Table of Contents
CD150 | CD151 | CD152 | CD153 | CD154 | CD155 | CD156a | CD156b | CD156c | CD157 | CD158 | CD158a | CD158b | CD159a | CD159cCite this page: Pernick N. CD150-159. website. Accessed March 31st, 2025.
- Also known as signal lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM)
- Costimulatory molecule on B lymphocytes and dendritic cells
- Positive staining - normal: thymocytes, CD45RO positive subpopulation of T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, endothelium
- Also known as cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein 4, CTLA4
- Negative regulator of T cell activation
- CTLA4 restriction fragment length polymorphisms are linked to various autoimmune disorders
- Shares sequence homology with CD28; also shares ligands CD80 and CD86 with CD28
- Positive staining - normal: activated but not resting T cells, activated B cells
- Reference: OMIM CD152
- Also known as CD40 ligand, CD40L, TNF related activation protein (TRAP)
- Regulates B cell function by engaging CD40
- Defective gene prevents immunoglobulin class switch and is associated with hyper IgM syndrome, autoimmune hematologic disorders, disorganized nodal follicular architecture and PAS positive plasmacytoid cells containing IgM, lymph nodes without germinal centers, shortened lifespan, often with gastrointestinal cancers (cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and adenocarcinoma) and Cryptosporidium parvum infection
- Positive staining - normal: T cells
- Also known as ADAM10
- Protein belonging to a superfamily of metalloproteases (Anal Cell Pathol (Amst) 2015;2015:975436)
- Member of KIR (killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor) family, also called killer cell inhibitory receptors
- Binding by HLA class I molecules causes inhibition of NK or T cell cytotoxic activity
- Melanoma specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes may express KIR and regulate their ability to kill these tumors
- Terminology:
- CD158c: KIR2DS6 / KIRX
- CD158d: KIR2DL4
- CD158e1: KIR3DL1 / p70
- CD158e2: KIR3DS1 / p70
- CD158f: KIR2DL5 (Front Immunol 2017;7:698)
- CD158g: KIR2DS5
- CD158h: KIR2DS1 / p50.1
- CD158i: KIR2DS4 / p50.3
- CD158j: KIR2DS2 / p50.2
- CD158k: KIR3DL2 / p140
- CD158z: KIR3DL7 / KIRC1
- Positive staining - normal: natural killer cells (NK cells), some T cells
- Plays a role as a receptor for the recognition of MHC class I HLA-E molecules by natural killer cells and some cytotoxic T cells (Front Immunol 2018;9:686)
- Also known as NKG2C, KLRC2
- Positive staining - normal: natural killer cells and CD8+ T cells