Worldwide Directory of Pathologists. It provides information of interest to pathologists that is not available anywhere else, to our knowledge. We are initially focusing on pathologists in the U.S. and Canada. We are excluding pathologists who requested the inactivation of their profiles.Totals are current as of 5 December 2024, unless otherwise indicated.
The quality of this data will improve as more pathologists review and update their profiles. Pathologists, please review your pathology profile this month, when you move institutions and at least annually. Make sure the Title (text), Status (trainee, staff or retired), Year of birth and Gender are completed. The Year of birth and Gender will only be used for summary totals in this report; individual responses will not be posted anywhere or made available to anyone.
Please click to add or revise your profile or use our Name Search to review your profile.
We added 1,662 profiles in Q3 of 2024 for a total of 32,400 pathologist profiles completed as of 5 December 2024. We believe the Directory is > 90% complete for all U.S. & Canadian pathologists.
Click here for our definition of a pathologist for purposes of the Directory.
Countries / States
The countries with the most profiles
The U.S. states with the most profiles
Canadian provinces with the most profiles
The number of profiles (all countries) with completed birth year, gender and position
Demographics based on available data
Demographics for the top 5 U.S. States (for those who supplied the below information)
*Gender does not include "unspecified"
The institutions with the largest numbers of pathologists at the end of Q3
Note: click on descending or alphabetical for complete institutional lists to date.
We define academic as an institution with medical students or residents or that is affiliated with a university and has academic titles. Anything else is private, including industry and government institutions.
Demographics for the top 5 Institutions (for those who supplied the below information)
*Gender does not include "unspecified"
**Position does not include "deceased"
Pathologist profiles
The most popular profiles in Q3, based on the page views indicated
Specialties and subspecialties
We prefer pathologists to only list specialties or subspecialties in which they received specific training or have a particular interest. Pathologists that review almost all specimens should list anatomic or clinical pathology. Most pathologists should list at most 3 - 4 options.
To date, the top specialties or subspecialties listed in our worldwide profile directory are
Note: we are excluding surgical from this list (3,769) because its use does not appear to be consistent.
As of November 2024, we have ambassadors for 62 institutions / regions. Ambassadors help ensure that the Directory includes all practicing pathologists for their group (unless they opt out), tell us when pathologists come and go and otherwise assist in making the Directory as accurate as possible. More information about being an ambassador is here. If interested, please contact
Introductory Video
Please send your comments and suggestions for reports to include in this summary to
This is our quarterly report on pathologists based on our The quality of this data will improve as more pathologists review and update their profiles. Pathologists, please review your pathology profile this month, when you move institutions and at least annually. Make sure the Title (text), Status (trainee, staff or retired), Year of birth and Gender are completed. The Year of birth and Gender will only be used for summary totals in this report; individual responses will not be posted anywhere or made available to anyone.
Please click to add or revise your profile or use our Name Search to review your profile.
We added 1,662 profiles in Q3 of 2024 for a total of 32,400 pathologist profiles completed as of 5 December 2024. We believe the Directory is > 90% complete for all U.S. & Canadian pathologists.
Click here for our definition of a pathologist for purposes of the Directory.
Countries / States
The countries with the most profiles
United States | 26,113 |
Canada | 2,304 |
Australia | 1,148 |
England / UK | 573 |
India | 389 |
New Zealand | 290 |
Japan | 183 |
Pakistan | 134 |
Puerto Rico | 132 |
Germany | 68 |
Israel | 67 |
Turkey | 66 |
Italy | 65 |
The U.S. states with the most profiles
New York | 2,431 |
California | 2,391 |
Texas | 2,199 |
Florida | 1,569 |
Massachusetts | 1,184 |
Illinois | 1,049 |
Pennsylvania | 1,035 |
Ohio | 952 |
Michigan | 789 |
North Carolina | 741 |
Maryland | 678 |
Minnesota | 657 |
Tennessee | 609 |
Virginia | 588 |
Arizona | 579 |
Canadian provinces with the most profiles
Ontario | 933 |
British Columbia | 459 |
Alberta | 371 |
Quebec | 166 |
Saskatchewan | 115 |
Nova Scotia | 79 |
Manitoba | 63 |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 59 |
New Brunswick | 36 |
Prince Edward Island | 22 |
The number of profiles (all countries) with completed birth year, gender and position
- Birth year: 8,863 (27.4%)
- Gender: 21,891 (67.6%, excludes "unspecified")
- Position: 23,441(72.3%)
Demographics based on available data
United States | 53 | 54% 45% 1% |
16.7% 81.4% 1.9% 0.2% |
Canada | 50 | 50% 48% 2% |
45.3% 49.5% 4.6% 0.6% |
Demographics for the top 5 U.S. States (for those who supplied the below information)
*Gender does not include "unspecified"
# OF PROFILES w/ Gender* |
# OF PROFILES w/ Position |
New York | 2,431 | 2,035 1,018 (50.0%) 1,017 (50.0%) |
2,101 422 (20.1%) 1,656 (78.8%) 20 (1.0%) |
California | 2,391 | 1,247 701 (56.2%) 546 (43.8%) |
1,330 283(21.3%) 1,020(76.7%) 26 (2.0%) |
Texas | 2,199 | 2,002 1,049 (52.3%) 953 (47.6%) |
2,025 247 (12.2%) 1,749 (86.3%) 29 (1.4%) |
Florida | 1,569 | 1,247 735 (58.9%) 512 (41.1%) |
1,320 96 (7.3%) 1,212 (91.8%) 11 (0.8%) |
Massachusetts | 1,184 | 859 416 (48.4%) 443 (51.6%) |
1,000 198 (19.8%) 778 (77.8%) 20 (2.0%) |
The institutions with the largest numbers of pathologists at the end of Q3
Sonic Healthcare USA | private | 657 |
Harvard-Mass General Brigham | academic | 398 |
Mayo Clinic | academic | 358 |
University of British Columbia | academic | 349 |
University of Toronto | academic | 338 |
Kaiser Permanente | private | 274 |
Independent Consultant | private | 268 |
University of Pennsylvania | academic | 248 |
University of Utah | academic | 241 |
University of Washington | academic | 216 |
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | academic | 206 |
University of California, San Francisco | academic | 206 |
AmeriPath | private | 203 |
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions | academic | 198 |
University of Michigan | academic | 196 |
NYU Langone Health | academic | 195 |
Stanford University | academic | 188 |
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center | academic | 187 |
Washington University School of Medicine | academic | 186 |
Emory University School of Medicine | academic | 182 |
Cleveland Clinic | academic | 182 |
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | private | 176 |
Note: click on descending or alphabetical for complete institutional lists to date.
We define academic as an institution with medical students or residents or that is affiliated with a university and has academic titles. Anything else is private, including industry and government institutions.
Demographics for the top 5 Institutions (for those who supplied the below information)
*Gender does not include "unspecified"
**Position does not include "deceased"
# OF PROFILES w/ Gender* |
# OF PROFILES w/ Position |
Sonic Healthcare USA | 657 | 614 319 (52.0%) 295 (48.0%) |
656 0 (0.0%) 653 (99.5%) 1 (0.2%) |
Harvard-Mass General Brigham | 398 | 280 160 (57.1%) 120 (42.9%) |
328 100 (30.5%) 224 (68.3%) 2 (0.6%) |
Mayo Clinic | 358 | 349 201 (57.6%) 148 (42.4%) |
349 76 (21.8%) 269 (77.1%) 4 (1.1%) |
University of British Columbia | 349 | 111 62 (55.9%) 49 (44.1%) |
109 60 (55.0%) 43 (39.4%) 5 (4.6%) |
University of Toronto | 338 | 67 34 (50.7%) 33 (49.3%) |
74 33 (44.6%) 35 (47.3%) 5 (6.8%) |
Pathologist profiles
The most popular profiles in Q3, based on the page views indicated
Abraham Kassahun Tadele, M.D. | Hawassa University, Ethiopia | 480 |
Dimitrios P. Bouklas, M.D., Ph.D. | University of Athens Medical School, Greece | 418 |
Misti M. Coronel, M.D. | Independent Consultant, North Carolina | 397 |
Jeffery A. Goldstein, M.D., Ph.D. | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Illinois | 370 |
Punnya V. Angadi Rao, Ph.D. | KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, India | 356 |
Dimitrinka L. Kisova, M.D. | Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria | 335 |
Arpan Samaddar, M.B.B.S. | Mayo Clinic, Minnesota | 317 |
Monica A Carrera Alvarez, M.D. | Capalab, Mexico | 311 |
Arisetty Himabindu, M.D. | Viswabharathi Medical College, India | 309 |
Dalia Y. Ibrahim, M.D., M.Sc. | University of Toledo, Ohio | 275 |
Edrick Elias, M.D., M.Med | Bugando Medical Center, Tanzania | 274 |
Mengistu S. Yehunie, M.D. | Dilla University, Ethiopia | 241 |
Ali Mehdi Moosvi, M.D. | Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Tennessee | 233 |
Justin S. Poling, M.D. | PathGroup/Associated Pathologists, Tennessee | 204 |
Harpreet Walia, M.B.B.S. | Sohana Hospital, India | 198 |
Giulia Ottaviani, M.D., Ph.D. | UniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano, Italy | 178 |
Luis F. Arias, M.D., Ph.D. | Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia | 157 |
Eva Compérat, M.D., Ph.D.. | Medical University of Vienna, Austria | 146 |
Christopher D.M. Fletcher, M.D. | Harvard-Mass General Brigham, Massachusetts | 127 |
Nat Pernick, M.D. |, Inc., Michigan | 119 |
Specialties and subspecialties
We prefer pathologists to only list specialties or subspecialties in which they received specific training or have a particular interest. Pathologists that review almost all specimens should list anatomic or clinical pathology. Most pathologists should list at most 3 - 4 options.
To date, the top specialties or subspecialties listed in our worldwide profile directory are
Anatomic | 19,576 |
Clinical | 16,463 |
Cytopathology | 5,089 |
Hematopathology | 4,423 |
Molecular & genetics | 2,807 |
Dermatopathology | 2,664 |
GI / liver | 2,198 |
Autopsy & forensics | 1,808 |
Veterinary (General) | 1,519 |
Blood bank / transfusion medicine | 1,532 |
Breast | 1,416 |
Gyn | 1,296 |
Histopathology | 1,271 |
Neuropathology | 1,212 |
Microbiology | 1,203 |
GU | 1,016 |
Pediatric | 934 |
Note: we are excluding surgical from this list (3,769) because its use does not appear to be consistent.
As of November 2024, we have ambassadors for 62 institutions / regions. Ambassadors help ensure that the Directory includes all practicing pathologists for their group (unless they opt out), tell us when pathologists come and go and otherwise assist in making the Directory as accurate as possible. More information about being an ambassador is here. If interested, please contact
Introductory Video
Please send your comments and suggestions for reports to include in this summary to