Stains & CD markers

Last author update: 1 February 2011
Last staff update: 2 July 2021

Copyright: 2002-2024,, Inc.

PubMed Search: CD57[title] CD Marker

Nat Pernick, M.D.
Cite this page: Pernick N. CD57. website. Accessed December 28th, 2024.
Definition / general
  • Also called Leu7, beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 1 and glucuronosyltransferase P
  • Glycoprotein with cell adhesion functions
  • May define a phenotype associated with replicative senescence in HIV specific CD8+ T cells (Blood 2003;101:2711)
  • References: OMIM #151290
Case reports
Uses by pathologists
  • Marker of NK cells and neuroendocrine tumors, helps distinguish high grade prostatic adenocarcinoma (CD57+) from high grade urothelial carcinoma (CD57-)
Microscopic (histologic) images

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Large granular lymphocytic leukemia (fig 11)

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Papillary carcinoma of thyroid (fig B)

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"Atypical cytology, cannot exclude papillary carcinoma"

Positive staining - normal
  • NK subset, T cell subset, neuroectodermal tissue, retina, brain, prostate and renal proximal tubules
Positive staining - disease
Positive staining - tumors
Negative staining
  • B cells, monocytes, red blood cells and platelets; NK/T cell lymphoma-nasal type, Wilm’s tumor
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