WHO classification topic template

Revised: 9 April 2024
Copyright: 2020-2024, PathologyOutlines.com, Inc.

Example of well written WHO classification topic: Kidney tumor

For ease of use, we put topic headings in the same order. Please put some text under each heading, but do not include obvious or repetitive information. If you think there is nothing to add, please write "not relevant to this topic", "repetitive with __ heading" or "unknown at this time." Do not delete any topic headings.

Author 1

Author name with degrees: ___________________________________________

Author rank (M.D. candidate / Resident / Fellow / Instructor / Assistant, Associate or Full Professor): ___________________________________________

Author leadership roles (maximum of 2) (ex: Director of Surgical Pathology, Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology, Director of Cytopathology): ___________________________________________

Author institution name: ___________________________________________

Author institution city, state and country: ___________________________________________

Author email address: ___________________________________________

Author 2

Author name with degrees: ___________________________________________

Author rank (Assistant, Associate or Full Professor): ___________________________________________

Author leadership roles (maximum of 2) (ex: Director of Surgical Pathology, Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology, Director of Cytopathology): ___________________________________________

Author institution name: ___________________________________________

Author institution city, state and country: ___________________________________________

Author email address: ___________________________________________

Chapter name: ___________________________________________

Section and subsection (in the Table of Contents): General

Topic name: WHO classification

Definition / general
A 1 - 2 sentence summary of the topic.

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Major updates
Include new, renamed and removed entities from this WHO classification along with changes to diagnostic criteria and any other notable updates.

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WHO (20__)
Include the complete, most recent WHO classification for this chapter with ICD-O codes. Provide the name used in the topic text rather than the name listed in the ICD schema in the initial pages of the WHO book. We will add links to corresponding PathOut topics.

    • Subheading (if applicable)
      • Subclassification (if applicable) (linked to corresponding PathOut topic) ICD code (unlinked)
        • Entity (linked to corresponding PathOut topic) ICD code (unlinked)
          • Subsubclassification (if applicable) (linked to corresponding PathOut topic) ICD code (unlinked)

Diagrams / tables
Provide a brief caption for all diagrams / tables and a detailed figure legend if this is your own diagram / table.

For images to be posted on PathologyOutlines.com, please fill out the following for each image:

Name of image contributor: _________________
Image title (file name): _________________
Caption (1 - 4 words): _________________
Legend (detailed description): _________________

For images linked to an outside website, please fill out the following for each image:

PMID: _________________
Figure #: _________________
Caption (1 - 4 words): _________________

Microscopic (histologic) images
The author must take and submit a minimum of 6 high quality representative micro images (it is ok if the images are from other topics). For each image, submit both a caption and a figure legend in the manuscript word document. Do not include your name, twitter handle, institution or logo on the image. The caption will appear below the thumbnail of the image and should be 1 - 4 words describing the image findings, such as "cytologic atypia", "chronic inflammation", "epithelioid cells", "chromogranin" or "AE1 / AE3". Do not use captions such as "Case 1", "Various images", "H&E", "100x" or the diagnosis. The figure legend will appear when the image is open and must contain all relevant information including site, procedure, diagnosis, key histologic findings and stain if other than H&E. Do not use figure legends such as "Case 1" or "Representative images". We will remove all existing outside micro images.

For images to be posted on PathologyOutlines.com, please fill out the following for each image:

Name of image contributor: _________________
Image title (file name): _________________
Caption (1 - 4 words): _________________
Legend (detailed description): _________________

Additional references
General references for this topic not included above.

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Board Review Question(s) (optional)
Prepare at least 1 board review style question that highlights important content from this topic. These are not actual questions from the Pathology boards but review questions written in a similar format. The questions should test basic, essential diagnostic concepts that all pathologists should know rather than minor details. The topic needs to contain all information relevant to correct and incorrect answers. The first question must contain an image of the entity followed by a multiple choice question, such as "Which of the following is true about XXX tumor/disease?" The image can be reused from the topic. Do not use the format "Which of the following is false?" Questions should have only one answer. Do not use responses "all of the above", "none of the above", "A and C", etc. This question will be part of our Board Review page so the reader will not know the topic with which it is associated. Therefore you must make the organ clear in the question and the diagnosis clear in the answer. The second question may have an image associated with it but an image is not required. Click here for examples.

Board Review Answer(s) (optional)
Answers to the Question(s) above, sorted alphabetically by the first letter in the answer. Include an explanation of why the correct answer is correct and the other options are incorrect. Please fill out the following:

 [letter] .    [correct answer]   .    [explanation]   . Answer  [letter]  is incorrect because    [explanation]   . Answer  [letter]  is incorrect because    [explanation]   . Answer  [letter]  is incorrect because    [explanation]   .
Image 01 Image 02