Table of contents
Malformations:Arnold-Chiari malformation
Dandy-Walker Malformation
focal cortical dysplasia (epilepsy related malformations)
holoprosencephaly (pending)
Meckel-Gruber syndrome
neural tube closure defects
Acute viral infections:CMV infections
herpes simplex encephalitis
other acute viral infections (pending)
Toxic and metabolic disorders:alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
carbon monoxide injury
hepatic encephalopathy
heroin leukoencephalopathy
methotrexate toxicity
pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis
radiation injury
subacute combined degeneration
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
CNS myelin disorders:leukodystrophies
multiple sclerosis
Movement disorders:amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
corticobasal degeneration
Huntington disease
multiple system atrophy
Parkinson's disease (pending)
progressive supranuclear palsy (pending)
X linked bulbospinal neuronopathy (Kennedy disease)
Vascular disorders:cerebral amyloid angiopathy
primary angiitis of CNS (pending)
ischemic stroke / infarct
Dementia:Alzheimer disease
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (pending)
frontotemporal (pending)
dementia with Lewy bodies
vascular dementia (pending)
CNS nontumor stains:
AT8 (pending)
beta amyloid
Luxol fast blue
p62 (pending)
TDP-43 (pending)
Index (Alphabetical table of contents)
alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
Alzheimer disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Arnold-Chiari malformation
carbon monoxide injury
cerebral amyloid angiopathy
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (pending)
CMV infections
CNS-gross (pending)
corticobasal degeneration
Dandy-Walker Malformation
dementia with Lewy bodies
F-N:focal cortical dysplasia (epilepsy related malformations)
frontotemporal (pending)
fungal infections (pending)
hepatic encephalopathy
heroin leukoencephalopathy
herpes simplex encephalitis
HIV encephalitis
holoprosencephaly (pending)
Huntington disease
ischemic stroke / infarct
Meckel-Gruber syndrome
meningitis - bacterial
methotrexate toxicity
multiple sclerosis
multiple system atrophy
neural tube closure defects
O-Z:other acute viral infections (pending)
paraneoplastic syndromes
Parkinson's disease (pending)
pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis
primary amebic meningoencephalitis
primary angiitis of CNS (pending)
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and other JC virus infections
progressive supranuclear palsy (pending)
radiation injury
subacute combined degeneration
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) (pending)
syphilis (pending)
Taenia solium (neurocysticercosis)
trypanosomes (pending)
vascular dementia (pending)
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Whipple disease (pending)
X linked bulbospinal neuronopathy (Kennedy disease)
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