Pathologist Jobs Report
2023 Summary

Last revised 29 May 2024

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2023 Summary

For calendar year 2023, there were 1,501 job postings for full or part time pathologists at, which form the basis for the statistics below. This total excludes postings that were only for locum, Ph.D., residency, fellowship or nonpathologist positions, reflecting a 1.4% decrease from the 1,522 ads posted in 2022 (click here) (Figure 1). Of these postings, 1,390 were for 1 position, 38 were for 2 positions, 1 was for 3 positions and 72 were for an unspecified number of positions greater than 1 (multiple listings may reflect more than one advertised position within the same organization).

annual job postings 2018-2023
Figure 1. Annual total of pathologist jobs posted on for years 2018-2023. *Data not available ‡Data reflects a drop in elective surgery from March to July of 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the 1,501 ads, 760 (50.6%) were for academic positions and 741 (49.4%) were for nonacademic positions, compared to 47.8% academic in 2022. We define academic as an assistant, associate or full professor position at a university.

For 2023, job advertisements were posted from all 50 U.S. states as well as Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, 6 Canadian provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan), England / United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand and Switzerland (Table 1). There were no jobs posted from these provinces: Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec. There were 3 jobs listed as a remote position in the U.S. The states / provinces with the most ads were New York (150), California (106), Florida (100), Texas (100) and New Jersey (66).

Table 1. Job totals by regions: (click here for map of U.S. regions):

Location No. of Job Postings n (%) Annual Percentage Range
U.S. - Midwest 304 (20.2%) 18.9 - 21.2%
U.S. - Northeast 434 (28.9%) 24.5 - 31.7%
U.S. - South 455 (30.3%) 26.2 - 34.2%
U.S. - West 231 (15.4%) 13.9 - 18.3%
Canada 61 (4.1%) 2.9 - 5.6%
Other 16 (1.1%) 0.5 - 1.6%
Totals 1,501 (100.0%)

The last column shows mild variability by region in job postings during the four quarters of 2023. Compared to 2022, job postings in the northeastern and southern regions of the U.S. as well as Canada increased slightly while postings in the western U.S. region dropped.

Most postings (75.9%) required AP or both AP and CP board certifications / eligibility with no major changes from 2022 data (Table 2).

Table 2. Minimum requirements (board certified / board eligible):
Certification n (%)
AP 342 (22.8%)
AP or CP 47 (3.1%)
AP and CP 797 (53.1%)
CP 64 (4.3%)
Not indicated 251 (16.7%)
Totals 1,501 (100.0%)

Most advertisements (87.3%) at least preferred a subspecialty. For 2023, the most common subspecialties listed were cytopathology, hematopathology, gynecologic, GI / liver and breast pathology (Table 3).

Table 3. Required training (experience):
Subspecialty n (%)
Cytopathology 331 (22.1%)
Hematopathology 309 (20.6%)
Gynecologic 230 (15.3%)
GI / liver 229 (15.3%)
Breast 226 (15.1%)
Molecular 149 (9.9%)
Head & Neck 125 (8.3%)
GU 119 (7.9%)
Dermatopathology 111 (7.4%)
Medical Director 99 (6.6%)
Pulmonary 90 (6.0%)
Transfusion medicine 88 (5.9%)
Pediatrics 84 (5.6%)
Neuropathology 57 (3.8%)
Bone & soft tissue 56 (3.7%)
Renal 43 (2.9%)
Chief / chair / director 42 (2.8%)
Autopsy 38 (2.5%)
Informatics 36 (2.4%)
Chemistry 32 (2.1%)
Coagulation 27(1.8%)
Microbiology 26 (1.7%)
Government 25 (1.7%)
Research 19 (1.3%)
Transplant 18 (1.2%)
Forensics 17 (1.1%)
Cytogenetics 15 (1.0%)
HLA / immunology 14 (0.9%)
Immunohistochemistry 10 (0.7%)
Education 7 (0.5%)
Veterinary 3 (0.2%)

Note: Many positions listed multiple specialties. Percentages are out of 1,501 ads. A total of 1,502 job postings were recorded during the course of 2023 but one job was removed after one of the quarterly reports was posted giving us a new total of 1,501.

Please contact Dr. Pernick with any questions or comments at To post a job ad, email the text (up to 300 words, preferably in a Word document), your logo (optional) and your contact information to

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