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Definition / general
Features to report-vagina
- Anatomic site and location
- Size
- Depth of invasion
- Histologic type
- Histologic grade
- Pagetoid spread
- Type of invasion (infiltrating, pushing, mixed)
- Angiolymphatic invasion
- Adjacent organs
- Margins
- Presence of VAIN, condyloma acuminatum, adenosis
- Descriptive features (ulcers, etc.)
- Lymph nodes: total, number positive, location, tumor size
- If adjacent tissue is involved
- References: Arch Pathol Lab Med 1999;123:62
Features to report-vulva
- Specimen type
- Procedure
- Tumor site / location
- Tumor focality
- Tumor size
- Histologic type and grade
- Thickness of tumor: measured in millimeters from the surface of the tumor or, if keratinization, from the bottom of the granular layer to the deepest point of invasion
- Depth of invasion: measured in millimeters from the epithelial-stromal junction of the adjacent, most superficial dermal papilla to the deepest point of invasion
- Tumor growth pattern (infiltrating, pushing, mixed)
- Margins
- Lymphovascular invasion
- Lymph nodes (total, location, number positive, tumor size, extranodal extension)
- Distant metastasis
- Pathologic staging
- Presence of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia