Table of Contents
Definition / general | Major updates | WHO (2022) | Microscopic (histologic) images | Additional references | Board review style question #1 | Board review style answer #1Cite this page: Collie CJ, Ho JD. WHO classification. website. Accessed March 31st, 2025.
Definition / general
- WHO classification of nonmelanocytic skin tumors
Major updates
- Epidermal tumors
- Keratoacanthoma (KA) is kept separate from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), while recognizing it may be a well differentiated SCC with self resolving tendencies
- Merkel cell carcinoma is now classified as a neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin
- Appendageal tumors
- Genetic tumor syndromes associated with skin malignancies chapter discusses adnexal tumor syndromes in depth
- New molecular aberrations in nonsyndromic appendageal tumors added
- Cribriform carcinoma renamed cribriform tumor
- Oncogenic HPV42 present in digital papillary adenocarcinoma
- Addition of (provisional) entity: primary adnexal NUT carcinoma added
- Tumors of nail unit added
- Hematolymphoid tumors
- New insights into the molecular pathophysiology and response to targeted therapy
- Updates for histiocytic / dendritic cell neoplasms (ALK and BRAF mutation drivers)
- Cutaneous peripheral T cell lymphomas listed separately
- Cutaneous peripheral T cell lymphoma, NOS is applied to cases not falling within a specific category
- Section on primary immunodeficiency associated lymphoproliferative disorders added
- Reinclusion of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (last covered in 3rd edition)
- Soft tissue tumors
- Introduction of 4 new entities
- CRTC1::TRIM11 cutaneous tumor
- Superficial CD34+ fibroblastic tumor (PRDM10 rearranged soft tissue tumor)
- EWSR1::SMAD3 rearranged fibroblastic tumor
- NTRK rearranged spindle cell neoplasm
- Atypical intradermal smooth muscle neoplasm preferred terminology for dermal leiomyosarcoma
- Reclassification of epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma in family of tumors of uncertain differentiation
- Introduction of 4 new entities
- Skin metastasis
- Known tumors metastasizing to skin
- Carcinoma, unknown primary
WHO (2022)
Keratinocytic / epidermal tumors
- Carcinoma precursors and benign simulants
- Premalignant keratoses and precursors
- Actinic keratosis
- Arsenical keratosis
8070/0EK90.Y & XH5NG4
- PUVA keratosis
8070/0EK90.Y & XH5NG4
- Squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen disease) 8070/22E64.00
- Actinic keratosis
- Verrucae
- Verruca vulgaris
- Verruca plantaris and palmaris
- Verruca plana
- Verruca vulgaris
- Benign acanthomas / keratoses
- Seborrheic keratosis
- Solar lentigo
8052/0EJ20.1 & XH7B58
- Lichen planus-like keratosis
8052/02F21.Y & XH63L8
- Clear cell acanthoma
8084/02F21.Y & XH13L5
- Large cell acanthoma
8072/0 & 8052/02F21.Y & XH7AQ2
- Warty dyskeratoma
8054/02F21.Y & XH65S7
- Other benign keratoses
- Acantholytic acanthoma
- Acantholytic dyskeratotic acanthoma
- Epidermolytic acanthoma
- Granular parakeratotic acanthoma
- Psoriasiform keratosis
- Melanoacanthoma
- Seborrheic keratosis
- Premalignant keratoses and precursors
- Epidermal carcinomas
- Basal cell carcinomas
- Superficial basal cell carcinoma
- Nodular basal cell carcinoma
- Micronodular basal cell carcinoma
8097/32C32.Y & XH4GJ2
- Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma
8092/32C32.Y & XH5VK4
- Sclerosing / morphoeic basal cell carcinoma
- Basosquamous carcinoma
8094/32C32.Y & XH4C18
- Basal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation
8092/32C32.Y & XH1JH6
- Basal cell carcinoma with adnexal differentiation
8090/32C32.Y & XH6S67
- Fibroepithelial basal cell carcinoma
8093/32C32.Y & XH45F3
- Superficial basal cell carcinoma
- Keratoacanthomas
- Keratoacanthoma
- Giant keratoacanthoma
- Keratoacanthoma centrifugum marginatum
- Multiple keratoacanthoma-like proliferations and eruptive squamous atypia
- Keratoacanthoma in Muir-Torre syndrome
- Multiple self healing epitheliomas of Ferguson-Smith
- Generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski
- Keratoacanthoma
- Squamous cell carcinomas
- Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma
- Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma
8075/32C31.Z & XH7LH0
- Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
8082/32C31.Z & XH1E40
- Clear cell squamous cell carcinoma
8084/32C31.Z & XH9DC1
- Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma
8074/32C31.Z & XH6D80
- Squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation
8074/32C31.Z & XH6D80
- Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma
- Basal cell carcinomas
- Neuroendocrine neoplasms
- Neuroendocrine carcinomas
- Merkel cell carcinoma
8247/32C34 & XH81N8
- Merkel cell polyomavirus positive versus negative
- Pure versus combined (most commonly with squamous cell carcinoma)
- Merkel cell carcinoma
- Neuroendocrine carcinomas
Appendageal tumors
- Tumors with apocrine and eccrine differentiation
- Benign apocrine and eccrine tumors
- Hidrocystoma / cystadenoma
8404/0EK70.3, 2F3Z & XH5RJ2
- Syringoma
8407/02F22 & XH6325
- Poroma
8409/02F22 & XH8N28
- Hidroacanthoma simplex
- Classic poroma
- Dermal duct tumor and poroid hidradenoma
- Syringofibroadenoma
8392/02F22 & XH06Y5
- Hidradenoma
8402/02F22 & XH4MV7
- Spiradenoma
8403/02F22 & XH3AM1
- Cylindroma
8200/02F22, XH6J91, 2F22 & XH5GN1
- Tubular adenoma
8211/02F22 & XH7SY6
- Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
8406/02F22 & XH1PY0
- Mixed tumor
8940/02F22 & XH70N8
- Apocrine
- Eccrine
- Myoepithelioma
8982/02F7C & XH3CQ8
- Syncytial myoepithelioma
- Myoepithelial carcinoma
- Hidrocystoma / cystadenoma
- Malignant apocrine and eccrine tumors
- Adnexal adenocarcinoma, NOS
8390/32C33 & XH89V4
- Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
8407/32C33 & XH17P2
- Cribriform tumor (previously carcinoma)
8201/32C33 & XH1YZ3
- Porocarcinoma
8409/3 (invasive)
8409/2 (in situ)2C33, XH7WE6, 2C33 & XH7VK4
- NUT carcinoma
8023/32D42 & XH2855
- Malignant neoplasms arising from spiradenoma, cylindroma
8403/32C33 & XH2ZK9 (ex cylindroma)
or spiradenocylindroma2C33 & XH9C82 (ex spiradenoma)2C33 & XH9NW9 (ex spiradenocylindroma)
- Malignant mixed tumor
8940/32C33 & XH0V86
- Hidradenocarcinoma
8402/32C33 & XH7NK9
- Endocrine mucin producing sweat gland carcinoma
8509/32C33 & XH4EK4
- Mucinous carcinoma
8480/32C33 & XH1S75
- Digital papillary adenocarcinoma
8408/32C33 & XH6FB5
- Adenoid cystic carcinoma
8200/32C33 & XH4302
- Apocrine carcinoma
8401/32C33 & XH9L77
- Squamoid ductal eccrine carcinoma
8560/32C33 & XH95Y6
- Syringocystadenocarcinoma papilliferum
8406/32C33 & XH0BE5
- Secretory carcinoma
8502/32C33 & XH44J4
- Signet ring cell / histiocytoid carcinoma
8490/32C33 & XH0XE5
- Adnexal adenocarcinoma, NOS
- Benign apocrine and eccrine tumors
- Tumors with follicular differentiation
- Benign tumors with follicular differentiation
- Trichoblastoma
8100/02F22 & XH2K97
- Pilomatricoma
8110/02F22 & XH9E37
- Melanocytic matricoma
8110/02F22 & XH7CM2
- Trichilemmoma
8102/02F22 & XH5AU2
- Trichoadenoma
- Trichofolliculoma
8104/02F22 & XH0U05
- Pilar sheath acanthoma
8104/02F22 & XH3EY8
- Tumor of the follicular infundibulum
8104/02F22 & XH0489
- Trichodiscomas and fibrofolliculomas
8391/02F22 & XH4YU8
- Trichoblastoma
- Malignant tumors with follicular differentiation
- Proliferating trichilemmal tumor
8103/12C33 & XH7WJ7
- Benign proliferating trichilemmal tumor
- Atypical (intermediate) proliferating trichilemmal tumor
- Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor
- Pilomatrical carcinoma
8110/3 or 8980/3 (carcinosarcoma)2C33 & XH9G49/XH8324 (carcinosarcoma)
- Trichoblastic carcinoma / carcinosarcoma
8100/32C33 & XH3DL9
- Trichilemmal carcinoma
- Proliferating trichilemmal tumor
- Benign tumors with follicular differentiation
- Tumors with sebaceous differentiation
- Benign tumors with sebaceous differentiation
- Sebaceoma
8410/02F22 & XH0QL4
- Sebaceous adenoma
8410/02F22 & XH1NC5
- Sebaceoma
- Malignant tumors with sebaceous differentiation
- Sebaceous carcinoma
8410/32C33 & XH4VR2
- Sebaceous carcinoma
- Benign tumors with sebaceous differentiation
- Site specific appendageal tumors
- Benign site specific appendageal tumors
- Hidradenoma papilliferum
8405/02F22 & XH4DX4
- Fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumor of anogenital
9010/0 (fibroadenoma, NOS)
9020/0 (phyllodes tumor)2F33.Y & XH9HE2 (fibroadenoma)
2F33.Y & XH50P7 (phyllodes tumor)
mammary-like glands
- Hidradenoma papilliferum
- Malignant site specific appendageal tumors
- Mammary Paget disease
8540/32E65.5 & XH3E21
- Extramammary Paget disease
8542/32E64.1 or 2E67.11 or 2C81.Y & XH70F8
- Adenocarcinoma of mammary gland type
8500/32C70.Z & XH9FX2
- Mammary Paget disease
- Benign site specific appendageal tumors
Tumors of the nail unit
- Nail bed epithelial tumors
- Onychomatricoma
- Pleomorphic
- Pigmented
- Myxoid
- Proliferative
- Onychopapilloma
- Ungual fibrokeratoma
- Onychocytic matricoma
- Subungual keratoacanthoma
- Subungual tumor of incontinentia pigmenti
- Onychomatricoma
Tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid origin
- Myeloid proliferations and neoplasms
- Mastocytosis
- Mastocytosis
- Mast cell sarcoma
- Mastocytosis
- Secondary cutaneous involvement in myeloid neoplasms
- Cutaneous involvement in myeloid neoplasms, including
myeloid sarcoma
- Cutaneous involvement in myeloid neoplasms, including
- Mastocytosis
- Histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms
- Mature plasmacytoid dendritic cell proliferation associated with myeloid neoplasm
- Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
- Langerhans cell neoplasms
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Histiocytic tumors
- Xanthelasma
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- Reticulohistiocytosis
- Rosai-Dorfman disease
- Erdheim-Chester disease
9749/32B31.Y & XH1VJ3
- ALK+ histiocytosis
- Histiocytic sarcoma
- Xanthelasma
- Other dendritic cell neoplasms
- Indeterminate dendritic cell tumor
- Indeterminate dendritic cell tumor
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms
- Cutaneous B cell lymphoproliferative disorders and neoplasms
- Reactive B cell rich lymphoid proliferations
- Primary cutaneous mature B cell neoplasms
- Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous diffuse large B cell lymphoma, leg type
- Intravascular large B cell lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma
- Cutaneous involvement in primarily extracutaneous B cell lymphomas and leukemias
- Mantle cell lymphoma
- Burkitt lymphoma
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia / small lymphocytic lymphoma
- B lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma
9811/3C83.5 & C91.0
- Secondary lymphomatoid granulomatosis
9766/1 & 9766/3
- Mantle cell lymphoma
- Reactive B cell rich lymphoid proliferations
- Cutaneous T cell and NK cell lymphoproliferative disorders and neoplasms
- Reactive T cell rich lymphoid proliferations
- Primary cutaneous T cell disorders
- Primary cutaneous CD4+ small or medium T cell
9709/12B0Y & XH3QE7
lymphoproliferative disorder - Mycosis fungoides
- Primary cutaneous CD30+ T cell lymphoproliferative disorder:
lymphomatoid papulosis - Primary cutaneous CD30+ T cell lymphoproliferative disorder:
2B03.0 & XH40C02B03.0 & XH3400
primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma - Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T cell lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous gamma / delta T cell lymphoma
9726/32B04 & XH84A5
- Primary cutaneous acral CD8+ T cell
9709/32B0Y & XH7S84
lymphoproliferative disorder - Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic
9709/32BOY & XH2513
cytotoxic T cell lymphoma - Primary cutaneous peripheral T cell lymphoma, NOS
- Sézary syndrome
- Primary cutaneous CD4+ small or medium T cell
- EBV+ lymphoproliferative diseases of childhood
- Severe mosquito bite allergy
- Hydroa vacciniforme lymphoproliferative disorder
9725/12B0Y & XH0AK5
- Secondary cutaneous involvement in T cell and NK cell lymphomas and leukemias
- Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
9714/3 & 9715/32A90.B
- Nodal T follicular helper lymphoma, angioimmunoblastic type
- T cell prolymphocytic leukemia
- T lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma
9837/32A71 & XH50W
- Adult T cell leukemia / lymphoma
- Extranodal NK / T cell lymphoma
- Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
- Other cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders
- Lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphomas associated
with immunodeficiency and dysregulation- EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer
9680/12B0Y & XH3SG2
- Inborn error of immunity associated lymphoproliferative disorders
- EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer
- Lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphomas associated
Soft tissue tumors
- Adipocytic tumors
- Nevus lipomatosus superficialis
- Lipoma
- Angiolipoma
8861/02E80.0YZ & XH3C77
- Spindle cell / pleomorphic lipoma
- Atypical lipomatous tumor
8850/12F7C & XH0RW4
- Pleomorphic liposarcoma
8854/32B59.Y & XH25R1
- Fibroblastic, myofibroblastic and fibrohistiocytic tumors
- Benign fibroblastic, myofibroblastic and fibrohistiocytic neoplasms
- Fibroma of tendon sheath
8813/0EE6Y & XH0WB3
- Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
8816/0EE6Y & XH8ZE3
- Sclerotic fibroma
8810/02F23.Y & XH5JG7
- Nuchal type fibroma
8810/0EE6Y & H0XH6
- Gardner fibroma
8810/0EE6Y & XH7GT0
- Pleomorphic fibroma
8810/0XH1BV2 & 2F23
- Elastofibroma
8820/0FB51.Y & XH3BQ8
- Desmoplastic fibroblastoma
8810/0EE6Y & XH2ZF3
- Fibrous papule
- Fibroblastic connective tissue nevus
- Fibro-osseous tumor of digits
- Dermatofibroma (fibrous histiocytoma)
- Superficial fibromatosis
8813/1FB51.Y & XH75J5
- Inclusion body fibromatosis
- Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor
8835/12F7C & XH4GL1
- Superficial acral fibromyxoma
8811/0EE6Y & XH8173
- Cutaneous myxoma (superficial angiomyxoma)
8840/02E84.0 & XH58A9
- Dermatomyofibroma
8824/02F23.Y & XH18K3
- Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma
- Plaque-like CD34+ dermal fibroma
8810/12B53.Y & XH3665
- Nodular fasciitis
8828/0FB51.2 & XH5LM1
- EWSR1::SMAD3 rearranged fibroblastic tumor
- Fibroma of tendon sheath
- Intermediate fibroblastic, myofibroblastic and fibrohistiocytic neoplasms
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
8832/12B53.Y & XH4QZ8
- Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma
8811/12B5F.2 & XH2D15
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
- Benign fibroblastic, myofibroblastic and fibrohistiocytic neoplasms
- Vascular tumors
- Hemangiomas
- Cherry hemangioma
9120/02F25 & XH9Q71
- Sinusoidal hemangioma
9120/02F2Y & XH88L5
- Microvenular hemangioma
9120/02F2Y & XH9UU3
- Hobnail hemangioma
9120/0LA90.1Z & XH8PD3
- Glomeruloid hemangioma
9120/02F2Y & XH9NB0
- Papillary hemangioma
- Spindle cell hemangioma
9120/02F2Y & XH6RP8
- Epithelioid hemangioma
9125/02F2Y & XH10T4
- Tufted hemangioma
9161/02F2Y & XH2EX4
- Angiokeratoma
- Infantile hemangioma
9131/02E81.2Y & XH3U29
- Congenital nonprogressive hemangiomas: rapidly involuting
9131/02E81.2Y & XH5427
congenital hemangioma and noninvoluting congenital hemangioma - Lobular capillary hemangioma
- Poikilodermatous plaque-like hemangioma
- Acquired elastotic hemangioma
- Verrucous venous malformation
9141/02F2Y & XH23S6
- Arteriovenous malformation
- Cherry hemangioma
- Other benign vascular tumors
- Lymphangioma (superficial lymphatic malformation)
9170/0LA90.12 & XH9MR8
- Cutaneous epithelioid angiomatous nodule
9125/02F2Y & XH8SM9
- Postradiation atypical vascular lesion
9126/02E81.Y & XH8KN7
- Lymphangioma (superficial lymphatic malformation)
- Intermediate vascular neoplasms
- Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma
9138/12E81.OZ & XH26F6
- Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
9133/32B5Y & XH9GF8
- Hobnail hemangioendothelioma
9135/1 & 9136/12F72.Y & XH4S47
- Composite hemangioendothelioma
9136/12F72.Y & XH8D24
- Kaposi sarcoma
- Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma
- Malignant vascular sarcomas
- Cutaneous angiosarcoma
9120/32B56.Y & XH6264
- Cutaneous angiosarcoma
- Hemangiomas
- Pericytic and perivascular tumors
- Benign pericytic and perivascular neoplasms
- Glomus tumor
- Myopericytoma
8824/02E84.Y & XH2HE9
- Myofibroma and myofibromatosis
8824/02E84.Y & XH0953
- Angioleiomyoma
8894/02E86.1 & XH7CL0
- Glomus tumor
- Benign pericytic and perivascular neoplasms
- Smooth muscle tumors
- Benign smooth muscle neoplasms
- Smooth muscle hamartoma
- Cutaneous leiomyomas
8890/02F2Y & XH4CY6
- EBV associated smooth muscle tumor
- Smooth muscle hamartoma
- Intermediate smooth muscle neoplasms
- Atypical intradermal smooth muscle neoplasm
8897/12F9C & XH1EN1
- Atypical intradermal smooth muscle neoplasm
- Benign smooth muscle neoplasms
- Neural tumors
- Benign neural neoplasms
- Dermal hyperneury / epithelial sheath neuroma
9570/02F24 & XH4UE6
- Solitary circumscribed neuroma
9570/02F24 & XH90Y8
- Dermal nerve sheath myxoma
9562/02F24 & XH3L35
- Perineurioma
9571/02F3Y & XH0XF7
- Neurofibroma
9540/0 & 9541/02F23 & XH87J5
- Schwannoma
9560/02F24 & XH98Z3
- Granular cell tumor
9580/02E89.1 & XH09A9
- Hybrid nerve sheath tumors
9563/02F24 & XH01G0
- Dermal hyperneury / epithelial sheath neuroma
- Malignant neural neoplasms
- Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
- Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
- Benign neural neoplasms
- Tumors of uncertain differentiation
- Benign neoplasms of uncertain differentiation
- Cellular neurothekeoma
9562/02F24 & XH1UZ6
- Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma
8830/02E85.2 & XH15M9
- Nonneural granular cell tumor
8990/12E89.1 & XH5LL8
- PEComa
8714/02E8Y & XH4CC6
- Cellular neurothekeoma
- Intermediate neoplasms of uncertain differentiation
- Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
8836/12F7C & XH9362
- NTRK rearranged spindle cell neoplasm
- Atypical fibroxanthoma
8833/02F72.Y & XH1RM7
- Superficial CD34+ fibroblastic tumor
- Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
- Malignant neoplasms of uncertain differentiation
- Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma
8802/32C35 & XH7XH3
- Epithelioid sarcoma
8804/32B5F.2 & XH4F96
- CRTC1::TRIM11 cutaneous tumor
- Dermal clear cell sarcoma
9044/32C35 & XH77N6
- Ewing sarcoma
9364/32B52.3 & 2B52.Y
- Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma
- Benign neoplasms of uncertain differentiation
Metastases to skin
- Metastases to skin
- Cancer of unknown primary site
Genetic tumor syndromes associated with skin malignancies
- Familial melanoma
- BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syndrome)
- Carney complex
- Muir-Torre syndrome
- Brooke-Spiegler and related syndromes
Microscopic (histologic) images
Contributed by Jonathan D. Ho, M.B.B.S., D.Sc.
Additional references
Board review style question #1
Board review style answer #1
D. May be associated with polyomavirus infection. Merkel cell polyomavirus may be seen in up to 80% of tumors in some populations. Answer A is incorrect because Merkel cell carcinoma is characterized by finely dispersed salt and pepper chromatin. Answer B is incorrect because Merkel cell carcinoma is classified as a cutaneous neuroendocrine tumor. Answer C is incorrect because Merkel cell carcinoma has an aggressive course with metastatic potential. Answer E is incorrect because Merkel cell carcinoma is typically CK20+ and CK7-. Only very rare cases of CK7+ have been described.
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Reference: Skin nonmelanocytic tumor - WHO classification
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Reference: Skin nonmelanocytic tumor - WHO classification