openings for 2026-27. This fellowship provides comprehensive training in all aspects of genitourinary pathology. Upon completing the program, the fellow will be prepared to assume a role as a subspecialty consultant in genitourinary pathology whether in an academic or private practice setting. The program is approved as a non-ACGME accredited fellowship by the Indiana University Graduate Medical Education Committee. The Division of Genitourinary Pathology is currently responsible for the handling of all adult genitourinary clinical material from the IU Health system in Indianapolis (University Hospital, Methodist Hospital, IU Health North and IU Health West) and personal consultations received by the faculty. The GU service is currently the busiest of all the surgical pathology sign out services and provides the fellows with the opportunity to develop the ability to handle a large and diverse case load in an efficient and accurate manner. Currently, we have three fellow positions each year.
Applicants must have completed two years of accredited anatomic pathology training and be eligible for a medical license in the State of Indiana.
Stipends are commensurate with the years of postgraduate training in pathology.
Muhammad Idrees MD, Program Director; Katrina Collins MD; Thomas Ulbright MD; Andres Acosta MD; Varsha Nair, MD; Mohammed Saad, MD; Giovanna Giannico, MD
Standard CAP fellowship application, curriculum vitae, personal statement and 3 letters of recommendation should be submitted by email. Please address inquiries to:
Muhammad Idrees, MD
Program Director
Indiana University School of Medicine
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
IU Health Pathology Laboratory
350 W. 11th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Letters should be emailed to:
Noel Stewart
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Indiana University School of Medicine
[#17324, renewed 8 January 2025, exp. 11 January 2026]
Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-28
Applications are currently being accepted for 2027-28 fellowship positions in the Division of Hematopathology of Indiana University School of Medicine.
This ACGME-accredited hematopathology fellowship is a one-year program, which offers comprehensive training in hematopathology. The diagnostic service covers adult and pediatric hematopathology with a wide variety of specimens such as bone marrows, lymph nodes, spleens and other tissues encompassing both benign and malignant disorders. The fellowship offers an environment of continuous learning with graduated responsibility to handle over 7000 designated hematopathology tissue and independent flow cytometry specimens. The fellowship also includes rotations in general laboratory hematology, hemoglobin electrophoresis, cytometry, cytogenetics and molecular genetic pathology including next generation sequencing, and coagulation. Dedicated elective months are provided for clinically oriented research and additional diagnostic exposure particularly in the area of neoplastic hematopathology. Fellows interact with multidisciplinary teams to guide patient management. Fellows actively participate in educating and mentoring medical students and residents. The fellowship also enhances medical director skills through direct participation in laboratory inspections for accreditation.
Our hematopathology service is centralized in an independent core pathology laboratory located on the beautiful Indianapolis Central Canal and Cultural Trail. The clinical material is derived from the academic IU Health system-based hospitals and affiliated laboratories, Riley Hospital for Children, Eskenazi Health, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, and other community-based private practices. Our fellows learn from a diverse patient population including complex specimens from academic practices, NCI designated cancer centers with specialty clinics such as myeloma and bone marrow transplant and from various community settings preparing one for a successful career in academic and private practice. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment primarily by recognizing and respecting an individual’s uniqueness.
Requirements: Fellows are accepted for a training period of one year and must be Board eligible or certified in anatomic and/or clinical pathology.
Stipends: Salary levels are commensurate with the candidate's training and experience.
Applications: The ACGME-accredited Hematopathology Fellowship at IU School of Medicine participates in the National Resident Matching Program(NRMP) We comply with guidelines set by the Society for Hematopathology. A standardized CAP fellowship application, curriculum vitae, personal statement and three letters of reference are required. Please address inquiries to:
Noel Stewart
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Indiana University School of Medicine
Rohit Gulati, MBBS
Program Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Med
350 W. 11th Street, Room 5034
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Telephone: (317) 274-1637
[#17440, renewed 30 January 2025, exp. 3 February 2026]
Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Microbiology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-27
Indiana University School of Medicine is now accepting applications to the Medical Microbiology Fellowship for the year 2026-27. This ACGME-accredited program provides advanced subspecialty training in medical microbiology. Comprehensive training is provided in bacteriology, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, anaerobic bacteriology, molecular diagnostics, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, serology and virology. Fellows also participate in an active infectious disease pathology service, providing rapid diagnosis of a variety of infectious agents. The trainee will be an active participant in management of the laboratories and consults with clinicians relative to use of the laboratory and interpretation of results. During the one year fellowship, the trainee is expected to pursue a research project with the opportunity for multiple projects throughout the year if the fellow wishes. Examples of research interests include antimicrobial susceptibility testing, infections in immunocompromised patients, fungal infections including pneumocystis, rapid test methods, laboratory instrumentation, and molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases. State-of-the-art diagnostic methods include: microbial identification by nucleic acid amplification, MALDI-TOF MS, and molecular detection of antimicrobial resistance. Laboratory automation has also been implemented and an expansion is ongoing.
Candidates must have completed training requirements for CP or AP/CP Pathology residency and must hold (or be eligible for) a permanent license to practice medicine in the State of Indiana. Alternatively, applicants may hold a primary certificate plus a subspecialty certificate in Infectious Diseases from another member medical specialty board of the ABMS (e.g. Internal Medicine or Pediatrics).
Christopher Emery, MD Fellowship Director; T. Davis MD, PhD; JP Lavik, MD, PhD;
R. Relich PhD; K Gavina, PhD; H Khan, PhD
The CAP standard fellowship application, curriculum vitae, personal statement and 3 letters of reference should be submitted (preferably by email) to:
Noel Stewart
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Indiana University School of Medicine
[#16609, renewed 16 August 2024, exp. 30 July 2025]
Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Our program offers a one-year accredited fellowship at the University of Iowa Health Care. DeGowin Blood Center provides on-site transfusion, donor center, therapeutic apheresis (including cellular therapy collections) and cell therapy processing services to a 1094-bed university tertiary care hospital including an affiliated children’s hospital. Daily experience is provided in blood donor selection and reaction management, blood banking serology, compatibility testing and selection of special products (e.g., crossmatch compatible platelets), therapeutic and donor apheresis, neonatal transfusion, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and other cellular therapies including CAR-T, and surgical tissue banking. Administrative and regulatory aspects of transfusion medicine are integrated in the curriculum. Additional off-site rotations provide education on HLA testing, community blood center operations, and community hospital transfusion practices. Fellows have opportunities to teach and present at clinical conferences. A variety of clinical research opportunities is available.
UIHC is a comprehensive center for the treatment of patients with hemoglobinopathies and a level 1 trauma center. We are the state’s only academic medical institution and thus serve as a tertiary referral center for a large catchment area including portions of neighboring states. The case mix includes abundant examples of routine and rare diagnoses.
Applications will be accepted from individuals who are board eligible or board certified in Pathology or another ABMS member board.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Annette Schlueter, MD, PhD
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 356-0370
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation that include 1 from your Residency Program Director and 2 from additional faculty, USMLE test results (steps 1, 2, and 3), copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer
Fellowship and Extern Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: (319) 356-0319
Fax: (319) 384-9613
Applications will be accepted until fellowship position is filled.
Please visit our website for additional information: BB/TM fellowship.
[#16176, renewed 23 May 2024, exp. 13 August 2025]
Breast Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Breast Surgical Pathology Fellowship at the University of Iowa is a one-year program designed to build expertise in Breast Surgical Pathology. The University of Iowa is a tertiary medical center with a robust NAPBC-accredited Breast Health Center offering advanced multidisciplinary care to patients. Our Breast Health Center is part of Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, the only NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center in Iowa, with 4 breast oncologic surgeons, 4 breast oncologists and a busy breast imaging center. The Department of Pathology examines over 1,900 breast specimens annually, including in-house biopsies, resections, and consultation cases.
The fellowship offers intensive educational exposure to breast specimens, encompassing benign lesions, high-risk lesions and malignant breast diseases of varying levels of complexity. Cases include post-neoadjuvant therapy resections, common and rare entities as well as challenging extra-mural consultations. The fellow will present at our weekly multidisciplinary breast Tumor Board and will participate in our educational conferences. It is the intention of the program to involve the fellow in case sign out later in the year and acting as a junior faculty member assuming certain guidelines are met. This fellowship represents the “Breast track” within our larger Surgical Pathology Fellowship and the fellow will rotate through preliminary diagnosis (‘hot seat’) and a busy frozen section service. There is flexibility in scheduling to accommodate individual interests as patient care and service requirements allow. Research is highly encouraged with various opportunities for clinical translational research and collaborative projects. Teaching and collaborative opportunities are available through continued interactions with the Multidisciplinary Breast Surgery Fellow.
The goal of the program is to graduate well-rounded, independent surgical pathologists, able to excel in an academic or community practice setting.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Amani Bashir, MBBS
Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Breast Surgical Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 467-5706
Laila Dahmoush, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Pathology
Telephone: (319) 356-4440
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer, BBA
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
[#16303, renewed 17 June 2024, exp. 15 September 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The fellowship includes in-depth training in cytopathology with active involvement in a hospital based fine needle aspiration (FNA) service including performance of FNA's in a pathology based FNA clinic and an onsite adequacy assessment service with pathologists attending FNA's performed under radiologic imaging or endoscopic guidance. Fellows are actively involved in all aspects of the cytopathology service including a full spectrum of gynecologic and non-gynecologic cytology specimens. It is the aim of the UIHC cytopathology fellowship to provide the trainee with the in-depth knowledge and competence necessary for the practice of pathology with specialty expertise in cytopathology. Fellows will have opportunity to gain the experience and knowledge of the practice of cytopathology necessary for oversight and administration of a cytopathology laboratory. Fellows who wish to pursue an academic career can receive the depth and breadth of training necessary to pursue an academic career with specialty expertise in cytopathology.
Applications will be accepted from residents who have had two to four years of straight anatomic pathology training and from residents who have three to four years of combined anatomic and clinical pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Laila Dahmoush, MBChB
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 356-4440
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE (3) scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer
Fellowship and Extern Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: (319) 356-0319
Fax: (319) 384-9613
Applications will be accepted until fellowship positions are filled.
Please visit our website for additional information by clicking here.
[#16151, renewed 20 May 2024, exp. 25 August 2025]
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Unexpected Opening for 2025-2026
The University of Iowa offers a one-year accredited fellowship in molecular genetic pathology (MGP). The fellowship program entails a broad educational experience in both traditional and leading-edge technologies combined with knowledgeable and friendly faculty and staff providing a unique training experience in all areas of molecular pathology. The Molecular Pathology Laboratory serves as the primary site for molecular testing of neoplastic and genetic diseases from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as well as for regional, national and international clients. We have over 50 diagnostic tests utilizing various methods including next generation sequencing by synthesis (Ion Torrent and Illumina systems), droplet digital PCR, real-time PCR, Sanger sequencing, traditional and capillary electrophoresis, Southern blotting, and optical genome mapping. The MGP fellowship includes seven months of hands-on training in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory with special emphasis on molecular oncology and genetics. Another two and half months are spent predominantly in the Genetics Division of the Department of Pediatrics. This block includes one month of general genetics, two weeks of specialty genetics rotations in the cancer center and neurology clinics and one month of cytogenetics training. The Cytogenetics Laboratory will provide exposure to traditional cytogenetics, FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization using microarray technology. During these rotations the fellow learns the role of an attending physician, with levels of responsibility and supervision appropriate for the level of training and experience. The fellow is also exposed to administrative and management aspects of directing a molecular diagnostics laboratory. The remaining two and half months are spent on test development in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory or on basic research projects in any one of numerous laboratories associated with the program. The fellows are encouraged to use this time to obtain data for publications.
Applications will be accepted from residents who are MD or MD/PhD and have ACGME-accredited residency training in Pathology (AP/CP, AP, or CP).
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Deqin Ma, MD, PhD
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 384-5700
Application Process:
Please email the contact below for further application information:
Fellowship Program Coordinator
University of Iowa Department of Pathology
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Applications will be accepted until fellowship position is filled.
Please visit our website for additional information by clicking here: Molecular Genetic Fellowship | Graduate Medical Education (
[#16143, renewed 16 May 2024, exp. 13 August 2025]
Gastrointestinal Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2027-2028
This one-year program is designed to provide an advanced, intensive educational experience in Gastrointestinal Surgical Pathology. The fellowship emphasizes graduated responsibility and includes a significant component of independent fellow signout. The fellow will also present at our 4 GI Tumor Boards (Colorectal, Hepatobiliary, GI-Neuroendocrine Oncology, Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy) and will be integral to our weekly, pathologist-driven GI-Liver Biopsy Multidisciplinary Teaching Conference. This fellowship represents the "GI track" within our larger Surgical Pathology Fellowship, and the fellow will also rotate through 4-months of Surgical Pathology, with Hot Seat, Frozen Section, and Consults rotations. Research is strongly encouraged, and our faculty are highly motivated to mentor trainees in clinical and translational projects.
We have over 50,000 Surgical Pathology accessions each year, including >10,000 in-house GI cases and >500 extramural consultations. GI Pathology handles all in-house and consult tubal gut, pancreatobiliary, and liver surgical pathology cases, including a large pediatric volume. We also have an active liver transplant program. Members of our diverse GI Pathology faculty direct the Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry Laboratory, sign out on the Molecular Pathology Service, run a basic science laboratory, and participate in the nation's first and only neuroendocrine tumor SPORE.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Rostislav Ranguelov, M.D.
Co-Director, GI Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 356-3264
Andrew M. Bellizzi, M.D.
Co-Director, GI Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 356-4436
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer, BBA
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
[#16985, renewed 23 October 2024, exp. 10 November 2025]
Genitourinary Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) is offering a one-year Genitourinary (GU) Pathology Fellowship with advanced training in diagnostic urologic pathology, starting July 1, 2025.
We receive 50,000 surgical pathology specimens each year, including 3000 GU specimens, encompassing urinary bladder, prostate, kidney, testicular and penile biopsies and resections. In addition, we receive consultations from the affiliated Veterans Hospital and extramural consultations. We have an active group of 6 GU oncologic surgeons, 2 GU oncologists, who are part of the NCI-designated Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The fellowship is designed to prepare the fellow to practice as a consultant in GU pathology in an academic or private practice setting. The fellow will review in-house cases, consultation cases and participate in frozen sections of urology specimens. It is the intention of the program to involve the fellow in case sign out later in the year, acting as junior faculty member assuming certain guidelines are met.
The fellow is expected to present at the multidisciplinary GU Tumor Board, to actively participate in resident teaching and is strongly encouraged to pursue research projects. The university of Iowa is considered a national leader in diagnosing and treatment of bladder cancer, providing ample research opportunities.
This fellowship represents the “GU track” within our larger Surgical Pathology Fellowship and will include rotations in preliminary diagnosis (hot seat) and a busy frozen section service. Opportunities to rotate on other subspecialty areas in surgical pathology will be available.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Laila Dahmoush, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Pathology and Urology
Director, Genitourinary Surgical Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 356-4440
Amani Bashir, MBBS
Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology
Telephone: (319) 467-5706
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer, BBA
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
[#16778, renewed 18 September 2024, exp. 15 September 2025]
Gynecologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
This one-year fellowship is designed to build expertise in Gynecologic Surgical Pathology, emphasizing graduated responsibility and including a component of independent fellow sign out. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics is the largest center in the state for Gynecologic Oncology patient care, with six Gynecologic Oncology surgeons, weekly Tumor Boards, and 6000 gyn-specific surgical cases, including cases from busy vulvovaginal disease and colposcopy clinics, as well as a high-risk OB/NICU with an additional 1200 perinatal surgical cases per year.
The fellow will participate in work-up of in-house gynecologic pathology cases as well as extramural consultation cases. This fellowship represents the "Gyn track" within our larger Surgical Pathology Fellowship, and the fellow will garner strong general skills rotating through high-volume Hot Seat and Frozen Section services. There is flexibility in scheduling to accommodate individual interests in other subspecialties. Research is supported and highly encouraged with various opportunities for clinical translational research as well as collaborative projects with our Gynecologic Oncology colleagues.
The University of Iowa is a tertiary medical center with an NCI-designated CoC/ACS-accredited Cancer Center and advanced multidisciplinary patient care. We have over 50,000 Surgical Pathology accessions each year, as well as a strong Cytopathology program with over 10,000 gynecologic Pap tests per year.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Megan Samuelson, MD
Clinical Associate Professor of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology
Director, Gynecologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 353-6796
Dan Griffin, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology
Telephone: (319) 467-6175
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer, BBA
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
[#16780, renewed 18 September 2024, exp. 15 September 2025]
Head and Neck Surgical Pathology Fellowship
University of Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at the University of Iowa offers a 1-year fellowship in Head and Neck Surgical Pathology. The fellowship is designed to give in-depth experience in head & neck pathology to prepare the candidate for future work in either an academic head and neck pathology setting or in community practice with strong proficiency in head and neck pathology. It is the intention of the program to involve the fellow in case sign out later in the year and acting as a junior faculty member assuming certain guidelines are met.
The Department of Pathology serves the 800-bed University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics providing a rich variety of over 2350 head and neck pathology cases from the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the Department of Oral Surgery and Hospital Dentistry. The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is consistently in the top 10 training programs in the country. We receive consultative material from the affiliated Iowa City Veterans Hospital. The fellowship includes rotations in head and neck focused cytopathology and a CLIA-certified Molecular Pathology Laboratory. Head and neck rotations will include review of a diverse mix of cases (biopsies, minor and major otorhinolaryngologic resections for nonneoplastic and oncologic conditions) and material from referred patients. The fellow will work up cases from our national Consult service in head and neck pathology and work closely with colleagues in Oral Pathology in the University College of Dentistry where there is abundant cross-sharing and viewing of odontogenic cases. The department has a very strong cytopathology program providing the fellow exposure to cytologic diagnoses in head and neck. The fellowship represents the head and neck pathology track within our larger Surgical Pathology fellowship and includes rotations in preliminary diagnosis (‘hot seat’), and a busy frozen section service. Opportunities to rotate on other subspecialty areas in surgical pathology will be available.
The Head and Neck fellow will have a major role in presentations and participation in the weekly Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Head & Neck Tumor Board. The fellow will be expected to develop a clinical translational research project at the direction of a faculty member. The Department can support studies in molecular techniques, immunohistochemistry, or case review.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Anand Rajan KD MBBS MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Director, Head and Neck Surgical Pathology Fellowship Track
Telephone: (319) 353-6541
Robert A. Robinson MD PhD
Professor and Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology
Telephone: (319) 356-4163
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation, USMLE scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer, BBA
Fellowship and Extern Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: (319) 356-0319
Fax: (319) 384-9613
[#16779, renewed 18 September 2024, exp. 15 September 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Opening for 2026-2027
Program: Our ACGME accredited fellowship includes one year of clinical training in the practice of hematopathology. Five hematopathologists provide excellent training which includes bone marrow pathology, surgical hematopathology (lymph nodes, spleens), laboratory hematology/coagulation, flow cytometry, molecular pathology, and cytogenetics/FISH. Fellows have opportunities to teach and present at clinical conferences. A variety of observational and clinical pathologic studies can be pursued during the year.
Applications will be accepted from residents who anticipate completing one of the following by the start of the fellowship:
• A minimum of two years of straight anatomic or clinical pathology training
• A minimum of three years of combined anatomic and clinical pathology training
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Carol Holman, MD PhD
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 356-3981
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school Dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation that include one from the pathology residency director and two additional faculty, USMLE(3) scores, copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
200 Hawkins Drive, C684 GH
Iowa City, IA 52242
University of Iowa participates in the NRMP Match for the Hematopathology Fellowship.
Interviews will begin in January 2025. Match rank order list due by April 16, 2025.
Match day is April 30, 2025.
Please visit our website for additional information:
[#16137, renewed 16 May 2024, exp. 16 August 2025]
Medical Microbiology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
We offer a one year ACGME-accredited program in medical microbiology. Our program has a tradition of excellence in medical education and provides an environment of active learning that fosters not only intellectual curiosity and collaboration, but also a commitment to teaching and patient care.
Priority will be given to applicants with certification in clinical pathology (successful completion of ACGME-accredited training program in CP, AP/CP). Trainees with infectious diseases or other relevant background who intend to pursue a career including laboratory directorship will also be considered.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The website of the Graduate Medical Education Office ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Bradley Ford, Ph.D., M.D.
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 356-2990
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation that include 1 from the Director of your Residency Program and 2 additional faculty, USMLE(3) scores (steps
1, 2, and 3), copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer
Fellowship and Extern Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: (319) 356-0319
Fax: (319) 384-9613
Applications will be accepted until fellowship position is filled.
Please visit our website for additional information by clicking here.
[#16142 renewed 16 May 2024, exp. 13 August 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Iowa City, Iowa
Up to 4 Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
This one-year program, in existence since 1986 with over 100 graduates, is designed to provide an advanced, intensive educational experience in General Surgical Pathology, with the opportunity to develop additional subspecialty expertise. Core rotations include Hot Seat, Frozen Section, Gross Room, and Consults. The fellowship emphasizes graduated responsibility, and there is opportunity for independent sign out of cases. Fellows are also integral in Tumor Boards and have ample opportunities to teach. Research is encouraged, and our faculty is highly motivated to mentor trainees in clinical and translational projects. At completion, the successful fellow will demonstrate the knowledge, poise, maturity, and communication skills to effectively function at the level of junior staff/faculty.
Applications will be accepted from residents who will have had three years of straight Anatomic Pathology training or four years of combined Anatomic and Clinical Pathology training. Board eligible applicants are preferred.
Stipends and Benefits:
Commensurate with level of training. The Graduate Medical Education Office website ( contains specific information regarding stipends and benefits.
Amani Bashir, MBBS
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (319) 467-5706
Application Process:
Please send or email a cover letter, CAP Standardized Pathology Fellowship Application, current curriculum vitae, personal statement, medical school dean's letter, 3 letters of recommendation that include one from the pathology residency director and two additional faculty, USMLE scores (steps 1, 2, and 3), copy of ECFMG certificate (if applicable), copy of permanent visa (if applicable), and copy of
medical school diploma to:
Donna Palmer
Fellowship and Extern Coordinator
Department of Pathology (C684 GH)
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
Telephone: (319) 356-0319
Fax: (319) 384-9613
Please visit our website for additional information by clicking here.
[#16330, renewed 21 June 2024, exp. 13 August 2025]
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
This one-year, ACGME accredited program is designed to provide extensive training in all aspects of blood banking/transfusion medicine including management of tertiary/quaternary hospital-based transfusion services, reviewing all transfusion-related clinical and technical problems, such as serological test interpretation, blood component selection, transfusion reaction diagnosis, and coagulation test interpretation, covering inpatient and outpatient apheresis service, medical oversight of collection and processing of stem cells and blood components.
The fellow will rotate in three sites, including the University of Kansas Health System (TUKH), Children's Mercy Hospital (CMH) and Community Blood Center (CBC). TUKH, the major rotation site, transfuses over 30,000 units of blood products, carries out almost 100,000 serological tests and performs over 2,500 apheresis treatments and stem cell collections every year. As a comprehensive pediatric hospital, CMH transfuses more than 9,000 units, and performs over 32,000 tests and 250 apheresis procedures annually. Affiliated with New York Blood Center, CBC provides more than 180,000 units of blood products to nearly 60 area hospitals and almost 1,000 apheresis treatments every year, as well as donor testing activities in an FDA-licensed cGMP testing environment.
The fellow is required to participate in TUKH Transfusion Stewardship Committee Meeting and the Blood Bank Monthly Leadership Meeting, teach pathology residents and medical students and conduct a research project. Presentation of research findings at a national conference is encouraged.
Applicants must be Board certified or eligible in Internal Medicine, Hematology, Clinical and/or Anatomic Pathology or Anesthesiology and must have, or be eligible for an unrestricted license to practice medicine in Kansas and Missouri.
Applications for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic years are currently being accepted.
Applications must consist of the following:
1. Completed Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships (Word)
2. Current CV
3. Personal statement
4. Three letters of recommendation (addressed to Dr. Zhan Ye, M.D., PhD)
5. USMLE or COMLEX Transcript of Scores
Send completed applications to:
Hannah Messer, Fellowship Coordinator
University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS 3045 Kansas City, KS 66160
Telephone: (913) 945-7063
Fax: (913) 588-7073
[#17402, renewed 24 January 2025, exp. 12 April 2026]
Surgical / Selective Pathology Fellowship
This one-year accredited program is designed to provide advanced training in all major aspects of diagnostic surgical pathology including: Breast, Head and Neck, Endocrine, Gynecologic, Gastrointestinal/Pancreatic, Liver, Thoracic, Genitourinary, Bone and Soft Tissue and Heart.
The program also offers elective concentrated training in chosen subspecialties to further the fellow’s interests and career goals.
Over 51,000 in-house surgical specimens are evaluated each year. The University of Kansas has a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center serving a complex patient population.
Fellows have an in-depth experience with comprehensive case sign-outs, intra-operative/frozen section consultations and review of outside consultations. After a training period, fellows are expected to assume graded, sign-out responsibilities under supervision.
Fellows are also required to participate in interdepartmental multidisciplinary tumor conferences and teach pathology residents and medical students. Fellows have the opportunity to participate in clinical research and are encouraged to design and complete a research project.
Candidates must be Board eligible or certified in Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and must have or be eligible for an unrestricted license to practice medicine in Kansas.
The 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 fellowships have filled.
The position for 2027-2028 will start accepting applicants May 1, 2025.
Applications must consist of the following:
- Completed Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships (Word)
- Current CV
- Personal statement
- Three letters of recommendation (addressed to Dr. Rashna Madan, MBBS)
- USMLE or COMLEX Transcript of Scores
Send completed applications to:
Hannah Messer, Fellowship Coordinator
University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS 3045 Kansas City, KS 66160
Telephone: (913) 945-7063
Fax: (913) 588-7073
[#15815, renewed 13 March 2024, exp. 6 June 2025]
Kentucky, University of Louisville - blood bank / transfusion medicine fellowship, openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027 & 2027-2028 [#16937-1, posted 16 October 2024, exp. 16 October 2025]
Kentucky, University of Louisville - cytopathology fellowship, openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027 & 2027-2028 [#16937-2, posted 16 October 2024, exp. 16 October 2025]
Kentucky, University of Louisville - forensic pathology fellowship, openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027 & 2027-2028 [#16937-3, posted 16 October 2024, exp. 16 October 2025]
Kentucky, University of Louisville - surgical pathology fellowship, openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027 & 2027-2028 [#16937-4, posted 16 October 2024, exp. 16 October 2025]
Louisiana State University Health - Shreveport
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027, 2027-2028
Number of appointments per year - 2
We are currently accepting applications for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 fellowship positions.
The Department of Pathology offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in cytopathology. The LSU Cytopathology laboratory receives approximately 12,000 gynecologic cases per year and 2,500 non gynecologic cases per year, including fluids, FNAs, EUS-FNAs, and pulmonary EBUS FNAs. Fellows perform rapid on site evaluations and participate in signing out all types of cytopathology cases. The curriculum is designed to provide advanced training in the daily practice of cytopathology, laboratory management, and preparation for cytopathology board examination. Fellows will receive hands on training with palpation guided and ultrasound guided FNA. Fellows will have an opportunity to teach cytopathology skills to pathology residents and medical students and present at multidisciplinary tumor boards. Our program offers an option for 2 months of elective rotations in subspecialty areas of surgical pathology, clinical pathology, or research. The fellow will participate in ongoing quality improvement projects, clinical studies, or research with presentation of project results at the annual departmental Albert G. Smith Research Forum. Additionally, continuing medical education webinars are provided from the American Society of Cytopathology as well as objective evaluations through the American Society of Cytopathology Progressive Evaluation of Competency exam.
Requirements: Candidates must be AP or AP/CP board eligible or board certified.
Stipends: A $1,250 allowance is provided for textbooks, travel to professional education conferences and conference registration fees. .
Application Materials Required:
Interested candidates can apply by emailing the following materials to the Program Director, Dr. Ashley Flowers, at and Cc'ing the Program Administrator, Angela Davis, at
- A personal statement of interest
- 3 Letters of Recommendation addressed to the Program Director: Dr. Ashley Flowers, MD
- An updated CV
- And the following 2 page application: Click here for application form.
LSUHSC – Shreveport is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
[#17407, renewed 24 January 2025, exp. 9 January 2026]
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Pathology has an opening in the Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship for July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027.
Description: This is a one-year position combining clinical and research experience in Genitourinary Pathology. The material comprises an active urologic pathology consult service, as well as in-house urologic pathology cases, and teaching sets covering the entire spectrum of urological pathology. An additional role of the fellow is participation in research projects covering diverse subjects relating to genitourinary pathology.
Requirements: Any interested candidate who will be board-eligible in AP or AP/CP by July 1 is encouraged to apply. In addition, there may be opportunities for international pathology trainees who have completed pathology residencies and have ECFMG certification if they are citizens of the United States, non-citizen nationals or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
Contact: For additional information, please contact Dr. Andres Matoso:
Andres Matoso, MD
[#15910, renewed 29 March 2024, exp. 6 June 2025]
Johns Hopkins University Medical Center
Renal Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
The Renal Pathology fellowship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is ACGME-accredited for one year. The faculty includes 3 academic nephropathologists and a senior laboratory manager. Our service evaluates a high volume of transplant and non-transplant kidney specimens from both adult and pediatric patients utilizing light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy.
The fellowship is designed to provide graded clinical responsibilities, including independent on-call coverage as the trainee gains experience. Rotations include sessions in laboratory management and quality control, as well as elective time for rotations of interest. The fellow participates in clinical conferences with the Division of Nephrology in the Department of Medicine and the Division of Transplant Surgery in the Department of Surgery. Research is an integral part of the fellowship and may have either a clinical or experimental emphasis, with high potential for interdepartmental collaboration as well. A second non-ACGME accredited year emphasizing research is available on a case by case basis. Faculty research interests include renal transplantation, acute tubular injury, and glomerular disease. The trainee also participates in teaching of medical students, residents, and other trainees.
One position is available per year.
Requirements: MD or MD/PhD, with completion of AP or AP/CP training in an ACGME-accredited residency program (board-eligible or board-certified).
Please send inquiries (email preferred) or application found at Renal Pathology Fellowship | Johns Hopkins Pathology ( to:
Serena M Bagnasco, M.D.
Director, Renal Biopsy Service
Johns Hopkins Medical Institution
Department of Pathology, Pathology 711
600 N. Wolfe Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Telephone: (410) 502-0812
Fax: (410) 614-7100
[#15903, renewed 28 March 2024, exp. 5 April 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
Johns Hopkins Pathology is recruiting for our 2026-2027 advanced surgical pathology fellowship, which offers trainees the opportunity to independently sign out cases in a highly supported setting. Applications may be submitted now and acceptances are on a rolling basis until the program is filled. The fellowship is flexible and may be structured to meet the applicant’s interests (more months of sign-out in areas of interest, fewer in others). See below for more details.
Description: This is a one-year position combining clinical experience in Surgical Pathology. The responsibilities of this position include independent sign-out of surgical pathology cases (in-house and confirming consult), intraoperative frozen section evaluation, resident instruction, oversight of the grossing area, and participation in clinical conferences. Faculty are available for consultation at all hours so the Assistant has as much support as needed. The Assistant also has access to a broad menu of immune-stains, in-situ hybridization, and molecular assays. The fellowship includes 4 months of unstructured elective time which may be used for participation in subspecialty consultation service sign-outs, research, or other professional development activities as well as job interviews and vacation.
Requirements: Any interested candidate who will be board-eligible in AP or AP/CP by July 1 is encouraged to apply. In addition, there may be opportunities for international pathology trainees who have completed pathology residencies and have ECFMG certification if they are citizens of the United States, non-citizen nationals, or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
Interested applicants should apply at:
Don't hesitate to contact Fellowship Director Dr. Argani, at, (410) 614-2428.
[#17157, posted 27 November 2024, exp. 27 November 2025]
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2028
The Department of Transfusion Medicine (DTM) of the NIH Clinical Center, located in Bethesda, Maryland offers an ACGME-accredited, two-year fellowship program in blood banking/transfusion medicine. The DTM is located at the NIH Clinical Center, the nation's premier & largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research. This patient-oriented fellowship provides specialized training for board-eligible or board-certified internists, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, hematologists and pathologists. In the first year, the fellow develops a comprehensive understanding of clinical aspects of BB/TM, serologic & molecular immunohematology, therapeutic and donor apheresis, molecular HLA tissue typing, transfusion-transmitted disease testing, donor recruitment and collection, blood component preparation and therapy, and advanced cell engineering. Fellowship training agreements with Johns Hopkins Hospital and Children's National Medical Center round out the NIH first year fellowship experience. Involvement in a clinical or basic research project is the essence of the second year of fellowship with resources that include state-of-the-art equipment, unparalleled electronic libraries and databases and robust mentorship. The NIH DTM's readily-available faculty is comprised of nationally and internationally recognized leaders in the discipline. The fellowship prepares its graduates to assume leadership positions in renowned academic university medical centers, major blood centers, and the Food and Drug Administration.
Proximity to Washington DC offers the benefits of easy access to 3 international airports, nationally-ranked school systems, numerous museums, theater and cultural activities.
Please contact Leonard Chen, MD, PhD at (301) 435-7969 or send CV and personal statement to to apply.
HHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers. Selection for this position will be based solely on merit, without discrimination for non-merit reasons such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, politics, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap, age or membership, or non-membership in an employee organization. All applicants will be subject to a background investigation.
[#17069, renewed 12 November 2024, exp. 16 February 2026]
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship
2 Openings for 2027-28
We are looking to recruit 2 enthusiastic individuals with the goal of developing well-rounded academic pathologists. Our mission is to cultivate independent thinking in a collegial environment and provide ample research opportunities. If interested, please send a CV, a personal statement and three letters of recommendation to
[#17648, posted 11 March 2025, exp. 11 March 2026]
Massachusetts, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School - blood bank / transfusion medicine fellowship, opening for 2027 [#16802-3, posted 20 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
Massachusetts, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School - hematopathology fellowship, opening for 2027 [#16802-1, posted 20 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
Massachusetts, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School - medical microbiology fellowship, opening for 2027 [#16802-2, posted 20 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
Boston University School of Medicine
Cytopathology Fellowship
Opening 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
Job Description
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Boston Medical Center offers a one- year ACGME accredited Cytopathology fellowship with extensive training and experience in diagnostic cytopathology with exposure to management problems that enables physician to practice in this branch of pathology in academic or private environments. Strengths of this program include a large variety of specimens from an intercity safety net hospital as well as neighborhood health clinics, exposure to ultrasound-guided FNA procedures, ROSE, and cytologic specimen processing, Additional opportunities for participation in Endocrine and Breast tumor boards.
Requirements: Completion of an ACGME certified pathology training in AP or AP/CP. Board Eligible/ Certified and eligible to hold Massachusetts license.
- Applications Materials:
- CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowship
- Three Letters of Recommendations
- Brief Personal Statement
- Most Recent CV
Application Submission:
Daphney Noel
Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Program Manager
Telephone: (617) 414-5314
Sandra Cerda, MD
Cytopathology Fellowship Director
Boston Medical Center
One Boston Medical Center Place
Boston, MA 20118
Telephone: (617) 414-7037
[#14643, posted 19 July 2024, exp. 19 July 2025]
Medical Microbiology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
The Franz Von Lichtenberg Fellowship in Infectious Disease and Molecular Microbiology is an ACGME-accredited one-year training program in Medical Microbiology based at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (an affiliate of Harvard Medical School), with rotations at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and options for elective rotations at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The fellowship is designed to train the next generation of leaders in infectious disease diagnostics and combines the traditional curriculum of medical microbiology (bacteriology, mycology, virology, and parasitology) with hands-on experience in anatomic infectious disease pathology and advanced molecular diagnostics, including pathogen genomics. The curriculum includes formal rotations in all areas of clinical microbiology, molecular diagnostics, and incorporates dedicated time for clinically-related research projects. Trainees review all anatomic cases with infectious etiologies and correlate case findings with clinical microbiology data. Fellows are also directly involved in the use, design and implementation of molecular, phenotypic and computational methods to diagnose infectious diseases, and to gain hands-on knowledge regarding the development and management of clinical workflows. Fellows have opportunities to teach in the microbiology and infectious diseases courses at Harvard Medical School, and in hospital-based conferences with the BWH Infectious Disease Division.
Opportunities for research collaboration with faculty are encouraged and include topics in clinical microbiology, pathogen biology, host-microbiome-pathogen interactions, and immune responses to infectious agents.
Candidates must have successfully completed an ACGME-accredited residency in anatomic and clinical pathology or in clinical pathology, or an ACGME-accredited residency program in internal medicine and an ACGME-accredited fellowship in infectious diseases. Candidates must be eligible for a Massachusetts medical license.
Manfred Brigl MD, Program Director and Director Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Isaac Solomon MD PhD, Associate Program Director
Nicole Pecora MD PhD, Associate Laboratory Director
Sanjat Kanjilal MD MPH
Alvaro C. Laga MD MMSc
Lynn Bry MD PhD
Daniel Solomon, MD
Jeffrey Pearson, PharmD
Applications – Accepting Applications for 2026-2027 academic year
Amanda Nichols
Fellowship Program Manager
Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Pathology
75 Francis Street, Amory 360H
Boston, MA 02115
Telephone: (617) 732-4699
Fax: (617) 278-6934
[#17308, posted 6 January 2025, exp. 6 January 2026]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Tufts Medical Center
Unexpected Opening for 2025-2026
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Tufts Medical Center is accepting applications for a one year ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematopathology starting in July 2025. A wide spectrum of benign and malignant hematologic conditions. Diagnostic modalities include ten color flow cytometry, immunopathology, and molecular diagnostics. The hematology laboratory annually performs more than a million tests and includes special coagulation. Individual interests will be supported. Fellows will be given increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with level of performance throughout the year. Upon graduation fellow is expected to function independently in academic, private, and industry setting.
Requirements: Board eligible/certified in AP, AP/CP, or CP and licensed/eligible for license to practice medicine in Massachusetts at the start of the fellowship.
- Application materials:
- CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships
- 3 Letters of Recommendation
- Updated CV
- Personal statement
Application submission:
Please send completed applications by email to:
Madeline Harrison
Academic Program Coordinator
Telephone: (617) 636-2567
Please address letters of recommendation to:
Monika E. Pilichowska, MD, PhD
Hematopathology Fellowship Director
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, MA 02111
Tufts Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer that fosters diversity and inclusion.
[#17703, posted 19 March 2025, exp. 19 March 2026]
Cytopathology Fellowship: Unexpected Opening for Academic Year 2025-2026
UMass Chan Medical School Department of Pathology
This fellowship is a one-year, ACGME-accredited program that offers advanced training in diagnostic cytopathology, with equal emphasis on gynecologic, non-gynecologic and fine-needle aspiration cytology. In addition to providing excellent training in diagnostic cytopathology skills, this Fellowship offers exposure to multiple areas of importance for Cytopathology: Quality Assurance, ROSE procedures, cytologic processing, and translational research opportunities.
Successful applicants will need a Massachusetts medical license and have successfully passed USMLE STEP 3. The program is located at the University campus in Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester is in central New England, a region with abundant natural and historic beauty, and excellent schools. The campus is approximately one hour from Boston, Providence, Hartford, and Springfield.
The application is available at:
In addition, a CV, brief personal statement, and 3 letters of reference should be submitted by email to:
Robert A. Goulart, MD
Cytopathology Fellowship Director
c/o Denise Santiago, Fellowship Coordinator
[#16855, posted 3 October 2024, exp. 3 October 2025]
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School Department of Pathology
Breast-Gyn Surgical Pathology Fellowship:
Position open for 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Medical Center has an open position for 2026-2027 for its ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Breast and Gynecologic Selective Surgical Pathology. The program provides comprehensive training in pathology of the breast and gynecologic tract, as well as obstetrical pathology, with high specimen volume and active referral service. Upon completion of the program, the fellow will be prepared to assume a role as a subspecialty consultant in breast and gynecologic pathology in either an academic or private practice setting. The program also offers a broad-based academic research program which provides ample opportunities to participate in clinical/translational research, as well as teaching opportunities for those who are interested.
Completion of an AP or AP-CP residency program is required, and applicants should be committed to excellent clinical care in an academic medical center environment with a genuine interest in the subspecialty field. USMLE STEP 3 and a full Massachusetts license will be required to begin the fellowship. The medical center is located in Worcester, Massachusetts, within central New England, a region with abundant natural and historic beauty and excellent schools. The campus is one hour from Boston, Providence, Hartford, and Springfield.
An application (available at, CV, brief personal statement, and 3 letters of reference should be submitted by email to:
Dr. Jennifer Clark, MD, PhD
Program Director
Breast-Gyn Selective Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
UMass Memorial Medical Center
[#17282, posted 26 December 2024, exp. 26 December 2025]
Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Baystate - cytopathology, openings for 2025-26 and 2026-27 [#16631, posted 22 August 2024, exp. 22 August 2025]
Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
Openings for 2026-2027
Description: The Corewell Health William Beaumont Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine fellowship, established in 1979, is a twelve-month ACGME-accredited program at William Beaumont University Hospital, located in Royal Oak, Michigan, is a 1,131-bed facility, which has an AABB and CAP accredited transfusion service that supports a Level 1 trauma center, an expanding solid organ transplant program, and busy OB/GYN and Hem/Onc services. Blood donor center experience is obtained at Versiti Blood, which is a large regional blood center and reference laboratory; exposure to cellular therapy and transfusion medicine aspects of bone marrow transplantation is obtained at Michigan Medicine, an academic medical center. The overall goal of this fellowship is to prepare a physician to become a competent transfusion medicine specialist for any clinical setting; therefore, upon completion of this fellowship the trainee will have learned the essential administrative, laboratory, and clinical expertise to be the medical director of a hospital transfusion service and/or blood donor center.
Prerequisites: Applicants must be eligible to take the American Board of Pathology certifying examination or be certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical Pathology alone from ACGME training obtained in the United States or Canada, or be certified by a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Candidates must also hold a license or be eligible to practice medicine in the State of Michigan.
Stipends: Salary is commensurate with the level of postgraduate training.
Kristina Davis, M.D.
Program Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
William Beaumont University Hospital
3601 West Thirteen Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073-6769
Telephone: (248) 898-3642
[#17064, renewed 7 November 2024, exp. 24 February 2026]
Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital
Chemical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-26 and 2026-27
The Corewell Health William Beaumont Chemical Pathology Fellowship Program is accepting applicants for academic years 2025-26 and 2026-27. The fellowship is based at Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital, a large teaching hospital with over 1,131 beds, and Level I adult trauma and Level II pediatric trauma designation. In addition to serving the hospital, there is a large volume of outpatient and outreach samples. Beaumont University Hospital laboratory, along with seven other hospitals comprising Corewell East, performs approximately 18 million tests annually. The laboratory is well equipped with state-of-the-art automated instruments and is directed by 2 chemical pathologists, 3 PhD clinical chemists, and 1 PhD Immunologist. The fellowship is an ACGME-accredited, one-year training program designed to provide the fellow with an intensive period of training in many aspects of clinical chemistry, laboratory automation, toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, endocrinology, immunology and urinalysis. Fellows will gain experience in laboratory management, quality control and assurance, method evaluation, principles of methods and instrumentation, equipment selection, and use of laboratory tests in the evaluation of disease. The fellow is expected to participate in a research project.
Requirements: Applicants must be eligible to take the American Board of Pathology certifying examination or be certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical Pathology alone from ACGME training obtained in the United States or Canada. They must also hold a license or be eligible to practice medicine in the State of Michigan.
Applications: Please visit our website: for additional information and application.
Caitlin Schein, M.D.
Program Director, Chemical Pathology Fellowship Program
Department of Clinical Pathology
Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak
3601 West Thirteen Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073-6769
Telephone: (248) 551-3872
[#17063, renewed 7 November 2024, exp. 30 November 2025]
Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026
Description: This comprehensive one-year ACGME accredited training program is based in a 1131 bed major academic and referral center with Level I adult trauma and Level II pediatric trauma designation. Our fellowship program accepts one hematopathology fellow yearly. The fellowship program offers subspecialty training in the multiple aspects of diagnostic hematopathology, laboratory hematology and coagulation. Trainees will gain experience in the following: laboratory management in a high-volume hematology laboratory, coagulation consultation for bleeding and thrombotic disease, and detailed interpretation of peripheral blood smears, bone marrow, lymphoid tissues, body fluids (including the appropriate use, integration of immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, cytogenetic/FISH, and molecular genetic data). Training includes dedicated rotations in flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics, and cytogenetics. The fellow will also be expected to participate in medical technologist, medical student, and resident teaching as well as clinical and/or basic research.
Requirements: Applicants must be eligible to take the American Board of Pathology certifying examination or be certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical Pathology alone from ACGME training obtained in the United States or Canada. They must also hold a license or be eligible to practice medicine in the State of Michigan.
Applications: Please visit our website: for additional information and application.
Syed Zaidi, M.D.
Program Director, Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Corewell Health, Royal Oak
3601 W. 13 Mile Rd.
Royal Oak, MI 48073
Telephone: (248) 551-1226
[#15864, renewed 21 March 2024, exp. 3 June 2025]
Michigan, Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan - Various (click for details), openings for 2025, 2026 and 2027
[#17743, renewed 28 March 2025, exp. 3 April 2026]
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Next Opening 2025-2026
The Departments of Pathology and Urology offer a one-year fellowship in genitourinary surgical pathology with emphasis on diagnostic uropathology. This program has both strong clinical and research components. The fellow will act as the primary consultant for the genitourinary pathology service, which handles a wide variety of biopsies and resection specimens from a large, active urology service. The University of Michigan has a federally funded Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in prostate cancer. The fellow is expected to pursue research projects in addition to ongoing clinical and teaching activities. There are many opportunities for basic and applied research through close collaboration with the Urology Division of the Surgery Department, the Comprehensive Cancer Center and Michigan Center for Translational Pathology at the University of Michigan Hospitals.
Major program objectives are to provide fellows with sufficient background to pursue academic careers in genitourinary pathology and to expose them to the interdisciplinary care of patients suffering from genitourinary disease.
• Applicants must be board-certified or eligible in anatomic and/or clinical pathology.
• J-1 visa candidates are not eligible for this position.
• Candidates interested in an academic career are strongly encouraged to apply.
Support is commensurate with the candidate’s level of training.
Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until available positions are filled. Applications will be reviewed once ALL required documents listed below are received:
• Completed fellowship application
• Current CV
• Three letters of recommendation
Applications should be submitted online:
Contact Information:
Inquiries can be directed to:
Angela Wu, MD
Department of Pathology
2800 Plymouth Road, Bldg. 35
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Telephone: (734) 647-0638
[#16984, renewed 23 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Two Openings for 2026
The Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office (WCMEO), in Detroit, Michigan, serves a population of 1,690,000 with complex and previously undiagnosed natural deaths, drug overdoses at the forefront of emerging drug trends, and traumatic deaths including homicides of every type. In partnership with Wayne State University (WSU) and Detroit Medical Center (DMC), WCMEO has created a new one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship for two positions.
Fellows work directly with at least seven forensic pathologists who hold WSU faculty appointments. The office is fully staffed with photographers, medicolegal death investigators, anatomic pathologists’ assistants (APA), autopsy technicians, clerical staff, and IT personnel. Fellow caseloads are capped at 250. Fellows gain experience in courtroom testimony, specialized autopsy techniques, evisceration techniques, photography, crime scene investigation, odontology, anthropology, toxicology, and criminalistics. Newly created rotations focusing on emerging technologies and case trends include trauma radiology and Poison Center.
WCMEO offers a full education that includes didactic and audio lectures, hands-on instruction, tutorials, and manuals. Fellow conferences include morning and afternoon rounds, histology and toxicology unknowns, difficult cases, and Child Death Review. Fellows are encouraged to attend and present at regional and national forensic conferences. Fellows participate in the education of pathology residents, medical students, and APA students through instruction in the autopsy room and case presentations at bimonthly forensic pathology didactic lectures.
The affiliation with WSU / DMC allows for close relationships with many subspecialties, educational programs, and financial support for education and research. WCMEO emphasizes programs in quality, safety and improvement, and research, with the goals of preparing a paper for peer-reviewed publication and completion of a QI/PS project during the fellowship.
We are not participating in the Fellowship Match. Please submit a current CV, letter of interest, and three letters of recommendation to:
Leigh Hlavaty, M.D.
Forensic Pathology Fellowship Director
Wayne County Medical Examiner Office
[#17424, renewed 29 January 2025, exp. 9 February 2026]
Detroit Medical Center / Wayne State University
Hematopathology Fellowship
Two Positions Available for July 2026
Description: The Department of Pathology of Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Detroit Medical Center is accepting applications for a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematopathology with a start date of July 1, 2026. The program is highly competitive and is offering training in adult and pediatric hematopathology, and benign hematology. There are two-fellows in each year alternating on weekly basis in two core rotations: (1) The bone marrow/flow cytometry rotation which includes interpretation of blood smears, body fluids, bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. This rotation also includes interpretation of flow cytometry; (2) The lymph node/consults rotation which handles in-house primary cases and outside primary/secondary consults. The training includes highly specialized and dedicated rotations in flow cytometry, special coagulation, cytogenetics and molecular genetics.
Participation in laboratory management, hospital conferences and medical student teaching is expected. Fellows participate in clinically related research, writing one or more papers.
Requirements: Board eligible or certified in anatomic and clinical pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with year of postgraduate training in accordance with GME policy. Additional book fund and food fund totaling over $3,200.
Applications: Send CV, three letters of recommendation, and letter of interest to:
Ali Gabali, MD, PhD, Professor
Director, Hematopathology Division and Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
Detroit Receiving Hospital
4201 St. Antoine
Detroit, MI 48201
Telephone: (313) 745-3561 or (313) 577-2752
Email: (Must also cc:
[#17366, renewed 15 January 2025, exp. 30 January 2026]
Detroit Medical Center / Wayne State University
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025-26
Description: The Department of Pathology of Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Detroit Medical Center offers a one-year fellowship in surgical pathology beginning July 1, annually. The program is offered at the central campus of the Detroit Medical Center Harper University Hospital, and includes the Karmanos Cancer Institute, Hutzel Women's Hospital and the Children's Hospital of Michigan. The surgical pathology annual workload includes over 35,000 specimens with a heavy concentration in oncologic pathology and many consulations. The fellowship rotations are tailored to the interests of the individual fellow with a minimum of 7-months allocated to the general surgical pathology service. Opportunities exist for elective rotations in GYN, Breast, Luminal GI, Head and Neck, Pediatric Pathology, Hematopathology, Cytopathology, and Neuropathology. Participating in translational research activities is available.
Requirements: Candidates must be board certified or eligible by the American Board of Pathology in AP or AP/CP, and eligible for permanent licensure in the State of Michigan.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the year of pathology postgraduate training as determined by Detroit Medical Center Graduate Medical Education Office.
Applications: Send CV, personal statement, and three letters of reference to:
Fulvio Lonardo, MD
Director Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
c/o Rachael Hone
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology
540 E. Canfield Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
Telephone: (313) 745-2101
[#17117, posted 20 November 2024, exp. 20 November 2025]
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed), offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Forensic Pathology, providing training in a state-of-the-art facility located in Kalamazoo, Michigan and accredited by the National Association of Medical Examiners. The Medical Examiner's Office serves as the medical examiner for 13 counties throughout western Michigan and provides consultant forensic services for several other counties. Our fellow will work alongside six board-certified forensic pathologists, one of whom is also a board-certified neuropathologist, two forensic anthropologists, a forensic toxicologist and a forensic odontologist, while being exposed to a wide-range of challenging medicolegal deaths. Our fellow will also have access to our in-house toxicology laboratory, radiology equipment (including a Lodox® radiographic scanner) and research histology laboratory.
Together, our faculty, team of medicolegal death investigators and autopsy assistants, and partnerships with nearby specialists in forensic entomology, cardiovascular pathology and forensic biology allow us to perform high quality investigations and examinations of a high volume of diverse deaths. Furthermore, our fellow will have regular opportunities to teach medical students, engage in research projects, attend and present at local and national meetings, and actively participate at multi-agency community death reviews.
For more information about our fellowship program or the Medical Examiner's Office, please see our websites at WMed Forensic Pathology Fellowship and If you have any questions regarding our fellowship program, please contact us.
Application Requirements:
• Three letters of recommendation, including a letter from your residency program director
• Personal statement or letter of interest
• Curriculum vitae
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Please send all application documents to
Contact Information:
Patrick Hansma, DO; Program Director
Erica Lee; Program Coordinator
[#17367, renewed 15 January 2025, exp. 26 January 2026]
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Special Coagulation Fellowship
Openings for 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Appropriate management of bleeding and thrombosing disorders (coagulation disorders) requires interdisciplinary collaboration, including coagulation laboratory testing. The Mayo Clinic’s Special Coagulation Laboratory is one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated, comprehensive reference laboratories and performs over 30,000 special coagulation assays a month. The Special Coagulation Laboratory has assembled a multidisciplinary faculty with special expertise in coagulation. This multidisciplinary teamwork provides a synergistic training environment where trainees can develop proficiency in the clinical and laboratory findings necessary for diagnosing and managing an individual’s coagulation defect. The environment also fosters the development of new knowledge and new laboratory test development.
The Mayo Clinic Special Coagulation Laboratory Fellowship will provide superb training to individuals in this subspecialty who will lead this field in the future. During this fellowship you will:
- Participate in the outpatient coagulation clinic
- Participate in interpretive reporting of coagulation test panel results
- Develop reflexive testing algorithm skills
- Prepare your own research and quality project(s)
- Participate in educational opportunities
One position available for each academic year starting immediately, July 2025 and July 2026.
Qualified individuals with a medical degree with U.S. or Canadian training in one of the following programs should apply via the online application system Recruit: Hematopathology fellowship, Clinical and Anatomic Pathology residency, Clinical Pathology residency, Hematology or Medical Oncology fellowship, Hematology fellowship or Transfusion Medicine fellowship.
For more information about our program and the application process, please visit our website or contact us with questions:
Aneel Ashrani, M.D., M.S.
Program Director, Special Coagulation Fellowship
Rothy Chhunn
Education Program Coordinator
[#16138, renewed 16 May 2024, exp. 19 August 2025]
Mayo Clinic
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Clinical Microbiology MD Fellowship Program
Open Position: 2026-2027
We are pleased to announce an opening for our Mayo Clinic ACGME-accredited Clinical Microbiology Fellowship in Rochester, Minnesota from 2026-2027. Qualified individuals will have completed residency training in pathology (AP, CP, or AP/CP) in the U.S. or Canada or a fellowship in infectious diseases.
During this 1-year program, fellows will develop and hone their knowledge and skills in diagnostic microbiology, infectious disease pathology, clinical consultation related to microbiology and infectious diseases, and clinical laboratory management. Fellows will receive extensive hands-on experience with conventional and cutting-edge technologies (e.g., metagenomic next generation sequencing and artificial intelligence-based assays) and perform clinically-relevant research. Fellows will also play an active role in teaching, mentoring, and curriculum development. Upon completion of the fellowship, fellows are prepared to pursue a successful career as a director of a clinical microbiology laboratory that diagnoses infections caused by bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, parasites, and/or viruses.
Qualified individuals should follow the online application process listed on the fellowship website and contact us with questions:
Natalie Sundin
Education Program Coordinator, Clinical Microbiology
[#17160, posted 27 November 2024, exp. 27 November 2025]
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Cardiovascular Pathology Fellowship
Program Open Position: 2026-2027
The Cardiovascular Pathology Fellowship in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program during which you will train to become an expert in the evaluation and diagnosis of routine, complex, and esoteric pathologic specimens relating to cardiovascular conditions and diseases.
- Learn cardiovascular pathology in a high volume environment, with exposure to more than 2,500 surgical specimens, 500 endomyocardial biopsies, 500 autopsy hearts and 300 extramural cardiovascular pathology consultations annually
- Participate in an integrated Cardiovascular Pathology-Molecular Collaboration Conference focused on genetic causes of sudden cardiac death
- Interact with a large group of Cardiovascular Pathologists with expertise in molecular genetics, forensics, sudden cardiac death, and thoracic pathology
- Bolster educational skills through opportunities to teach in the medical school and in interdepartmental settings
- Augment research endeavors through mentorship and participation in projects lead by our cardiovascular pathology group, which averages more than 50 publications annually
- Have the opportunity to meet with lung transplant patients for explant viewing
- Experience the completely integrated workflow of routine digital pathology practice
One position available for each academic year starting July 2026; July 2027; July 2028.
Qualified individuals with a medical degree and U.S. or Canadian pathology residency training should apply via the online application system Recruit where you may upload required documents.
For more information about our program and the application process, please visit our website or contact us with questions:
Melanie C. Bois, M.D.
Program Director, Cardiovascular Pathology Fellowship
Joseph J. Maleszewski, M.D.
Associate Program Director, Cardiovascular Pathology Fellowship
Ann Mairose
Education Program Coordinator, Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship
[#17399, posted 22 January 2025, exp. 22 January 2026]
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship
Program Open Positions: 2028-2029 and 2029-2030
The Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program during which you will train to become an expert in the evaluation and diagnosis of routine, complex, and esoteric pathologic specimens from the lung, pleura, and mediastinum.
- Learn from a large group of academic thoracic pathologists with expertise in broad specialties: molecular pathology, cytopathology, transplant pathology, cardiovascular pathology, autopsy pathology, surgical pathology, pulmonary pediatric pathology.
- Interact with internationally renowned thoracic pathologists whose special interests include mediastinal pathology, mesothelioma, lung carcinomas, mesenchymal tumors, non-neoplastic lung diseases, and lung transplantation.
- Actively participate in Pulmonary Radiology Case Correlation Conferences twice a week.
- Have the opportunity to meet with lung transplant patients for explant viewing.
- Experience the completely integrated workflow of routine digital pathology practice.
One position available for the academic years starting July 2028 and July 2029.
Qualified individuals with a medical degree and U.S. or Canadian pathology residency training should apply via the online application system Recruit where you may upload required documents.
For more information about our program and the application process, please visit our website or contact us with questions:
Anja C. Roden, M.D.
Program Director, Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship
Ann Mairose
Education Program Coordinator, Pulmonary Pathology Fellowship
[#17429, renewed 29 January 2025, exp. 15 February 2026]
Minnesota, University of Minnesota-blood bank / transfusion medicine, 2 openings for 2026-2027 [#16547, renewed 6 August 2024, exp. 6 August 2025]
Minnesota, University of Minnesota-breast / gynecologic, unexpected opening for 2025-2026 [#17524, posted 12 February 2025, exp. 12 February 2026]
Minnesota, University of Minnesota-cytopathology, 1 opening for 2025-2026 and 1 opening for 2026-2027 [#16827, renewed 26 September 2024, exp. 26 September 2025]
Minnesota, University of Minnesota-molecular genetic pathology, 1 opening for 2025-2026 and 2 openings for 2026-2027 [#17023, renewed 31 October 2024, exp. 25 October 2025]
Minnesota, University of Minnesota - surgical pathology, unexpected opening for 2025-2025 and 1 opening for 2026-2027 [#16586, posted 13 August 2024, exp. 13 August 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2028
Description: A one-year clinical fellowship in blood banking/transfusion medicine is available. This Washington University School of Medicine program, accredited for subspecialty training, is centered at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, a 1,000 bed teaching hospital serving both an urban population and a major regional referral network. The blood bank collaborates closely in management of patients within the renal, heart, lung, liver, and stem cell transplantation services, level I trauma services, high risk obstetrics and cardiothoracic surgery. Approximately 90,000 units of blood and blood components are transfused annually. Fellows receive training in all facets of modern blood banking, including apheresis, peripheral blood stem cell collection and cryopreservation, blood collection and processing, transfusion support of stem cell and solid organ transplants, infectious disease testing, coagulation work-ups, HLA, and immunohematology. Direct clinical intervention in patient care is emphasized through daily rounds. Opportunities for participation in basic or clinical research in transfusion medicine are available.
Requirements: Applicants for this fellowship must meet the requirements for medical licensure in Missouri and have successfully completed training in an ACGME-approved residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical Pathology or other specialty deemed eligible for certification in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine by the American Board of Pathology.
The link directly to our new application system is
Application materials include the Application for Fellowships, CV, personal statement, copy of USMLE transcript and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) and three letters of recommendation.
For information, contact:
Naomi Burr
Fellowship Program Coordinator
[#16510, renewed 26 July 2024, exp. 3 October 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces openings for 2027-2028 for a Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship. This is a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship.
The Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology at Washington University Medical Center (WUMC), St. Louis, Missouri, trains two gynecologic and breast pathology fellows per year. The department has a subspecialty practice model with four gynecologic pathologists and six breast pathologists. Institutional strengths include the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, a nationally recognized center of excellence and member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. There are eight gynecologic oncologists and six breast surgeons on the faculty, ensuring a steady stream of surgical material. Current rotations include breast pathology, obstetric and gynecologic pathology, and research and/or elective. All of our fellowships are highly immersive, allowing trainees to gain familiarity with both common and rare surgical pathology specimens. Frozen section experience, opportunities to cross-rotate in other areas of surgical pathology and research experiences are available. Fellows are given a high degree of independence in working up cases which they subsequently sign out with the attending staff. Experience with immunohistochemistry, special stains, molecular diagnostics, and other ancillary techniques is integrated into the workup of diagnostic cases throughout the training period. Elective time allows for fellows to round out training in other subspecialty areas and to learn about, and participate in patient safety and quality assurance activities. Opportunities for involvement in clinical research projects with the faculty are numerous.
Applicants must possess an MD degree or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology at the time the fellowship begins. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Support will be commensurate with the applicant's level of postgraduate training.
Ian Hagemann MD, PhD, Program Director; Fouad Boulos MD, breast pathology; Eleanor Castro, MD, breast and gynecologic pathology; Susan Crumley, MD, breast and gynecologic pathology; Hannah Krigman MD, gynecologic pathology; Chieh-Yu Lin MD, PhD, breast pathology; John D. Pfeifer MD, PhD, gynecologic pathology; Lulu Sun, MD, PhD, breast and gynecologic pathology.
Applicants should submit an online application and include a current curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores.
Questions and inquires can be directed to:
Kim Green, Manager Educational Programs
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
Campus Box 8118
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 747-8159
[#16919-3, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028
Description: The Cytopathology Section of the Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces an opening for the 2027-2028 academic year.
The department offers a one-year ACGME-accredited program with extensive exposure and experience in fine-needle aspiration biopsy, gynecological and non-gynecological exfoliative cytopathology, as well as application of a wide range of adjuvant technologies to cytological diagnosis and correlations between cytopathologic and surgical pathologic interpretations. The cytopathology laboratory serves the Washington University Medical Center institutions of Barnes-Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children's Hospital. Approximately 23,400 cytologic cases are processed and examined annually, including 5,600 non-gynecologic cases and 2,800 fine-needle aspiration biopsies. Although emphasis is placed on diagnostic cytopathology, academic and research activities are encouraged and supported.
Requirements: To apply submit an online application and include a current CV, personal statement, three letters of recommendation and current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores. All documents can be uploaded into the online application portal. Questions and inquires can be directed to Kim Green at
Fellowship Application
For information, contact:
Cory Bernadt, M.D, Ph.D.
c/o Kim Green
Telephone: (314) 747-8159
[#17279-2, renewed 23 December 2024, exp. 13 March 2026]
Washington University School of Medicine
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027
Description: MGP fellows are trained in fundamental and innovative molecular methods that profoundly impact patient care. Our fellows have unparalleled access to cutting-edge technology and faculty experts to promote advanced training in the molecular characterization and diagnosis of solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, infectious diseases, HLA genotyping, disorders of somatic mosaicism and germline testing, including gene panels and clinical exome sequencing. Highlights of training also include in-depth exposure to our MyeloSeq, ChromoSeq, and GatewaySeq NGS assays. MyeloSeq is an in-house targeted sequencing assay for genes recurrently mutated in myeloid neoplasms and used for both initial diagnosis and MRD monitoring. ChromoSeq is an advanced diagnostic whole genome NGS assay GatewaySeq provides fellow exposure to solid tumor NGS.
Additionally, fellows will develop the leadership and management skills required to direct a molecular diagnostics laboratory, including but not limited to managing quality assurance and development and validation of new molecular assays. Fellows will also participate in regular didactic teaching sessions with faculty and contribute to department conferences and journal clubs. Presentation of research findings at local and national meetings is encouraged and fellows are provided dedicated time to pursue scholarship projects.
The Washington University/Barnes-Jewish Hospital MGP fellowship is among the longest-running such training programs in the country and was the first to offer clinical NGS-based training. Trainees will interact directly with ordering physicians, geneticists, bioinformaticians and research faculty providing a full breadth of training. Previous fellows have pursued successful careers in NIH-funded basic science research, clinical academics, private practice and industry.
The fellowship is a one year position accredited by the ACGME and is designed to meet the needs of trainees interested in a career focused on the application of molecular genetic techniques to translational science and the clinical laboratory. Upon completion of the program, the fellow will have the skills necessary to pass the American Board of Pathology subspecialty exam in Molecular Genetic Pathology.
Requirements: Applicants must be Board eligible or certified in Anatomic and/or Clinical Pathology or Medical Genetics and meet the requirements for medical licensure in Missouri. The Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship is participating in the NRMP Match for AY2026-27. Click here for more information: Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) Fellowship Training Programs - Association for Molecular Pathology.
Interested candidates should apply at Questions and inquiries can be directed to our Fellowship Coordinator, Naomi Burr (
Required materials include:
1. Standard CAP application
2. Current CV
3. Three Letters of Reference
4. Personal Statement
5. USMLE Transcript and ECFMG Certificate if applicable
[#15722, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 6 May 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Liver/GI Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces openings for 2027-2028 for the non-accredited Liver/GI (Selective) Pathology Fellowship. This is a one-year program aimed at focusing on and training individuals for academic practice.
The Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology at Washington University Medical Center (WUMC), St. Louis, Missouri, trains two Liver/GI pathology fellows per year. The Division comprises thirty academic surgical pathologists and the department follows a hybrid subspecialty model. Current rotations include liver and gastrointestinal pathology, frozen section, consults, and research and/or elective. Fellows are given a high degree of independence in working up cases which they subsequently sign out with the attending staff. Experience with immunohistochemistry, special stains, molecular diagnostics, and other ancillary techniques is integrated into the workup of diagnostic cases throughout the training period. Elective time allows for fellows to round out training in other subspecialty areas and to learn about, and participate in patient safety and quality assurance activities. Opportunities for involvement in clinical research projects with the faculty are numerous.
Applicants must possess an MD degree or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology at the time the fellowship begins. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Support will be commensurate with the applicant's level of postgraduate training.
Kathleen Byrnes MD, Program Director; Samuel Ballentine MD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology and surgical pathology; Adam Booth MD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology; Louis Dehner MD, pediatric, dermatopathology, and surgical pathology; Liang-I Kang MD, PhD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology; Ta-Chiang Liu MD, PhD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology and surgical pathology; Xiuli Liu MD, PhD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology; Changqing (Cathy) Ma MD, PhD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology and surgical pathology; Mena Mansour MD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology, head & neck and surgical pathology; Jon Ritter, MD, gastrointestinal and liver pathology and surgical pathology.
Applicants should submit an online application and include a current curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores. Questions and inquires can be directed to:
Lana Womack, Senior Program Coordinator
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
Campus Box 8118
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 273-5476
[#16919-5, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Genitourinary and Renal Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027-2028
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces a new opening for 2027-2028 for the Combined Genitourinary and Renal Pathology Fellowship. This is a one-year fellowship. The program is currently seeking initial ACGME accreditation.
The Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology at Washington University Medical Center (WUMC), St. Louis, Missouri will train one combined genitourinary and renal pathology fellow per year. The fellowship is unique among few that follow a hybrid model, allowing for formation of pathologists with two areas of subspecialty: genitourinary and medical renal pathology. Our department has a subspecialty practice model, and fellows will be under guidance of faculty from specialized genitourinary and renal pathologists.
Current rotations include genitourinary pathology, renal pathology, frozen section, and research and/or electives. All of our fellowships are highly immersive, allowing trainees to gain familiarity with both common and rare surgical pathology specimens, from both adult and pediatric populations. Our well known transplant program ensures that a great number of transplant kidney biopsies will be evaluated during fellowship. A variety of consult cases are also available for review.
Fellows are given a high degree of independence in working up cases which they subsequently sign out with the attending staff. Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, special stains, electron microscopy, molecular diagnostics, and other ancillary techniques are integrated into the workup of diagnostic cases throughout training. Elective time allows for fellows to participate in research, education, and patient safety and quality assurance activities. Opportunities for involvement in clinical research projects with the faculty are numerous. Involvement in education opportunities is integrated within the training. In addition to the Pathology faculty, the fellows will work in close interaction with the faculty and fellows from the Division of Urologic Surgery in the Department of Surgery and the Division of Nephrology in the John T. Milliken Department of Medicine.
Our department's core values are excellence, respect, diversity and inclusion, and we work to have an environment where all members feel welcome and are able to thrive.
Applicants must possess a MD or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-eligible in anatomic pathology before the fellowship begins. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Applicants should submit an online application, and include a curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores. Candidates interested in applying for the 2027-2028 position, please contact the fellowship program coordinator for additional information.
Questions and inquiries can be directed to:
Kim Green, Manager of Educational Programs
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 747-8159
[#16919-6, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Head and Neck Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces openings for 2027-2028 for an accredited Head and Neck Pathology Fellowship. This is a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship.
The Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology at Washington University Medical Center (WUMC), St. Louis, Missouri, trains one head and neck pathology fellow per year. Major strengths of the fellowship include a diverse and abundant case mix, graduated responsibility for clinical cases (particularly in the area of frozen section diagnosis) and opportunities for clinical research. It is a highly immersive fellowship, with a large volume of specimens ranging from the most complex to the most common to many of the rarest. Current rotations include head and neck pathology, frozen section, consults, and research and/or elective. Depending on the interest of the fellow, the fellowship may include general surgical pathology (up to six month) or exclusively of head and neck pathology. All of our fellowships are highly immersive, allowing trainees to gain familiarity with both common and rare surgical pathology specimens. Fellows are given a high degree of independence in working up cases which they subsequently sign out with the attending staff. Frozen section experience, opportunities to cross-rotate in other areas of surgical pathology and research experiences are available.
Applicants must possess an MD degree or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology at the time the fellowship begins. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Support will be commensurate with the applicant's level of postgraduate training.
Rebecca Chernock MD, Program Director and Mena Mansour MD, head & neck and surgical pathology
Applicants should submit an online application and include a current curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores. Applications are open.
Questions and inquiries can be directed to:
Lana Womack, Senior Program Coordinator
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
Campus Box 8118
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 273-5476
[#16919-4, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027
Description: The Hematopathology Section of the Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has an opening for fellowship beginning in 2026. We offer a one-year clinical fellowship for qualified applicants. This service includes adult and pediatric hematopathology, flow cytometry including Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) testing and exposure to molecular and cytogenetics laboratory testing in hematopoietic malignancies. Approximately 3 months of assigned elective time is provided to cover benign/wet hematology, performance of bone marrow biopsy procedure, research, molecular diagnostics, genomics and/or cytogenetics.
The large referral quaternary care and urban hospital system associated with Washington University in St. Louis provides a broad range of cases comprising ~3,500 in-house marrows (cores and aspirates), more than 3,500 lymph nodes and other surgical and non-surgical specimens, and ~700 consult cases per year. The Adult and Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant services together perform approximately 360 transplants annually. Due to the high volume and diversity of cases, the fellows gain extensive diagnostic experience in the field of hematopathology, including uncommon disease entities, such as mature T-cell and NK-cell neoplasms and immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. The fellow's responsibilities are broad and an increasingly independent approach to case work-up is encouraged. The fellow is regarded as the initial pathologist on all cases and is expected to write pathology reports integrating morphologic description and all ancillary studies (immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, molecular and cytogenetic testing results). The fellow is seen as the primary contact for referring physicians and will work closely with the clinical hematology and/or oncology fellows and faculty, gaining insights into the clinical management of patients.
The fellows present weekly at the lymphoma and bone marrow transplant conferences, monthly at cytogenetics and molecular correlation conferences, and at journal clubs assigned to them. The fellows are expected to participate in hematopathology-related translational projects for which funding is available. Trainees with strong basic research interests can opt to be a part of a stimulating and collegial research community with top-notch facilities and resources as their future goals. Exposure to next generation sequencing data analysis of targeted cancer genes associated with hematologic malignancies can be obtained during the elective time, if the fellow desires additional clinical exposure to this evolving field of molecular hematology.
This program provides a strong basis for clinical practice including challenging cases in both adult and pediatric hematopathology, as well as opportunities for cutting-edge basic, clinical, and translational research. Upon completion of the program, the fellow will have the necessary skills and experience to successfully pursue a clinical and/or academic career in hematopathology.
Requirements: Applicants must have an MD or DO degree (or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification) and 3 to 4 years of training in anatomic, clinical, or anatomic and clinical pathology in an ACGME accredited program or in an RCPSC-accredited or CFPC-accredited residency program located in Canada. The Hematopathology Fellowship is participating in the NRMP Match for AY 2026-2027. Click here for more information:
1. Online application.
2. CV with names of 3 references.
3. Three letters directly mailed and/or emailed by your references to the program.
4. Personal Statement.
5. USMLE test scores.
6. Transcript(s).
Program Director: Anne Chen, MD
Senior Program Coordinator: Lana Womack
Telephone: (314) 273-5476
[#16919-1, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine and St Louis Children's Hospital offers a one-year fellowship in pediatric pathology. The fellowship is accredited by the ACGME, and is designed to meet the needs of individuals interested in a career in either academic pathology or private practice. The training program consists of 12 months of supervised experience in diagnostic pediatric pathology, including surgical and autopsy pathology, with sign-out responsibilities. Experience in laboratory medicine, molecular diagnostics, cytogenetics, FISH, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and other special techniques is part of the program. Participation in research projects is emphasized. The program uses the facilities of St Louis Children's Hospital and Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington University Medical Center, a large, referral, quaternary case hospital system. There are approximately 3,500 pediatric surgical and 140 perinatal/pediatric autopsy cases per year, including fetopsies. In addition, outside pediatric surgical consultations are reviewed by the fellow. At the time of application, highly qualified applicants who wish to pursue in-depth research in a laboratory of their choice should inquire concerning funding for an additional year.
Requirements: Applicants must have an MD degree (or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification) and 3 to 4 years training in anatomic or anatomic and clinical pathology at an AGCME certified program.
To apply submit an online application and include current CV, personal statement, three letters of recommendation and current photo. All documents can be uploaded into the online application portal.
Stipends: The salary will be commensurate with the level of training of the candidate.
Applications: Inquires and questions concerning the 2025-2026 position should be addressed to:
Kim Green, Manager Educational Programs
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 747-8159
For other questions, please contact:
Mai (Mike) He, MD, PhD, Program Director
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology and Immunology
660 S. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 273-1328
[#16919-2, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 5 November 2025]
Washington University School of Medicine
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028
Description: The Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis announces new openings for 2027-2028 for an accredited Surgical Pathology fellowship. This is a one-year, ACGME-accredited fellowship.
The Division of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology at Washington University Medical Center (WUMC), St. Louis, Missouri trains three general surgical pathology fellows per year. The Division comprises thirty academic surgical pathologists. The department follows a hybrid subspecialty model. Current rotations include frozen section, consults, head & neck, gynecologic, breast, liver/gastrointestinal, cardiothoracic, bone & soft tissue and elective. Fellows are given a high degree of independence in working up cases which they subsequently sign out with the attending staff. The fellowship program includes strong training in intraoperative consultation and fellows read frozen sections independently after business hours. Experience with immunohistochemistry, special stains, molecular diagnostics, and other ancillary techniques is integrated into the workup of diagnostic cases throughout the training period. Elective time allows for fellows to train in other subspecialty areas and participate in patient safety and quality assurance activities. Opportunities for clinical research projects with the faculty are numerous.
Applicants must possess an MD or DO degree (or foreign equivalent) and must be board-eligible in anatomic pathology before the fellowship begins. Applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Applicants should submit an online application, curriculum vitae, personal statement, three reference letters, current photo, and USMLE and/or ECFMG scores.
Questions and inquiries can be directed to:
Kim Green, Manager Educational Programs
Washington University School of Medicine
Pathology and Immunology
660 South Euclid Ave.
Campus Box 8118
St. Louis, MO 63110
Telephone: (314) 747-8159
[#17279-1, renewed 23 December 2024, exp. 13 March 2026]
Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Opening for: July 1, 2026 – June 30, 2027
Description: The University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology offers an one year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. This fellowship provides comprehensive exposure to all areas of Transfusion Medicine with special focus on cellular therapy, apheresis, and blood banking in the hospital setting. Fellows develop skills and confidence to provide medical direction over key areas.
Requirements: Successful completion of at least two years of clinical pathology education in pathology residency program that satisfies the ACGME requirements in III.A.1 of the Blood bank transfusion medicine fellowship.
Certification or eligibility for certification by the ABPath or American Osteopathic Board of Pathology in anatomic pathology or in clinical pathology.
Certification or eligibility for certification by a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or a certifying board of the American Osteopathic Association in specialty or subspeciality deemed eligible for certification in blood banking/transfusion medicine by the ABPath. A list of those certifications are: ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis), ABCRS (American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery), ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine), ABNS (American Board of Neurological Surgery), ABOG (American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology), ABOS (American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery), ABP (American Board of Pediatrics), ABPS (American Board of Physician Specialties), ABS (American Board of Surgery), ABTS (America Board of Thoracic Surgery), or a subspeciality in Hematology from any ABMS Member Board
Types and Numbers of Appointments: One (1) fellow each academic year.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of postgraduate training PGY 5.
Program Director: Scott Koepsell, M.D., Ph.D.
Applications: The package includes the CAP standardized fellowship application form, a curriculum vitae, personal statement, United States Medical Licensing Examination summary sheet showing parts 1, 2 & 3, AP/CP board certification (if applicable), medical school transcript, medical school diploma, dean’s letter, and three letters of recommendation. The personal statement should include a brief overview of the applicant's interest, related experiences, and long-term career goals. The three letters of recommendation should include one letter from the current Program Director, and two from other physicians or graduate advisors who know the applicant well. International graduates must also submit a copy of a valid Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate.
Community: Omaha is a metropolitan center of more than 900,000 people that is strategically located within a day's drive to the Rocky Mountains, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago. It has been ranked highly in livability with its affordable housing and excellent school systems, as well as several institutions of higher education. In Omaha you can enjoy world-class theatre, symphony, opera, sports, concerts, art galleries, museums, dining, shopping, and more. Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium has been ranked first in the Nation.
Please email completed applications to:
Dani Blum Fellowship Coordinator
Telephone: (402) 559-2719
Website: Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine Fellowship | Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | University of Nebraska Medical Center
Letters of recommendation should be addressed to:
Scott Koepsell, M.D., Ph.D.
Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine Fellowship, UNMC
983135 Nebraska Medical Center; Omaha, NE 68198-3135
[#17509, renewed 12 February 2025, exp. 21 May 2026]
Gastrointestinal/Liver & Transplant Pathology Fellowship
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Unexpected Opening for July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027
Our one-year Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology Fellowship consists of advanced training in adult/pediatric gastrointestinal, liver, pancreatic pathology, and transplant pathology. One or two months dedicated for elective, or research are provided, including a rotation in state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics in GI pathology if desired. This instruction comes from a team of six subspecialized GI and Liver pathologists. Our program features independent sign out during the last three months of the fellowship, which is invaluable preparation for the transition from training to a career in either private practice or academia. Attention will be given to fulfill the needs of the individual in terms of gaining skills towards pursuing a career in either private practice or academics. Opportunity is also available for the teaching of residents and participation in tumor boards.
Requirements: Board eligible/certified in AP or AP/CP; able to attain an unrestricted Nebraska Medical License.
Appointments: One fellow each year.
Stipends: The stipend is that of a PGY5.
The application includes the CAP standard fellowship application form, CV, personal statement, USMLE transcript (parts 1, 2, 3), AP/CP board certification (if applicable), medical school transcripts, medical school diploma, Dean's Letter (MSPE), and three letters of recommendation. The personal statement should include a brief overview of the applicant's interests, related prior experiences, and long-term career goals. The letters of recommendation should include one letter from the current program director, and two from other physicians who know the applicant well. International graduates must also submit a valid ECFMG certificate.
For more information regarding this fellowship, UNMC and Omaha, please visit our website:
Email complete applications to:
Dani Blum
Address letters of recommendation to:
Benjamin J. Swanson, MD, PhD
Director, GI/Liver Transplant Pathology Fellowship, UNMC
983135 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198
[#15948-1, posted 8 April 2024, exp. 8 April 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
University of Nebraska Medical Center
July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
The Hematopathology Fellowship program is designed to train academically oriented physicians to be subspecialists in hematopathology and is structured to give fellows clearly defined, graduated responsibilities and delegated authority. The two-year program consists of one accredited year of structured learning followed by a second year of specialization, including electives, research opportunities, and clinical responsibility. In the second year, the fellow may also elect to participate in basic research in lymphomagenesis. Eligible fellows are granted independent sign-out responsibilities commensurate with their demonstrated expertise. Many community-based cases are reviewed as part of the Nebraska Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group Network. UNMC also has an active hematology/oncology service and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation program. A full range of morphologic, histochemical, immunologic, cytogenetic, and molecular biologic techniques are performed as diagnostic and investigative tools. This program is approved by the ABP for subspecialty training in Hematology.
Requirements: Board eligible/certified in AP/CP; eligible for an unrestricted Nebraska Medical License.
Appointments: One or two fellows. Candidates should apply for either a one-year or two-year track.
Stipends: The stipend is that of a PGY5.
The application includes the CAP standardized application form, CV, personal statement, USMLE transcript (parts 1, 2, 3), medical school transcripts, medical school diploma, Dean's letter, and three letters of recommendation. The personal statement should include a brief overview of the applicant's interests, related prior experiences, and long-term career goals. The three letters of recommendation should include one letter from the applicant's current program director, and two from other physicians who know the applicant well, preferably one hematopathologist. International graduates must also submit a valid ECFMG certificate. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
For more information, visit our website:
Email complete applications to:
Dani Blum
Address letters of recommendation to:
Joseph Khoury, M.D.
Director, Hematopathology Fellowship, UNMC
983135 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198
[#15955, posted 9 April 2024, exp. 1 May 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
University of Nebraska Medical Center
July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027
The Hematopathology Fellowship program is designed to train academically oriented physicians to be subspecialists in hematopathology and is structured to give fellows clearly defined, graduated responsibilities and delegated authority. The two-year program consists of one accredited year of structured learning followed by a second year of specialization, including electives, research opportunities, and clinical responsibility. In the second year, the fellow may also elect to participate in basic research in lymphomagenesis. Eligible fellows are granted independent sign-out responsibilities commensurate with their demonstrated expertise. Many community-based cases are reviewed as part of the Nebraska Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group Network. UNMC also has an active hematology/oncology service and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation program. A full range of morphologic, histochemical, immunologic, cytogenetic, and molecular biologic techniques are performed as diagnostic and investigative tools. This program is approved by the ABP for subspecialty training in Hematology.
Requirements: Board eligible/certified in AP/CP; eligible for an unrestricted Nebraska Medical License.
Appointments: One or two fellows. Candidates should apply for either a one-year or two-year track.
Stipends: The stipend is that of a PGY5.
The application includes the CAP standardized application form, CV, personal statement, USMLE transcript (parts 1, 2, 3), medical school transcripts, medical school diploma, Dean's letter, and three letters of recommendation. The personal statement should include a brief overview of the applicant's interests, related prior experiences, and long-term career goals. The three letters of recommendation should include one letter from the applicant's current program director, and two from other physicians who know the applicant well, preferably one hematopathologist. International graduates must also submit a valid ECFMG certificate. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
For more information, visit our website:
Email complete applications to:
Dani Blum
Address letters of recommendation to:
Joseph Khoury, M.D.
Director, Hematopathology Fellowship, UNMC
983135 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198
[#15948-2, renewed 8 April 2024, exp. 1 May 2025]
Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2025
The NAME-accredited and IAC&ME-accredited Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner (CCOCME), in conjunction with the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV, offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship training program in forensic pathology.
The office serves Clark County, Nevada, which includes Las Vegas and surrounding urban and rural areas, with a combined population of over 2.2 million people and an additional 45 million visitors each year. The office also provides autopsy services to the counties of White Pine, Nye, and Lincoln. In 2022, there were 22,452 deaths in Clark County. CCOCME was contacted regarding 7,894 of these deaths of which 5,343 deaths required a full investigation and 3,524 deaths, including 127 child fatalities, required a forensic examination performed by a forensic pathologist.
The fellow acts as a functioning forensic pathologist, under the supervision and guidance of experienced board-certified forensic pathologists and other qualified personnel; the fellow participates in scene investigations, is responsible for complete postmortem examinations (approx. 200-250), including written reports, is involved in protocol preparations, participates in conferences with interested parties, and is involved in court testimony. The fellow will assist in the teaching of medical students and other medical trainees rotating through CCOCME for their autopsy experience.
Competitive pay
- Required Qualifications
- Valid Nevada Class C Driver’s License at the time of training
- M.D./D.O.
- Valid License to practice medicine in the state of Nevada at the time of training
- Successful completion of an ACGME accredited Anatomic Pathology residency
- Eligibility for certification in Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic/Clinical Pathology by the American Board of Pathology
- Applications
- CAP Standardized Application
- CV without gaps in time
- Personal Statement or Letter of Interest (one page)
- 3 letters of reference (1 from Program Director)
- Photo
Submit to:
For more information, please visit:
For the full advertisement, please visit:
[#16600, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 15 November 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
Description: This ACGME accredited one-year fellowship program offers advanced training in diagnostic cytopathology. The program is based at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, New Hampshire's only academic medical center and is affiliated with the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Our fellows see the broad range of basic and complex cases encountered at a tertiary care academic institution. They benefit from collaboration with five board-certified cytopathologists, who themselves trained under nationally and internationally recognized leaders in cytopathology. The faculty subspecialty interests, in addition to cytology, include: informatics; breast, bone and soft tissue, thyroid, and gastrointestinal pathology; and medical sociology. Our faculty includes Cancer Cytopathology Young Investigator awardee, Dr. Louis Vaickus, who conducts a funded research program in informatics - including deep learning - related to cytology. Fellows have the opportunity to participate in this research. Fellows rotate through the Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology, a state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics facility directed by Gregory Tsongalis, PhD. Current members of the cytopathology faculty serve on the editorial boards of major pathology journals and regularly contribute publications to major national and international cytopathology journals. Fellows are allotted time for research conducted in collaboration with the cytopathology faculty.
Community: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center is located in Lebanon, New Hampshire, alongside the Connecticut River, which defines the border with Vermont. The area is part of the scenic Upper Valley. The campus is 2 hours northwest of Boston and 5 hours north of New York City. The area is accessible via Interstates 89 and 91, airports in Manchester, New Hampshire, and Boston, Massachusetts, and by bus via the Dartmouth Coach from Boston and New York City.
The Upper Valley, a landscape of powerful beauty, offers a wide range of year-round outdoor recreational activities as well as diverse social, cultural, and artistic communities. Situated near the Appalachian Trail, the area is renowned for its premier skiing, hiking, canoeing, and kayaking.
Stipend: 2024-2025 GME Stipend levels PGY-5 Salary: $84,481
Requirements: Applicants for this fellowship must have completed an ACGME-accredited residency in Anatomic Pathology and be eligible for certification by the American Board of Pathology. Medical licensure in the State of New Hampshire is required. Stipends are commensurate with prerequisite years of postgraduate training. Fellowships begin in July.
Applications: Application requirements and forms at
Anya Prochorchik, MBA, Cytopathology Program
Telephone: (603) 650-9485
[#16042, posted 23 April 2024, exp. 23 April 2025]
Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine / Vitalant Program
Opening for 2027-28
Watch our new video:
The University of New Mexico Department of Pathology is soliciting applications for our fully-funded one-year ACGME-accredited position begins July 1 of each year. Currently taking applications for 2027-28!
UNM’s Transfusion Medicine Fellowship equips its fellows with the essential competencies in the clinical, technical, investigational, and administrative aspects of blood banking, coagulation, and therapeutic apheresis.
The fellowship provides an integrated experience, including medical direction of the University of New Mexico Hospital's (UNMH) blood bank and transfusion/apheresis services that support New Mexico’s only level I trauma center and NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. Fellows spend a month working with the regional Vitalant blood center with time and fellowship funds set aside for the fellow to visit Vitalant corporate office and CTS laboratories (that test over 4 million blood donations annually) in Phoenix, AZ. The fellowship includes a month-long rotation at the Presbyterian Hospital, downtown Albuquerque, working with a private practice pathology group that oversees that hospital's infusion and apheresis services.
Transfusion technologies at UNMH include the BloodTrack (remote blood allocation refrigerators), gel, and tube immunohematology testing, Quantra viscoelastic testing, as well as a sophisticated HLA laboratory. A FACT-accredited stem cell collection program complements the full-service apheresis and transfusion service. Other benefits of the fellowship, include generous support for national meeting attendance and flexible elective rotation scheduling. Fellows may choose to be involved in research and are expected to participate in at least one quality initiative project.
For more information, contact Joseph Griggs, DO (Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Director) at or visit
To discover more about the UNM Department of Pathology, please visit To learn more about New Mexico’s mild four-season climate, abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, and rich cultural heritage, visit to discover Albuquerque.
Fellowship Requirements:
Fellowship applicants must have completed a pathology residency training program and be Board eligible in Clinical Pathology or have completed an alternate residency training program (i.e., Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, etc.). Please submit CAP Standardized Fellowship Application form, personal statement, Curriculum Vitae, copies of USMLE Step I, II, and III scores, medical school transcripts, three letters of recommendation (one of which should come from your residency program director), and ECFMG certification if applicable.
Apply Here or contact:
Kristen Broesder, C-TAGME
Medical Education Program Manager
Department of Pathology
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
[#15635-6, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Opening for 2025-2026
The UNM cytopathology fellowship is a one year, ACGME accredited, predominantly clinical experience that occurs at UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC) and its supporting clinical laboratory, TriCore Reference Laboratories (TRL). Emphasis is placed on cementing diagnostic accuracy in Pap smears and non-gyn specimens such as fine needle aspirate (FNA) specimens, endoscopic-guided biopsies, and specimens obtained by washings, lavage, and brushings. During the clinical months, the fellow will learn to perform ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations from cytology-boarded faculty members trained in this growing area of cytopathology. Three weeks may be devoted to research or relevant pathology elective. Laboratory management principles are taught both at UNM HSC and TRL and include Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) specific to the cytopathology laboratory, new technique analysis, and personnel/budgeting issues. Research comprises utilizing techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and immunocytochemistry applied to cytology specimens to hone diagnostic and prognostic acumen. A plethora of cytology specimens (more than 90,000 Pap smears and 4800 non-gyns including FNA's collected, processed, and analyzed per year at the training sites) and teaching sets are available. The fellow will have graduated responsibility throughout the year including managing consult cases. At the successful completion of this year, the fellow is eligible to sit for subspecialty certification in cytopathology.
For more information, contact Dr. Nadja Falk (fellowship director) at or visit
New Mexico's mild four-season climate and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities combined with a rich cultural heritage complement the educational opportunities. Find out more about our Department and view our YouTube videos at
Applicants must be MD or DO and AP Board eligible. Please submit CAP Standardized Fellowship Application form, personal statement, Curriculum Vitae, copies of USMLE COMLEX scores, medical school transcript, three letters of recommendation (one of which should come from your program director), and ECFMG certification, if applicable.
Apply Here or contact:
Kristen Broesder, C-TAGME
Medical Education Program Manager
Telephone: (505) 925-0516
Department of Pathology
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
915 Camino de Salud, BMSB 335
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
[#15635-2, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Openings for 2026-2027
Under the tutelage of eight board-certified forensic pathologists, this one-year fellowship program prepares pathologists for careers in forensic pathology. The State of New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI), a statewide medical examiner system, is located on the campus of the UNM School of Medicine. This arrangement ensures that the state is provided with excellent facilities and death investigation, as well as affording outstanding educational and research opportunities in forensic pathology. It is in this fertile environment that the forensic pathology fellow conducts a substantial number of medicolegal autopsies on routine and unusual cases from around the state and is given substantial control of cases (natural, accidental, suicidal and homicidal) at all levels, commensurate with their increasing ability. Training during the year includes rotations in toxicology, forensic odontology, forensic anthropology, and the state and local crime labs. The OMI has in-house CT and MRI, as well as an experienced forensic radiologist. The trainee is afforded the opportunity to testify in court, under supervision and direction, and is also encouraged to witness testimony by others who are experienced in courtroom dialogue. In this system, consultations are presented to all of the senior pathologists for review and advice. The trainee is allowed to actively participate in these interesting consultations. In addition to the case-by-case instruction, the trainee will be involved in didactic teaching and should be a participant in the annual Medicolegal Investigation of Death seminar conducted each year for investigators and law enforcement personnel.
For more information, contact Lauren Dvorscak, M.D. (fellowship director) at or visit and
New Mexico's mild four-season climate and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities combined with a rich cultural heritage complement the educational opportunities. Visit to discover Albuquerque. Find out more about our Department and view our YouTube videos at
To apply, please submit: CAP Standardized Fellowship Application form, personal statement, Curriculum Vitae, copies of USMLE Step I, II, III scores, medical school transcript, three letters of recommendation (one of which should come from your program director) and ECFMG certification, if applicable, to: Anthony Cervantes ( or by mail to:
New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator
Attention: Lauren Dvorscak, M.D.
MSC 07-4040
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Telephone: (505) 272-3053
Current Application Timeline for 2025-2026:
• Accepting applications: now, deadline November 30, 2024
• Interviews offered and conducted: September 2024 – December 2024
• Registration for Match opens: February 5, 2025
• Ranking period: March 12, 2025 – April 16, 2025
• Match Day: April 30, 2025
[#15635-3, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Openings for 2026-2027 (NRMP Match)
A comprehensive training in Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) is provided at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and TriCore Reference Laboratories in all areas of Molecular Pathology including Molecular Oncology, HLA typing, Hereditary Genetic Tests, Pharmacogenomics, Molecular Microbiology/Virology, Gene Expression Profiling for Ph-like B lymphoblastic Leukemia and Cytogenetics/FISH. Training in Medical Genetics and Genetic Counseling is provided at the Medical Genetics and Dysmorphology Clinics in Department of Pediatrics and Cancer Genetics at the University of New Mexico Cancer Center. MGP fellows have close interactions with pediatric dysmorphologists, geneticists, genetic counselors, hematologists and oncologists at UNM including participation in medical rounds. MGP fellows are trained in a structured manner with active involvement in the interpretation of molecular pathology test results, preparation of molecular pathology reports prior to sign-out and discussion of results with referring physicians. MGP fellows are expected to attend ongoing education conferences and didactic presentations. MGP fellows also present at case conferences including interesting, classic or challenging cases in molecular pathology. MGP fellows participate in QA/QC aspects of molecular pathology as well as in weekly laboratory management meetings. Graduated responsibility is given to the fellows upon accrual of acceptable clinical competency levels. Ample opportunities for research projects and publications are provided and the fellow is encouraged to present his/her work in molecular pathology-related national meetings.
The molecular tests are mainly performed at TriCore Reference Laboratories and include over 70, 000 molecular diagnostic tests, over 3,000 molecular oncology, and over 5,500 cytogenetics/FISH assays. A range of technologies are employed including Next Generation Sequencing, RT-PCR, qualitative PCR, allelic discrimination PCR, quantitative real time PCR, Sanger sequencing, high resolution melting curve analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, DNA methylation assays, fluorescent and chromogenic in situ hybridization, chromosomal microarray, gene expression profiling and capillary electrophoresis.
For more information, contact Rama Gullapalli, MD, PhD. (fellowship director) at or visit
New Mexico's mild four-season climate and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities combined with a rich cultural heritage complement the educational opportunities. Visit to discover Albuquerque. Find out more about our Department and view our YouTube videos at
Fellow applicants must have completed residency training in pathology or medical genetics in an ACGME accredited program. Please submit: CAP application, Curriculum Vitae, personal statement, and three letters of reference (one of which should come from your program director).
UNM is a participating program in the NRMP Fellowship Match. Please see the Association for Molecular Pathology page for information and guidance:
For best consideration, please apply by February 2025 for the 2026-2027 academic year fellowship. If you have questions on the application process, please contact the fellowship director.
Apply Here or submit materials to: or contact:
Kristen Broesder, C-TAGME
Medical Education Program Manager
Department of Pathology
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
[#15635-5, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Openings for 2026-2027
This one-year fellowship features comprehensive, integrated diagnostic training in all aspects of hematopathology, including a wide spectrum of benign and neoplastic disorders in pediatric and adult patients. Fellow clinical rotations alternate between our University Hospital bone marrow/anatomic pathology service and our national hematopathology consultation service, both of which are located at TriCore Reference Laboratories, our large centralized laboratory. Molecular, cytogenetic, and coagulation rotations are also part of the training experience. Clinical case material is from a variety of sources and includes: 3000 combined blood, bone marrow, CSF and lymph node specimens on University patients; 3000 consultation cases; core lab hematology, coagulation and hemoglobin electrophoresis specimens; 3500 cytogenetics/FISH cases; and 3000 molecular oncology cases. Specialized tests (including flow cytometric, cytogenetics/FISH, and molecular analysis) are integrated with clinical and morphologic assessment in the final diagnostic interpretation. These tests are performed at TriCore Reference Laboratories, which houses large automated hematology and hematopathology services in conjunction with specialty laboratories for esoteric testing. Emphasis is placed on cost-effective diagnostic assessment.
For more information, contact Daniel Babu, M.D. (fellowship director) at or visit
New Mexico's mild four season climate and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities combined with a rich cultural heritage complement the educational opportunities. Visit to discover Albuquerque. Find out more about our Department and view our YouTube videos at
Fellowship applicants must have completed a pathology residency training program and be Board eligible in AP/CP. Please submit: completed CAP Standardized Application for Pathology form (, Curriculum Vitae, personal statement, and three signed letters of reference (one of which should come from your program director). Apply Here or submit materials by mail to:
Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Attention: Daniel Babu, M.D.
1001 Woodward Place NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102-2705
UNM is a participating program in the NRMP Fellowship Match. Please see the Society for Hematopathology Fellowship Match page for information and guidance:
For best consideration, please apply by December 2024 for the 2026-2027 academic year fellowship. If you have questions on the application process, please contact the fellowship director.
[#15635-4, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Opening for 2026-2027
The University of New Mexico Health Science Center (UNM HSC) is a 500 bed tertiary medical center in Albuquerque, NM. This 1-year fellowship provides extensive training in all major areas of surgical pathology (gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, gynecologic, breast, bone & soft tissue, head & neck, genitourinary, etc.). UNM faculty members are energetic, knowledgeable, and eager to teach. UNM HSC is the only academic medical center in the state of NM, ensuring a vast variety of interesting, complex, and unusual cases across all major subspecialties in this underserved state. This fellowship will provide the fellow with the necessary skills and experience to transition to thrive in any setting (academics or private practice).
The program offers graduated responsibility to independently render frozen section interpretation, and review subspecialized consultation material. Capable fellows will be transitioned to junior attending status with independent sign out responsibilities during the latter half of the year. The fellow will also participate in resident training, gross room oversight, and interdisciplinary conferences at the UNM NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center. UNM HSC’s partnership with TriCore Reference Laboratories provides for an extensive array of molecular, cytogenetic, and immunohistochemical testing which greatly enriches the fellow’s training in how to interpret and when to order these essential ancillary tests in common cancer specimens. Research opportunities are also available and encouraged.
For more information about how to become a part of our team, please contact Samuel Reynolds, M.D. (fellowship director) at or visit
New Mexico's mild four-season climate and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities (excellent biking, hiking, fishing, and skiing) combined with a rich cultural heritage and great local cuisine complement these educational opportunities. Visit to discover Albuquerque. Find out more about our Department and view our YouTube videos at
Applicants should be AP/CP or AP Board eligible or certified and should have graduated from an ACGME - accredited residency program. US citizenship or permanent residency (green card); USMLE Step 3 required. Send inquires and CAP standardized application, Curriculum Vitae, USMLE transcript, medical school transcript, personal statement, ECFMG certificate (if applicable), and three letters of recommendation (one of which should come from your program director).
Apply Here or contact:
Kristen Broesder, C-TAGME
Medical Education Program Manager
Department of Pathology
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
915 Camino de Salud, BMSB 335
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
[#15635-1, renewed 7 February 2024, exp. 17 May 2025]
Women's Health Pathology Fellowship
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Montefiore Medical Center
Opening for 2026 - 2027
The Department of Pathology at MMC offers one ACGME approved fellowship position in Women's Health Pathology. The one-year program, based at Montefiore Medical Center-Weiler Division, draws diagnostic material from the three hospital divisions of the Medical Center (1,500 beds) as well as a large ambulatory network. The diversity of the specimens enables the fellow to have in-depth exposure to and comprehensive training in gynecologic, breast and perinatal pathology, with over 1000 perinatal specimens, 16,000 gynecologic specimens and approximately 3000 breast specimens accessioned in the Pathology department last year. Upon completing the fellowship, the fellow will be prepared to assume the role of a sub-specialty consultant in academic or private practice. The fellowship training includes signing-out of cases with faculty, involvement on frozen section decisions, participation in intra-and inter-departmental conferences, journal clubs and teaching of residents and medical students. Fellows are encouraged to participate in the clinically relevant research. The program is staffed by seven surgical pathologists who form the core of the subspecialty group for Women's Health Pathology at MMC, and include attendings with subspecialty expertise in the areas of Gynecological Pathology, Perinatal Pathology and Breast Pathology.
Requirements: MD degree or equivalent, Board eligible/certified in AP or AP/CP.
Stipend: Dependent upon level of training.
Application: An application form can be requested from Debrah Negron. Please send completed application form, curriculum vitae, a brief statement of professional goals and 3 letters of reference (hard copy or by email) directly to Debrah Negron (fellowship coordinator). Letters of reference sent by email should be in PDF format with a signature.
Rouzan G. Karabakhtsian, MD, PhD, FCAP
Professor of Pathology
Director, Women's Health Fellowship
c/o Debrah Negron
Coordinator, Fellowship Program
Montefiore Medical Center
Surgical Pathology N4-063
111 East 210 Street
Bronx, NY 10467
Telephone: (718) 920-6459
Fax: (718) 920-7611
[#16905, renewed 10 October 2024, exp. 10 October 2025]
New York, Albert Einstein / Montefiore Medical Center-cytopathology
Cytopathology Fellowship
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Montefiore Medical Center
Opening for 2026 - 2027
Montefiore Medical Center is offering an exciting opportunity for a one-year cytopathology fellowship for the academic year 2026-2027, to join a team of one other fellow and a faculty staff of 4. We have an extremely diversified patient population with unique risk factors that translate to acquiring outstanding challenging cytology specimens for analysis. We offer a very active FNA (Fine needle Aspiration) service for fellows to engage in direct patient care and gain expertise in FNA performance and evaluation of superficial lesions by palpation and ultrasound guidance. Our cytology curriculum is outstanding and broad with training in all aspects of Exfoliative cytology, Non-gyn, FNA, and gynecologic specimens. Teaching and research opportunities are available with excellent results in publications and national exposure.
Please Submit your application, CV, and three references to:
Antonio Cajigas, M.D., Division Chief
Care of Frances Mendez - Program Coordinator
[#16856, renewed 3 October 2024, exp. 19 October 2025]
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Montefiore Medical Center
GI & Liver Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027 - 2028
Description: The Department of Pathology offers one ACGME accredited one-year fellowship position in gastrointestinal and liver pathology. The Department currently receives a mix of adult and pediatric biopsies and complex surgical specimens, including liver transplant. Each year we receive approximately 16,500 GI biopsies; 545 liver biopsies, 220 GI resections and 30 liver resections / explants. The program is enhanced by the strong clinical services in GI and liver and the well established interdisciplinary relationship with the gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and radiation oncologists.
The fellow's responsibilities include slide review and preparation of reports of selected cases, presenting at interdepartmental conferences and tumor boards, and teaching and supervision of pathology residents. The fellow will also have the opportunity to participate in GI and Liver clinical rounds, including exposure to endoscopy. The fellow will be supervised and guided by subspecialty trained attendings. There are multiple research opportunities in both GI and liver, ranging from basic science to translational to clinical. The fellow is encouraged and expected to participate in a scholarly project during the year.
Requirements: Board eligible / certified in AP or AP/CP.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post graduate training.
Applications: An application form can be requested from Debrah Negron. Please send completed application form, curriculum vitae, a brief statement of professional goals and 3 letters of reference (by email) directly to Debrah Negron (fellowship coordinator). Letters of reference sent by email should be in PDF format with a signature.
Qiang Liu, MD
Director, GI/Liver Fellowship Training Program
Debrah Negron
Fellowship Coordinator
Montefiore Medical Center
Surgical Pathology N4-063
111 East 210 Street
Bronx, NY 10467
Telephone: 718-920-6459
Fax: 718-920-7611
[#16531, renewed 31 July 2024, exp. 2 August 2025]
Head and Neck Pathology Fellowship
Recruiting for Academic Year July 2027
The Mount Sinai Health System Department of Pathology in New York City offers a one-year highly immersive fellowship experience in Head and Neck Pathology, directed by Dr. Margaret S Brandwein-Weber, Professor of Pathology and Site Chairman. This fellow will have the opportunity of training in one of the most robust, dynamic, academic settings within a fully digitalized pathology department. There is the expectation of graduated sign-out responsibilities and independent intraoperative assessment in newly renovated facilities. Elective rotations are available tailored to the fellow's preferences. He/she will be encouraged to participate in ongoing translational research projects which include an innovative computational pathology platform.
The fellow must have completed a residency in either Anatomic Pathology (AP) or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (AP/CP) and be eligible for a New York State Medical License. This fellowship is open to graduates of Oral Pathology Residencies. Occasionally, fellows are accepted in the middle of training, but most are in their 5th or 6th year of training. Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training in Pathology.
An application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference are necessary.
Please contact:
Margaret Brandwein-Weber, MD
Professor of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Site Chair, Pathology Mount Sinai West, Mount Sinai Best Israel
[#15768, renewed 8 May 2024, exp. 15 March 2025]
Openings For Breast Pathology Fellowship 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
There is an opening for the Breast Pathology Fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic years. The Breast pathology Fellowship is a one year dedicated program at Mount Sinai with a goal of becoming a specialist in the field. Currently we accept one breast fellow per year.
The breast pathology training at Mount Sinai is a truly enriching experience with an exposure to a variety of cases that covers the most routine to the most unusual and complex cases. The fellow has the opportunity to preview and prepare cases for attendings and to present at the weekly tumor boards in a multidisciplinary setting. The Mount Sinai Health System breast cancer specialists are experts in the field, with patients coming from all over the world and excellent consultative material to learn from. This provides an opportunity for the trainees to get in depth training from experts in breast oncology, radiology and surgery. The Breast Fellowship training includes core elective rotations in surgery, radiology and oncology for three weeks in addition to research time. The fellow has teaching opportunities and supervises residents. The fellow serves as a consultant on breast related matters including selecting slides to send out for molecular testing.
One major attraction and benefit that the fellowship offers is the familiarity, confidence and expertise gained in diagnosing breast lesions with digital pathology, which is predicted to be the future of not only breast pathology, but pathology in general.
To apply for the fellowship, applicants must submit the Standardized CAP Application for Fellowships, CV, personal statement, USMLE score report, and three letters of recommendation. Letters should be addressed to Dr. Malini Harigopal, MD. E-mail all applications to Dr. Harigopal at and to the Program Coordinator Scott Goldfarb at
[#16884, renewed 14 October 2024, exp. 11 October 2025]
The New York Blood Center Enterprises
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028
Number of appointments per year - 4
Description: For over 35 years, NYBCe’s Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program has been at the forefront of training over 100 specialists in transfusion medicine. Our ACGME-accredited, one-year fellowship offers a unique opportunity to gain comprehensive blood banking experience, combining immersive experiences at top New York academic medical centers with advanced immunohematology training at the NYBC reference laboratory. Prospective fellows will benefit from structured rotations in blood services, collections and regulatory affairs, immunohematology and genomics laboratories, hospital transfusion services, therapeutic apheresis, perioperative autologous transfusion, stem cell collection, coagulation, HLA laboratories, cord blood public bank, cellular therapy laboratories, and research.
The fellows will rotate in 4 month blocks between two large academic hospital centers and NYBC, one of the largest blood centers in the nation. Participating hospitals include Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Weill Cornell Medical Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital, and Northwell Health System.
A two-year research track is available for selected candidates interested in pursuing an academic career in transfusion medicine.
Requirements: Candidates should be board-eligible or board-certified in Clinical Pathology or other major specialty boards such as Anesthesiology, Hematology or Pediatrics. Candidates must hold or be eligible for an unrestrictive license to practice medicine in New York State. For potential applicants in the country on a H1B visa, please ensure that your visa is transferable and will remain current during the one-year fellowship.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of postgraduate training PGY 5. Also provided is a professional development fund.
Applications: Please email us at to receive an application or for further information.
[#16756, posted 13 September 2024, exp. 13 September 2025]
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, New York
Hematopathology Fellowship
Accepting applications for Academic Year 2026-2027
One position
We are now participating in the NRMP MATCH ** for the academic year 2026-27
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center (NS/LIJ)/Northwell Health offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematopathology.
The program offers comprehensive training in benign and neoplastic hematopathology in both adult and pediatric populations. The fellow has the opportunity to review a wide variety of cases, and gain competence and expertise in bone marrow and lymph node pathology, peripheral blood smears, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, hematology/coagulation, molecular hematopathology and digital hematopathology. The fellow will receive instructions and guidance in all areas of hematopathology from our group of 14 faculty members who have diverse expertise in hematopathology and are committed to teaching. The program provides a unique learning environment and will prepare the trainee for any careers in hematopathology.
The fellow will be an integral part of the hematopathology team. The fellow attends daily sign-out sessions with attending hematopathologists, progressively taking on more responsibility in the cases. In addition, the fellow is expected to actively participate in weekly tumor boards, resident teaching, journal clubs, monthly interesting case presentations and quality assurance activities. Fellow participation in translational research and publication in peer-reviewed journals is strongly encouraged.
Interested candidates should contact via email:
Fellowship Director
Pallavi Khattar, MD
Training Program Administrator
Ms. Miranda Pedroza
Candidates must be board-eligible or board-certified in anatomic pathology (AP), clinical pathology (CP), or anatomic pathology/clinical pathology (AP/CP) by the American Board of Pathology.
Individuals accepted into the program must obtain a New York state medical license before the program starts on July 1.
*Northwell accepts J1 and H1 visas for fellowship.
Stipend: Dependent upon level of training.
Offers will be made through NRMP Match. Please refer to the FAQ document on the Society of Hematopathology webpage.
Essential application information includes:
- Common application form
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal statement
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable)
- Applications can be sent to
Helpful links:
American Board of Pathology
Society for Hematopathology
Fellowship Program Director
Pallavi Khattar, MD
Fellowship Program Director, Division of Hematopathology
Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Specialties: Anatomic/Clinical Pathology, Hematopathology
Miranda Pedroza, MBA
Senior Training Program Administrator
Northwell Health
Department of Anatomic Clinical Pathology
2200 Northern Boulevard,
Greenvale, NY 11548
Program website:
[#17537, posted 13 February 2025, exp. 13 February 2026]
New York, NYU Langone Health-cytopathology, openings for 2025, [#16746, posted 12 September 2024, exp. 13 December 2025]
New York, NYU Langone Health-GU pathology, openings for 2027, [#17034-1, renewed 1 November 2024, exp. 27 October 2025]
New York, NYU Langone Health-hematopathology, opening for 2026, [#16857, renewed 3 October 2024, exp. 27 October 2025]
New York, NYU Langone Health-molecular pathology, openings for 2026, [#17034-2, renewed 1 November 2024, exp. 27 October 2025]
New York, NYU Langone Health - neuropathology fellowship, unexpected opening for 2025-2027, [#16577, posted 12 August 2024, exp. 12 August 2025]
New York, NYU Langone Health - pulmonary / cardiovascular pathology, opening for 2027, [#17455, renewed 4 February 2025, exp. 5 February 2026]
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, NY
Breast & GYN Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Join us for an ACGME-accredited 1-year Breast & GYN Pathology Fellowship at Roswell Park, the oldest NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in the US. As a large cancer institute, we have a high volume of complex surgical procedures and you will receive comprehensive training in breast and gynecologic pathology biopsies, in-house resections, professional consults, as well as outside referral cases, including intraoperative consultation. You will gain additional skills in diagnostic molecular pathology and you'll have an excellent opportunity for academic development with clinically oriented research projects. Fellows are complemented by Residents and Medical Students, enabling ample opportunity for teaching and graduated responsibility. Elective rotations are flexible and include cytology, genitourinary, gastroenterology, and dermatopathology. We have 5 breast pathologists and 3 gynecologic pathologists. Our translational medicine model connects fellows with clinicians and scientists who understand every aspect of cancer care. As part of this extraordinary community, you'll interact with and learn from nationally prominent cancer specialists.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must successfully complete AP or AP/CP residency training in an ACGME-accredited program by the fellowship start date. Candidates must be eligible for a New York State Medical License or Limited Permit.
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 1 fellowship position per year
Openings: 2025-2026, 2026-2027
Stipends: Stipends commensurate with postgraduate year of training.
To Apply: Please submit a completed CAP fellowship application form, your current CV, a personal statement and 3 letters of reference.
Mohamed Mokhtar Desouki, MD, PhD
Professor of Oncology, Pathology and Gynecology
Program Director, Breast & GYN Pathology Fellowship
C/o Danielle Selleck
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
Telephone: (716) 845-7183
[#17065, renewed 8 November exp. 20 February 2026]
Hematopathology Fellowship
1 Opening for 2025-2026
1 Opening for 2026-2027
The Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center is offering one 1-year position in our new, ACGME-accredited Hematopathology Fellowship Program beginning July 2025 and July 2026. This new fellowship program will provide advanced training in all major aspects of diagnostic hematopathology, including morphologic interpretation of peripheral bloods, bone marrow biopsies, lymph node biopsies, and body fluids as well as exposure to flow cytometry, laboratory hematology, cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics. The fellows will also participate in various clinical and educational activities, including consensus conferences, tumor boards, journal clubs, didactic lectures, and educational conferences. The fellows are required to participate in clinical and translational research and strongly encouraged to present at national meetings.
Roswell Park is an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center in Western New York with a busy hematopathology service that includes sign-out of 2000+ bone marrow specimens, 500+ lymph node specimens, and 6000+ flow cytometry cases. Our 10-color flow cytometry laboratory performs both routine diagnostic analysis and minimal residual disease analysis of hematolymphoid neoplasms.
Requirements: Only residents who will complete their training in an ACGME-accredited Program or Canadian equivalent by the fellowship start date will be considered. In addition, candidates must be eligible for a New York State Medical License or Limited Permit.
Stipend: Support will be commensurate with the year of post-graduate training.
Application materials include:
- CAP standardized application form
- CV
- Personal statement
- Three letters of recommendation (one must be from your Residency Program Director)
You-Wen Qian, MD, PhD
Hematopathology Fellowship Program Director
c/o Danielle Selleck, Fellowship Administrator
Department of Pathology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
Telephone: (716) 845-7183
[#16822, renewed 25 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship
2 Openings for 2026-2027
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center offers an ACGME-accredited one-year Fellowship in Oncologic Surgical Pathology.
Roswell Park, founded in 1898, is the oldest NCI-funded Comprehensive Cancer Center. The environment is fast-paced, dynamic, collegial, and exciting!
The Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship provides advanced training in neoplastic diseases of GYN, Breast, GI, GU, Pulmonary, Head and Neck, Endocrine, Skin, Brain, Bone, Soft Tissue, and Hematopoietic systems. Fellows will spend time on the surgical pathology service and have protected time for research. There is an opportunity to gain additional skills in diagnostic molecular pathology or in one of the world's best flow cytometry labs, and also in solid tumor cytogenetics with capabilities in FISH and interphase analysis during your elective time. Elective rotations in cytopathology and hematopathology are also possible. Fellowships may be individualized, with the option of a sub-specialty focus in the latter part of the year. Fellows can choose between: GI, Breast, GYN, GU, Thoracic, and Head & Neck.
Fellows are complemented by Residents and Medical Students, enabling ample opportunity for teaching and graduated responsibility. The Fellows are an integral part of patient care at Roswell Park, and their participation in disease site specific multidisciplinary tumor boards, while serving an educational purpose, also ensures the optimum quality of patient care. Seminars from Faculty within and outside the Department will supplement the Fellow's education. The complexity of cases, coupled with the large volume of cases allows Fellows to become proficient in the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases.
Requirements: Only Residents who will complete their training in an ACGME-accredited program by the Fellowship start date will be considered. Candidates must be eligible for a New York State Medical License or Limited Permit.
Types and Numbers of Appointments:
1-year Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship: 4 ACGME-accredited positions per year
2 openings for 2026-2027
Stipends: Stipends commensurate with postgraduate year of training.
Applications: Please complete and submit documents printed from the following web address:
Danielle Selleck
Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
Telephone: (716) 845-7183
Fax: (716) 845-3427
[#16823, renewed 25 September 2024, exp. 17 December 2025]
Stony Brook University Hospital
ACGME approved Cytopathology Fellowship Program
1 Opening for 2025
1 Opening for 2026
This one-year advanced training in cytopathology is designed to provide comprehensive training in cytopathology. The program has a growing ultrasound (US)-guided FNA clinic that is operated by cytopathologists. The fellow will have hands-on experience in performing both palpation- and US-guided FNAs, and in providing rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) of samples prepared from US-, CT-, EUS- and EBUS-guided FNAs. Fellows will become familiar with triaging specimens for appropriate ancillary tests and in utilizing telecytopathology for ROSE and practical training in laboratory management and quality control/assurance. The fellows will participate in a number of clinical and educational activities: performing FNAs, in-hospital service and daily sign out, multidisciplinary tumor board conferences, and teaching pathology residents, cytotechnologists, and medical students. As members of a research-intensive academic department, the fellows will also have the opportunity to pursue academic interests in basic or translational research, to present their work at national meetings and to submit research manuscripts for publication in leading academic journals.
Requirements: Candidates must be Board certified or eligible for certification in AP or AP/CP and must be eligible for a license to practice in the state of New York.
Stipends: Commensurate with the level of training.
Applications: Submit the Standardized Pathology Fellowship application (available on the CAP website) with curriculum vitae, personal statement, and three letters of references.
Departmental website:
Contact Information:
Ms. Kathleen Pitisi, MBA
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (631) 444 2224
For further information, contact:
Maoxin Wu, MD, PhD
Director of Cytopathology Fellowship
[#15933-3, renewed 3 April 2024, exp. 25 April 2025]
Stony Brook University Hospital
Hematopathology Fellowship
1 Open Position for 2026
Description: One fellowship position in an ACGME accredited program at Stony Brook University Hospital, located on the north shore of Long Island, 55 miles east of New York City. This one-year fellowship offers experience in hematopathology emphasizing diagnostic hematopathology and laboratory hematology. Two board-certified hematopathologists are enthusiastically engaged in teaching the trainee in all areas of hematopathology. The program includes training in peripheral blood and bone marrow morphology interpretation, lymph node pathology, laboratory pathology, coagulation, flow cytometry, cytogenetics and molecular pathology. The trainee is exposed to a very active bone marrow transplantation service. The trainee will have the opportunity to teach residents and medical students and will have outstanding opportunities to participate in translational research. The trainee will be expected to register and pass the ABP hematopathology board exam at the end of their training period.
Requirements: Applicants should be Board eligible in anatomic and/or clinical pathology.
Stipends: Commensurate with the candidate's level of training.
Applications: Submit the Standardized Pathology Fellowship application (available on the CAP website) with curriculum vitae, personal statement, and three letters of references.
Departmental website:
Contact Information:
Ms. Kathleen Pitisi, MBA
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (631) 444 2224
For further information, contact:
Yupo Ma, MD, PhD
Director of Hematopathology Fellowship
[#15933-2, renewed 3 April 2024, exp. 25 April 2025]
Stony Brook University Hospital
Selective Pathology: Surgical Pathology Fellowship
2 Open Positions for 2025
2 Open Positions for 2026
Description: This ACGME accredited program is at Stony Brook University Hospital, located on the north shore of Long Island, 55 miles east of New York City. This one-year fellowship will provide an intensive experience in general surgical pathology and subspecialties including breast, GYN, GI, pulmonary, renal, neuropathology and placental pathology. The fellow will become familiar with the innovative use of technology to improve workflow and quality assurance/improvement within surgical pathology. The service includes approximately 27,000 cases per year, encompassing a wide variety of organ systems and subspecialties. The fellow is involved in the performance and interpretation of frozen sections, supervision of the gross room, sign out of cases and presentation at conferences. He/she will have the opportunity to teach residents and medical students and will have outstanding opportunities to participate in translational research.
Requirements: 4 years of ACGME approved AP/CP training or 3 years of AP training. At a minimum the applicant must have completed all USMLE steps and be eligible to take ABP board examinations.
Stipends: Commensurate with the candidate's level of training.
Applications: Submit the Standardized Pathology Fellowship application (available on the CAP website) with curriculum vitae, personal statement, and three letters of references.
Departmental website:
Contact Information:
Ms. Kathleen Pitisi, MBA
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (631) 444 2224
For further information, contact:
Shah Giashuddin, MD
Director of Selective Pathology Fellowship
[#15933-1, renewed 3 April 2024, exp. 25 April 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Openings for July 2025 and July 2026
This is a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program that offers advanced training in diagnostic cytopathology with a strong emphasis on Rapid On-Site Evaluation (ROSE) through telepathology and regularly scheduled Pathologist performed Fine Needle Aspirations (FNA) of palpable lesions. Cytopathology has its own FNA procedure room in the new Cancer Treatment Center. FNA assessments through telepathology occur throughout the day in endoscopy for EUS, EBUS and EBUS navigational procedures, as well as Interventional Radiology for non-palpable and deep-seated lesions. Opportunity is also available for training in ultrasound-guided FNAs. Substantial emphasis is placed on cyto histopathological correlation. SUNY has a new state-of-the-art molecular laboratory.
The SUNY Upstate Medical University Cytopathology Laboratory examines approximately 7,000 ThinPrep Paps, 3,500 non-gynecologic specimens and 2,100 FNAs. The Cytology department is staffed with six experienced cytotechnologists and 3 preparatory technicians and 4 board certified cytopathologists. ThinPrep Imaging Dual review technology is utilized in the laboratory. Ancillary techniques such as vast in-house immunocytochemistry and special stains, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics and electron microscopy are available for more comprehensive evaluation of difficult cases. The fellowship offers opportunities for teaching residents and medical students and participation in research projects. Diagnostic, research, teaching, communication and managerial skills are emphasized. The fellow is involved in resident teaching conferences, departmental and interdepartmental conferences and tumor board.
SUNY has a large and beautiful campus in downtown Syracuse NY, home to the very popular Syracuse University college basketball team. Syracuse is a very lively town that is rich in music, art and sports.
Applicants should be Board-eligible or Board-certified in Anatomic Pathology or AP/CP and have successfully completed USMLE Step III.
Send curriculum vitae, personal statement, completed standardized CAP application and three letters of reference to:
Kamal K. Khurana, MD (
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Karen C. Warner, MS (
Coordinator, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Department of Pathology
SUNY Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
[#17315, renewed 7 January 2025, exp. 2 March 2026]
Forensic Pathology Fellowship, Winston Salem, North Carolina
Openings for 2026-2027 and Beyond
Wake Forest University School of Medicine announces an opening for one forensic pathology fellowship position for the academic year 2026-2027 and beyond. The autopsy service at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist is a designated Regional Autopsy Center for the medical examiner system in North Carolina and provides guidance and forensic autopsy services for county medical examiners in 33 counties within the western portion of North Carolina. A forensic pathology fellow at this institution can expect a wide variety of cases encompassing deaths in more populated urban areas and rural, mountainous areas. Expected autopsy cases encompass homicides by all classifications of traumatic injuries, including gunshot fatalities by a wide variety of firearms, blunt force trauma, poisonings, various forms of accidental deaths, as well as interesting natural manners of death. Hands-on experience in ballistics, forensic anthropology, and forensic toxicology is an integral part of the program.
Successful completion of a residency in anatomic or anatomic/clinical pathology program accredited by ACGME or AP/CP located in Canada accredited by the RCPSC or CFPC, or certification by the ABP in anatomic pathology is required. The fellow will be appointed a county medical examiner to run throughout their fellowship year and must obtain a physician training license or unrestricted North Carolina medical license and possess a valid driver’s license. For program information visit
The autopsy faculty consists of 5 board-certified forensic pathologists, one of which also has board-certification in neuropathology, and another forensic pathologist has interest in postmortem radiology. Weekly didactic conferences reviewing autopsy images, daily discussion and review of cases, and abundant up-to-date resources in the medical school’s library enrich the fellow’s education.
Winston-Salem is a vibrant small city with an affordable cost of living and lies at the foot of the Appalachian Mountain Range (
Contact information:
Jerri McLemore, MD
Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (336) 716-3821
Mark Giffen, DO
Associate Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (336) 716-2648
Ms. Jodee Spencer
Pathology Fellowship Program Coordinator
Telephone: (336) 716-5080
[#16581, renewed 12 August 2024, exp. 14 August 2025]
Department of Pathology
Surgical Pathology Fellowship / Instructor
Immediate Openings Beginning July 2026
We accept 2 fellows per year of training
Description: Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, the flagship academic center of the Advocate Health system, is offering two One-year Fellowship / Instructor Positions in Surgical Pathology starting in July 2026. We have an active academic surgical pathology department with approximately 45,000 general surgical specimens including outside consults per year and the opportunity to review additional unusual cases as part of our interinstitutional consensus conferences. The instructor's primary responsibilities include signing out surgical cases, frozen section diagnosis, and leading tumor board conferences. Our subspecialty-based sign out program offers excellent experience in general surgical pathology training, emphasizing Breast, GYN, GI, GU, ENT and Lung pathology. The program features 6-9 months of progressive, independent sign-out, and 3 months of elective rotations to expand your subspecialty interests. We offer a flexible schedule, a very competitive salary, and a friendly, collegial environment. There is also the opportunity to, participate in research, and engage in our transition to digital pathology.
Requirements: Board eligibility or certification in anatomic pathology or AP/CP; with ability to obtain a license to practice medicine in North Carolina. Please note that we are only able to accept US Citizens/ Permanent Citizens and Green Card Holders.
Stipends: Are commensurate with junior faculty / instructor.
Application: Submit application along with curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, including one from current program director to:
Haodong Xu, MD, Program Director
Shauna Matthew, Program Coordinator
Department of Pathology, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
1 Medical Center Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27514
Telephone: (336) 716-3546
[#17257, renewed 18 December 2024, exp. 17 January 2026]
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2024 - 2025 and 2025 - 2026 Academic Years
Description: The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine offers an intensive and comprehensive training experience in diagnostic cytology, including fine needle aspiration biopsy with surgical pathology and clinical correlation. The cytology division receives over 9,000 liquid-based Pap smears, approximately 7,000 non-GYN cytology specimens, including over 1,600 FNAs, and approximately 400 cytology consults a year. The fellow will be expected to participate fully in the FNA service, rapid onsite assessment, and daily sign out. Opportunities exist for electives in pathology subspecialties, teaching and research projects.
Requirements: Applicants should be board eligible or board certified in anatomic pathology or AP/CP. The stipend is commensurate with postgraduate year of training.
Community: Chapel Hill is a vibrant university town centrally located in North Carolina allowing easy access to the beautiful North Carolina beaches and mountains.
Application: Send curriculum vitae, personal statement and three letters of reference to:
Jan F. Silverman, MD
Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Cytopathology Fellowship Director
University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina Hospitals
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
3rd Floor, Room 30247
101 Manning Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Office: (984) 215-5156
Fax: (984) 974-9177
Cell: (412) 742-9745
[#17706, renewed 20 March 2025, exp. 31 March 2026]
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Openings for 2026-2027
The Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is currently accepting applications for Pediatric Pathology Fellowship positions. Our program, one of the longest-standing in the country, was established in 1964 and offers up to three ACGME-approved positions per year.
CCHMC is currently #1 among Honor Roll hospitals in U.S. News & World Report's 2024-2025 Best Children's Hospitals rating. Our division has 34 faculty members (23 anatomic, 6 clinical, and 5 research faculty) led by Dr. S. Ranganathan. We subspecialize in many areas of pediatric pathology, including neuromuscular diseases, neuropathology, hematopathology, solid tumors, as well as renal, liver, transplant, perinatal, and placental pathology. We are a referral center for liver, soft tissue tumors, and histiocytic disorders. We receive over 21,000 surgical cases representing more than 45,000 specimens, as well as 1,100 consults, and perform over 140 autopsies annually. Our caseload includes a broad spectrum from common to very unusual cases. In addition, we offer a structured academic curriculum, including a bi-weekly fellow-driven case conference, periodic journal clubs, bi-monthly formal didactic and slide sessions imparted by our faculty, and research opportunities. An optional second year of training is offered to fellows interested in in-depth subspecialty research at our institution.
Many of our former fellows are leaders in pediatric pathology worldwide. Our graduates are highly qualified to take the pediatric pathology board exam and continue making significant contributions to our subspecialty.
For more information, please visit:
Please send the inquiries to:
Oscar Lopez Nunez, MD
Fellowship Program Director
Division of Pediatric Pathology
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 1035
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Telephone: (513) 517-1172
Ala Alshammary
Fellowship Program Coordinator
Division of Pediatric Pathology
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 1035
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Telephone: (513) 636-0550
[#16694, renewed 4 September 2024, exp. 7 September 2025]
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Programs
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Columbus, Ohio
The department of pediatric pathology at Nationwide Children's Hospital offers two tracks of fellowship
Both of our fellowship tracks offer our trainees
- Nurturing learning environments and enthusiastic teaching faculty
- Flexibility regarding electives and research projects
- Robust teaching slide collection, including a thorough digital library
- Well-maintained reference library and online subscriptions specifically for trainee use
- Competitive fellow benefits provided from NCH GME
- Learning supplemented by collaborations with internationally-renowned Institute for Genomic Medicine and Children's Oncology Group, and the Biopathology Center
1. The Anatomic Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Program "continuous ACGME accreditation since 1953" is one of the oldest Pediatric Pathology Fellowships in the US.
Program Highlights
- Faculty expertise offering comprehensive training in:
- Pediatric Tumors
- Gastrointestinal Pathology
- Neuropathology
- Cytopathology
- Renal and related Electron Microscopy Pathology
- Musculoskeletal Pathology
- Perinatal, Placental and Autopsy Pathology
- 100% board success rate and preferable job placements
- State-of-the-art laboratory facilities, including high-throughput digital slide scanning abilities
2. The Clinical Pediatric Pathology Program holds NCH GME-accreditation and is the first of its kind offering focused training in pediatric laboratory medicine and clinical pathology.
Program Highlights
- Faculty Expertise offering comprehensive training in:
- Pediatric Hematopathology
- Pediatric Transfusion Medicine
- Pediatric Diagnostic Immunology
- Pediatric Clinical Microbiology
- Pediatric Clinical Chemistry
- Training intended for residents trained in Anatomic and/or Clinical Pathology, as well as trained Pathologists in Anatomic Pediatric pathology, who desire to enhance their skills in Clinical Pediatric Pathology.
- Comprehensive training in Clinical Pediatric Pathology with on-site, state-of-the-art laboratories available for trainees
- Openings
- 2025-2026 – 1 out of 2 Fellowship spots open
- 2026-2027 – 1 Clinical Pediatric Pathology Fellowship spot open
- 2027-2028 – Currently accepting applications
- 2028-2029 – Accepting applications starting in January 2026
Please email for updated position availability.
To apply or learn more, visit
[#17405, renewed 24 January 2025, exp. 17 April 2026]
The Cleveland Clinic
Pathology Department
Neuropathology Fellowship
Our Neuropathology fellowship is an ACGME accredited 2-year program offering advanced, in-depth training in neoplastic and non-neoplastic CNS diseases: Annual volume of 3800+ neuropathology “in-house” and consultation material including muscle & nerve biopsies, some with electron microscopy; 120+ autopsy brains; 1800+ ocular cases; forensic and neurodegenerative conferences. Take advantage of our curated virtual slide database, glass slide teaching sets and online quizzes. We will emphasize histological differential diagnosis, the role of ancillary testing including immunohistochemistry and molecular testing as well as the importance of clinical correlation. The fellow will have time for multidisciplinary interactions and opportunity for elective time (e.g. molecular/soft tissue/H&N). Clinical research opportunities available in the first year in addition to support for attending AANP meeting. Preference will be given to applicants seeking conventional 2-year neuropathology training commitment with clinical emphasis.
ACGME-accredited combined AP/CP or Anatomic Pathology residency training program. At least two years of post-graduate training required; this may include 2 years of anatomic pathology (AP) or 1 year AP plus clinical training in neurology/neurosurgery.
Commensurate with the level of training; current information available at the Cleveland Clinic GME Website.
For fellowships beginning July 1, 2027, interested candidates should submit a cover letter electronically with personal statement stating interested date of matriculation, curriculum vitae, Cleveland Clinic application* and three letters of recommendation to:
Program Coordinator:
Darlene Straub
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Diagnostics Institute
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue, L1-371
Cleveland, OH 44195
Telephone: (216) 217-0596
Fax: (216) 444-6715
Please address letters to:
Gabrielle Yeaney, MD
Staff, Division of Neuropathology
Director, Neuropathology Fellowship
Director, Division of Ocular Pathology
Associate Professor of Pathology, CCLCM
Cleveland Clinic
9410 Carnegie Ave
Cleveland, OH 44106
Link to application website:
[#17633, posted 7 March 2025, exp. 7 March 2026]
The MetroHealth System/Case Western University Program
Cleveland, Ohio
Fellowship in Surgical Pathology
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at MetroHealth System/Case Western University offers a one-year fellowship in general Surgical Pathology designed for individuals who wish to build upon diagnostic skills learned in residency in a program that emphasizes graduated responsibility and ultimately independent sign-out privileges in a supervised and supportive environment. This fellowship serves as an excellent transition from training to independent practice in either an academic or community setting.
Approximately 25,000 surgical cases are processed annually, encompassing a comprehensive array of specimen types. The department is staffed by nine surgical pathologists, with vast experience and particular expertise in breast, GI, hepatobiliary, head and neck, and pulmonary pathology as well as neuropathology, hematopathology, and cytopathology.
Responsibilities include grossing, intraoperative consultation, and work-up of cases under supervision, progressing to independent sign-out as junior staff, after thorough evaluation of diagnostic accuracy and medical knowledge. The fellow is expected to participate in the supervision and teaching of residents and medical students and participate in departmental conferences and multidisciplinary tumor boards. Lab management principles and regulations are emphasized. Participation in clinical research is encouraged.
Program Director: Caroline Abramovich, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Requirements: Completion of an ACGME-accredited four-year AP/CP or three-year AP residency program; candidate should be Board eligible or Board certified.
Stipend: Commensurate with level of post-graduate training.
Application and Inquiries: Submit completed College of American Pathologists (CAP) Fellowship Application, current CV, and three letters of recommendation to:
Nigmeh Salti, Program Coordinator, Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
The MetroHealth System/Case Western University Program
2500 MetroHealth Dr., Cleveland, OH 44109
Telephone: (216) 778-5168
[#16864, renewed 4 October 2024, exp. 10 December 2025]
The MetroHealth System/Case Western University Program
Cleveland, Ohio
Fellowship in Cytopathology
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
A comprehensive ACGME-accredited, one-year fellowship program in Cytopathology is offered in an academic institution affiliated with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. This program's mission is to train well-rounded cytopathologists with an emphasis on diagnostic and procedural skills, quality improvement, teaching, and research. We take pride in serving our community through an interdisciplinary team approach in which the diagnostic and consultative role of the pathologist is valued. Fellows learn the art and science of Cytopathology through study of a vast array of cytologic specimens with extensive histological and clinical correlation. Over 25,000 annual cytologic specimens and numerous educational resources are available to meet the fellow's educational objectives. Faculty includes five cytopathologists who staff a modern laboratory which includes a state-of-the-art computer system that facilitates histological-cytological correlation and quality control monitoring. We are one of the few centers in North East Ohio that offers a robust, pathologist-performed FNA service, which is time and cost-efficient, drawing positive feedback from our clinicians. The fellowship experience includes both procurement and rapid on-site evaluation of FNA samples from superficial sites. Non-palpable, deep body site FNAs are performed under CT or ultrasound guidance (EUS/EBUS) with cytology support. Ancillary studies such as immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and molecular testing complement morphologic studies and are integrated into the educational program. The fellow assumes progressive, supervised sign-out and conference responsibilities, including tumor boards, general pathology and cytopathology journal clubs, and teaching of residents and medical students. Fellows actively participate in quality assurance programs unique to the cytology laboratory. Management principles are stressed throughout the curriculum. Active participation in clinical research and presentation at a national meeting is encouraged.
We are participating in the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) unified recruitment timeline for cytopathology fellowship programs.
Program Director: Caroline Abramovich, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Requirements: Completion of an ACGME-accredited four-year AP/CP or three-year AP residency program; candidate should be Board eligible or Board certified.
Stipend: Commensurate with level of post-graduate training.
Application and Inquiries: Submit completed College of American Pathologists (CAP) Fellowship Application, current CV, and three letters of recommendation to:
Nigmeh Salti, Program Coordinator, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
The MetroHealth System/Case Western University Program
2500 MetroHealth Dr., Cleveland, OH 44109
Telephone: (216) 778-5168
[#16947, renewed 17 October 2024, exp. 13 March 2026]
Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
2026-2027 Transfusion Fellowship
2027-2028 Transfusion Fellowship
Fellowship Director:
Michael Losos, MD
Director, Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
410 W. 10th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
The Transfusion Medicine Fellowship accepts one fellow each academic year.
Opening for 2026-2027 (1 position).
Opening for 2026-2027 (1 position).
This one-year ACGME approved program provides instruction and experience in hospital and blood center transfusion medicine. The trainee actively participates in routine and complex serological evaluations, perinatal testing, component collection and therapy, therapeutic apheresis, hematopoietic progenitor cell collection, quality processes, HLA, bone marrow transplant, flow cytometry, and information management at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University (950 beds), The James Cancer Hospital (160 beds), Ross Heart Hospital (160 beds), Nationwide Children’s Hospital (350 beds) and Versiti Blood Center. Both clinical and basic research in the areas of transfusion medicine and hematology/thrombosis/hemostasis are available and protected research time is included.
Candidates must successfully complete USMLE Step III prior to their Medical Staff appointment at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University. They must also be Board-eligible or Board-certified in clinical pathology, anesthesiology, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, colon and rectal surgery, neurological surgery, or thoracic surgery, or a primary certificate plus a subspecialty certificate in hematology.
Support will commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries:
A complete fellowship application will include:
• CAP Fellowship Application Form
• Personal Statement
• CV
• Copy of USMLE or COMLEX scores
• Three Letters of Recommendation
• Photograph
Please email supporting application documents to:
Pathology Education Office
The Ohio State University Medical Center
[#17447, renewed 3 February 2025, exp. 21 April 2026]
Cytopathology Fellowship
2025-2026: Two Positions (open recruitment)
2026-2027: One Position (open recruitment)
2027-2028: Two Positions (open recruitment)
Fellowship Director:
Hamza Gokozan
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
410 W. 10th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
The Cytopathology Fellowship accepts two fellows each academic year.
2025-2026: Two Positions (open recruitment)
2026-2027: One Position (open recruitment)
2027-2028: Two Positions (open recruitment)
This is a one-year cytopathology training program at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, which includes the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute. The cytology laboratory accessions approximately 36,000 cases annually. This includes 8,000 exfoliative non-gynecologic, and about 2,400 FNA specimens. The cytopathology fellows will experience preliminary sign-out of non-gynecologic and gynecologic specimens, gynecologic pap smear/cervical biopsy correlations, and performing and interpreting FNA under supervision of a staff cytopathologist. Twelve months are spent in clinical service as it relates to cytopathology with access to surgical pathology, frozen sections, molecular pathology, HPV DNA analysis, image analysis, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and research associated with cytopathology. The fellows will participate in the cytopathology teaching of cytotechnologists, medical students and residents. They may also participate in the regular resident microscopic seminars, hospital tumor boards, cytopathology teleconferences, CAP proficiency tests and formal cytopathology lectures. The fellows may participate in inspections as they relate to certification in cytology and quality assurance.
The candidate should be AP or AP/CP board eligible or board certified. License (training certificate or unrestricted license) to practice medicine in the state of Ohio is also required.
Support will be commensurate with year of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries:
A complete fellowship application will include:
- CAP Fellowship Application Form
- Personal Statement
- CV
- Copy of USMLE or COMLEX scores
- Three Letters of Recommendation
Please email supporting application documents to:
Pathology Education Office
The Ohio State University Medical Center
[#17669, renewed 12 March 2025, exp. 8 June 2026]
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Blood Bank / Transfusion Medicine
Opening for 2025-26
This one-year, ACGME accredited fellowship is designed to provide comprehensive Transfusion Medicine training. The transfusion medicine service transfuses approximately 50,000 blood components annually and performs over 1,000 therapeutic apheresis procedures a year. Fellows rotate at the Cleveland Cord Bank and the American Red Cross. One Fellowship position is available per year.
Candidates must have completed requirements for primary certification in clinical pathology (CP) or AP/clinical pathology (CP) before the start of this fellowship. Please submit a current CV, CAP Fellowship application, and 2-3 letters of reference to
University Circle and the Case Western Reserve University campus are home to a number of excellent cultural institutions, including Severance Hall, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and the Museum of Contemporary Art. The Uptown District within University Circle and the nearby Little Italy neighborhood offer a variety of options for fine and casual dining. Abundant housing options, ranging from modest to luxurious, are available within walking distance of the hospital. Membership at One to One Fitness Center (one block from the Pathology Department) is available at low cost.
In employment, as in education, UH Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine are committed to equal opportunity and diversity. Women, veterans, members of underrepresented minority groups and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
[#17368, renewed 15 January 2025, exp. 27 April 2026]
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cytopathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
This one-year advanced training in cytopathology is designed to provide comprehensive training in diagnostic cytology including both gynecologic and non-gynecologic material with emphasis on interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNA) with surgical pathology and clinical correlation, cytoprocessing techniques and quality improvement initiatives. The cytology lab evaluates approximately 32,000 Pap Tests and over 5,000 (multipartite) non-gynecologic accessioned specimens including 2,300 FNA. UHCMC provides innovative cancer services with a full range of cancer-related clinical and research programs in the Seidman Cancer Center and is affiliated with the NCI-designated Case Comprehensive Cancer Center.
The fellow will be expected to participate fully in the FNA service, rapid on-site assessment, daily sign out, conferences and teaching and a required research project. The fellow will also be exposed to new ancillary techniques such as slide imaging, liquid based preparations, digital imaging, flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and molecular testing. The laboratory is fully computerized with access to integrated electronic medical records to allow retrieval of specimens for teaching, research and quality control projects. Elective rotation options include ultrasound-guided FNA training, molecular pathology or focused cyto-histological correlation.
Candidates must be Board certified or eligible for certification in AP or AP/CP and must be eligible for a license to practice in Ohio. Compensation will be commensurate with the level of prior training.
Applications are accepted until the position is filled and should be sent to
In employment, as in education, UH Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine are committed to equal opportunity and diversity. Women, veterans, members of underrepresented minority groups and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
[#16465, renewed 19 July 2024, exp. 27 July 2025]
Department of Pathology, University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Center
School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Fellowship in Hematopathology
Applications now open for 2026-2027
Description: A one-year, ACGME-accredited comprehensive fellowship in Hematopathology, with training in interpretation in all aspects of hematopathology including bone marrow biopsies, lymph node biopsies, peripheral blood and body fluid smears, flow cytometry, genetic and molecular testing, coagulation and evaluation of benign hematologic disorders. Fellows will have extensive training in flow cytometry and have interaction with in-house Genetic and Molecular labs (including next-generation sequencing panels for myeloid and lymphoid malignancies), allowing for a “360-degree” analysis of malignant hematology cases, with incorporation of the latest guidelines for diagnosis and prognostication using state of the art genetic and molecular testing.
Training occurs at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, a tertiary referral center associated with Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland VA Hospital allowing for an in depth and diverse experience covering all aspects of hematopathology including diseases found in specialized populations such as neonates, pediatrics/young adults, and bone marrow transplant patients. As such, the program offers ability to encounter almost all hematologic disorders and opportunity to work up many primary diagnoses not always encountered at large cancer centers. There are approximately 1800 bone marrow, 1500 tissue/lymphoma, and 4000 flow cytometry cases evaluated yearly.
The fellowship also includes instruction in lab management and opportunity for research projects and teaching/mentoring. Presentation of projects at national meetings is strongly encouraged. Fellowship is accredited for 2 fellows/year.
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, offers the benefits of a large city without a hefty living expense. There are many family-friendly activities. Attractions include museums, a world-class orchestra, theater district, local sports teams, and an extensive park system.
Program director: Pedro Ciarlini, MD.
Requirements: Board eligibility or certification in AP and/or CP.
Stipend: Commensurate with level of training.
Applications: Please submit a current CV, CAP Fellowship application, and 2-3 letters of reference to:
[#16893, renewed 9 October 2024, exp. 20 January 2026]
Department of Pathology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Fellowship in Surgical Pathology
Applications now open for 2026-2027
Description: A one-year, ACGME-accredited comprehensive fellowship in Selective Surgical Pathology with rotations on the following subspecialty services:
• Breast Pathology
• Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
• Cardiac Pathology
• Dermatopathology
• Gastrointestinal Pathology
• Genitourinary Pathology
• Gynecologic Pathology
• Head and Neck Pathology
• Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Pathology
• Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology
• Renal Pathology
• Thoracic Pathology
Over 70,000 surgical pathology specimens per year excluding consult cases (approximately 3,000 per year). Over 20 full-time surgical pathology faculty members. Fellow responsibilities include teaching residents and supervising intraoperative consults during defined frozen section rotations. Fellows are not assigned overnight call. Many opportunities for research and collaboration with the Center for Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics at Case Western Reserve University and clinical departments at UHCMC. Fellows have 12 weeks of elective time to concentrate on one (or more) subspecialty area(s).
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, offers the benefits of a large city without a hefty living expense. There are many family-friendly activities. Attractions include museums, a world-class orchestra, theater district, local sports teams, and an extensive park system.
Program director: Alessandra Nascimento, M.D.
Requirements: Board eligibility or certification in AP and/or CP.
Stipend: Commensurate with level of training.
Applications: Please submit a current CV, CAP Fellowship application, and 2-3 letters of reference to:
[#16900, renewed 10 October 2024, exp. 20 January 2026]
University of Cincinnati
Hoxworth Blood Center
Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2025, 2026, 2027
Program Description:
This one-year ACGME accredited program provides a rich transfusion medicine/blood banking experience with rotations at the Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati, the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (UCMC) and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) transfusion services. Hoxworth Blood Center supplies blood to all the hospitals in the Cincinnati Tri-State area. Fellows gain clinical experience supporting transfusion medicine issues related to multi-organ transplant, maternal fetal medicine, trauma, stem cell transplantation, neonatal, and cancer care in both pediatric and adult populations. The comprehensive Blood Center training encompasses Immunohematology (AABB Accredited IRL), Apheresis (Aph), Stem Cell Collections and processing, Blood Collection and processing, Histocompatibility, Research, and Compliance allowing fellows experience in donor center operations.
Fellows participate in conferences, lecture series, daily operational and Aph Rounds, weekly Clinical Update and Case study sign outs from UCMC, CCHMC and Immunohematology Reference labs. The fellow is encouraged to engage in activities improving utilization of blood components, clinical research, and scholarly activity. Fellows mentor and educate rotating residents and other trainees with on call support, presentation preparation, and QI projects. Additionally, fellows manage special product requests for granulocytes and special platelet requests for refractory patients. This fellowship experience prepares candidates to become experts in clinical case management and qualifies graduates for leadership positions including Medical Directors of Transfusion Services and Blood Centers.
Applicants must be board eligible/certified in AP&CP, CP, or other appropriate specialty boards including Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, and others.
Please visit our webpage at for additional information about the fellowship and the application process.
Margaret Simon
Program Coordinator
Dr. David Oh
Fellowship Program Director
[#16155, renewed 21 May 2024, exp. 25 July 2025]
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
2 Openings for 2027-2028
The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the State of Oklahoma is offering two ACGME-accredited, one-year fellowships in forensic pathology in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. The fellowship program entered the Forensic Pathology (NRMP) Match and has either filled or interviewed for positions through the 2026-2027 academic year. Two positions are available for 2027-2028 academic year and all subsequent academic years.
The fellows, under the guidance of eighteen board-certified forensic pathologists, will be expected to complete at least 200 forensic autopsies during the year. The fellow will also receive dedicated training time in forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology, forensic neuropathology, forensic radiology, and criminalistics. The fellow will also actively participate in the investigative arm of the agency throughout the training year by spending time on scenes with our ABMDI-certified investigators. The fellow will gain experience in legal proceedings, including interactions with local district attorney's offices as well as attending attorney meetings, depositions, and courtroom testimonies. The fellow will also be directly involved with in-house histology and radiology, including the use of Lodox x-ray and large-bore computerized tomography (CT) equipment. Opportunities for research and publication are abundant.
This statewide Medical Examiner agency services the nearly 4 million people of the State of Oklahoma out of two facilities in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The personnel in Oklahoma City were able to move into a state-of-art facility in 2017. A state-of-the-art facility completed construction in July 2022 for Tulsa personnel. Statewide coverage offers fellows exposure to a wide variety of forensic cases. Case analysis occurs in daily morning meetings, weekly scheduled case discussions, a monthly didactic lecture series, and one-on-one guidance with the staff forensic pathologists. Many other conferences on a wide variety of pathology and forensic issues are available at nearby universities.
The state of Oklahoma has a stable economy, low unemployment rates, affordable housing, and is home to excellent universities. Various outdoor and indoor activities are available, including multiple sports venues, music events, museums, and theatres.
Resident applicants must be either board-certified or eligible in AP and/or AP-CP (ABP). The salary is $120,000 plus generous state benefits. The fellow will have a private fully equipped workspace and an educational fund of $4500.00 (to use for purchasing books or attending conferences). The state benefits include longevity payments so that if the successful fellow is invited to join the staff, the fellowship year counts toward accrual.
For more information, please contact either of the following: or
Ross Miller, MD
Forensic Pathologist and Fellowship Director
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
1627 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74107
Telephone: (918) 295-3400
[#17425, renewed 29 January 2025, exp. 11 February 2026]
Oregon Health & Science University
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening July 2025 and July 2026
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University has a newly ACGME-accredited one-year accredited fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. The fellowship has openings for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic years.
The fellow will participate actively in an on-call schedule for transfusion medicine and therapeutic apheresis consultation. Additionally, the fellow will rotate in HLA testing, CAR-T cell therapy, and stem cell collections at OHSU. Donor center operations, donor testing, and blood collection rotations will be hosted by the American Red Cross.
The clinical and teaching responsibilities of fellows include regularly scheduled instructional conferences for pathology residents and informal and formal consultation with residents and faculty within and outside of the Pathology department. Fellows will have ample opportunities to learn and practice within a clinical context. Fellows have increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with level of performance.
In addition to their clinical duties, fellows participate in laboratory management, CAP inspection training, quality control measures, resident education, and translational research activities. Home to the Knight Cancer Institute, an international leader in research and cancer treatment, and other well-known institutes, OHSU offers a variety of collaborative research opportunities.
Community: Located on a scenic hill overlooking vibrant downtown Portland, the OHSU campus is less than 90 minutes from Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and the beautiful Oregon coast, providing endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. OHSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
Requirements: Full eligibility requirements can be found here:
Stipends: The stipend is commensurate with the year of postgraduate training. Includes relocation and housing allowances. Full details can be found here.
Program Director: Mandy VanSandt, DO, Program Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship and Vice Chair of Education OHSU
Applications: Please contact Stacey Davis at to notify us of your interest. Submit your curriculum vitae, personal statement, an application form from our website. At least three letters of recommendation should also be submitted directly to Stacey via email by the letter writer.
Stacey Davis, Administrative Coordinator
OHSU Department of Pathology, SOM
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L113
[#16267, posted 11 June 2024, exp. 11 June 2025]
Oregon Health & Science University
Breast and Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship 2027-2028
Oregon Health & Science University Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pleased to offer a one-year combined Breast and Gynecologic Fellowship. We are accepting applications for the 2027-2028 academic year.
The Fellow will spend equal time covering the Breast and Gynecologic Pathology Services, where they will gain proficiency in analyzing biopsies, routine and complex surgical excisions, and unusual or difficult external consultations. Service coverage includes interacting with multidisciplinary colleagues through routine follow-up on cases, weekly tumor board conferences, and periodic radiology correlation conferences. Fellows are strongly encouraged to engage in frozen section interpretation and research projects. Other opportunities will be determined based on Fellow’s interest and career goals.
The combined Breast and Gynecologic Pathology Fellow will enjoy the opportunity for graduated responsibility from comprehensive review of entire cases with attendings to independent workup and handoff of cases with focused review with attendings to entirely independent sign-out (with close backup support).
Community: Located on a scenic hill overlooking vibrant downtown Portland, the OHSU campus is less than 90 minutes from Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and the beautiful Oregon coast, providing endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. OHSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
Requirements: Completion of Residency in Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology
Stipends: The stipend is commensurate with the year of postgraduate training.
Program Director: Ozlen Saglam, MD, Program Director, Breast/GYN Pathology Fellowship
Applications: Please contact Stacey Davis at to notify us of your interest. To apply submit your curriculum vitae, personal statement, an application form from our website. At least three letters of recommendation should also be submitted directly to Stacey via email by the letter writer.
Stacey Davis, Administrative Coordinator
OHSU Department of Pathology, SOM
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L113
[#16862-2, posted 3 October 2024, exp. 3 October 2025]
Oregon Health & Science University
Cytopathology Fellowship, July 2025 – June 2026
Oregon Health & Science University Department of Pathology has an unexpected opening in our Cytopathology Fellowship for July 2025.
Our program provides comprehensive training in cytopathology, with emphasis on the performance and interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies, and the integration of cytology and molecular pathology. As the major tertiary care referral center for the entire state of Oregon, the OHSU Cytopathology section reviews more than 12,000 gynecologic specimens, 5,000 non-gynecological specimens, and 1,500 fine needle aspirations each year. In addition to their clinical duties, fellows participate in laboratory management, CAP inspection training, quality control measures, resident education, and translational research activities. We are supported by excellent immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry and molecular genetic laboratories, and a state- of-the- art core laboratory. Home to the Knight Cancer Institute, an international leader in research and cancer treatment, and other well-known institutes, OHSU offers a variety of collaborative research opportunities.
Community: Located on a scenic hill overlooking vibrant downtown Portland, the OHSU campus is less than 90 minutes from Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and the beautiful Oregon coast, providing endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. OHSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
Requirements: Completion of Residency in Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology
Stipends: The stipend is commensurate with the year of postgraduate training.
Program Director: Qiuying “Judy” Shi, MD, MS
Applications: Please contact Stacey Davis at to notify us of your interest. Submit your curriculum vitae, personal statement, an application form from our website. At least three letters of recommendation should also be submitted directly to Stacey via email by the letter writer.
Stacey Davis, Administrative Coordinator
OHSU Department of Pathology, SOM
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L113
[#17332, renewed 9 January 2025, exp. 8 February 2026]
Oregon Health & Science University
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship 2026
Oregon Health & Science University Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pleased to offer a one-year GI Pathology Fellowship. We are now accepting applications for the 2026-2027 academic year.
Our enthusiastic team of five GI Pathologists and wide range of complex GI specimens is ideal for an intensive fellowship experience, with an average caseload of 7,500 cases per year. The GI Pathology Fellow will spend equal time covering the GI Biopsy and GI Resection services, where they will gain proficiency in interpreting medical and transplant liver pathology, pancreaticobiliary pathology, and luminal GI tract pathology, including a high volume of consultative cases. 12 weeks of elective time in other subspecialty areas of surgical pathology, research, or other interests will be provided.
The GI Fellow will intermittently mentor Pathology Residents and Student Fellows who rotate through the GI services. Opportunities to present at clinical conferences are numerous, including weekly esophageal, pancreaticobiliary, and colorectal tumor boards, and bi-weekly liver correlation conferences. Fellows will participate in weekly departmental GI consensus conferences and monthly journal clubs. Research projects are easy to find and are encouraged.
Community: Located on a scenic hill overlooking vibrant downtown Portland, the OHSU campus is less than 90 minutes from Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and the beautiful Oregon coast, providing endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. OHSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
Requirements: Completion of Residency in Anatomic Pathology or Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology
Stipends: The stipend is commensurate with the year of postgraduate training.
Program Director: Brian Brinkerhoff, MD, Program Director, GI Pathology Fellowship
Applications: Please contact Stacey Davis at to notify us of your interest. To apply submit your curriculum vitae, personal statement, an application form from our website. At least three letters of recommendation should also be submitted directly to Stacey via email by the letter writer.
Stacey Davis, Administrative Coordinator
OHSU Department of Pathology, SOM
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L113
[#16862-1, posted 3 October 2024, exp. 3 October 2025]
Oregon Health & Science University
Neuropathology 2025
Oregon Health & Science University sponsors a two-year, ACGME accredited fellowship in Neuropathology. We currently have an opening for July 2025. The training program is designed to provide experience in the full spectrum of diseases of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, skeletal muscle, and eye. Our faculty have focused expertise in neuro-oncologic pathology, neurodegenerative disease pathology, and pediatric pathology. Fellows are responsible for initial interpretation of frozen sections, surgical specimens, autopsy brain cutting, and managing all aspects of the clinical service with graduated responsibility. The fellow is an active participant in multidisciplinary patient care conferences.
The clinical service evaluates approximately 1000 neurosurgical specimens, 170 muscle/nerve biopsies, and 150 autopsy brain specimens each year. Diagnostic experience includes immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and molecular diagnostics. The Neuropathology Section is staffed by three board-certified neuropathologists. Training in eye pathology is available with ophthalmic pathologist at the Casey Eye Institute. Experience in forensic neuropathology is obtained from the OHSU autopsy service and consultations for the Oregon State Medical Examiner's office, with opportunities available for forensic neuropathology elective rotations. Participation in clinical, translational, or basic science research projects is an essential and expected part of the training program.
Faculty research interests include neurodegenerative diseases and brain banking, molecular neuro-oncology, and pediatric/developmental neuropathology. The Oregon Brain Bank, Knight Diagnostic Laboratories, and the NIH-funded Layton Aging & Alzheimer's Disease Center are exceptional resources for the study of neurodegenerative and neoplastic disorders. Research involvement can be tailored to the trainee's career goals, with the balance of clinical and research activities for each fellow based on the individual's previous training and their development of clinical diagnostic skills.
Program Director: Matthew Wood, MD, PhD, Program Director, Neuropathology Fellowship
Eligibility requirements and details on how to apply can be found here:
[#15784, posted 6 March 2024, exp. 6 March 2025]
Allegheny General Hospital
Allegheny Cytopathology Fellowship
Pittsburgh, PA
Opening for July 1, 2025
The 1-year fellowship in cytopathology offers advanced training in cytopathology with emphasis on FNA biopsy and the selective applications of ancillary techniques. Fellows are actively involved in the practice of cytopathology including gynecologic and non-gynecologic pathology specimens. We accessioned approximately 14,000 GYN and 8,000 non-GYN specimens. Fellows receive increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with their level of performance. Emphasis is also placed on the integration of surgical pathology with cytology and the use of both air-dried Diff-Quik and alcohol fixed stains as well as liquid-based monolayer preparations. The fellows participate in the service, teaching and research activities of the cytology division. Of the more than 1,500 FNA biopsies at Allegheny General Hospital annually, the fellows assist and perform all preliminary interpretations and also review all consultation cases. Fellows also participate in a number of ongoing conferences, resident teaching and clinically applied research projects.
Stipends and benefits:
Commensurate with the level of training.
Kossivi Dantey, M.D.
Cytology Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (412) 359-6037
Application process:
Please send or email a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, personal statement and three letters of recommendation to Kossivi Dantey, M.D.
[#15937, renewed 3 April 2024, exp. 13 April 2025]
Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-27
The Department of Pathology at Fox Chase Cancer Center has one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship positions available in Oncologic Surgical Pathology beginning July 1, 2026. The possibility of additional ACGME-accredited Hematopathology and/or Cytopathology training are also available.
Fox Chase Cancer Center is a nationally ranked 100-bed NCI-designated multidisciplinary comprehensive cancer center with a departmental affiliation with the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. The department processes over 15,000 surgical specimens, 2,500 frozen sections, and 4,000 non-gyn cytology specimens yearly, all of which are cancer or cancer-related. There is extensive material in head and neck, breast, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urologic, gynecologic, dermatology and hematolymphoid neoplasms. The department has board certified surgical pathologists including hematopathologists, cytopathologists, a dermatopathologist, immunopathologist and cytogeneticist with busy consultation services, and an active molecular pathology laboratory.
The fellowship program is designed to provide an in-depth experience in tumor pathology with emphasis on diagnosis. Ample time for scholarly activities is facilitated by four full time pathologists’ assistants who gross all specimens and prepare all frozen sections.
Applications are available at and questions should be directed to Douglas B. Flieder, M.D. or Lori Schaffert at
[#16568, renewed 8 August 2024, exp. 22 August 2025]
Geisinger Medical Center
Department of Pathology
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025 and 2026
Description: The Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Geisinger Medical Center offers a one-year ACGME-approved fellowship experience in Cytopathology, with rotations entirely at Geisinger. The GMC Cytopathology laboratory receives approximately 30,000 gynecologic, 7,000 non-gynecologic and 4,500 fine needle aspiration (FNA) cases each year with over 4,000 rapid on-site evaluations and a busy pathologist-performed FNA clinic. The lab is fully automated and uses Sure Path and Thin Prep technologies for the cervical screening specimens.
Fellows actively participate in previewing and signing out all types of cytopathology cases and perform rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) using telecytology. In addition, fellows perform FNAs in our pathologist-run FNA Biopsy Clinic and in our simulation center with hands-on experience with ultrasound-guided FNAs. Our fellows also utilize EPIC Beaker for our laboratory information system and become familiar with QA functions like cytology-histology correlations that enhance their learning of laboratory management. Opportunities for elective rotation in subspecialty areas of surgical pathology are available, making the program flexible and individually tailored. Participation in ongoing clinical studies and research is also encouraged, leading to abstracts and presentations at national meetings, in addition to publications. The program is optimized with structured didactic lectures and slide sessions relevant to daily practice and board examination, as well as continuing education through the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) monthly webinars.
Fellows participate in our multidisciplinary clinical conferences and collaborate with the clinical teams on new initiatives. The goal of the program is to prepare individuals to be skilled, compassionate cytopathologists who will be an asset to any health system with a range of skills in cytomorphology, laboratory management, informatics, ancillary studies, telecytology, ROSE, FNA technique, and everything required to practice independently.
The program is directed by Sara Monaco, M.D., Professor of Pathology.
Please visit our program webpage for additional information such as requirements, stipends and application process: Cytopathology Fellowship (
Address letters of recommendation to:
Sara Monaco, M.D.
Professor of Pathology
System Director of Cytopathology
Program Director, Geisinger Cytopathology Fellowship
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Geisinger Medical Center
100 N. Academy Ave.
Danville, PA 17822-1920
[#17105, renewed 15 November 2024, exp. 6 December 2025]
Geisinger Medical Center
Department of Pathology
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025 and 2026
Description: The Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Geisinger Medical Center, offers a one-year ACGME-approved Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) fellowship training. The Geisinger Molecular Laboratory performs 25,000 high-complexity molecular tests annually, including > 75 cases of next-generation sequencing (NGS) per week on hematologic and solid tumors. More than 7,000 medical genetics patients are seen at Geisinger Health System each year. Geisinger Mycode project carries out whole-exome sequencing in > 100,000 individuals. Our program also offers 4 weeks of medical genetics and genomics rotation with University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Fellows will develop leadership and management skills in quality assurance and validation of new molecular assays. Fellows will participate in regular didactic lectures, tumor boards, conferences and journal clubs. Research is encouraged and strongly supported. Career mentoring is available. The program also is designed to prepare fellows to pass the MGP board exam.
Eligibility of application: Applicants who have completed at least 2 years of a 4-year AP/CP program are eligible to apply.
Visa support: We support J1 and H1B visas.
The Geisinger MGP fellowship program participates in the MGP unified timeline (Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) Fellowship Training Programs - Association for Molecular Pathology ( published by the Association of Molecular Pathology (AMP) and NRMP match (
Requested documents:
- Cover letter.
- Completed CAP standardized fellowship application form (standardized-pathology-fellowship-application.pdf (
- Curriculum vitae.
- Personal statement.
- ECFMG certification (if applicable).
- Three letters of recommendation (including one from the residency program director).
Address letters of recommendation to:
Jialing Huang, MD, PhD
Director, Molecular Genetic Pathology fellowship program, Department of Pathology
Geisinger Medical Center
Danville, PA 17822
Telephone: (570) 214-4009
Please email your package to:
Melissa S. Erb, C-TAGME
Senior Program Administrator
Pathology Residency, MGP Fellowship and
Cytopathology Fellowship
Geisinger Medical Center
Danville, PA 17822
Telephone: (570) 214-4026
All applications are considered without regard to race, religion, gender, or national origin.
[#16207, posted 31 May 2024, exp. 31 May 2025]
Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Opening for 2025-2026
The Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center invites applications for a one-year ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. Trainees will be provided training in all aspects of clinical adult and pediatric transfusion medicine, immunohematology, on-site therapeutic apheresis, allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell collection and processing, coagulation, and HLA (Histocompatibility) testing. Education in blood collection and processing is also covered. The fellow will work closely with the Medical Director and five other clinical pathologists to provide clinical consultation to the medical staff in areas of apheresis, immunohematology, and clinical transfusion medicine. The fellow will have opportunities for teaching medical students, technologists, residents, and fellows from other services. This program will provide the fellow with a rich educational experience leading to expertise in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine and the qualifications for eligibility for specialty certification in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. It will form a basis for a career in the academic or community practice setting.
The faculty, residents, and main laboratory facilities are housed in the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. The adult hospital has a capacity of approximately 500 beds and the free standing children's hospital approximately 75 beds. It is a both an adult and pediatric tertiary care hospital and the main teaching hospital of the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. It includes a Level I trauma center, a Level III neonatal intensive care unit, and is a major referral center for complicated adult and pediatric hematology/oncology cases. The Division of Clinical Pathology has abundant clinical opportunities for training a fellow in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. The Transfusion Service of the Hershey Medical Center is a full service operation providing allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell collections, plateletpheresis collection, therapeutic phlebotomy, and therapeutic apheresis. Annually, approximately 20,000 units of allogeneic red blood cells (~33,000 total blood components) are transfused, and ~1300 therapeutic apheresis procedures are performed (including plasma exchange, red cell exchange, cytoreduction, and peripheral blood stem cell collections). The Blood Bank/Transfusion Service is accredited by CAP, FACT, and the AABB.
• MD, DO or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification
• Applicants should be ABMS board-certified or board-eligible in combined Clinical/Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology only, Hematology, Pediatrics,
Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurological Surgery, Plastic Surgery, or
Thoracic Surgery.
• Eligible for Pennsylvania medical license
• US citizen, green card or J1 Visa
Applications process:
Applications are evaluated on an on-going basis and will be accepted beginning 12-24 months prior to the anticipated start date. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please forward the CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships, a cover letter with a personal statement, curriculum vitae, USMLE test scores, and letters of reference from your current/most recent program director and three additional individuals.
Applications should be addressed to:
Evelyn M. Potochny, DO
Program Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Department of Pathology, H169
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
500 University Drive, PO Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033
Applications must be submitted via the link on the website:
Please send question to Beth Smith, C-TAGME, GME Coordinator II, at
The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply.
[#17464-2, renewed 5 February 2025, exp. 1 February 2026]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center invites applications for a one-year ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Hematopathology, starting July 1. Trainees will be provided broad exposure to all aspects of the laboratory evaluation of benign and malignant hematolymphoid disorders including automated laboratory testing, coagulation, morphology, immunophenotyping, molecular and cytogenetic methods. In addition, the Fellow will participate in research and teaching activities with mentoring from the faculty. The successful Fellow will achieve a solid base of competencies to pursue an academic or private practice career.
The PSMSHMC is a 494-bed tertiary care facility associated with the Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute, Penn State Children's Hospital and Penn State College of Medicine, that provides abundant clinical and research material in the areas of adult and pediatric hematolymphoid diseases including an active bone marrow transplantation program. The Hematopathology service also provides consultative services to extramural Pathologists and Oncologists.
- Requirements:
- MD, DO or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification
- Board-certified or eligible in Anatomic and/or Clinical Pathology from the ABP or a primary certificate plus a subspecialty certificate in hematology from another member medical specialty board of the ABMS
- Eligible for Pennsylvania medical license
- US citizen, green card, or J1 Visa
Applications process:
Applications are evaluated on an ongoing basis and will be accepted until the position is filled. Please forward the CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships, a cover letter with a personal statement, curriculum vitae, USMLE test scores, and letters of reference from your current/most recent program director and three additional individuals. The Hematopathology Fellowship Program is committed to the NRMP Match. We will follow standard timeline, starting interviews January and continue as needed until the Rank Order list deadline.
Applications should be addressed to:
Michael G. Bayerl, MD
Program Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, H179
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
500 University Drive, PO Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033
Applications must be uploaded via the directions on our website:
Questions can be sent to our GME Coordinator, Beth Smith, C-TAGME, at
The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply.
[#17464-3, renewed 1 February 2025, exp. 1 February 2026]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Opening for 2026
The Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the College of Medicine of the Pennsylvania State University are soliciting applications for a fellowship position in Surgical Pathology to start July 1, 2026. This is a fully-funded one-year ACGME-accredited position that includes training in all aspects of adult and pediatric Surgical Pathology. Surgical Pathology accessions exceed 41,000 cases/year and reflect the broad variety of specialties practiced at our 500-bed tertiary care hospital, Children's Hospital (75 beds), Cancer Institute, outpatient surgical center, Endoscopy Center, clinics, and cases referred by practitioners at other institutions.
Our institution supports approximately 600 residents and fellows in > 60 training programs. The Division of Anatomic Pathology is an entirely subspecialized practice of 24 faculty members. The fellowship stresses autonomy and heightened responsibility, is flexible so as to nurture the fellow’s career goals, and encourages scholarly activity. Recent graduates have taken academic as well as private positions.
Hershey is a pleasant south-central PA community with excellent schools and abundant recreational opportunities. We are conveniently located within easy driving distance to Harrisburg (the state capital), Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Atlantic coastal areas.
- M.D., D.O. or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification
- Board-certified or board-eligible in combined Anatomic/Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology only
- Eligible for Pennsylvania medical license
- U.S. citizen, green card, J1 Visa
Applications process:
Applications are evaluated on an on-going basis. Please forward the CAP Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships, a cover letter with a personal statement, curriculum vitae, USMLE test scores, and letters of reference from your current/most recent program director and two additional individuals.
Applications should be addressed to:
Guoli Chen, MD, PhD
Program Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, H179
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
500 University Drive, PO Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033
Applications must be emailed to Beth Smith, C-TAGME, GME Coordinator II, at
Please send question to Beth Smith, C-TAGME, GME Coordinator II, at
The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer; Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply.
[#17464-1, renewed 5 February 2025, exp. 1 February 2026]
Division of Cytopathology
Number of appointments per year – 1
Opening for 2025-2026
The Division of Cytopathology at the Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, offers a one-year ACGME-approved fellowship program focusing on diagnostic cytology. The fellowship provides advanced training and experience in all areas of cytopathology including gynecologic, non-gynecologic, and fine-needle aspiration biopsies. Our cytopathology laboratory performs approximately 3500 tests per year, including liquid based gynecologic cases, body fluids and fine needle aspiration cytology. Ancillary techniques such as immunocytochemistry, molecular testing, flow cytometry and electron microscopy are available for more comprehensive evaluation of diagnostically challenging cases.
The fellow participates in rapid on site evaluation in TUH and Jeans campus. Telecytology is available for all cases performed in the TUH/Jeans campus. Rotation in Fox Chase Cancer Center and Thomas Jefferson Hospital are provided for additional experience in dedicated Fine needle aspiration training and Gynecologic cytology. The fellow also participates in interdepartmental conferences and teaching pathology residents and medical students.
Involvement in clinical research leading to publication in a peer-reviewed journal is encouraged and well supported. Opportunities for elective rotation in surgical pathology/ elective of interest are available. Completion of this program qualifies the candidate to take the cytopathology subspecialty boards.
This program is directed by Israh Akhtar, M.D, FIAC. Professor of Pathology.
Applicants must be AP or AP/CP Board eligible, or Board certified. Graduates of medical schools approved by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and those who are Board certified will be given preference.
Commensurate with level of postgraduate training in Pathology for PGY-6
Applications should be made 18 to 24 months prior to initiation of training.
Please include your curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation.
Applications should be emailed/and mailed to:
Israh Akhtar, MD, FIAC
Cytopathology Fellowship Program Director
Director Surgical Pathology
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Address: 3401 N Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Office Telephone: (215) 707-7223
Cell phone: (215) 388-4006
[#16668, renewed 28 August 2024, exp. 22 August 2025]
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
American Red Cross Penn-Jersey Region
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fellowship in Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine
Opening for 2027-2028
The Fellowship is a joint program supported by the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH) and the American Red Cross (ARC) Blood Services, Penn-Jersey Region. The fellowship is approved for one year of training in blood banking.
The concentration of study includes compatibility testing, resolution of antibody problems, therapeutic apheresis, administration of blood and blood products to various patient populations, including transplantation, the use of platelet matching, donor apheresis, whole blood collection, pediatric and neonatal transfusion, component processing and distribution, methodologies used in standard compatibility testing as well as in a large consultation reference laboratory, platelet and neutrophil serology and HLA testing. Teaching opportunities to the residents, nurses, medical students and technical staff at TJUH are provided.
The first two months are spent at TJUH with the exception of a selected orientation at ARC. The Fellow will split the remaining ten months between TJUH and ARC, with a two week rotation at Nemours duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, DE and a one week rotation in the HLA Labs at TJUH and ARC.
The Transfusion Medicine Department at TJUH includes the Blood Bank Laboratory, Therapeutic Apheresis Unit and Blood Donor Center. There are opportunities for collaboration with Oncology, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Surgery and other clinical areas (Dialysis, Transplantation). Hematology Fellows and Pathology Residents rotate through the Blood Bank on a regular basis. The operational responsibilities of the service are covered by the Blood Bank Fellow and Pathology Residents under constant attending backup.
The Fellow is the principal liaison between the various clinical services and the TJUH Transfusion Service. There are abundant opportunities for clinical and basic research interaction within TJUH. Academic pursuits or research projects are required of the Fellow. The program also can be modified to provide individualized attention to relevant areas.
Requirements: Candidates must be eligible to sit for Blood Bank boards through the ABP upon completion of the fellowship. Refer to the ABP requirements.
Stipend: Commensurate with the year of postgraduate training.
Staff: Julie Katz Karp, M.D., Program Director
Applications: Should be directed to:
Deborah Rosen
GME Coordinator
Department of Pathology & Genomic Medicine
Program Website:
[#16461, renewed 19 July 2024, exp. 12 July 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027
This one-year Fellowship Program provides extensive training in diagnostic cytopathology in the heart of Philadelphia. The laboratory processes 4,500 gynecologic and 7,000 non-gynecologic specimens per year, including 3,000 fine needle aspirations. The laboratory is staffed by four full-time board-certified cytopathologists and equipped with a modern computer system (EPIC), multi-headed microscope with video camera and monitor, and computerized image analyzer. The fellow participates in the service (including FNA Clinic), teaching, and research activities of the laboratory, with a strong emphasis on fellow education. There is ample opportunity to examine a large collection of approximately 4,000 glass slide study sets on various cytologic specimens with histologic correlation. The fellow will also learn the application of immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics, cytogenetics, image analysis of cytologic specimens, and performance of ultrasound-guided FNA. The fellow has the opportunity to attend regular didactic sessions, teach residents at monthly slide sessions, and present at monthly thyroid tumor board. We also offer robust opportunities for research and presentations at national meetings. Interviews of eligible candidates will be considered via phone or video conference.
Candidates must have completed an AP or combined AP/CP residency and must be eligible for a license to practice medicine in Pennsylvania.
Commensurate with level of postgraduate training.
Program Director: Allison Goldberg, MD
Applications should be submitted by August 1, 22 months prior to intended fellowship start date, and forwarded to:
Allison Goldberg, MD
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Cytopathology
132 S. 10th Street, Room 285D Main
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Telephone: (215) 955-5031
Fax: (215) 955-2426
Website: Please visit our website for a complete checklist:
[#16171, renewed 22 May 2024, exp. 28 May 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Accepting applications for 2026 - 2027
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital’s hematopathology fellowship is an ACGME-accredited one-year program covering all areas of hematopathology including bone marrow, lymph node diagnosis and body fluid interpretation. The ancillary services of flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics, and cancer cytogenetics are available on site.
The fellow’s primary responsibilities include reviewing all diagnostic hematology/oncology specimens from Jefferson's Center City main campus, the bone marrow transplant service and Jefferson’s regional enterprise locations (Abington hospital, Jefferson Northeast Hospital) while also being introduced to special coagulation and hemoglobinopathy diagnostics in the clinical hematology laboratory. Additionally, the fellow is expected to participate and present in various clinical conferences within the departments of Pathology & Genomic Medicine and Hematology/Oncology. Candidates with a strong academic interest have the opportunity to participate in clinical and translational research in the various clinical and research laboratories within the department.
The fellowship runs from July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027. Interviews will begin in January, 2025. Applications must be submitted before January 1, 2025 to be considered. Candidates must be board-eligible or certified in anatomic and/or clinical pathology. Pay is commensurate with level of postgraduate training.
For application, requirements and key dates, please visit our website:
Thomas Jefferson University’s Hematopathology Fellowship program is participating in the NRMP Fellowship Match. As part of the Match, interested candidates should register with NRMP ( before February 5, 2025 to participate in ranking.
For a list of key dates, please visit the Society for Hematopathology:
Questions? Contact Fellowship Coordinator Deborah Rosen at
[#17045, renewed 5 November 2024, exp. 30 November 2025]
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Pathology Fellowship Program
Soft Tissue/Bone Pathology Fellowship
Currently accepting applications for the 2026-2027 academic year
The Soft Tissue/Bone Pathology Fellowship (STB Fellow) is offered to PGY4 (or 3 for AP only trainee) and above residents and aimed toward the development of either academically or community oriented surgical pathologists with a subspecialty interest in bone and soft tissue pathology. The program is under the academic direction of Paul J. Zhang, MD, Director of the Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology Service at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Please submit:
• Completed fellowship application
• Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Statement
• Photo
• Three (3) letters of recommendation
Program Coordinator: Evelyn Jones
Email address:
Website: Soft Tissue/Bone Pathology Fellowship | University of Pennsylvania | Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (
[#16753, renewed 13 September 2024, exp. 13 September 2025]
Breast Pathology Fellowship: 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania seeks candidate for Fellow in Breast Pathology. This appointment will be for one (1) year beginning 07/01/2026.
Fellowship Overview:
The goal of this program is to train academically oriented breast pathologists by providing comprehensive training in diagnostic breast pathology with special emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management of breast diseases as well as active participation in translational research projects. The breast pathology service receives a large, ever growing number of large resection cases, image-guided core biopsies, and consultation cases driven both by institutional needs before therapy and personal referrals. In addition, immunohistochemical biomarker studies are performed in numerous cases on a daily basis. The fellow will gain expertise in signing out all of these but with emphasis on consultations and referrals from other institutions.
To develop an insight into the role of the integrated multidisciplinary approach in treating breast cancer, the fellow also rotates in other disciplines such as breast imaging, breast surgery, medical oncology and radiation oncology, spending at least 1 week in each. He/she will have an opportunity to interact with clinicians and discuss challenging cases during the weekly Multidisciplinary Breast Case Conference. Participation in clinico-pathological or translational research project is promoted, and the fellow will benefit academically from Penn’s collaborative culture with a high level of partnership between Translational Centers of Excellence (TCE), the Rena Rowan Breast Center, and the Basser Center for BRCA.
Ira J Bleiweiss, MD, Chief, Section of Breast Pathology
Anupma Nayak, MD, Director, Breast Pathology Fellowship Program
Kimberly L Dumoff, MD
Tom Hu, MD
Paul JL Zhang, MD
Successful completion of the Residency requirements for certification in Anatomic Pathology.
Documents needed: Completed application (see website link); Curriculum Vitae; Personal Statement; USMLE score report; ECFMG certificate (international); three (3) letters of recommendation.
Application Timeline:
Review of application typically starts no later than July 1, two years prior to the start of the fellowship. The candidates are strongly encouraged to submit a complete application including all letters of recommendation by June 30, two years prior to the start date.
Contact Info:
Inquiries should be sent to:
Anupma Nayak, MD
Director, Breast Pathology Fellowship Program
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
6 Founders
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Telephone: (215) 662-4899
[#16175, posted 23 May 2024, exp. 23 May 2025]
Selective Pathology Fellowships 2025-26 with
Interest in Oncologic/Hospital-Based Cutaneous Pathology and/or Head and Neck Pathology
We have openings for our ACGME accredited Selective Pathology (Surgical/subspecialty-based) Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
Currently accepting applications for 2025-26.
We currently have openings for the Selective Pathology fellowships at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, for year 2025-26. These positions have received ACGME special selective accreditation. The surgical pathology practice of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania functions in a subspecialty model. The responsibilities of fellows include supervised sign-out of a comprehensive range of medical and oncologic surgical specimens and responsibility for frozen section diagnoses. Fellows can concentrate in any subspecialty including Oncologic/Hospital-based Cutaneous Pathology and/or Head and Neck Pathology among others.
The Oncologic/Hospital-based Cutaneous Pathology training will provide exposure and in depth training to oncological and hospital based cutaneous pathology specimens in the Department of Pathology at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania along with a variety of research opportunities. After completion of this Oncological/Hospital-based Cutaneous Pathology program, candidates would be trained to practice in oncological cutaneous pathology. However, this program is not accredited for American Board Certification in Dermatopathology.
In addition to subspecialty signout, fellows will also have exposure to the busy frozen section service. Frozen section service and call will be incorporated throughout the year.
The surgical pathology laboratory accessions approximately 80,000 specimens/year.
Successful completion of an accredited residency program and meets the requirements for certification in Anatomic Pathology or combined AP/CP by the American Board of Pathology, and eligibility for Pennsylvania medical training license.
Contact Information
Vikki Scott
Manager of Graduate Medical Education
Telephone: (215) 662-4829
Rashmi Tondon, MD
Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Interested candidates apply here:
Surgical Pathology Fellowship Application (MS Word)
[#17220, posted 11 December 2024, exp. 11 December 2025]
University of Pittsburgh Cytopathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has two openings for 2026-2027 in the Cytopathology Fellowship Training Program.
Description: The Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) offers a one-year, ACGME-accredited fellowship in diagnostic cytopathology. The Cytopathology fellowship at UPMC provides a broad-based experience in exfoliative and aspiration cytopathology within the large academic tertiary care setting of the UPMC Health System.
The fellowship includes rotations at the UPMC Presbyterian-Shadyside Cytopathology Centers of Excellence (COE), which handle approximately 12,000 cytopathology cases annually, including around 3,500 fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy specimens, many of which are accompanied by concurrent core needle biopsy specimens. The training rotation in the Department of Pathology at Magee-Womens Hospital (MWH) of the UPMC Health System provides exposure to a large number of gynecologic specimens (approximately 45,000 Pap tests) and 4,000 non-gynecological cytology cases.
Daily sign-out is conducted alongside the faculty members. The Cytopathology division maintains a close working relationship with other centers of excellence in the department, including Hematopathology, Molecular Pathology, and Computational Pathology & AI sections. Faculty and fellows perform Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) biopsies in the fine needle aspiration clinic and the ENT department. Additionally, the fellows work with faculty in performing a large number of rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) procedures, either in person or utilizing telecytology technology.
The fellow will also participate in teaching cytopathology to cytologists/cytotechnologists, residents, and medical students. Ample resources are available for research projects, with strong faculty mentorship to support scholarly activities.
Requirements: Board certification/eligibility in either AP or AP/CP is required by the beginning of the fellowship training. Step 3 is a requirement as well as eligibility for the Pennsylvania medical training license.
Stipends: Commensurate with level of post-graduate training.
Applications and Inquiries: Please use this link to apply:
Please send the following documents to the program coordinator: Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter/Personal Statement, copy of USMLE or COMLEX scores, three or more Letters of Recommendation, one of which one must be from your residency program director or current fellowship program director.
Cynthia Wycroft, Coordinator
Office Telephone: (412) 623-3765
Program Director:
Samer Khader, MD
Professor of Pathology
Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
5150 Centre Avenue
POB2, Suite 201
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Office Telephone: (412) 623-3745
For more information about the fellowship please visit our website:
[#16663, posted 29 August 2024, exp. 29 August 2025]
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship 2025-26
The Genitourinary Pathology Center of Excellence (COE) at UPMC is currently accepting applications for an open position (1) for the academic year of 2025-26.
The GU Pathology Fellowship is a one-year ACGME approved large academic program during which the trainee is exposed to a wide variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic GU pathology. Yearly, the COE receives approximately 5000 surgical specimens, with a predominance of neoplastic conditions of the prostate, bladder, kidney, urinary tract, penis and testis. There is a busy consultation service including UPMC and non-UPMC regional hospitals. The fellow participates in the bi-weekly Multidisciplinary Genitourinary Tumor Board, and has opportunity for mentoring junior trainees, including medical students. Ample program and Departmental support for academic endeavors and research is available. The flexible schedule includes 11 months GU Pathology (2 weeks of those dedicated to Pediatric GU pathology); and 1 month of elective rotations. In addition, the fellow receives 4 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of conference time. Generous vacation time, travel and book fund is provided.
Gabriela M. Quiroga-Garza, M.D. (Fellowship Director)
Sheldon Bastacky, M.D.
Rajiv Dhir, M.D.
Dr. Dimitrios Korentzelos
Applicants must have completed two years of accredited anatomic pathology training, and be eligible for a medical license in the State of Pennsylvania.
Please send your application to:
Mrs. Chris Corcoran, Program Coordinator
Telephone: (412) 623-3002
Letters of recommendation should be addressed to Dr. Gabriela M. Quiroga-Garza.
Application should include: CV, USMLE scores, medical school transcript, and three letters of recommendation with one being from your current program director.
Online Application Form:
[#15767, renewed 5 March 2024, exp. 5 March 2025]
UPMC Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Department of Pathology is recruiting to fill TWO positions in their ACGME-approved Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) fellowship for 2027-2028. The recently renovated Molecular & Genomic Pathology laboratory at UPMC performs >21,000 molecular tests annually spanning major areas of solid tumor, hematologic oncology, and genetics. Most assays are performed using next generation sequencing (NGS). Extensive exposure to NGS-based molecular tests will be offered. Additional training in molecular infectious disease, HLA, clinical genetics, FISH, cytogenetics and lab management is offered. Participation in assay development/research projects and proficiency testing is expected. Candidates with prior molecular experience are encouraged to apply. Interested and qualified individuals who are board-eligible or board-certified in Anatomical and/or Clinical pathology or molecular genetics should mail or email their documents to the co-directors.
Tim Oury, MD and Maedeh Mohebnasab, MD
Co-Directors, MGP Fellowship
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh
Clinical Lab Building
3477 Euler Way, Room 8032
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582
Telephone: (412) 802-6797
Fax: (412) 802-6799
[#17376, posted 16 January 2025, exp. 16 January 2026]
UPMC Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Department of Pathology is recruiting to fill TWO positions in their ACGME-approved Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) fellowship for 2026-2027. The recently renovated Molecular & Genomic Pathology laboratory at UPMC performs >21,000 molecular tests annually spanning major areas of solid tumor, hematologic oncology and genetics. Most assays are performed using next generation sequencing (NGS). Extensive exposure to NGS-based molecular tests will be offered. Additional training in molecular infectious disease, HLA, clinical genetics, FISH, cytogenetics and lab management is offered. Participation in assay development/research projects and proficiency testing is expected. Candidates with prior molecular experience are encouraged to apply. Interested and qualified individuals who are board-eligible or board-certified in anatomical pathology or molecular genetics should mail or email their documents to the co-directors.
Tim Oury, MD and Maedeh Mohebnasab, MD
Co-Directors, MGP Fellowship
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh
Clinical Lab Building
3477 Euler Way, Room 8032
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582
Telephone: (412) 802-6797
Fax: (412) 802-6799
[#15998, posted 15 April 2024, exp. 15 April 2025]
University of Pittsburgh Transplant Pathology Fellowship
(Renal & Hepatic Pathology Sub-specialization Tracks Available)
Opening for 2025-2026
The University of Pittsburgh Thomas E. Starzl Institute at the Renal, Hepatic and Transplant center of Excellence offers a unique opportunity to gain expertise in native renal, liver and transplant organ pathology. This 12-month fellowship can be tailored to the candidate’s primary subspecialty focus (native liver, kidney or transplant organ pathology). The Division accessions more than 3000 native and transplant organ biopsy and resection specimens and runs a very busy consult service. There are numerous research opportunities, and the service extensively uses cutting-edge techniques including immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, multiplex labeling, Nano string n-Counter technology, digital spatial profiling and machine learning applied to whole slide imaging. As members of the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, we work closely with surgeons and clinicians in both research and clinical practice. Multiple CME accredited conferences with in-depth case-based discussion in renal and hepatic pathology are conducted on a weekly basis. Our world-renowned faculty is dedicated to teaching and is looking for promising candidates with a future in academic medicine.
Requirements: 1) Two completed years anatomic pathology minimum (3 years preferred), or Board eligibility/certification in AP/CP 2) medical license to work in Pennsylvania
Application: Standardized CAP pathology Fellowship application must be submitted with letter of intent, three letters of recommendation, personal statement and updated resume to:
Dr. Parmjeet Randhawa
Fellowship Program Director
Telephone: (412) 647-7646
Deadline: Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year must be submitted in entirety by July 1, 2025. Also accepting applications for following years.
[#17265, renewed 20 December 2024, exp. 31 March 2026]
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island
Stuart C. Lauchlan Fellowship in Gynecologic Pathology, Breast Pathology and Gynecologic Cytopathology
Opening for July 2027
This fellowship is a one-year program that specializes in diagnostic gynecologic pathology, breast pathology and gynecologic cytopathology, including dedicated time for research. We aim to train well-rounded academic subspecialists in women's pathology by emphasizing the importance of diagnosis, teaching, and research in evidence-based management of women's diseases. The program is the only one to offer combined training in all three disciplines of women's pathology. Based at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, resources available to our trainees include a case load of 18,000 surgical, 50,000 cytology, and 800 consultation accessions per year. Active participation in daily consensus conference, weekly prospective multidisciplinary gynecologic and breast tumor boards, Rounds, access to a consultation archival file spanning nearly 30 years, gynecologic oncologic pathology conferences, and breast radiology/pathology correlation conference further enhance training. The Lauchlan fellow also participates in the teaching pathology residents and medical students at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
Requirements: Candidates must have an MD degree or equivalent and should have completed an accredited AP or AP/CP pathology residency program on commencement of the fellowship. Candidates are expected to have passed parts I, II and III of USMLE. Applicants must be eligible for employment in the United States.
Stipends: Commensurate with post-graduate level of training. Book and travel allowances are provided. Women and Infants Hospital is an EEO employer.
Applications: Standardized Fellowship Application, personal statement of interest, CV, USMLE scores, and 3 letters of recommendation.
For information regarding the application process please contact:
Kamaljeet Singh, M.D.
Program Director
Stuart C. Lauchlan Fellowship in Gynecologic Pathology, Breast Pathology and Gynecologic Cytopathology
Associate Professor of Pathology, Alpert Medical school of Brown University
Telephone: (401) 430-1337
[#17526, renewed 12 February 2025, exp. 18 May 2026]
Rhode Island and The Miriam Hospitals
Department of Pathology
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2026-2027 Academic Year
Program Overview:
The Departments of Pathology at the Rhode Island and The Miriam Hospitals offer a one-year, non-ACGME accredited fellowship in Genitourinary Pathology. The program is designed to develop strong diagnostic skills and specialized expertise in GU pathology, preparing fellows to become subspecialty consultants in both academic and private practice settings. The fellowship emphasizes a graduated Junior Attending role, providing opportunities for case management, participation in multidisciplinary conferences, and active mentoring of residents and medical students. Approved by the Brown University Graduate Medical Education Committee, the program allows fellows to gain comprehensive experience in all aspects of GU pathology.
Rotations and Responsibilities:
Fellows will be involved in:
- Diagnostic case sign-out, intraoperative diagnosis and multidisciplinary tumor boards
- Mentoring and teaching residents and medical students
- A graduated Junior Attending role, allowing for independent decision-making
- Presentation in urogenital journal clubs
- Opportunities to engage in research projects with potential for presentations at local and national meetings
- Application Requirements:
- Completion of an ACGME-accredited AP or AP/CP residency training program
- Eligibility for employment in the United States
Application Process:
- To apply, please submit the following to the Program Coordinator Kyle Potter at
- CAP National Standard Application
- Personal statement of interest
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Three letters of recommendation
Ali Amin, M.D.
Program Director
Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship
Rhode Island Hospital
Department of Pathology
[#16826, posted 26 September 2024, exp. 26 September 2025]
2 Year Neuropathology Fellowship Opening
July 2025
We have an opening for July 2025 in our ACGME-accredited neuropathology fellowship and are seeking qualified candidates to apply. Applicants must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology, neurology, or neurosurgery. Fellows are expected to participate in all weekly conferences and other service-related activities and play an instrumental role in the autopsy service and are responsible for reviewing the clinical record and removing the brain and other relevant tissue specimens. In addition, they are responsible for reviewing relevant clinical, pathologic, and molecular studies related to the case. Fellows are expected to assist in all frozen sections diagnoses, nerve and muscle biopsies, and final surgical diagnoses. A minimum of 12 months must be devoted to clinical service activities. Fellows are encouraged to devote 3-12 months pursuing an independent research project in basic or translational neuroscience and to publish their findings in a peer reviewed journal. Teaching rotating residents in pathology, neurology, and neurosurgery, as well as medical students, is expected.
Please send a CAP application, personal statement, USMLE scores, and three letters of recommendation to:
Kyle Potter
Program Coordinator
Any questions, please call (401) 444-5057.
[#15981, renewed 11 April 2024, exp. 1 April 2025]
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytopathology Fellowship
1 Opening for 2025-2026
The Cytopathology Service of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston offers three ACGME accredited positions for a one-year program of subspecialty training in Cytopathology. The Cytopathology Service at MUSC annually examines 12,000 gynecologic and 6,500 non-gynecologic specimens, including over 3,000 fine needle aspiration specimens. Ninety- nine percent of gynecological and exfoliative specimens are processed through liquid-based technology (ThinPrep). Immunocytochemical, ultrastructural, and flow cytometric analysis is available for pertinent cases. On-site adequacy assessments are performed in both conventional method and via Telecytopathology. The fellowship offers in-depth exposure to Cytopathology with emphasis on clinical and histologic correlation. The fellows will actively participate in inter/intradepartmental conferences and are encouraged to participate in research projects related to cytologic diagnosis. Successful completion of the Fellowship training qualifies the candidate for special certification examination of the American Board of Pathology.
Candidates must have completed an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency and are eligible to hold a medical license in South Carolina. Applications should be received by January 1st of the year preceding the year of the fellowship (18 months prior to the beginning of the fellowship).
Salary is at PGY 5 level.
Address inquiries to:
Maria Cecilia Reyes, M.D.
Director of Cytopathology
Medical University of South Carolina
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
171 Ashley Avenue, MSC 908
Charleston, SC 29425
Send to:
Madison Black
Fellowship Coordinator
Telephone: (843) 792-7612
[#16239, renewed 5 June 2024, exp. 27 June 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship Position
Medical University of South Carolina
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Charleston, South Carolina beginning July 1, 2025 and 2026
The Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine offers a one-year fellowship in hematopathology with an opening for the academic year July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 and July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027. The program is designed for the fellow to have experience in interpretation of bone marrow aspirates, biopsies, cytochemical staining and cell surface marking using flow cytometry. In addition, rotations in routine hematology, coagulation, cytogenetics and molecular diagnostics laboratories are required. The trainee will be expected to participate in the coagulation consultation service as well as the bone marrow transplantation team. The amount of time spent in each area can be tailored to the applicant’s individual needs and desires. The program is designed to provide eligibility for the subspecialty certification in Hematology given by the American Board of Pathology.
Candidates must have completed an ACGME accredited AP or AP/CP residency and are eligible to hold a medical license in South Carolina.
Salary is commensurate with PGY 5 level of postgraduate training.
Address inquiries:
Madison Black
Program Coordinator
Medical University of South Carolina
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
171 Ashley Avenue, MSC 908
Charleston, SC 29425
Telephone: (843) 792-7612
Website: Hematopathology Fellowship Program | College of Medicine | MUSC
[#17209, renewed 11 December 2024, exp. 7 December 2025]
Clinical Instructor / Surgical Pathology Fellowship
2 Positions Starting 1 July 2026, Ending 30 June 2027
Job Purpose:
The Surgical Pathology Service of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is seeking a Surgical Pathology fellow for one year. The successful candidate will have completed an AP or AP/CP residency at an ACGME accredited institution and be board eligible. The Surgical Pathology section has subspecialty expertise including GI/liver Pathology, Breast Pathology, GYN Pathology, GU Pathology, Bone/ Soft tissue Pathology, Head and Neck/Endocrine Pathology, Pulmonary Pathology, Placental Pathology and Medical Renal Pathology. MUSC is the quaternary medical center for South Carolina and a comprehensive transplant center. Fellows participate as junior faculty with progressive independent sign-out of in-house surgical pathology cases and frozen sections. The Fellows actively participate and present at interdepartmental subspecialty tumor boards /conferences at a busy, growing quaternary medical center. Fellows also instruct/teach residents and medical students. MUSC includes the Hollings Cancer Center, Ashley River Towers hospital, Shawn Jenkins Children’s / Pearl Tourville Women’s Pavilion hospital and the Main hospital. MUSC in Charleston has approximately 1,000 beds. Annually, the surgical pathology volume is around 34,000 accessions (60, 000 specimens).
Additional Duties and Responsibilities:
The successful candidate must hold or be eligible for a South Carolina Medical License. The Candidate may participate in ongoing research projects with the section of Surgical Pathology.
Learn more about the Department:
Contact Michelle Barton, Administrative Coordinator for the Chair of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Program Coordinator for Surgical Pathology and Surgical/GI Pathology Fellowships, at
[#16912, posted 11 October 2024, exp. 11 October 2025]
The University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville (UTMCK)
Surgical Pathology Fellowship (one position)
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
Located in beautiful East Tennessee, the Surgical Pathology Fellowship Program is based in the Department of Pathology at the University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville. One, one-year fellowship is available beginning each July 1. Our department offers a variety of excellent educational opportunities including high volume, case complexity and diversity of cases. Case volumes per year averages over 30,000 surgical specimens, 50,000 cytology accessions, including 5,000 non-gynecologic specimens and 1,200 fine needle aspirations. The fellow is given responsibility in signing out with appropriate supervision by senior faculty. Teaching activities include an unknown case conference, journal club, case presentations, conference presentation, and research presentations where applicable. Rotations include gross room and sign-out, special techniques: electron microscopy, molecular pathology, flow cytometry, etc.
A wide spectrum of specimens (GU, GI, renal, lung, liver, muscle, brain, skin, etc.) provide extensive experience. The fellow participates in interdepartmental conferences and has an active role in supervising and teaching pathology residents. A research project is not a requirement during the fellowship year, however it is highly encouraged, and supported. The Department of Pathology, which includes over twenty faculty, has an excellent information technology base (Cerner/PowerChart/CoPath) and incorporates state-of-the-art facilities.
For detailed information:
Program Requirements: Must have completed AP/CP residency and eligible for medical licensure in Tennessee.
Applications: Applicants should submit a completed CAP Standardized Application (application available at, copy of CV, personal statement, USMLE/COMLEX scores, passport size photo, three letters of recommendation addressed to Alan Grindstaff, M.D., and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Ashley Capps, Residency & Fellow Coordinator
Department of Pathology
The University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville
1924 Alcoa Hwy U-108
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920
Telephone: (865) 305-8979
Fax: (865) 305-6866
[#17701, renewed 19 March 2025, exp. 9 March 2026]
Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Unexpected Opening for 2026, Opening for 2027
This is an exciting and innovative program that incorporates a required 24 week core component on the transfusion service and an 8 week core rotations on the coagulation and hemostasis service. This will be followed by 4 week rotations on the apheresis service, the hematology/oncology service and the American Red Cross Donor Collection Center. A 4 week elective period may be done either at Vanderbilt University, or as an away-rotation at another institution, including the possibility of a global health rotation in transfusion medicine in another country.
A major strength of this Fellowship compared with other TM fellowship programs in the US, is the foundation it will provide in delivering service through Diagnostic Management Teams (DMT) - an innovative health delivery modality pioneered in our department at VUMC, now being adopted at numerous other US medical institutions. The program also includes daily Morning Rounds with the attending physician and residents, as well as daily supervision of the Stem Cell Collection and Photopheresis Unit.
The fellowship includes a strong didactic component with regular lecturers, seminars, journal clubs, case conferences. The fellow will be required to present regularly at these meetings and will also regularly attend and participate in various QA/QC meetings including the Hospital Transfusion Committee. In addition, the fellow will regularly participate with the faculty in seminar meetings in hematology/oncology and in pediatrics/neonatology in order to give the fellow broad exposure to all fields of transfusion medicine. The fellowship also includes a 26-lecture series on "Fundamentals of Laboratory, Business and Human Resource Management" offered by faculty from the Owen Graduate School of Management and the Department of PMI that is attended by all residents and fellows in the department and encompasses topics in health policy; laboratory analytics, business management; as well as topics human resource management, negotiation and conflict management. In addition, the department has now established the Vanderbilt Pathology Education Research Group (VPERG) with a weekly lecture and research meeting series to promote education research in pathology for fellows, residents and faculty.
The fellow will also complete a small research project under faculty supervision. Funds will be provided to attend at least one conference during the year, and a $800 stipend will be provided for books and supplies. Publication of research, review and/or commentary papers will be strongly encouraged.
Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions with undergraduate medical programs contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools and ready access to outdoor activities.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, application*, CV, personal statement, USMLE scores, passport size photo, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Graduate Education Office
1161 21st Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
*Application and pertinent information can be found under Graduate Medical Education at:
Click here to see full brochure.
[#16491, renewed 24 July 2024, exp. 17 October 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Unexpected Opening for 2026
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, offers a one-year fellowship in Cytopathology providing sub-specialty training in Cytopathology in preparation for certification in specialty qualification in Cytopathology by the American Board of Pathology.
Fellows will be trained in gynecologic cytology a non-gynecologic cytology including fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology with acquisition of diagnostic competence and technical skill. Training in effective communication with patients and clinicians is emphasized as well as training in cytopathology laboratory management including QA/QC training and improvement, with the ultimate goal of optimizing patient care. Vanderbilt University receives 20,000 pap smears, 9,000 --non-gyn specimens, 3,000 Fine needle aspiration biopsies annually. The fellow has one month of elective time during the fellowship and may elect to do research or to spend time on a surgical pathology sub- specialty rotation such as Gastrointestinal, Breast, GYN or Genitourinary.
Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions with undergraduate medical programs contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools and ready access to outdoor activities.
For fellowships starting July 1, 2026, applications are currently being accepted.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, application*, CV, personal statement, USMLE scores, passport size photo, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Tapherine DeVany
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
1161 21st Ave. South, CC3322 MCN
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
*Application and pertinent information can be found under Graduate Medical Education at:
[#16847, posted 2 October 2024, exp. 2 October 2025]
Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Openings for 2028
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center offers Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship Program has an opening for a one-year fellowship starting July 2028.
The fellowship offers exposure to GI and liver surgical pathology cases at Vanderbilt Hospital, fulfilling primary signout responsibilities, including surgical specimens, medical biopsies, and frozen sections with concentrated exposure to GI and liver biopsies and consultation cases. Flexible time is spent in elective study/research including the opportunity for clinicopathologic and translational research.
The curriculum includes weekly informal microscopy review sessions on a variety of GI and liver pathology topics, opportunities for medical student and resident teaching, responsibility for presentation of pathology findings at a variety of multidisciplinary conferences, and research opportunities in GI and liver pathology. The fellows also participate in departmental and interdepartmental conferences. Fellowship training in Surgical Pathology, prior to commencing the Gastrointestinal Pathology Fellowship, is preferred.
Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions with undergraduate medical program contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1.8 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools and ready access to outdoor activities.
For fellowships starting July 1, 2028, interviews will be on a rolling basis starting early 2026 until the position is filled.
Interested applicants should submit a personal statement, application*, CV, USMLE scores, passport size photo, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Tapherine DeVany
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
1161 21st Ave. South, CC3322 MCN
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
*Application and pertinent information can be found at
[#17527, renewed 12 February 2025, exp. 7 May 2026]
Genitourinary Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee
Opening for 2027
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Genitourinary Pathology. The purpose of the program is to provide the advanced education in diagnostic skills concerning the area of surgical pathology with a primary focus on the genitourinary tract.
Responsibilities include previewing cases and writing up diagnostic reports prior to review with the urological surgical pathology attending on service. Although the fellow is not required to gross surgical pathology specimens, resident education around general surgical pathology, including oversight of histologic diagnoses and guidance over resident grossing techniques are expected. The goal will be to achieve diagnostic excellence in GU surgical pathology. Our team of surgical pathologists provides service for the Vanderbilt University Hospital, a 1,033-bed tertiary adult care hospital. Genitourinary surgical pathology comprises nearly 4,000 specimens annually, including in-house and consult cases.
During the fellowship, all sign-out of GU surgical pathology cases will be performed with an attending pathologist. Responsibilities also include a research component with expectations of presentation at a national meeting and submission of at least one manuscript for publication prior to completion of the fellowship. Protected elective time (8 weeks) will be available for rotation on non-genitourinary surgical pathology services or research time. Choice of rotation on specific non-genitourinary surgical pathology services is scheduled in consultation with the Fellowship Director and the Director of Surgical Pathology. The weekly GU tumor board preparation will be the responsibility of the GU fellow when covering the GU service, but not when on a non-GU service.
The Genitourinary Pathology fellow is part of a growing departmental graduate medical education community that includes approximately 25 residents, as well as fellows in Cytopathology, Pediatric Pathology, GI Pathology, Surgical Pathology, Renal Pathology, Hematopathology, Neuropathology, Molecular Genetic Pathology, Clinical Microbiology, Transfusion Medicine, Laboratory Genetics and Genomics, and Clinical Chemistry.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt Children's Hospital are expanding in many areas with a top NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, multifaceted organ and stem cell transplantation programs, innovative educational programs, and abundant clinical and translational research and basic science programs.
Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions with undergraduate medical program contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1.8 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools, and ready access to outdoor activities.
To apply, please submit application*, cover letter, CV, and 3 letters of recommendation (sent directly from the letter writer), via email to:
Tapherine DeVany
*Application and pertinent information can be found at
[#17372, renewed 15 January 2024, exp. 12 April 2026]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Openings for 2026
The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Hematopathology Fellowship Program has an opening for a one-year fellowship starting July 2026 that includes adult and pediatric hematopathology, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular pathology as well as coagulation, wet hematology, and benign hematology.
Vanderbilt is at the very cutting edge of incorporating advanced diagnostics into patient care. Through innovative technological interfaces with the electronic medical record, the hematopathologist can quickly review a patient’s history and previous lab results to direct the entire panel of lab tests that need to be ordered for every patient receiving a bone marrow biopsy. Once the results from the cytogenetic, molecular and flow cytometry reports are available, they are incorporated into an over-arching comprehensive report that includes not only diagnostic information but also specifies prognosis and optimal methods for minimal residual disease detection. This suite of services integrating the ordering and interpretation of morphologic and laboratory data is the Diagnostic Management Team (DMT). Through the hematologic malignancy DMT project, the pathologist guides clinical decision-making and effective test utilization in diagnosing and treating hematologic disorders.
The division evaluates approximately 5,400 Hematopathology cases including 3,000 in-house bone marrows, 550 in-house tissue biopsies, 1,000 body fluids, and 1,100 consults/referrals, as well as over 5,000 flow cytometry cases per year from Vanderbilt Hospital and Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt and an additional 900 morphology cases and nearly 1,000 flow cytometry cases per year from the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System.
VUMC will be participating in the Hematopathology Fellowship Match. Interviews will begin in January 2025, with Match Day taking place on April 30, 2025. To apply, please submit application*, cover letter, CV, and 3 letters of recommendation (sent directly from the letter writer), via email to
Holly Spann, Administrative Assistant
*Application and pertinent information can be found at: and
[#16562, renewed 8 August 2024, exp. 12 November 2025]
Neuropathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Openings for 2027
The Division of Neuropathology in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology (PMI) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), Nashville, Tennessee offers a two-year fellowship in Neuropathology. A large volume of surgical neuropathology cases (approximately 1,200 per year), muscle biopsies (approximately 250 per year), nerve biopsies (approximately 50 per year) and autopsies (approximately 150 per year) represent the varied clinical material upon which the training in neuropathology is based. An intraoperative consult service provides the opportunity for training in the interpretation of smear preparations and frozen sections.
Additional training is provided via regular didactics, study sets and journal clubs. The fellow is expected to engage in scholarly activity throughout the training period. More formal research experiences are available in the second year, depending on the trainee's interests and aptitude.
The Neuropathology fellow covers surgical pathology and autopsy services at Vanderbilt University Hospital, at Monroe Carrell Vanderbilt Children's Medical Center and at the Nashville Veteran's Administration Medical Center. Research opportunities are available not only within the Division of Neuropathology, but also within other PMI Divisions (Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Hematopathology, Renal Pathology and Investigative Pathology) and in other Departments at Vanderbilt Medical Center. The Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center is an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation’s leading research and teaching institutions with undergraduate medical program contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1.8 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools and ready access to outdoor activities.
Interested applicants should submit a personal statement, application*, CV, USMLE scores, passport size photo, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Tapherine DeVany
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
1161 21st Ave. South, CC3322 MCN
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
*Application and pertinent information can be found at:
[#17371, renewed 15 January 2024, exp. 29 April 2026]
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Unexpected Opening for 2026, Opening for 2027
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, offers a one year fellowship in Pediatric Pathology. There is one position available each year. The program provides strong curriculum in pediatric surgical pathology, materno-fetal pathology, and pediatric autopsy pathology.
The Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt (MCJCH) accessioned more than 8,500 pediatric surgical pathology cases, over 1,400 placentas and over 50 pediatric autopsies in 2016. The faculty includes 26 anatomic pathologists and separate divisions of renal pathology, hematopathology and neuropathology; providing subspecialty expertise in soft tissue pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, pulmonary pathology, breast pathology, gynecologic pathology, genitourinary pathology, neuropathology and muscle pathology.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt are experiencing expansion in many areas with a nationally recognized cancer center, multifaceted organ and stem cell transplant programs and expansion of educational programs, clinical and translational research and basic science programs. This is an exciting period of growth for the pathology department. Located in the heart of Nashville, Vanderbilt University is one of the nation's leading research and teaching institutions, with an undergraduate medical program, and many post-graduate programs contiguous on the same campus. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is a growing cosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1 million, diverse entertainment, excellent schools and ready access to outdoor activities.
An online application is available by clicking here.
Please provide three letters of recommendation.
For additional information, please contact:
Tapherine DeVany
Program Manager, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Fellowships
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
1161 21st Avenue South, MCN CC3322
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
Telephone: (615) 343-4882
Fax: (615) 343-7023
Vanderbilt University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
[#17229-2, renewed 13 December 2024, exp. 25 March 2026]
Renal Pathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Unexpected Openings for 2026, Opening for 2027
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, offers a one year fellowship in renal pathology. The fellowship is under the direction of Agnes B. Fogo, M.D., John L. Shapiro Professor of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology and Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Paisit Paueksakon, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology is Associate Director of the fellowship program.
The fellow is directly involved in the diagnostic evaluation of all renal biopsies received annually by the Renal Pathology Laboratory at Vanderbilt. These cases represent largely native (70%) as well as transplant (30%) renal biopsies, with both adult and pediatric cases. Current volume is about 1,700 cases/year, of which 70% are cases from outside hospitals in the region and other countries. The fellow will be expected to work independently in preparing cases for sign-out by the faculty using light, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Fellows will also present cases at clinical conferences held jointly with the Nephrology and Renal Transplant Divisions, have ample exposure to clinical teaching conferences, actively participate in teaching renal pathology to medical students, residents and nephrology fellows, and attend weekly departmental surgical pathology slide conferences. Fellows are expected to pursue an academic project, e.g., clinical teaching case reports. Fellows are encouraged and funds are available to attend a yearly scientific meeting during their training.
Application requirements: Applicants must be ECFMG certified if graduates of a foreign medical school, and should have a minimum of two years' training in Anatomic Pathology or three years in Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology in an ACGME accredited pathology residency training program or certification in another specialty by a member board of ABMS.
To apply, please send a letter of interest, three reference letters, and current CV to:
Email: agnes.fogo@Vanderbilt.Edu
Agnes Fogo, M.D.
Vanderbilt University
John L. Shapiro Professor of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
1161 21st Ave. South
MCN C3310
Nashville TN 37232
Vanderbilt University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
[#17229-1, renewed 13 December 2024, exp. 25 March 2026]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship with Subspecialty Concentration
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, Tennessee
Unexpected Opening for 2026, Openings for 2027
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee offers 5 positions for a one-year fellowship in Surgical Pathology with the option of up to 6 months of subspecialty concentration in gastrointestinal, breast, head and neck, gynecologic, or genitourinary pathology commencing on July 1, 2026. The program provides exposure to a multi-specialized tertiary service handling about 50,000 adult accessions per year, including broad experience in gastrointestinal, breast, bone/soft tissue, head and neck, endocrine, gynecologic, genitourinary, cardiac, and transplant pathology. A robust frozen section/intraoperative consultation service with a large component of independent practice is an important component of training. Elective time can also be spent in Cytopathology, Medical Renal Pathology, Pediatric Pathology or Neuropathology.
Among other duties, fellows perform independent interpretation of intraoperative consultations and are actively involved in resident education and supervision. There are many opportunities for clinicopathologic and translational research, and fellows also participate in departmental and interdepartmental conferences and student teaching.
For fellowships starting July 1, 2026, we are currently accepting applications.
Interested applicants should submit a personal statement, passport size photo, application*, CV, three letters of recommendation and ECFMG certificate (if applicable) to:
Tapherine DeVany
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
1161 21st Ave. South, CC3322 MCN
Nashville, TN 37232-2561
*Application and pertinent information can be found at:
[#15974, renewed 11 April 2024, exp. 7 July 2025]
Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center and Texas Children's Hospital
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026
BCM offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine starting on July 1, 2025.
This one-year ACGME-approved fellowship in blood banking and transfusion medicine offers comprehensive training in the fundamentals of immunohematology and blood banking, coagulation and apheresis. Fellows primarily rotate through our pediatric and adult hospitals with active oncologic and solid organ transplantation services. A unique aspect of our program is that the transfusion medicine team directly participates in the care of pediatric patients with active bleeding and in developing perioperative coagulation management plans. Additionally, at Texas Children's Hospital, the transfusion medicine team participates in daily clinical rounds with both the ECMO and VAD clinical teams. Fellows will have the opportunity to manage anticoagulation, transfusions and adjunct hemostatic therapies on rotations. Fellows will also rotate through our regional blood center and reference laboratory for training in donor services, advanced immunohematology and cellular therapy. We offer extensive apheresis training in both inpatient and outpatient settings for the adult and pediatric populations. We also provide support for research and at least one national meeting for our fellows. Our clinically oriented fellowship program is ideal for candidates looking for exceptional clinical and laboratory training in integrative transfusion medicine and coagulation services.
We welcome candidates who have completed residency and/or fellowships in a variety of disciplines including pathology, hematology/oncology, anesthesia, pediatrics, critical care, and internal medicine.
We currently have 2 available positions for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Fellowship Program Director:
Mike Perez, MD
Program Coordinator:
Shirley Baker
[#17167, posted 3 December 2024, exp. 3 December 2025]
Baylor College of Medicine
Cytopathology Fellowship
Opening in July 2025
There is an opening in July 2025 for an ACGME-accredited cytopathology fellowship in the Department of Pathology at Baylor College of Medicine. The program is designed to provide comprehensive training in diagnostic cytology including fine needle aspiration biopsy with surgical pathology and clinical correlation. Fellows rotate at two affiliated hospitals, Ben Taub Hospital and Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Candidates must be board eligible/certified in anatomic pathology or AP/CP.
Application [available at Cytopathology Fellowship (], current CV, personal statement, transcript from medical school, Dean’s letter and three recommendation letters should be submitted by email to:
Neda Zarrin-Khameh, MD, MPH
Cytopathology Fellowship Director
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
[#17255, renewed 18 December 2024, exp. 23 December 2025]
Baylor College of Medicine
GI/Liver/Pancreas Pathology Fellowship Program, ACGME-accredited
Salary Source: Institution, commensurate with level of training
Currently Accepting Applications for 2026 – 2027
BCM offers a one year ACGME-accredited fellowship in Gastrointestinal, liver and pancreas pathology starting on July 1, 2026.
Prerequisites: Fellows must complete residency training in anatomic pathology and be certified (or eligible for certification) by the American Board of Pathology (AP only or AP/CP).
Clinical service: The clinical service includes biopsy and resection specimens from the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, including a busy liver transplant service. The material includes both in-house cases as well as consult material from the community hospitals in Texas and outside the state. The fellow will rotate at 3 institutions: Baylor St. Luke’s Hospital; Ben Taub General Hospital; Texas Children’s Hospital. Strengths of this program include exposure to a high volume practice in both routine cases and pancreatic pathology, medical liver biopsies, liver transplantation and pediatric pathology. A 2 week rotation in clinical gastroenterology is provided, and the fellow will be able to attend procedures like EMR/ESD and EUS FNA/FNB performed by experienced gastroenterologists.
Research activity and publications: The fellow will be expected to participate in at least one on-going or new research project with the goal of publication and presentation at local, national or international meetings.
Teaching: The fellow will participate in the teaching and supervision of residents, as well as the pathologists’ assistants requiring guidance when grossing GI and liver specimens and coverage of GI frozen sections.
Tumor boards and other conferences: The fellow will be responsible for presenting cases at weekly GI Multidisciplinary Tumor Boards, Medical liver conference and monthly IBD conference.
Fellowship Program Director:
E. Celia Marginean, MD
Program Coordinator:
Shirley Baker
Pathology Education Office
Baylor College of Medicine
To apply, submit your application:
[#16140, renewed 16 May 2024, exp. 16 May 2025]
Clinical Informatics Fellowship
Openings for 2025 and Beyond
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Baylor Scott and White Health seeks candidates for its Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program located in Round Rock, Texas, a suburb of Austin. This two-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program is designed to provide practical experience in clinical informatics, accompanied by excellent didactics and by strong faculty and administrative support. Baylor Scott and White Health is the largest non-profit health system in Texas, operating 52 hospitals, more than 800 patient care sites, and including more than 7,300 active physicians.
- Program highlights:
- Pathologist-led program with extensive opportunities for engagement in pathology and laboratory informatics initiatives
- Gain experience with clinical informatics practice in the complex clinical and business environment of a large health care system
- Work directly with physician informaticists in pathology, laboratory medicine, and other specialties throughout Baylor Scott and White Health
- Tailor a flexible rotation curriculum, informatics projects, and academic work to your individual professional goals
- Complete a comprehensive didactic curriculum via fully funded enrollment in the OHSU Clinical Informatics Graduate Certificate Program
- Remain active in your pathology practice, up to 20% of the time, by arrangement
- Combine fellowship training with programs from other pathology subspecialties, by arrangement
- Requirements
- Board eligibility or board certification in any primary specialty, including completion of an ACGME-accredited residency program, prior to beginning fellowship training
- Strong interest in and aptitude for clinical informatics
Application process
Applications are accepted through ERAS. Required application documents include:
- Medical school transcript (certified English translation if from non-US institution)
- Three letters of recommendation
- Personal statement describing the applicant's interest, experience and career goals in clinical informatics
- Curriculum vitae
- USMLE transcript
Contact information
For more information, please contact us via email or visit our website. Key personnel include:
- Kenneth Youens, MD (Program Director,
- Bryan Nguyen (Program Coordinator,
[#15960, renewed 10 April 2024, exp. 21 July 2025]
Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Openings: 2026-2027
Description: The Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences (HCIFS) offers a one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship program in Forensic Pathology (FP). The intensive forensic pathology training is hosted in a state-of the-art, integrated medical examiner office and crime laboratory, located in Houston, Texas.
FP fellows actively participate in casework as instructed and supervised by the program director, deputy chief medical examiner, and up to 18 forensic pathologists. With a county population of nearly 5 million people, HCIFS averages more than 5,000 autopsies annually. FP fellows perform between 200 – 250 autopsies, participate in death scene investigations, and observe court testimony as well as participating in mock trials. FP fellows receive interdisciplinary training from HCIFS staff practitioners in forensic neuropathology, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, forensic toxicology, firearms identification, expert witness testimony, and more.
As a member of Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical center in the world, FP fellows are provided with access to consultants in specialties such as cardiovascular and pediatric pathology, neuropathology, and a wide spectrum of clinical specialties. FP fellows also experience a large variety of case types to provide a comprehensive training experience. HCIFS is certified to ISO 9001 and maintains seven accreditations, including the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). For more information visit our website: Fellowship Opportunities (
- Requirements:
- Applicants must be Board-certified or eligible in AP or AP/CP and have a Texas medical license. Board eligible applicants may apply for a training permit from the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners.
- Complete the Harris County Employment Application: Forensic Pathology Fellowship Application
- Submit supporting documentation to Forensic Pathology Administrative Coordinator,
- Personal statement
- Three letters of recommendation
- Curriculum Vitae
- HCIFS participates in the NAME MATCH Program for the forensic pathology fellowship and applicants will be required to register for the NRMP Match Process (
Program Director:
Darshan Phatak, M.D., Assistant Medical Examiner
Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program Director
[#16602, posted 15 August 2024, exp. 15 August 2025]
Houston Methodist Hospital
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2026
Houston Methodist Hospital (HMH), Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, in Houston, Texas, offers a one-year ACGME accredited Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship.
The aim of the fellowship program is to provide high quality training and exposure in the broad discipline of Transfusion Medicine allowing our fellow to develop into a well-rounded consultant within the field. HMH is a large academic medical center located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and provides an emphasis on donor, apheresis, and transfusion related services primarily for an adult population including a high volume of transplant and cancer patients. HMH is known for its high level of quality patient care and continues to rank as the number one hospital in Texas per U.S. News & World Report. HMH is also recognized as one of the best places to work with its recent recognition as the number 1 employer in Texas, number 2 in the U.S., by Forbes.
Training is provided by clinical pathology faculty within the department. Rotations include on-site donor center, apheresis to include stem cell collections, coagulation, blood banking/transfusion medicine, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA). The fellowship is complemented by rotations within and surrounding the TMC at UT Health Science Center, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, and Texas Children’s Hospital.
Through training at the various sites and rotations, the fellow learns practical aspects and develops the necessary skills to become a competent transfusion consultant. Curriculum includes a combination of conferences, formal didactic sessions, presentations, literature review, as well as independent reading
and study. The Houston Methodist Research Institute provides a program of translational and interdisciplinary research and education. The fellow is encouraged but not required to work on a research project. Additionally, irrespective of research involvement, the fellow is sponsored to attend two national meetings during the year.
Candidates must be board certified or board eligible in clinical pathology, anatomic/clinical pathology, or by other ABMS board. Candidates must be eligible for a Texas Medical Board (TMB) Physician-In Training Permit (PIT) or hold a Texas Full Physician Medical licensure.
Commensurate with level of post-graduate training.
Application inquiries are to be directed to:
Christopher Leveque, MD
Director, Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
Houston Methodist Hospital, Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
6550 Fannin Street, Smith Tower, Suite 383, Houston, TX 77030
c/o Vicky Wenzlawsh, Fellowship Coordinator
Telephone: (713) 441-1120
Fax: (713) 793-1178
[#16265, renewed 10 June 2024, exp. 23 June 2025]
Houston Methodist Hospital
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
Genitourinary-Medical Kidney Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Houston Methodist Hospital, Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, in Houston, Texas, an affiliate of Weill Cornell Medical College and Texas A&M College of Medicine, offers a one year ACGME accredited Genitourinary-Medical Kidney Pathology Fellowship under the directorship of Steven Shen, MD., Ph.D., and associate directors, Mukul Divatia, MD and Luan Truong, MD. Houston Methodist is a 950-bed private adult, acute care referral, and teaching hospital with a 1.6 million square foot outpatient center with over 310,000 annual outpatient visits. The hospital offers a full range of services from primary to tertiary care, including a multi-organ transplant center and cancer center.
This program provides a unique perspective of combined comprehensive training in both neoplastic and non-neoplastic aspects of the genitourinary organ system; an educational combination that equips trainees with a unique set of practice-based skills. Outstanding experience provided under the tutelage of seven faculty and a wide variety of over 6000 cases annually, including 900 medical kidney biopsies with excellent support in ancillary techniques such as electron microscopy and immunofluorescence studies.
Fellow will have opportunities to present research at interdisciplinary weekly and/or monthly conferences enhancing collaborative interaction with other branches of clinical medicine, and participation in multidisciplinary projects.
Candidates must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic pathology or anatomic/clinical pathology. Candidates must be eligible for a Texas Medical Board (TMB) Physician-In-Training Permit (PIT) or hold a Texas Full Physician Medical licensure.
Application inquiries are to be directed to:
Steven Shen, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, GU-Medical Kidney Pathology Fellowship Program
c/o Ramona Abrego, Fellowship Coordinator
Houston Methodist Hospital
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
6550 Fannin Street, Smith Tower, Suite 383
Houston, TX 77030
Telephone: (713) 441-9027
Fax: (713) 793-1178
[#16629, renewed 22 August 2024, exp. 11 August 2025]
Clinical Informatics Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027, 2027-2028 and 2028-2029
The Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine at Houston Methodist Hospital (Houston, Texas) offers an ACGME-accredited fellowship in clinical informatics. This fellowship is designed for physicians and physician scientists who have completed pathology training and are interested in strengthening their skills in clinical informatics.
- Individually tailored experience in a wide variety of clinical areas, building on a foundation of academic clinical informatics education.
- Hands-on experiential learning and didactics involve a wide variety of areas, including but not limited to electronic health records, laboratory information systems, databases, enterprise data warehouses, computing fundamentals, analytics, data science, bioinformatics of high-throughput sequencing data, systems design, quality assurance, quality improvement, process automation, and project management.
- Close interaction with Pathology Department leadership, Information Technology division colleagues, and hospital administration.
- Collaboration with research and scholarship efforts of informatics-focused faculty in the Houston Methodist Research Institute.
- The fellow completes a capstone project relevant to their area of focus, which is expected to result in a peer-reviewed publication.
- The fellowship may be combined with another fellowship program offered by the department, which is strongly encouraged.
- Candidates must be board-certified or board-eligible in anatomic and/or clinical pathology.
- Candidates must hold or be eligible for a Texas Medical Board Physician-In-Training permit or have a Texas full medical license.
- Commensurate with level of postgraduate training.
- Book and travel funds are also provided.
Application Process
- The Houston Methodist Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships should be completed and emailed by December 31 of the year prior to the intended fellowship year, which begins July 1.
Contact Information and Application Inquiries
- S. Wesley Long, MD, PhD (Program Director):
- Leah Jozwiak (Program Coordinator):
[#17339, renewed 10 January 2025, exp. 11 January 2026]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Houston Methodist Hospital
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, an affiliate of Weill Cornell Medical College and Texas A&M University Medical School, is accepting applications for a one-year, ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Surgical Pathology. Houston Methodist is a 950-bed private quaternary care adult teaching hospital with 69 operating rooms and over 39,000 annual surgical accessions and offers a full range of services including a multi-organ transplant center and cancer center. Houston Methodist is part of an 8-Hospital system with 90,000 surgical accessions; and fellows have access to challenging cases from across the system.
In addition to advanced training in general surgical pathology, the fellowship also provides experience in a broad spectrum of subspecialty areas under the guidance of faculty experts. Electives in surgical subspecialty areas, and rotations on a busy consultation service are included. Experience in quality management, laboratory management, teaching junior residents, and tumor board participation are also part of the program. The fellowship includes an 8-week rotation at the Harris County Ben Taub General Hospital for graduated responsibility. Elective rotations in dermatopathology at our neighboring institutions in the Texas Medical Center may be arranged. Fellows will assume responsibility according to his/her level of training experience.
Stipend will be commensurate with the level of training. Houston Methodist provides generous benefits, 21 days of PTO, and financial support for meeting attendance.
Candidates must have completed at least two years of training in anatomic pathology, and preferably be AP or AP/CP board eligible. Candidates must be eligible for a Texas Physician in Training Permit or hold a full Texas Physician Licensure.
Application inquiries are to be directed to:
Mary R. Schwartz, M.D., Program Director
c/o Leah (Ginger) Jozwiak, Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
Houston Methodist Hospital
6550 Fannin St, SM 383
Houston, TX 77030
Telephone: (713) 441-3496
Fax: (713) 793-1178
[#16988, renewed 23 October 2024, exp. 9 November 2025]
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
Baylor College of Medicine and The Division of Anatomic Pathology at Texas Children’s Hospital is currently accepting applications for its Pediatric Pathology Fellowship program.
Texas Children’s Hospital is the largest pediatric hospital in the nation and is currently ranked #3 by the US World and News Report. Our Division of Anatomic Pathology processes a variety of specimens spanning the full spectrum of benign and neoplastic pediatric disease. With over 15,000 specimens, over 500 consults and over 120 autopsies per year, our fellows are qualified to practice in a broad range of clinical contexts from community-based to hospital-based academic practice.
Requirements: Applicants must have completed an ACGME-certified Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Anatomic Pathology residency and be board certified/eligible.
For more information on our Fellowship and Application process, please visit Pediatric Pathology Fellowship ( Please, address any questions to Dr. Cortes-Santiago, Program Director (contact information below).
We currently have 1 available position for 2025-2026 academic year and 2 positions for the 2026-2027 academic year. To apply, please visit the application portal at BCM.
Fellowship Program Director
Nahir Cortes-Santiago, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital
[#16796, posted 20 September 2024, exp. 20 September 2025]
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department of Pathology
Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) has one position open for the Transfusion Medicine/Blood Banking fellowship for the 2025-2026, 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 academic years.
Description: During training, the fellow receives training in transfusion therapy, immunohematology, donor center supervision, therapeutic apheresis, bone marrow transplant collection/support, laboratory management and hemostasis with optional selective rotations within - histocompatibility, flow cytometry, paternity testing, and molecular pathology. The training is based upon participation of daily activities, consultations, various elective experiences as well as didactic teaching. The primary teaching site is a tertiary care teaching hospital, University Hospital System (UHS), which is a 716-bed teaching hospital that provides transfusion services to diverse adult and pediatric patient populations. At UHS, annually, over 18,000 red cell units, 8,000 plasma units and 4,000 platelet doses are transfused. In addition, Transfusion Medicine oversees the therapeutic apheresis program, where over 450 therapeutic apheresis procedures and red cell exchanges are performed annually for various diseases. The hospital based donor services collects whole blood and apheresis-based allogeneic blood products from over 5,000 donors annually. A fellowship-affiliated hospital located across the street from the primary site (UT Specialty Hospital) is a center for bone marrow transplantation and cell processing. Exposure to the operations of a larger scale donor center, donor infectious disease testing and allogeneic tissue is provided at the subsidiaries of BioBridge Global, which is located 5 miles from the primary site. Paternity testing experience is obtained through the DNA reference laboratory located in San Antonio.
Requirements: Completion of ACGME accredited residency with Board eligibility or certification in clinical pathology, internal medicine, pediatrics or other related fields.
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 1 appointment per academic year. This fellowship is also available to combine with the Clinical Informatics Fellowship. See UTHSCSA Clinical Informatics fellowship page for more information and available positions.
Facilities: University Hospital and University of Texas Specialty Hospital, with possible elective rotations at various sites within South Texas.
Community: The purpose of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is to provide the best in health careers education, biomedical research, patient care and community service to San Antonio and the South Texas/Border Region. Through undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, the faculty is committed to educating health professionals who will provide excellent patient care and research that can be applied to treat and prevent disease.
Stipends: Pay levels are as follows effective July 1, 2024 PGY-5 = $76,253.00; PGY-6 = $78,725.00; PGY-7 = $81,380.00.
Applications: Please submit inquiries/applications to Kelsey Glassburn at
[#17728-3, renewed 26 March 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department of Pathology
Cytopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2024-2025, 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
Description: This one-year fully accredited program provides advanced training in diagnostic cytology. The experience includes daily sign-out of gynecologic and nongynecologic specimens as well as training in the performance and interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies. Participation in conferences and teaching of pathology residents and cytotechnology students is required. Involvement in clinical research is also encouraged. Cytology specimens from the University Hospital and the South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L. Murphy Division, approximate total 17,000 annually, of which 4,600 are nongynecologic specimens. The latter group includes approximately 1,650 fine needle aspiration biopsies. The hospital processes over 15,530 cytology cases; the latter includes 2,311 Non-GYN and 1,650 FNA specimens.
Requirements: Applicants must have completed a four-year AP/CP residency or a straight anatomic pathology residency.
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 2 appointments per academic year.
Facilities: University Hospital and South Texas Veterans Health Care System with possible elective rotations at various sites within the South Texas Medical Center.
Community: The purpose of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is to provide the best in health careers education, biomedical research, patient care and community service to San Antonio and the South Texas/Border Region. Through undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, the faculty is committed to educating health professionals who will provide excellent patient care and research that can be applied to treat and prevent disease.
Stipends: Pay levels are as follows effective July 1, 2024: PGY-5 = $76,253.00; PGY-6 = $78,725.00; PGY-7 = $81,380.00
Staff: Philip T. Valente, M.D. Professor and Director; Alia Nazarullah, M.D. Associate Professor; Sarah Hackman, M.D. Assistant Professor, Apeksha Agarwal, M.D. Assistant Professor, Arti Goswami, M.D. Associate Professor
VA Staff: Aamir Ehsan, MD, Director; Muhammad Pathan, MD; Lisa Radkay-Gonzalez, MD; Fermin Tio, MD; Shiwen Yang, MD; Andrea Yunes, MD
Applications: Please submit inquiries/applications to Kelsey Glassburn at
[#17728-1, renewed 26 March 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2024-2025, 2025-2026 & 2026-2027
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) has one opening for the hematopathology fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year and openings for the 2025-2026 and the 2026-2027 academic years.
Description: This is a one-year, fully ACGME-accredited fellowship in hematology/hematopathology. Training includes laboratory hematology, interpretation of tissue biopsies performed for hematolymphoid disorders and experimental hematology. The fellowship includes training in the clinical hematology, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics, and cytogenetics laboratories at University Hospital and in the South Texas Reference Laboratories at UTHSCSA. Clinical training includes interpretation of peripheral blood films, body fluid preparations, bone marrow aspirates and biopsies, lymph node and other tissue diagnosis, work-up of patients with hemostasis/thrombosis disorders, flow cytometry immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, molecular diagnostics, and immunohistochemistry. The fellow actively participates in teaching medical students and residents. There is potential for an optional non-accredited second year of fellowship. If pursued, the optional second year of non-accredited fellowship training is principally dedicated to research in hematopathology.
Requirements: Board eligibility or certification in anatomic and clinical pathology.
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 2 appointments per academic year.
Facilities: University Hospital, South Texas Reference Laboratories, Mays Cancer Center
Community: The purpose of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is to provide the best in health careers education, biomedical research, patient care and community service to San Antonio and the South Texas/Border Region. Through undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, the faculty is committed to educating health professionals who will provide excellent patient care and research that can be applied to treat and prevent disease.
Stipends: Pay levels are as follows effective July 1, 2024: PGY-5 = $76,253.00; PGY-6 = $78,725.00; PGY-7 = $81,380.00
Program Director: Kenneth N. Holder, M.D.
Applications: Please submit inquiries/applications to Kelsey Glassburn at
[#17728-2, renewed 26 March 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Department of Pathology
Clinical Informatics (CI) Fellowship
Opening for 2025-2027, 2026-2028
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) has one opening for the Clinical Informatics (CI) fellowship for the 2025-2027 and 2026-2028 academic years.
Description: This is a two-year ACGME-accredited fellowship in clinical informatics (CI). The CI fellowship includes cross-disciplinary learning for physicians from different medical specialties. Training includes specialized coursework in foundational CI as well as healthcare analytics, cybersecurity, and data science. Fellows will work with the program director and selected faculty to develop an individualized learning plan including foundational knowledge as well as elective learning opportunities (e.g., healthcare business intelligence, machine learning/artificial intelligence, population/community health, bioinformatics for large scale-nucleic acid sequencing and clinical metabolomics, sensor data/internet of things). Each fellow will actively participate in healthcare analytics and process improvement projects with selected CI faculty mentors. These projects enable fellows to analyze data from different large data sources (clinical, operational, financial, community, etc.). In addition, projects provide an environment for fellows to lead and carry out effective healthcare analytics and process improvements. Fellows are also encouraged to participate in CI research activities leading to publication of manuscripts and/or presentation of research findings at professional meetings. Fellows with pathology specialty training are strongly recommended to apply concurrently to another pathology subspecialty program, at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), to coordinate clinical activities required for the CI fellowship.
The program includes collaborative faculty from multiple clinical departments at UTHSCSA and University Health System (UHS). In addition, the program includes outside faculty with considerable experience in data science, applied analytics, predictive modeling, and machine learning/artificial intelligence, based at: 1) the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), 2) the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), a large non-profit engineering center, and 3) Health Access San Antonio (HASA), a large multi-regional health information exchange.
Requirements: Successful completion of ACGME-accredited or RCPSC-accredited residency program. Must have, or be eligible for, a Texas Medical Board Physician-in-training permit or have a full Texas medical license.
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 1 appointment per academic year. This fellowship is eligible to be combined with the UTHSCSA Transfusion Medicine fellowship, which will count towards one year of Clinical Informatics training. Interested candidates should review the UTHSCSA Transfusion Medicine fellowship page for additional information.
Facilities: University Hospital System, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, University of Texas at San Antonio
Community: The purpose of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is to provide the best in health careers education, biomedical research, patient care and community service to San Antonio and the South Texas/Border Region. Through undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs, the faculty is committed educating health professionals to provide excellent patient care and research applied to treat and prevent disease.
Stipends: Pay levels are as follows effective July 1, 2024: PGY-5 = $76,253.00; PGY-6 = $78,725.00; PGY-7 = $81,380.00.
Staff: Brad Brimhall, MD, MPH (Pathology) Program Director; Philip Beckett, PhD (CEO HASA); David Chambers, MS (SwRI Intelligent Systems Division); Marjorie David, MD (Pathology); Liem Du, MD (Internal Medicine); Leslie Greebon, MD (Pathology); Russell Higgins, MD (Pathology); Max Kilger, PhD (UTSA Data Security/Data Analytics); Edward Medina, MD, PhD (Pathology); Frank Rosinia, MD (Anesthesiology); Michael Shoffeitt, MD (Internal Medicine); Ashley Windham, DO (Pathology)
Applications: Please submit inquiries/applications to Kelsey Glassburn at
[#17728-5, renewed 26 March 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
University of Texas Health, Long School of Medicine
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2024-2025 & 2026-2027
Description: This program is designed to provide advanced training and rich experiences in all aspects of surgical pathology. The fellowship is centered at University Hospital, which is associated with the Mays Cancer Center, an MD Anderson affiliate, and processes approximately 30,000 cases per year. All pathology subspecialties are represented, including transplant pathology, and there is partial-subspecialty signout of cases. Clinical duties include frozen section coverage, routine surgical pathology case sign-out, review of outside consultations, serving as first-line consultant to residents, and attending multidisciplinary conferences and tumor boards. Selective rotations, ranging from 3-6 months, in gynecological pathology, breast pathology, and GI/liver can be arranged for candidates with a special interest. Fellows are encouraged to participate in quality improvement activities and research, with a large number of active projects available. No on-call duties are required. Elective rotations are available in cytopathology, gynecologic pathology, GI/liver, breast pathology, hematopathology, renal pathology, and neuropathology.
Requirements: Three years of AP training, or four years of combined AP/CP training from a program accredited by either the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).
Types and Numbers of Appointments: 2 appointments per academic year.
Facilities: University Hospital.
Community: The purpose of The University of Texas Health-San Antonio is to provide the best in health careers education, biomedical research, patient care and community service to San Antonio and the South Texas/Border Region. Through undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, the faculty is committed to educating health professionals who will provide excellent patient care and research that can be applied to treat and prevent disease.
Stipends: Pay levels are as follows July 1, 2024: PGY-5 = $76,253.00; PGY-6 = $78,725.00; PGY-7 = $81,380.00
Staff: Alia Nazarullah, M.D., Associate Professor and Director; Andrea Gilbert, M.D., Assistant Professor; Josefine Heim-Hall, M.D., Professor; Kenneth Hughes, M.D., Assistant Professor; Sarah Hackman, M.D., Assistant Professor; Courtney Thomas, M.D., Assistant Professor; Philip T. Valente, M.D. Professor; Raina R. Flores, M.D., Assistant Professor
Applications: Please submit inquiries/applications to Yaneli Medrano at
[#17728-4, renewed 26 March 2025, exp. 28 May 2026]
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Fellowship Training Positions
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Unexpected Opening for 2025-26 and 2026-27, Openings for 2027-28
Description: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston is one of the world's most respected centers focused on cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. The hospital is located in the Texas Medical Center (TMC), and was named the nation's No. 1 hospital for cancer care in U.S. News & World Report’s 2023-24 rankings. Our mission at MD Anderson is to eliminate cancer, and it shows in our fervent commitment to research-driven cancer care and comprehensive educational programs to enable the next generation to join the fight to end cancer. The Division of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine’s academic programs are competitive and comprehensive with a wide variety of specimens. Fellowship training is available in seventeen (17) surgical and subspecialty pathology and laboratory medicine areas. Each program is one-year in duration, and accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). For further information and program description, please click on the links below.
Department of Anatomical Pathology:
Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
Breast Pathology
Gastrointestinal & Liver Pathology
Genitourinary Pathology
Gynecologic Pathology
Head & Neck Pathology
Surgical Pathology
Thoracic Pathology
Advanced Fellowship in Subspecialty areas above*
Department of Hematopathology:
Hematopathology and Advanced Pathology
Molecular Genetic Pathology
Department of Laboratory Medicine:
Blood Banking/Transfusion Pathology
Chemical Pathology*
Clinical Chemistry*
* Not ACGME Accredited
Requirements: Candidates must have an MD or DO degree, be board eligible/certified in AP or AP/CP, and eligible for Texas Training Permit. See other eligibility requirements.
Stipend: Commensurate with the candidate’s postgraduate training in pathology.
Application: Submit CAP Standardized Application, Status of Intent, Curriculum Vitae, three (3) letters of recommendation, and a letter of good standing from current program director. Please address the supporting letters to the program director.
MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 085
Houston, TX 77030
For additional information, please contact:
Kareen Chin, MBA, C-TAGME
Director, Division of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Education Admin
Monica Gilliam, MA, C-TAGME
Program Manager, Division of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Telephone: (713) 792-3108
[#16986, renewed 23 October 2024, exp. 19 October 2025]
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Cytopathology Fellowship Position
Openings for 2025-26 and 2026-27
We have an opening for our ACGME-accredited, one-year cytopathology training program at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX.
This fellowship offers a structured educational and advanced practical experience in diagnostic cytopathology with a wide spectrum of experiences. UTMB receives a diverse range of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic specimen types. Our lab processes over 1500 FNAs, 2000 non-gynecological specimens and 26,000 paps (serving a high-risk population) per year. Training strengths include interpretation of the integrated small biopsies and use of ancillary immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics allowing for comprehensive discussion and clinic-pathologic correlation with faculty dedicated to trainee education.
Fellows are trained in and perform palpable FNAs (with hands-on training in US-guided FNA) and rapid onsite evaluation of palpation and image-guided (US, CT, EUS and EBUS) FNA.
Fellows participate actively in multidisciplinary tumor board conferences and teaching conferences. Interpretation and participation in quality assurance and quality improvement activities is expected. Elective rotations in Hematopathology, Microbiology, Interventional Radiology and Molecular Diagnostics are offered.
Application requirements include satisfactory completion of residency training in AP or AP/CP with American Board of Pathology certification or eligibility.
Application forms are available online at:
UTMB Cytopathology Fellowship
Myra C Salinas
Fellowship Program Coordinator, Cytopathology & Selective Pathology
Department of Pathology
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, TX 77555-0609
Telephone: (409) 772-3610
[#17584, renewed 26 February 2025, exp. 6 March 2026]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Unexpected Opening for 2025-2026
2 Openings for 2026-2027
This one-year ACGME accredited Surgical Pathology Fellowship at UTMB offers advanced training with in-depth exposure to the full spectrum of Surgical Pathology. Sign out is by subspecialty, with each faculty member specializing in one or more subspecialties. All major subspecialties are well represented including GI, GU, Gyn, Breast, ENT, Thoracic, Bone and Soft Tissue, Pediatric, Medical Renal, Liver and Transplant pathology as well as frozen sections. Elective time in Neuropathology, Hematopathology, Dermatopathology or Cytopathology is also available to supplement the core rotations. There are significant opportunities for clinical and basic research.
Some key points of the fellowship:
- 100% slides scanned for digital primary diagnosis
- Excellent opportunity for career advancement in academia or private sector
- No grossing or autopsy responsibilities
- 24,000 + surgical pathology cases per year
- Excellent record of fellows succeeding in their chosen careers
- Supervisory roles and mentorship for residents and medical students
The University of Texas Medical Branch, home to the first medical school in Texas, has been at the forefront of educational, research and clinical excellence since 1891. For more than 120 years, UTMB has graduated more health professionals, including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and researchers, than any other academic health center in the state. There is a strong emphasis on graduate medical education, and approximately 560 interns, residents, and fellows are receiving graduate medical training. The institution continues to grow, with a recently opened hospital in League City (a partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center) and another new hospital that opened in Clear Lake in 2019.
- Board eligible in AP or AP/CP by the start date
- Citizen, permanent resident, or J1 visa (sorry no H1B)
Number of positions:
How to apply:
CAP common application form ( is accepted.
To apply, send the application to:
Myra Salinas, Coordinator
Email: mcsalina@UTMB.EDU
Vidarshi Muthukumarana, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Director, Surgical Pathology Fellowship
[#16565, renewed 8 August 2024, exp. 9 August 2025]
Breast Pathology Fellowship
Dallas, Texas
Opening for 2027-2028
The Breast Pathology Fellowship Program is structured to provide all needed core training over a one-year period and to ensure proficiency in practice in neoplastic and non-neoplastic breast lesions (gross pathology, frozen section diagnosis, histology, immunohistochemistry, and certain aspects of molecular diagnostics). Our ACGME-accredited Breast Pathology fellowship covers two major hospitals, William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital (CUH) and Parkland Hospital. The Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center, the only NCI-designated cancer center in North Texas, is a major center for breast oncology. Comprehensive training is offered with in-depth exposure to all aspects of the specialty. In addition to clinical service, there is dedicated research and elective time as well as training in Her2 FISH. The fellow is expected to engage in research both independent and collaborative, and to initiate and complete at least one research project during the fellowship.
Prospective candidates must have completed an ACGME-approved 3-year Anatomic Pathology residency program or 4-year ACGME-accredited Anatomic and Clinical Pathology residency program; must be Board-eligible or Board-certified in Anatomic or Anatomic and Clinical Pathology by the American Board of Pathology; and must be eligible for a training medical license to practice in Texas by the beginning of the fellowship. The only visa supported by the University is a J1-VISA.
Helena Hwang, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Breast Pathology Fellowship
Telephone: (214) 633-6348
Application Process:
Please use this link to complete our standardized RedCap application, which identifies the required documents: 2027-2028 Breast Pathology Fellowship application. The J-1 visa is the only type of visa accepted by the program at this time. Only completed applications with the required documents are reviewed.
Program Website:
UT Southwestern Medical Center-Breast Pathology Fellowship
Darlene Washington, C-TAGME
Fellowship Coordinator II
Department of Pathology
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390
Telephone: (214) 648-7932
[#16109-1, posted 29 August 2024, exp. 29 August 2025]
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2027-2028 and 2028-2029
Fellowship Overview
The Fellowship is a one-year, ACGME-approved program. The GYN Pathology Service includes the full range of gynecologic tumors, non-neoplastic diseases, and obstetrical lesions, with special emphasis on complex gynecologic oncologic cases.
Fellowship Goals and Objectives & Program Structure
The overall goals are to acquire the necessary medical knowledge, diagnostic skills, and experience to practice as a subspecialty expert in all aspects of gynecologic pathology and to gain research experience and skills.
The Fellowship is structured to provide all needed core training over a one-year period and to ensure proficiency in practice in lesions of the female reproductive organs (gross pathology, frozen section diagnosis, histology, immunohistochemistry, and certain aspects of molecular diagnostics).
The clinical responsibilities the fellow assumes during the year of training include:
- Opportunity for sign-out of in-house Gynecologic Pathology cases with appropriate faculty supervisor
- Review of all gynecologic consult cases
- Grossing of selected gynecologic oncology specimens
- Presentation and participation in GYN Consensus Conferences and GYN Tumor Board
- Participation in Gynecologic Pathologic intraoperative consultation
- Participation in research project(s)
- Understand, at least partially, the limitations of diagnostic criteria and the role of biomarkers to aid the diagnosis for each disease entities
- Develop necessary knowledge and skills for disease-oriented research within the field of Gynecologic pathology
Fellowship Requirements
Prospective candidates must:
- Have completed an ACGME-accredited residency in anatomic pathology
- Be board eligible or board certified in anatomic or anatomic and clinical pathology by the American Board of Pathology
- Be eligible for a training medical license to practice in Texas by the beginning of the Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship Program
Applicants should submit three letters of recommendation (including one from your current program director), curriculum vitae, and a personal statement. Inquiries should be addressed to:
Katja Gwin, M.D.
Associate Professor
Fellowship Program Director of Pathology
UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75390-PMHD
[#16109-5, renewed 7 October 2024, exp. 9 October 2025]
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Microbiology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Medical Microbiology Fellowship Program at UT Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center is based at Parkland Health, one of the largest county hospitals in the country, as well as Clements University Hospital and Children’s Health System of Texas, in Dallas. The three hospitals offer wide-ranging services and serve unique patient populations including children, a large transplant center, and community healthcare with numerous underserved populations.
The Medical Microbiology Fellowship is a one-year, ACGME accredited program that provides post graduate training preparing Pathologists or Infectious Disease (ID) specialists to serve as directors of a clinical microbiology laboratory, consultants for clinical services, participants on hospital committees, and members of the local public health community. The program has staff members of diverse backgrounds and experiences with board certification in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Infectious Diseases, and Medical Microbiology (ABP and ABMM) to provide oversight for the fellow during the fellowship. Specific training in Infectious Diseases pathology is also offered.
The program supports one fellow per academic year; stipend and benefits are provided through the UTSW Department of Pathology. Fellows must be BE/BC in AP/CP, AP only, CP only, pediatric ID, or adult ID. No H1b visas accepted. Currently interviewing prospective fellows for 2026-2027 or 2027-2028. The online application can be found here: Medical Microbiology Fellowship.
UT-Southwestern Medical Center is committed to an educational and working environment that provides equal opportunity to all members of the University community. As an equal opportunity employer, UT Southwestern prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, citizenship status, or veteran status. To learn more, please visit
Questions? Please email:
Francesca Lee, MD
Program Director, Medical Microbiology Fellowship
UTSW Medical Center
Tamra Jackson
Program Coordinator, Medical Microbiology Fellowship
UTSW Medical Center
[#16109-3, posted 4 September 2024, exp. 4 September 2025]
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Program at UT-Southwestern Medical Center is centered at Children’s Health℠ Children’s Medical Center, a 600-bed tertiary care pediatric hospital that is the primary pediatric teaching hospital for the UT-Southwestern Medical School. The Department of Pediatric Pathology and Laboratory Services at Children’s Health℠ houses 16 faculty overseeing in-house histology, electron microscopy, chemistry, hematology, microbiology, transfusion medicine, and molecular diagnostics laboratories. State-of-the-art flow cytometry and cytogenetics laboratories reside within UTSW and are readily accessible to the fellow. Children’s is nationally recognized in multiple subspecialty areas, and cases include challenging as well as routine cases, exposing fellows to the full spectrum of pediatric and perinatal pathology. Yearly case volumes include 5500 surgical, 1800 GI biopsies, 300 non-heme cytology cases, 90 FNAs, and 90 autopsies, in addition to 2500 placentas from the affiliated Parkland Hospital.
The program can accommodate two fellows per academic year. Stipends and benefits are provided through the UT-Southwestern Department of Pathology. Fellows must have completed AP or AP/CP training in an ACGME-accredited Pathology residency. Currently, we have openings for the academic years 2026-2027 and 2027-2028.
Online application (interviews must be completed by 12/31 in the year before the fellowship starts):
UT-Southwestern Medical Center is committed to an educational and working environment that provides equal opportunity to all members of the University community. As an equal opportunity employer, UT Southwestern prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, citizenship status, or veteran status. To learn more, please visit
Questions may be directed to:
Tamra Jackson
Program Coordinator, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
UT-Southwestern Medical Center
Dinesh Rakheja, MD
Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics, Chief of Pediatric Pathology
Program Director, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship
UT-Southwestern / Children's Health Dallas
[#16109-2, posted 4 September 2024, exp. 4 September 2025]
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Thoracic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Thoracic Pathology Fellowship in the Department of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center is a one-year training program that provides a funded ACGME-accredited fellowship position with a unique training experience providing extensive exposure and involvement in daily integrated sign out of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung, heart, mediastinum, and chest wall cases, in addition to lung and heart transplant specimens. The Thoracic Pathology Division utilizes a multidisciplinary and personalized diagnostic approach to approximately the 3,200 annually accessed thoracic cases. We offer state of the art molecular pathology, clinical laboratory, clinical genetics, cytogenetics, and translational research.
With all faculty members sharing the same standards of care, teaching, and commitment for patient care, there is opportunity to observe different approaches to clinical pathologic evaluations and to receive a high level of individualized one to one mentorship.
In addition, fellows participate in multidisciplinary conferences, including thoracic tumor boards, MDD (multidisciplinary discussion) conference for interstitial lung diseases and journal clubs. As the fellow gains experience, they get more involved in research, abstract presentations, test development, validation, clinical interpretation, reporting, and ongoing proficiency testing/CAP preparedness, and division management.
Online application (interviews must be completed by 12/31 in the year prior to the fellowship start. The academic year starts July 1):
Questions may be directed to:
Darlene Washington
Program Coordinator
Luis E. De Las Casas, M.D.
Professor and Program Director
UT Southwestern Medical Center
[#16109-4, renewed 9 September 2024, exp. 17 August 2025]
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Renal Pathology Fellowship
Openings for 2026-2027 and 2027-2028
The Renal Pathology Fellowship Program at UT-Southwestern Medical Center is centered at William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital. For the sixth consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report has named UT Southwestern Medical Center the #1 hospital in Dallas-Fort Worth. In addition, renal biopsies are received from Parkland Health, one of the largest public hospital systems in the country, and Children's Medical Center Dallas. The three hospitals provide a variety of services and serve many different populations, including pediatrics, transplant centers, and community healthcare services. Approximately 700 medical kidney biopsies are received yearly. Both native and transplant cases are well represented.
The Renal Pathology Fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center is a one-year, ACGME accredited program with comprehensive training in native and transplant kidney pathology (histology, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy). Our program is aimed at developing clinical competency and knowledge in renal pathology. Three renal pathologists, board-certified in AP/CP with fellowship training and extensive experience, are on staff.
The program can accommodate one fellow per academic year. Stipend and benefits are provided through the UT-Southwestern Department of Pathology. Fellows must be BE/BC and have completed AP or AP/CP training in an ACGME-accredited Pathology residency. No H1b visas accepted. Currently, we have openings for prospective fellows for the academic years 2025-2026 and 2026-2027. The online application can be found here: Renal Pathology Fellowship.
UT-Southwestern Medical Center is committed to an educational and working environment that provides equal opportunity to all members of the University community. As an equal opportunity employer, UT Southwestern prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, citizenship status, or veteran status. To learn more, please visit:
Questions? Please email:
Tamra Jackson
Program Coordinator
Renal Pathology Fellowship
UT-Southwestern Medical Center
[#16109-6, renewed 28 February 2025, exp. 7 March 2026]
UT Health - McGovern Medical School
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Openings for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year-1
Description: This one-year ACGME-accredited fellowship provides experience in a large academic hospital transfusion medicine, apheresis, coagulation and hemotherapy service at the Memorial Hermann Hospital-Texas Medical Center for Pediatrics, OB- GYN and Adults. A full spectrum of medical and surgical specialties, including a level 1 trauma center as well as a busy organ transplant service (renal, liver, pancreas, and lung). Fellow will experience patient blood management (PBM), pre-transfusion testing, investigation of antibody problems and transfusion reactions, component therapy, unique hemotherapy service, and various types of therapeutic apheresis, including photopheresis, transplantation immunogenetics, and HLA. Donor experience and reference laboratory consultation occur at the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. Additional HLA rotation at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Teaching and research involvement are not only abundantly available, but expected and rewarded.
Requirements: Candidates should be Board-eligible or Board-certified in Pathology or other major specialty board such as anesthesiology, internal Medicine, pediatrics, hematology/oncology and critical care.
Stipends: Stipends are commensurate with the level of postgraduate training.
Applications: Submit inquiries along with curriculum vitae and personal statement to:
Hlaing Tint, M.D., CMQ, Fellowship Program Director
Amy Macias, Sr. Program Manager, Residency & Fellowship Programs
Further information can be found on our website:
UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.
[#16444, renewed 17 July 2024, exp. 20 October 2025]
Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, and Pancreatobiliary Surgical Pathology
Fellowship Program Openings for 2026 and 2027
Number of appointments per year: 1
Description: The Department of Pathology offers a one-year fellowship program for the advanced study of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes native and transplant hepatopathology, diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, and pancreas in both adult and pediatric patients. Our department is devoted to teaching, and the fellow is to participate in clinical conferences, housestaff, and medical student education. The fellowship training includes the use of modern molecular biology techniques, and participation in research is strongly encouraged. There are multiple opportunities to work with our faculty members on projects. The department will provide funding and one-week time off for the fellow to attend a national conference.
Our medical school and clinical campus is within The Texas Medical Center (TMC) with over 60 patient care, basic biomedical sciences, and translational research facilities. The TMC campus between Rice University, Hermann Park, and Brays Bayou constitutes the largest medical center in the world. The fellow has constant access to research talks and symposiums. Our clinical work includes tissue biopsies and resection specimens from patients at UTHealth, Memorial Hermann Hospital, Children’s Memorial Hermann, and Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital. In addition, the fellow will have an opportunity to spend a one-month elective at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Curriculum: The fellowship begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. The fellow will supervise PA and resident grossing, preview slides, construct pathology reports, have cooperative learning with the attending pathologist, take an active role in intraoperative consultations, participate in clinical-pathological conferences and tumor boards. The fellow has the potential for independent sign-out privileges (see requirements below).
Requirements: Candidate must be board certified or eligible for certification in Anatomic Pathology (AP) or AP/Clinical Pathology (CP). Applicants must have completed their AP training and be AP Board eligible/certified by the July start date. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, have a permanent resident card, work authorization (EAD) or J-1 visa. If the fellow wishes for the opportunity of independent sign out, a Texas medical license is required. The department will reimburse TMB license fees.
- How to Apply and Supporting Documents: Accepting applications for academic year 2026-27; and 2027-28
- Statement of intent and a brief discussion about your interest in gastrointestinal pathology and long-term career plans.
- Curriculum vitae
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable)
- USMLE (passed within 3 attempts)
- Three letters of recommendation (1 from current program director, 2 from current attendings). These letters should be emailed directly to GI Fellowship Program Director Dr. Erin Rubin at separately by the persons making the recommendations.
Send the application and supporting documents (via email) to the attention of GI Fellowship Program Director Erin Rubin, MD. All application documents should be sent to Program Coordinator, Ms. Novate Creeks at
Stipends: Commensurate with the candidate’s level of training.
- Faculty:
- Erin Rubin, MD, Program Director
- Antonio Galvao Neto, MD
- Suhair Al-Salihi, MD
- Lei Sun, MD
- Rossana Kazemimood, MD
UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.
[#17492, posted 10 February 2025, exp. 10 February 2026]
Neuropathology Fellowship Program
Openings for 2026-2028 and 2027-2029
Number of Positions per term: 1
Description: The Department of Pathology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston offers a two-year, ACGME-accredited Neuropathology Fellowship at Memorial Hermann Hospital and UT McGovern Medical School. This program provides comprehensive training in both diagnostic neuropathology and research.
The first year focuses on clinical training across all major neurologic disease categories, including neuro-oncology, neuromuscular disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, pediatric and developmental disorders, and ophthalmic pathology. Fellows will gain expertise in histochemical, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and molecular genetic techniques.
The second year emphasizes research, with a minimal six-month dedicated research block in the department or neuroscience-related laboratories at the university. Research training is tailored to each fellow’s career goals. Fellows are required to present their research findings at professional meetings and publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Upon completion, fellows are expected to be proficient at the level of a newly board-certified Neuropathology specialist.
Requirements: Applicants must be Board-certified or Board-eligible in Anatomic Pathology, Anatomic/Clinical Pathology, Neurology, or Neurosurgery, and eligible for a Texas Physician in Training Permit or Licensure.
- How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit the following application materials:
- Cover letter with personal statement
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- Government issued identification
- Photo (.jpg)
- MSPE (dean’s letter)
- Medical school transcript
- ECFMG certificate (if applicable)
- USMLE scores (passed within three attempts)
- Three letters of recommendation (one from the current program director, two from current attendings) directly to Novate Creeks from letter writers or assistant
All application materials should be sent via email to:
Novate Creeks
Program Coordinator, Residency & Fellowship Programs
UTHealth Houston, McGovern Medical School
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
6431 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77030
Stipends and Benefits: Commensurate with the candidate’s postgraduate training level.
- Neuropathology Faculty:
- Hidehiro Takei, MD - Program Director
- Meenakshi Bhatacharjee, MBBS - Director of Neuropathology Service
- Xinhai Zhang, MD, PhD
Program Website: fellowships/neuropathology-fellowship/
UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.
[#17639, posted 10 March 2025, exp. 10 March 2026]
UT Health – McGovern Medical School
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Pathology Fellowship
Opening for 2027
Number of appointments per year: 1
Description: This is a one-year non-ACGME-accredited fellowship in which the fellow is exposed to a wide variety of cardiovascular and thoracic cases as well as autopsy pathology. The surgical cases include heart and lung transplants, post-transplant heart and lung biopsies, native heart biopsies, neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung. Our autopsy service has about 130 cases a year. The fellow will be involved in daily preparation and sign out of cases and also supervise the residents in autopsy rotation. There will be an opportunity to participate in a variety of intradepartmental conferences including heart and lung transplant, thoracic tumor board, genetic aortic conference and the interstitial lung diseases conference.
Requirements: Completion of 4 years of training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency, or completion of 3 years of training in Anatomic Pathology Residency. Candidates must have successfully completed requirements for board eligibility in Anatomic Pathology by the American Board of Pathology and be eligible for a Texas medical license before or shortly after beginning the fellowship. J-1 Visas are accepted.
Stipends: Commensurate with the candidate’s level of training.
Applications: Please submit inquiries to:
Navneet Narula, M.D.
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Novate Creeks, MPH
Program Coordinator, Residency & Fellowship Programs
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
UTHealth is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment-related activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law or university policy. Reasonable accommodation, based on disability or religious observances, will be considered in accordance with applicable law and UTHealth policy. The University maintains affirmative action programs with respect to women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and eligible veterans in accordance with applicable law.
[#16942, posted 16 October 2024, exp. 16 October 2025]
University of Utah/ARUP Laboratories
Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
One Opening for 2026-2027
Position: The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Utah is excited to announce a new ACGME-accredited one-year fellowship in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine and is currently accepting applications for the 2026-2027 academic year. A variety of primary training sites provide extensive training: the University of Utah Hospital, ARUP Laboratories, and ARUP Blood Services.
One fellow will spend two-thirds of the year rotating between ARUP Blood Services, an FDA registered donor center; ARUP Immunohematology Reference Laboratory, a nationally recognized laboratory; and the combined University of Utah Hospital and NCCN-accredited Huntsman Cancer Institute Transfusion Service. Five Blood Bank/Transfusion Medicine faculty members serve as the core faculty for the fellowship with interests in patient blood management, quality/regulatory, risk assessment, integrated hospital-wide teaching, pediatric transfusion, and component research.
Additionally, the fellow will rotate with Primary Children’s Hospital Transfusion service (pediatric transfusion) and ARUP Laboratories in the coagulation, histocompatibility, and immunogenetics laboratories. Apheresis experience will be gained rotating with the University of Utah Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Program and the University of Utah Hospital Acute Dialysis service.
Participation in research projects is encouraged and supported; fellows are eligible to apply for internal funding grants for trainees. Travel support is provided for fellows to present their research at national meetings such as AABB, in addition to a generous book fund. Fellows actively participate in multidisciplinary conferences and resident teaching.
Requirements: Applicants must hold an M.D. degree, D.O. degree, or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification, be board certified or eligible in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology or Clinical Pathology and be eligible for a license to practice medicine in Utah.
Stipend: Commensurate with the level of post-graduate training.
Application: Interested candidates should submit cover letter with personal statement, curriculum vitae, CAP Standardized Fellowship Application, and three letters of recommendation (one of which should be from current/most recent program director) to:
Ryan Metcalf, MD, CQA, BB/TM Fellowship Program Director, Section Chief of Transfusion Medicine
c/o Chloe Dyer, Program Coordinator
University of Utah
Anatomic Pathology
2000 Circle of Hope, Rm 2160
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: (801) 213-6214
[17457, posted 5 Feb 2025, exp. 5 Feb 2026]
University of Utah/ ARUP Laboratories
Hematopathology Fellowship
Unexpected Opening for 2024-2025
Position: The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Utah has an unexpected opening for a one-year ACGME-accredited Hematopathology Fellowship position for the 2024-2025 academic year. ARUP Laboratories, a national reference laboratory, serves as the training site for the Hematopathology Fellowship. The fellowship offers a diverse case mix including materials from the University of Utah Medical Center, the NCCN accredited Huntsman Cancer Institute, Primary Children's Medical Center, and ARUP's reference laboratory materials.
The three fellows spend one third of the year in each of three areas: University Bone Marrow and Lymph node service; Consultation service; and ancillary services including molecular diagnostic, flow cytometry, coagulation, hemoglobinopathy, and cytogenetic rotations. Sixteen Hematopathology faculty oversee these rotations and provide focused expertise across the spectrum of hematopathology subdisciplines.
Fellows serve as fellow medical directors in one laboratory section of their choice with focused laboratory management engagement. Participation in research projects is encouraged, and fellows are eligible to apply for internal funding grants for trainees. Fellows also actively participate in multidisciplinary conferences and resident teaching.
Requirements: Applicants must be board certified or eligible in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and be eligible for a license to practice medicine in Utah.
Community: The Salt Lake City metropolitan area has a population of 1.25 million. The university campus and nearby downtown area offer entertainment, museums, scenic parks, and a variety of cultural and sporting events. Nestled in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains, the University of Utah has unparalleled access to outdoor activities including skiing, biking, and hiking. Weekend trips to any (or all) of Utah's five national parks are a fellow favorite.
Stipend: Commensurate with the level of training.
Application: Visit for application instructions.
Leslie Calvert
Program Coordinator
Telephone: (801) 583-2787, ext. 5241
Fax: (801) 584-5124
Jeffrey R. Jacobsen, M.D.
Program Director
ARUP Laboratories
Dept. of Medical Directors
500 Chipeta Way - MS 115-G04
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Telephone: (801) 584-5240
[#15913, posted 29 March 2024, exp. 29 March 2025]
University of Utah/ ARUP Laboratories
Medical Microbiology Fellowship Program
Openings for 2025-2026
The University of Utah and ARUP Laboratories has open positions for MD/DO applicants in their ACGME-accredited Medical Microbiology fellowship for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Program highlights include:
- Rotation through all major areas of clinical microbiology, including bacteriology with advanced phenotypic susceptibility testing, mycology, mycobacteriology, virology, and parasitology.
- Training in traditional molecular assays as well as next-generation sequencing for pathogen identification and resistance testing
- Access to one of the nation’s leading reference laboratories with opportunities to collaborate in clinical trials and device manufacturer trials
- Elective opportunities at the Utah State Public Health Lab and Primary Children’s Hospital
- Weekly training in Infectious Disease Pathology with members of the Anatomic Pathology division
- Frequent interactions with the Clinical Infectious Diseases, Antibiotic Stewardship and Hospital Infection Control and Prevention teams at the University of Utah Hospital
- Teaching opportunities with our MLS, medical, and allied health professional schools
- Dedicated laboratory education coordinators for bench rotations
- Daily laboratory rounds led by one of our six faculty members with focused instruction in their area of expertise
- On-call responsibilities to prepare trainees for the rigors of laboratory directorship
Applicants must hold an MD degree, DO degree (or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification), be board eligible or board certified in CP or AP/CP, or have completed one year of clinical infectious diseases training after board certification in internal medicine, pediatrics, or both. Applicants must be eligible for a Utah state medical license.
Full information on how to apply can be found here:
For questions, please contact Dr. Kim Hanson (
[#17256, renewed 18 December 2024, exp. 21 December 2025]
GI Pathology Fellowship
One for 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology at the University of Utah and ARUP laboratories offers two one-year GI pathology fellowship positions. The fellowship is designed to prepare the fellows for independent practice in an academic or private setting. The University Hospital, Huntsman Cancer Hospital and ARUP provide a great variety of general surgical specimens along with many rare/unusual cases.
The fellows will obtain comprehensive general GI pathology training, including the subspecialties of liver, pancreas, biliary tract and luminal gut. The fellows will participate in all GI pathology activities, including frozen section and routine sign out, organizing surgical pathology unknown slide conferences, participating in subspecialty tumor boards and daily teaching of residents and medical students. The fellows will spend a significant portion of their time handling consultation cases. Based on acceptable fellow performance, independent signout privileges are available. Translational research is encouraged.
Requirements: MD degree or equivalent, and Anatomic Pathology or Board certification or eligibility. Stipend is commensurate with level of training.
Please send completed application form found at, personal statement, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to:
Correspondence may also be addressed to:
Katherine Boylan, MD, Program Director
c/o Chloe Dyer, Program Coordinator
University of Utah
Anatomic Pathology
2000 Circle of Hope, Rm 2160
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: (801) 213-6214
[#16446, renewed 17 July 2024, exp. 12 October 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
1 Opening for 2025-2026
1 Opening for 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) and University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine in Burlington, Vermont offers an ACGME-accredited one year fellowship in cytopathology. Our program encompasses a blend of academic and practical training in the setting of a university health center with a large geographic referral area. The center receives a full range of specimen types available for cytology diagnosis in conjunction with ongoing exposure to surgical pathology. We process more than 6,000 non-gynecologic specimens, of which 2,297 are fine needle aspirations, and over 26,000 gynecologic samples. The program offers the fellow comprehensive forums for teaching, discussion, clinico-pathologic presentation and research. The fellow will experience frequent one-on-one and individualized learning experiences from the faculty throughout the year and will gain experience in cytopreparatory techniques, rapid on-site evaluations, hands-on performance of palpable lesions and ultrasound-guided aspirations. Throughout the year, the fellow will have increasing levels of responsibility commensurate with level of performance.
Community: Burlington is a four-season city with a multitude of cultural events and outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, boating, paddling, and biking. Vermont offers an outstanding quality of life including clean environment, world-class restaurants and excellent schools. As the largest city in Vermont, the community attracts outstanding musical and stage performances.
Stipend: PGY-5: 2025-2026 UVMMC Salary: $90,062
Requirements: Board certified or board-eligible in AP or AP/CP.
Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowships from CAP
3 Letters of Recommendation, including from most recent PD
Updated CV
USMLE or COMLEX scores (successful completion of steps 1, 2 and 3)
Personal statement
MSPE / Dean's Letter
Medical school transcript
*UVMMC participates in the ASC unified fellowship recruitment timeline. See our website for more details.*
Contact: Please send completed application to:
Nicole Neimann
Cytopathology Program Administrator
Telephone: (802) 847-7694
UVMMC Cytopathology Fellowship Website:
[#15809, renewed 13 March 2024, exp. 2 June 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Openings for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Vermont Medical Center offers a one-year ACGME-accredited hematopathology fellowship. The program provides comprehensive training with broad exposure to the evaluation of bone marrow, peripheral blood, and lymph node morphology; the interpretation of flow cytometry, coagulation, and molecular studies; and the synthesis of available data into integrated reports. A close professional relationship with the clinical hematology service allows the opportunity to develop skill as a clinical consultant, and participation in clinicopathologic conferences is an integral part of the fellowship. Time is allotted to participate in a clinical research project with the potential for abstract submission to a national meeting and subsequent publication. Participation in resident training and medical student teaching in hematopathology is expected. The fellowship faculty are enthusiastic about teaching and very supportive of housestaff. The fellow will experience frequent one-on-one and individualized learning experiences from the faculty during the year.
The goal of the fellowship is to instill trainees with a broad knowledge of hematologic disorders and associated laboratory testing strategies. Program graduates will be capable of enormous success in either academic or community-based careers.
For more information about our program please visit our website: Please visit our website:
Stipends: Commensurate with the level of training; current information is available on the University of Vermont Medical Center’s GME website. PGY5: $90,062
Faculty: Katherine A. Devitt, MD, Fellowship Director; Joanna Conant, MD; Siba El-Hussein, MD, FCAP;
Juli-Anne Gardner, MD; Andrew Goodwin, MD; Marian Rollins-Raval, MD; Ashley Volaric, MD
Staff: Amy J. Bourgeois, M.Ed., GME Program Administrator
Requirements: Board certification or eligibility in anatomic and clinical pathology (AP/CP). Eligibility for a Vermont medical license is required.
Applying: Information about the application process can be found on our website Hematopathology Fellowship Application. UVMMC participates in the unified fellowship recruitment
timeline and NRMP Match Fellowship Applicants | NRMP.
Inquiries and applications should be addressed to Dr Devitt:
[#16237, renewed 5 June 2024, exp. 2 June 2025]
Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine Fellowship
Currently Accepting Applications for 2026-2027
Accepting Applications for 2027-2028 Starting July 2025
Program Overview
This ACGME accredited fellowship is intended for physicians who wish to acquire specialized experience and knowledge in each of the areas of blood banking and transfusion medicine (BBTM). There is an active clinical consultative service in transfusion medicine providing support for a breadth of clinical services in this complex, quaternary care health system including adult and pediatric level 1 trauma centers, solid organ and stem cell transplants, obstetrics, pediatrics and more. The Fellowship includes opportunities to participate in hematopoietic stem cell collection and processing, clinical coagulation, tissue typing, flow cytometry, therapeutic apheresis, diagnostic molecular pathology, and informatics. The Fellow is involved in quality assessment and improvement activities, and in teaching physicians, students and staff. The Fellow has the opportunity to initiate research that could extend the fellowship beyond the traditional one-year period. The Fellow participates in developing policies and procedures, and leads the daily BBTM rounds attended by the attending physician, residents, medical students and charge technologist, and rotating trainees. There is an opportunity to spend time at a blood center. Fellows interact regularly with esteemed Transfusion Medicine faculty such as Dr. James Gorham, Dr. John Luckey, Dr. James Zimring, Dr. Jenna Kahn, Dr. Valery Kogler and Dr. Rasheed Balogun. The Fellowship has a proven record of preparing participants for a BBTM career in a blood center, academic medical center or private practice.
Fellowship Requirements
The candidate should have successfully completed a residency in pathology or other ACGME-accredited residency program. The candidate must hold a license or be eligible for licensure to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Foreign medical graduates must be ECFMG-certified at the time of application.
The stipend is determined by the individual’s year of postgraduate training.
How to Apply
Please see our website for more information on applying, or contact:
Tonya Gomez
Senior Administrative Assistant
Department of Pathology
University of Virginia
PO Box 800168
Charlottesville, VA, 22908
Telephone: (434) 924-5198
[#16413, renewed 12 July 2024, exp. 16 July 2025]
Gynecologic & Breast Pathology
Position Filled for 2026 – 2027
Accepting Applications for 2027 – 2028 Starting July 2025
Program Overview
This post-residency fellowship emphasizes gynecologic and breast pathology in the context of general surgical pathology. This one year experience will provide in-depth exposure to consultation, referral and routine diagnostic material. In addition, the fellow will actively participate in clinical conferences, teach residents and be expected to participate in ongoing translational research utilizing the outstanding faculty and resources of the University of Virginia.
Fellowship Requirements
Applicants must have an M.D. or D.O. degree (or foreign equivalent with ECFMG certification) and be board eligible or certified in anatomic or anatomic and clinical pathology.
Stipend is commensurate with the applicant’s postgraduate training in pathology.
How to Apply
Please see our website for more information on applying, or contact:
Tonya Test
Medical Education Coordinator
Department of Pathology
University of Virginia
Box 800214
Charlottesville, VA, 22908
[#16326, renewed 20 June 2024, exp. 16 July 2025]
Cytopathology Fellowship
Positions Filled for 2025 - 2026
Currently Accepting Applications for 2026 - 2027
Accepting Applications for 2027 - 2028 Starting June 2025
This one-year, ACGME-accredited fellowship provides advanced training in all aspects of Cytopathology. The fellows participate in the daily sign-out of all specimens and provide immediate on-site interpretation for superficial and deep FNAs with progressive responsibilities leading to the development of diagnostic autonomy. There is substantial exposure to surgical pathology with emphasis on the correlation between these two disciplines, particularly as the needle core biopsies object of on-site interpretation are kept as part of the Cytopathology specimen. Approximately 16,000 specimens are evaluated annually, including 2500 non-gynecologic exfoliative specimens and 2100 fine needle aspiration biopsies covering the spectrum of cytopathology practice with extensive use of immunochemistry, flow cytometry, molecular and cytogenetic ancillary studies. A dedicated Ultrasound-guided FNA (USFNA) service is located in the Pathology Department, staffed by four USFNA-trained pathologists, with an annual volume of 350 cases.
The Cytopathology fellows receive training in FNA performance, actively participating in procedures under direct attending supervision with the objective of becoming proficient in both palpation and ultrasound-guided FNA. Appropriate clinical management as applied to surgical and cytopathology diagnoses and interdisciplinary communication is stressed, including case presentation at tumor boards. Participation in the instruction of residents through lectures and slide sessions is an integral part of the program. Over 4,000 glass slide study sets are available for review. Fellows will also gain practical skills in laboratory management. Translational research as well as clinical research for presentation at national level is strongly encouraged.
Requirements: Candidates must have satisfactorily completed an accredited training program in AP or AP/CP.
Stipends: Salary and benefits are commensurate with level of training.
Available Position(s): Currently Accepting Applications for 2026 - 2027. Applications for the 2027 - 2028 academic year will be accepted starting June 2025.
Program Director: Dr. Sadia Sayeed,
Applications: Interested individuals should submit a CV and the Standardized Application for
Pathology Fellowship form found on the CAP website (, the VCU Pathology
website ( Applicants should also request three letters of recommendation, one of which should come from their current program director. All documentation should be sent to the training program coordinator:
Dr. Pamela Adams-Lewis
Senior Program Coordinator
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
Department of Pathology
PO Box 980662
1101 E. Marshall St., 4th Fl
Richmond, VA 23298
Telephone: (804) 827-0561
Fax: (804) 827-1078
[#15732-5, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Forensic Pathology Fellowship
Currently Accepting Applications for One Position for 2025-2026
Accepting Applications for 2025-2026 and 2027-2028
The Virginia Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the Department of Pathology at VCU Health, offer four
one-year ACGME-accredited fellowships in the specialty of Forensic Pathology. The positions are located in
three of our statewide district offices. Two positions located in the historic city of Richmond, one encompassing
the waterfront, maritime cities of Norfolk/Virginia Beach and one in the scenic mountain surrounded valley of
Roanoke. The training program fulfills the eligibility requirements for APB board certification.
Your training will include learning to gather information from death scenes to determine the extent to which
further investigation is necessary. Performing autopsies on bodies in order to determine the cause and manner of
death. Understanding how to report autopsy findings in court, in consultation with families, law enforcement,
and attorneys. Fellows are mentored by nine Board certified forensic pathologists. Co-location with the State
Division of Forensic Science permits contemporaneous case consultation with firearm, tool marks, trace
evidence, imaging, forensic biology (DNA) and other forensic science specialists. VCU Health provides
forensic radiology, neuropathology and surgical pathology subspecialty consultation. Fellows are given
anthropology and odontology training and the opportunity to attend national meetings with forensic colleagues.
Trainees attend subspecialty courses and reference a medicolegal library, Medline, Internet, and case database.
Each district office participates in the teaching of students, residents and other professionals. Fellows will work
with staff to undertake a research project.
Requirements: Applicants must be Board certified or eligible in AP, NP or AP/CP, able to obtain an
unrestricted medical license in the State of Virginia and be able obtain a Virginia state driver's license.
Stipends: The University salary and benefits are competitive.
Available Position(s): Currently accepting applications for one position for 2025-2026. Accepting applications for 2025-2026 and 2027-2028.
Fellowship Director: Dr. Jeffery Gofton
Applications: Interested individuals should contact:
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
400 E. Jackson St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Telephone: (804) 786-3174
Fax: (804) 371-8595
[#15732-4, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship
Positions Filled for 2024 - 2025
Currently Accepting Applications for 2025 - 2026 and 2026 - 2027
Accepting Applications for 2027 - 2028 Starting June 2025
This is a one-year, ACGME-accredited clinical fellowship which trains pathologists and medical geneticists for
a career in Molecular Genetic Pathology. The trainee receives a thorough exposure to all aspects of molecular
genetic pathology including infectious diseases, hematopathology, oncology, transplantation, and medical
genetics. The VCU Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is a state-of-the art, 6,400 sq ft facility that performs
more than 25,000 tests annually. Fellows participate in laboratory test development and translational research.
The fellows are responsible for interactions with clinicians and other pathologists, and test interpretation as the
training progresses. Fellows rotate through the human genetics clinical services and in the biochemical genetics
laboratory. Hands-on experience is obtained with a broad range of molecular techniques including nucleic acid
extraction, real-time PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR, cytogenetics, FISH, SNP analysis, Affymetrix microarray
technology, bone marrow engraftment chimerism studies, direct Sanger sequencing and next generation
sequencing for cancer and inherited disorders panels as well as whole exome sequencing.
Requirements: Preference will be given to applicants who have completed AP/CP training, or are board
eligible in anatomic and/or clinical pathology. All candidates must have passed USMLE Step 3.
Program Director: Selvaraj Muthusamy, MBBS, PhD
Stipends: Salary and benefits are commensurate with level of training.
Available Position(s): Currently Accepting Applications for 2025 - 2026 and 2026 - 2027. Applications for the 2027 - 2028 academic year will be accepted starting June 2025.
Applications: Interested individuals should submit a CV and the Standardized Application for Pathology
Fellowship form found on the CAP website (, the VCU Pathology website
( Applicants should also request three letters of recommendation, one of which should
come from their current program director. All documentation should be sent to the training program coordinator:
Dr. Pamela Adams-Lewis
Senior Program Coordinator
Virginia Commonwealth University
Health System, Department of Pathology
PO Box 980662, 1101 E. Marshall St., 4th Fl
Richmond, VA 23298
Telephone: 804-827-0561
Fax: (804) 827-1078
[#15732-2, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Hematopathology Fellowship
Positions Filled for 2024 - 2025
Currently Accepting Applications for 2025 - 2026
Applications for 2026 - 2027 will be processed through NRMP Pathology Fellowship Match
This ACGME-accredited program provides comprehensive training in Hematopathology. It is aimed at those who have fulfilled a standard pathology residency and wish to specialize in hematopathology in either a community hospital or academic setting. Under direct supervision of the faculty, the fellows become proficient in the morphologic evaluation of bone marrow biopsies and aspirate smears, lymphoid tissues, blood smears, and body fluids as well as in the interpretation of automated hematology data and special diagnostic studies, including flow cytometric data, molecular diagnostic assays, and classical/molecular cytogenetics, especially FISH analysis. The fellows also evaluate surgical and cytopathology specimens with potential hematopoietic malignancy, and gain experience in the laboratory investigation of anemias, diseases of hemostasis and thrombosis, and other benign diseases of the hematopoietic system. The fellows gain experience in laboratory management through ongoing participation in quality assurance and quality control studies, instrument and procedure modifications, and projects to improve personnel utilization and patient safety. The daily supervision of residents and medical students in the hematology laboratory is the responsibility of the fellows, and there are a variety of opportunities to participate in other teaching activities, as well as basic and clinical research studies.
Requirements: Preference will be given to applicants who have completed AP/CP training, or are board-eligible in anatomic and/or clinical pathology. All candidates must have passed USMLE Step 3.
Program Director: Guanhua Lai, MD, PhD
Stipends: Salary and benefits are commensurate with level of training.
Available Position(s): Currently accepting applications for the 2025 - 2026 academic year. Applications for the 2026 - 2027 academic year will be processed through NRMP Pathology Fellowship Match. Please refer to the link below for match process:
Applications for the 2025 - 2026 academic year: Interested individuals should submit a CV and the Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowship form found on the CAP website (, the VCU Pathology website ( Applicants should also request three letters of recommendation, one of which should come from their current program director. All documentation should be sent to the training program coordinator:
Dr. Pamela Adams-Lewis
Senior Program Coordinator
Virginia Commonwealth University
Health System, Department of Pathology
PO Box 980662, 1101 E. Marshall St., 4th Fl
Richmond, VA 23298
Telephone: (804) 827-0561
Fax: (804) 827-1078
[#15732-1, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Neuropathology Fellowship
Positions Filled for 2023 - 2025 and 2025 - 2027
Accepting Applications for 2027 - 2029 Starting June 2025
The program provides intensive training in all aspects of Neuropathology (NP) with the aim of preparing our fellows for Board Certification and a successful career as an academic neuropathologist. Fellows gain familiarity with a wide variety of diseases of the nervous system, skeletal muscle, peripheral nerve, and eye, developing diagnostic proficiency through both morphologic examination and utilization of ancillary techniques including immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and molecular analysis. A variety of research opportunities are available within the division and the VCU health system, with an emphasis on neuro-oncology. Preference will be given to applicants seeking a conventional two year neuropathology training commitment, though other arrangements may be available on an individual basis.
At least two years of post-graduate training are required; this may include 2 years of anatomic pathology (AP) or 1 year AP plus 1 year clinical training in neurology/neurosurgery. Combined AP/NP applicants will also be considered.
Salary and benefits are commensurate with year of postgraduate training.
Available Position: Accepting applications starting June 2025.
Program Director:
Hope T. Richard, MD, PhD
Interested individuals should submit a CV and the Standardized Application for Pathology Fellowship form found on the CAP website (, the VCU Pathology website ( Applicants should also request three letters of recommendation, one of which should come from their current program director. All documentation should be sent to the training program coordinator:
Dr. Pamela Adams-Lewis, Senior Program Coordinator
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
Department of Pathology
PO Box 980662
1101 E. Marshall St., 4th Fl
Richmond, VA 23298
Telephone: (804) 827-0561
Fax: (804) 827-1078
[#15732-6, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Positions Filled for 2025 - 2026 and 2026 - 2027
Accepting Applications for 2027 - 2028 Starting June 2025
This is a one-year ACGME-accredited program that offers comprehensive training in Surgical Pathology, in an environment that allows graduated responsibility and independent work to build excellent diagnostic skills and confidence.
The fellowship is designed to prepare trainees for a career as general or subspecialty pathologists. The sign-out in Surgical Pathology follows a subspecialty model, with services including breast/ thoracic, gastrointestinal/ liver, gynecologic, genitourinary, bone/ soft tissue, head and neck pathology and dermatopathology. The schedule is flexible and allows fellows to rotate through all subspecialties or focus for an extended period on subspecialties of particular interest. There are no responsibilities for grossing or autopsies. Elective rotations are available in any area of pathology.
Fellows have an initial period of working closely with faculty to develop advanced diagnostic and reporting skills. Subsequently, the fellow will assume graduated responsibility for sign-out of institutional and consultation cases, independent intraoperative frozen section evaluation, and resident instruction. Presentations at multidisciplinary conferences are paired with subspecialty service rotations. There are multiple opportunities for residents and medical student teaching. The fellow is expected to participate in one of the many departmental research projects, and peer-reviewed publication is encouraged.
The Surgical Pathology laboratory at VCU Medical Center processes over 25,000 cases a year, comprised of medical and complex oncologic surgical specimens. Resources for clinical and research activities include immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology, tissue microarrays, and bioinformatics. The trainees completing this fellowship have successfully taken positions as academic pathologists with responsibilities in service, teaching, and research, or as community-based pathologists with responsibilities primarily in service and laboratory management.
Requirements: Candidates must have satisfactorily completed an accredited training program in AP or AP/CP and passed USMLE Step 3.
Stipends: Salary and benefits are commensurate with level of training.
Available Position(s): Applications for the 2027 - 2028 academic year will be accepted starting June 2025.
Program Director: Valentina Robila, MD, PhD
Applications: Interested individuals should submit a CV and the Standardized Application for Pathology
Fellowship form found on the CAP website (, the VCU Pathology website
( Applicants should also request three letters of recommendation, one of which should
come from their current program director. All documentation should be sent to the training program coordinator:
Dr. Pamela Adams-Lewis
Senior Program Coordinator
Virginia Commonwealth University
Health System, Department of Pathology
PO Box 980662, 1101 E. Marshall St., 4th Fl
Richmond, VA 23298
Telephone: 804-827-0561
Fax: (804) 827-1078
[#15732-3, renewed 27 February 2024, exp. 21 April 2025]
Washington, University of Washington - genitourinary pathology fellowship, opening for 2026-2027 [#17059, renewed 7 November 2024, exp. 7 November 2025]
University of Washington
Renal Pathology Fellowship
Openings for July 2025, 2026
The Renal Pathology Fellowship at the University of Washington offers a comprehensive program focusing on diagnostic renal pathology. Fellows gain expertise in various evaluation techniques including light microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry relevant to clinical diagnosis. They work independently in preparing cases for faculty sign-out and participate in the routine diagnostic work-up of renal biopsies, gaining experience in laboratory management and supervision.
Currently, we receive ~ 1,500 renal biopsies a year, ~2/3 of which are native and ~1/3 are transplant biopsies. Fellows are required to attend monthly pediatric renal biopsy conferences at Seattle Children Hospital. Fellowship training is primarily hands on but also includes systematic teaching, didactics and journal clubs. Fellows progressively assume more responsibilities, including communication with physicians, aiming for developing skills to sign out renal biopsies independently by graduation.
Fellows will present cases at clinical conferences held jointly with the Nephrology and Renal Transplant Divisions, have ample exposure to clinical teaching conferences, actively participate in teaching renal pathology to medical students, residents and nephrology fellows. Fellows are expected to pursue a research project and are provided with free time for scholarly activities. Fellows are encouraged and funds are available to support their attendance in a scientific meeting during their training.
Applicants should have a minimum of two years' training in Anatomic Pathology or three years in Anatomic Pathology/Clinical Pathology in an ACGME accredited pathology residency training program. The program admits one fellow per year with the option for 1-2 years of additional research training.
To apply, please visit
Contact (email preferred): and
Behzad Najafian, M.D.
Professor of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
Adjunct Professor of Medicine
Director, Renal Pathology Fellowship Program
Director, UWMC Electron Microscopy Laboratory
University of Washington
[#15876, posted 22 March 2024, exp. 22 March 2025]
Breast/GYN Surgical Pathology Fellowship/Clinical Instructor
Opening in July 2027
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health is offering a one-year non-accredited Breast/GYN Surgical Pathology Fellowship with an appointment as a Clinical Instructor beginning July 1, annually.
During the first half of the year, trainees assume graduated responsibility in the process of work-up and sign-out with attending pathologists who finalize the reports. During the latter half of the academic year, trainees are granted sign-out privileges with mentoring as needed. The trainees also participate in signing out of consultation/second opinion cases from a regional breast/gyn consultation service, under the supervision of a staff pathologist. With over 12,000 in-house specimens and over 1000 extramural consultation cases per year, one graduates with comprehensive training and expertise in a diverse array of breast and gynecologic cases.
In addition, the clinical instructorship includes one-week rotations across clinical specialties and weekly participation in breast and gynecologic oncology multidisciplinary conferences. Overall, the fellowship/clinical instructor position is aimed at developing academic and leadership skills to thrive as an expert in breast and gynecologic pathology suited for both academically oriented pathologists and those pursuing community practice with a subspecialty focus.
An MD, MD/PhD or DO and successful completion of a certified AP or AP/CP U.S.-based pathology residency-training program are required. Applicants must be board eligible or board certified in AP or AP/CP, and a permanent Wisconsin medical license is required prior to start date.
Please apply through Jobs at UW (positions remain open and accept applications until suitable candidates are identified):
- 2025 opening: Filled
- 2026 opening: Filled
- 2027 opening: Apply here
You will be required to submit a cover letter, current CV and three letters of recommendation. Questions about the combined Breast/GYN fellowship program can be directed to Dr. Madhu Roy c/o
[#16309, renewed 18 June 2024, exp. 22 June 2025]
GI/Liver Surgical Pathology Fellowship / Clinical Instructor
Opening for July 2025 and 2026
Application for 2027-28: Coming Spring 2025
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health is offering a one-year GI/Liver Surgical Pathology Subspecialty Fellowship with an appointment as a Clinical Instructor beginning July 1, annually.
This is a non-ACGME certified fellowship which provides one year of experience in diagnostic gastrointestinal, liver, pancreaticobiliary and transplant pathology. Cases include a wide spectrum of non-neoplastic, neoplastic and allograft pathology, received from the state-of-the-art UW Health Hepatobiliary Oncologic and Transplantation Surgical Services and from the Digestive Health Center (approximately 18,500 GI cases annually, including 450 medical/allograft liver biopsies, 250 extramural consultations and 575 pediatric GI cases).
The GI and Liver pathology fellow participates on the GI/Liver subspecialty services, undergoes a frozen section 'hot seat' rotation in general pathology and presents at 4 regional multidisciplinary tumor boards (pancreaticobiliary, colorectal, liver transplant and molecular), the medical liver biopsy conference and AP/ GI-liver journal club. Based on the evaluation of the candidate's proficiency and performance, there may be opportunities for independent sign out and resident/medical student teaching. Elective time is also available, and the fellow is highly encouraged to participate in translational research projects related to GI and liver pathology, utilizing the services of the fully equipped TRIP labs. Overall, the fellowship is aimed at developing academic and leadership skills to thrive as an expert in GI/Liver pathology, in either academic medicine or private practice with a subspecialty focus.
- An MD, MD/PhD or DO
- Successful completion of a certified residency training program
- Board-eligible or board-certified in AP or AP/CP
- Permanent Wisconsin medical license prior to start date
Please apply through “Jobs at UW”:
2027-28: Coming Spring 2025
You will be required to submit a cover letter and current CV. In addition, three letters of recommendation will also be required. Questions can be directed to Dr. Rashmi Agni c/o
[#16235, renewed 5 June 2024, exp. 7 June 2025]
Thoracic Pathology Fellowship
Openings for July 2025 and 2026
Our one-year non-ACGME certified fellowship provides a competitive, all-around educational experience designed to develop outstanding diagnostic and leadership skills in thoracic and transplant-related pathology through advanced training. The fellow will work in the busy thoracic pathology subspecialty of our surgical pathology division at the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. The fellowship is suited for both academically oriented pathologists as well as those who are interested in pursuing community practice with a subspecialty focus.
The service is staffed by 4 subspecialty pathologists and has a volume of approximately 4,500 thoracic specimens per year. The service provides pathologic support to a dynamic cardiothoracic surgical program with an active heart and lung transplant program. This service frequently interacts with general, interventional, and transplant pulmonologists and cardiologists, as well as thoracic radiologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists. The surgical pathology division has a modern workspace with state-of-the-art facilities, including telepathology and whole slide imaging software. The department also benefits from a strong in-house molecular diagnostics laboratory.
The fellow will perform the duties of a thoracic diagnostic surgical pathologist in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine with additional duties in other areas of transplant pathology depending on the fellow's interest. The candidate will be required to fulfill daily responsibilities, participate in multidisciplinary conferences, and complete at least one research, educational, or quality improvement project during the fellowship. Based on proficiency and performance, there may be opportunities for being involved in laboratory management projects, independent sign out and resident teaching.
For complete details and to apply, go to Jobs at UW using the links below.
2025 opening: Apply HERE
2026 opening: Apply HERE
You will be required to submit a cover letter, a current CV and three letters of recommendation. Questions can be directed to Dr. Jefree Schulte, c/o
[#16096-2, posted 3 May 2024, exp. 3 May 2025]
General Surgical Pathology Fellowship
Openings for July 2026 and 2027
Our one-year, non-ACGME accredited fellowship is designed to develop outstanding diagnostic skills in surgical pathology. The fellow will rotate in the fully subspecialized academic surgical pathology division that accessions approximately 60,000 in-house cases and over 2,000 extramural surgical pathology cases annually and is staffed by 30 surgical pathologists representing all subspecialties including renal, pediatric, and transplant pathology. The program is designed to prepare the fellow for a successful career in academic medicine or general private practice or to serve as a bridge year to a subspecialty fellowship.
The fellow will participate in core subspecialty rotations including GI/Hepatobiliary, Breast/Gynecologic, GU, ENT, Thoracic/Bone and Soft Tissue pathology, and Frozen Section "hot seat". Optional Outreach Pathology at Meriter Hospital is available and includes a combination of general surgical pathology sign out and select lab administration duties. Lab leadership and administration training with the Director of Surgical Pathology is also available to interested candidates. Electives are possible in the following subspecialties: perinatal and placental pathology, renal and renal transplant pathology, medical lung and heart and heart/lung transplant pathology, neuropathology, and molecular and infectious disease pathology as applicable to the anatomic pathologist.
The fellow will be required to complete at least one quality improvement, education, or research project with the expectation that this project will lead to conference presentation and publication. Based on the evaluation of the fellow's proficiency and performance, independent sign out of 1-2 weeks on each of the core services or approximately 6 weeks in the area of focus with faculty back-up can be expected.
For complete details and to apply, go to Jobs at UW using the links below. You will be required to submit a cover letter, a current CV and three letters of recommendation.
2025 opening: Filled
2026 opening: Apply Here
2027 opening: Coming Spring 2025
Questions can be directed to Dr. Darya Buehler, c/o
[#16096-1, posted 3 May 2024, exp. 3 May 2025]