CNS nontumor
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Last author update: 1 January 2006
Last staff update: 10 January 2024
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"Paraneoplastic syndromes" CNS
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Cite this page: Pernick N. Paraneoplastic syndromes. website. Accessed March 31st, 2025.
Definition / general
- Nervous system dysfunction associated with cancer but without direct tumor invasion, infection or vascular complications of neural tissue
- May precede clinical recognition of tumors
- Occurs in < 1% of cancer patients; usually small cell carcinoma of lung, breast cancer or ovarian cancer
- Often due to autoantibodies
- May respond to treatment of the underlying tumors
Cerebellar degeneration
Definition / general:
- Destruction of Purkinje cells (antibody mediated) with perivascular lymphocytes
- Causes progressive bilateral leg and arm ataxia, dysarthria, variable vertigo and diplopia
- Associated with breast, gynecologic, Hodgkin lymphoma and small cell carcinoma of lung
- Often associated with anti-Yo antibody in serum or CSF
- References: Brain 2003;126:1409
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Definition / general:
- Destruction of neuromuscular junction (presynaptic terminals) by small cell lung cancer; due to IgG antibody
Limbic encephalitis
Definition / general:
- Associated with subacute dementia - perivascular inflammatory cuffs, microglial nodules, neuronal loss, gliosis of temporal lobe and resembles infectious process
- Also in brainstem; most common with small cell lung cancer
Definition / general:
- Necrotizing myelopathy due to leukemia, lymphoma and lung carcinoma
- Myelitis due to anti-Hu antibody associated with small cell lung carcinoma
Opsoclonus / myoclonus (spontaneous chaotic eye movements)
Definition / general:
- Affects brain stem but site unknown
- Due to breast and small cell lung cancer; also neuroblastoma
- May be associated with anti-Ri autoantibody
Peripheral neuropathy
Definition / general:
- Most common paraneoplastic syndrome
- May be associated with anti-Hu antibody in lung cancer patients
Primary lateral sclerosis
Definition / general:
- Rarely caused by breast cancer
- 50% develop lower motor neuron signs eventually
Retinal degeneration
Definition / general:
- Destruction of photoreceptors
- Due to small cell carcinoma and gynecologic tumors
Stiff man syndrome
Definition / general:
- Destruction of spinal interneurons by amphiphysin antibody
- Usually breast cancer, also lung cancer and thymoma
Subacute sensory neuropathy
Subacute motor neuronopathy
Definition / general:
Case reports:
Differential diagnosis:

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