Page views in 2023 (this page and chapter topics): 89,503
Page views in 2024 to date (this page and chapter topics): 63,309
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Cytopathology books

Ali: 2023

Bibbo: 2014

Bishop Pitman: 2015

Chandra: 2020

Cibas: 2020

DeMay: 2012

Faquin: 2023

Field: 2016

Field: 2020



Jiang: 2023

Layfield: 2018

Mody: 2022

Nayar: 2015

Ramzy: 2017

Shidham: 2021

VandenBussche: 2022

VandenBussche: 2019

Wojcik: 2022

Find related Pathology books: cytopathology, gynecologic, breast, GU/adrenal, GI, lung, head & neck/endocrine
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