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Lizza D. Paz, M.D.

Lizza D. Paz, M.D.

Location: Mexico
Subspecialties: Anatomic, Hematopathology
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Lizza Paz
Subspecialty: Hematopathology
Diagnosis: CLL
Words of Wisdom
“Pathology is not a problem to be solved, but the soul’s way of working on itself.” ~ James Hillman
“All of those colors and shapes under my microscope… now THAT is a work of art!” - Lizza Paz
Secrets of My Success
Humbleness and daily effort
Research Interests
Novelties in NPBCL relationship/progression with/to THRLBCL
Fun Fact
I have a peculiar laugh (everyone recognizes me when hearing it)
Consultations: Yes
Focus Groups: Yes
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