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Copyright information for

Last revised 17 January 2024
Copyright © 2015-2024,, Inc.

This page lists information about using materials from

All material on our website is protected by our copyright, which does not extend to material accessible by links to outside websites.

Information about using our logo is available here.

Anyone may link to any page of at any time if: (a) you credit the information to "courtesy of", (b) you do not misrepresent the content as your own and (c) you do not charge for accessing this information. We do not require you to tell us about these links.

We do NOT allow you to copy paragraphs or pages of text to your website. This is a violation of U.S. copyright law and subjects you to civil and criminal penalties, regardless of your use of the material. We have had web pages removed or had websites shut down that violated our copyright in these ways. If you want to reference our material, use a link instead. This not only spares you the legal process but also allows your visitors to see the most current information on our website. If unsure, please review Fair use (Wikipedia) or contact Dr. Pernick at

We do NOT allow the reproduction of any of our databases (Question Bank, textbook, JFC boards, etc.) in any form and manner outside of This includes the entirety of the database, parts of it, or individual database entries.

We do NOT give permission for anyone to use our content to train any AI models or products and legal action will be taken against anyone doing so.

We receive many questions about the use of images on our website. We own most images but some are contributed by others for our use and some are links to images owed by third parties.

Images owned by us have URLs that begin with No permission is required to link to website pages with images but attribution is suggested to avoid confusion; e.g. courtesy of We allow free use of a limited number (10 or less) of these images for strictly educational purposes, such as giving an educational talk, and request that you attribute the images to the image contributor and and add the URL if possible; e.g. courtesy of John Smith, M.D. and, see URL. You must get permission from us to use 11 or more images, to copy images to another website, to publish the images in any fixed media or for any commercial use.

Images whose URLs begin with may be from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Third Series, although we are gradually removing them. These images were produced by the U.S. government and by law are not subject to copyright. The attribution should be "courtesy of AFIP and"

Image links to other websites are NOT owned by us. You have to contact the owner of each individual website to ask for permission. Typically, the images are from a journal or image website and the URL indicates the name of the journal / website.

To those who contribute images to us as support for a topic or Case Report, we have no objection to your publishing these images elsewhere. However, other publications may object; you should contact them to determine their policies.

To the owners of images that we link to: based on the Perfect 10 vs. Amazon case, copying a thumbnail does not violate copyright law because it is considered "fair use". has had several lawyers research this matter and is careful not to even come close to copyright violations. But if you have concerns, then please contact us.

For further questions, please contact us at

End of Copyright Information for

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