Cite this page: Pernick N. Actinic keratopathy. website. Accessed January 10th, 2025.
Actinic keratopathy
Definition / general
Gross description
- Extensive solar elastosis in superficial layers of corneal collagen in band-like area of interpalpebral fissure
- Due to chronic high levels of ultraviolet light
Gross description
- Yellow due to solar elastosis
Chronic actinic keratopathy
Definition / general
Microscopic (histologic) description
Differential diagnosis
- Also called climatic droplet keratopathy or spheroidal degeneration
- Initially involves periphery of cornea, increases in severity and incidence with age
- Associated with long term exposure to excessive ultraviolet light
Microscopic (histologic) description
- Amorphous globules of protein accumulate in superficial stroma of interpalpebral portion of cornea
Differential diagnosis
- Other disorders produce similar globules