Pathologist Jobs Report
2022 Summary

Last revised 1 March 2023

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2022 Summary

For calendar year 2022, there were 1,522 job postings for full or part time pathologists at, which form the basis for the statistics below. This is a 12.0% increase from the 1,359 ads posted in 2021 (click here). We have excluded postings that were only for locum, Ph.D., residency, fellowship or nonpathologist positions. Of these postings, 1,415 were for 1 position, 39 were for 2 positions, 9 were for 3 positions and 59 were for an unspecified number of positions greater than 1.

Of the 1,522 ads, 727 (47.8%) were for academic positions and 795 (52.2%) were for nonacademic positions, compared to 48.6% academic in 2021. We define academic as an assistant, associate or full professor position at a university.

For 2022, job advertisements were posted from all 50 U.S. states, including Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, 9 Canadian provinces (not Prince Edward Island), Ireland, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. The states / provinces with the most ads were New York (142), California (138), Florida (83), Texas (81) and Ohio (66).

Totals by regions: (click here for map of U.S. regions):

U.S.A. - Midwest 314 20.6% 18.9% to 21.9%
U.S.A. - Northeast 396 26.0% 22.0% to 29.5%
U.S.A. - South 427 28.1% 25.7% to 31.0%
U.S.A. - West 281 18.5% 17.0% to 20.2%
Canada 94 6.2% 5.6% to 6.7%
Other 10 0.7% 0% to 2.2%
Totals 1,522 100.1%

The last column shows mild variability by region in job postings during the four quarters of 2022 and no major changes from 2021 totals.

Most postings (75.4%) required AP or AP / CP board certification / eligibility with no major changes from 2021 data.

Minimum requirements (board certified / board eligible):
AP 339 22.3%
AP or CP 33 2.2%
AP / CP 808 53.1%
CP 81 5.3%
Not indicated 261 17.1%
Totals 1,522 100.0%

Most advertisements (85.4%) at least preferred a subspecialty. For 2022, the most common subspecialties listed were hematopathology, cytopathology, GI / liver, breast and gynecologic pathology.

Required training (experience):
Hematopathology 324 21.3%
Cytopathology 304 20.0%
GI / liver 223 14.7%
Breast 223 14.7%
Gynecologic 190 12.5%
Dermatopathology 151 9.9%
Molecular 129 8.5%
Medical Director 117 7.7%
GU 116 7.6%
Head & Neck 114 7.5%
Transfusion 107 7.0%
Pulmonary 87 5.7%
Pediatrics 70 4.6%
Bone & soft tissue 62 4.1%
Neuropathology 61 4.0%
Informatics 47 3.1%
Renal 43 2.8%
Chief / chair / director 39 2.6%
Autopsy 39 2.6%
Chemistry 33 2.2%
Microbiology 31 2.0%
Coagulation 27 1.8%
Government 22 1.4%
Research 18 1.2%
Cytogenetics 17 1.1%
Forensics 14 0.9%
HLA / immunology 13 0.9%
Education 13 0.9%
Transplant 13 0.9%
Immunohistochemistry 7 0.5%
Tissue bank 4 0.3%
Industry 1 0.1%

Note: Many positions listed multiple specialties. Percentages are out of 1,522 ads.

Please contact Dr. Pernick with any questions or comments at To post a job ad, email the text (up to 300 words, preferably in a Word format), your logo (optional) and your contact information to

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