Table of contents
Advanced microscopy:augmented reality microscopy (ARM)
Computational pathology:application of graph neural networks to whole slide images
computational methods for molecular pathology (pending)
computational pathology fundamentals & applications
digitization and precision oncology
Digital and whole slide imaging:digital imaging fundamentals & standards
quality control
WSI fundamentals
WSI applications
WSI commercial platforms
WSI implementation
Fluorescence microscopy:fluorescent microscopy fundamentals & applications
multiplex immunofluorescence
Image analysis:automated assessment of cytology specimens
image analysis fundamentals
image analysis applications
Laboratory information systems:APLIS
autoverification in the core clinical laboratory
barcoding and tracking
cognition and human - computer interaction in pathology
data representation and communication standards
HL7 V2
LIS additional features
LIS fundamentals
LIS installation & implementation
LIS selection (pending)
surgical pathology
Artificial intelligence:artificial intelligence
computer aided detection
computer aided diagnosis
convolutional neural networks
ethical use of AI (pending)
introduction to programming
machine learning fundamentals
natural language processing (NLP)
virtual staining
Spectral imaging:spectral imaging
Telepathology:telepathology fundamentals
intraoperative consultation telepathology
Other applications:cybersecurity
Index (Alphabetical table of contents)
application of graph neural networks to whole slide images
artificial intelligence
augmented reality microscopy (ARM)
automated assessment of cytology specimens
autoverification in the core clinical laboratory
barcoding and tracking
cognition and human - computer interaction in pathology
computational methods for molecular pathology (pending)
computational pathology fundamentals & applications
computer aided detection
computer aided diagnosis
convolutional neural networks
data repositories
data representation and communication standards
database fundamentals
digital imaging fundamentals & standards
digitization and precision oncology
ethical use of AI (pending)
F-N:fluorescent microscopy fundamentals & applications
HL7 V2
image analysis applications
image analysis fundamentals
intraoperative consultation telepathology
introduction to programming
LIS additional features
LIS fundamentals
LIS installation & implementation
LIS selection (pending)
machine learning fundamentals
multiplex immunofluorescence
natural language processing (NLP)
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