Pathologist Jobs Report
First Quarter 2024

Last revised 2 May 2024

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Quarter 1 - 2024 totals

For this quarter, there were 398 job postings at for full or part time pathologists, which form the basis for the statistics below. This is a 4.6% decrease from the 417 job postings in the first quarter of 2023 (click here for the 2023 Quarter 1 Jobs Report). We excluded postings that were only for locum, Ph.D., residency, fellowship or nonpathologist positions. Of the 398 postings, 369 were for 1 position, 11 were for 2 positions, 2 were for 3 positions and 16 were for an unspecified number of positions greater than 1.

Of the 398 ads, 197 (49.5%) were for academic positions and 201 (50.5%) were for non-academic positions, compared with 53.5% academic positions in the first quarter of 2023. We define academic as an assistant, associate or full professor position or a university position other than lecturer or solely clinical in nature.

Jobs were posted from 42 of 50 states, 5 provinces in Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan) and New Zealand. New York (41), Texas (38), California (32), and Florida (30) had the most job listings. The 8 states with no job ads were Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming. The Canadian provinces not represented were New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

Totals by regions: (click here for map of U.S. regions):

U.S. - Midwest 70 17.6%
U.S. - Northeast 116 29.1%
U.S. - South 128 32.2%
U.S. - West 63 15.8%
Canada 19 4.8%
Other 4 1.0%
Totals 398 100.5%

This distribution of positions was similar to the first quarter of 2023.

77.1% of postings required AP or AP / CP board certification / eligibility, which is similar to the first quarter of 2023 (77.0%). 54.5% required AP / CP boards and 4.3% required CP board certification only. 64 (16.1%) of postings did not specify board certification, compared to 14.9% in the first quarter of 2023. Of these 64 postings, 42 were academic and 22 were nonacademic.

Minimum requirements (board certified / board eligible):
AP 90 22.6%
AP / CP 217 54.5%
AP or CP 10 2.5%
CP 17 4.3%
Not indicated 64 16.1%
Totals 398 100.0%

We categorize jobs using any subspecialty listed in the advertisement, either as a primary job requirement or as a desired subspecialty. For this period, 343 (86.2%) jobs required or desired a specific subspecialty or title, most commonly cytopathology, hematopathology, GI / liver, gynecologic and breast.

Required or desired subspecialty or title:
Cytopathology 75 18.8%
Hematopathology 73 18.3%
GI / liver 72 18.1%
Gynecologic 55 13.8%
Breast 50 12.6%
Molecular 33 8.3%
Dermatopathology 32 8.0%
GU 29 7.3%
Medical Director 28 7.0%
Head & neck 26 6.5%
Pediatrics 24 6.0%
Pulmonary / cardiovascular 24 6.0%
Transfusion medicine 20 5.0%
Bone & soft Tissue 18 4.5%
Neuropathology 17 4.3%
Chief / Director / Chair 11 2.8%
Renal 9 2.3%
Informatics 9 2.3%
Autopsy 8 2.0%
Chemistry 7 1.8%
Microbiology 6 1.5%
Forensics 7 1.8%
Cytogenetics 6 1.5%
HLA / immunology 5 1.3%
Government 5 1.3%
Transplant 4 1.0%
Coagulation 4 1.0%
Research 3 0.8%
Education 1 0.3%

Note: Many positions listed multiple specialties. Percentages are out of 398 ads.

Please contact Dr. Pernick with any questions or comments at

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