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CD140 | CD141 (Thrombomodulin) | CD142 | CD143 | CD144 | CDw145 | CD146 | CD147 | CD148 | CD149Cite this page: Pernick N. CD140-149. website. Accessed January 13th, 2025.
- CD140a: also known as alpha platelet derived growth factor receptor
- CD140b: also known as beta platelet derived growth factor receptor
CD141 (Thrombomodulin)
- See Thrombomodulin
- Aka coagulation Factor III, thromboplastin, tissue factor
- Major initiator of clotting in normal hemostasis and many thrombotic diseases, via complex with factor VIIa
- Also binds zymogen factor VII, the inactive precursor form; once bound, a variety of serine proteases rapidly activate factor VII to VIIa via limited proteolysis
- Normally absent from all cells in direct contact with plasma
- Positive staining - normal: epidermal keratinocytes, glomerular epithelial cells and various other epithelia, adventitial cells of blood vessels, astrocytes, myocardium, Schwann cells, stromal cells of liver, pancreas, spleen and thyroid
- Aka angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE, peptidyl dipeptidase A
- Involved in metabolism of angiotensin II and bradykinin; also cleaves substance P and LH-RH
- Patients with high activity have DD genotype, associated with MI, strokes, diabetic nephropathy
- Necessary for spermatozoa to bind to egg and associated with better penetration of egg
- Positive staining - normal: endothelial cells of small/medium arteries, lung capillary endothelium, proximal renal tubule brush borders, basal ganglia neuropil, granulosa cells, Leydig cells, variable on other cells
- Endothelial-specific cadherin localized at intercellular junctions
- Aka vascular endothelial-cadherin precursor, VE-cadherin, cadherin 5
- Cadherins are cell adhesion proteins that preferentially interact with themselves in a homophilic manner in connecting cells, thus contributing to the sorting of heterogeneous cell types
- Positive staining - normal: endothelial cells, brain
- Endothelium cell marker
- Minimal information present as of 1Dec11
- Note: one paper indicates CD145 is equivalent to CD40L (Rev Clin Esp 2007;207:418), but this appears to be a typo; CD154 is equivalent to CD40L
- Positive staining - normal: endothelium; basement membrane of Bowman's membrane and tonsillar epithelium (CDw145 Worksheet Panel report-broken link)
- Aka melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MEL-CAM), cell surface glycoprotein MUC18
- May be a neural crest cell adhesion molecule during embryogenesis
- Associated with tumor progression and the development of metastasis in human malignant melanoma
- Sensitive but nonspecific marker of desmoplastic/spindle cell melanoma; use if suggestive histology, S100 positive, melanoma markers otherwise negative (Am J Surg Pathol 2001;25:58)
- Interpretation: membranous staining
- Positive staining - normal: vascular smooth muscle, endothelium, intermediate trophoblast in exaggerated placental sites and placental site trophoblastic tumors (Hum Pathol 1999;30:687), subpopulation of T cells, endothelium, smooth muscle, Schwann cells
- Positive staining - malignant
- Clear cell sarcoma (90%)
- Leiomyosarcomas (almost all)
- Melanoma (desmoplastic-84%, epithelioid melanomas-100%, advanced primary tumors and metastatic tumors)
- Melanotic schwannoma (100%)
- MPNST (27%), neurofibroma (40%)
- Prostatic adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN
- Squamous cell carcinomas (some)
- Vascular sarcomas (almost all)
- Negative staining: normal melanocytes, melanocytic nevi, cellular blue nevus, thin primary melanomas, placental site nodules (or focal), epithelioid trophoblastic tumors (or focal), cytotrophoblast, atypical fibroxanthoma
- CDw149 antibodies actually recognize a subset of CD47, also known as integrin-associated protein (IAP), present on leukocytes but not erythrocytes (Tissue Antigens 2000 ;56:258)