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27 August 2014 - Case #324

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Thanks to Dr. Govindaswamy Koteeswaran, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (India), for contributing this case and discussion.

Scientific Symposiums International Fall CME Series

Essentials of Molecular and Surgical Pathology in the Diagnosis of Lymphomas, Leukemias and CNS, ENT and Endocrine Lesions

October 6-9, 2014
The Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Mauna Kea Resort, Big Island of Hawaii (USA)

Register for our upcoming Surgical Pathology Course course being held this October in order to learn the essentials of molecular and surgical pathology in the diagnosis of lymphomas, leukemias and CNS, ENT and Endocrine Lesions.

Our world-renowned faculty includes Gregory Fuller, M.D., Ph.D., Adam Bagg, M.D., Thomas J. Giordano, M.D., Ph.D., and Bruce M. Wenig, M.D.


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Case #324

Clinical history:
A 3 month old child presented with a painful nodule on the left little finger, present since birth, which was excised.

Gross examination showed a 2.0 x 1.5 cm skin covered nodule. The cut section showed a homogenous dark brown appearance.

Gross images:

Microscopic images:

What is your diagnosis?

Click here for diagnosis and discussion:

Diagnosis: Congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma

Microscopic examination showed an increased number of eccrine glands in the superficial dermis, with blood vessels between and around the glands and ducts. The vessels varied in size, but were predominantly small and lined by endothelial cells. Other areas of dermis showed smooth muscle bundles, fat cells and focal areas of myxoid change.

Congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma (EAH) is a rare benign hamartoma of eccrine glands and blood vessels that often occurs in the extremities (Ann Dermatol 2013;25:208). It may be present at birth or develop during childhood (Dermatology Online Journal 2009;15:10). It may be painful and be associated with hyperhidrosis, which can be helpful in diagnosis.

EAH must be differentiated from similar conditions including angiokeratoma, eccrine nevus, glomus tumor, hemorrhage, macular telangiectatic mastocytosis, nevus flammeus and smooth muscle hamartoma (Ann Dermatol 2011;23 Suppl 1:S84).

EAH is typically slow growing with benign behavior. Simple excision is usually curative, but is reserved for painful and cosmetically disfiguring lesions (Ann Dermatol Venereol 1997;124:623, Pediatr Dermatol 2009;26:316).

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