here for cases by clinical history, here for cases by diagnosis, here for cases by subspecialty (no diagnosis)
Breast pathology
Case 548: Perimenopausal patient underwent mastectomy which showed invasive lobular carcinoma; axillary sentinel lymph nodes were submitted for staging - endosalpingiosis in an axillary lymph node
Case 539: Postmenopausal woman with invasive mucinous carcinoma undergoes segmental mastectomy and sentinel lymph node excision - one lymph node with a benign epidermal inclusion cyst and biopsy site changes, negative for carcinoma
Case 537: 26 year old woman presented with modified Bloom Richardson grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma and ipsilateral axillary lymph node metastasis at diagnosis; her cancer was hormone receptor positive, HER2 equivocal (2+) on IHC - metastatic carcinoma and extramedullary hematopoiesis
Case 536: 55 year old woman showing slight interval size increase of a subcentimeter nodule on left breast needle core biopsy after routine - myofibroblastoma
Case 533: Premenopausal woman with family history of breast cancer was found to have a subcentimeter mass with calcifications on mammogram - ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), solid type, with microcalcifications, confined to a fibroadenoma (0.5 cm), nuclear grade 2; lobular neoplasia (atypical lobular hyperplasia / lobular carcinoma in situ), with involvement of a fibroadenoma
Case 530: 66 year old woman with a history of invasive lobular carcinoma and bilateral mastectomy with breast implant reconstruction developed rib pain; CT of the chest showed an asymmetric 4.8 cm soft tissue mass - acellular dermal matrix
Case 518: Postmenopausal woman with a 1.7 cm complex solid and cystic mass in left breast - encapsulated papillary carcinoma of the breast with lobular differentiation
Case 515: Young woman who had nipples pierced, presented with right breast pain, erythema and drainage - necrotizing bacterial infection with skin ulceration and abscess
Case 512: 61 year old woman with right breast fullness and fluid around silicone implant - breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
Case 504: 67 year old woman with a solitary, rapidly enlarging, 2.2 cm right breast mass - metastatic melanoma
Case 478: 79 year old woman with a 4 cm painful breast lump for one year - adenoid cystic carcinoma
Case 462: 30 year old woman with a fluctuant mass-like breast lesion - cystic neutrophilic granulomatous mastitis
Case 444: 64 year old woman with huge breast mass for 6 months - borderline phyllodes tumor of breast
Case 418: 68 year old woman with breast mass - malignant adenomyoepithelioma
Case 407: 60 year old woman with 3 x 3 cm lump in upper inner quadrant of left breast - myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 395: 57 year old woman with 2.4 cm breast mass - mammary-type myofibroblastoma
Case 369: 56 year old woman with breast mass - invasive lobular carcinoma, classic and alveolar variant
Case 337: 51 year old diabetic woman with breast mass - lymphocytic mastitis / diabetic mastopathy
Case 306: 37 year old with mastectomy for breast cancer - invasive ductal carcinoma with choriocarcinomatous differentiation
Case 302: 45 year old woman presented with breast mass - Rosai-Dorfman disease
Case 271: 61 year old woman with mammographic breast mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma
Case 255: 30 year old woman with 12 cm breast mass - lipophyllodes tumor, low grade
Case 252: 64 year old woman with small breast mass - granular cell tumor
Case 236: 71 year old woman with invasive breast cancer - invasive ductal carcinoma with central necrosis
Case 227: 60 year old woman with breast mass - osseous metaplasia
Case 217: 55 year old woman with axillary tail mass - primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma with clear cell change
Case 192: 37 year old woman with breast mass - T cell lymphoma, peripheral type
Case 168: 67 year old woman with mammographic calcifications - in situ and invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma
Case 68: 84 year old woman with a breast nodule - apocrine carcinoma
Case 62: 22 year old woman with an enlarging breast mass - sclerosing lobular hyperplasia
Case 45: 72 year old woman with lumpectomy for mammographic calcifications - neuroendocrine DCIS
Case 37: 48 year old woman with a mammary fibroadenoma containing atypical cells - fibroadenoma with bizarre stromal giant cells
Case 35: 54 year old woman with large breast mass and nipple discharge - cystic hypersecretory DCIS
Case 25: 61 year old woman with suspicious microcalcifications on mammography - calcium oxalate microcalcifications
Case 11: Postmenopausal woman with a breast mass - colloid (mucinous) carcinoma of the breast
Case 8: 52 year old woman with a breast mass - secretory carcinoma of the breast
Case 6: 66 year old woman with a well circumscribed breast mass - metaplastic carcinoma of the breast
Case 4: 59 year old woman with a breast mass - invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast (metastatic to lymph node)
Case 100: 50 year old man with bilateral neck masses - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Case 72: Two year old boy with multiple skull masses - Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 28: Elderly man with a fixed neck mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma of larynx extending to thyroid gland
Case 9: 47 year old man with a pleural based lesion - schwannoma
Case 546: 82 year old woman with a 3.5 cm sized, well circumscribed, nodular skin lesion on the cheek - pleomorphic dermal sarcoma (PDS)
Case 525: 25 year old man presented with a 1 cm, well demarcated, dome shaped, blue-black lesion on his finger, which was excised - common blue nevus
Case 517: Man in his 50s with leonine face and keratotic papules all over his body, a condition present since childhood - Darier disease
Case 433: 26 year old man with itchy, beaded papules on head, neck and other skin sites - lipoid proteinosis
Case 424: 34 year old man presented with an occipital nodule - pilomatrixoma
Case 423: 73 year old woman presented with a viral rash on her lower right leg - herpes virus vesicular dermatitis
Case 415: 83 year old man with rapidly growing mass on his scalp - primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 414: 67 year old woman with left arm ulcer for 6 months - Merkle cell carcinoma
Case 413: 51 year old woman with slowly growing scalp nodule - primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma (eccrine mucinous carcinoma)
Case 396: 37 year old woman with 1.1 cm solitary non-tender axillary lymph node - dermatopathic lymphadenitis
Case 383: 32 year old man with excised 8 cm scalp mass - congenital nevus (compound nevus), intermediate (non-giant) size, cerebriform type
Case 361: 17 year old girl with generalized myoclonus epilepsy following a seizure - Lafora body disease
Case 360: 36 year old man with parotid mass - deep "benign" fibrous histiocytoma
Case 344: 2 year old boy with itchy brown skin macules - urticaria pigmentosa
Case 332: 32 year old man with multiple, yellowish, waxy papules on neck - pseudoxanthoma elasticum of skin (Granbald-Strandberg syndrome)
Case 324: 3 month old child with painful nodule on finger - congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma
Case 315: 53 year old man with chest wall "sebaceous cyst" - squamous cell carcinoma arising in an epidermal inclusion cyst
Case 304: 55 year old woman with skin nodule on chest - squamous cell carcinoma in situ and Merkel cell carcinoma
Case 290: 87 year old woman with forearm skin lesion - squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma-like
Case 253: 70 year old woman with cheek lesion - keratoacanthoma
Case 251: 68 year old man with multiple brown macules and plaques on face and body - Gorlin's syndrome (Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome)
Case 225: 73 year old man with nodules on leg secondary to splinter injury while chopping firewood - Prototheca wickerhamii
Case 221: 34 year old woman with SLE and a skin rash - palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis
Case 190: 60 year old woman with "BCC" on cheek - storiform collagenoma
Case 160: 52 year old woman with chronic, diffuse, lichenified eruptions on leg - scabies
Case 155: 18 year old woman with papules on legs x 12 years, now on hands - Darier's disease
Case 153: 34 year old woman with papular lesions on hand and face - multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
Case 151: 86 year old man with indurated cutaneous papules - atypical CML with leukemia cutis and vasculitis
Case 140: 68 year old woman with eruption of violaceous skin nodules - leukemia cutis
Case 116: 60 year old man with scalp nodule - epithelioid variant of benign fibrous histiocytoma
Case 113: 24 year old woman with abdominal skin lesion - pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma
Case 107: 37 year old man with skin lesion in the back - retiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 71: 64 year old woman with pruritic, erythematous plaques on her abdomen and back - erythema gyratum repens
Case 56: 85 year old Mexican woman with pruritic and scaly plaques on her trunk - pemphigus foliaceus
Case 7: 19 year old man with lump on wrist - cellular blue nevus
Case 5: 20 year old woman with an extranumerary nipple - juvenile xanthogranuloma
Gastrointestinal / liver pathology
Case 543: 70 year old man underwent upper EUS for evaluation of pancreatic cyst; incidental finding of mucosal discoloration in the entire duodenum - pseudomelanosis duodeni; giardiasis
Case 541: 51 year old man presenting with septic shock secondary to a gastric and jejunal perforation, underwent a partial gastrectomy and small bowel resection - eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome)
Case 531: 85 year old woman with a remote history of right sided colon cancer underwent a transverse colon resection for a newly diagnosed colon cancer - poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma, large cell type
Case 529: 52 year old man with accumulations of discohesive large cells in cystic spaces of the regressively changed tumor bed of a GIST - EBV negative fibrin associated large B cell lymphoma (FA-LBCL) arising in cystic spaces of the regressive, neoadjuvantly treated gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 527: 45 year old man complaining of constipation and rectal bleeding is found to have an ulcerated rectal lesion on colonoscopy - solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
Case 523: 25 year old man complaining of abdominal pain is found to have a 4 cm gastric mass, which is resected - SDH deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 507: 54 year old man with a partial colonic resection for an endoscopically unresectable tubular adenoma of the right colon - lifting agent granuloma
Case 499: 74 year old man with ascites, liver lesions and growing 5 cm soft tissue abdominal mass - blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma (CD5 negative variant)
Case 492: 68 year old woman with Crohn's disease and small bowel perforation - bile acid resin crystals
Case 482: 76 year old woman with rectal cancer and a suspected enteric duplication cyst in the distal ileum - sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis (abdominal cocoon)
Case 481: 44 year old woman who died after presenting with vomiting, diarrhea, fever and pancytopenia - herpetic hepatitis
Case 475: 44 year old man with incidental 1 cm nodule on anterior surface of liver - bile duct adenoma
Case 471: 72 year old woman with a vaginal mass - metastatic colon carcinoma
Case 460: 65 year old man with history of esophageal cancer and end stage renal disease - Kayexelate associated upper gastrointestinal tract mucosal necrosis
Case 455: 37 year old man with incidentally detected gastric mass - microcystic variant of schwannoma
Case 447: 64 year old Nebraskan farmer with progressive weight loss - disseminated histoplasmosis and Hodgkin lymphoma
Case 442: 75 year old woman on dialysis presented with coffee ground emesis - gastric mucosal calcinosis and mucosal lanthanum carbonate deposition
Case 441: 59 year old man presented with abdominal bloating and vague abdominal pain - myxoid variant of peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma
Case 440: 37 year old woman with gastric outlet obstruction - primary gastric classical Hodgkin lymphoma, BNLI grade 2 (see discussion)
Case 438: 50 year old woman with submucosal gastric mass - gastric leiomyosarcoma
Case 436: 30 year old woman with end stage renal disease underwent a combined kidney/liver transplant - primary hyperoxaluria involving the liver
Case 432: Newborn with 6 cm hepatic mass - infantile hepatic hemangioma (infantile hemangioendothelioma)
Case 428: 71 year old man with a large rectal adenoma and an incidental finding - interstitial cell of Cajal hyperplasia (localized type)
Case 421: 79 year old Chinese woman with chronic gastritis and a 2 cm sessile gastric polyp - inflammatory fibroid polyp with low grade adenomatous dysplasia
Case 420: 67 year old man with unusual appearing esophagus on endoscopy - sloughing esophagitis (esophagitis dissecans superficialis)
Case 417: 60 year old woman with rectal bleeding and rectal mass - primary peritoneal serous carcinoma (PPSC)
Case 410: 68 year old man with history of microscopic colitis with gastric thickening on CT, presently for EGD - Russell body gastritis
Case 402: 46 year old man with untreated HIV since 2001 and history of anal condyloma - Iodamoeba buetschlii
Case 400: 4 year old boy with fever, colicky epigastric pain and lower midline abdominal lesion - epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sarcoma (EIMS)
Case 398: 73 year old man with non-specific abdominal pain - common variable immunodeficiency
Case 393: 53 year old woman with pain in left hypochondrium (upper abdomen) x 4 months - malignant gastric glomus tumor
Case 389: 27 year old man with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and multiple gastric polyps - familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) associated fundic gland polyps with low grade dysplasia
Case 378: 38 year old woman had jejunal resection with morbid obesity surgery - lymphocytic enteritis, compatible with secondary finding of obesity
Case 372: 3 year old boy with history of allogenic bone marrow transplant found to have abdominal pain, mild weight loss and diarrhea - acute graft versus host disease of colon
Case 354: 20 month old girl, post-stem cell transplant for MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with features of AML relapse - adenovirus hepatitis with necrosis
Case 351: 55 year old man with common hepatic duct stricture - IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
Case 347: 46 year old woman with stomach mass - schwannoma of stomach
Case 341: 60 year old woman with multiple, slow growing liver lesions - epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Case 329: 48 year old man with history of cholecystectomy and jaundice; 59 year old woman with painful nodularity of common hepatic duct - traumatic neuroma
Case 322: 50 year old man with obstructive jaundice had an ampullary mass - collision tumor-mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma of the duodenum
Case 316: 79 year old woman with small gastric antral polyp - gastric plexiform fibromyxoma
Case 305: 63 year old man with prior tubular adenoma and new colon polyp - ganglioneuroma
Case 303: 47 and 50 year old men with malabsorption - Whipple's disease
Case 288: 65 year old man with mass in floor of mouth - metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case 272: 50 year old man with multiple polyps in jejunum - Peutz Jegher (hamartomatous) polyp
Case 270: 65 year old man with multiple intestinal and mesenteric nodules - epithelioid GIST, plasmacytoid variant
Case 257: 50 year old man with watery diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis and amebiasis
Case 249: 32 year old woman with tumor in cecal region - calcifying fibrous tumor of omentum
Case 240: 46 year old woman with chronic abdominal discomfort - diaphragm disease of small bowel
Case 237: 45 year old woman with large mass attached to mid-jejunum - malignant GIST
Case 231: 94 year old woman with GI bleed and spotty hyperpigmentation at endoscopy - melanosis duodeni
Case 223: 55 year old HIV+ man with granular and enlarged liver by ultrasound - Mycobacterium avium complex
Case 213: 48 year old man with prolonged diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis
Case 189: 58 year old man with a large colonic polyp - tubulovillous adenoma with microcarcinoids
Case 186: 60 year old woman with clinically gangrenous gallbladder - adenomyoma
Case 164: 51 year old man with liver disease - Gaucher disease
Case 162: 9 month old girl with imperforate anus and presacral mass - teratoma associated with Currarino syndrome
Case 161: 18 year old man with abdominal mass and biopsy - hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar variant
Case 159: 31 year old woman with enlarged stomach lesion - GI histoplasmosis
Case 157: 20 year old woman with dyspepsia - gastric giardiasis
Case 154: 81 year old woman with cystic, papillary pancreatic tumor - IPMN, intestinal type
Case 147: 40 year old man with massive rectal bleeding - inflammatory polyposis
Case 143: 37 year old woman with abdominal mass - PEComa
Case 141: 42 year old woman with possible hepatic adenomas - focal fatty change
Case 134 10 year old girl with 15 cm liver mass - undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma
Case 133 43 year old Honduran man with diarrhea and abdominal pain - Strongyloides stercoralis
Case 129 52 year old man with anal condyloma - coexisting syphilis
Case 127 56 year old woman with celiac sprue and nodular areas in the antrum - MALT lymphoma
Case 124: 55 year old man with duodenal polyp - gastric metaplasia/heterotopia
Case 121: 33 year old woman with pancreatic mass - solid pseudopapillary neoplasm
Case 106: 35 week fetus with distended abdomen - meconium peritonitis
Case 90: 33 year old woman with clinical appendicitis - Enterobius vermicularis infestation
Case 88: 13 month old girl with incidental liver mass - focal nodular hyperplasia
Case 81: 36 year old man with a duodenal mass - follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 70: 47 year old woman with a multilocular hepatic cyst - mucinous biliary cystadenoma
Case 61: 15 month old boy with an asymptomatic liver mass - mesenchymal hamartoma
Case 44: 20 year old woman with liver mass identified after childbirth - inflammatory pseudotumor
Case 33: 48 year old man with a 4 cm gastric mass - gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Case 22: 51 year old man with symptomatic anemia and gastric masses - metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Case 13: 31 year old woman with a pancreatic mass - desmoplastic small round cell tumor of pancreas
Genitourinary / adrenal pathology
Case 544: 56 year old patient with a 4.5 cm right renal mass underwent a partial nephrectomy - eosinophilic vacuolated tumor
Case 521: 76 year old man with incidental renal tumor in lower pole of right side of horseshoe kidney - well differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (renal carcinoid)
Case 520: 61 year old man with flaky rash in the penoscrotal region for 9 months - extramammary Paget disease with microinvasion
Case 511: Woman in 80s with suspected chronic cystitis, gross hematuria; multifocal erythema, erosions in cystoscopy - nephrogenic adenoma (metaplasia)
Case 510: 69 year old woman with a history of bilateral hydronephrosis with weight loss and vaginal spotting - urothelial carcinoma, plasmacytoid variant
Case 509: 71 year old woman with heterogeneously enhancing mass involving adrenal gland - epithelioid angiosarcoma, involving the adrenal gland
Case 506: Man in his 50s with history of multiple bilateral renal masses and multiple pulmonary nodules - epithelioid angiomyolipoma
Case 501: Woman in her 50s who underwent nephrectomy for a renal mass - mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma of the kidney
Case 498: 54 year old woman with diabetes and a 1 cm renal mass - clear cell renal cell carcinoma and membranous nephropathy
Case 496: A woman in her early 50s with multiple broad based bladder mucosal lesions - malakoplakia
Case 491: 39 year old man with a painful slowly enlarging left testicle with mass - adenomatoid tumor
Case 489: 3 year old boy with malignant hypertension, seizures and electrolyte derangements - pheochromocytoma with aggressive histologic features; metastatic pheochromocytoma to one lymph node
Case 484: 34 year old man with a 1.4 cm mass underwent partial nephrectomy - tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma
Case 468: 50 year old man with scrotal nodules - idiopathic scrotal calcinosis
Case 467: 16 year old girl underwent partial nephrectomy for suspected Wilms tumor - juxtaglomerular cell tumor
Case 466: 70 year old woman with bladder tumor resection (TURBT) - lipid cell variant of urothelial carcinoma
Case 456: 76 year old woman with right sided neck mass - carotid body paraganglioma
Case 448: 49 year old man with testicular mass - spermatocytic tumor
Case 430: 67 year old man with shortness of breath and huge mediastinal mass - metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma
Case 379: 52 year old woman with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and right kidney mass - hybrid oncocytic - chromophobe tumor
Case 359: 26 year old woman with 4 cm renal mass - angiomyolipoma with epithelial cysts (AMLEC)
Case 353: 47 year old man with malaise and recent UTI, with voided urine specimen - herpes viral cytopathic effects in urine cytology
Case 339: 69 year old man with bladder biopsy for gross hematuria - osteoclast rich undifferentiated carcinoma of the bladder with associated carcinoma in situ
Case 338: 2 week old 'female' infant with nephrotic syndrome and renal failure - multifocal hyperplastic intralobar rests
Case 331: 72 year old man with hematuria underwent cystoscopy - urothelial carcinoma in situ (CIS) involving von Brunn nests
Case 328: 34 year old man with hypoechoic testicular lesion - testicular necrotizing vasculitis
Case 320: 30 year old man with white plaque on glans penis - balanitis xerotica obliterans
Case 319: 34 year old man with MEN 2A and adrenal mass - composite pheochromocytoma-ganglioneuroma
Case 309: 16 year old boy with chronic, painless testicular mass - splenogonadal fusion syndrome
Case 286: 58 year old man had a prostate biopsy for a "hard" prostate - extensive prostatic intraductal carcinoma
Case 279: 1 year old boy with undescended testis and firm nodule near external inguinal opening - anorchia (regressive testicular syndrome)
Case 269: 59 year old man with a PSA of 7.9 - stromal tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP)
Case 261: 11 year old boy with hydrocele - malignant papillary mesothelioma of testis
Case 254: 45 year old man with testicular swelling - paratesticular leiomyosarcoma
Case 229: 71 year old woman with end stage renal disease and multiple complex cystic renal lesions - clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma
Case 220: 37 year old woman with renal mass - angiomyolipoma with predominant smooth muscle component
Case 219: 76 year old man with bladder wall mass - plasmacytoid variant of high grade urothelial carcinoma
Case 209: 72 year old man with TURP - nephrogenic adenoma of prostate
Case 204: 60 year old man with incidental renal mass - primary renal carcinoid tumor
Case 198: 55 year old woman with hematuria - pseudocarcinomatous epithelial hyperplasia of bladder
Case 195: 40 year old woman with bladder mass - paraganglioma
Case 194: 82 year old woman with mass in proximal urethra and bladder neck - clear cell adenocarcinoma
Case 188: 61 year old woman with incidental adrenal cyst - ectopic thyroid tissue
Case 187: 53 year old man on dialysis with incidental renal tumor - glomus tumor
Case 170: 36 year old man with adrenal mass - myelolipoma
Case 145: 15 year old boy with paratesticular tumor - spindle cell embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 137: 72 year old man with a radical prostatectomy for prostatic adenocarcinoma - prostatic melanosis
Case 122: 43 year old man with testicular tumor - Leydig cell tumor
Case 117: 70 year old man with prostatectomy - pseudohyperplastic variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma
Case 85: 66 year old man with a radical prostatectomy for prostatic adenocarcinoma - bilateral seminal vesicle amyloidosis
Case 76: 49 year old man with an inguinal mass - clear cell adenocarcinoma of prostate with tubulocystic growth and metastasis to femoral lymph node
Case 69: 34 year old man with a scrotal abscess - epithelioid sarcoma
Case 67: 2 year old with an abdominal mass - neuroblastoma
Case 57: 3 month old girl with kidney mass - congenital mesoblastic nephroma
Case 48: 50 year old woman with well encapsulated renal mass - papillary renal cell carcinoma, solid variant
Case 43: 44 year old man with a 1 mm incidental renal mass at nephrectomy - papillary adenoma
Case 40: 56 year old man with B cell CLL, post-treatment for a relapse, now with dysuria and hematuria - BK polyoma virus related hemorrhagic cystitis
Case 32: 44 year old woman with incidental renal mass composed of straplike cells - atypical epithelioid angiomyolipoma
Case 26: 29 year old man with a testicular mass - mixed germ cell tumor
Case 19: 40 year old woman with large renal mass - monophasic synovial sarcoma
Case 18: 23 year old man with pain in the right testis - sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor
Gynecologic pathology
Case 547: 56 year old woman with a history of infertility underwent a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy for dysmenorrhea - salpingitis isthmica nodosa
Case 538: 58 year old patient with adnexal mass - high grade serous carcinoma with solid, pseudoendometrioid and transitional (SET) features
Case 534: 46 year old woman underwent a total hysterectomy for uterine leiomyomas - ectopic prostate tissue
Case 526: 62 year old woman, with postmenopausal bleeding and biopsy diagnosis of high grade endometrial carcinoma, underwent a hysterectomy - mesonephric-like endometrial carcinoma
Case 522: 55 year old woman underwent total hysterectomy & bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and lymph node biopsy - extrapulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Case 508: 32 year old woman with enlarged uterus with hypervascular lesions likely representing fibroids - fumarate hydratase deficient (FH-d) leiomyoma
Case 500: 52 year old woman with ovarian mass on computed tomography imaging and a raised CA-125 - endometrioid adenocarcinoma with functioning stroma
Case 495: 34 year old woman with atypical glandular cells on pap smear - invasive stratified mucin producing carcinoma (iSMILE)
Case 480: 35 year old pregnant woman with growing nodule on cervix - cervical deciduosis
Case 473: 58 year old woman with postmenopausal bleeding - endocervical endocervical polyp with degenerative stromal cells
Case 471: 72 year old woman with a vaginal mass - metastatic colon carcinoma
Case 465: 66 year old woman with left ovarian mass - papillary thyroid carcinoma in struma ovarii
Case 453: 43 year old woman with right ovarian cystectomy and interval sterilization - xanthelasma, fallopian tube
Case 451: 45 year old woman with postmenopausal bleeding - adenosarcoma uterus with sarcomatous overgrowth
Case 429: 32 years old woman with vaginal bleeding for two weeks - uterine leiomyoma with extramedullary hematopoiesis
Case 417: 60 year old woman with rectal bleeding and rectal mass - primary peritoneal serous carcinoma (PPSC)
Case 385: 18 month old girl with retroperitoneal mass - fetus in fetu
Case 384: 16 year old girl with ovarian mass and hirsutism - Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
Case 371: 42 year old woman with menorrhagia for 8 years was found to have a left ovarian cyst - pilocytic astrocytoma
Case 363: 14 year old girl with vaginal bleeding - clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and cervix
Case 356: 48 year old with bilateral ovarian endometriosis had a bilateral BSO - pseudoxanthomatous salpingitis
Case 352: 38 year old woman with morcellated myomectomy specimen - atypical leiomyoma, with features suggestive of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome (HLRCC)
Case 345: 49 year old woman with hysterectomy for fibroid uterus - leiomyoma with vasculitis secondary to Lupron
Case 343: 35 year old woman with painless vulvar nodule - hidradenoma papilliferum
Case 327: 27 year old woman with 6 cm cervical mass - neuroendocrine carcinoma
Case 326: 34 year old female cyclist with perineal cysts - perineal nodular induration
Case 313: 74 year old woman with history of diverticulitis - pulse granuloma
Case 295: 50 year old woman with ovarian mass - diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Case 294: 43 year old woman with uterine bleeding - endometrioid adenocarcinoma, corded and hyalinizing pattern
Case 293: 60 year old woman with 2 cm nodule in labia majora - adenocarcinoma of vulva with apocrine features
Case 285: 41 year old woman with omentum sampling post - Caesarean section for term delivery without complications - extrauterine deciduosis
Case 273: 42 year old pregnant woman with ulcerated nodule on labia - ectopic mammary tissue of the vulva
Case 264: 22 year old pregnant woman with twins with oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios - twin transfusion syndrome
Case 256: 23 year old woman with vaginal discomfort - hymenal polyp, gastrointestinal type
Case 246: 53 year old woman with hysterectomy for vaginal bleeding - endometrial stromal sarcoma, low grade
Case 241: 30 year old woman with 2 cm circumscribed vulval mass - angiomyofibroblastoma
Case 233: 62 year old woman with 7 cm adnexal mass - endometrioid borderline tumor (ovary)
Case 232: 51 year old woman with incidental uterine 3 cm white-tan subserosal nodule - adenomatoid tumor
Case 211: 57 year old woman with endometrial polyp - uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord tumor
Case 207: 8 year old girl with pelvic mass - mixed malignant germ cell tumor - choriocarcinoma and mature teratoma
Case 205: 36 year old woman with multiple small cystic lesions of the pelvic peritoneum and small bowel mesentery - benign cystic mesothelioma
Case 202: 30 year old woman with cervical biopsy - adenocarcinoma in situ, endocervical type
Case 193: 25 year old woman with enlarged placenta with numerous grape-like cysts - placental mesenchymal dysplasia
Case 184: 37 year old woman with ovarian mass - signet ring cell stromal tumor
Case 181: 28 year old woman with vulvar tumor - aggressive angiomyxoma
Case 172: 73 year old woman with vulvar mass - primary Bartholin's gland adenocarcinoma
Case 171: Middle aged woman with vaginal nodule - spindle cell epithelioma of vagina
Case 152: 54 year old woman with pelvic mass - metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma to ovary
Case 135: 50 year old woman with vaginal bleeding - glial polyp of cervix
Case 126 19 year old man with hypertension and renal insufficiency - preB acute lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma
Case 125: 62 year old woman with post-menopausal bleeding - metastatic lobular carcinoma to a tamoxifen-associated endometrial polyp
Case 96: 55 year old woman with a pelvic mass - adult granulosa cell tumor
Case 94: 57 year old man with tumor of renal pelvis - signet ring cell adenocarcinoma
Case 92: 59 year old woman with a vaginal discharge - leiomyosarcoma of cervix
Case 55: 50 year old woman with an ileocecal mass - endometriosis
Case 53: HIV positive woman from Ghana with large vulvar mass - hypertrophic herpes simplex virus in HIV positive patient
Case 31: 44 year old woman with extensive tumor deposits on the omentum, uterus, tubes and ovaries - serous psammocarcinoma
Case 12: 22 year old woman with an ovarian mass - dysgerminoma
Head & neck pathology
Case 540: 15 year old boy presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis - sinonasal tract angiofibroma
Case 528: 19 year old woman, with a 3.7 cm thyroid mass - cribriform morular thyroid carcinoma (formerly known as cribriform morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma), high grade
Case 524: 3 week old female infant with pedunculated lesion of the anterior maxillary alveolar process - congenital granular cell epulis (congenital epulis of the newborn)
Case 513: Patient with history of melanoma presented with a thyroid nodule and had a total thyroidectomy - metastatic melanoma involving oncocytic follicular adenoma (Hürthle cell adenoma)
Case 503: 54 year old man with 2.5 cm lytic mandibular lesion - odontogenic keratocyst
Case 497: 28 year old woman with palate ulcer - necrotizing sialometaplasia
Case 494: 49 year old man with nasal obstruction - alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 493: 26 year old man with refractory AML and sinus pain - acute invasive fungal sinusitis (microbiology culture studies demonstrated Rhizopus species)
Case 490: 17 year old girl with a 2 cm maxillary lesion surrounding an impacted canine tooth - adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT)
Case 488: 32 year old woman presented with suspected meningioma - CNS presentation of extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease
Case 487: 54 year old woman with a 3.5 cm midline neck mass - papillary carcinoma arising in the thyroglossal duct
Case 483: 60 year old man with swelling in base of tongue - hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of tongue
Case 470: 19 year old woman with right sided neck swelling - cribriform morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Case 465: 66 year old woman with left ovarian mass - papillary thyroid carcinoma in struma ovarii
Case 461: 67 year old man with a thyroid mass - clear cell renal cell carcinoma of kidney metastatic to the thyroid
Case 456: 76 year old woman with right sided neck mass - carotid body paraganglioma
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 445: 69 year old woman with small indurated lesion on lateral border of tongue - subgemmal neurogenous plaque
Case 439: 58 year old woman presented with a right neck swelling and odynophagia for one month - papillary thyroid carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant
Case 435: 26 year old African American woman with thyroid nodule with benign biopsy and FNA, but compressive symptoms - encapsulated poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma with extensive vascular invasion
Case 426: Elderly man with 1.5 cm "orbital" mass - subconjunctival herniated orbital fat
Case 420: 67 year old man with unusual appearing esophagus on endoscopy - sloughing esophagitis (esophagitis dissecans superficialis)
Case 419: 71 year old man with multiple firm left submandibular swellings for two months - melanoma
Case 412: 68 year old man with ulcerative colitis, chronic rhinitis with nasal airway obstruction and septal perforation - extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type
Case 404: 84 year old male smoker with enlarging parotid gland lesion - cellular pleomorphic adenoma
Case 394: 71 year old man with painless right sided neck mass - solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid
Case 392: 54 year old man with painless swelling over left half of upper lip for past 10 years - pleomorphic adenoma
Case 390: 27 year old woman with right nasal polyp - antrochoanal polyp
Case 382: 39 year old woman with cystic 4.7 cm submandibular gland mass - mammary analogue secretory carcinoma
Case 376: 63 year old woman with 1 cm middle ear mass - middle ear adenoma
Case 375: 51 year old man with 6 cm parotic mass of 8 years duration - basal cell adenoma, membranous type
Case 368: 96 year old woman with eyelid lesion - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 367: 12 year old boy with mass in upper jaw - odontoameloblastoma
Case 365: 59 year old man with parotid mass - neurofibroma
Case 360: 36 year old man with parotid mass - deep "benign" fibrous histiocytoma
Case 355: 16 year old girl with parotid mass - acinic cell carcinoma
Case 350: 27 year old woman with mass in maxilla - chondroblastic osteosarcoma
Case 349: 45 year old man with middle ear mass - glomus jugulare
Case 346: 4 year old boy with soft tissue mass in cheek - mucoepidermoid carcinoma, clear cell variant
Case 342: 54 year old woman with 2 thyroid nodules - leiomyosarcoma (metastatic)
Case 318: 50 year old man with ameloblastoma of jaw metastatic to lung
Case 310: 49 year old woman with laryngeal mass - low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma
Case 301: 45 year old woman with a soft tissue swelling confined to the orbit - cavernous hemangioma
Case 291: 47 year old woman with endoscopic surgery for nasal polyp - nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma
Case 288: 65 year old man with mass in floor of mouth - metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case 281: 48 year old man with eyelid mass - mantle cell lymphoma
Case 274: 65 year old man with swelling around gums and teeth - metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Case 268: 2 year old boy with parotid mass - gangliorhabdomyosarcoma
Case 248: 74 year old man with multinodular goiter - follicular adenoma with squamous cell carcinoma
Case 247: 61 year old woman with diffusely enlarged thyroid gland - amyloid goiter
Case 243: 28 year old man with submandibular mass - pleomorphic adenoma
Case 230: Middle-aged woman with locally recurrent thyroid tumor - sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma with eosinophilia
Case 214: 44 year old man with parotid gland mass - low grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma
Case 212: 70 year old man with enlarging thyroid nodule - rhabdomyoma
Case 191: 54 year old man with large posterior nasal mass - seromucinous hamartoma
Case 185: 5 month old boy with retrophyaryngeal mass - neuroblastoma
Case 183: Elderly patient with mass behind ear - metastatic acinic cell carcinoma
Case 156: 50 year old man with erythematous gingiva - plasma cell gingivitis
Case 142: 17 year old woman with floor of mouth tumor - osseous choristoma
Case 139: 53 year old man with bipolar disorder and sudden death - lithium thyroiditis
Case 138: 51 year old man with a nasal turbinate mass - angioleiomyoma
Case 123: 1 year old boy with neck mass - lipoblastoma
Case 115: 61 year old man with eyelid swelling - cysticercosis
Case 108: 86 year old woman with neck pain and difficulty swallowing - ectopic parathyroid tissue
Case 104: 22 year old man with fine needle aspiration of a neck nodule - meningioma
Case 103: 86 year old man with stable parotid mass - sebaceous lymphadenoma
Case 101: 40 year old woman with nasal mass - NK/T cell lymphoma
Case 100: 50 year old man with bilateral neck masses - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Case 98: 18 year old man with pigmented thyroid gland at autopsy - black thyroid due to minocycline
Case 97: 29 year old man from India with nasal mass - Rhinosporidiosis
Case 84: 58 year old woman with chronic sinusitis - sinonasal hemangiopericytoma
Case 82: 57 year old man with papillary lesions on his palate - verruciform xanthoma
Case 73: 66 year old man with a cyst-like lesion of the mandible - primary intraosseous odontogenic verrucous carcinoma
Case 54: 59 year old woman with a slow growing parotid mass - epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 49: 68 year old woman with large soft palate tumor - sialolipoma of soft palate
Case 42: 63 year old man with painful cheek mass - acinic cell carcinoma of parotid gland
Case 28: Elderly man with a fixed neck mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma of larynx extending to thyroid gland
Case 24: 43 year old man with chronic sinusitis and a nasal polyp - respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hemartoma
Case 14: 17 year old woman with loosening of lower incisors - central giant cell granuloma of mandible
Case 529: 52 year old man with accumulations of discohesive large cells in cystic spaces of the regressively changed tumor bed of a GIST - EBV negative fibrin associated large B cell lymphoma (FA-LBCL) arising in cystic spaces of the regressive, neoadjuvantly treated gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 519: 51 year old man with HIV history, presenting with cough, dyspnea, chest pain and fever - Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL)
Case 499: 74 year old man with ascites, liver lesions and growing 5 cm soft tissue abdominal mass - blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma (CD5 negative variant)
Case 486: 43 year old woman presented with fever, chills and muscle aches after a tick bite - anaplasmosis
Case 474: 71 year old man with a 2 x 2 cm chest wall mass - blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN)
Case 463: 9 year old child with anorexia and abdominal distension - B cell lymphoid blast crisis in a case of pediatric CML at presentation
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 440: 37 year old woman with gastric outlet obstruction - primary gastric classical Hodgkin lymphoma, BNLI grade 2 (see discussion)
Case 437: 65 year old man with leukocytosis (WBC 39.6 x 109/L), splenomegaly and periportal lymphadenopathy - hairy cell leukemia (variant)
Case 406: 60 year old woman with 18 x 11 mm hypoechoic mass in tail of pancreas - pancreatic splenule
Case 405: 57 year old man with gastric cancer; lymph nodes removed during surgery - vascular transformation of sinuses
Case 403: Newborn with acute respiratory distress, marked jaundice and whole body purpuric rash - congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Upshaw-Schulman syndrome)
Case 394: 71 year old man with painless right sided neck mass - solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid
Case 381: 57 year old woman with rheumatoid arthritis and rapidly growing lesions on face and forehead - iatrogenic immunodeficiency associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorder (IALPD)
Case 364: 44 year old man with splenic mass - sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT)
Case 354: 20 month old girl, post-stem cell transplant for MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with features of AML relapse - adenovirus hepatitis with necrosis
Case 344: 2 year old boy with itchy brown skin macules - urticaria pigmentosa
Case 317: 37 year old man with fever and pancytopenia - T cell / histiocyte rich large B cell lymphoma
Case 314: 68 year old woman with SLL/CLL and rapidly expanding inguinal node - Langerhans cell sarcoma
Case 307: 65 year old man with colon cancer and 2.5 cm groin lymph node - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 299: 49 year old woman with lymphadenpathy, tender skin papules and a pathologic tibial fracture - Erdheim - Chester Disease
Case 284: 21 year old man with submandibular mass - nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
Case 281: 48 year old man with eyelid mass - mantle cell lymphoma
Case 277: 45 year old Pakistani man with fever and rigors - malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)
Case 218: 35 year old HIV+ man with diffuse lymphadenopathy - mycobacterial spindle cell pseudotumor of lymph nodes
Case 192: 37 year old woman with breast mass - T cell lymphoma, peripheral type
Case 179: 62 year old woman with sudden epigastric pain - littoral cell angioma
Case 176: 66 year old man with abdominal pain - blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
Case 175: 70 year old woman with cerebral mass - primary CNS lymphoma, diffuse large B cell subtype
Case 151: 86 year old man with indurated cutaneous papules - atypical CML with leukemia cutis and vasculitis
Case 140: 68 year old woman with eruption of violaceous skin nodules - leukemia cutis
Case 130: 27 year old woman wih a swelling of the fibula - myeloid sarcoma
Case 127: 56 year old woman with celiac sprue and nodular areas in the antrum - MALT lymphoma
Case 120: 88 year old woman with abnormal CBC - B cell prolymphocytic leukemia
Case 118: 60 year old man with lower leg edema - angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node
Case 101: 40 year old woman with nasal mass - NK/T cell lymphoma
Case 95: 55 year old man with a nodular patch in the cecum at colonscopy - hairy cell leukemia
Case 93: 63 year old woman with axillary mass - Castleman's disease-hyaline vascular variant
Case 89: 22 year old woman with cervical adenopathy and no other medical history - Kikuchi's disease
Case 87: 41 year old HIV+ man with pancytopenia and skin nodules - Leishmaniasis
Case 81: 36 year old man with a duodenal mass - follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 79: Elderly man with an enlarged supraclavicular lymph node - CLL/SLL, paraimmunoblastic variant
Case 74: 65 year old woman with backache, abnormal plasma cells but a normal serum protein electrophoresis - light chain multiple myeloma
Case 41: 72 year old woman with multiple strokes - intravascular lymphoma
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 27: 22 year old woman with worsening pelvic pain - chronic myelogenous leukemia
Case 21: 64 year old Japanese woman with multiple opportunistic infections - adult T cell leukemia / lymphoma
Case 2: Incidental splenic mass during laparoscopy for excision of benign pancreatic cyst - splenic hamartoma
Case 1: 46 year old man with mediastinal mass - follicular dendritic reticulum cell tumor / follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 486: 43 year old woman presented with fever, chills and muscle aches after a tick bite - anaplasmosis
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 402: 46 year old man with untreated HIV since 2001 and history of anal condyloma - Iodamoeba buetschlii
Case 277: 45 year old Pakistani man with fever and rigors - malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)
Case 225: 73 year old man with nodules on leg secondary to splinter injury while chopping firewood - Prototheca wickerhamii
Case 223: 55 year old HIV+ man with granular and enlarged liver by ultrasound - Mycobacterium avium complex
Case 215: 2 year old boy with hemiparesis and contrast-enhancing lesion by MRI - Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis
Case 213: 48 year old man with prolonged diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis
Case 174: 45 year old Guyanese woman with severe headache - CNS toxoplasmosis
Case 133 43 year old Honduran man with diarrhea and abdominal pain - Strongyloides stercoralis
Case 87: 41 year old HIV+ man with pancytopenia and skin nodules - Leishmaniasis
Case 53: HIV positive woman from Ghana with large vulvar mass - hypertrophic herpes simplex virus in HIV positive patient
Case 40: 56 year old man with B cell CLL, post-treatment for a relapse, now with dysuria and hematuria - BK polyoma virus related hemorrhagic cystitis
Case 545: 32 year old woman with a clinical history of complex partial type seizures showed a 2 cm solid cystic lesion on brain MRI - multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor, CNS WHO grade 1
Case 542: 37 year old man with a cervical spinal cord mass - diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor (DLGNT)
Case 532: 52 year old man, with history of HIV infection and Kaposi sarcoma 5 years prior, presented with lower extremity weakness - mycobacterium associated inflammatory pseudotumor
Case 514: 51 year old man with progressive hearing loss, intermittent dizziness, difficulty walking and severe headaches - clear cell meningioma
Case 502: 3 year old girl with a large heterogeneously enhancing pineal mass and obstructive hydrocephalus - atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT)
Case 477: 5 year old girl with headache and vomiting for one week - diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M mutant
Case 431: 50 year old woman with parietal mass - metastatic micropapillary carcinoma from lung
Case 427: 23 year old man with 5.5 x 5.2 cm intra-axial cystic mass lesion in right parietotemporal region - anaplastic ependymoma, WHO grade III
Case 425: Middle aged woman with history of lung carcinoma and cerebellar mass - metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, ALK-rearranged
Case 409: 80 year old man with myasthenia gravis, subacute gait disturbance and cognitive impairment - Epstein Barr Virus associated diffuse large B cell lymphoma (EBV associated DLBCL) of the central nervous system
Case 399: 33 year old man with back pain and pelvic mass - myxopapillary ependymoma
Case 373: 61 year old man with left brain mass - angiomatous meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 361: 17 year old girl with generalized myoclonus epilepsy following a seizure - Lafora body disease
Case 325: 66 year old woman with frontoparietal brain mass - secretory meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 312: Newborn boy with large cerebral mass - malignant astroblastoma
Case 292: 17 year old boy with solid and cystic frontal brain mass - giant cell glioblastoma
Case 282: 17 year old girl with lesion of lateral ventricle - xanthogranuloma of choroid plexus
Case 265: 61 year old man with follicular lymphoma and cerebellar mass - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Case 259: 45 year old woman with headache and dural based lesion - microcystic meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 250: 4 month old boy with hypothalamic tumor - pilomyxoid astrocytoma
Case 242: 39 year old woman with dural mass - chordoid meningioma
Case 222: 18 year old woman with frontal lobe mass - alveolar soft part sarcoma
Case 216: 28 month old girl with mass lesions in 4th ventricle and cerebellum - medulloepithelioma
Case 215: 2 year old boy with hemiparesis and contrast-enhancing lesion by MRI - Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis
Case 208: 66 year old man with mass of fourth ventricle - giant cell ependymoma
Case 175: 70 year old woman with cerebral mass - primary CNS lymphoma, diffuse large B cell subtype
Case 174: 45 year old Guyanese woman with severe headache - CNS toxoplasmosis
Case 165: 4 month old child with midline skull lesion - Pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Case 162: 9 month old girl with imperforate anus and presacral mass - teratoma associated with Currarino syndrome
Case 119: 17 year old woman with intraventricular mass - central neurocytoma
Case 111: 71 year old man with filum terminale mass - myxopapillary ependymoma
Case 75: 57 year old man with a CNS intraventricular mass - subependymoma
Case 39: 16 year old girl with new onset of seizures and a temporal lobe mass - pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
Case 38: 54 year old man with von Hippel Lindau disease and a cerebellar mass - hemangioblastoma
Pulmonary / cardiovascular pathology
Case 535: 79 year old patient with pulmonary arterial mass - intimal sarcoma
Case 479: 47 year old Asian woman with malaise, weight loss, chest pain and shortness of breath - thymic carcinoma
Case 476: 73 year old man with bilateral pleural effusions, lung nodules and pleural thickening - epithelioid mesothelioma
Case 459: 43 year old man with sudden onset breathlessness and fever - H1N1 pneumonitis with diffuse alveolar damage
Case 454: 71 year old woman with left atrial mass - cardiac myxoma
Case 431: 50 year old woman with parietal mass - metastatic micropapillary carcinoma from lung
Case 430: 67 year old man with shortness of breath and huge mediastinal mass - metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma
Case 425: Middle aged woman with history of lung carcinoma and cerebellar mass - metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, ALK-rearranged
Case 416: 45 year old woman with 5.3 cm posterior mediastinal cyst - posterior mediastinal Muellerian cyst (Hattori cyst)
Case 401: 5 week old boy with supracardiac soft tissue mass - kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 374: 4 year old Syrian boy with mediastinal mass - ectopic pancreas in mediastinum with pseudocyst formation
Case 358: 85 year old woman with 6 cm pleural mass - dedifferentiated solitary fibrous tumor
Case 357: 52 year old woman with progressive cough, dyspnea and wheezing - epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 336: 42 year old HIV+ man with chronic coughing and congestion, lung biopsy - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 333: 6 year old boy with right neck swelling - ectopic cervical thymic cyst
Case 318: 50 year old man with ameloblastoma of jaw metastatic to lung
Case 298: 65 year old woman with arthritis and lung mass - cryptococcus
Case 287: 71 year old man with recurrent pneumonia - aspiration with granulomatous bronchiolitis and lipoid pneumonia
Case 278: 62 year old man with anterior mediastinal mass - atypical carcinoid tumor of thymus
Case 266: 30 year old woman with hemoptysis and fever for 1 week - endobronchial carcinoid
Case 224: 25 year old woman found dead in apartment with 6 cm tumor at cardiac apex - cardiac fibroma of right ventricle
Case 197: 85 year old woman with multiple lung nodules - pulmonary amyloidosis
Case 196: Premature male with bilateral pleural effusions - primary pulmonary lymphangiectasis
Case 166: 8 month old infant with lung mass - Pleuropulmonary blastoma, type III
Case 150: 37 year old woman with pericardial mass - synovial sarcoma
Case 114: 47 year old woman with left ventricular mass - leiomyosarcoma
Case 105: 6 year old boy with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates - acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Case 99: 70 year old man with mediastinal mass - thymoma
Case 78: 65 year old woman with a left atrial mass - cardiac myxoma with glandular differentiation
Case 58: Term newborn with abnormal fetal ultrasound and lobectomy - congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, type II
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 23: 80 year old man with a lung nodule and enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes - epithelioid angiosarcoma
Case 17: 61 year old woman with a mediastinal mass - thymic carcinoma
Case 9: 47 year old man with a pleural based lesion - schwannoma
Renal pathology (medical, non tumor)
Case 403: Newborn with acute respiratory distress, marked jaundice and whole body purpuric rash - congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Upshaw-Schulman syndrome)
Case 338: 2 week old 'female' infant with nephrotic syndrome and renal failure - multifocal hyperplastic intralobar rests
Case 323: 68 year old man with cirrhosis and 2.9 cm renal mass - xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Case 244: 11 year old girl with renal mass and lung nodules - renal actinomycosis
Case 235: 52 year old man with unexplained renal failure - renal hemosiderosis
Case 30: 41 year old man with diabetes and renal failure after an upper respiratory infection - diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis with superimposed post - infectious glomerulonephritis
Soft tissue & bone pathology
Case 535: 79 year old patient with pulmonary arterial mass - intimal sarcoma
Case 516: 27 year old man with multiple peritoneal masses with extension into the retroperitoneum - malignant epithelioid neoplasm with EWSR1/FUS::CREB fusion
Case 505: 68 year old woman with left retroperitoneal soft tissue mass anterior to the psoas - fat forming solitary fibrous tumor
Case 494: 49 year old man with nasal obstruction - alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 485: 30 year old woman with longstanding history of a small abdominal wall mass - pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (Bednar tumour)
Case 469: 45 year old man with a painless forehead lump - nuchal-type fibroma at extranuchal location
Case 458: 14 year old boy with arm swelling - cysticercosis
Case 457: 32 year old man with swelling of right masseter - sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 452: 51 year old woman with pain in the right iliac fossa - myolipoma
Case 450: 39 year old man with progressive swelling over the midline of scalp - IPEH (Masson tumor)
Case 449: 33 year old man with pain and swelling of right upper thigh post trauma - myositis ossificans
Case 443: 56 year old man with neurofibromatosis type 1 and right axillary swelling for many years - malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
Case 434: 53 year old woman with painless, slowly growing, right inguinal swelling - granular cell tumor with atypical features
Case 426: Elderly man with 1.5 cm "orbital" mass - subconjunctival herniated orbital fat
Case 401: 5 week old boy with supracardiac soft tissue mass - kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 400: 4 year old boy with fever, colicky epigastric pain and lower midline abdominal lesion - epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sarcoma (EIMS)
Case 378: 67 year old man with 1.5 cm excised scalp nodule - superficial undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
Case 377: 29 year old woman with longstanding neck swelling - lymphatic malformation with solid and cystic (mixed large and smaller) features
Case 370: 75 year old man with acute intestinal perforation and 55 year old woman with gluteal mass - extraskeletal osteosarcoma
Case 366: 63 year old woman with knee mass - extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
Case 348: 56 year old man with 5 cm thigh mass - ossifying fibromyxoid tumor of soft parts
Case 335: 31 year old man with vascular lesion near knee - extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
Case 334: 70 year old woman with retroperitoneal mass near lower pole of kidney - schwannoma (ancient)
Case 321: 14 year old boy with mass in the L5 vertebral body - primary Ewing sarcoma of lumbar vertebrae
Case 311: 38 year old woman with ankle mass - angiofibroma of soft tissue
Case 310: 49 year old woman with laryngeal mass - low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma
Case 308: 52 year old woman with wrist pain and clinical giant cell tumor - monoarticular erosive rheumatoid arthritis
Case 300: 61 year old woman with a loosening of total hip replacement (THR) prosthesis after a fall - giant cell reaction to polyethylene particles
Case 299: 49 year old woman with lymphadenpathy, tender skin papules and a pathologic tibial fracture - Erdheim - Chester Disease
Case 296: 28 year old woman with 2 cm mass on big toe - acral myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma
Case 289: 42 year old man with painful forearm mass - glomangioma
Case 283: 48 year old man with shoulder mass - angiomyolipoma
Case 280: 15 year old girl with well circumscribed sacroiliac mass - chondromyxoid fibroma
Case 276: 11 year old boy with tonsillar mass - embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 268: 2 year old boy with parotid mass - gangliorhabdomyosarcoma
Case 262: 26 year old woman with thumb tumor / 37 year old woman with index finger cyst - nerve sheath myxoma
Case 245: 39 year old man with 9 cm soft tissue mass of thigh - hibernoma
Case 239: 29 year old man with 7 cm swelling in elbow - angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
Case 238: 81 year old man with subcutaneous mass of great toe - symplastic glomus tumor
Case 206: 80 year old man with multiple splenic infarcts - intimal sarcoma of abdominal aorta
Case 199: 44 year old woman with recurrent mass of ankle / dorsum of foot - hemosiderotic fibrohistiocytic lipomatous tumor
Case 182: 55 year old man with neck mass - spindle cell lipoma, pseudoangiomatous variant
Case 181: 28 year old woman with vulvar tumor - aggressive angiomyxoma
Case 180: 29 year old woman with occipital mass - plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor
Case 173: 39 year old man with buttock tumor - penicillin induced myospherulosis
Case 169: 58 year old woman with shoulder mass - low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
Case 167: 35 year old man with neck mass - desmoid tumor (extraabdominal fibromatosis)
Case 165: 4 month old child with midline skull lesion - pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Case 158: 26 year old woman with mass on palm of hand - lipomatosis of nerve
Case 149: 50 year old woman with thigh mass - parachordoma
Case 145: 15 year old boy with paratesticular tumor - spindle cell embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 132: 54 year old woman with supraclavicular mass - DFSP, myxoid variant
Case 130: 27 year old woman with a swelling of the fibula - myeloid sarcoma
Case 123: 1 year old boy with neck mass - lipoblastoma
Case 110: 47 year old man with low back pain - chordoma
Case 107: 37 year old man with skin lesion in the back - retiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 80: 28 year old man with a red thigh nodule for 6 months suggestive of Kaposi's sarcoma - microvenular hemangioma
Case 77: 55 year old man with a large thigh mass - epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Case 72: Two year old boy with multiple skull masses - Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Case 66: 71 year old man with a popliteal fossa mass - synovial chondromatosis
Case 65: 37 year old woman with a wrist mass - nodular fasciitis
Case 64: 55 year old bedridden man with a hip mass - ischemic fasciitis
Case 63: 53 year old man with a recurrent, painful pretibial mass - phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor
Case 52: 33 year old man with an asymptomatic hand mass - chondroid lipoma
Case 50: 12 year old girl with superficial nodular tumor of back - superficial plexiform schwannoma
Case 47: 16 year old girl with tumor of foot - calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
Case 46: Elderly individuals with scapular masses - elastofibroma
Case 34: 24 year old man with an inguinal soft tissue discharging chalky fluid - tumoral calcinosis
Case 29: 33 year old woman with soft tissue mass of cheek - solitary fibrous tumor of dermis
Case 20: 22 year old man with Mafucci's syndrome and painful swellings of hands and feet - spindle cell hemangioma
Case 16: 56 year old man with a retroperitoneal mass - lipomatous hemangiopericytoma
Case 15: 62 year old man with a slowly enlarging thumb mass - aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma
Case 10: 30 year old man with a thigh lesion - high grade myxoid / round cell liposarcoma
Case 3: 90 year old woman with recurrent soft tissue tumor from the ankle region - sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
Cases reviewed by Editorial Board:
GI: Cases 1-482 reviewed by Dr. Gonzalez, 21 June 2019
GU: Cases 1-484 reviewed by Dr. Zynger, 9 March 2020
Gyn: Cases 12-480 reviewed by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Parra-Herran, 13 May 2020
Thyroid: Cases 14-470 reviewed by Dr. Bychkov, 17 July 2019
Cases by subspecialty with diagnosis are below; click
GI / liver
GU / adrenal
head & neck
pulmonary / cardiovascular
soft tissue and bone
Breast pathology
Case 548: Perimenopausal patient underwent mastectomy which showed invasive lobular carcinoma; axillary sentinel lymph nodes were submitted for staging - endosalpingiosis in an axillary lymph node
Case 539: Postmenopausal woman with invasive mucinous carcinoma undergoes segmental mastectomy and sentinel lymph node excision - one lymph node with a benign epidermal inclusion cyst and biopsy site changes, negative for carcinoma
Case 537: 26 year old woman presented with modified Bloom Richardson grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma and ipsilateral axillary lymph node metastasis at diagnosis; her cancer was hormone receptor positive, HER2 equivocal (2+) on IHC - metastatic carcinoma and extramedullary hematopoiesis
Case 536: 55 year old woman showing slight interval size increase of a subcentimeter nodule on left breast needle core biopsy after routine - myofibroblastoma
Case 533: Premenopausal woman with family history of breast cancer was found to have a subcentimeter mass with calcifications on mammogram - ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), solid type, with microcalcifications, confined to a fibroadenoma (0.5 cm), nuclear grade 2; lobular neoplasia (atypical lobular hyperplasia / lobular carcinoma in situ), with involvement of a fibroadenoma
Case 530: 66 year old woman with a history of invasive lobular carcinoma and bilateral mastectomy with breast implant reconstruction developed rib pain; CT of the chest showed an asymmetric 4.8 cm soft tissue mass - acellular dermal matrix
Case 518: Postmenopausal woman with a 1.7 cm complex solid and cystic mass in left breast - encapsulated papillary carcinoma of the breast with lobular differentiation
Case 515: Young woman who had nipples pierced, presented with right breast pain, erythema and drainage - necrotizing bacterial infection with skin ulceration and abscess
Case 512: 61 year old woman with right breast fullness and fluid around silicone implant - breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
Case 504: 67 year old woman with a solitary, rapidly enlarging, 2.2 cm right breast mass - metastatic melanoma
Case 478: 79 year old woman with a 4 cm painful breast lump for one year - adenoid cystic carcinoma
Case 462: 30 year old woman with a fluctuant mass-like breast lesion - cystic neutrophilic granulomatous mastitis
Case 444: 64 year old woman with huge breast mass for 6 months - borderline phyllodes tumor of breast
Case 418: 68 year old woman with breast mass - malignant adenomyoepithelioma
Case 407: 60 year old woman with 3 x 3 cm lump in upper inner quadrant of left breast - myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 395: 57 year old woman with 2.4 cm breast mass - mammary-type myofibroblastoma
Case 369: 56 year old woman with breast mass - invasive lobular carcinoma, classic and alveolar variant
Case 337: 51 year old diabetic woman with breast mass - lymphocytic mastitis / diabetic mastopathy
Case 306: 37 year old with mastectomy for breast cancer - invasive ductal carcinoma with choriocarcinomatous differentiation
Case 302: 45 year old woman presented with breast mass - Rosai-Dorfman disease
Case 271: 61 year old woman with mammographic breast mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma
Case 255: 30 year old woman with 12 cm breast mass - lipophyllodes tumor, low grade
Case 252: 64 year old woman with small breast mass - granular cell tumor
Case 236: 71 year old woman with invasive breast cancer - invasive ductal carcinoma with central necrosis
Case 227: 60 year old woman with breast mass - osseous metaplasia
Case 217: 55 year old woman with axillary tail mass - primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma with clear cell change
Case 192: 37 year old woman with breast mass - T cell lymphoma, peripheral type
Case 168: 67 year old woman with mammographic calcifications - in situ and invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma
Case 68: 84 year old woman with a breast nodule - apocrine carcinoma
Case 62: 22 year old woman with an enlarging breast mass - sclerosing lobular hyperplasia
Case 45: 72 year old woman with lumpectomy for mammographic calcifications - neuroendocrine DCIS
Case 37: 48 year old woman with a mammary fibroadenoma containing atypical cells - fibroadenoma with bizarre stromal giant cells
Case 35: 54 year old woman with large breast mass and nipple discharge - cystic hypersecretory DCIS
Case 25: 61 year old woman with suspicious microcalcifications on mammography - calcium oxalate microcalcifications
Case 11: Postmenopausal woman with a breast mass - colloid (mucinous) carcinoma of the breast
Case 8: 52 year old woman with a breast mass - secretory carcinoma of the breast
Case 6: 66 year old woman with a well circumscribed breast mass - metaplastic carcinoma of the breast
Case 4: 59 year old woman with a breast mass - invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast (metastatic to lymph node)
Case 100: 50 year old man with bilateral neck masses - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Case 72: Two year old boy with multiple skull masses - Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 28: Elderly man with a fixed neck mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma of larynx extending to thyroid gland
Case 9: 47 year old man with a pleural based lesion - schwannoma
Case 546: 82 year old woman with a 3.5 cm sized, well circumscribed, nodular skin lesion on the cheek - pleomorphic dermal sarcoma (PDS)
Case 525: 25 year old man presented with a 1 cm, well demarcated, dome shaped, blue-black lesion on his finger, which was excised - common blue nevus
Case 517: Man in his 50s with leonine face and keratotic papules all over his body, a condition present since childhood - Darier disease
Case 433: 26 year old man with itchy, beaded papules on head, neck and other skin sites - lipoid proteinosis
Case 424: 34 year old man presented with an occipital nodule - pilomatrixoma
Case 423: 73 year old woman presented with a viral rash on her lower right leg - herpes virus vesicular dermatitis
Case 415: 83 year old man with rapidly growing mass on his scalp - primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 414: 67 year old woman with left arm ulcer for 6 months - Merkle cell carcinoma
Case 413: 51 year old woman with slowly growing scalp nodule - primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma (eccrine mucinous carcinoma)
Case 396: 37 year old woman with 1.1 cm solitary non-tender axillary lymph node - dermatopathic lymphadenitis
Case 383: 32 year old man with excised 8 cm scalp mass - congenital nevus (compound nevus), intermediate (non-giant) size, cerebriform type
Case 361: 17 year old girl with generalized myoclonus epilepsy following a seizure - Lafora body disease
Case 360: 36 year old man with parotid mass - deep "benign" fibrous histiocytoma
Case 344: 2 year old boy with itchy brown skin macules - urticaria pigmentosa
Case 332: 32 year old man with multiple, yellowish, waxy papules on neck - pseudoxanthoma elasticum of skin (Granbald-Strandberg syndrome)
Case 324: 3 month old child with painful nodule on finger - congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma
Case 315: 53 year old man with chest wall "sebaceous cyst" - squamous cell carcinoma arising in an epidermal inclusion cyst
Case 304: 55 year old woman with skin nodule on chest - squamous cell carcinoma in situ and Merkel cell carcinoma
Case 290: 87 year old woman with forearm skin lesion - squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma-like
Case 253: 70 year old woman with cheek lesion - keratoacanthoma
Case 251: 68 year old man with multiple brown macules and plaques on face and body - Gorlin's syndrome (Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome)
Case 225: 73 year old man with nodules on leg secondary to splinter injury while chopping firewood - Prototheca wickerhamii
Case 221: 34 year old woman with SLE and a skin rash - palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis
Case 190: 60 year old woman with "BCC" on cheek - storiform collagenoma
Case 160: 52 year old woman with chronic, diffuse, lichenified eruptions on leg - scabies
Case 155: 18 year old woman with papules on legs x 12 years, now on hands - Darier's disease
Case 153: 34 year old woman with papular lesions on hand and face - multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
Case 151: 86 year old man with indurated cutaneous papules - atypical CML with leukemia cutis and vasculitis
Case 140: 68 year old woman with eruption of violaceous skin nodules - leukemia cutis
Case 116: 60 year old man with scalp nodule - epithelioid variant of benign fibrous histiocytoma
Case 113: 24 year old woman with abdominal skin lesion - pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma
Case 107: 37 year old man with skin lesion in the back - retiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 71: 64 year old woman with pruritic, erythematous plaques on her abdomen and back - erythema gyratum repens
Case 56: 85 year old Mexican woman with pruritic and scaly plaques on her trunk - pemphigus foliaceus
Case 7: 19 year old man with lump on wrist - cellular blue nevus
Case 5: 20 year old woman with an extranumerary nipple - juvenile xanthogranuloma
Gastrointestinal / liver pathology
Case 543: 70 year old man underwent upper EUS for evaluation of pancreatic cyst; incidental finding of mucosal discoloration in the entire duodenum - pseudomelanosis duodeni; giardiasis
Case 541: 51 year old man presenting with septic shock secondary to a gastric and jejunal perforation, underwent a partial gastrectomy and small bowel resection - eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome)
Case 531: 85 year old woman with a remote history of right sided colon cancer underwent a transverse colon resection for a newly diagnosed colon cancer - poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma, large cell type
Case 529: 52 year old man with accumulations of discohesive large cells in cystic spaces of the regressively changed tumor bed of a GIST - EBV negative fibrin associated large B cell lymphoma (FA-LBCL) arising in cystic spaces of the regressive, neoadjuvantly treated gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 527: 45 year old man complaining of constipation and rectal bleeding is found to have an ulcerated rectal lesion on colonoscopy - solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
Case 523: 25 year old man complaining of abdominal pain is found to have a 4 cm gastric mass, which is resected - SDH deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 507: 54 year old man with a partial colonic resection for an endoscopically unresectable tubular adenoma of the right colon - lifting agent granuloma
Case 499: 74 year old man with ascites, liver lesions and growing 5 cm soft tissue abdominal mass - blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma (CD5 negative variant)
Case 492: 68 year old woman with Crohn's disease and small bowel perforation - bile acid resin crystals
Case 482: 76 year old woman with rectal cancer and a suspected enteric duplication cyst in the distal ileum - sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis (abdominal cocoon)
Case 481: 44 year old woman who died after presenting with vomiting, diarrhea, fever and pancytopenia - herpetic hepatitis
Case 475: 44 year old man with incidental 1 cm nodule on anterior surface of liver - bile duct adenoma
Case 471: 72 year old woman with a vaginal mass - metastatic colon carcinoma
Case 460: 65 year old man with history of esophageal cancer and end stage renal disease - Kayexelate associated upper gastrointestinal tract mucosal necrosis
Case 455: 37 year old man with incidentally detected gastric mass - microcystic variant of schwannoma
Case 447: 64 year old Nebraskan farmer with progressive weight loss - disseminated histoplasmosis and Hodgkin lymphoma
Case 442: 75 year old woman on dialysis presented with coffee ground emesis - gastric mucosal calcinosis and mucosal lanthanum carbonate deposition
Case 441: 59 year old man presented with abdominal bloating and vague abdominal pain - myxoid variant of peritoneal epithelioid mesothelioma
Case 440: 37 year old woman with gastric outlet obstruction - primary gastric classical Hodgkin lymphoma, BNLI grade 2 (see discussion)
Case 438: 50 year old woman with submucosal gastric mass - gastric leiomyosarcoma
Case 436: 30 year old woman with end stage renal disease underwent a combined kidney/liver transplant - primary hyperoxaluria involving the liver
Case 432: Newborn with 6 cm hepatic mass - infantile hepatic hemangioma (infantile hemangioendothelioma)
Case 428: 71 year old man with a large rectal adenoma and an incidental finding - interstitial cell of Cajal hyperplasia (localized type)
Case 421: 79 year old Chinese woman with chronic gastritis and a 2 cm sessile gastric polyp - inflammatory fibroid polyp with low grade adenomatous dysplasia
Case 420: 67 year old man with unusual appearing esophagus on endoscopy - sloughing esophagitis (esophagitis dissecans superficialis)
Case 417: 60 year old woman with rectal bleeding and rectal mass - primary peritoneal serous carcinoma (PPSC)
Case 410: 68 year old man with history of microscopic colitis with gastric thickening on CT, presently for EGD - Russell body gastritis
Case 402: 46 year old man with untreated HIV since 2001 and history of anal condyloma - Iodamoeba buetschlii
Case 400: 4 year old boy with fever, colicky epigastric pain and lower midline abdominal lesion - epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sarcoma (EIMS)
Case 398: 73 year old man with non-specific abdominal pain - common variable immunodeficiency
Case 393: 53 year old woman with pain in left hypochondrium (upper abdomen) x 4 months - malignant gastric glomus tumor
Case 389: 27 year old man with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and multiple gastric polyps - familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) associated fundic gland polyps with low grade dysplasia
Case 378: 38 year old woman had jejunal resection with morbid obesity surgery - lymphocytic enteritis, compatible with secondary finding of obesity
Case 372: 3 year old boy with history of allogenic bone marrow transplant found to have abdominal pain, mild weight loss and diarrhea - acute graft versus host disease of colon
Case 354: 20 month old girl, post-stem cell transplant for MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with features of AML relapse - adenovirus hepatitis with necrosis
Case 351: 55 year old man with common hepatic duct stricture - IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
Case 347: 46 year old woman with stomach mass - schwannoma of stomach
Case 341: 60 year old woman with multiple, slow growing liver lesions - epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Case 329: 48 year old man with history of cholecystectomy and jaundice; 59 year old woman with painful nodularity of common hepatic duct - traumatic neuroma
Case 322: 50 year old man with obstructive jaundice had an ampullary mass - collision tumor-mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma of the duodenum
Case 316: 79 year old woman with small gastric antral polyp - gastric plexiform fibromyxoma
Case 305: 63 year old man with prior tubular adenoma and new colon polyp - ganglioneuroma
Case 303: 47 and 50 year old men with malabsorption - Whipple's disease
Case 288: 65 year old man with mass in floor of mouth - metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case 272: 50 year old man with multiple polyps in jejunum - Peutz Jegher (hamartomatous) polyp
Case 270: 65 year old man with multiple intestinal and mesenteric nodules - epithelioid GIST, plasmacytoid variant
Case 257: 50 year old man with watery diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis and amebiasis
Case 249: 32 year old woman with tumor in cecal region - calcifying fibrous tumor of omentum
Case 240: 46 year old woman with chronic abdominal discomfort - diaphragm disease of small bowel
Case 237: 45 year old woman with large mass attached to mid-jejunum - malignant GIST
Case 231: 94 year old woman with GI bleed and spotty hyperpigmentation at endoscopy - melanosis duodeni
Case 223: 55 year old HIV+ man with granular and enlarged liver by ultrasound - Mycobacterium avium complex
Case 213: 48 year old man with prolonged diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis
Case 189: 58 year old man with a large colonic polyp - tubulovillous adenoma with microcarcinoids
Case 186: 60 year old woman with clinically gangrenous gallbladder - adenomyoma
Case 164: 51 year old man with liver disease - Gaucher disease
Case 162: 9 month old girl with imperforate anus and presacral mass - teratoma associated with Currarino syndrome
Case 161: 18 year old man with abdominal mass and biopsy - hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar variant
Case 159: 31 year old woman with enlarged stomach lesion - GI histoplasmosis
Case 157: 20 year old woman with dyspepsia - gastric giardiasis
Case 154: 81 year old woman with cystic, papillary pancreatic tumor - IPMN, intestinal type
Case 147: 40 year old man with massive rectal bleeding - inflammatory polyposis
Case 143: 37 year old woman with abdominal mass - PEComa
Case 141: 42 year old woman with possible hepatic adenomas - focal fatty change
Case 134 10 year old girl with 15 cm liver mass - undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma
Case 133 43 year old Honduran man with diarrhea and abdominal pain - Strongyloides stercoralis
Case 129 52 year old man with anal condyloma - coexisting syphilis
Case 127 56 year old woman with celiac sprue and nodular areas in the antrum - MALT lymphoma
Case 124: 55 year old man with duodenal polyp - gastric metaplasia/heterotopia
Case 121: 33 year old woman with pancreatic mass - solid pseudopapillary neoplasm
Case 106: 35 week fetus with distended abdomen - meconium peritonitis
Case 90: 33 year old woman with clinical appendicitis - Enterobius vermicularis infestation
Case 88: 13 month old girl with incidental liver mass - focal nodular hyperplasia
Case 81: 36 year old man with a duodenal mass - follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 70: 47 year old woman with a multilocular hepatic cyst - mucinous biliary cystadenoma
Case 61: 15 month old boy with an asymptomatic liver mass - mesenchymal hamartoma
Case 44: 20 year old woman with liver mass identified after childbirth - inflammatory pseudotumor
Case 33: 48 year old man with a 4 cm gastric mass - gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Case 22: 51 year old man with symptomatic anemia and gastric masses - metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Case 13: 31 year old woman with a pancreatic mass - desmoplastic small round cell tumor of pancreas
Genitourinary / adrenal pathology
Case 544: 56 year old patient with a 4.5 cm right renal mass underwent a partial nephrectomy - eosinophilic vacuolated tumor
Case 521: 76 year old man with incidental renal tumor in lower pole of right side of horseshoe kidney - well differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (renal carcinoid)
Case 520: 61 year old man with flaky rash in the penoscrotal region for 9 months - extramammary Paget disease with microinvasion
Case 511: Woman in 80s with suspected chronic cystitis, gross hematuria; multifocal erythema, erosions in cystoscopy - nephrogenic adenoma (metaplasia)
Case 510: 69 year old woman with a history of bilateral hydronephrosis with weight loss and vaginal spotting - urothelial carcinoma, plasmacytoid variant
Case 509: 71 year old woman with heterogeneously enhancing mass involving adrenal gland - epithelioid angiosarcoma, involving the adrenal gland
Case 506: Man in his 50s with history of multiple bilateral renal masses and multiple pulmonary nodules - epithelioid angiomyolipoma
Case 501: Woman in her 50s who underwent nephrectomy for a renal mass - mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma of the kidney
Case 498: 54 year old woman with diabetes and a 1 cm renal mass - clear cell renal cell carcinoma and membranous nephropathy
Case 496: A woman in her early 50s with multiple broad based bladder mucosal lesions - malakoplakia
Case 491: 39 year old man with a painful slowly enlarging left testicle with mass - adenomatoid tumor
Case 489: 3 year old boy with malignant hypertension, seizures and electrolyte derangements - pheochromocytoma with aggressive histologic features; metastatic pheochromocytoma to one lymph node
Case 484: 34 year old man with a 1.4 cm mass underwent partial nephrectomy - tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma
Case 468: 50 year old man with scrotal nodules - idiopathic scrotal calcinosis
Case 467: 16 year old girl underwent partial nephrectomy for suspected Wilms tumor - juxtaglomerular cell tumor
Case 466: 70 year old woman with bladder tumor resection (TURBT) - lipid cell variant of urothelial carcinoma
Case 456: 76 year old woman with right sided neck mass - carotid body paraganglioma
Case 448: 49 year old man with testicular mass - spermatocytic tumor
Case 430: 67 year old man with shortness of breath and huge mediastinal mass - metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma
Case 379: 52 year old woman with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and right kidney mass - hybrid oncocytic - chromophobe tumor
Case 359: 26 year old woman with 4 cm renal mass - angiomyolipoma with epithelial cysts (AMLEC)
Case 353: 47 year old man with malaise and recent UTI, with voided urine specimen - herpes viral cytopathic effects in urine cytology
Case 339: 69 year old man with bladder biopsy for gross hematuria - osteoclast rich undifferentiated carcinoma of the bladder with associated carcinoma in situ
Case 338: 2 week old 'female' infant with nephrotic syndrome and renal failure - multifocal hyperplastic intralobar rests
Case 331: 72 year old man with hematuria underwent cystoscopy - urothelial carcinoma in situ (CIS) involving von Brunn nests
Case 328: 34 year old man with hypoechoic testicular lesion - testicular necrotizing vasculitis
Case 320: 30 year old man with white plaque on glans penis - balanitis xerotica obliterans
Case 319: 34 year old man with MEN 2A and adrenal mass - composite pheochromocytoma-ganglioneuroma
Case 309: 16 year old boy with chronic, painless testicular mass - splenogonadal fusion syndrome
Case 286: 58 year old man had a prostate biopsy for a "hard" prostate - extensive prostatic intraductal carcinoma
Case 279: 1 year old boy with undescended testis and firm nodule near external inguinal opening - anorchia (regressive testicular syndrome)
Case 269: 59 year old man with a PSA of 7.9 - stromal tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP)
Case 261: 11 year old boy with hydrocele - malignant papillary mesothelioma of testis
Case 254: 45 year old man with testicular swelling - paratesticular leiomyosarcoma
Case 229: 71 year old woman with end stage renal disease and multiple complex cystic renal lesions - clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma
Case 220: 37 year old woman with renal mass - angiomyolipoma with predominant smooth muscle component
Case 219: 76 year old man with bladder wall mass - plasmacytoid variant of high grade urothelial carcinoma
Case 209: 72 year old man with TURP - nephrogenic adenoma of prostate
Case 204: 60 year old man with incidental renal mass - primary renal carcinoid tumor
Case 198: 55 year old woman with hematuria - pseudocarcinomatous epithelial hyperplasia of bladder
Case 195: 40 year old woman with bladder mass - paraganglioma
Case 194: 82 year old woman with mass in proximal urethra and bladder neck - clear cell adenocarcinoma
Case 188: 61 year old woman with incidental adrenal cyst - ectopic thyroid tissue
Case 187: 53 year old man on dialysis with incidental renal tumor - glomus tumor
Case 170: 36 year old man with adrenal mass - myelolipoma
Case 145: 15 year old boy with paratesticular tumor - spindle cell embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 137: 72 year old man with a radical prostatectomy for prostatic adenocarcinoma - prostatic melanosis
Case 122: 43 year old man with testicular tumor - Leydig cell tumor
Case 117: 70 year old man with prostatectomy - pseudohyperplastic variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma
Case 85: 66 year old man with a radical prostatectomy for prostatic adenocarcinoma - bilateral seminal vesicle amyloidosis
Case 76: 49 year old man with an inguinal mass - clear cell adenocarcinoma of prostate with tubulocystic growth and metastasis to femoral lymph node
Case 69: 34 year old man with a scrotal abscess - epithelioid sarcoma
Case 67: 2 year old with an abdominal mass - neuroblastoma
Case 57: 3 month old girl with kidney mass - congenital mesoblastic nephroma
Case 48: 50 year old woman with well encapsulated renal mass - papillary renal cell carcinoma, solid variant
Case 43: 44 year old man with a 1 mm incidental renal mass at nephrectomy - papillary adenoma
Case 40: 56 year old man with B cell CLL, post-treatment for a relapse, now with dysuria and hematuria - BK polyoma virus related hemorrhagic cystitis
Case 32: 44 year old woman with incidental renal mass composed of straplike cells - atypical epithelioid angiomyolipoma
Case 26: 29 year old man with a testicular mass - mixed germ cell tumor
Case 19: 40 year old woman with large renal mass - monophasic synovial sarcoma
Case 18: 23 year old man with pain in the right testis - sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor
Gynecologic pathology
Case 547: 56 year old woman with a history of infertility underwent a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy for dysmenorrhea - salpingitis isthmica nodosa
Case 538: 58 year old patient with adnexal mass - high grade serous carcinoma with solid, pseudoendometrioid and transitional (SET) features
Case 534: 46 year old woman underwent a total hysterectomy for uterine leiomyomas - ectopic prostate tissue
Case 526: 62 year old woman, with postmenopausal bleeding and biopsy diagnosis of high grade endometrial carcinoma, underwent a hysterectomy - mesonephric-like endometrial carcinoma
Case 522: 55 year old woman underwent total hysterectomy & bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and lymph node biopsy - extrapulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Case 508: 32 year old woman with enlarged uterus with hypervascular lesions likely representing fibroids - fumarate hydratase deficient (FH-d) leiomyoma
Case 500: 52 year old woman with ovarian mass on computed tomography imaging and a raised CA-125 - endometrioid adenocarcinoma with functioning stroma
Case 495: 34 year old woman with atypical glandular cells on pap smear - invasive stratified mucin producing carcinoma (iSMILE)
Case 480: 35 year old pregnant woman with growing nodule on cervix - cervical deciduosis
Case 473: 58 year old woman with postmenopausal bleeding - endocervical endocervical polyp with degenerative stromal cells
Case 471: 72 year old woman with a vaginal mass - metastatic colon carcinoma
Case 465: 66 year old woman with left ovarian mass - papillary thyroid carcinoma in struma ovarii
Case 453: 43 year old woman with right ovarian cystectomy and interval sterilization - xanthelasma, fallopian tube
Case 451: 45 year old woman with postmenopausal bleeding - adenosarcoma uterus with sarcomatous overgrowth
Case 429: 32 years old woman with vaginal bleeding for two weeks - uterine leiomyoma with extramedullary hematopoiesis
Case 417: 60 year old woman with rectal bleeding and rectal mass - primary peritoneal serous carcinoma (PPSC)
Case 385: 18 month old girl with retroperitoneal mass - fetus in fetu
Case 384: 16 year old girl with ovarian mass and hirsutism - Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
Case 371: 42 year old woman with menorrhagia for 8 years was found to have a left ovarian cyst - pilocytic astrocytoma
Case 363: 14 year old girl with vaginal bleeding - clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and cervix
Case 356: 48 year old with bilateral ovarian endometriosis had a bilateral BSO - pseudoxanthomatous salpingitis
Case 352: 38 year old woman with morcellated myomectomy specimen - atypical leiomyoma, with features suggestive of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome (HLRCC)
Case 345: 49 year old woman with hysterectomy for fibroid uterus - leiomyoma with vasculitis secondary to Lupron
Case 343: 35 year old woman with painless vulvar nodule - hidradenoma papilliferum
Case 327: 27 year old woman with 6 cm cervical mass - neuroendocrine carcinoma
Case 326: 34 year old female cyclist with perineal cysts - perineal nodular induration
Case 313: 74 year old woman with history of diverticulitis - pulse granuloma
Case 295: 50 year old woman with ovarian mass - diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Case 294: 43 year old woman with uterine bleeding - endometrioid adenocarcinoma, corded and hyalinizing pattern
Case 293: 60 year old woman with 2 cm nodule in labia majora - adenocarcinoma of vulva with apocrine features
Case 285: 41 year old woman with omentum sampling post - Caesarean section for term delivery without complications - extrauterine deciduosis
Case 273: 42 year old pregnant woman with ulcerated nodule on labia - ectopic mammary tissue of the vulva
Case 264: 22 year old pregnant woman with twins with oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios - twin transfusion syndrome
Case 256: 23 year old woman with vaginal discomfort - hymenal polyp, gastrointestinal type
Case 246: 53 year old woman with hysterectomy for vaginal bleeding - endometrial stromal sarcoma, low grade
Case 241: 30 year old woman with 2 cm circumscribed vulval mass - angiomyofibroblastoma
Case 233: 62 year old woman with 7 cm adnexal mass - endometrioid borderline tumor (ovary)
Case 232: 51 year old woman with incidental uterine 3 cm white-tan subserosal nodule - adenomatoid tumor
Case 211: 57 year old woman with endometrial polyp - uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord tumor
Case 207: 8 year old girl with pelvic mass - mixed malignant germ cell tumor - choriocarcinoma and mature teratoma
Case 205: 36 year old woman with multiple small cystic lesions of the pelvic peritoneum and small bowel mesentery - benign cystic mesothelioma
Case 202: 30 year old woman with cervical biopsy - adenocarcinoma in situ, endocervical type
Case 193: 25 year old woman with enlarged placenta with numerous grape-like cysts - placental mesenchymal dysplasia
Case 184: 37 year old woman with ovarian mass - signet ring cell stromal tumor
Case 181: 28 year old woman with vulvar tumor - aggressive angiomyxoma
Case 172: 73 year old woman with vulvar mass - primary Bartholin's gland adenocarcinoma
Case 171: Middle aged woman with vaginal nodule - spindle cell epithelioma of vagina
Case 152: 54 year old woman with pelvic mass - metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma to ovary
Case 135: 50 year old woman with vaginal bleeding - glial polyp of cervix
Case 126 19 year old man with hypertension and renal insufficiency - preB acute lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma
Case 125: 62 year old woman with post-menopausal bleeding - metastatic lobular carcinoma to a tamoxifen-associated endometrial polyp
Case 96: 55 year old woman with a pelvic mass - adult granulosa cell tumor
Case 94: 57 year old man with tumor of renal pelvis - signet ring cell adenocarcinoma
Case 92: 59 year old woman with a vaginal discharge - leiomyosarcoma of cervix
Case 55: 50 year old woman with an ileocecal mass - endometriosis
Case 53: HIV positive woman from Ghana with large vulvar mass - hypertrophic herpes simplex virus in HIV positive patient
Case 31: 44 year old woman with extensive tumor deposits on the omentum, uterus, tubes and ovaries - serous psammocarcinoma
Case 12: 22 year old woman with an ovarian mass - dysgerminoma
Head & neck pathology
Case 540: 15 year old boy presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis - sinonasal tract angiofibroma
Case 528: 19 year old woman, with a 3.7 cm thyroid mass - cribriform morular thyroid carcinoma (formerly known as cribriform morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma), high grade
Case 524: 3 week old female infant with pedunculated lesion of the anterior maxillary alveolar process - congenital granular cell epulis (congenital epulis of the newborn)
Case 513: Patient with history of melanoma presented with a thyroid nodule and had a total thyroidectomy - metastatic melanoma involving oncocytic follicular adenoma (Hürthle cell adenoma)
Case 503: 54 year old man with 2.5 cm lytic mandibular lesion - odontogenic keratocyst
Case 497: 28 year old woman with palate ulcer - necrotizing sialometaplasia
Case 494: 49 year old man with nasal obstruction - alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 493: 26 year old man with refractory AML and sinus pain - acute invasive fungal sinusitis (microbiology culture studies demonstrated Rhizopus species)
Case 490: 17 year old girl with a 2 cm maxillary lesion surrounding an impacted canine tooth - adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT)
Case 488: 32 year old woman presented with suspected meningioma - CNS presentation of extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease
Case 487: 54 year old woman with a 3.5 cm midline neck mass - papillary carcinoma arising in the thyroglossal duct
Case 483: 60 year old man with swelling in base of tongue - hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of tongue
Case 470: 19 year old woman with right sided neck swelling - cribriform morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Case 465: 66 year old woman with left ovarian mass - papillary thyroid carcinoma in struma ovarii
Case 461: 67 year old man with a thyroid mass - clear cell renal cell carcinoma of kidney metastatic to the thyroid
Case 456: 76 year old woman with right sided neck mass - carotid body paraganglioma
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 445: 69 year old woman with small indurated lesion on lateral border of tongue - subgemmal neurogenous plaque
Case 439: 58 year old woman presented with a right neck swelling and odynophagia for one month - papillary thyroid carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant
Case 435: 26 year old African American woman with thyroid nodule with benign biopsy and FNA, but compressive symptoms - encapsulated poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma with extensive vascular invasion
Case 426: Elderly man with 1.5 cm "orbital" mass - subconjunctival herniated orbital fat
Case 420: 67 year old man with unusual appearing esophagus on endoscopy - sloughing esophagitis (esophagitis dissecans superficialis)
Case 419: 71 year old man with multiple firm left submandibular swellings for two months - melanoma
Case 412: 68 year old man with ulcerative colitis, chronic rhinitis with nasal airway obstruction and septal perforation - extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type
Case 404: 84 year old male smoker with enlarging parotid gland lesion - cellular pleomorphic adenoma
Case 394: 71 year old man with painless right sided neck mass - solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid
Case 392: 54 year old man with painless swelling over left half of upper lip for past 10 years - pleomorphic adenoma
Case 390: 27 year old woman with right nasal polyp - antrochoanal polyp
Case 382: 39 year old woman with cystic 4.7 cm submandibular gland mass - mammary analogue secretory carcinoma
Case 376: 63 year old woman with 1 cm middle ear mass - middle ear adenoma
Case 375: 51 year old man with 6 cm parotic mass of 8 years duration - basal cell adenoma, membranous type
Case 368: 96 year old woman with eyelid lesion - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 367: 12 year old boy with mass in upper jaw - odontoameloblastoma
Case 365: 59 year old man with parotid mass - neurofibroma
Case 360: 36 year old man with parotid mass - deep "benign" fibrous histiocytoma
Case 355: 16 year old girl with parotid mass - acinic cell carcinoma
Case 350: 27 year old woman with mass in maxilla - chondroblastic osteosarcoma
Case 349: 45 year old man with middle ear mass - glomus jugulare
Case 346: 4 year old boy with soft tissue mass in cheek - mucoepidermoid carcinoma, clear cell variant
Case 342: 54 year old woman with 2 thyroid nodules - leiomyosarcoma (metastatic)
Case 318: 50 year old man with ameloblastoma of jaw metastatic to lung
Case 310: 49 year old woman with laryngeal mass - low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma
Case 301: 45 year old woman with a soft tissue swelling confined to the orbit - cavernous hemangioma
Case 291: 47 year old woman with endoscopic surgery for nasal polyp - nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma
Case 288: 65 year old man with mass in floor of mouth - metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma
Case 281: 48 year old man with eyelid mass - mantle cell lymphoma
Case 274: 65 year old man with swelling around gums and teeth - metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Case 268: 2 year old boy with parotid mass - gangliorhabdomyosarcoma
Case 248: 74 year old man with multinodular goiter - follicular adenoma with squamous cell carcinoma
Case 247: 61 year old woman with diffusely enlarged thyroid gland - amyloid goiter
Case 243: 28 year old man with submandibular mass - pleomorphic adenoma
Case 230: Middle-aged woman with locally recurrent thyroid tumor - sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma with eosinophilia
Case 214: 44 year old man with parotid gland mass - low grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma
Case 212: 70 year old man with enlarging thyroid nodule - rhabdomyoma
Case 191: 54 year old man with large posterior nasal mass - seromucinous hamartoma
Case 185: 5 month old boy with retrophyaryngeal mass - neuroblastoma
Case 183: Elderly patient with mass behind ear - metastatic acinic cell carcinoma
Case 156: 50 year old man with erythematous gingiva - plasma cell gingivitis
Case 142: 17 year old woman with floor of mouth tumor - osseous choristoma
Case 139: 53 year old man with bipolar disorder and sudden death - lithium thyroiditis
Case 138: 51 year old man with a nasal turbinate mass - angioleiomyoma
Case 123: 1 year old boy with neck mass - lipoblastoma
Case 115: 61 year old man with eyelid swelling - cysticercosis
Case 108: 86 year old woman with neck pain and difficulty swallowing - ectopic parathyroid tissue
Case 104: 22 year old man with fine needle aspiration of a neck nodule - meningioma
Case 103: 86 year old man with stable parotid mass - sebaceous lymphadenoma
Case 101: 40 year old woman with nasal mass - NK/T cell lymphoma
Case 100: 50 year old man with bilateral neck masses - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Case 98: 18 year old man with pigmented thyroid gland at autopsy - black thyroid due to minocycline
Case 97: 29 year old man from India with nasal mass - Rhinosporidiosis
Case 84: 58 year old woman with chronic sinusitis - sinonasal hemangiopericytoma
Case 82: 57 year old man with papillary lesions on his palate - verruciform xanthoma
Case 73: 66 year old man with a cyst-like lesion of the mandible - primary intraosseous odontogenic verrucous carcinoma
Case 54: 59 year old woman with a slow growing parotid mass - epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 49: 68 year old woman with large soft palate tumor - sialolipoma of soft palate
Case 42: 63 year old man with painful cheek mass - acinic cell carcinoma of parotid gland
Case 28: Elderly man with a fixed neck mass - adenoid cystic carcinoma of larynx extending to thyroid gland
Case 24: 43 year old man with chronic sinusitis and a nasal polyp - respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hemartoma
Case 14: 17 year old woman with loosening of lower incisors - central giant cell granuloma of mandible
Case 529: 52 year old man with accumulations of discohesive large cells in cystic spaces of the regressively changed tumor bed of a GIST - EBV negative fibrin associated large B cell lymphoma (FA-LBCL) arising in cystic spaces of the regressive, neoadjuvantly treated gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Case 519: 51 year old man with HIV history, presenting with cough, dyspnea, chest pain and fever - Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL)
Case 499: 74 year old man with ascites, liver lesions and growing 5 cm soft tissue abdominal mass - blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma (CD5 negative variant)
Case 486: 43 year old woman presented with fever, chills and muscle aches after a tick bite - anaplasmosis
Case 474: 71 year old man with a 2 x 2 cm chest wall mass - blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN)
Case 463: 9 year old child with anorexia and abdominal distension - B cell lymphoid blast crisis in a case of pediatric CML at presentation
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 440: 37 year old woman with gastric outlet obstruction - primary gastric classical Hodgkin lymphoma, BNLI grade 2 (see discussion)
Case 437: 65 year old man with leukocytosis (WBC 39.6 x 109/L), splenomegaly and periportal lymphadenopathy - hairy cell leukemia (variant)
Case 406: 60 year old woman with 18 x 11 mm hypoechoic mass in tail of pancreas - pancreatic splenule
Case 405: 57 year old man with gastric cancer; lymph nodes removed during surgery - vascular transformation of sinuses
Case 403: Newborn with acute respiratory distress, marked jaundice and whole body purpuric rash - congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Upshaw-Schulman syndrome)
Case 394: 71 year old man with painless right sided neck mass - solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the thyroid
Case 381: 57 year old woman with rheumatoid arthritis and rapidly growing lesions on face and forehead - iatrogenic immunodeficiency associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorder (IALPD)
Case 364: 44 year old man with splenic mass - sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT)
Case 354: 20 month old girl, post-stem cell transplant for MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with features of AML relapse - adenovirus hepatitis with necrosis
Case 344: 2 year old boy with itchy brown skin macules - urticaria pigmentosa
Case 317: 37 year old man with fever and pancytopenia - T cell / histiocyte rich large B cell lymphoma
Case 314: 68 year old woman with SLL/CLL and rapidly expanding inguinal node - Langerhans cell sarcoma
Case 307: 65 year old man with colon cancer and 2.5 cm groin lymph node - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 299: 49 year old woman with lymphadenpathy, tender skin papules and a pathologic tibial fracture - Erdheim - Chester Disease
Case 284: 21 year old man with submandibular mass - nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
Case 281: 48 year old man with eyelid mass - mantle cell lymphoma
Case 277: 45 year old Pakistani man with fever and rigors - malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)
Case 218: 35 year old HIV+ man with diffuse lymphadenopathy - mycobacterial spindle cell pseudotumor of lymph nodes
Case 192: 37 year old woman with breast mass - T cell lymphoma, peripheral type
Case 179: 62 year old woman with sudden epigastric pain - littoral cell angioma
Case 176: 66 year old man with abdominal pain - blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
Case 175: 70 year old woman with cerebral mass - primary CNS lymphoma, diffuse large B cell subtype
Case 151: 86 year old man with indurated cutaneous papules - atypical CML with leukemia cutis and vasculitis
Case 140: 68 year old woman with eruption of violaceous skin nodules - leukemia cutis
Case 130: 27 year old woman wih a swelling of the fibula - myeloid sarcoma
Case 127: 56 year old woman with celiac sprue and nodular areas in the antrum - MALT lymphoma
Case 120: 88 year old woman with abnormal CBC - B cell prolymphocytic leukemia
Case 118: 60 year old man with lower leg edema - angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph node
Case 101: 40 year old woman with nasal mass - NK/T cell lymphoma
Case 95: 55 year old man with a nodular patch in the cecum at colonscopy - hairy cell leukemia
Case 93: 63 year old woman with axillary mass - Castleman's disease-hyaline vascular variant
Case 89: 22 year old woman with cervical adenopathy and no other medical history - Kikuchi's disease
Case 87: 41 year old HIV+ man with pancytopenia and skin nodules - Leishmaniasis
Case 81: 36 year old man with a duodenal mass - follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 79: Elderly man with an enlarged supraclavicular lymph node - CLL/SLL, paraimmunoblastic variant
Case 74: 65 year old woman with backache, abnormal plasma cells but a normal serum protein electrophoresis - light chain multiple myeloma
Case 41: 72 year old woman with multiple strokes - intravascular lymphoma
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 27: 22 year old woman with worsening pelvic pain - chronic myelogenous leukemia
Case 21: 64 year old Japanese woman with multiple opportunistic infections - adult T cell leukemia / lymphoma
Case 2: Incidental splenic mass during laparoscopy for excision of benign pancreatic cyst - splenic hamartoma
Case 1: 46 year old man with mediastinal mass - follicular dendritic reticulum cell tumor / follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Case 486: 43 year old woman presented with fever, chills and muscle aches after a tick bite - anaplasmosis
Case 446: 8 year old child with 2 cm posterior cervical lymph node - granulomatous lymphadenitis with microfilaria
Case 402: 46 year old man with untreated HIV since 2001 and history of anal condyloma - Iodamoeba buetschlii
Case 277: 45 year old Pakistani man with fever and rigors - malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)
Case 225: 73 year old man with nodules on leg secondary to splinter injury while chopping firewood - Prototheca wickerhamii
Case 223: 55 year old HIV+ man with granular and enlarged liver by ultrasound - Mycobacterium avium complex
Case 215: 2 year old boy with hemiparesis and contrast-enhancing lesion by MRI - Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis
Case 213: 48 year old man with prolonged diarrhea - intestinal spirochetosis
Case 174: 45 year old Guyanese woman with severe headache - CNS toxoplasmosis
Case 133 43 year old Honduran man with diarrhea and abdominal pain - Strongyloides stercoralis
Case 87: 41 year old HIV+ man with pancytopenia and skin nodules - Leishmaniasis
Case 53: HIV positive woman from Ghana with large vulvar mass - hypertrophic herpes simplex virus in HIV positive patient
Case 40: 56 year old man with B cell CLL, post-treatment for a relapse, now with dysuria and hematuria - BK polyoma virus related hemorrhagic cystitis
Case 545: 32 year old woman with a clinical history of complex partial type seizures showed a 2 cm solid cystic lesion on brain MRI - multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor, CNS WHO grade 1
Case 542: 37 year old man with a cervical spinal cord mass - diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor (DLGNT)
Case 532: 52 year old man, with history of HIV infection and Kaposi sarcoma 5 years prior, presented with lower extremity weakness - mycobacterium associated inflammatory pseudotumor
Case 514: 51 year old man with progressive hearing loss, intermittent dizziness, difficulty walking and severe headaches - clear cell meningioma
Case 502: 3 year old girl with a large heterogeneously enhancing pineal mass and obstructive hydrocephalus - atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT)
Case 477: 5 year old girl with headache and vomiting for one week - diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M mutant
Case 431: 50 year old woman with parietal mass - metastatic micropapillary carcinoma from lung
Case 427: 23 year old man with 5.5 x 5.2 cm intra-axial cystic mass lesion in right parietotemporal region - anaplastic ependymoma, WHO grade III
Case 425: Middle aged woman with history of lung carcinoma and cerebellar mass - metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, ALK-rearranged
Case 409: 80 year old man with myasthenia gravis, subacute gait disturbance and cognitive impairment - Epstein Barr Virus associated diffuse large B cell lymphoma (EBV associated DLBCL) of the central nervous system
Case 399: 33 year old man with back pain and pelvic mass - myxopapillary ependymoma
Case 373: 61 year old man with left brain mass - angiomatous meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 361: 17 year old girl with generalized myoclonus epilepsy following a seizure - Lafora body disease
Case 325: 66 year old woman with frontoparietal brain mass - secretory meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 312: Newborn boy with large cerebral mass - malignant astroblastoma
Case 292: 17 year old boy with solid and cystic frontal brain mass - giant cell glioblastoma
Case 282: 17 year old girl with lesion of lateral ventricle - xanthogranuloma of choroid plexus
Case 265: 61 year old man with follicular lymphoma and cerebellar mass - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Case 259: 45 year old woman with headache and dural based lesion - microcystic meningioma, WHO grade I
Case 250: 4 month old boy with hypothalamic tumor - pilomyxoid astrocytoma
Case 242: 39 year old woman with dural mass - chordoid meningioma
Case 222: 18 year old woman with frontal lobe mass - alveolar soft part sarcoma
Case 216: 28 month old girl with mass lesions in 4th ventricle and cerebellum - medulloepithelioma
Case 215: 2 year old boy with hemiparesis and contrast-enhancing lesion by MRI - Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis
Case 208: 66 year old man with mass of fourth ventricle - giant cell ependymoma
Case 175: 70 year old woman with cerebral mass - primary CNS lymphoma, diffuse large B cell subtype
Case 174: 45 year old Guyanese woman with severe headache - CNS toxoplasmosis
Case 165: 4 month old child with midline skull lesion - Pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Case 162: 9 month old girl with imperforate anus and presacral mass - teratoma associated with Currarino syndrome
Case 119: 17 year old woman with intraventricular mass - central neurocytoma
Case 111: 71 year old man with filum terminale mass - myxopapillary ependymoma
Case 75: 57 year old man with a CNS intraventricular mass - subependymoma
Case 39: 16 year old girl with new onset of seizures and a temporal lobe mass - pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
Case 38: 54 year old man with von Hippel Lindau disease and a cerebellar mass - hemangioblastoma
Pulmonary / cardiovascular pathology
Case 535: 79 year old patient with pulmonary arterial mass - intimal sarcoma
Case 479: 47 year old Asian woman with malaise, weight loss, chest pain and shortness of breath - thymic carcinoma
Case 476: 73 year old man with bilateral pleural effusions, lung nodules and pleural thickening - epithelioid mesothelioma
Case 459: 43 year old man with sudden onset breathlessness and fever - H1N1 pneumonitis with diffuse alveolar damage
Case 454: 71 year old woman with left atrial mass - cardiac myxoma
Case 431: 50 year old woman with parietal mass - metastatic micropapillary carcinoma from lung
Case 430: 67 year old man with shortness of breath and huge mediastinal mass - metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma
Case 425: Middle aged woman with history of lung carcinoma and cerebellar mass - metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, ALK-rearranged
Case 416: 45 year old woman with 5.3 cm posterior mediastinal cyst - posterior mediastinal Muellerian cyst (Hattori cyst)
Case 401: 5 week old boy with supracardiac soft tissue mass - kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 374: 4 year old Syrian boy with mediastinal mass - ectopic pancreas in mediastinum with pseudocyst formation
Case 358: 85 year old woman with 6 cm pleural mass - dedifferentiated solitary fibrous tumor
Case 357: 52 year old woman with progressive cough, dyspnea and wheezing - epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
Case 336: 42 year old HIV+ man with chronic coughing and congestion, lung biopsy - Kaposi sarcoma
Case 333: 6 year old boy with right neck swelling - ectopic cervical thymic cyst
Case 318: 50 year old man with ameloblastoma of jaw metastatic to lung
Case 298: 65 year old woman with arthritis and lung mass - cryptococcus
Case 287: 71 year old man with recurrent pneumonia - aspiration with granulomatous bronchiolitis and lipoid pneumonia
Case 278: 62 year old man with anterior mediastinal mass - atypical carcinoid tumor of thymus
Case 266: 30 year old woman with hemoptysis and fever for 1 week - endobronchial carcinoid
Case 224: 25 year old woman found dead in apartment with 6 cm tumor at cardiac apex - cardiac fibroma of right ventricle
Case 197: 85 year old woman with multiple lung nodules - pulmonary amyloidosis
Case 196: Premature male with bilateral pleural effusions - primary pulmonary lymphangiectasis
Case 166: 8 month old infant with lung mass - Pleuropulmonary blastoma, type III
Case 150: 37 year old woman with pericardial mass - synovial sarcoma
Case 114: 47 year old woman with left ventricular mass - leiomyosarcoma
Case 105: 6 year old boy with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates - acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Case 99: 70 year old man with mediastinal mass - thymoma
Case 78: 65 year old woman with a left atrial mass - cardiac myxoma with glandular differentiation
Case 58: Term newborn with abnormal fetal ultrasound and lobectomy - congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, type II
Case 36: 7 year old girl with fine needle aspiration of a chest mass - anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Case 23: 80 year old man with a lung nodule and enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes - epithelioid angiosarcoma
Case 17: 61 year old woman with a mediastinal mass - thymic carcinoma
Case 9: 47 year old man with a pleural based lesion - schwannoma
Renal pathology (medical, non tumor)
Case 403: Newborn with acute respiratory distress, marked jaundice and whole body purpuric rash - congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Upshaw-Schulman syndrome)
Case 338: 2 week old 'female' infant with nephrotic syndrome and renal failure - multifocal hyperplastic intralobar rests
Case 323: 68 year old man with cirrhosis and 2.9 cm renal mass - xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Case 244: 11 year old girl with renal mass and lung nodules - renal actinomycosis
Case 235: 52 year old man with unexplained renal failure - renal hemosiderosis
Case 30: 41 year old man with diabetes and renal failure after an upper respiratory infection - diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis with superimposed post - infectious glomerulonephritis
Soft tissue & bone pathology
Case 535: 79 year old patient with pulmonary arterial mass - intimal sarcoma
Case 516: 27 year old man with multiple peritoneal masses with extension into the retroperitoneum - malignant epithelioid neoplasm with EWSR1/FUS::CREB fusion
Case 505: 68 year old woman with left retroperitoneal soft tissue mass anterior to the psoas - fat forming solitary fibrous tumor
Case 494: 49 year old man with nasal obstruction - alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 485: 30 year old woman with longstanding history of a small abdominal wall mass - pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (Bednar tumour)
Case 469: 45 year old man with a painless forehead lump - nuchal-type fibroma at extranuchal location
Case 458: 14 year old boy with arm swelling - cysticercosis
Case 457: 32 year old man with swelling of right masseter - sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 452: 51 year old woman with pain in the right iliac fossa - myolipoma
Case 450: 39 year old man with progressive swelling over the midline of scalp - IPEH (Masson tumor)
Case 449: 33 year old man with pain and swelling of right upper thigh post trauma - myositis ossificans
Case 443: 56 year old man with neurofibromatosis type 1 and right axillary swelling for many years - malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
Case 434: 53 year old woman with painless, slowly growing, right inguinal swelling - granular cell tumor with atypical features
Case 426: Elderly man with 1.5 cm "orbital" mass - subconjunctival herniated orbital fat
Case 401: 5 week old boy with supracardiac soft tissue mass - kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 400: 4 year old boy with fever, colicky epigastric pain and lower midline abdominal lesion - epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sarcoma (EIMS)
Case 378: 67 year old man with 1.5 cm excised scalp nodule - superficial undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
Case 377: 29 year old woman with longstanding neck swelling - lymphatic malformation with solid and cystic (mixed large and smaller) features
Case 370: 75 year old man with acute intestinal perforation and 55 year old woman with gluteal mass - extraskeletal osteosarcoma
Case 366: 63 year old woman with knee mass - extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
Case 348: 56 year old man with 5 cm thigh mass - ossifying fibromyxoid tumor of soft parts
Case 335: 31 year old man with vascular lesion near knee - extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
Case 334: 70 year old woman with retroperitoneal mass near lower pole of kidney - schwannoma (ancient)
Case 321: 14 year old boy with mass in the L5 vertebral body - primary Ewing sarcoma of lumbar vertebrae
Case 311: 38 year old woman with ankle mass - angiofibroma of soft tissue
Case 310: 49 year old woman with laryngeal mass - low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma
Case 308: 52 year old woman with wrist pain and clinical giant cell tumor - monoarticular erosive rheumatoid arthritis
Case 300: 61 year old woman with a loosening of total hip replacement (THR) prosthesis after a fall - giant cell reaction to polyethylene particles
Case 299: 49 year old woman with lymphadenpathy, tender skin papules and a pathologic tibial fracture - Erdheim - Chester Disease
Case 296: 28 year old woman with 2 cm mass on big toe - acral myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma
Case 289: 42 year old man with painful forearm mass - glomangioma
Case 283: 48 year old man with shoulder mass - angiomyolipoma
Case 280: 15 year old girl with well circumscribed sacroiliac mass - chondromyxoid fibroma
Case 276: 11 year old boy with tonsillar mass - embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 268: 2 year old boy with parotid mass - gangliorhabdomyosarcoma
Case 262: 26 year old woman with thumb tumor / 37 year old woman with index finger cyst - nerve sheath myxoma
Case 245: 39 year old man with 9 cm soft tissue mass of thigh - hibernoma
Case 239: 29 year old man with 7 cm swelling in elbow - angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
Case 238: 81 year old man with subcutaneous mass of great toe - symplastic glomus tumor
Case 206: 80 year old man with multiple splenic infarcts - intimal sarcoma of abdominal aorta
Case 199: 44 year old woman with recurrent mass of ankle / dorsum of foot - hemosiderotic fibrohistiocytic lipomatous tumor
Case 182: 55 year old man with neck mass - spindle cell lipoma, pseudoangiomatous variant
Case 181: 28 year old woman with vulvar tumor - aggressive angiomyxoma
Case 180: 29 year old woman with occipital mass - plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor
Case 173: 39 year old man with buttock tumor - penicillin induced myospherulosis
Case 169: 58 year old woman with shoulder mass - low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
Case 167: 35 year old man with neck mass - desmoid tumor (extraabdominal fibromatosis)
Case 165: 4 month old child with midline skull lesion - pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Case 158: 26 year old woman with mass on palm of hand - lipomatosis of nerve
Case 149: 50 year old woman with thigh mass - parachordoma
Case 145: 15 year old boy with paratesticular tumor - spindle cell embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Case 132: 54 year old woman with supraclavicular mass - DFSP, myxoid variant
Case 130: 27 year old woman with a swelling of the fibula - myeloid sarcoma
Case 123: 1 year old boy with neck mass - lipoblastoma
Case 110: 47 year old man with low back pain - chordoma
Case 107: 37 year old man with skin lesion in the back - retiform hemangioendothelioma
Case 80: 28 year old man with a red thigh nodule for 6 months suggestive of Kaposi's sarcoma - microvenular hemangioma
Case 77: 55 year old man with a large thigh mass - epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Case 72: Two year old boy with multiple skull masses - Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Case 66: 71 year old man with a popliteal fossa mass - synovial chondromatosis
Case 65: 37 year old woman with a wrist mass - nodular fasciitis
Case 64: 55 year old bedridden man with a hip mass - ischemic fasciitis
Case 63: 53 year old man with a recurrent, painful pretibial mass - phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor
Case 52: 33 year old man with an asymptomatic hand mass - chondroid lipoma
Case 50: 12 year old girl with superficial nodular tumor of back - superficial plexiform schwannoma
Case 47: 16 year old girl with tumor of foot - calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
Case 46: Elderly individuals with scapular masses - elastofibroma
Case 34: 24 year old man with an inguinal soft tissue discharging chalky fluid - tumoral calcinosis
Case 29: 33 year old woman with soft tissue mass of cheek - solitary fibrous tumor of dermis
Case 20: 22 year old man with Mafucci's syndrome and painful swellings of hands and feet - spindle cell hemangioma
Case 16: 56 year old man with a retroperitoneal mass - lipomatous hemangiopericytoma
Case 15: 62 year old man with a slowly enlarging thumb mass - aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma
Case 10: 30 year old man with a thigh lesion - high grade myxoid / round cell liposarcoma
Case 3: 90 year old woman with recurrent soft tissue tumor from the ankle region - sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
Cases reviewed by Editorial Board:
GI: Cases 1-482 reviewed by Dr. Gonzalez, 21 June 2019
GU: Cases 1-484 reviewed by Dr. Zynger, 9 March 2020
Gyn: Cases 12-480 reviewed by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Parra-Herran, 13 May 2020
Thyroid: Cases 14-470 reviewed by Dr. Bychkov, 17 July 2019