Books for Pathologists
Books by Author (G-L)

Revised: 21 November 2017

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By publisher: ARP Press   ASCP   CAP   LWW   WHO

Pathology Books: general surgical pathology   anatomy   autopsy   bioterrorism   board review   breast   cardiovascular   cytopathology   dermatopathology   electron microscopy   endocrine   eye   forensic   GI   GU   grossing   gynecologic   head and neck   hematopathology   histology   history   IHC   immunology   informatics   kidney   lab medicine   law   liver   lung   mediastinum/serosa   medical dictionaries   medical writing   microbiology   molecular   muscle   neuropathology   oncology   other   parasitology   pediatric   placenta   soft tissue & bone   statistics   stem cells   transfusion

Dermatology Books: cosmetic   dermoscopy   general   infectious   pediatric   surgery   tumors

Books by author: A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  



Galagan: Color Atlas of Body Fluids: An Illustrated Field Guide Based on Proficiency Testing
By Katherine Galagan
2006 (1st ed), pages unlisted, $150 list
The Color Atlas of Body Fluids is the latest in the color atlas series from the CAP Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Resource Committee. Lavishly illustrated, the atlas is a comprehensive reference based on more than 20 years of proficiency testing in body fluids.
Gall: Current Practice in Forensic Medicine
By John Gall
2011 (1st ed), 348 pages, $100 list
This volume is designed to cover the wider aspects of forensic medicine, including the law, science, medicine (forensic pathology, clinical forensic medicine and forensic psychiatry) and dentistry. Topics covered include subjects of debate and/or uncertainty in areas where significant advances have been made and in those of current relevance to the forensic profession, Chapters provide a variety of approaches to the areas under discussion with reviews of current knowledge, information on significant changes and pointers to the future that the reader should be aware of.
Gamble: Pathology of the Kidney in Dysproteinemia
By Charles Gamble
2011, 134 pages, 700 illus, $70 list
Pathology of the Kidney in Dysproteinemia is an academic monograph describing in detail the causes and development of structural and functional changes in the human kidney resulting from the deposition of abnormal circulating serum proteins. The material presented was obtained from 147 cases of renal involvement associated with Dysproteinemia encountered in university and community hospital settings. The described entities account for 4.5% of 3.260 biopsies of native kidneys examined over a period of approximately 25 years. While some of the lesions are quite rare, others are relatively common and seen fairly frequently in a reasonably busy renal biopsy service. Together they constitute a group of extremely interesting lesions in terms of immunology, morphology, and pathogenesis. This book should be of interest to pathologists- especially renal pathologists, immunologists, and internists. Both general internists and sub-specialists in nephrology and hematology will find this volume useful, as will medical residents and medical technologists in these various specialties. As a monograph it is user-friendly, since the subject matter is sufficiently circumscribed to permit expanded or detailed visual and textual treatment of specific lesions in a single easy-to-wield volume.
Ganjei-Azar: Effusion Cytology
By Parvin Ganjei-Azar
2011 (1st ed), 192 pages, $89 list
Effusion Cytology is a practical manual in diagnosis and interpretation of body cavity fluid (BCF) specimens. This highly illustrated volume provides handy information for residents, fellows, and general pathologists with a step-by-step guide to evaluation of BCF specimens with the specific goal of identification of malignancies. Use of ancillary techniques such as immunocytochemistry is discussed where appropriate. Special attention is given to the formulation of final cytologic reports of the diagnosis of difficult cases.
Gao: Pathology Review
By Zu-hua Gao
2013 (1st ed), 560 pages, $190 list
Prepare for licensing exams offered by the American Board of Pathology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with the most comprehensive review guide on the market. Pathology Review contains more than 1200 original, color photographs and 1300 short answer and multiple choice questions, and it's the only guide that features question formats found on Canadian exams.
Garcia: Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook
By Lynne Garcia
2010 (3rd ed), 1780 pages, $250 list
The collaborative efforts of over 150 experienced clinical microbiologists, medical laboratory technologists, and laboratory supervisors are included in the third edition of the Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. This well-respected reference continues to serve as the sole major publication providing step-by-step protocols and descriptions that enable clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to perform all analyses, including appropriate quality control recommendations, from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation.
Garcia: Clinical Laboratory Management
By Lynne Garcia
2013 (2nd ed), 1068 pages, $160 list
This totally revised second edition is a comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the management challenges facing today's clinical laboratories.
Garcia: Diagnostic Medical Parasitology
By Lynne Shore Garcia
2006 (5th ed), 1202 pages, 13 color plates, $160 list
Designed as a training aid and rapid reference for laboratory staff, this text provides summaries of diagnostic procedures and organism morphology and offers descriptions of the parasites with clear illustrations.
Garcia: NonInvasive Cardiovascular Imaging: A Multimodality Approach
By Mario Garcia
2011 (1st ed), 752 pages, $205 list
This textbook covers the fundamental principles of cardiovascular imaging modalities and their applications for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The main focus is on the comprehensive diagnosis of clinical conditions/disease entities through the most effective cardiovascular imaging test or combination. The authors discuss the clinical utility and relative value of each test to address specific clinical questions, based on evidence and expert opinion. Each chapter presents information in the following format: overview, discussion of pathophysiology; differential diagnosis/diagnostic evaluation; prognosis; therapeutic guidance with illustration of treatment pathway.
Garcia: Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology
By Lynne Garcia
2009 (2nd ed), 486 pages, $90 list
The book features brief, accessible summaries of ordering and collection guidelines, diagnostic procedures, and artifact/organism morphology. Descriptions of parasites are accompanied by clear diagrammatic and photographic illustrations to facilitate identification. With its diagnostic algorithms, quick-reference tables, identification keys, answers to frequently asked questions, and extensive information on method selection and clinical relevance, this guide is indispensable for lab work.
Gardner: Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
By Ross Gardner
2011 (2nd ed), 498 pages, $81 list
All too often, the weakest link in the chain of criminal justice is the crime scene investigation. Improper collection of evidence blocks the finding of truth. Now in its second edition, Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation presents practical, proven methods to be used at any crime scene to ensure that evidence is admissible and persuasive.
Garrity: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
By George Garrity
2009 (2nd ed), 880 pages, 393 illus, $110 list
Includes a revised taxonomic outline for the Firmicutes based upon the SILVA project as well as a description of more than 1346 species and 235 genera belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, which are also called the low mol% G+C Gram positive prokaryotes. Major taxa to be included are Alicyclobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterococcus, Erysipelothrix, Eubacterium, Haloanaerobium, Heliobacterium, Lachnospira, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Listeria, Paenibacillus, Peptococcus, Ruminococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Syntrophomonas, Thermoactinomyces, Thermoanaerobacter, Veillonella and 229 additional genera. Includes many medically and industrially important taxa.
Garrity: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume Two: The Proteobacteria (Part C) (Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
By George Garrity, Don J Brenner, Noel R Krieg, James T Staley, David R Boone, Paul De Vos, Michael Goodfellow, Fred A Rainey, and Karl-Heinz Schleifer
2005 (2nd ed), 1388 pages, $173 list
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology has become recognized throughout the world as the principal monographic work in the field of prokaryotic biology. Like a dictionary to a writer, the Manual is usually the first reference that a microbiologist consults when questions arise regarding the characteristics of an unfamiliar species or an unknown strain that bears some similarity to a more familiar one.
Gasparini: Biomarkers in Breast Cancer
By Giampietro Gasparini
2010 (1st ed), 354 pages, $209 list
Expert laboratory and clinical researchers from around the world review how to design and evaluate studies of tumor markers and examine their use in breast cancer patients. The authors cover both the major advances in sophisticated molecular methods and the state-of-the-art in conventional prognostic and predictive indicators. Among the topics discussed are the relevance of rigorous study design and guidelines for the validation studies of new biomarkers, gene expression profiling by tissue microarrays, adjuvant systemic therapy, and the use of estrogen, progesterone, and epidermal growth factor receptors as both prognostic and predictive indicators. Highlights include the evaluation of HER2 and EGFR family members, of p53, and of UPA/PAI-1; the detection of rare cells in blood and marrow; and the detection and analysis of soluble, circulating markers.
Gatter: Bone Marrow Diagnosis
By Kevin Gatter
2014 (3rd ed), 232 pages, 900+ illus, $164 list
Bone Marrow Diagnosis is an essential resource for all those who need to report bone marrow trephine biopsies. The text will be succinct and concentrates on the core information necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Each diagnostic entity will be accompanied by high quality images which show typical and more unusual examples of histological features.
Gatter: The Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases
By Kevin Gatter, Georges Delsol, Roger Warnke, Francesco Pezzella
2011, 280 pages, 1000 illus, $208 list
This highly illustrated, diagnostic guidebook provides a single comprehensive source of essential information to enable non-specialists to diagnose lymph node and related diseases with confidence. The text is didactic and practical, covering reactive as well as malignant conditions. Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases approaches the disorders based on the WHO classification and is edited by members of the WHO panel for the classification of lymphomas.
Gattuso: Differential Diagnosis in Cytopathology Book and Online Bundle
By Paolo Gattuso, Vijaya Reddy and Shahla Masood
2015 (2nd ed), 693 pages, 1,000+ illus, $248 list
The cytologic evaluation of exfoliative and fine needle aspiration material is one of the most widely used diagnostic modalities worldwide. Now thoroughly updated with new guidelines and references, and featuring more than 1,000 high-quality color photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis in Cytopathology remains the essential organ-based reference guide for practicing and trainee pathologists and cytotechnologists.
Gattuso: Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology
By Paolo Gattuso, Vijaya Reddy, Odile David, Daniel Spitz and Meryl Haber
2014 (3rd ed), 1,088 pages, 1,350 illus, $219 list
Confidently sign out your most complex and challenging cases with the updated edition of Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology. Widely used by residents and practicing pathologists alike, this comprehensive medical reference provides brief, bulleted descriptions of both common and rare disorders, integrating excellent illustrative examples of the pathology with selected references. It's the perfect go-to resource to have by your microscope.
Gattuso: Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology
By Paolo Gattuso
2009 (2nd ed), 1128 pages, 1350 illus, $199 list
Covering a complete range of tumors and tumor-like conditions in all organ systems, it provides a user-friendly road map to the main criteria you should consider in order to differentiate between a variety of potential diagnoses that all have a very similar appearance. Over 1,350 new full-color macro- and microphotographs provide a realistic basis for comparison to what you see under the microscope. Quick checklists cover all diagnostic possibilities to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Full-text online access at allows you to reference the book from any computer and download all of its images.
Gawkrodger: Dermatology: An Illustrated Colour Text
By David Gawkrodger
2012 (5th ed), 148 pages, 148 illus, $68 list
This concise textbook of dermatology is aimed at medical students, those preparing for the MRCP and MRCGP examinations and specialist nurses. The information is presented in a highly accessible format, using double page spreads for each topic. Extensive use of colour for both clinical photographs and graphics makes for a superb appearance. For review for examination preparation key point boxes are provided. In this fourth edition extensive revision has been made to the contents to reflect changes in the understanding of dermatological conditions at a molecular level and the changes in clinical practice. In addition the use of the internet for dermatological information by both doctors and patients is reviewed.
Geboes: Colitis: A Practical Approach to Colon Biopsy Interpretation
By Karel Geboes, Sonia Nemolato, Maria Leo and Gavino Faa
2014, 200 pages, 90 illus, $93 list
This concise book explains how to analyze endoscopic mucosal biopsies of the colon obtained for diagnosis and follow up of colitis in general and inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and microscopic colitis) in particular. This is achieved by the presentation of basic lesions in multiple drawings together with an explanatory text and microscopic photographs. The description is completed by a review of various differential diagnostic issues and types of colitis.
Geha: Case Studies in Immunology: A Clinical Companion
By Raif Geha
2011 (6th ed), 376 pages, $50 list
Case Studies in Immunology, Sixth Edition, presents major topics of immunology through a selection of clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science. The case histories illustrate essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and describe immunological problems seen in the clinic. This new edition vividly illustrates the importance of an understanding of immunology in diagnosis and therapy. Case Studies in Immunology highlights major common disorders of immunity, including hypersensitivity types I-IV, immune deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders. Each case history is preceded by basic scientific facts essential to understanding the immunology behind the specific disorders. An end-of-case summary, questions, and discussion points conclude each case.
Geller: Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver
By Stephen Geller
2009 (2nd ed), 416 pages, $168 list
Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver is a practical source of information to understand the diseases of the liver, with particular emphasis on the histopathology of those diseases. The book offers clear guidelines for the pathologist to recognize and diagnose a full spectrum of liver disorders. It progresses from the basics - including technical considerations, liver anatomy, and examination methods - then provides essential guidelines for recognizing and assessing specific hepatic conditions. In the completely updated Second Edition, the authors updated the content on transplantation pathology and provided new chapters on immunopathology and molecular pathology of liver diseases.
George: Hematopoietic Neoplasms: Controversies in Diagnosis and Classification, An Issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics
By Tracey George
2014, 191 pages, $94 list
Topics in Hematopoietic Neoplasms: Controversies in Diagnosis and Classification include: ABC vs GC subtyping of diffuse large B cell lymphoma-Does it matter?; Clonal link between malignant lymphoma and histiocytic tumors; Diagnostic criteria for grey zone lymphoma: Are there any?; Diagnostic criteria for primary cutaneous B cell lymphoma; Distinguishing reactive and leukemic large granular lymphocyte proliferations; Differential diagnosis of erythroleukemia; Early pre-T ALL versus MPAL: Diagnostic criteria.
Georgian-Smith: Breast Imaging and Pathologic Correlations: A Pattern-Based Approach
By Dianne Georgian-Smith
2014, 608 pages, $180 list
Effectively overcome difficult diagnostic challenges with Breast Imaging and Pathologic Correlations: A Pattern-Based Approach. This atlas is based on the morphology of the BIRADS Lexicon and not the pathology entities. It illustrates the "how" and "why" of breast imaging, whether via mammography or ultrasound and uses a case-based approach to walk you through a wide range of common and uncommon findings and correlates imaging patterns to pathology, helping you build your pattern recognition skills so you can diagnose breast cases with complete confidence.
Gersen: The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics
By Steven Gersen, Martha Keagle
2013 (1st ed), 562 pages, $279 list
In this thoroughly revised and expanded third edition of the highly praised classic, The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics, a panel of hands-on experts update their descriptions of the basic concepts and interpretations involved in chromosome analysis to include the many advances that have occurred in the field. Among the highlights are a full chapter devoted to advances in chromosome microarray, soon to become a standard of care in this field, as well as an update on chromosome nomenclature as reflected in ISCN 2009. Other features include an update on automation to reflect the current state of the art, an update on hematopoietic neoplasms to reflect the new WHO guidelines, and updates on all regulatory changes that have been implemented.
Gershman: Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
By George Gershman
2012 (2nd ed), 254 pages, $125 list
This practical step-by-step guide to performing GI endoscopy safely and effectively in children covers the use of endoscopy as both a diagnostic and a therapeutic modality. Now with an entirely new section focusing on advanced endoscopic techniques, such as such as pancreatic cysto-gastrostomy, confocal endo microscopy, and single balloon enteroscopy, the new edition gives trainees and practitioners access to the most recent, as well as the most dependable, information.
Gershwin: Contemporary Challenges in Autoimmunity
By M. Eric Gershwin
2009 (1st ed), 400 pages, $165 list
This volume features key presentations from the 6th International Congress of Autoimmunity. The International Congress of Autoimmunity has become established as one of the major meetings in the field of immunology, with presentations covering every aspect of basic research in the hopes of clarifying pathogenesis of autoimmune disease as well as providing information on the latest innovations in biological and other modes of treatment. The goal of this volume is to present cutting edge research that focuses in particular on newer diagnostic tools and newer therapies for human autoimmune disease.
Gerszten: Atlas of Paleopathology: Autopsies in South American Mummies
By Enrique Gerszten
2012 (1st ed), 127 pages, $35 list
Atlas of Paleopathology: Autopsies in South American Mummies documents 40 years' experience in excavating and examining mummified remains in South America, initially under the auspices of the National Geographic Society and later through the Department of Pathology at the Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. The numerous images presented represent a multidisciplinary study comprising pathologists, anthropologists, and archaeologists investigating pre-Colombian civilizations from the regions that are today Peru and Chile.
Gessani: The Biology of Dendritic Cells and HIV Infection
By Sandra Gessani and Filippo Belardelli
2007 (1st ed), 550 pages, 64 illus, $139 list
Dendritic cells play the most vital part in inducing anti-viral immune responses in HIV and AIDS among many other viruses. Research on dendritic cells is emerging as a fundamental aspect for the comprehension of the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of viral diseases as well as for the progress on the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines.
Gibson: Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Disorders
By Gary Gibson
2008 (1st ed), 400 pages, $130 list
Our understanding of how mitochondria functionally interact with other cellular organelles and the process of transcription, and how mitochondria detect oxidative modification of macromolecules has improved significantly in the past decade. Importantly, the roles of mitochondria and oxidative stress are also better defined in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders. This volume combines basic, clinical, and translational research in a forum designed to provide the most current information on aspects of mitochondrial function and its relationship to age-related neurodegenerative diseases and their treatment.
Gilbert-Barness: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology
By Enid Gilbert-Barness, Diane Spencer and Thora Steffensen
2013 (2nd edition), 749 pages, 658 illus $229 list
Pathologists have long recognized that pediatric autopsy requires great care in technique and dissection to ensure that easily overlooked malformations are recognized and accurate diagnoses are made. The highly experienced authors have created a new edition of Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, a comprehensive reference guide to the actual performance of the pediatric autopsy and the optimal recognition and interpretation of pathologic findings. The Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology, Second Edition covers the spectrum of pediatric pathology with particular reference to those conditions that can be identified at autopsy.
Gilbert-Barness: Handbook of Pediatric Autopsy Pathology
By Enid Gilbert-Barness
2010 (1st ed), 546 pages, $259 list
A comprehensive reference guide to the successful performance of pediatric autopsies and to the optimal recognition and interpretation of their pathologic findings. The authors cover such major developmental disorders as hydrops, chromosomal defects, and congenital abnormalities, metabolic disorders, and review the major organ systems. Additional chapters address sudden infant death, cytogenetics, the medical and forensic autopsy, special procedures, cultures and infection control, and biological hazards at the autopsy. Numerous standard reference tables, copious illustrations and drawings, and an appendix at the end of each chapter provide a wealth of practical information and bibliographic citations.
Gill: Cytopreparation
By Gary Gill
2012 (1st ed), 467 pages, 131 illus, $80 list
Cytopreparation: Principles & Practice by Gary W. Gill fills a long-standing need for an easy-to-use and authoritative manual on the fundamentals of cytopreparation up-to-and- including microscopy, screening, and data analysis. The text describes in phenomenological terms the most common materials and methods of specimen collection through mounting for gyn, non-gyn, and FNA specimens, as well as the underlying mechanistic bases. The author provides his expertise and information that will empower and enable readers to review and improve their laboratories' cytopreparatory techniques as they apply to the vast majority of specimens. This unique volume provides facts that are not readily available anywhere. Cytopreparation: Principles & Practice is intended for everyone associated with, and involved in, making cytologic preparations that are useful for their intended purpose. It will serve as a valuable reference tool for educators in cytology and histology, cytotechnology and histotechnology students, cytotechnologists, cytopreparatory technicians, cytopathologists, anatomical/clinical pathologists, pathology residents and cytopathology fellows.
Gilles: The Developing Human Brain: Growth and Adversities
By Floyd Harry Gilles
2012 (1st ed), 416 pages, 200 illus, $171 list
This book is about human brain development, focusing on the last half of gestation and the neonatal and infant periods. Section 1 covers typical development, including growth in brain weight, ventricular surfaces, gyral development, myelinated tract development, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and angiogenesis, all serving as reference points for section 2, which deals with common acquired brain abnormalities, some of which are often underemphasized or overlooked. The topics in section 2 include retrocerebellar cysts, abnormal events in fetal brain, white-matter abnormalities, lesions of gray and white matter, hemorrhage, ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus, late expressions of fetal brain disease, and reactions of the developing brain to chronic disease. Between sections 1 and 2 is a chapter on embryonic and fetal physiologic reactions to external stimuli. Where appropriate, the authors have combined pathologic with neuroimaging examples to help the reader better understand the neuroimages that they encounter.
Gillespie: Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology
By Stephen H Gillespie and Peter M Hawkey
2006 (2nd ed), 620 pages, $385 list
Since the publication of the last edition, our understanding of bacterial genetics and pathogenicity has been transformed due to the availability of whole genome sequences and new technologies such as proteomics and transcriptomics. The present, completely revised second edition of this greatly valued work has been developed to integrate this new knowledge in a clinically relevant manner.
Gilroy: Atlas of Anatomy
By Anne Gilroy
2012 (2nd ed), 704 pages, 2400 illus, $80 list
Atlas of Anatomy, Second Edition, is the essential resource for anyone studying gross anatomy. Packed with over 2,400 full-color illustrations, this atlas guides you step-by-step through each region of the body, helping you master the details of anatomy.
Giordano: Molecular Pathology of Gynecologic Cancer
By Antonio Giordano, Alessandro Bovicelli and Robert J Kurman
2007 (1st ed), 313 pages, 41 illus, $175 list
Molecular Pathology of Gynecologic Cancer presents a focused educational experience featuring various perspectives and expertise in the emerging are of molecular biology with correlation of morphology in gynecologic cancer.
Girardi: Burghardt's Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
By Frank Girardi, Olaf Reich and Karl Tamussino
2015, 240 pages, 400+ illus, $136 list
Fully revised and updated, Burghardt's landmark text on colposcopy and cervical pathology once again sets a new standard in the field. It offers specialists complete instruction in colposcopic procedures, as well as the histopathologic background needed to reach an accurate diagnosis. From equipment and techniques, to detection of normal and abnormal findings, to differential diagnosis and therapeutic guidelines, this book is unrivalled in the literature.
Gloster: Complications in Cutaneous Surgery
By Hugh Gloster
2008 (1st ed), 246 pages, 235 illus, $149 list
In the practice of medicine, we often learn more from our complications than our triumphs. The authors of each chapter of Complications in Cutaneous Surgery were recruited to contribute based on their experience and respective areas of expertise. As of this writing, no other book specifically addresses complications in cutaneous surgery. The goal of this volume is to provide a comprehensive text that will enable the practicing physician to formulate a preoperative strategy to not only prevent complications before they occur but also to properly diagnose and manage complications when they arise, allowing the physician to provide optimal care to the patient.
Gnepp: Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck
By Douglas Gnepp
2009 (2nd ed), 1224 pages, 1275 illus, $349 list
This resource is the authoritative guide to problematic areas of the head and neck for the surgical pathologist. With particular emphasis placed on diagnostic problems and differential diagnosis in addition to coverage of more common diagnostically straightforward lesions, you'll get the most complete diagnostic picture possible.
Goebel: Muscle Disease: Pathology and Genetics
By Hans Goebel
2013 (2nd ed), 432 pages, $310 list
This book clarifies the pathology and genetics of muscle disease for pathologists, clinicians, geneticists and researchers to aid in the diagnosis and management of patients. Organized around the 'motor unit' concept, this book presents the latest understanding of muscle disease, and how this can help identify new treatments.
Goering: Mims' Medical Microbiology
By Richard Goering
2012 (5th ed), 624 pages, 500 illus, $80 list
Mims' Microbiology makes it easy for you to learn the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know for your courses and USMLE. Using a clinically relevant, systems-based approach, this popular medical textbook accessibly explains the microbiology of the agents that cause diseases and the diseases that affect individual organ systems. With lavish illustrations and straightforward, accessible explanations, Mims' Microbiology makes this complex subject simple to understand and remember.
Gokden: Neuropathologic Evaluation
By Murat Gokden
2012 (1st ed), 544 pages, 610 illus, $249 list
Thorough evaluation of patient complaints, accurate interpretation of clinical signs, and assessment of gross and microscopic features are the keys to accurate neuropathologic diagnosis. With this quick reference, readers will sharpen their analytical skills and enhance their interpretive abilities using an accessible and reader-friendly format that takes you from initial findings to differential diagnosis. The book's broad-based coverage addresses the entire neuropathology areas, including skeletal muscle and nerve pathology, non-neoplastic neuropathology and pediatric neuropathology. An easy-to-follow format groups disease processes by common pathologic features, and an encyclopedic narrative style makes quick-referencing easy.
Goldberg: Disorders of Fat and Cellulite: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
By David Goldberg
2010 (1st ed), 216 pages, $250 list
Disorders of Fat and Cellulite: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment incorporates the current knowledge of the physiology of fat with the numerous treatment modalities available today. This unique and illustrated source is an important review and reference source for any practitioner dealing with the cosmetic treatment of adipose tissue and cellulite.Fat disorders - particularly of cellulite and of lipodystrophy - are of great interest to all involved in cosmetic dermatology worldwide. Providing an overview of the current state of knowledge of the pathophysiology involved, this text explores the most up-to-date approaches to treatment, including medical, surgical, and cosmetic options.
Goldberg: Facial Resurfacing
By David Goldberg
2010 (1st ed), 168 pages, $150 list
This book examines the full range of available modalities to help the cosmetic dermatologist recommend the best approach for each patient. Topics include clinical indications, advantages, and disadvantages.
Goldberg: Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series: Lasers and Lights
By David Goldberg
2008 (2nd ed), 168 pages, 700 illus, $189 list
This newly revised title helps you incorporate the very latest in Lasers and Lights into your busy practice. Succinctly written and lavishly illustrated, this book focus on procedural how-to's and offer step-by-step advice on proper techniques, pitfalls, and tricks of the trade - so you can refine and hone your skills...and expand your repertoire. It includes a new and improved DVD with videos of new techniques and key procedures.
Goldberg: The Dental Pulp: Biology, Pathology, and Regenerative Therapies
By Michael Goldberg
2014, 282 pages, 114 illus, $136 list
This book provides a detailed update on our knowledge of dental pulp and regenerative approaches to therapy. It is divided into three parts. The pulp components are first described, covering pulp cells, extracellular matrix, vascularization and innervation as well as pulp development and aging. The second part is devoted to pulp pathology and includes descriptions of the differences between reactionary and reparative dentin, the genetic alterations leading to dentinogenesis imperfecta and dentin dysplasia, the pulp reaction to dental materials, adverse impacts of bisphenol A and the effects of fluorosis, dioxin and other toxic agents. The final part of the book focuses on pulp repair and regeneration.
Goldblum: Enzinger and Weiss's Soft Tissue Tumors
By John Goldblumb, Sharon W. Weiss and Andrew L. Folpe
2013 (6th ed), 1176 pages, 2000 illus, $399 list
Enzinger and Weiss's Soft Tissue Tumors is your essential medical reference on the diagnosis of tumors of the skeletal muscles, connective tissue, fat, and related structures. No other source matches Enzinger and Weiss's scope and depth of coverage in this complex and challenging area of surgical pathology, and no other text contains as much practical information on differential diagnosis. Microscopic findings are correlated with the latest developments in molecular biology, cytogenetics, and immunohistochemistry, providing you with a comprehensive and integrated approach to the evaluation of soft tissue specimens.
Golden: Developmental Neuropathology
By Jeffrey Golden and Brian Harding
2006 (1st ed), 388 pages, 575 illus, $95 list
Presents for the first time a dual approach to the wide range of disorders which affect the developing brain of pre-natal and post-natal life, stressing the genetic and molecular mechanisms, and recognizing that the neuropathologist and pediatric pathologist need cogent and logical guidance when tackling the extraordinary range of pathologic change which afflicts the developing CNS.
Goldman: Cecil Medicine
By Lee Goldman
2008 (23rd ed), 3120 pages, 1600 illus, $149 list
The 23rd Edition is quite simply the fastest and best place to find all of the clinical answers you need! Both inside the remarkably user-friendly printed version of this Expert Consult title and on its fully searchable web site, you'll find definitive, unbiased, evidence-based guidance on the evaluation and management of every medical condition - from a veritable "who's who" of preeminent leaders in the field.
Goldman: Cellulite: Pathophysiology and Treatment
By Mitchel Goldman
2009 (2nd ed), 352 pages, $300 list
Although there are no permanent solutions for cellulite, dermatologists recognize that this is an issue of importance for many women. This guide reviews current research on the pathophysiology and treatment of cellulite, as well as the many recent developments in medical therapy, liposculpture, and pharmacy to combat the appearance of cellulite in the female figure.
Goldman: Sclerotherapy
By Mitchel Goldman
2011 (5th ed), 416 pages, $269 list
This book equips you to implement the latest cosmetic procedures for the treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins. Completely revised with contributions from U.S.-based and international authorities, this classic reference is packed with everything you need to know about sclerotherapy, and provides extensive discussions of the latest techniques, solutions, and possible complications. Case studies, detailed color illustrations, and procedural videos on DVD-ROM offer practical, step-by-step visual guidance as well as expert hints and tips for implementing the latest cosmetic procedures into your practice including foam sclerotherapy, endovenous radiofrequency (RF) and laser closure, ambulatory phlebectomy and laser treatment of spider telangiectasia.
Goljan: Rapid Review Pathology
By Edward Goljan
2013 (4th ed), 784 pages, $50 list
Get the most from your study time...and experience a realistic USMLE simulation! Rapid Review Pathology, by Edward F. Goljan, MD, makes it easy for you to master all of the pathology material covered on the USMLE Step 1. It combines an updated outline-format review of key concepts and hundreds of full-color images and margin notes, PLUS more than 400 USMLE-style online questions! Get all the practice you need to succeed on the USMLE!
Gonzalez: Reflectance Confocal Microscopy of Cutaneous Tumors
By Salvador Gonzalez
2008 (1st ed), 292 pages, $210 list
With 1.4 million cases of skin cancer reported in the USA each year there is increasing emphasis on early and accurate diagnosis. In Vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy is the latest technology being developed to meet these needs: it allows optical sectioning of an area of skin without the need for physical sectioning and could thus be ideal for dermatologists wishing to examine detailed features of a skin lesion without troubling the patient for a biopsy specimen. It has further potential also, for dermatopathologists needing to determine the best location for a section and for dermatological surgeons needing to determine the margins of a lesion to be excised. This comprehensive full-colour atlas - the first available - sets out the potential of the technology and its possible applications for the clinical practitioners involved in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers.
Goodheart: Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management
By Herbert Goodheart
2008 (3rd ed), 576 pages, 900 illus, $92 list
The first prize winner in dermatology in the 2004 British Medical Association Book Competition, Goodheart's Photoguide of Common Skin Disorders is now in its newly revised Third Edition. This easy-to-use reference helps practitioners quickly diagnose common skin disorders and determine appropriate treatment options. More than 900 full-color photographs - enlarged for greater clarity in this edition - speed diagnosis by showing the distinguishing characteristics of each disorder and providing clear comparisons between similar looking conditions. The book also includes formulary tables of leading topical and systemic agents by generic and brand name; patient handouts in English and Spanish; and step-by-step descriptions of basic dermatologic procedures.
Goodman: Medical Writing: A Prescription for Clarity
By Neville Goodman, Martin Edwards, Andy Black
2014 (1st ed), 356 pages, $60 list
Effective communication is the ultimate, but often daunting, purpose of any medical research or review. This book provides the practical information necessary to turn first drafts into concise, unambiguous text, without loss of individuality. Written by a consultant anaesthetist and two experienced medical editors, all sympathetic to the problems and needs of medical writers, the book deals with the basic craft of writing, from choosing the best word or phrase to essential grammar. This expanded fourth edition includes many more words better replaced, and deals explicitly with the problems of writers whose first language is not English. Whether you are writing a simple clinical report or a thesis, supervising others, running a course on medical or scientific writing, or just want to develop your skills in written communication, this book is the ideal guide and reference. Clear, simple and precise, and illustrated with apt cartoons, this is an invaluable handbook.
Goodman: Tick-borne Diseases Of Humans
By Jesse Goodman
2005 (1st ed), 401 pages, $120 list
"Tick-Borne Diseases of Humans" provides physicians and scientists with up-to-date and comprehensive information on the biology, ecology, and clinical aspects of these diseases. It will familiarize clinicians with the various disease syndromes and diagnoses, even for those diseases that commonly occur outside of their sphere of experience. A ready resource, this book covers key information that will be highly useful to students and professionals in the fields of human and veterinary medicine, public health, medical entomology, acarology, and ecology.
Gopinath: Atlas of Toxicological Pathology
By Chirukandath Gopinath and Vasanthi Mowat
2014 (1st ed), 391 pages, 700 illus, $189 list
This atlas contains more than 700 illustrations that the authors have collected over the years as well as references and information pertaining to recently developed drug classes, including biologics. It is a useful bench reference for practicing pathologists and may also be used as a reference text by other experts from related fields. The atlas is organised into different chapters based on systemic pathology. Each chapter has illustrations with legends, and the atlas includes some rare examples of unique lesions found during toxicity studies over many years.
Gordetsky: Gordo's Guide to GU Pathology
By Jennifer Gordetsky, Hiroshi Miyamoto
2013 (1st ed), 242 pages, $60 list
This book is a concise, easy to read guide for the beginning student of GU surgical pathology. It is specifically designed as a study tool for urology and pathology residents; for their in-service exams during residency and, more importantly, for their written board exam upon completion of residency. This book takes a case-based approach to diagnosing the most common benign and malignant urologic pathology. It focuses on the fundamental clinical, pathologic, and radiographic features for diagnosis as well as a brief, bullet-point description of the appropriate clinical management and outcomes. This book is full of high quality gross, microscopic, and radiographic images to create the best resource for the beginning student of GU pathology.
Gordon: Neoplasms of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus
By Philip H Gordon and Santhat Nivatvongs
2007 (2nd ed), 416 pages, $200 list
This Second Edition analyzes the genetics, mechanisms, and development of colorectal carcinoma and supplies the latest research and recommendations on the detection, treatment, and prevention of malignancies of the colon, rectum, and anus.
Gosling: Dictionary of Parasitology
By Peter Gosling
2005 (1st ed), 408 pages, $190 list
The Dictionary of Parasitology reflects current practice in all aspects of parasitology and includes spellings, punctuation, abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, nomenclature, prefixes, and suffixes. It covers the field of modern parasitology with concise, clear, and authoritative precision. The dictionary assigns entries of parasites to the primary divisions of parasitology: human, veterinary, plant, insect, or fish; although in many instances the area of interest may be wide-ranging.
Graham: Introduction to Neuropathology
By David I Graham, J A R Nicoll and Ian Bone
2007 (3rd ed), 464 pages, $175 list
Introduction to Neuropathology 3E remains an introductory text, but more clinical material has been introduced to make it relevant to neurologists and some psychiatrists, as well as pathologists.
Graham-Brown: Dermatology: Fundamentals of Practice
By Robin Graham-Brown
2008 (1st ed), 328 pages, 1100 illus, $83 list
DERMATOLOGY: FUNDAMENTALS OF PRACTICE helps with the diagnosis of skin symptoms using history, examination, incremental investigations and referral. Side effects of common medicines, treatments, and the social and psychological impact of skin problems are covered. The book also gives advice regarding the successful co-ordination of care with other primary care health professionals, dermatologists and other appropriate specialists, promotes patients' skin well-being, and helps physicians empower patients to look after their own health and manage the effects of their conditions.
Graham-Brown: Lecture Notes: Dermatology
By Robin Graham-Brown
2011 (10th ed), 232 pages, $36 list
Presented in a user-friendly format, combining readability with high quality illustrations, this tenth edition has been revised to reflect recent advances in knowledge of skin diseases and developments in therapy, and features a brand new chapter on Dermatological Emergencies.
Grandi: In Vitro Transcription and Translation Protocols
By Guido Grandi
2007 (2nd ed), 228 pages, $100 list
Provides molecular biology laboratories with the most powerful techniques for exploiting in vitro transcription and translation systems.
Gray: Escourolle & Poirier's Manual of Basic Neuropathology
By Francoise Gray, Charles Duyckaerts and Umberto De Girolami
2013, 424 pages, 700+ illus, $94 list
Now in its 5th edition, Escourolle & Poirier Manual of Basic Neuropathology continues the tradition of being one of the most respected texts in neuropathology by providing an introduction to the various diseases of the nervous system and their underlying pathology. This thorough, yet concise manual covers the full spectrum of the various categories of neurologic disease, including neoplasia, trauma, vascular disease, and infection, with separate chapters on prion diseases, multiple sclerosis, degenerative disorders, acquired metabolic diseases, hereditary metabolic diseases, congenital malformations, perinatal diseases, skeletal muscle, peripheral nerve, and the pituitary gland.
Greenson: Diagnostic Pathology: Gastrointestinal
By Joel Greenson, M.D.
2015 (2nd ed.), 800 pages, 2,500+ illus, $230 list (Els.)
Part of the highly regarded Diagnostic Pathology series, this updated volume by Joel K. Greenson, MD, is a visually stunning, easy-to-use reference covering all aspects of gastrointestinal pathology. Outstanding images - including gross pathology, a wide range of pathology stains, and detailed medical illustrations - make this an invaluable diagnostic aid for every practicing pathologist, resident, or fellow.
Greenspan: Radiology and Pathology Correlation of Bone Tumors
By Adam Greenspan, M.D. and Dariusz Borys, M.D.
2015, 456 pages, $172 list (LWW)
Confidently diagnose challenging musculoskeletal lesions with expert guidance. Radiology and Pathology Correlation of Bone Tumors: A Quick Reference and Review is a practical, hands-on clinical reference that helps you evaluate all of the diagnostic clues at your disposal to accurately identify the most frequently encountered benign and malignant bone tumors. Co-written by a radiologist and a pathologist, it shows you how to correlate radiography, scintigraphy, CT, MRI, PET, and PET-CT with gross pathology, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and genetics to achieve maximum diagnostic certainty. This compact, high-yield resource is an ideal tool for quick look-ups in everyday practice as well as board review.
Gross: Mohs Surgery and Histopathology
By Ken Gross and Howard Steinman
2009 (1st ed), 196 pages, 426 illus, $165 list
Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment for certain cutaneous and oral pharyngeal cancers. The procedure allows for the precise and complete removal of cancers while preserving significant amounts of normal tissue. Through the presentation and orientation of the specimens' complete surgical margin on pathology slides, the location of tumor foci and other relevant findings can be correlated with their locations on the surgical wound. The ability to create perfect slides for histological examination lies at the core of effective Mohs surgery. These procedures have a 99 percent cure rate for certain cancers when implemented correctly. This book describes the methods the dermatologist, pathologist, or technician can use to optimize the Mohs technique and produce the highest-quality slides and highest cure rates possible.
Guerrant: Tropical Infectious Diseases: Principles, Pathogens and Practice
By Richard Guerrant
2011 (3rd ed), 1156 pages, $313 list
Tropical Infectious Diseases: Principles, Pathogens and Practice, by Drs. Richard L. Guerrant, David H. Walker, and Peter F. Weller, delivers the expert, encyclopedic guidance you need to overcome the toughest clinical challenges in diagnosing and treating diseases caused by infectious agents from tropical regions. Sweeping updates to this 3rd edition include vaccines, SARS, hepatitis A-E, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, tick-borne encephalitis and Omsk hemorrhagic fever, human papilloma virus, and mucormycosis. New full-color images throughout allow you to more accurately view the clinical manifestations of each disease and better visualize the life cycles of infectious agents. And, full-text online access at enables you to perform quick searches and rapidly locate and download images. Definitive, state-of-the-art coverage of pathophysiology as well as clinical management makes this the reference you'll want to consult - online and in print - whenever you are confronted with tropical infections, whether familiar or unfamiliar!.
Gulati: Blood Cells An Atlas of Morphology with Clinical Relevance
By Gene Gulati and Jaime Caro
2007 (1st ed), 236 pages, 1170 illus, $140 list
Dr Gene L. Gulati, world-renowned educator and frequent contributor to Laboratory Medicine and other prestigious scientific journals, along with his colleague Dr. Jaime Caro, have brought together a comprehensive and completely practical color atlas of the characteristics and clinical relevance of individual normal and abnormal cells, and the morphologic findings associated with various clinical conditions. Hundreds of microphotographs and concise, clear definitions are included to aid in the differentiation of blood smears so critical in clarifying or establishing diagnoses in the clinical laboratory. You're sure to benefit from the unique perspectives and combined expertise of a clinical laboratory hematologist and a clinical hematologist. Succinct descriptions are provided for nearly all blood smear findings that a hematology practitioner may encounter in daily practice. In fact, the comprehensive collection of high- quality microphotographs reproduced in this outstanding atlas are actually those encountered by the authors in their lifeime of daily practice in hematology.
Gulati: Case Studies in Hematology and Coagulation
By Gene Gulati, Joanne Filicho-O'Hara, John Krause
2012 (1st ed), 400 pages, 586 illus, $179 list
This compendium of 173 case studies is the result of a unique collaboration of leading hematologists, hematopathologists, and oncologists. It will serve as both a case-based guide to the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from hematologic conditions and a valuable teaching tool. The editors have compiled an invaluable collection of cases covering common and rare entities-from anemias and acute leukemias to plasma cell, platelet and coagulation disorders. Cases are presented in an easy-to-follow format, grouped by related conditions. The final two sections present an additional 27 self-study challenge cases that include answers (with images) provided by the authors of each case.
Gunn: Parasitology: An Integrated Approach
By Alan Gunn
2012 (1st ed), 456 pages, $85 list
Parasitology: An Integrated Approach, provides a concise, student-friendly account of parasites and parasite relationships that is supported by case studies and suggestions for student projects. The book focuses strongly on parasite interactions with other pathogens and in particular parasite-HIV interactions, as well as looking at how host behaviour contributes to the spread of infections. There is a consideration of the positive aspects of parasite infections, how humans have used parasites for their own advantage and also how parasite infections affect the welfare of captive and domestic animals. The emphasis of Parasitology is on recent research throughout and each chapter ends with a brief discussion of future developments. This text is not simply an updated version of typical parastitology books but takes an integrated approach and explains how the study of parasites requires an understanding of a wide range of other topics from molecular biology and immunology to the interactions of parasites with both their hosts and other pathogens.
Gupta: Grossing Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
By Manu Gupta
2012, 68 pages, 39 illus, $64 list
Gross pathology refers to the macroscopic manifestations of disease in organs, tissues, and body cavities. Grossing is a very important step in surgical pathology and inadequate sampling of the gross specimen can lead to misinterpretation of the slides. For oral and maxillofacial specimens, a careful gross examination and description are infinitely superior to the examination of a random microscopic section. This book provides a highly visual step by step guide to grossing procedure like inital handling of the specimen, from where to take sections, how to do reporting etc. Contains high quality photographs, illustrations and tables that will help readers to understand the topic easily. Although the book is an introductory text but it lays a solid foundation for post graduate students and prepare them for future.
Gupta : Microskin Grafting for Vitiligo
By Devendra Gupta
2009 (1st ed), 135 pages, 300 illus, $149 list
This book aims to provide information on the application of microskin grafting to repigmentation of vitiligo, effectively economising the procedure and offering a quick surgical practice. The procedure will be illustrated in an extensive selection of images to offer the physician a thorough education in the technique so they may carry out the process safely, efficiently and with confidence. This atlas will focus on the surgical procedure, but special attention will also be given to regional anesthesia techniques which will also work as postoperative analgesia for the donor site discomfort and burning.
Guyuron: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Video Atlas
By Bahman Guyuron
2011 (1st ed), 344 pages, $179 list
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Video Atlas - edited by Dr. Bahman Guyuron et al. - brings you the detailed visual guidance and unmatched expertise you need to master the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures and achieve breathtaking results. Full-color photographs and narrated procedural videos lead you step-by-step through techniques such as breast augmentation, non-surgical facial rejuvenation with fillers, periorbital rejuvenation, primary rhinoplasty, and more. Tips and tricks from a veritable "who's who" in plastic surgery equip you to successfully deliver the results your patients expect. At you can reference the complete text, download the images, and watch the videos anytime, anywhere from any computer.



Haber: Color Atlas of the Urinary Sediment: An Illustrated Field Guide Based on Proficiency Testing
By Meryl Haber
2010 (1st ed), pages unlisted, $175 list
Color Atlas of the Urinary Sediment presents a new approach to urine sediment evaluation. Following the format of the previous CAP color atlases, the text includes photomicrographs of the urinary sediment, a discussion of the pertinent morphologic features of each element, and the results of the identification of the particular element by both referees and participants in the CAP proficiency testing program. Additional images not used in CAP Surveys are also included for completeness. Readers will find this atlas a useful adjunct to urine sediment analysis and a valuable reference for the laboratory.
Habif: Skin Disease
By Thomas Habif
2011 (3rd ed), 672 pages, $70 list
Skin Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Thomas P. Habif, James L. Campbell, Jr., M. Shane Chapman, James G. H. Dinulos, and Kathryn A. Zug, is the quick and practical clinical reference you need to help you effectively diagnose and treat 250 common dermatologic diseases. You'll find succinct, user-friendly chapters arranged by disorder type, updated treatment plans, and hundreds of new images showing diseases in various stages of manifestation, including detailed information and illustrations on tropical dermatology. Perfect for any medical practitioner who?d rather treat than refer patients with skin disease, this full-color resource will also serve you well when prepping for the boards.
Haddad: Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Cancer
By Robert Haddad
2010 (1st ed), 208 pages, $85 list
Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Cancer is a comprehensive textbook looking at different aspects of head and neck cancer, including the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for patients with this disease. The chapters written by world-renowned experts cover the entire discipline of head and neck oncology and include discussion of the role of HPV infections, advances in radiotherapy, new surgical techniques, novel agents in thyroid therapy and more. The book is designed to be both practical and comprehensive for the physicians treating this complex disease.
Hall: How to Write a Paper
By George M Hall
2003 (3rd ed), 184 pages, $30 list
A well written, concise text giving clear guidance on how to write all the types of scientific material: the various sections of a scientific paper, case reports, reviews, abstracts letters. It also gives some insight into the world of scientific publishing, outlining the roles of publishers, manuscript assessors, and electronic publishing.
Hall: Skin Infections: Diagnosis and Treatment
By Brian Hall
2009 (1st ed), 360 pages, $99 list
This is the first textbook linking the two disciplines of dermatology and infectious diseases. As the number of elderly, AIDS, transplant, and cancer surviving patients continues to rapidly increase worldwide, all medical personnel need to be able to rapidly recognize and treat infections. The skin is the most easily accessed and monitored of all organs and is often the first sign of infection. Knowledge of the integument's link to infection is a must for the modern medical nurse, nurse practitioner, medical student, resident, and practitioner. To accomplish these goals, the text features authors from around the world who are considered experts in their various fields of expertise. The book is organized into types of infections, locations in the integument, and specific subpopulations of patients at risk and regional variations of infections.
Hameed: Frozen Section Library: Bone
By Omar Hameed, Shi Wei, Gene P. Siegal
2011 (1st ed), 146 pages, $169 list
Frozen sections are performed while a patient is undergoing surgery as a basis for making an immediate diagnosis that will impact treatment decisions. Frozen section diagnosis is often a highly demanding situation for the pathologist who must render a diagnosis quickly for the patient and surgeon. The Frozen Section Library series will provide concise, user-friendly, site specific handbooks that are well illustrated and highlight the pitfalls, artifacts and differential diagnosis issues that arise in the hurried frozen section scenario.
Hammond: Handbook for Clinical Research: Design, Statistics, and Implementation
By Flora Hammond, James Malec, Todd Nick, and Ralph Buschbacher
2014, 352 pages, $73 list
With over 80 information-packed chapters, Handbook for Clinical Research delivers the practical insights and expert tips necessary for successful research design, analysis, and implementation. Using clear language and an accessible bullet point format, the authors present the knowledge and expertise developed over time and traditionally shared from mentor to mentee and colleague to colleague. Organized for quick access to key topics and replete with practical examples, the book describes a variety of research designs and statistical methods and explains how to choose the best design for a particular project.
Hannon-Fletcher: Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology
By Mary Hannon-Fletcher, Perry Maxwell
2009, 214 pages, $98 list
Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology introduces students and professionals to these concepts and the key technologies that are influencing clinical practice today. Each chapter is carefully structured to introduce the very latest techniques and describe their clinical purpose, principle, method and application in cellular pathology. The advantages of various methods for preparing, observing and demonstrating cells and tissues employed to assist in diagnosis are explored, in addition to the use of quantitative methods in the detection and diagnosis of disease. Supplementary web-based material including annotated virtual microscope slides is available with the book.
Hansel: The Urinary Tract
By Donna E. Hansel, Jesse K. McKenney, Andrew J. Stephenson, Sam S. Chang
2012 (1st ed), 354 pages, 182 illus, $239 list
Providing a true integration of pathology with clinical management, this volume presents a practical, comprehensive text on benign and malignant disease of the adult bladder. Integrating pathology, surgical management, oncology and molecular study in a site-specific manner to include the urethra, urinary bladder, ureter and renal pelvis, The Urinary Tract: A Comprehensive Guide to Patient Diagnosis and Management is the first text in adult bladder disease to closely interweave multiple clinical disciplines into each chapter. For the majority of chapters, a pathologist and urologist or urologic oncologist are paired to provide the greatest integration of information for each disease process.
Hanzlick: Cause of Death and the Death Certificate
By Randy Hanzlick
2006 (1st ed), 244 pages, $40 list
Cause of Death and the Death Certificate is intended for any person who must prepare, review, or interpret cause-of-death statements appearing on death certificates or other medical documents, such as autopsy reports. It is a comprehensive manual derived mainly from previous publications from the College of American Pathologists, including The Medical Cause of Death Manual (1994) and Cause of Death Statements and Certification of Natural and Unnatural Deaths: Protocol and Options (1997). This book contains updated information and has been broadened in content to provide information not only useful to physicians, medical examiners, and coroners, but to the public as well.
Harahap: Anasthesia and Analgesia in Dermatologic Surgery
By Marwali Harahap
2008 (1st ed), 232 pages, 100 illus, $200 list
With malpractice insurance premiums on the rise, and insurance rates for the practicing anesthesiologist at an all time high, it is important, now more than ever, to have a single source reference related to both anesthesia and analgesia and how they both relate to dermatologic surgery. This book provides comprehensive coverage on the therapeutic usage of anesthesia and analgesia during dermatologic surgical procedures, providing basic concepts, as well as step-by-step descriptions of the various techniques involved.
Harbers: Tag-based Next Generation Sequencing
By Matthias Harbers, Guenter Kahl
2012 (1st ed), 608 pages, $176 list
Tag-based approaches were originally designed to increase the throughput of capillary sequencing, where concatemers of short sequences were first used in expression profiling. New Next Generation Sequencing methods largely extended the use of tag-based approaches as the tag lengths perfectly match with the short read length of highly parallel sequencing reactions. Tag-based approaches will maintain their important role in life and biomedical science, because longer read lengths are often not required to obtain meaningful data for many applications. Whereas genome re-sequencing and de novo sequencing will benefit from ever more powerful sequencing methods, analytical applications can be performed by tag-based approaches, where the focus shifts from 'sequencing power' to better means of data analysis and visualization for common users. Today Next Generation Sequence data require powerful bioinformatics expertise that has to be converted into easy-to-use data analysis tools. The book's intention is to give an overview on recently developed tag-based approaches along with means of their data analysis together with introductions to Next-Generation Sequencing Methods, protocols and user guides to be an entry for scientists to tag-based approaches for Next Generation Sequencing.
Harisinghani: Atlas of Lymph Node Anatomy
By Mukesh Harisinghani
2013 (1st ed), 300 pages, 191 illus, $99 list
Detailed anatomic drawings and state-of-the-art radiologic images combine to produce this essential Atlas of Lymph Node Anatomy. Utilizing the most recent advances in medical imaging, this book illustrates the nodal drainage stations in the head and neck, chest, and abdomen and pelvis. Also featured are clinical cases depicting drainage pathways for common malignancies. 2-D and 3-D maps offer color-coordinated representations of the lymph nodes in correlation with the anatomic illustrations. This simple, straightforward approach makes this book a perfect daily resource for a wide spectrum of specialties and physicians at all levels who are looking to gain a better understanding of lymph node anatomy and drainage.
Harmening: Laboratory Management: Principles and Processes
By Denise Harmening
2012 (3rd ed), 544 pages, $60 list
Redefining the standard for laboratory management, Denise Harmening, along with 31 contributors, provides insight and guidance into the principles of laboratory operations. Key features include chapter outlines, educational objectives, opening case studies, study guide questions, key terms, summary charts, and problem-based learning activities. Twenty chapters are divided into five major areas: Principles of Laboratory Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Operations, and Strategies for Career Success.
Harmening: Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices
By Denise Harmening
2012, 608 pages, $77 list
Thoroughly revised and updated, the 6th Edition of this popular text continues to set the standard for developing a comprehensive understanding of modern routine blood banking and transfusion practices. Building from a review of the basic sciences to the how and why of clinical practice, this text is the ideal guide to immunohematology and transfusion practices.
Harr: Medical Laboratory Science Review
By Robert Harr
2012 (4th ed), 608 pages, $58 list
The perfect review for both MLT and MLS guaranteed or your money back!*Practice, practice, and more practice!Use this comprehensive, multimedia resource to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge you need to be prepared for classroom tests
Harris: Diseases of the Breast
By Jay Harris
2009 (4th ed), 1200 pages, 352 illus, $299 list
Completely revised and updated, and now in full color throughout, the Fourth Edition of this definitive reference is a must for all clinicians who treat breast diseases. Leading experts summarize the current knowledge of breast diseases, including their clinical features, management, underlying biologies, and epidemiologies. In addition to complete coverage of malignant breast diseases, benign diseases are discussed in relation to subsequent breast cancer development. The book reviews all major clinical trials and summarizes the information they provide on early detection and management of breast cancer. Close attention is also given to the increasing importance of molecular biology and genetics in this field. This edition features more than thirty new contributors, fourteen new or completely rewritten chapters, and more clinically oriented chapters. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.
Harris: Medical Statistics Made Easy
By H. Harris
2008 (1st ed), 136 pages, $27 list
Medical Statistics Made Easy 2nd edition continues to provide medical students and professionals with the easiest possible explanations of the key statistical techniques used throughout the medical literature. Featuring a new section on Bayesian statistics, and a comprehensive updating of the 'Statistics at work' section, this new edition retains a consistent, concise, and user-friendly format. Each technique is graded for ease of use and frequency of appearance in the mainstream medical journals.
Harris: Multiple Myeloma and Related Serum Protein Disorders
By Neil S. Harris and William E. Winter
2012 (1st ed), 224 pages, $90 list
Multiple Myeloma and Related Serum Protein Disorders is a practical guide to the clinical use of serum and urine electrophoresis and also includes coverage of immunofixation electrophoresis. These techniques are essential in the accurate identification of monoclonal gammopathies and the diagnosis of multiple myeloma and related disorders. Interpretation is often challenging even for the experienced practitioner.
Hart: Current Concepts in Gastrointestinal Pathology
By John Hart
2010 (1st ed), 240 pages, $57 list
Topics include: Sessile serrated polyps; New endoscopic techniques; Neuroendocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract; Upper GI tract involvement in inflammatory bowel disease; Molecular testing in colonic polyposis syndromes and neoplasms; Eosinophilic esophagitis; Drug induced injury of the GI tract; Gastrointestinal stromal tumors; Infectious diseases of the GI tract among others.
Harth: Clinical Management in Psychodermatology
By Wolfgang Harth
2008 (1st ed), 298 pages, 160 illus, $149 list
Psychocutaneous Medicine offers an overview of diseases in psychosomatic dermatology and creates a bridge between cutaneous and emotional disorders using extraordinary illustrations and clinical images of psychosomatic dermatology. It covers both common and rare diseases and helps doctors and psychologists recognize and deal with psychosocial features in dermatology and venerology. This superbly illustrated clinical atlas with concise text passages follows the American diagnosis classification DSM-V and current evidence-based guidelines. It allows rapid recognition of masked emotional disorders and thus administration of the most effective and efficient treatment as early as possible.
Haschek: Fundamentals of Toxicologic Pathology
By Wanda Hascheck
2009 (2nd ed), 700 pages, $225 list
Toxicologic pathology integrates toxicology and the disciplines within it (such as biochemistry, pharmacodynamics and risk assessment) to pathology and its related disciplines (such as physiology, microbiology, immunology, and molecular biology). Fundamentals of Toxicologic Pathology 2e updates the information presented in the first edition, including five entirely new chapters addressing basic concepts in toxicologic pathology, along with color photomicrographs that show examples of specific toxicant-induced diseases in animals. The current edition also includes comparative information that will prove a valuable resource to practicioners, including diagnostic pathologistis and toxicologists.
Hasleton: Spencer's Pathology of the Lung
By Philip Hasleton
2012 (1st ed), 1920 pages, 2111 illus, $420 list
Fully rewritten and updated, Spencer's Pathology of the Lung, 6th edition, follows in its predecessors' footsteps as the gold-standard textbook of pulmonary diseases. All recognized pulmonary diseases are discussed and illustrated with high-quality color images. Each chapter includes clear, practical concise diagnostic features, while rare entities are discussed in detail.
Hassell: Pathology Practice Management
By Lewis Hassell, Michael Talbert and Jane Pine Wood
2015, 314 pages, 4 illus, $129 list (Spr)
The authors discuss useful tools and tricks of the trade in pathology practice management. In-depth chapters on coding and billing by nationally known consultant Dennis Padget will prepare you to evaluate coding and billing practices. Noted law experts Jane Pine Wood and Amelia Larsen, attorneys at McDonald Hopkins, highlight key issues in employment, insurance, and hospital contracts and provide examples of how to deal with tricky issues. Sections on human resources and group dynamics take on the vexing issues that people bring to work. Finally, the authors identify current trends and reason how these might play out.
Hastings: Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
By Caroline Hastings
2012 (2nd ed), 390 pages, $66 list
This new edition of Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland features practical guidance on how to handle common inpatient and outpatient challenges seen in pediatric hematology and oncology. Designed as a rapid reference to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic protocols, the text is short and didactic and supplemented with practical algorithms and case studies throughout. Completely revised and updated, there are brand-new chapters on subjects including bone marrow transplantation, pain management and palliative care. Comprehensive, yet concise, the handbook presents essential guidelines on the diagnosis and management of the most common pediatric blood disorders and malignancies, in addition to chemotherapeutic drug information and transfusion protoco
Hausen: Infections Causing Human Cancer
By Harald zur Hausen
2010 (2nd ed), 531 pages, $100 list
In this book, Professor zur Hausen (Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2008) provides a thorough and comprehensive overview on carcinogenic infective agents -- viruses, bacteria, parasites and protozoons -- as well as their corresponding transforming capacities and mechanisms. The result is an invaluable and instructive reference for all oncologists, microbiologists and molecular biologists working in the area of infections and cancer.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 1
By M.A. Hayat
2011 (1st ed), 213 pages, 48 illus, $209 list
Difference between tissue specific stem cells and embryonic stem cells is explained. The advantages of the latter are included. The application of human pluripotent stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and hematopoietic stem cells in cancer therapy and tissue/organ regeneration is detailed. Role of neural cancer stem cells in brain tumors, including their role in brain tumor therapy and the role of CD133 stem cell antigen in glioma patients, is emphasized. Therapeutic role of bone marrow-derived stem cells in myocardial infarction and the role of mesenchymal stem cells in orthopedics are explained. Transplantation of umbilical cord hematopoietic stem cells and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation followed by graft-versus-host disease are presented. Role of cancer stem cells specifically in glioblastoma and medulloblastoma is included. It is also emphasized that CD133 is an appropriate stem cell marker for gliomas. Targeting of cancer cells is also explained.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 2
By M.A. Hayat
2011, 408 pages, $209 list
As in volume 1 of this series, this volume presents information on stem cells and cancer stem cells; Therapeutic Applications in disease and tissue/organ injury. Methodologies of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are major components of this volume. Specific stem cells discussed are: human embryonic stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, cord blood stem cells, human pluripotent stem cells, gliosarcoma stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, intestinal stem cells, human thyroid cancer stem cells, tumor stem cells, menstrual stem-like cells, neural stem cells, breast cancer stem cells, allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells, fetal membrane-derived mesemchynmal stem cells, and omental stem cells. The method for isolating bone marrow stromal cells is explained. Method for generating marmoset-induced pluripotent stem cells, using transcription factors, is also explained. Use of stem cell lines in therapeutic applications is discussed. Programming of stem cells is described. Methods for transplantation of stem cells are presented. Use of various types of stem cells for conditions such as stroke, ischemia, heart diseases, Alzhemier's disease, and neurogenerative diseases in general, is explained. For example, generation of human cardiac muscle cells from adipose-derived stem cells is included. Another example is repairing bone defects using mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchymal-derived endothelial cells. Differentiation of new neurons from neural stem cells is described. Method for repairing retina condition using human embryonic stem cells is explained; these cells can induce neural differentiation. Treatment of graft-versus-host disease resulting from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is elaborated.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 3
By M.A. Hayat
2011, 425 pages, $209 list
It is pointed out that cancer stem cell is a cell type within a tumor that possesses the capacity of cell-renewal and can give rise to the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor. It is emphasized that a cancer stem cell is a tumor initiating cell. That conventional chemotherapy kills most cells in a tumor, but cancer stem cells remain intact is discussed. Vast applications of stem cells, cancer stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and human pluripotent stem cells are discussed. Because human embryonic stem cells possess the potential of producing unlimited quantities of any human cell type, considerable focus is placed on their therapeutic potential in this volume. Because of the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells, this volume discusses various applications such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, pharmacological and toxicological uses. The role of these cells in cell differentiation is also included. The role of cancer stem cells of breast, colon, and melanoma tumors in response to antitumor therapy is detailed. The role of cancer stem cells, specifically in the deadliest brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme, is explained. Transplantation of bone marrow-derived stem cells for myocardial infarcation and use of mesenchymal stem cells in orthopedics are described.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 4
By M.A. Hayat
2012, 338 pages, $209 list
Vast therapeutic applications of the following specific stem cells in disease and tissue injury are discussed: embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, human hair follicle stem cells, bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells, adipose-derived stem cells, periodontal/progenitor cells, cancer stem cells, and breast cancer stem cells. Because human embryonic stem cells possess the potential to produce unlimited quantities of any human cell type, considerable focus is placed on this type of stem cells in this volume. The role of cancer stem cells, specifically in breast cancer is explained. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells to aid the injured brain is included. Immune recovery after stem cells transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency patients is described. The role of mesenchymal stem cells in enhancing the growth and metastasis of colon cancer is discussed. Clinical application of human follicle stem cells is presented. Treatment of malignant gliomas using genetically-modified neural stem cells as a marker is discussed. The impact of cancer stem cell hypothesis on designing new cancer therapies is explained. In the field of regenerative medicine, the use of stem cells in the repair of the central nervous system, tendon injury, and as a cardiac regenerative medicine is described. The role of DNA methylation in maintaining stemness induced pluripotent stem cells from human extraembryonic amnion cells is discussed. Insights on the understanding of molecular pathways involved in tumor biology are explained, which lead to the development of effective drugs. Information on pathways, such as hedgehog, facilitates targeted therapies in cancer.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 5
By M.A. Hayat
2012, 328 pages, $209 list
It is pointed out that a cancer stem cell is a type within a tumor that possesses the capacity of self-renewal and can give rise to the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells, which comprise the tumor. It is emphasized that a unique feature of cancer stem cells is that, although conventional chemotherapy kills most cells in a tumor, cancer stem cells remain intact. Vast applications of the following specific stem cells in disease and tissue injury are discussed: embryonic stem cells, human mesenchymal stem cells, cancer stem cells, arterial stem cells, neural stem cells, cardiac stem cells, dental stem cells, limbal stem cells, and hematopoietic stem cells. Because human embryonic stem cells possess the potential to produce unlimited quantities of any human cell type, considerable focus is placed on their therapeutic potential in this volume. These cells are used in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, pharmacological and toxicological studies, and fundamental studies of cell differentiation. It is pointed out that the formation of embryoid bodies, which are three-dimensional aggregates of embryonic cells, is the initial step in the differentiation of these cells. Therapeutic implications of signalling pathways in cancer stem cells are pointed out. Targeting self-renewal pathways in cancer stem cells are also included. Application of mesenchymal stem cells for treating ischemic brain injury is explained. Neural stem cells proliferation into the surrounding area of the traumatic brain injury is explained.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 6
By M.A. Hayat
2012, 471 pages, $209 list
The difference among pluripotent stem cells, multipotent stem cells, and unipotent stem cells is pointed out. Vast therapeutic applications of the following specific stem cells in disease and tissue injury are discussed: human embryonic stem cells, human mesenchymal stem cells, germ cell-derived pluripotent stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, human umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells, breast tumor stem cells,and hematopoietic stem cells. Because of the potential of human embryonic stem cells to produce unlimited quantities of any human cell type, considerable focus is placed on their therapeutic potential. Because of their pluripotency, these cells have been used in various applications such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, pharmacological and toxicological studies, and fundamental studies of cell differentiation. The formation of embryoid bodies, which are three-dimensional aggregates of embryonic stem cells, is explained as this is the first step in cell differentiation. Such embryoid body culture has been widely used as a trigger for the in vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells. The basic capacity of self-renewal of human embryogenic stem cells is explained. The role of TGF-beta in the propagation of human embryonic stem cells is discussed. The differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into neurons, hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes, and retinal cells is fully explained. Donor policies for hematopoietic stem cells are also explained.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 7
By M.A. Hayat
2012, 300 pages, $209 list
The seventh in Springer's landmark series of edited volumes on one of the highest-profile subjects in contemporary medicine and scientific endeavour, this volume sets out to cover a staggering range of research into the medical applications of stem cell research. While stem cells are the very stuff of life for multicellular organisms, including us humans, the cancer stem cell is a morbid entity with a robust resistance to therapies including conventional chemotherapy. This authoritative publication explains the regenerative potential of stem cells and their mesenchymal progeny, reviewing clinical applications of the latter in the treatment of cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative pathologies. It covers the entire range of stem cells with known potential for therapeutic use, from human embryonic to germ cell-derived pluripotent stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. The chapters also deal with the role of TGF-beta in propagating human embryonic stem cells, and in facilitating their differentiation. Featuring discussions of molecular signaling pathways that modulate mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and much more, this book is certain to have broad appeal among academicians and physicians alike.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 8
By M.A. Hayat
2012, 411 pages, $209 list
It is my hope that subsequent volumes of the series will join this volume in assisting in the more complete understanding of the causes, diagnosis, and cell-based treatment of major human diseases and debilitating tissue/organ injuries. There exists a tremendous, urgent demand by the public and the scientific community to address to cancer diagnosis, treatment, cure, and hopefully prevention. Stem Cells are nature's indispensable gift to multicellular organisms, including humans. The contents of the volume are divided into six subheadings: Stem Cell Culture, Bone Marrow Stem Cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Reprogramming and Differentiation of Stem Cells, Treatment, and Transplantation for the convenience of the readers.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 9
By M.A. Hayat
2013, 365 pages, $209 list
This fresh addition to the rapidly expanding Springer series on stem cells represents an additional forward step in our understanding of the causes, diagnosis, and cell-related therapies of major human diseases as well as debilitating injuries to human tissue and organs. Showcasing the work of more than 80 contributors from 13 nations, it offers an unrivalled breadth of differing perspectives on the subject, with dedicated sections covering umbilical cord, induced pluripotent, embryonic, and hematopoietic stem cells, in addition to stem cells in tumors and cancer, and the applications of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Enhanced by numerous color illustrations and tables that provide graphic clarification and summaries of key results, the volume succeeds in bringing together research results from oncologists, neurosurgeons, physicians, research scientists, and pathologists, whose accumulated wealth of practical experience will inform and inspire further developments in the vital and urgent work of cancer diagnosis, cure, and prevention.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 10
By M.A. Hayat
2013, 500 pages, $209 list
Presenting contributions by 66 experts representing 13 countries, Volume 10 of the series Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells synthesizes current understanding of the causes, diagnosis, and cell-based treatment of major human diseases and debilitating tissue and organ injuries, and presents chapters on contemporary research into generation, preservation and uses of stem cells in fighting disease and regenerating tissue. The contents of the volume are organized in five sections. Mesenchymal Stem Cells includes chapters on use of stem cells in bone regeneration; studies and trials of stem cells in autoimmune diseases; and differences between adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells as regulators of immune response. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells offers chapters on drug discovery using human IPSC-based disease models, and on generation of antigen-specific lymphocytes from IPSCs. Neural Cells and Neural Stem Cells discusses use of bacterial artificial chromosomes in the genetic identification of stem cell-derived neural cell types, and use of moderate low temperature to preserve the stemness of neural stem cells.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 11
By M.A. Hayat
2013 (1st ed), 450 pages, $209 list
Volume 11 in this series discusses therapeutic applications of stem cells in disease and tissue injury. Coverage includes pluripotent stem cells, which can give rise to the endodermal, ectodermal, and mesodermal lineages; multipotent stem cells, which can generate all cells in a particular lineage and unipotent stem cells, which can give rise to only one cell type. This volume also examines cancer stem cells, tumor-initiating cells which possesses the capacity of self-renewal and can give rise to the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor. Coverage extends to molecular mechanisms underlying the derivation and expansion of human embryonic stem cells, the role of specific proteins in the maintenance and inhibition of extraembryonic differentiation of these cells and the role of signaling responsible for the self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nine chapters discuss the clinical importance of cancer stem cells, encompassing glioma, leukemia, ovarian cancer, pediatric sarcomas and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The role of cancer stem cells is also elucidated in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in spreading head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The book goes on to survey therapeutic application of stem cells of hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic origin for regeneration of bones, including in osteoporotic bone disease; to illuminate the application of hematopoietic stem cells in bone regeneration and to discuss their use as a biomarker to facilitate determination of a treatment. The contributors review cells as biomarkers for pediatric solid tumors, and weigh the advantages and limitations of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Also included are details of neural stem cell engraftment in the injured spinal cord; the regenerative potential of neural stem/progenitor cells of newborns and cancer gene therapy potential using neural stem cells. Like the preceding volumes in the series, this book is distinguished for its comprehensive approach, its distinguished roster of 58 contributors representing 10 different countries and its thorough review of leading-edge technology and methods.
Hayat: Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 12
By M.A. Hayat
2014 (1st ed), 600 pages, $239 list
Volume 12 in this series explores the latest experimental and clinical uses of stem cells in the treatment of disease and of injuries and reviews methods for isolating multipotent endothelial-like cells from human adipose tissue and discusses clinical applications in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. The book is organized in five parts: Cancer Stem Cells, Pluripotent Stem Cells, Dendritic Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and General Applications. The first section includes chapters on histamine in the neural and cancer stem cell niches and emerging concepts of stem cell organization in the normal lung and in lung cancer. The section on Pluripotent Stem Cells includes discussion of the differentiation of dendritic cells from human induced pluripotent stem cell and the molecular mechanisms involved in reprogramming human somatic cells to generate induced pluripotent stem cells. Additional chapters cover the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into functional cardiomyocytes, characteristics of satellite cells and multipotent adult stem cells in the skeletal muscle. The section on Dendritic Stem Cells explores the critical role of notch signaling in the differentiation and function of dendrite. Other chapters cover hypertensive emergencies in children after stem cell transplantation and overcoming the radio resistance of lung cancer stem cells. The section on Regenerative Medicine reports on experiments on improved renal revascularization in pigs using stem cells and phenotypic correction of murine Hemophilia A using cell-based therapy. The concluding section, General Applications, discusses such topics as methods in mathematical modeling for stem cells, as well as molecular and functional characterization of human adipocytes.
Hayat: Tumors of the Central Nervous System
By M.A. Hayat
2011 (1st ed), 980 pages, $279 list
Advantages and limitations of biomarkers in gliomagenesis are described. Molecular subtypes of gliomas are detailed. The role played by TP53 gene mutation in the deadliest brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme, is pointed out. The role of mutations of IDH1 and IDH2, and isocitrate dehydrogenases in malignant gliomas are presented. Metabolic differences in different regions of the glioma tumor are clarified. Various types of imaging modalities, including PET and SPECT, to diagnose gliomas in general and glioblastoma in particular in patients are explained in detail. Both low-grade and high-grade gliomas are discussed. Conventional as well as fluorescent-guided resection techniques for high-grade, recurrent malignant gliomas are detailed. Impact of resection extent on outcomes in patients with high-grade gliomas is clarified. The advantage of the use of intraoperative low-field MRI in glioma surgery is explained.
Heerema-McKenney: Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta
By Amy Heerema-McKenney MD and Monique E De Paepe MD
2014, 352 pages, $232 list
Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta is designed for practicing pathologists and pathologists-in-training, though will prove useful to anyone interested in fields related to pathology of the placenta. This reference provides clear and concise information on topics such as, gross and microscopic changes of the placenta, common diagnoses, and placental evaluation in special circumstances. Also included are reference charts and sample templates for placental evaluation.
Heilmeyer: Atlas of Clinical Hematology
By L. Heilmeyer
2011 (6th ed), 444 pages, $399 list
Enhanced 6th edition contains more illustrations and documented figures. A perfect reference for hematological and oncological departments and the clincal labortory. Classified findings from the World Health Organization.
Heilo: Atlas of Thyroid Lesions
By Arne Heilo
2010 (1st ed), 267 pages, 802 illus, $150 list
Atlas of Thyroid Lesions provides a broad overview of the variety of lesions in the thyroid gland and their different characteristics and features, in ultrasound, cytological and histological appearance. Nodules in the thyroid are quite common. Epidemiologic studies estimate that between 4% and 7% of the adult population in the United States have palpable thyroid nodules. More than 80% of thyroid nodules are benign. Too many benign nodules are surgically resected for safety's sake, and too many malignant tumors do not get adequate primary surgical treatment, both because a certain preoperative diagnosis is missing.
Heitzman: The Mediastinum
By E.R. Heitzman
2012 (2nd ed), 369 pages, $99 list
This new edition of The Mediastinum provides yet more complete coverage of the radiologic appearances of the normal and abnormal mediastinum. These appearances are correlated with underlying anatomic and pathologic specimens, permitting a better understanding of findings and more accurate diagnosis. The approach of the book is thorough, reviewing a wide range of abnormalities that the reader may encounter. In particular, this new edition offers more precise insight into the radiographic appearance of thoracic disease. It also provides more extensive illustrations and an updated bibliography covering all literature since the first edition.
Heller: Handbook of Endometrial Pathology
By Debra Heller
2012 (1st ed), 160 pages, $77 list
Endometrial Pathology is a practical, clinically oriented reference on endometrial pathology. It is detailed enough for pathologists yet has a clinical focus that ensures its relevance and appeal to gynaecologists. The book covers the clinical aspects of evaluating the endometrium and the pathology of endometrial diseases, with differential diagnoses included as appropriate. There is a chapter on the histologic pitfalls in diagnosis and a final chapter on the latest information on molecular mechanisms and immunohistochemical tests.
Heller: OB-GYN Pathology for the Clinician
By Debra Heller
2015, 254 pages, 393 illus, $109 list (Spr.)
This book fills the gap in understanding of pathology of the female genital tract that is often understated during training. Normal histology and pathology of abnormal conditions are covered for the lower and upper genital tract, in a concise manner with over 200 color illustrations. Topics include this covers inflammatory diseases, iatrogenic conditions, changes associated with menopause, and benign and malignant neoplasms. This text also address adjunctive testing such as molecular diagnostics and immunohistochemistry staining.
Hellquist: Histopathology of the Salivary Glands
By H.B. Hellquist and Alena Skalova
2014, 350 pages, 236 illus, $170 list
Over the last 25 years, it has become more and more evident that salivary gland pathology is by far the subject within head and neck pathology that causes most diagnostic challenges and problems for general pathologists. During courses the author has given, consultants and trainees alike have expressed the lack of a comprehensive, useful book on salivary gland pathology.
Hendi: Atlas of Skin Cancers
By Ali Hendi
2010 (1st ed), 120 pages, 269 illus, $99 list
In this atlas, the authors set out to provide a practical resource that will help improve the 'visual vocabulary' of physicians and physician extenders, helping them identify lesions that should be biopsied. Hundreds of high-quality color images are included to assist the reader in the task of recognition and identification. All of the common cutaneous malignancies are illustrated, with a number of examples of each entity and of common mimickers. In addition, biopsy techniques and treatment options are presented in step-by step detail with the use of high resolution clinical images, and potential complications of treatment are discussed. This atlas is ideal for all providers who wish to sharpen their clinical acumen and gain confidence in identifying skin cancers.
Heriot: Practical Surgical Pathology
By Kirk Heriot
2012 (1st ed), 1700 illus, 559 pages, $250 list
To the practicing pathologist and those studying to be pathologists, Practical Surgical Pathology will become their go-to guide and the most practical and heavily illustrated single-volume reference available for surgical pathology. - An accessible single volume that quickly addresses 95% of the difficult situations that are commonly encountered in the daily practice of surgical pathology - The only book to offer integration of traditional morphologic pathology with newer molecular concepts - Covers the most recent developments in molecular techniques and diagnosis - More than 1700 high resolution photomicrographs - Also practical as a stand-alone introduction to molecular pathology
Hertl: Autoimmune Diseases of the Skin: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Management
By Michael Hertl
2010 (1st ed), 560 pages, $80 list
The book provides an overview and the latest information on the broad spectrum of cutaneous autoimmune disorders for clinicians, scientists and practitioners in dermatology, medicine, rheumatology, ENT, pediatrics and ophthalmology. The book is unique since it presents the state-of-the-art knowledge on pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis and management of these disorders provided by the world experts in the field. The primary intention is to broaden the understanding of the pathophysiology of cutaneous autoimmune disorders and to provide a practical guide to how to identify and handle these conditions. The book is illustrated with many tables, illustrative figures and clinical color photographs. The third edition has been thoroughly updated and extended by chapters on paraneoplastic cutaneous syndromes, atopic dermatitis and autoimmunity and Skin manifestations of rheumatic diseases.
Heymann: Thyroid Disorders with Cutaneous Manifestations
By Warren Heymann
2011 (1st ed), 208 pages, 74 illus, $149 list
Thyroid Disorders with Cutaneous Manifestations is a single authoritative resource enabling physicians to comprehend the basic science, laboratory evaluation, epidemiology, and clinical aspects of thyroid diseases and their cutaneous manifestations. Specific disorders such as the thyroglossal duct cyst and cutaneous metastases, nonspecific features of the skin and its appendages seen in hyper- and hypothyroidism, and the multiple associations with other dermatologic and systemic diseases are all surveyed, while individual chapters are devoted to various syndromal diseases, such as alopecia in thyroid disease, thyroid dermopathy (pretibial myxedema) and the relationship of autoimmune thyroid disease to chronic idiopathic urticaria and angioedema
Hh: Eye Pathology
By Teffen Hh and Hans Grossniklaus
2015, 739 pages, 736 illus, $266 list
This book is a comprehensive, in-depth, and up-to-date resource on eye pathology that will be of great practical value for ophthalmic and general pathologists and ophthalmologists. Congenital abnormalities, inflammatory conditions, infections, injuries, degenerative diseases, and tumors are all covered with the aid of more than 700 images. In the case of tumors, the wide variety of neoplasms that occur in the eyelid, conjunctiva, retina, uveal tract, lacrimal gland and sac, orbit, and optic nerve are comprehensively reviewed, and the most recent knowledge on the relation between genetics and prognosis is presented.
Hicks: Diagnostic Pathology: Breast
By David Hicks
2011, 500 pages, 1055 illus, $299 list
Diagnostic Pathology: Breast is filled with superior medical images, including gross and microscopic pathology, a wide range of supportive immunohistochemistry, and detailed medical illustrations with numerous examples of morphologic findings. For each anatomical site, you'll find CAP cancer staging and specimen handling protocols - one of the most useful hallmarks of the series - plus detailed immunohistochemistry panels to accompany the images. In addition, uncommonly discussed topics such as pathology of breast cancer status post neoadjuvant chemotherapy and recurrent breast cancer are covered. You'll also find new information on breast cancer classification, including profiles and classification of breast cancer based on DNA copy number changes, gene expression profiling and immunophenotyping. An added emphasis is placed on special challenges, pitfalls and potential limitations of needle core biopsies as well as on the role of immunohistochemistry in the differential diagnosis in breast pathology. This handsome volume will guide the reader through the intricacies of breast pathology and the diagnosis of breast-related diseases.
Hicks: DORA 2005-2007: Directory of Rare Analysis
By Jocelyn Hicks
2005, 590 pages, $125
DORA 05-07 provides essential ordering information for rare analyses that are clinically significant, yet available through only a few clinical laboratories in the country. DORA is a proven, practical time-saver. With your copy of DORA 05-07, you can free up the many hours you would have spent tracking down sources for rare tests.
Higginson: Human Cancer: Epidemiology and Environmental Causes
By John Higginson
2005 (1st ed), 604 pages, $136 list
This important new reference book on human cancer provides a global picture of the epidemiology of cancer and its environmental causes. By summarising on a cancer-by-cancer basis geographical, environmental and ethical factors, the volume collates a wealth of information which, taken together, provides valuable insights into the causes of cancer and scope for its elimination and control. The contents include: (1) general epidemiological methods; (2) a review of known or suspected causes; (3) a detailed review of specific cancers; (4) a brief review of legal and ethical implications. The bibliography concentrates on recent key references and reviews.
Highsmith: Molecular Diagnostics: 12 Tests That Changed Everything
By W. Edward Highsmith Jr.
2013, 252 pages, 41 illus, $189 list
Molecular Diagnostics: 12 Tests That Changed Everything focuses on specific laboratory tests and emphasizes how the availability of these tests has altered how clinicians treat their patients. Presented as a standard outline, each chapter focuses on a specific molecular test and provides background on the test and its clinical applications. Continuing with some discussion on how the test is done, interpreted, and used clinically, each chapter then concludes with a discussion of how that test has changed the way medicine is practiced with respect to the disease or condition in question.
Hilario: Protocols for Nucleic Acid Analysis by Nonradioactive Probes
By Elena Hilario
2010 (2nd ed), 321 pages, $129 list
Protocols for Nucleic Acid Analysis by Non-radioactive Probes, Second Edition provides a firm background on the basic preparative protocols required for the analysis of nucleic acids by nonradioactive methods. Presenting the methodologies using amazing new applications, this volume offers guide chapters on nucleic acid extractions, preparation of nucleic acid blots, and labeling of nucleic acids with nonradioactive haptens. New fluorescent techniques such as Real Time PCR and microarrays are also included, allowing users to get a nonradioactive protocol implemented in the laboratory with minimum adaptation required and fastest time to results. The protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, each offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principles behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Hill: Milady's Aesthetician Series: Microdermabrasion
By Pamela Hill
2009 (2nd ed), 350 pages, $56 list
The second edition of Microdermabrasion, one of fourteen titles in Milady's Aesthetician Series, takes a unique and highly effective approach in addressing the advanced training needs of aestheticians working in medical skin care facilities, day spas and resort spas. Individuals will begin to understand the indications, contraindications and significant medical information necessary for clinical microdermabrasion. A host of case studies helps the reader evaluate and interpret the material. Clinicians will be able to work through specific case histories to improve their knowledge based on their own relevant experiences. Specific instructions for procedures are outlined in working documents, making the implementation process easy for the clinician, physician or facility. The approach used in this book is unique, using policy and procedure guides as well as case studies to create a real-life study of microdermabrasion.
Hill: Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Chemical Exfoliation
By Pamela Hill
2010 (2nd ed), 320 pages, $56 list
PEELS AND CHEMICAL EXFOLIATION, one of fourteen in Milady's Aesthetician Series, successfully exposes the reader to a broad understanding of the use of specific peeling agents and how they react on the skin. In this text, the author addresses the advanced educational needs of aestheticians and nurses in such settings as medical skin care facilities, day spas and resort spas. Through specific case studies, clinicians will improve their knowledge of the peeling process. These studies validate and underscore the clinical information. Unique to this publication is an expanded chapter dedicated to peeling agents, indications for use and predictable outcomes. Finally, policy and procedure guides show the clinician, physician or facility how to implement ideas and programs.
Hillman: Hematology in Clinical Practice
By Robert Hillman
2010 (5th ed), 512 pages, 200 illus, $73 list
Hematology in Clinical Practice is a succinct, cutting-edge guide to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemostasis, and the use of blood components for transfusion. Each disease state is discussed in detail, incorporating the pathophysiology, clinical features, up-to-date laboratory testing, and current management strategies into a comprehensive and practical approach to hematologic disorders.
Hillyer: Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine
By Christopher Hillyer
2009 (1st ed), 762 pages, $50 list
This new handbook in transfusion medicine and hemostasis aims to combine clinical and laboratory information from two fields which have high degrees of overlap into one concise, easy-to-use pocket book. This comprehensive reference guide will have the depth of information to be helpful to all physicians who order and administer blood components and specialized factors for hemostatic abnormalities, as well as those who consult and care for these often very ill patients. The breadth of the book will be ideal for pathology, transfusion medicine, hematology, and anesthesiology residents and fellows, as well as certified and specialized practitioners in these fields.
Hirsch: Genitourinary Pathology, An Issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics
By Michelle Hirsch
2016, $99 list (Els)
This issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics focuses on diseases of the genitourinary tract: Prostate, Kidney, Bladder, Testes, and Adrenals. As with all information in this series, presentations relate to the daily practice of surgical pathologists. A practical and innovative feature in this issue is the inclusion of several articles from the “clinician’s perspective” in which an oncologist discusses the diagnosis of the disease and relates this to the information they require from the pathologist.
Ho: Atlas of Conducted Electrical Weapon Wounds and Forensic Analysis
By Jeffrey D. Ho, Donald M. Dawes, Mark Kroll
2012 (1st ed), 220 pages, 234 illus, $139 list
Atlas of Conducted Electrical Weapon Wounds and Forensic Analysis provides a comprehensive publication on the subject of Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) wounds and signature markings created by this class of weapon. This volume will serve as a very useful resource for all professions tasked with assisting persons that have allegedly been subjected to a CEW exposure. The volume provides an introduction to basic CEW technology and the types of CEWs currently available. It also serves as a comprehensive pictorial atlas of signature markings that CEW exposures make in the immediate and more remote post-exposure periods. Also, it discusses the ability of forensic specialty examinations of the CEW itself to aid in the determination of whether the alleged CEW exposure is consistent with the objective evidence and the subjective statements. Finally, this text addresses the important and growing area of factitious CEW markings that will be useful for consideration by investigators and litigators. Atlas of Conducted Electrical Weapon Wounds and Forensic Analysis provides an objective atlas of evidence for reference that will benefit those professionals who often must make diagnostic, treatment or legal judgments on these cases including Emergency and Primary-Care Physicians, Medical Examiners, Forensic Pathologists, Coroners, Law Enforcement Investigators, and Attorneys.
Hoang: Melanocytic Lesions: A Case Based Approach
By Mai P. Hoang, Martin C Mihm Jr.
2014 (1st ed), 471 pages, 507 illus, $159 list
A Case Based Approach provides a concise yet comprehensive guideline on how to diagnose common as well as problematic and challenging melanocytic lesions. In the first 11 chapters, each entity is illustrated by an actual case; followed by discussion of how the diagnosis is reached, of the histologic differential diagnoses and of diagnostic pitfalls and ends with bulleted teaching points. Pertinent and up to date references are included at the end of each chapter. The latter chapters cover current microstaging and classification of melanoma, ancillary techniques including immunohistochemistry as well as available molecular assays and molecular targeted therapy. All figures and glass slides of the discussed cases are hosted online for easy viewing and access.
Hoang: Vulvar Pathology
By Mai Hoang and Maria Angelica Selim
2015, 499 pages, $237 list
This book details the histologic clues in diagnosing the inflammatory dermatoses and neoplastic process of the vulva. The inflammatory dermatoses are divided into histologic patterns to aid recognition. Expert authors provide updates on ancillary techniques such as special stains, immunohistochemistry and chromogenic in situ hybridization when applicable. New advances in classifying squamous lesions as well as staging melanocytic lesions are outlined.
Hoda: Rosen's Breast Pathology
By Syed A. Hoda, Edi Brogi, Fred Koerner, Paul Peter Rosen
2014 (6th ed), 1400 pages, 1900 illus, $400 list
Precise pathological diagnosis of breast disease is the most critical factor in determining treatment and establishing prognosis. The Fourth Edition of Rosen's Breast Pathology provides the most comprehensive, updated information on diseases of the breast. Intended primarily for pathologists, the book will be an indispensible reference for all surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, as well as other physicians and medical personnel who require a thorough knowledge of breast pathology to provide optimal care for their patients.
Hoffbrand: Postgraduate Haematology
By A. Victor Hoffbrand
2010 (6th ed), 1076 pages, $315 list
Over five editions Postgraduate Haematology has built a reputation as an extremely practical, user-friendly, reliable source of information for examination preparation and clinical practice. Completely revised to reflect the latest research in the field, this edition continues to provide trainees with up-to-date knowledge on the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features, and management of blood disorders. It covers the significant advances which have occurred in the application of cytogenetics and molecular genetics in the diagnosis, classification and understanding of haematological disorders.
Hoffman: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice
By Ronald Hoffman
2012 (6th ed), 2384 pages, $399 list
Hematology, 6th Edition encompasses all of the latest scientific knowledge and clinical solutions in the field, equipping you with the expert answers you need to offer your patients the best possible outcomes. Ronald Hoffman, MD, Edward J. Benz, Jr., MD, Leslie E. Silberstein, MD, Helen Heslop, MD, Jeffrey Weitz, MD, John Anastasi, MD, and a host of world-class contributors present the expert, evidence-based guidance you need to make optimal use of the newest diagnostic and therapeutic options.
Holgate: Allergy
By Stephen Holgate
2011 (4th ed), 432 pages, $145 list
The new edition of Allergy, by Drs. Stephen Holgate, Martin Church, David Broide, and Fernando Martinez, uses an enhanced clinical focus to provide the clear, accessible guidance you need to treat allergy patients. A more consistent format throughout features new differential diagnosis and treatment algorithms, updated therapeutic drug information in each chapter, and additional coverage of pediatric allergies. With current discussions of asthma, allergens, pollutants, drug treatment, and more, as well as access to the full text and illustrations online at, this comprehensive resource is ideal for any non-specialist who treats patients with allergies.
Holladay: Cytopathology Review Guide
By E. Blair Holladay
2015 (4th ed), 400 pages, $179 list (ASCP)
Since its original publication in 1998, the bestselling Cytopathology Review Guide has prepared thousands of individuals to successfully pass their board examinations. The new 4th Edition now brings significant additions and updates, keeping pace with a rapidly evolving field: Significantly expanded in all areas of diagnostic cytopathology New and enhanced committee-vetted study questions and images Cutting-edge chapter added on molecular tumor markers, molecular diagnostics, and theranostics.
Holladay: Cytopathology
By Blair Holladay
2009 (3rd ed), 392 pages, 360 illus, $150 list
The latest edition of Cytopathology Review Guide continues to serve as a litmus test for both cytotechnology generalist and specialist Board examinations. With more than 1,200 self-study questions and 360 images now at nearly three times the size of those in the previous edition and at higher resolution the volume is sure to serve as an invaluable and comprehensive self-study reference for pathologists, pathology residents, cytotechnologists, and cytopathologists in training. Users of the new edition will note a new feature designed to reflect the computerized testing format of Board examinations. Self-study questions are now presented in a randomized organization to reflect real-world testing. Content has been significantly updated and enhanced to incorporate key areas and issues that comprise the current scope of practice. A new chapter reflects a new paradigm for the management of women with abnormal cervical cancer screening tests, incorporating the latest American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) guidelines for triage and testing.
Holland: Ascaris: The Neglected Parasite
By Celia Holland
2013 (1st ed), 456 pages, $150 list
This book tackles a number of different perspectives concerning the parasitic helminth Ascaris, both in animals and in humans and the disease known as ascariasis. It seeks to identify interesting, exciting and novel aspects, which will interest readers from a broad range of disciplines. Over a quarter of the world's population are infected with the human roundworm, and the equivalent in pigs is equally ubiquitous. Both contribute to insidious and chronic nutritional morbidity, and this has been quantified, in humans, as disability adjusted life years approximating 10.5 million. Ascaris larvae develop in host parenteral tissues, and the resultant pathology has been condemnation. Ascariasis, despite its staggering global prevalence and the sheer numbers of people it infects, remains a classic neglected disease. However, renewed interest in the consequences of early infection with worms from the perspective of immune modulation, co-infections and the development of allergy further enhances the relevance of these parasites.
Homeister: Molecular and Translational Vascular Medicine
By Jonathon W. Homeister and Monte S. Willis
2012 (1st ed), 349 pages, 42 illus, $209 list
Molecular and Translational Vascular Medicine will serve as a state-of-the-art resource for physicians and translational medical researchers alike who are interested in the rapidly evolving field of vascular medicine. The text provides new insight into the basic mechanisms of classic vascular pathophysiologic processes like angiogenesis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and vasculitis. Furthermore, it covers new areas of investigation including the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in vascular disease, endothelial progenitor cells for disease treatment, and the genetic basis of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Lastly, this volume includes sections on the newly emerging field of therapeutic angiogenesis, and the developing technology of nanoparticle-based imaging and therapeutic treatment of the diseased vasculature. All chapters are written by established experts in their fields, including pathologists, cardiovascular surgeons, and internists as well as translational biomedical researchers in a wide range of disciplines. While comprehensive, the material is presented in a manner that simplifies the complex pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie common vascular diseases. Molecular and Translational Vascular Medicine will be of great value to a broad audience including internists, cardiovascular and vascular surgeons, pathologists, residents and fellows, as well as translational biomedical researchers.
Hoppe: Hodgkin Lymphoma
By Richard Hoppe
2007 (2nd ed), 496 pages, $236 list
The definitive text on Hodgkin lymphoma is now in its thoroughly revised, updated Second Edition. More than 100 recognized authorities from all parts of the world provide comprehensive, current information on every aspect of Hodgkin lymphoma, including etiology, epidemiology, biology, pathology, evaluation, staging, treatment, and follow-up.
Horn: Gross Pathology Handbook
By Christopher Horn and Christopher Naugler
2014, 192 pages, $43 list
This highly practical guide helps pathology professionals quickly and accurately describe surgical and autopsy specimens as they perform gross dissection. It helps clinicians and medical students interpret pathology reports easily and exactly. Gross Pathology Handbook provides a comprehensive list of 166 gross descriptive terms paired with images of gross specimens. Each listing includes a brief commentary describing the gross appearance, the underlying disease process and commonly affected tissues.
Hornick: Gastrointestinal Pathology: Classification, Diagnosis, Emerging Entities, An Issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics
By Jason Hornick
2013 (1st ed), $99 list
The gastrointestinal tract may be affected by a diverse spectrum of inflammatory and neoplastic disorders, many of which pose problems for practicing surgical pathologists on a daily basis. Pathologists' understanding of these diseases continues to evolve rapidly. The topics in this issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics address a wide range of neoplasms and present ancillary techniques that play an increasingly important role in diagnostic pathology and include prognostic and predictive markers that have become a routine part of gastrointestinal pathology practice. These expert reviews provide surgical pathologists with critical practical updates on many of these challenging areas, with an emphasis on differential diagnosis and diagnostic pitfalls.
Hornick: Practical Soft Tissue Pathology
By Jason Hornick
2013 (1st ed), 608 pages, $279 list
Practical Soft Tissue Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach, catapults you across the finish line of a definitive diagnosis. Lavishly illustrated in full color throughout, this medical reference book captures key morphologic patterns for a comprehensive range of common and rare soft-tissue conditions and assists in the interpretation of complex diagnostic puzzles. Access to the entire text and image bank on Expert Consult adds time-saving convenience.
Horvai: Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
By Andrew Horvai
2012 (1st ed), 480 pages, 600 illus, $200 list
Save time identifying and diagnosing pathology specimens with High Yield Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology, edited by Drs. Andrew Horvai and Thomas Link. Part of the High-Yield Pathology Series, this title is designed to help you review the key pathologic features of bone and soft-tissue malformations, recognize the classic look of each disease, and quickly confirm your diagnosis. Its templated format, excellent color photographs, concise bulleted text, and authoritative content will help you accurately identify more than 160 discrete disease entities. Online access to complete text, image bank, and more at makes this an ideal reference for on-the-go pathologists.
Hosler: Molecular Diagnostics for Dermatology
By Gregory Hosler
2014 (1st ed), 352 pages, $80 list
Molecular diagnostics is an exploding field, and recent advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of disease have provided a platform for the development of new diagnostic tests as well as tests to predict tumor behavior and potential response to targeted therapy. This textbook provides a reference and practical guide to molecular diagnostics for dermatologists and dermatopathologists. It outlines our current understanding of the molecular underpinnings of dermatologic disease, describes the appropriate use of currently available molecular tests, and explains the interpretation of these tests in the context of diagnosis and management. Tests relating to various disorders are covered, including but not confined to melanoma, genodermatoses, and infectious disease. Pitfalls are highlighted and user-friendly algorithmic approaches, presented.
Hospenthal: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Mycoses
By Duane R Hospenthal and Michael G Rinaldi
2007 (1st ed), 448 pages, $99 list
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Mycoses brings together globally recognized mycoses experts to guide readers in the use of current knowledge in the field of medical mycology to manage those who suffer from the mycoses.
Houser: The Operated Heart at Autopsy
By Stuart Houser
2009 (1st ed), 238 pages, 91 illus, $159 list
The Operated Heart at Autopsy addresses the need of pathologists in practice and, especially, in training to achieve a new level of competence in dealing, at the time of autopsy, with the anatomic complexity of a heart that has undergone previous surgical treatment, whether that treatment occurred in the recent or remote past.
Hoyer: Color Atlas of Hemoglobin Disorders: A Compendium Based on Proficiency Testing
By James Hoyer
2003 (1st ed), 332 pages, 400 images, $150 list
The most up-to-date and comprehensive publication on hemoglobinopathies available today, the Color Atlas of Hemoglobin Disorders draws its material from recent proficiency testing surveys conducted by the CAP Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Resource Committee. The cases are arranged in increasing order of complexity and represent a comprehensive array of hemoglobin disorders.
Hruban: Tumors of the Pancreas (AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology, Series 4, Vol 6)
By Ralph Hruban
2007 (6th ed), 422 pages, $150 list
In this Atlas of Tumors of the Pancreas, Drs. Hruban, Pitman and Klimstra succinctly summarize the clinical literature, but concentrate on both new entities and new concepts, described since the publication of the Third Series Fascicle ten years ago. The illustrations, with the exception of radiographs and electron micrographs, are in color, and tumors are presented in detail. The continuing importance of tumor morphology in directing molecular studies is appropriately emphasized.
Hsi: Hematopathology
By Eric Hsi
2012 (2nd ed), 760 pages, $179 list
Hematopathology, a volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series, packs all of today's essential know-how into a concise, high-yield format! This medical reference book's well-organized approach, full-color illustrations, and at-a-glance tables make the information you need easy to find, so you can diagnose the most commonly encountered hematologic conditions as efficiently and accurately as possible.
Hu: Modern Clinical Molecular Techniques
By Peter Hu
2012 (1st ed), 449 pages, $219 list
This timely book covers the need to know clinical practices for all those involved in molecular laboratory science. The field of molecular medicine is evolving at an astounding speed. Propelled by the new insights and technologies, advances are being made at an unprecedented rate. With dual measure given to today's breakthroughs, this book is a collection of the most current practices relevant to the clinical molecular laboratorian. It begins with an introductory section on techniques and procedure. It then presents four separate sections on infectious disease, oncology, pre/post-natal, and identity testing, with specific chapters clearly outlining clinical protocols used in daily practice. Modern Clinical Molecular Techniques cuts to the heart of what is essential for the practicing molecular laboratory scientist. It is an outstanding resource for those operating within or looking to set up a clinical molecular laboratory.
Hubbard: A Concise Review of Clinical Laboratory Science
By Joel Hubbard
2009 (2nd ed), 432 pages, $54
The Second Edition offers a concise review of all areas of clinical lab science, including the standard areas, such as hematology, chemistry, hemostasis, immunohematology, clinical microbiology, parasitology, urinalysis and more, as well as lab management, lab government regulations, and quality assurance. A companion website offers 35 case studies, an image bank of color images, and a quiz bank with 500 questions in certification format.
Hudnall: Viruses and Human Cancer
By S. David Hudnall
2014, 386 pages, 95 illus, $137 list
Viruses and Human Cancer provides a comprehensive review of the seven currently known human tumor viruses and their associated cancers with an emphasis on epidemiology, clinicopathologic features, and pathogenesis. Chapters are written by internationally recognized experts and all are generously illustrated with tables, diagrams and photographic images.
Hughes-Jones: Lecture Notes: Haematology
By Nevin Hughes-Jones
2013 (9th ed), 168 pages, $45 list
Haematology Lecture Notes is an accessible and concise best-selling study guide, outlining the physiology, pathology and treatment of the most common blood disorders. Extensively revised and updated to reflect the considerable advances in the understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of haematological disorders, it provides the core knowledge required by all medical students and junior doctors.
Hui: Atlas of Intraoperative Frozen Section Diagnosis in Gynecologic Pathology
By Pei Hui and Natalia Buza
2015, 329 pages, 271 illus, $109 list (Spr)
This atlas is dedicated specifically to gynecologic frozen section diagnosis and addresses professional practice gaps such as high diagnostic error rate, slow turnaround time, and inefficient communication between surgeons and pathologists at the time of intraoperative frozen section consultation of gynecologic specimens. The format of the volume is a combination of concise text and high quality gross and frozen section microscopic images, meticulously selected from the superb collection of pathology specimens of gynecologic tumors provided at Yale-New Haven Hospital in the past decades.
Hui: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
By Pei Hui
2011 (1st ed), 218 pages, 104 illus, $189 list
In this volume Dr Hui has brought together a comprehensive overview of gestational trophoblastic disease that includes all the currently recognized entities: complete and partial hydatidiform moles, placental site trophoblastic tumor, epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, gestational choriocarcinoma, persistent gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, placental site nodule and exaggerated placental site reaction. Each entity is reviewed in detail, with emphasis on genetic background, clinical presentation, pathologic findings and ancillary studies, differential diagnosis and clinicopathological correlations. Descriptions of the pathology are supported by numerous excellent photomicrographs. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetics of gestational trophoblastic diseases are stressed. Introductory chapters cover the developmental biology of the placenta and the genetic basis of gestational trophoblastic disease, and one chapter is devoted to the molecular diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease. This chapter includes a review of the use of short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping which is of particular value in the diagnosis of hydatidiform moles. The final chapter covers clinical aspects of gestational trophoblastic disease, including treatment. The text throughout is current and thoroughly referenced. This book will be of great value to pathologists, community gynecologists, gynecological pathologists and medical students.
Humphrey: The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology
By Peter Humphrey
2012 (2nd ed), 2700 illus, 980 pages, $62 list
Presented in the renowned, fast-access format of other Washington Manual® titles, this excellent book is a practical guide to the clinical practice of surgical pathology. This valuable resource covers all aspects of surgical pathology for every organ and anatomic site, including gross examination and dissection; microscopic diagnosis of medical as well as surgical diseases; tumor classification; and tumor staging. Separate chapters are devoted to ancillary surgical pathology techniques, including immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, frozen section diagnosis, flow cytometry, DNA and RNA based molecular methods, and imaging technologies.
Humphery-Smith: Microbial Proteomics: Functional Biology of Whole Organisms
By Ian Humphery-Smith and Michael Hecker
2006 (1st ed), 512 pages, $135 list
This text provides an exhaustive analysis and presentation of current research in the field of microbial proteomics, with an emphasis on new developments and applications and future directions in research.
Humphrey: Neoplastic Mimics in Genitourinary Pathology
By Peter Humphrey, J. Carlos Manivel, Robert Young
2013 (1st ed), 272 pages, $160 list
This book provides the pathologist with detailed morphologic descriptions and diagnostic guidance in recognizing these neoplastic mimics as they occur in the genitourinary system. In addition, descriptions and diagnostic guidance are provided for the range of genitourinary lesions tumors that may mimic benign masses but are in fact neoplastic. Throughout the book comparisons of neoplastic mimics with true neoplasms are provided, at clinical, gross, and histologic levels. In the presentation of of every entity, the points that contribute to differential diagnosis are emphasized.
Hunt: Molecular Oncology
By Jennifer Hunt
2013 (1st ed), 240 pages, $99 list
Clinically accessible information for pathologists on the fast moving field of molecular pathology and oncology, addressing molecular and genetic approaches to the diagnosis and classification of tumors, predictive biomarkers for treatment response and disease progression. Recurrent in this series, summaries are provided of Key Features of tumor, Key molecular prognostic markers and therapeutic markers, Tumor suppressor genes, and Oncogenes. Topics include molecular pathology of: Breast, Gastrointestinal, Head and Neck, Genitourinary, Gynecologic, Hematopathology, Lung, Neuropathology, Pancreas/Biliary, and Sarcome.
Hunt: Molecular Pathology of Endocrine Diseases
By Jennifer Hunt
2010 (1st ed), 618 pages, 18 illus, $169 list
The Molecular Pathology Library Series fills the gap between basic science and clinical application. Each user-friendly reference brings together diverse topics about molecular pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment in one volume. The series serves physicians and healthcare providers in multiple disciplines who need to understand and apply molecular diagnostics and therapy to patient care; residents and fellows who integrate molecular medicine into their curricula and future practice; and basic and translational researchers who must define the impact of their research on clinical medicine.
Husain: Biopsy Interpretation of Pediatric Lesions
By Aliya Husain
2014 (1st ed), 392 pages, $170 list
Pathologists and pathology residents, look no further: Biopsy Interpretation: Pediatric Lesions is your practical, essential guide to pediatric biopsies. This how-to guide is the perfect bench reference for both the pediatric pathologist tasked with interpreting pediatric biopsies and the general surgical pathologist. Authored by a panel of top experts, the topics covered include a wide spectrum of diseases that afflict children, laying a comprehensive framework for diagnosing both the common and not-so-common diseases that can be identified by biopsy. If you're a medical professional faced with the challenge of interpreting pediatric biopsies, this reference will prove indispensable to your day-to-day life.
Husain: Color Atlas of Pediatric Pathology
By Aliya Husain
2011 (3rd ed), 544 pages, 1100 illus, $140 list
The Color Atlas of Pediatric Pathology covers the broad range of pediatric diseases that a pathologist will likely encounter and is written by well-known leaders in this field. Coverage includes both frequent and less commonly seen cases, and each discussion presents a concise summary of the salient features of the disease along with expertly selected, high-quality color images. The Color Atlas of Pediatric Pathology is a practical working resource for every pathologist who sees pediatric cases as well as the pathology trainee.
Husain: Stocker and Dehner's Pediatric Pathology
By Aliya Husain, J. Thomas Stocker and Louis Dehner
2015 (4th ed), 1,480 pages, 1,300+ illus., $373 list (LWW)
Effectively diagnose the complete range of pediatric pathologies, from neonatal disorders through adolescence. Intended for a broad audience including general and pediatric pathologists, pediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, and other pediatric subspecialties, Stocker & Dehner's Pediatric Pathology is widely recognized as the definitive go-to comprehensive clinical reference in the unique subspecialty of pediatric pathology - which, unlike other subspecialties, is defined by an age group rather than an organ system or process.
Husain: Thoracic Pathology
By Aliya Husain
2012 (1st ed), 624 pages, $200 list
Save time identifying and diagnosing diseases of the lung, mediastinum and heart with Thoracic Pathology, a volume in the Highy Yield Pathology series. Edited by noted pathologist Dr. Aliya Husain, this medical reference book is designed to help you review the key pathologic features of a full range of thoracic diseases, recognize the classic look of typical specimens, and quickly confirm your diagnoses for more than 400 discrete entities found in the lung, mediastinum, and heart.
Hussong: Kjeldsberg's Body Fluid Analysis
By Jerry Hussong and Carl Kjeldsberg
2014, 240 pages, $209 list (ASCP)
Presented in a simple and straightforward approach, Kjeldsberg's Body Fluid Analysis contains sufficient information for practical application without creating an unreadable encyclopedia of data. This text provides the most current, relevant, and essential information about laboratory analyses and the care and treatment of patients.
Hyakusoku: Color Atlas of Burn Reconstructive Surgery
By Hiko Hyakusoku
2010 (1st ed), 349 pages, 367 illus, $249 list
In this up-to-date atlas, leading specialists in post-burn treatment and the reconstruction of post-burn scar contractures depict in detail not only surgical techniques but also a variety of advantageous wound treatments. Many new methods invented by the authors are presented. Operative techniques are depicted in detail, and clear guidance is provided on selection of the most appropriate flap surgery. Advice is also given on how to prevent permanently disabling restriction of joint movement as a result of contractures and how to achieve good aesthetic reconstruction.



IARC: Pathology/Genetics of Tumours: Lung/Pleura
2004 (1st ed), 344 pages, 670 illus, $116 list
This book is an authoritative, concise reference on the histological and genetic typing of tumors of the lung, pleura, thymus and heart. Prepared by 200 authors from 25 countries, it contains more than 670 color photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and approximately 2200 references. Diagnostic criteria, pathological features and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and symptoms, pathology, genetics and predictive factors.
Ioachim: Ioachim's Lymph Node Pathology
By Harry L Ioachim and L Jeffrey Medeiros
2008 (4th ed), 640 pages, 726 illus, $229 list
Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies, providing encyclopedic coverage of nonmalignant lesions, lymphomas, other neoplasms, and metastatic tumors in lymph nodes.
Iacobuzio-Donahue: Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
By Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue
2011 (2nd ed), 672 pages, 850 illus, $179 list
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology, a title in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, provides all the most essential information on the pathological entities encountered in practice in an easy-to-use format. Drs. Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue and Elizabeth Montgomery examine the full scope of neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract--, including disorders of the tubular gastrointestinal tract, pancreatobiliary tree, and liver-from clinical features and ancillary studies to differential diagnoses and prognostic and therapeutic considerations. The consistent, practical format with a wealth of illustrations, boxes, and tables, along with online access at, make this title ideal for quick reference for both novices and experienced pathologists.
Imbach: Pediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Guide
By Paul Imbach, Thomas Kuhne and Robert Arceci
2014, 3rd edition, 255 pages, 2 illus, $92 list
This is the third edition of a well-received compendium of information and guidance on the diagnosis and management of the various oncological diseases that are encountered in children and adolescents. In the new edition a chapter on Rare Tumors was added. For each disease entity, fundamental facts are provided that will be relevant for a range of professionals - hospital physicians, specialist nurses, psycho-oncologists, physiotherapists, family doctors and pediatricians
Idowu: Molecular Oncology Testing for Solid Tumors
By Michael Idowu, Catherine Dumur, and Carleton Garrett
2015, 742 pages, 3 illus, $149 list (Spr.)
Familiarity with and understanding molecular testing is becoming imperative for practicing physicians, especially pathologists and oncologists given the current explosion of molecular tests for diagnostic, prognostic and predictive indications. Molecular Oncology Testing for Solid Tumors is designed to present an up to date practical approach to molecular testing in a easy to understand format.
Inamadar: Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology
By Arun Inamadar
2010 (1st ed), 608 pages, 340 illus, $189 list
The subspeciality of pediatric dermatology is addressed by a group of 44 distinguished experts to present views, clinical opinions with pictures and tables to understand the complexities involved in the skin disorders of children.
Indrayan: Medical Biostatistics
By Abhaya Indrayan
2012 (3rd ed), 1024 pages, $130 list
Encyclopedic in breadth, yet practical and concise, Medical Biostatistics, Third Edition focuses on the statistical aspects of medicine with a medical perspective, showing the utility of biostatistics as a tool to manage many medical uncertainties. The author concludes "Just as results of medical tests, statistical results can be false negative or false positive".
Irvine: Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology
By Alan Irvine
2011 (3rd ed), 2816 pages, $500 list
Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology overflows with crucial clinical insights and stunning research information across the breadth of pediatric dermatology. Complete with a fascinating historical overview of the specialty's development and a brand new reader friendly text design, this third edition supports and guides the daily practice of both dermatologists and pediatricians.
Isaacs: Tumors of the Fetus and Infant
By Hart Isaacs
2013 (2nd ed), 348 pages, $239 list
Over the past two decades, the remarkable advances in imaging techniques, such as ultrasound and fast or ultra-fast MRI, have led to the diagnosis of an increasing number of tumors at the prenatal stage. This revised, abundantly illustrated second edition of Tumors of the Fetus and Infant: An Atlas presents an up-to-date account of the clinical and pathological features of neoplastic disease and tumor-like conditions in the fetus, neonate, and infant and discusses major tumor studies and cases from throughout the world. The full range of tumors is covered, with each chapter reviewing the incidence, clinical findings, cytogenetics, pathology, radiology, treatment, and prognosis. The goal is to enable pathologists and clinicians to gain a clear understanding of these lesions so that a correct diagnosis can be achieved and appropriate treatment, initiated.
Ishak: Tumors of the Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts (Vol 31)
By Kamal G. Ishak, Zachary D. Goodman and J. Thomas Stocker
2001, 356 pages, $90 list
In the 12 years since publication of the second series fascicle on this subject, there have been many advances in epidemiologic, histogenetic, pathogenetic, and clinicopathologic aspects of tumors and tumor-like lesions of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts. This third series fascicle is divided into 14 chapters: Embryology, histology, and anatomy. Benign hepatocellular tumors. Benign cholangiocellular tumors. Benign mesenchymal tumors and pseudotumors. Miscellaneous benign tumors and pseudotumors. Hepatoblastoma. Putative precancerous lesions. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and other malignant biliary tumors. Miscellaneous malignant tumors. Malignant mesenchymal tumors. Primary hepatic lymphomas and suspected lymphomas. Metastatic tumors and an appendix on the TNM classification of malignant tumors of the liver. Several tumors and tumor-like lesions are extensively discussed, commensurate with increased knowledge about them, such as peribiliary gland hamartoma (bile duct adenoma), hepatobiliary cystadenoma, biliary papillomatosis, lymphangioma, angiomyo-lipoma, miscellaneous heterotopias, hepatoblastoma, hepato-cellular carcinoma, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, and primary hepatic lymphomas (including a section on diagnosis of suspected lymphoma).
Itabashi: Forensic Neuropathology
By Hideo Itabashi
2007 (1st ed), 496 pages, $250 list
Forensic Neuropathology provides superior visual examples of the more commonly encountered conditions in forensic neuropathology and answers questions that arise regarding neuropathological findings. The work includes values for frequently-encountered clinical assessments, and contains a more comprehensive summary of aging/dating of various neuropathological processes than is available in any other single current source. General pathology residents, forensic pathology and neuropathology fellows, and general pathologists and clinicians involved in referred cases will find this book extremely useful, as will individuals in allied fields such as law enforcement officers and attorneys.



Jackson: Differential Diagnosis for the Dermatologist
By Scott Jackson
2012 (2nd ed), 1524 pages, $139 list
When faced with a challenging dermatologic problem, physicians are often required to perform a time-consuming search through large dermatologic texts in order to find information that will assist in the necessary differential diagnosis. This comprehensive and concise handbook is designed to simplify this process dramatically, permitting rapid identification of the correct diagnosis. Hundreds of dermatologic diagnoses, morphologic features, drug-induced disorders, extracutaneous manifestations, histologic findings, and random other findings are listed in alphabetical order and in a homogeneous, reader-friendly structure. The differential diagnoses are shown under each main diagnosis, sorted according to similarity with that diagnosis. Since the first edition, approaching 50 new diagnoses have been added, and many new images included. This easily portable book will be of great value for dermatologists and all who deal with dermatologic diseases.
Jaffe: Hematopathology
By Elaine Jaffe
2010 (1st ed), 1024 pages, 1100 illus, $299 list
These experts provide you with today's most effective guidance in evaluating specimens from the lymph nodes, bone marrow, peripheral blood, and more, equipping you to deliver more accurate and actionable pathology reports. More than 1,100 high-quality color images mirror the findings you encounter in practice, and full-text online access lets you search the contents rapidly and download any illustration.
JAMA: AMA Manual of Style
By JAMA & Archives Journals
2007 (10th ed), 1032 pages, 46 illus, $55 list
The new edition examines research ethics and editorial independence and features new material on indexing and searching as well as medical nomenclature.
James: Andrews' Diseases of the Skin
By William James
2011 (11th ed), 1024 pages, $199 list
The 11th Edition of the classic Andrews' Diseases of the Skin, by Drs. William D. James, Timothy G. Berger and Dirk M. Elston, provides the ultimate foundation in dermatology with comprehensive guidance to effectively diagnose and treat a wide range of skin conditions. These highly respected authors balance evidence-based treatment guidelines with advice from their own clinical experience, offering a practical and realistic medical perspective. Updated throughout with the latest dermatologic findings and a new chapter on cosmetic surgical techniques, this title helps you keep current, improve your skills, and prepare for exams. It also includes online access to the complete text, images, and bonus illustrations making this an indispensable, convenient reference for trainees and practicing dermatologists.
James: Advances in Dermatology
By William James
2009 (1st ed), 268 pages, $116 list
What's new in pediatric dermatology; warts and molluscum in children; neurofibromatiosis-1 in childhood; pediatric dermatologic surgery: surgical approach to the cutenaeous features of tuberous sclerosis complex; surgical repair of the auricle; vascular endothelial cell adhesion and signaling during leukocyte recruitment; cutaneous biology of T cells; immunobiology and immunotherapy of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; contact allergens of the year; immunomodulatory therapy for cutaneous manifestations of lupus; innovative treatments for chronic dermatitis; advances in prognostication of cutaneous malignant melanoma; diagnosis of keratinocytic neoplasia; in-vivo reflectance-mode confocal scanning laser microscopy in dermatology.
Jamieson: Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
By Allan Jamieson
2009 (1st ed), 3104 pages, $1770 list
This A-Z encyclopedia provides a definitive and comprehensive reference on the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by those involved in all aspects of the forensic process. It covers all topics which, either as part of an established forensic discipline or as a potentially useful emerging discipline, are of interest to those involved in the forensic process.
Janda: Enterobacteria
By Michael J Janda
2005 (2nd ed), 411 pages, $120 list
The Enterobacteria, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive examination of current research on every genus in the family Enterobacteriaceae. A host of diagnostic tables, reference charts, color plates, and various other laboratory resources, this revised reference is an important source of information from microbiologists, lab directors, pathologists, and infectious disease specialists.
Jarvis: Bennett & Brachman's Hospital Infections
By William Jarvis
2013 (6th ed), 776 pages, $244 list
The field of healthcare epidemiology and infection control has seen tremendous advances in the last decade. Bennett & Brachman's Hospital Infections, 6e, now in vibrant full color, provides the most up-to-date information on all aspects of this vital topic. Written by the world's foremost leaders in the field of nosocomial infections, this is your go-to text for preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) in all inpatient and outpatient healthcare settings.
Jemec: Non-Surgical Treatment of Keratinocyte Skin Cancer
By Gregor Jemec
2009 (1st ed), 247 pages, 43 illus, $139 list
With more and more patients suffering from field cancerisation, an alternative for repeated surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer is becoming necessary. Although surgery remains the gold standard for treatment of non-melanoma or keratinocyte skin cancer, it also has its downside. Surgery leaves scars and nowadays the cosmetic outcome of therapy is becoming increasingly important. Since many cases can effectively be managed without surgery, the possibilities of non-surgical therapy are gaining popularity, particularly in low malignancy tumours. This reader-friendly clinical guide offers treatment options for the growing group of these patients. It describes the current state-of-the art for non-surgical treatment of this type of skin cancer, and gives factual knowledge to beginners and new inspirations to experts.
Jennette: Heptinstall's Pathology of the Kidney
By J. Charles Jennette, Vivette D'Agati, Jean Olson and Fred Silva
2014 (7th edition), 1592 pages, 1500+illus, $380 list
If you're looking to deepen your understanding of kidney disease, look no further than Heptinstall's Pathology of the Kidney, 7th Edition. Authored by the world's most accomplished renal pathologists, this image-rich text conveys the intricacies and comprehensiveness of renal disease, offering powerful diagnostic and treatment recommendations from decades of clinical research. Stay up to date on the cutting edge of kidney research and treatment and offer your patients the best therapeutic options and preventative measures available today.
Jeremic: Primary Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
By Branislav Jeremic
2008 (1st ed), 135 pages, 134 illus, $80 list
Optic nerve sheath meningioma is a rare tumour. This is the first book to cover all important aspects of their diagnosis and treatment, including clinical presentation, clinical examination and diagnosis, imaging, histology and treatment.
Jeschke: Handbook of Burns Volume 1: Acute Burn Care
By Marc Jeschke
2011 (1st ed), 300 pages, 100 illus, $169 list
This volume covers the entire spectrum of acute burn treatment. Individual chapters deal with basic aspects of different burn mechanisms as well as the acute care of burn patients. Pre-hospital management, critical care and basic concepts of burn surgery related to the acute phase, as well as the use of skin and skin substitutes in early stages of therapy are addressed in this volume. Chapters on supportive therapies such as optimizing nutrition and fluid homeostasis, infection control and treatment, respiratory support and pain management complete the comprehensive approach to the patient in this early stage of treatment, while chapters on epidemiology, prevention and disaster management enable the reader to evaluate the given information in a broader context.
Jessen: Primary HIV Infection: Pathology, Diagnosis, Management
By Heiko Jessen
2005 (1st ed), 80 pages, $60 list
This is one of the first medical textbooks on Primary HIV Infection. Most of the worlds leading researchers in the field are represented with their latest research results. In addition, clinicians contribute their knowledge from treating large groups of infected patients.
Jiang: Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing and Cancer Metastasis
By Wen Jiang
2012 (1st ed), 268 pages, $189 list
Written by experts in the area of cell impedance sensing, including the Nobel Laureate Dr Ivar Giaever, this books covers the background of electric cell-substrate impedance sensing, their applications in cell based investigations, particularly in the area of cancer biology. This book is the first on this technology platform and will be a highly useful reference for molecular and cell biologists, cancer biologists, chemists and biochemists, clinical researchers who work in the areas of cell biology, molecular biology, toxicology, pharmaceutical industry, life science and medical research.
Jimenez-Ayala: Cytopathology of the Glandular Lesions of the Female Genital Tract
By M. Jimenez-Ayala, B. Jimenez-Ayala Portillo
2011 (1st ed), 110 pages, 170 illus, $198 list
This outstanding monograph presents a detailed description of cytopathological lesions of the female genital tract. Twelve international experts in the cytopathology of glandular lesions cover the complete spectrum of this challenging subject. Genital glandular lesions, both benign and malignant, are an appealing field of cytopathology. Malignant lesions of the endocervix and endometrium are becoming more common all over the world, compared to squamous cell carcinoma.
Jobe: Esophageal Cancer: Principles and Practice
By Blair Jobe
2009 (1st ed), 1050 pages, $199 list
Using a multi-disciplinary approach, Esophageal Cancer: Principles and Practice addresses the complexities encountered in the understanding and management of esophageal cancers. Written by the world s leading experts in surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, gastroenterology, pathology, radiology, nutrition, nurse specialists, palliative medicine, and research relating to neoplasia of the esophagus, this text will serve as the definitive resource and enable practitioners to provide the best possible patient care. Presented in an accessible and useful format, this text will be a valuable reference to all practitioners participating in the care of this high-needs population. Special features include complete coverage of the two most common tumors- squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma and in-depth coverage of uncommon tumors.
Johansen: Contact Dermatitis
By Jeanne Johansen
2010 (5th ed), 1252 pages, 833 illus, $279 list
The fifth edition delivers up-to-date coverage of every conceivable aspect in modern-day management of contact dermatitis. Leading experts have thoroughly updated the previous edition, while adding new chapters on genetics, the skin barrier, respiratory symptoms to chemicals and an extensive section on prevention. Both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis are covered with special emphasis on immunological mechanisms, molecular aspects of sensitizers, atypical clinical forms, reactions to medicaments, occupational and environmental aspects. The comprehensive yet approachable text is supplemented by numerous color illustrations and tables. Core messages and case reports highlight the most important information and help in gaining better understanding of the topic and greater competence in daily practice. An extensive dictionary of allergens gives quick access to specific information.
John: Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology
By David John
2006 (9th ed), 480 pages, $79 list
With a new two-color design, Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology has an updated and fresh look that highlights the comprehensive material students have trusted for over 40 years. Completely redrawn line drawings and improved halftones provide visual examples related directly to the textual material. The content explores the etiologic agents of human disease belonging to the animal kingdom: protozoa, helminths (worms), and arthropods (insects and spiders), all of which are a significant cause of, or link to illness encountered both in tropical and temperate environments. In addition to providing detailed descriptions of these agents, this text deals with the clinical diseases they cause, their modes of acquisition, transmission and epidemiology, and their pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Johnson: Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology
By Richard Johnson
2013 (7th ed), 1104 pages, 1000 illus, $85 list
This compact, diagnosis-speeding guide has virtually defined the field of dermatology for thousands of physicians, dermatology residents, and medical students across the globe. Spanning the entire spectrum of skin problems, it combines laser-precise color images of skin lesions with a concise summary outline of dermatologic disorders, along with the cutaneous signs of systemic disease. A color-coded 4-part organization facilitates review at a glance and features helpful icons denoting the incidence and morbidity of disease.
Johnston: Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials
By Ronald Johnston
2011 (1st ed), 792 pages, 3000 illus, $165 list
Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials provides you with a detailed and extensive quick-reference guide to the recognition and diagnosis of skin lesions, both from the clinical and histological perspective. It serves as a comprehensive review and reference for pathologists and dermatologists in training and in practice by providing quick answers to diagnostic problems in the interpretation and diagnosis of skin biopsies. Its innovative, accessible outline format, bullet point style, and numerous high quality clinical and histological images make essential, key facts for any given lesion easy to find and retrieve. Numerous algorithms of differential diagnoses help direct the user to the most likely diagnosis of any suspect lesion.
Johr: Dermoscopy: An Illustrated Self-Assessment Guide
By Robert Johr
2010 (1st ed), 428 pages, 300 illus, $100 list
Dermoscopy: An Illustrated Guide offers a unique check-list methodology for learning how to use dermoscopy to diagnose benign and malignant pigmented and non-pigmented skin lesions. For each of the 191 cases, you will find a series of high-quality full-color clinical and dermoscopic images, each with a short history. Every case is followed by five true-or-false questions along with three check boxes to test your knowledge acquisition and decision-making ability on "Risk, Diagnosis, and Disposition." Turn the page and the answers to the questions are provided in a unique, memorable manner in which the dermoscopic images are presented again. Circles, stars, boxes, and arrows appear in the image pointing out the important dermoscopic criteria of each case.
Jones: Clinical Laboratory Pearls
By Steven Jones
2000, 656 pages, $69 list
Designed to provide a quick, concise guide to the clinical laboratory, Clinical Laboratory Pearls packages all the relevant science and important pathology concepts that residents, practicing pathologists, and laboratory technicians need to know in a book that fits inside the pocket of a lab coat. This handy, convenient resource offers "pearls" of wisdom, which are concepts, key points, and practical advice gained by the collective experience of a team of experts, as well as information on the most common laboratory tests and processes.
Jones: Neoplastic Hematopathology
By Dan Jones
2010 (1st ed), 622 pages, 248 illus, $239 list
Neoplastic Hematopathology: Experimental and Clinical Approaches provides an overview of the discipline of hematopathology that connects the field with recent advances in immunology research and current clinical practice in the treatment of lymphomas and leukemias. Designed for both trainees and specialists in pathology and hematology-oncology, Neoplastic Hematopathology: Experimental and Clinical Approaches has separate sections on laboratory techniques, diagnostic hematopathology, treatment and stem cell transplantation. Expert chapter authors address both myeloid and lymphoid tumors, and provide much needed coverage in transplant biology. A study guide highlights key chapter points, making the text suitable for boards review in hematopathology.
Jones: Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation
By Kenneth Jones
2013 (7th ed), 976 pages, 1450 illus, $95 list
The completely revised and updated New Edition of this definitive text-now in full color! Long known as the source to consult for guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, plan management, and genetic counseling, this easy-to-use reference focuses on the patterns of human defects caused by inborn errors in morphogenesis as opposed to defects caused by mechanical problems. It provides a wealth of information on normal and abnormal morphogenesis * minor anomalies and their relevance * clinical approaches to specific diagnoses * and normal standards of measurement for the entire spectrum of disorders. Each chapter includes a description of the specific abnormality-including occasional associated abnormalities-natural history, etiology, and references. On opposing pages are several descriptive photographs and line drawings of either an individual with the abnormality or specific features of the abnormality.
Jorgensen: Molecular Diagnostics
By Jan Jorgensen
2010, 351 pages, $160 list
This unique book provides a thorough overview of developing molecular cancer diagnostic assays, which are the prerequisites for optimal solutions within personalized cancer medicine. The book takes the reader through definitions of the pharmacodiagnostic concept, historical perspectives of the early steps into molecular cancer diagnostics linked to therapy, the basis of different diagnostic molecular techniques, ongoing research, drug-diagnostic co-development, assay validation, clinical trial methodology, regulatory issues around pharmacodiagnostics and future aspects within personalized cancer medicine.
Jorgensen: Manual of Clinical Microbiology
By James H. Jorgensen and Michael A. Pfaller
2015, 2892 pages, $284 list
The 11th edition of the Manual of Clinical Microbiology continues to set the standard for state-of-the-science laboratory practices as the most authoritative reference in the field of clinical microbiology. This new edition presents the numerous microbial taxonomic changes and newer more powerful diagnostic approaches that have been developed since publication of the 10th edition. A collaborative team of editors and authors from around the world, all experienced practitioners, researchers, or public health experts, revised the Manual to include the latest applications of genomics and proteomics, producing an authoritative work of two volumes filled with current findings regarding infectious agents, leading-edge diagnostic methods, laboratory practices, and safety guidelines.
Joseph: Diagnostic Neuropathology Smears
By Jeffrey T Joseph
2006 (1st ed), 193 pages, 256 illus, $149 list
This textbook provides practical information on how to perform and interpret smears and use smears for diagnostic intraoperative neuropathology. The book covers most aspects of brain biopsies that require intraoperative or "frozen section" diagnosis, including tumors, non-neoplastic lesions, infectious diseases, and metastases to the brain. more
Jungblut: Proteomics of Microbial Pathogens
By Peter R Jungblut and Michael Hecker
2007 (1st ed), 343 pages, $195 list
Containing proven, high-quality research articles selected from the popular Proteomics journal, this is a current overview of the latest research into the proteomics analysis of microbial pathogens as well as several review articles.



Kagen: The Inflammatory Myopathies
By Lawrence Kagen
2009 (1st ed), 342 pages, 151 illus, $99 list
This book presents a comprehensive review of the inflammatory myopathies, including dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and inclusion body myositis. Representing the most up-to-date knowledge on this family of diseases, The Inflammatory Myopathies covers clinical presentation, methods of diagnosis, ongoing assessment of clinical course, treatment, and the latest information on pathogenesis. Physical, laboratory, imaging, and serological findings are discussed in the context of chronic disease, complications, and co-morbidities. The role and mechanism of inflammatory response is also explored with reference to emerging humoral and cellular targets for therapeutic intervention. The Inflammatory Myopathies is the gold-standard in the field and a must have resource for rheumatologists, neurologists and all healthcare professionals who treat afflicted patients.
Kakar: Liver Pathology, An Issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery)
By Sanjay Kakar and Dhanpat Jain
2013, 206 pages, $89 list
For the surgical pathologist, this coverage of Liver Pathology presents practical information with ample discussion of differential diagnosis and use of special studies, where relevant, to engage pathologists in what you can do daily in practice. Topics include: Steatohepatitis: Histopathologic diagnosis; Regression and subclassification of cirrhosis; Autoimmune hepatitis and overlap syndrome; Liver transplant pathology: challenging diagnostic situations; Hepatocellular adenoma; Immunohistochemistry for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma; Histologic subtypes of hepatocellular carcinoma: diagnostics and clinical significance; Pediatric cholestatic disorders.
Kaminer: Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery with DVD
By Michael Kaminer
2008 (2nd ed), 592 pages, 700 illus, $225 list
This Atlas is a very handy book, which includes numerous diagrams, charts and high resolution photographs. In addition, a DVD is included with actual demonstrations of procedures described in the book in which the authors share their insights, techniques and expertise with the reader. A hands on, practical book useful to anyone who has an interest in even the most minor cosmetic procedure. No cosmetic surgeon can afford not to read this book.
Kamolz: Handbook of Burns Volume 2: Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
By Lars-Peter Kamolz
2011 (1st ed), 300 pages, 150 illus, $169 list
This volume compiles the perspectives of a multi-author team examining the entire spectrum of burn reconstruction and long-term treatment. Individual chapters cover basic aspects of wound healing and scarring, and those of plastic surgery relating to tissue rearrangement and the use of flaps, as well as the long-term use of skin and skin substitutes. Furthermore, topics such as rehabilitation and scar management are addressed in detail. This part provides detailed reconstruction guidelines divided by anatomic region (e.g. face, hands,...), as well as aspects of future trends and prospects in burn reconstruction, among which are e.g. allotransplantation and bionics.
Kane: Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology
By Kay Kane
2009 (2nd ed), 528 pages, 350 illus, $80 list
Modeled after Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, the world's most widely-used dermatologic reference, this point-of-care atlas provides large, detailed, full-color photographs of skin diseases in children along with the latest management and treatment recommendations. You'll find everything you need to confidently assess, diagnose, and manage diseases of the skin, hair, and nails of pediatric patients in a busy clinical environment.
Kanel: Atlas of Liver Pathology
By Gary Kanel
2010 (3rd ed), 480 pages, 900 illus, $250 list
The Atlas of Liver Pathology, by Drs. Gary C. Kanel and Jacob Korula, provides the visual guidance you need to accurately diagnose all forms of liver disease. Organized by disease type, it points out major histological features, updates disease parameters with new images and diagrams, and helps you understand the clinical aspects of each disease. In print and online, it provides quick and convenient reference to virtually all of the liver disorders commonly seen today. Nine-hundred-plus high-quality, full-color images capture the gross and histological presentation of liver pathology ideal for comparison to the specimens you encounter in practice.
Kantarjian: The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology
By Hagop Kantarjian
2011 (1st ed), 1400 pages, $195 list
The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology details the personalized multidisciplinary approach to cancer management pioneered by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. It is intended to bring a pragmatic approach to cancer management that can serve as a guide for oncologists around the world.
Kaplan: Urticaria and Angioedema
By Allen Kaplan
2009 (2nd ed), 400 pages, 80 illus, $230 list
Satisfying both the clinician and the investigator, Urticaria and Angioedema, Second Edition chronicles the current body of knowledge in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of urticaria. Written by experts who have extensive personal clinical experience with the disease, this expanded and revised text aids allergists, dermatologists, and clinical immunologists in understanding the pathomechanisms involved in urticaria to ensure appropriate diagnosis and follow-through treatment.
Kaplan: Color Atlas of Gross Placental Pathology
By Cynthia G Kaplan
2007 (2nd ed), 138 pages, 186 illus, $149 list
The techniques of gross placental examination are not difficult, but a systematic approach is necessary to be complete. This Atlas is designed to aid in the careful and thorough gross examination of the placenta by providing an illustrated manual of examination that includes normal variations, abnormal findings, as well as unusual pathology.
Kaplan: Digital Pathology: Historical Perspectives, Current Concepts and Future Applications
By Keith Kaplan and Luigi K.F. Rao
2015, 132 pages, $109 list (Spr)
Digital Pathology: Historical Perspectives, Current Concepts & Future Applications provides the authoritative text in the digital pathology domain by combining the established expertise of leaders in this diverse arena with practical applications of this transformative platform while harnessing a content rich, interactive format. In detailing a cohesive narrative from a broad, global perspective the lessons learned from the past, the obstacles to digital pathology adoption that have been overcome and the challenges that remain for full realization of the potential that computational analysis affords, this text provides readers with the latest in where the field is heading as it seeks to unlock the potential of digital pathology by leveraging cutting edge technologies and innovative tools.
Kaplowitz: Drug-Induced Liver Disease
By Neil Kaplowitz
2013 (3rd ed), 776 pages, $250 list
This field has shown tremendous growth in recent years, primarily due to the recognition that drug-induced liver disease is the most common cause of liver failure and one of the major contributors to the withdrawal of drugs developed by the pharmaceutical industry. Drug-Induced Liver Disease, 3rd edition is a comprehensive reference that covers mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and management, major hepatotoxins, regulatory perspectives and much more. Written by highly respected authorities, this new edition is an updated and definitive reference for clinicians and scientists in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and government settings. This book contains 4 new chapters on key topics in the area and provides a current and extensive review of the latest developments concerning the toxicology, pharmacology, genetics and immunology of drug-induced liver disease.
Karajannis: Molecular Pathology of Nervous System Tumors: Biological Stratification and Targeted Therapies
By Matthias Karajannis and David Zagzag
2014, 247 pages, 121 illus, $170 list
This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the rapidly evolving field of molecular neuropathology of nervous system tumors, as well as the underlying biology and emerging molecular targeted therapies. Special emphasis is given to already established and emerging molecular diagnostic tests in neuropathology, as well as molecular targeted therapies. The book is organized by clinico-pathologic disease entities, and each chapter is written by a team of experts in their field.
Karch: Karch's Pathology of Drug Abuse
By Steven Karch and Olaf Drummer
2015 (5th ed), 906 pages, $160 list (CRC)
Written in the same accessible manner as previous editions, the fifth edition of Karch's Pathology of Drug Abuse is an essential guide to the pathology, toxicology, and pharmacology of commonly abused drugs. The book focuses on the investigation of drug-related deaths, practical approaches to the detection of drug abuse, and discussions of medical complications associated with each of the abused drugs.
Karcioglu: Orbital Tumors: Diagnosis and Treatment
By Zeynel Karcioglu
2014 (2nd ed), 516 pages, 349 illus, $116 list
Orbital Tumors, 2nd edition discusses advances in orbital disease and their treatment, offering readers an up-to-date, single volume reference for orbital tumors. Divided into two parts, this book covers everything from advances in oncogenesis and its relationship to orbital tumors, to medical genetics and the role of imaging in diagnosis of orbital tumors.
Kasper: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
By Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci, Stephen Hauser, Dan Longo, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo
2015 (19th ed), 3,000 pages, 1,000+ illus, $224 list
Through six decades, no resource has matched the authority, esteemed scholarship, and scientific rigor of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Capturing the countless advances and developments across the full span of medicine, the new 19th edition of Harrison's provides a complete update of essential content related to disease pathogenesis, clinical trials, current diagnostic methods and imaging approaches, evidence-based practice guidelines, and established and newly approved treatment methods.
Kaufmann: Handbook of Tuberculosis
By Stefan Kaufmann
2008 (1st ed), 1350 pages, $600 list
The Handbook of Tuberculosis, which explores the causes and available treatments of the widespread infection as well as current research into vaccination, is divided into three separate volumes covering different areas of study. Each volume provides an essential resource to molecular and cell biologists, bacteriologists, immunologists, pathologists and pathophysiologists, clinicians and those working in the pharmaceutical industry and interested in world health.
Karp: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
By Judith Karp
2007 (1st ed), 440 pages, 55 illus, $239 list
This is a timely compilation of new concepts in the molecular pathogenesis and molecular therapy of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). The focus is on selected critical molecular determinants of AML pathogenesis and pathophysiology and the exploitation of these factors by diverse therapeutic agents and modalities. There is an emphasis throughout on the bidirectional flow of knowledge between the clinical and laboratory arenas.
Katz: Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense
By Rebecca Katz, Raymond A. Zilinskas
2011 (2nd Ed), 688 pages, $400 list
The second edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense provides complete coverage of bioterrorism and defense against it, spanning scientific, technological, clinical, legal, historical, and political aspects. The topics cover the most recent developments and thinking on biodefense, biosecurity, terrorism, science, and policy. In addition, the Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense provides an up-to-date overview of U.S. federal biodefense efforts, including explanations of all of the relevant agencies and missions, research agendas, legislation, and regulations. This edition revises and updates the original Encyclopedia, making it the single authoritative resource for students, scientists, policymakers, and journalists.
Katz: Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series: Body Contouring with DVD
By Bruce Katz
2009 (1st ed), 256 pages, $189 list
Edited by leading authorities Bruce E. Katz and Neil S. Sadick, MD, Body Contouring is a brand-new volume in the Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series. It showcases the hottest new body rejuvenation techniques and technologies, including laser lipolysis, focused ultrasound, mesotherapy, laser and light treatments, subcision for cellulite, and more. International contributions equip you to master the newest approaches from around the world. Succinctly written and lavishly illustrated, the book offers a wealth of pearls and pitfalls to help you refine your skills and avoid complications. A bonus DVD allows you to refine your skills by watching key techniques being performed by the authors.
Katz: Multivariable Analysis: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Public Health Researchers
By Mitchell Katz
2011 (1st ed), 245 pages, $66 list
Now in its third edition, this highly successful text has been fully revised and updated with expanded sections on cutting-edge techniques including Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, multinomial logistic regression and proportional odds regression. As before, it focuses on easy-to-follow explanations of complicated multivariable techniques. It is the perfect introduction for all clinical researchers. It describes how to perform and interpret multivariable analysis, using plain language rather than complex derivations and mathematical formulae. It focuses on the nuts and bolts of performing research, and prepares the reader to set up, perform and interpret multivariable models. Numerous tables, graphs and tips help to demystify the process of performing multivariable analysis. The text is illustrated with many up-to-date examples from the medical literature on how to use multivariable analysis in clinical practice and in research.
Kavanagh: Medical Mycology: Cellular And Molecular Techniques
By Kevin Kavanagh
2006 (1st ed), 328 pages, $75 list
Medical Mycology is a comprehensive text covering a variety of techniques critical to the study of medical mycology. Drawing together contributions from both scientists and clinicians working in the field, the text covers techniques essential for ongoing research in the area and provides a valuable perspective on the applicability of specific techniques to patient care.
Kay: The Placenta: From Development to Disease
By Helen Kay
2011 (1st ed), 360 pages, $192 list
The Placenta: From Development to Disease is ideal for both experienced clinicians and researchers and those new to the field. Anyone who needs to understand the central importance of the placenta in the well being of their maternal and fetal patients should read this book.
Kazakov: Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors
By Dmitry Kazakov
2012 (1st ed), 830 pages, $380 list
Adnexal tumors of the skin are complex, with confusing nomenclature. Many lesions show marked variation in histological appearance and there is considerable morphological overlap between different entities. These tumors are relatively rare, compared for example with melanocytic lesions, but still are part of everyday routine work for all histopathologists. Therefore, many general pathologists (the majority of whom are obliged to report dermatopathology specimens) are unfamiliar with the topic and even the experts have difficulties with the more challenging cases. Although the majority of adnexal tumors represent benign lesions, malignant counterparts do occur and these often represent a diagnostic pitfall. There are many inherited syndromes in which cutaneous adnexal tumors are a feature, and failure to recognize these associations may have serious implications. The proposed book will be comprehensive and will include all recognized variants covering the broad spectrum of adnexal tumor pathology. Included will also be chapters dealing with site-specific lesions such as the eyelid, neck, navel, anogenital areas, etc. The format will be extremely user-friendly comprising succinct text and comprehensive microscopic illustrations. The scope will be such that any variation on the theme of adnexal tumor pathology will be readily available at a glance. The text will be structured as follows: clinical features, histology, immunohistochemistry, genetic features and differential diagnosis.
Kee: Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
By Joyce Kee
2009 (8th ed), 792 pages, $68 list
Organized alphabetically by test, this reference guide provides quick and reliable access to information on over 420 laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. With additional information provided for each procedure and extensive nursing implications with client teaching material, this book is an invaluable resource for nursing students and professionals alike.
Khong: Keeling's Fetal and Neonatal Pathology
By T. Yee Khong and Roger Malcomson
2015 (5th ed), 882 pages, 300+ illus, $327 list
A new feature of this edition is an emphasis on the molecular aspects of pathology in the perinatal setting. There are four new chapters, including one on the genetic and epigenetic basis of development and disease, and over 300 new illustrations. The format of the book remains the same as previous editions with the first half covering general areas in perinatal pathology. The second half is based on organ systems and covers specific pathological entities, now including discussion of the relevant molecular pathology. There is extensive cross-referencing between chapters.
Kelly: Oncology Clinical Trials
By Kevin Kelly
2010 (1st ed), 424 pages, $125 list
Oncology Clinical Trials covers how to formulate a study question, selecting a study population, study design of Phase I, II, and III trials, toxicity monitoring, data analysis and reporting, use of genomics, cost-effectiveness analysis, systemic review and meta-analysis, and many other issues. Many examples of real-life flaws in clinical trials that have been reported in the literature are included throughout. The book discusses clinical trials from start to finish focusing on real-life examples in the development, design and analysis of clinical trials.
Kempf: Dermatopathology
By Werner Kempf
2008 (1st ed), 300 pages, 242 illus, $159 list
This book provides an introduction to the principles of dermatopathology, aimed primarily at dermatologists and pathologists in training, but useful for a wide audience. Everyone interested in dermatopathology will profit from combined knowledge of 4 experienced dermatopathologists, uniform structure approach concentrating on common diagnoses, logical presentation of clinical and histological features, large clearly labeled illustrations, clues for differential diagnostic considerations. All pictures are in color, printed on high-quality paper, clearly labeled and designed to help every reader become skilled at identifying both patterns and specific diagnostic features rapidly. A dermatopathology designed to be used, not just read – written by practitioners for daily practice.
Kempson: Tumors of the Soft Tissues (Vol 30)
By Richard L. Kempson, Christopher D.M. Fletcher, Harry L. Evans, Michael R. Hendrickson and Richard K. Sibley
2001, 507 pages, $105 list
The field of soft tissue tumors is complex and challenging because of the large number of soft tissue tumor types; the often, and subtle, histologic differences between them; and the rarity of many soft tissue neoplasms. This AFIP fascicle provides a practical approach to the diagnosis of soft tissue tumors as well as a comprehensive morphological description and differential diagnosis for each of the well-characterized tumor types. Pertinent clinical and prognostic information accompanies the description of each tumor. Diagnostically useful immunohistochemical staining patterns and cytogenetic abnormalities with potential diagnostic utility are an integral part of the discussion. The following are a few of the topics discussed in detail: The importance of utilizing a managerial as well as a scientific classification when reporting on soft tissue tumors. Distinguishing morphologically bland, but clinically malignant, lesions such as low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma from benign mimics. The reasons for retaining the category of the so-called fibrous histiocytomas. Myxoid lesions of the soft tissue. Atypical lipomatous tumors and dedifferentiated liposarcomas. Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma vs atypical lipomatous tumor. Problematic smooth muscle tumors of the soft tissues and retroperitoneum. The differential diagnosis of small round blue cell tumors. Tumors of the soft tissues with constituent cells of an epithelioid phenotype. The morphologic features most useful in classifying vascular tumors. With 696 color illustrations and a comprehensive 507-page text, this fascicle represents a major source of information about soft tissue tumors. Peripheral nerve sheath tumors are covered in a separate fascicle.
Kendall: Advances in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures
By Ronald J. Kendall, Steven M. Presley, Galen P. Austin, Philip N. Smith
2012 (reprint of 1st Ed), 304 pages, $136 list
Biological and chemical weapons are a growing terrorist threat to the United States and other nations and countermeasures continue to evolve as a national and global priority issue. To keep up with this rapidly changing and vital field we must establish the current state-of-the-science on countermeasures to form a platform from which to offer perspectives, policies, and procedures that will assist the United States and other nations to defend themselves from future threats.
Kennedy: Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology
By Malcolm Kennedy
2013 (2nd ed), 432 pages, $230 list
Covering a wide range of rapidly-developing fields of research into parasitic nematodes, this comprehensive volume discusses the genetics, biochemistry and immunology of nematode parasites of humans as well as domestic animals and plants. This fully-updated edition also covers new advances including horizontal gene transfer, immune expulsion mechanisms, genetics of susceptibility in humans, nematode protein structures, role of bacterial symbionts, intrinsic immune response, host immune system modulation, modulation of allergic and autoimmune diseases and the use of parasitic nematodes or their products as therapeutics.
Keren: Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical Diagnosis
By David Keren
2012, 256 pages, 309 illus, $165 list
Since the publication of High-Resolution Electrophorsesis and Immunofixation 2e, there have been ever-increasing advances in the analyses of proteins, by electrophoresis in particular. Protein Electrophoresis in Clinical Diagnosis shows the changes in both techniques and interpretation, presenting a comprehensive review of serum protein techniques, immunofixation techniques, approaches to pattern interpretation, and pattern interpretation in both cerebralspinal fluid and urine. Conditions associated with Monoclunal Gammopathies are considered, as are the appropriate strategies for their detection.
Key: Practical Hemostasis and Thrombosis
By Nigel Key
2009 (2nd ed), 328 pages, $150 list
This practical guide provides all the information necessary to understand the clotting mechanisms, as well as how to prevent, diagnose, and treat bleeding and clotting disorders.Practical Hemostasis and Thrombosis has been updated to reflect all the important advances made since the first edition. It includes an in-depth description of platelet abnormalities and disseminated intravascular coagulation, as well as covering the laboratory and molecular biological tests needed for the diagnosis of bleeding and clotting disorders.
Khalbuss: Cytopathology of Soft Tissue and Bone Lesions
By Walid Khalbuss
2010 (1st ed), 205 pages, 135 illus, $80 list
Soft Tissue Cytopathology by Anil V. Parwani, MD, PhD and Walid E. Khalbuss, MD, PhD,will fulfill the need for an easy-to-use and authoritative synopsis of soft tissue cytopathology. This volume, part of the Essentials in Cytopathology book series, fits into the lab coat pocket and is ideal for portability and quick reference. Each volume in the series is heavily illustrated with a full color art program, while the text follows a user-friendly outline format.
Khalbuss: Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment
By Walid Khalbuss and Qing Kay Li
2014, 748 pages, 600+ illus, $127 list
Diagnostic Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment provides a comprehensive systems-based review of non-gynecological cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls and ancillary studies, presented in a high-yield format with board-type multiple choice questions and detailed answers. It provides an excellent review, resource and self-assessment for pathologists, cytopathologists and cytotechnologists, as well as trainees (pathology residents, cytopathology fellows and cytotechology students) who are preparing for board examinations or in-service examinations, in addition to those who are looking to fine-tune their cytology diagnostic skills.
Khalbuss: Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment
By Walid E. Khalbuss and Marilee Means
2013 (1st ed), 245 pages, 363 illus, $90 list
Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment is a comprehensive systems-based review of gynecological and breast cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls and ancillary studies. Presented in a high-yield format with board-type multiple choice questions and detailed answers, this review includes chapters covering Pap smear cytology, colposcopy, breast FNA, and Pelvic washings. The book is also enriched with features to maximize studying and reviewing of cytopathology, including high-yield review with tables emphasizing key points, board exam-type questions, and high quality full-color images.
Khalbuss: Quick Compendium of Cytopathology
By Walid Khalbuss
2013 (1st ed), 576 pages, 900 illus, $249 list
Quick Compendium for Cytopathology is an ideal study tool for residents preparing for their boards, as well as a valuable single-volume quick reference guide for practicing pathologists. Includes extensive coverage presented in a concise, easy to read and well organized format.
Khalili: Viral Oncology
By Kamel Khalili
2009 (1st ed), 491 pages, $150 list
Viral Oncology is an essential resource for clinical and research oncologists in medical facilities and biological research laboratories; clinicians and scientists working in related biomedical areas; medical students working toward a first or higher degree in the life sciences and other biomedical fields; and pharmaceutical scientists and developers.
Khan: Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases
By M. Khan
2010 (2nd ed), 492 pages, $679 list
The fully revised second edition of the Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is an ideal resource for practicing clinicians and researchers. Available in print, online, and with dual access, it is a clear and comprehensive aggregation of the most crucial information and essential data on cardiovascular diseases and therapeutics. Comprised of over 95 entries with regular online updates, the Encyclopedia of Heart Diseases is fully referenced, and major points of interests are hyperlinked to complementary sections. Each entry is logically and superbly written, providing accurate core knowledge of pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic techniques, and management strategies. Specific detail is paid to technological advances in imaging and diagnostics. Therapy focused entries give powerful insights into not only prescribing drug regimens, but also into the controversies surrounding their use. This major reference work is invaluable for all those involved in the care of cardiovascular patients
Khan: Precision Molecular Pathology of Breast Cancer
By Ashraf Khan, Ian Ellis, Andrew Hanby, Ediz Cosar, Emad Rakha and Dina Kandil
2015, 338 pages, $107 list (Spr.)
This volume provides a comprehensive review of the molecular mechanisms involved in precancerous lesions and benign and malignant breast tumors. Given the complex molecular pathways in breast cancer biology, the book simplifies these complex mechanisms and highlights the practical issues important for daily practice. Sections are structured to review breast carcinogenesis and the role of familial predisposition and stem cells in initiation and progression of breast cancer. In-depth chapters present morphologic and molecular correlations in precancerous and malignant breast lesions, while outlining highly practical issues that are in practice today in breast pathology, such as evaluation of estrogen, progesterone receptors, and HER-2.
Khan: Surgical Pathology of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors
By Ashraf Khan
2009 (1st ed), 360 pages, 162 illus, $149 list
Surgical pathology is the cornerstone in the management of neoplastic disorders. Written for the practicing surgical pathologist in mind, Surgical Pathology of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors provides an up-to-date text on surgical pathology of endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors. The text begins with radiological imaging of tumors, followed by a section on fine needle aspiration biopsy. The main section focuses on surgical pathology of endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors. The volume closes with applications of molecular techniques and their potential for the future. Surgical Pathology of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors is written by a panel of internationally recognized pathologists who are not only experts in their fields, but who also contribute their own valuable insights making this new book an essential resource for practicing general and specialist surgical pathologists and pathologists in training.
Kharchenko: Ultrasound Diagnostics of Thyroid Diseases
By Vladimir Kharchenko
2010 (1st ed), 245 pages, 820 illus, $189 list
As the basis for this book, the authors have analyzed more than 100,000 ultrasound examinations performed between 1995 and 2008 in patients with thyroid and parathyroid disease, as well as many thousands of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound-guided minimally invasive procedures. The opening chapters include discussion of current ultrasound techniques, pitfalls, and ultrasound examination of the thyroid in children. Detailed attention is then devoted to findings in the normal thyroid and in the presence of diffuse and focal changes. Further chapters focus on such topics as the role of ultrasound after thyroid surgery and ultrasound diagnosis of parathyroid disease, recurrent goiter, and neck masses. Ultrasound-guided minimally invasive techniques, such as fine-needle aspiration biopsy and percutaneous laser ablation, are considered in depth. This up-to-date and richly illustrated book will interest and assist specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, radiologists, endocrinologists, and neck surgeons.
Khunger: Step by Step Chemical Peels
By Niti Khunger
2010 (1st ed), 339 pages, $40 list
This pocket-sized, full-color atlas offers well-illustrated step-by-step guidance on the latest chemical peeling procedures.
Khurana: Bone Pathology
By Jasvir Khurana
2009 (2nd ed), 360 pages, $179 list
Similar to the prior edition, this book complements standard pathology texts and blends new but relatively established information on the molecular biology of the bone. Serving as a bench-side companion to the surgical pathologist, this new edition reflects new advances in our understanding of the molecular biology of bone.
Khurana: Essentials in Bone and Soft-Tissue Pathology
By Jasvir Khurana
2010 (1st ed), 220 pages, 464 illus, $90 list
Essentials in Bone and Soft-Tissue Pathology is a concise and well-illustrated handbook that captures the salient points of the most common problems in bone and soft-tissue pathology. The volume includes the most important diagnostic features of common musculoskeletal lesions. This book is a short text directed primarily at residents in pathology and other individuals interested in the field of orthopedic pathology, including medical students, orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, and practicing pathologists who do not see these cases on a day to day basis.
Kiechle: So You're Going to Collect a Blood Specimen: An Introduction to Phlebotomy
By Frederick Kiechle
2013 (14th ed), 80 pages, $25 list
For more than 35 years, So You're Going to Collect a Blood Specimen: An Introduction to Phlebotomy has served as a basic text and functional reference guide for phlebotomy. The latest edition emphasizes safety considerations for phlebotomists, other health care professionals, and patients—especially needlestick safety and prevention.
Kigawa: Atlas of Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary: A Pathological Guide
By Junzo Kigawa and Tsunehisa Kaku, Toru Sugiyama, Steven G Silverberg
2015, 45 pages, $121 list
Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the ovary with its unique clinical and biological features has attracted great attention, and calls for the publication of a specialized book on the subject. This is the first atlas that has narrowed its focus to CCC. Revealed here are the typical and variable histological features of CCC and related tumors. Hundreds of high-quality photographs help the reader to recognize the pathological features and clinical manifestations of CCC and to formulate diagnoses confidently and accurately. Data are based on the international central pathological review of the JGOG/GCIG3017 clinical trial in which experts around the world participated. Using a virtual slide system, interesting and significant features of CCC were discovered in the review of 652 cases. This book provides the newest information on the categorization and classification of CCC: growth patterns (papillary, tubocystic, solid, and adenofibromatous), cell types (classical hobnail and clear cell, eosinophilic, oxyphilic, and oncocytic), stromal changes (hyalinized, necrotic, hemorrhagic, lymphocytic infiltrative, luteinized, and psammomatous calcification), presence of endometriosis and atypical endometriosis, and borderline/atypical proliferative tumors. The Atlas of Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary is an invaluable diagnostic resource for pathologists and gynecologic oncologists.
Kierszenbaum: Histology and Cell Biology
By Abraham Kierszenbaum M.D. and Laura Tres M.D.
2015 (4th ed), 752 pages, $79 list
Fully integrating histology, cell biology, and pathology, the 4th Edition of the award-winning Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology presents key concepts in an understandable, easy-to-digest manner. Authors Abraham L. Kierszenbaum, MD, PhD and Laura L. Tres MD, PhD link basic science to clinical application throughout, focusing on what you need to know for your coursework now - and how to apply that information in a clinical setting . Full-color illustrations on every page, as well as unique, student-friendly features online, help you quickly grasp the complexities of pathologic abnormalities.
Kilpatrick: Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Surgical Pathology
By Scott Kilpatrick
2003 (1st ed), 416 pages, $65 list
Here's a new, practical, "bench" guide for the diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic bone, muscle, and soft-tissue disorders. The author used histologic/cytologic approaches coupled with fine needle aspiration biopsy and clinicoradiologic correlations to create a unique, one-stop reference.
Kim: Comprehensive Aesthetic Rejuvenation: A Regional Approach
By Jenny Kim
2009 (1st ed), 288 pages, 200 illus, $370 list
The best source for the latest treatments-and combinations of treatments-for procedures of the face and body. Total Aesthetic Approach to Clinical Face and Body Rejuvenation instructs practitioners on how to tailor procedures to fit individual patients' needs and consequently improve outcomes. A wealth of case studies illustrate how to choose and perform procedures, while an informative DVD completes the experience by spotlighting video clips of key moments from operations.
Kini: Cytopathology of Neuroendocrine Neoplasia
By Sudha Kini
2013 (1st ed), 448 pages, 1000 illus, $69 list
The neuroendocrine system is fascinating, intriguing, and complex and has sustained the interest of scientists for over centuries. Yet, the wealth of information on neuroendocrine tumor types and differential diagnoses has not, until now, been compiled in one comprehensive resource. To meet that need, this unique atlas is dedicated exclusively to providing expert, illustrated coverage of the cytopathology of neuroendocrine tumors. Content addresses the wide distribution of the neuroendocrine cells in the body and the ubiquitous nature of their neoplasms. Readers will also explore detailed descriptions of the morphologic spectrum of the neoplasms (including different terminologies), as well as their immunocytohistochemical properties, associated ultrastructural findings, secretory products, and their association with many hereditary syndromes. The atlas delivers detailed information on cytomorphology of neuroendocrine neoplasia not found in textbooks. Over 1000 high-quality, full-color illustrations assist in differential diagnosis. Current tumor classifications for each body system are included as an appendix at the end of each respective chapter. A handy glossary clarifies differences in terminology.
Kini: Thyroid Cytopathology
By Sudha Kini
2008, 550 pages, 1700 illus, $310 list
Written by a leading expert in thyroid biopsy interpretation, this text/atlas is the most comprehensive reference on thyroid pathology. It contains over 1,700 full-color photomicrographs depicting the full range of findings seen on fine needle aspiration biopsies. The illustrations show the wide spectrum of cytologic features for each disease entity, including unusual as well as typical patterns. Particular attention is given to diagnostic pitfalls, overlapping patterns, and differential diagnosis. The book also includes chapters on basic concepts of cytopathology, fine-needle aspiration biopsy techniques, cytopreparation, ancillary diagnostic techniques, liquid-based cytologic preparations, and the application of needle biopsy findings to management decisions.
Kinkus: Laboratory Management
By Candis A. Kinkus and Michael Laposata
2011 (1st ed), 128 pages, $40 list
Laboratory Management addresses common issues and errors seen in the laboratory management process in. The goal is to enable the laboratory manager to avoid or correct such errors by both individual effort and a systems approach in the laboratory. The book addresses potential issues in accreditation and regulatory compliance, laboratory and patient safety, quality management, financial management, human resources management, specimen processing logistics, performance standards, selection and management of commercial laboratories and much more. Each of these can have an adverse impact on the laboratory performance if a management error occurs. Potential management errors are described and discussed in a clinical case-based learning format to effectively illustrate the conditions that contribute to these errors and enable the laboratory manager to recognize and avoid them in daily practice.
Kirkwood: Essentials of Medical Statistics
By Betty Kirkwood
2001 (2nd ed), 288 pages, $59 list
The second edition of Essential Medical Statistics has been comprehensively revised and updated to include modern statistical methods and modern approaches to statistical analysis, while retaining the approachable and non-mathematical style of the first edition. The book now includes full coverage of the most commonly used regression models, multiple linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression and Cox regression, as well as a chapter on general issues in regression modelling. In addition, new chapters introduce more advanced topics such as meta-analysis, likelihood, bootstrapping and robust standard errors, and analysis of clustered data.
Kishore: Microbial Pathogenesis: Infection and Immunity
By Uday Kishore and Annapurna Nayak
2014 (1st ed), 314 pages, $259 list
The book starts with dissecting mechanisms underlying viral immune evasion via exploiting the host complement system by vaccinia virus, and by modulating the type 1 interferon response by RNA viruses. Yet another chapter looks into how viroporins expressed by different families of viruses causing influenza A virus, SARS, hepatitis C and HIV interact with several cellular pathways. Understanding of these mechanisms can aid the development of novel potential antiviral targets. The chapter on tuberculosis discusses the emerging importance of the innate immune mechanisms against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and latency. This book has a strong focus on fungal pathogenesis and immunity, starting with virulence and host factors that attain great importance in candidiasis and associated escape tricks of seriously opportunistic fungi. Two chapters on Aspergillus fumigatus elaborate on the pathogenic mechanisms: first discussing A. fumigatusairway epithelium interaction, followed by fungal and host factors that are paramount in the development of allergic and invasive aspergillosis. In the subsequent chapter, there is a general discussion on the innate and adaptive immune responses against primary and opportunistic fungal pathogens.
Kishore: Target Pattern Recognition in Innate Immunity
By Uday Kishore
2009, 222 pages, $209 list
In view of the growing interest in the cross-talk between innate and adaptive immunity, a thorough understanding of the initial recognition and triggering events, mediated via innate immune receptors, as addressed in this volume, is clearly very useful in helping to also fully understand the mechanisms of activation and control of the adaptive immune system - and to allow a full assessment of the relative roles played by innate immunity and adaptive immunity against a particular infection in higher organisms.
Kitchen: Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis
By Steve Kitchen, John D. Olson and F. Eric Preston
2013 (2nd ed), 290 pages, $130 list
The hemostasis laboratory has a vital role in the diagnosis and management of patients with familial and acquired haemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders. Its role in the monitoring of traditional anticoagulant therapy, as well as therapy using new anticoagulants, presents new challenges to the laboratory. This new edition addresses these important issues, as well as international guidelines for testing, the development of international standard materials, management of haemostasis testing from the laboratory to the point-of-care, and molecular genetic testing.
Klaassen: Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology
By Curtis Klaassen
2010 (2nd ed), 472 pages, 200 illus, $55 list
Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology is an easy-to-absorb distillation of the field's gold-standard text Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. Presented in full color for the first time, the book combines an accessible and engaging approach with coverage of essential introductory concepts to provide you with a solid grounding in basic and medical toxicology. Succinct, yet comprehensive, the text covers essential principles, toxicokinetics, how toxic effects are passed on to succeeding generations, how each body system responds to poisons, and the specific effects of a wide range of toxic agents – from pesticides to radiation.
Klatt: Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology
By Edward Klatt
2014 (3rd ed), 600 pages, $56 list
Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 9th Edition, the full-color Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology offers more than 1,500 outstanding illustrations that vividly depict the most common diseases covered in pathology courses and USMLE exams. It's a quick visual reference or review for students and professionals alike.
Klatt: Robbins and Cotran Pathology Flash Cards
By Edward Klatt and Richard Mitchell
2015 (2nd ed), 710 pages, $36 list
Taken from the Robbins text and Klatt's own extensive collection, these brilliantly illustrated flash cards present gross, photomicrographic, and radiologic images that allow you to test yourself on key pathologic information, facts, and functions. Each card features two clinical vignettes (700 cases in all), with images or diagrams, two to five questions, and an explanation to the questions on the opposite side.
Klatt: Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology
By Edward Klatt and Vinay Kumar
2014 (4th ed), 504 pages, 1100 illus, $39 list
Effectively master the most important principles and facts in pathology with this easy-to-use new edition of Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology. More than 1,100 questions-reviewed and updated to reflect the new content in the parent text-reinforce the fundamentals of gross and microscopic pathology as well as the latest findings in molecular biology and genetics. This review book of multiple choice questions and answers, companion to Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 9th Edition, is the ideal study tool for coursework, self-assessment, and examinations, including the USMLE Step 1 examination in pathology.
Klein: Non-Neoplastic Diseases of Bones and Joints (Vol 9)
By Michael J. Klein, S. Fiona Bonar, Tony Freemont, Tuyethoa N. Vinh, Robert Lopez-Ben, Herrick J. Siegel, Gene P. Siegal
2011, 980 pages, $165 list
This atlas is a histological reference for surgical pathologists not familiar or comfortable with the diagnosis of non-tumorous diseases of bones and joints. One in three physician office visits are due to bone or joint complaints; yet only one in thirty thousand orthopedic patients has a bone tumor. The diagnosis of orthopedic diseases is a complex enterprise requiring cross specialty cooperation. While contributions from orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, and rheumatologists have been included to provide more clinical relevance to this work, the emphasis is on surgical pathology of bone and joint diseases. The original and comprehensive photographs, illustrations, and tables in this reference enhance clinicopathologic correlation and diagnostic application in a way seldom provided by previous pathology resources.
Klein: Organ Transplantation: A Clinical Guide
By Andrew Klein
2011, 386 pages, $143 list
Organ Transplantation: A Clinical Guide covers all aspects of transplantation in both adult and pediatric patients. Cardiac, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas and small bowel transplantation are discussed in detail, as well as emerging areas such as face and pancreatic islet cell transplantation. For each organ, chapters cover basic science of transplantation, recipient selection, the transplant procedure, anesthetic and post-operative care, and long-term follow-up and management of complications. Important issues in donor selection and management are also discussed, including recruitment and allocation of potential donor organs and expanding the donor pool. Summary tables and illustrations enhance the text, and long-term outcome data are provided where available. Written by expert transplant surgeons, anesthetists and physicians, Organ Transplantation: A Clinical Guide is an invaluable multidisciplinary resource for any clinician involved in transplantation, providing in-depth knowledge of specialist areas of transplantation and covering the full range of management strategies.
Klijanienko: Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach
By Jerzy Klijanienko
2011 (1st ed), 448 pages, $165 list
Soft tissue tumors (STTs) are frequently misdiagnosed in inexperienced hands. Having diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients with these difficult tumors in the last few years, Institut Curie physicians have collected core data contributing to breakthrough research into the morphological, biological, and molecular aspects of soft tissue tumors, resulting in valuable translational and clinical applications to patient treatment. Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach presents a distillation of these experiences, combined with valuable data and perspectives contributed by senior pathologists, oncologists, and radiologists from several of the world's other leading cancer centers of excellence.
Knipe: Fields Virology
By David Knipe
2013 (6th ed), 2664 pages, 1000 illus, $440 list
Fields Virology is the authoritative reference book for virology, providing definitive coverage of all aspects of virology, including thorough coverage of virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. With the regular outbreaks of influenza, noroviruses as well as other emerging and re-emerging viruses it is essential to have the most up-to-date information available.
Knudsen: Cancer Diagnostics with DNA Microarrays
By Steen Knudsen
2006 (1st ed), 208 pages, $125 list
Authored by an international authority in the field, Cancer Diagnostics with DNA Microarrays is a complete reference work on the rapidly growing use of DNA microarray data in the diagnosis of and treatment planning for a large number of human cancers.
Ko: Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression
By Christine J. Ko, Ronald J. Barr
2011 (2nd ed), 296 pages, 800 illus, $91 list
Although other Atlases exist, they are organized by disease. This atlas takes the appearance as the starting point for learning how to differentiate similarly presenting problems. It concentrates on the most common diseases rather than being comprehensive, which can be confusing to the trainee.
Kocjan: Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials
By Gabrijela Kocjan, Winifred Gray, Tanya Levine, Ika Kardum-Skelin, Philippe Vielh
2013, 480 pages, 1300 illus, $185 list
Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials is a succinct yet comprehensive guide to diagnosis in both non-gynecological and gynecological cytology. It provides quick answers to diagnostic problems in the cytological interpretation and recognition of a wide range of disease entities. With content derived from Diagnostic Cytopathology, 3rd Edition, the authoritative reference work by Winifred Gray and Gabrijela Kocjan, Diagnostic Cytopathology Essentials delivers the dependable guidance you need - in a user-friendly format that makes essential facts about any given condition easy to find and apply.
Kolokythas: Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
By Antonia Kolokythas
2015, $99 list (Els.)
This issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America focuses on Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Articles will include: Benign soft tissue pathology, Malignant head and neck pathology, Odontogenic cysts of the jaws, Non-odontogenic cysts of the jaws, Odontogenic tumors of the jaws, Non-odontogenic tumors of the jaws, Benign salivary gland pathology, Malignant salivary gland pathology, Vascular malformations and treatment, Vascular tumors of the head and neck, Radiotherapy to the head and neck and the growing patient, Chemotherapy for tumors of the head and neck in the growing patient, and more!
Koneman: Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology
By Elmer Koneman
2005 (6th ed), 1736 pages, $96 list
Long considered the definitive work in its field, this new edition presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all aspects of clinical microbiology - bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology. Tests are presented according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS) format.
Koo: Mild-to-Moderate Psoriasis
By John Koo
2008 (2nd ed), 300 pages, 200 illus, $230 list
Using a practical and problem-focused approach, this updated, full-color Second Edition of Mild-to-Moderate Psoriasis equips dermatologists, internists, family practitioners, and residents with a state-of-the-art guide to the clinical management of mild-to-moderate psoriasis. Written by an international team of key opinion leaders, this resource explores new treatments for the condition and provides clinicians with up-to-date management strategies for optimum patient management.
Koo: Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis
By John Koo
2008 (3rd ed), 300 pages, 80 illus, $230 list
Written by experts in the dermatology field, the new Third Edition of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis discusses the current use of biologics and new pharmacologic and phototherapy treatments for moderate-to-severe psoriasis. With 80 high quality color figures and full color throughout, this stand-alone text emphasizes safe and effective treatments for the psoriasis patient that are perfect for the dermatologist in daily practice.
Korenberg: Microarray Data Analysis: Methods and Applications
By Michael J Korenberg
2007 (1st ed), 312 pages, $100 list
An up-to-date guide on microarray data analysis, including genomic signal processing, predictive models of gene regulation, analysis of comparative genomic hybridization data on cDNA microarrays, and interpreting microarray results with gene ontology and MeSH ontology.
Korn: Video Atlas of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
By Bobby Korn
2010 (1st ed), 200 pages, $218 list
Video Atlas of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, by Drs. Bobby S. Korn and Don O. Kikkawa, is the first reference to help perfect your skills and expand your repertoire by giving you access to actual surgical techniques on high-definition, quality video. With three DVD-ROMs and accompanying color surgical text that highlights key stages of every technique presented in the videos, this package helps you master 42 different procedures including upper and lower blepharoplasty, ptosis repair, filler and botulinum toxin injections, and more. The video clips, professionally edited with narration, explain the techniques step by step and provide you with more than three hours of coverage depicting today's latest surgical approaches.
Koss: Koss's Cytology of the Urinary Tract with Histopathologic Correlations
By Leopold Koss
2012 (1st ed), 141 pages, 81 illus, $139 list
Fifteen years have elapsed since the publication of the original book under the same title. With the passage of time little has changed and the same conceptual mistakes continue to be made in the practice of urinary cytopathology as in the past. For this reason a much simplified new edition of this book with the application of new processing techniques has been thought to be a worthwhile undertaking. Numerous new color photographs from the file of the co-editor have replaced old black and white photographs and will hopefully support the brief text for the benefit of patients. This volume will appeal to urologists as well as pathologists, cytopathologists and related professions.
Kostic: Detection of Highly Dangerous Pathogens
By Tanja Kostic
2009 (1st ed), 191 pages, $44 list
Written by leading experts in the field as part of an interdisciplinary pan-European research program funded by the EU, this book provides a unique and comprehensive overview of how microarray technology can be used in safely tracking the most highly dangerous pathogens. A must-have for public health agencies focused on bioterrorism as well as all laboratories working with BSL3 and/or BSL 4 agents.
Kotb: Superantigens: Molecular Basis for Their Role in Human Diseases
By Malak Kotb and John D Fraser
2007 (1st ed), 292 pages, $130 list
Superantigens is the first comprehensive examination of these fascinating proteins ever published. A team of internationally respected researchers covers the basic molecular mechanisms of superantigen action, their structure and function, and their role in human diseases.
Kottke-Marchant: An Algorithmic Approach to Hemostasis Testing
By Kandice Kottke-Marchant
2008 (1st ed), 396 pages, $225 list
An Algorithmic Approach to Hemostasis Testing is a well-illustrated reference text and practical guide for pathologists and laboratories engaged in hemostasis testing. It includes sections on hemostasis physiology, the basics of laboratory testing and interpretation, sample collection and processing, patient history and diagnostic criteria, and anticoagulant drug monitoring.
Kottke-Marchant: Laboratory Hematology Practice
By Kandice Kottke-Marchant and Bruce Davis
2012 (1st ed), 770 pages, $311 list
Expertly edited and endorsed by the International Society for Laboratory Hematology, this is the newest international textbook on all aspects of laboratory hematology. Covering both traditional and cutting-edge hematology laboratory technology this book emphasizes international recommendations for testing practices. Illustrative case studies on how technology can be used in patient diagnosis are included. Laboratory Hematology Practice is an invaluable resource for all those working in the field.
Kouchoukos: Kirklin / Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery
By Nicholas Kouchoukos
2012 (4th ed), 2054 pages, $439 list
Now in its 4th edition, Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery remains your indispensable source for definitive, state-of-the-art answers on every aspect of adult and pediatric cardiac surgery. This dynamic medical reference thoroughly and systematically covers the full range of new and classic surgical procedures-including the latest alternate and minimally invasive surgical techniques-and presents the up-to-date clinical evidence you need to make effective management decisions.
Kovacs: Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases Book and Online: A Practical Guide
By Gabor G. Kovacs
2105, 316 pages, $122 list
This practical guide to the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases discusses modern molecular techniques, morphological classification, fundamentals of clinical symptomology, diagnostic pitfalls and immunostaining protocols. It is based on the proteinopathy concept of neurodegenerative disease, which has influenced classification and provides new strategies for therapy. Numerous high-quality images, including histopathology photomicrographs and neuroradiology scans, accompany the description of morphologic alterations and interpretation of immunoreactivities. Diagnostic methods and criteria are placed within recent developments in neuropathology, including the now widespread application of immunohistochemistry. To aid daily practice, the guide includes diagnostic algorithms and offers personal insights from experienced experts in the field. Special focus is given to the way brain tissue should be handled during diagnosis. This is a must-have reference for medical specialists and specialist medical trainees in the fields of pathology, neuropathology and neurology working with neuropathologic features of neurodegenerative diseases. The book is packaged with a password, giving the user online access to all the text and images.
Kowalczyk: Radiographic Pathology for Technologists
By Nina Kowalczyk
2013 (6th ed), 472 pages, $80 list
Radiographic Pathology for Technologists, 6th Edition concisely covers the injuries and abnormalities most frequently diagnosed using medical imaging to prepare you for what you are most likely to encounter on the job. This essential text also features background discussions of key anatomy and physiology principles, along with imaging considerations for each disease categorized by type followed by a description of its radiographic appearance, signs and symptoms, and treatment.
Kradin: Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease
By Richard Kradin
2010 (1st ed), 660 pages, $200 list
Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease presents a comprehensive, organ-based approach to the effective and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. Dr. Richard L. Kradin covers the latest information on H1N1, as well as the use of immunohistochemical stains, PCR, Immunoperoxidase, and other molecular techniques for a current representation of the field. High-quality, full-color illustrations and differential diagnosis tables accompany each lesion so you can quickly identify and diagnose whatever you see. Online and print, this reference is an invaluable tool for the accurate diagnosis of any infectious disease-from the common to the most challenging.
Kraus: Placental Pathology (Vol 3)
By Frederick T. Kraus, Raymond W. Redline, Deborah J. Gersell, D. Michael Nelson, Jeffrey M. Dicke
2004, 331 pages, $95 list
Over 490 illustrations The third Fascicle of the Atlas of Nontumor Pathology offers a concise guide to understanding the placenta; a unique organ involving both mother and child during pregnancy. The book, Placental Pathology, is divided into fourteen chapters and an appendix. It includes the structure and function of the normal placenta and then proceeds to review the major disorders and lesions, which occur as complications of a normal pregnancy and delivery. The monograph includes not only pathology authors but also an obstetrician and radiologist who present an expert comprehensive review of diseases of the placenta. It is therefore a valuable reference for all three specialty groups in this field.
Krause: Cutaneous Manifestations of Endocrine Diseases
By Walter Krause
2008 (1st ed), 198 pages, 100 illus, $99 list
Lavishly illustrated, this clinical guide describes the clinical and histological features of skin lesions observed in endocrine diseases. Written in the language of dermatologists in order to enable a simple association between the features observed and the endocrine etiology, and with its reader-friendly format, this book will support dermatologists and endocrinologists alike, both in finding the cause of the disease and in making the correct diagnosis.
Krieg: Therapy of Skin Diseases
By Thomas Krieg
2009 (1st ed), 500 pages, 50 illus, $200 list
Based on the understanding of the molecular basis of skin diseases, this truly international book supports the reader to understand the mode of action of new and established therapies. Thus, by explaining the molecular pathology with its applications for therapy, it provides the reader with an up-to-date knowledge of the therapy of skin disease and helps to understand ongoing and new developments in the field. Written and edited by international and renowned dermatology experts from Europe, America and Asia, it also includes regional concepts of therapies.
Kroft: Lymph Nodes
By Steven Kroft
2012 (1st ed), 208 pages, $75 list
Lymph Nodes presents the full gamut of key lymph nodes disorder entities and diagnoses that a pathologist can expect to encounter in daily practice. Coverage includes infectious lymphadenopathies, reactive lympadenopathies, lymph node inclusions, spindle cell neoplasms of lymph nodes, mature B-cell neoplasms, mature T- and NK-cell neoplasms, Hodgkin lymphoma, precursor lymphoid neoplasms, and more. Lymph Nodes is highly illustrated throughout and provides a handy summary and quick reference guide for pathology residents and less experienced pathologists. In addition, it serves as a portable "refresher course" or MOC review tool for more experienced pathologists.
Krowchuk: Pediatric Dermatology: A Quick Reference Guide
By Daniel Krowchuk
2011 (2nd ed), 550 pages, 250 illus, $87 list
The new second edition of Pediatric Dermatology: A Quick Reference Guide provides the guidance you need to evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage diverse dermatologic problems occurring from birth through adolescence.
Krueger: Atlas of Anatomic Pathology with Imaging
By Chitra Chandrasekhar, Gerhard Krueger and L Maximilian Buja
2013 (1st ed), 736 pages, $279 list
Atlas of Anatomic Pathology with Imaging - A Correlative Diagnostic Companion is a valuable teaching tool for medical students and residents in several specialities such as pathology, radiology, internal medicine, surgery and neurologic sciences. Its need is all the more urgent given the severe shortcuts in the teaching of anatomic pathology following the decrease in the number of autopsies performed. Many of the images shown in the atlas would not be available without performing autopsies and therefore this atlas is an essential for all those in the field.
Krutmann: Dermatological Phototherapy and Photodiagnostic Methods
By Jean Krutmann
2008 (2nd ed), 448 pages, 55 illus, $139 list
Edited by internationally renowned experts, the new edition offers up-to-date, comprehensive and clinically relevant information on every aspect of photodiagnostic and phototherapy. The book is structured in following parts:Photochemotherapy in daily practice, special phototherapeutic modalities and photoprotection in daily practice. Due to the detailed structure this new edition is even more reader-friendly and has a strong focus on clinical aspects. It includes: Guidelines for the treatment selections of specific diseases, practical guidelines for phototherapy with information about basic principles of photobiology, standardized test protocols for photodermatoses and diagnosis for skin tumors.
Krutmann: Nutrition for Healthy Skin
By Jean Krutmann
2010 (1st ed), 208 pages, 31 illus, $189 list
This extraordinary reference describes the scientific basis, summarizes the existing evidence that functional food for skin really works, and addresses the key questions asked by dermatologists and patients when it comes to practical aspects of nutrition based strategies in clinical and cosmetical dermatology. It is believed that this helpful guide will become the golden standard, the 'bible' for this given topic, which will be used by dermatologists, industry people and interested patients.
Kulkarni: Clinical Genomics
By Shashikant Kulkarni and John Pfeifer
2014, 488 pages, $143 list
Clinical Genomics provides an overview of the various next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies that are currently used in clinical diagnostic laboratories. It presents key bioinformatic challenges and the solutions that must be addressed by clinical genomicists and genomic pathologists, such as specific pipelines for identification of the full range of variants that are clinically important.
Kumar: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
By Vijay Kumar
2014 (9th ed), 1472 pages, $125 list
Dependable, current, and complete, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition is the perennially best-selling text that you'll use long after your medical student days are behind you. A world-class author team headed by Drs. Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, and Jon Aster, delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. High-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more.
Kumar: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, Professional Edition
By Vinay Kumar
2014, 1472 pages, $175 list
Dependable, current, and complete, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition is the perennially best-selling text that you'll use long after your medical student days are behind you. A world-class author team headed by Drs. Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, and Jon Aster, delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. High-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more.
Kumar: Robbins Basic Pathology
By Vinay Kumar, Abul K Abbas, Nelson Fausto and Richard Mitchell
2012 (9th ed), 928 pages, 1000 illus, $100 list
Get a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts with expert guidance from an all-star editorial team and grasp the connections between basic science and clinical medicine with clinicopathologic correlations throughout.
Kumar: Telepathology
By Sajeesh Kumar
2008 (1st ed), 238 pages, 85 illus, $139 list
Written by experts from around the globe "Telepathology" explains technical issues, digital information processing and collective experiences from practitioners in different parts of the world practicing a wide range of telepathology applications.
Kumar: The Molecular Biology of Chronic Heart Failure
By Dhavendra Kumar
2013 (1st ed), 88 pages, $40 list
The clinical syndrome of chronic heart failure (CHF) is the hallmark of progressive cardiac decompensation, one of the most common chronic medical conditions that affect around 2% of the adult population worldwide irrespective of ethnic and geographic origin (Anonymous). Apart from ischemic heart disease, hypertension, infection, and inflammation, several other etiologic factors account for irreparable and irreversible myocardial damage leading to heart failure (HF). Genetic and genomic factors are now increasingly identified as one of the leading underlying factors (Arab and Liu 2005). These factors may be related to pathogenic alterations (mutation or polymorphism) within specific cardiac genes, mutations in genes incorporating single or multiple molecular pathways (protein families) relevant to cardiac structure and/or function, genetic or genomic polymorphisms of uncertain significance (gene variants, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and copy number variations (CNVs)), and epigenetic or epigenomic changes that influence cardiac gene functions scattered across the human genome. Recent genetic and genomic studies in both systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction, the hallmark of CHF, have revealed a number of mutations in genes belonging to specific cardiac protein families.
Kurian: Atlas of Gross Neuropathology with CD: A Practical Approach
By Kathreena Kurian, Tim Moss and Sandra Camelo-Piragua
2014 (1st ed), 288 pages, 400 images, $125 list
This comprehensive atlas presents over 400 gross neuropathology images from post-mortem tissues, collected at autopsy over a period of 30 years. Covering neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathology of both adult and paediatric brain, spinal cord and spine disease, it offers unparalleled access to the entire central nervous system. Practical introductions and succinct descriptions accompany superb quality color images, enabling rapid learning from the authors' wealth of real-life experience. At a time when gross images of brain and spine diseases are increasingly difficult to access, this is an essential guide to the diagnosis of neurologic diseases by post-mortem examination. A must-have practical resource for pathologists, neuropathologists, radiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons, both in training and in practice.
Kurman: Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract
By Robert Kurman
2010 (1st ed), 1410 pages, 1690 illus, $229 list
Since the publication of the 1/e in 1977, Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract has consolidated its position as the leading textbook of gynecological pathology. An essential reference for all pathologists and residents, this thoroughly updated Sixth Edition includes more than 1500 illustrations in color, informative tables and 28 revised chapters written by internationally recognized experts.
Kurman: Tumors of the Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva (Vol 13)
By Robert J. Kurman, Brigitte M. Ronnett, Mark E. Sherman, and Edward J. Wilkinson
2010, 431 pages, $150 list
The publication of this Fascicle marks the transition in diagnosis of lower genital tract lesions from a largely morphologic activity to one based upon in­tegrated assessment using microscopy and molecular biology. Furthermore, the ability to integrate these diagnostic approaches with clinical data for patient man­agement has been heightened. The introduction of prophylactic vaccines for preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical cancer precursors also thrusts pathology into a new unprecedented public health role with regard to disease monitoring, which will likely expand over time.Finally, the realization that cervical cancer is becoming increasingly preventable, carries with it both a sense of accomplishment and the recognition that this must now be translated into an achievable goal of cancer prevention in underdeveloped nations. Although the text has remained concise in order to maintain the primary function of the Fascicle as an atlas rather than a comprehensive text­book, it has been substantially updated to reflect the changes in the field since the previous edition was published in 1992. In this regard, the number of illustrations, all of which are in color, has almost doubled. Both the text and the photomicrographs emphasize the impor­tance of immunohistochemistry andmolecular in situ hybridization as adjuncts to morphology in routine clinical diagnosis. A binary (low-grade and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) classification for histology, analogous to TBS for cytology, replaces the four-tiered dysplasia/CIS system and the three-tiered CIN system. This Fascicle will be a useful reference for pathologists, residents, and students for years to come.
Kurman: WHO Classification of Tumours of the Female Reproductive Organs
By R.J. Kurman, M.L. Carcangiu, C.S. Herrington, R.H. Young
2014 (4th ed), 316 pages, 400 illus, $149 list
WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs is the sixth volume in the Fourth Edition of the WHO series on histological and genetic typing of human tumors. This authoritative, concise reference book provides an international standard for oncologists and pathologists and will serve as an indispensable guide for use in the design of studies monitoring response to therapy and clinical outcome.
Kutikhin: Infectious Agents and Cancer
By Anton Kutikhin
2015, 128 pages, $116 list
Over the years of cancer investigation a lot of discoveries in this field were made, and many associations between various biological carcinogens and cancer were revealed. Some of them are credibly determined, thus these infectious agents (human papilloma virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes virus 8, human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1, human immunodeficiency virus, Merkel cell polyomavirus, Helicobacter pylori, Opisthorchis viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis, Schistosoma haematobium) are recognized as carcinogens and probable carcinogens by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Kwaik: Francisella Tularensis: Biology, Pathogenicity, Epidemiology, and Biodefense
By Yousef Abu Kwaik, Dennis W Metzger, Francis Nano, Anders Sjostedt and Richard Titball
2007 (1st ed), 352 pages, $160 list
This is the first book on tularemia. The volume explores the mechanisms of pathogenesis, genetics and genetic manipulations, genomics and metagenomics, animal models, protective immunity, pathophysiology, vaccine development, genetic susceptibility and routine and rapid microbiological diagnostic tools.



La Rosa: Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
By Stefano La Rosa and Fausto Sessa
2015, 195 pages, 12 illus, $102 list (Spr)
This book provides a broad overview of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, focusing on the most important developments in the technologies used to diagnose, classify and treat them. After a historical and epidemiological overview, the opening chapters examine the various diagnostic approaches (radiology, nuclear medicine, endocrinology, cytology and immunohistochemistry) and discuss the WHO classification. The functioning and nonfunctioning tumor types are then fully discussed, covering epidemiology, diagnosis, morphology and prognosis of each entity.
Lachapelle: Patch Testing and Prick Testing
By Jean-Marie Lachapelle
2009 (2nd ed), 195 pages, 80 illus, $60 list
Knowledge in the field of allergic contact dermatitis has developed to a considerable degree, which includes improved techniques of patch testing and prick testing, e.g. additional tests such as open, semi-open, repeated open application test (ROAT) and use tests, photopatch tests, atopy patch tests and provocative tests. Further, due to the ongoing changes in our environment, the series of patch tests - the so-called standards - are also regularly renewed.
Lack: Tumors of the Adrenal Glands and Extraadrenal Paraganglia (Vol 8)
By Ernest E. Lack
2007, 500 pages, $160 list
No description available.
Lack: Tumors of the Adrenal Gland and Extraadrenal Paraganglia (Vol 19)
By Ernest E. Lack
2000, 468 pages, $70 list
No description available.
Lacruz: Central Nervous System Intraoperative Cytopathology
By Cesar R. Lacruz, Javier Saenz de Santamaria, Ricardo H. Bardales
2013, 378 pages, 129 illus, $79 list
Central Nervous System Intraoperative Cytopathology covers the full spectrum of benign and malignant conditions of the CNS with emphasis on common disorders. The volume is heavily illustrated and contains useful algorithms that guide the reader through the differential diagnosis of common and uncommon entities encountered in the field of intraoperative neuro-cytopathology. Central Nervous System Intraoperative Cytopathology is a valuable quick reference for pathologists, cytopathologists, and fellows and trainees dealing with this exigent field.
Lager: Practical Renal Pathology
By Donna Lager
2013 (1st ed), 400 pages, 750 illus, $279 list
Practical Renal Pathology helps you apply a systematic pattern recognition approach to achieve more accurate diagnoses of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the kidneys. This volume in the Pattern Recognition Series helps you to efficiently and confidently evaluate even the most challenging histologic specimens.
Lai: Intraepithelial Neoplasia
By Maode Lai
2009 (1st ed), 420 pages, 450 illus, $279 list
Intraepithelial neoplasia (IEN) are some kind of preinvasive lesions. The definition and identification of intraepithelial neoplasia is exceedingly important for early diagnosis and prevention of malignancy. This book introduces for the first time the concept of intraepithelial neoplasia for the entire body in detail and the diagnostic applications of intraepithelial neoplasia in many organs and systems - including the respiratory and digestive systems, pancreas, bile duct, breast, prostate, urinary system, female genital system and the skin. The book features a large number of original figures - 450 - from Chinese patients with detailed descriptions. The book can serve as a diagnostic reference and as a research guide to preinvasive lesions for pathologists, oncologists and scientists. In addition, it will be able to help medical and pathology students improve their understanding of early neoplasia.
Lakhani: WHO Classification of Tumours of the Breast (4th Ed, Vol 4)
Edited by Lakhani, S.R., Ellis. I.O., Schnitt, S.J., Tan, P.H., van de Vijver, M.J.
2012 (4th ed), 400 pages, $162 list
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Breast is the fourth volume of the 4th Edition of the WHO series on histological and genetic typing of human tumours. This authoritative, concise reference book provides an international standard for oncologists and pathologists and will serve as an indispensable guide for use in the design of studies monitoring response to therapy and clinical outcome. Diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, epidemiology, clinical features, macroscopy, pathology, genetics, and prognosis and predictive factors. The book, prepared by 90 authors from 24 countries, contains more than 340 colour photographs, tables and figures, and more than 1600 references.
Lal: Biology of Emerging Viruses: SARS Avian and Human Influenza, Metapneumovirus, Nipah, West Nile, and Ross River Virus
By Sunil Lal
2007 (1st ed), 252 pages, $125 list
This volume reports on a meeting, co-sponsored by the American Society for Microbiology and the Vietnam Association for Microbiology, which provided a common platform for Vietnamese scientists and ASM international members to discuss emerging viral infectious diseases with special emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region.
Lamont: Oral Microbiology and Immunology
By Richard Lamont, George Hajishengallis, Howard Jenkinson
2013 (2nd ed), 575 pages, 167 illus, $110 list
In the second edition of best-selling textbook Oral Microbiology and Immunology, an international panel of editors presents an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the oral ecosystem and its role in human health and disease. Written specifically for dental students, dental practitioners, and healthcare professionals, Oral Microbiology and Immunology cohesively details the ecology, virulence, molecular biology, and immunogenicity of oral bacteria, viruses, and fungi and examines their interfaces with host cells and secretions. This new edition addresses the technological and conceptual advances that have increased our understanding of the etiology of oral diseases and the nature of pathogenic mechanisms and the host response.
Lamps: Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary & Pancreas
By Laura Lamps
2011, 436 pages, 1204 illus, $299 list
Designed as an easy-to-use and comprehensive reference for the practicing pathologist, Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary and Pancreas is the next highly anticipated title in the Diagnostic Pathology series offered by Amirsys. As readers have come to expect from this series, Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary and Pancreas is filled with superior medical images, including gross photographs, photomicrographs, and detailed medical illustrations. As with our other Diagnostic Pathology titles, chapters include definitions, terminology, etiologies and pathogenesis, demographics, clinical presentations, therapy, prognoses, radiologic imaging, pathology, and differential diagnoses. The pathologic features are extensively detailed with descriptions of the macroscopic features, microscopic findings, cytopathology (as indicated), and as needed, ancillary studies. The latter include histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics, molecular diagnostics and ultrastructural findings. There are also a variety of quick-reference test data tables, as well as helpful introductory chapters, annotated and illustrated staging templates, and chapters on specimen examination handling. This handsome volume is a veritable one-stop shop for your hepatic, biliary, and pancreatic pathology reference needs.
Lamps: Diagnostic Pathology: Normal Histology
By Laura Lamps
2013 (1st ed), 400 pages, 1800 illus, $299 list
A thorough knowledge of normal histology, in all of its wonderful variation, is essential to the study of disease. Diagnostic Pathology: Normal Histology is designed for practicing pathologists, pathologists in training, medical students, and students of histology in any setting as they strive to learn about the spectrum of normal. This reference provides clear, concise information on the normal histology of every organ system. It also features nearly 1,800 images, including photomicrographs, spectacular gross images, electron micrographs, and medical illustrations. There are introductory chapters on electron microscopy, immunofluoresence, immunohistochemistry and histochemistry, the cell, and the basic organization of tissues. As with all books in the Diagnostic Pathology series, the key facts pertaining to each diagnosis are highlighted in a box for ease of use.
Lamps: Neoplastic Gastrointestinal Pathology
By Laura Lamps, Andrew Bellizzi, Wendy Frankel, Scott Owens and Rhonda Yantiss
2015, 408 pages, 600+ illus, $133 list
Approximately 20 million gastrointestinal tract biopsies are performed each year in the United States. While many of these are straightforward, some are; histologically subtle or involve a complex differential diagnosis. This concise visual guide to the full range of neoplastic gastrointestinal specimens; provides the practicing pathologist or trainee with a clear analysis and diagnosis of both common and potentially misleading variants of disease.
Lamps: Surgical Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System: Bacterial, Fungal, Viral and Parasitic Infections
By Laura Lamps
2009 (1st ed), 300 pages, 600 illus, $185 list
This text provides a unique diagnostic reference text for the practicing surgical pathologist by combining the superior illustrations of an atlas with carefully written prose to create a useful diagnostic companion. Each chapter, is extensively illustrated, and contains brief clinical descriptions, as well as prose discussions of diagnostic features, differential diagnosis, and ancillary tests that help confirm the diagnosis (i.e. immunohistochemistry, special histochemical stains, or molecular diagnosic techniques).
Lanigan: Dermatology in Clinical Practice
By S.W. Lanigan
2010 (1st ed), 596 pages, $40 list
This book gives an insight into the common cutaneous disorders, discussing the treatment in detail, and giving a number of treatment options where required. More unusual diseases and syndromes are only mentioned where necessary. The first line physician's needs are kept in mind while writing each chapter, e.g. the chapter on cutaneous signs of systemic disease is described in more detail in comparison to other short books on dermatology, because physicians in the front line of patient management regularly deal with a vast number of medical problems.
Lang: How to Report Statistics in Medicine
By Thomas Lang
2006 (2nd ed), 490 pages, $65 list
How to Report Statistics in Medicine presents a comprehensive and comprehensible set of guidelines for reporting the statistical analyses and research designs and activities commonly used in biomedical research. Containing elements of a reference book, a style manual, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, and a text book, it is the standard guide in the fields of medical writing, scientific publications, and evidence-based medicine throughout the world. Features: Specific, detailed guidelines for reporting and interpreting statistics and research designs and activities in biomedical science. Sample presentations that guide you in reporting statistics correctly and completely. Coverage of current and emerging topics in statistics and trial design. Written by a senior medical writer and a senior biostatistician, the text is both clear and accurate, and the information is complete and pragmatic. Designed for anyone who needs to interpret or report statistics in medicine.
Lang: How to Write, Publish, and Present in the Health Sciences: A Guide for Physicians and Laboratory Researchers
By Thomas Lang
2009 (1st ed), 389 pages, $60 list
From the acclaimed author of the standard reference on reporting statistics in medicine, this new resource explains how to create effective scientific articles, research proposals, abstracts, posters, and slide presentations. It describes how to write efficiently and how to prepare tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, and images for publication. A wealth of key concepts, practical information, common mistakes, and helpful tips make this book invaluable to novice researchers and seasoned professionals alike. This book is sure to become the leading reference on health-science communications!
Lanzkowsky: Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
By Philip Lanzkowsky
2010 (5th ed), 1058 pages, $117 list
This will be the fifth edition of successful clinical manual aimed at all practitioners treating children with cancer and blood diseases, such as leukemia, anemia, and bone marrow failure. As with previous editions, this edition will be a comprehensive book on patient management, replete with algorithms and flow diagrams on diagnosis and management. Its concise and easy-to-read format will enable readers to make accurate diagnoses and permit them to treat patients even if they have not had extensive previous hematologic or oncologic experience. It will contain a list of normal values at various ages in children, which is extremely useful as a reference in the management of patients.
Laposata: Clinical Diagnostic Tests
By Michael Laposata
2015, 310 pages, $55 list
Clinical Diagnostic Tests is a convenient, quick-reference guide to common errors and pitfalls in test selection and result interpretation for practitioners and trainees in all; areas of clinical medicine. Authored by recognized experts and educators in laboratory medicine, it provides timely, practical guidance about what to; doóand what not to doófor practitioners ordering or interpreting clinical tests.
Laposata: Coagulation Disorders
By Michael Laposata
2010 (1st ed), 136 pages, $41 list
Coagulation Disorders is designed to show clinical pathologists, lab managers, medical technologists, and residents how to avoid common errors in test selection and result interpretation in diagnostic coagulation. Utilizing a case-based approach, each chapter features a concise overview of a major diagnosis, with multiple illustrative cases, and then a list of recommended standards of care pertinent to the problem.
Laposata: Laboratory Medicine
By Michael Laposata
2010 (1st ed) 600 pages, $50 list
Laboratory Medicine is the most comprehensive, user-friendly, and well-illustrated guide available for learning how to order the correct laboratory test and understand the clinical significance of the results. The book features an easy-to-follow, consistent presentation for each disease discussed. Chapters begin with a brief description of the disorder followed by a discussion that includes tables detailing the laboratory evaluation of specific disorders, diagnosis, baseline tests to exclude diagnostic possibilities, and clinical indications that warrant further screening and special testing.
Lara: Kidney Cancer
By Primo Lara and Eric Jonasch
2015 (2nd ed.), 402 pages, 15 illus., $139 list (Spr.)
Kidney Cancer: Principles and Practice is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary textbook that encompasses all clinically relevant aspects of the disease. This new edition has been extensively updated and includes brand new material covering the most recent developments in kidney cancer diagnosis and therapy. The user-friendly and clinically oriented content of the book guarantees that it will be of great interest to a wide range of medical professionals, and every effort has been made to ensure that contributions are both easy to understand and directly related to patient care.
Lavini: Thymus Gland Pathology
By Corrado Lavini
2008 (1st ed), 274 pages, $149 list
This volume is an update on the pathology of this gland and includes 24 chapters written by international and well-known experts. The whole thymic pathology is described and new concepts about the nosological classification and the thymic neoplasm staging system are reported. Some chapters are focused on the radiologic, mini-invasive, and surgical diagnosis, and other chapters deal with surgical and non-surgical treatments. Special chapters are devoted to myasthenia gravis and thymus transplantation.
Layfield: Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
By Lester Layfield
2014 (1st ed), 252 pages, $105 list
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a popular and effective technique for quick tissue diagnosis. It is used to investigate superficial lumps or masses that are just under the skin. This atlas is a practical guide to fine need aspiration cytology for trainees and pathologists. Beginning with an introduction to its clinical use and techniques, the following chapters examine the procedure in all anatomical regions of the body, including lung and pleura, breast, liver, kidney and musculoskeletal system. A complete chapter is dedicated to its use for paediatric tumours. The book covers both rare and common neoplastic lesions, with key features listed in tabular form for each one. Written by a recognised expert from the University of Missouri, the atlas is highly illustrated with colour images that present cytological features as well as relevant immunohistochemical and molecular findings. Key points * Practical guide to fine needle aspiration cytology for trainees and pathologists * Covers all anatomical regions * Complete chapter dedicated to paediatric tumours * Authored by recognised expert from University of Missouri
Layfield: Musculoskeletal Cytohistology
By Lester Layfield
2012 (1st ed), 326 pages, $175 list
Each volume in this richly illustrated series, sponsored by the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology, provides an organ-based approach to the cytological and histological diagnosis of small tissue samples. Benign, pre-malignant and malignant entities are presented in a well-organized and standardized format, with high-resolution color photomicrographs, tables, tabulated specific morphologic criteria and appropriate ancillary testing algorithms. Example vignettes allow the reader to assimilate the diagnostic principles in a case-based format. This volume describes the cytologic, small core biopsy, immunohistochemical and molecular diagnostic features of musculoskeletal lesions. It provides the cytopathologist and histopathologist with a comprehensive survey of diagnostic approaches and diagnostic features for benign and malignant lesions. Each chapter contains a detailed summary of differential diagnostic features, supported by high-quality images and case studies. With over 500 printed photomicrographs and a CD-ROM offering all images in a downloadable format, this is an important resource for practising pathologists and residents in pathology.
Le: First Aid for the USMLE Step 1
By Tao Le
2013 (23rd ed), 680 pages, 125 illus, $38 list
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 delivers exactly what you need to ace the exam: More than 1200 frequently tested facts and mnemonics that provide a complete framework for your USMLE review.
Le: First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1
By Tao Le
2012 (3rd ed), 411 pages, $41 list
First Aid™ Cases for the USMLE Step 1 features 400 well-illustrated cases to help you relate basic science concepts to clinical situations. Each case includes drawings or clinical images with Q&As that reinforce key concepts. Chapters are keyed to Tao Le's First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 allowing you to simultaneously study cases and high-yield facts.
Le: First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 2 CK
By Tao Le
2012 (3rd ed), 411 pages, $41 list
First Aid™ Cases for the USMLE Step 1 features 400 well-illustrated cases to help you relate basic science concepts to clinical situations. Each case includes drawings or clinical images with Q&As that reinforce key concepts. Chapters are keyed to Tao Le's First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 allowing you to simultaneously study cases and high-yield facts.
Le: First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS
By Tao Le
2012 (4th ed), 459 pages, $40 list
The best USMLE Step 2 CS review got just got even better! The third edition of First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS has been updated based on feedback from US and international medical student test takers. This student-to-student guide thoroughly prepares you for frequently tested cases, including telephone exams, to ensure CS success.
Leach: Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology Diagnosis
By Mike Leach, Mark Drummond and Allyson Doig
2013 (1st ed), 256 pages, $150 list
This book acts as a clinical manual for the diagnostician who cannot turn to reference books when the morphology or immunophenotype are atypical. This volume presents a logical practical approach to the diagnosis of blood disorders, both neoplastic and reactive, and other diagnostic applications of flow cytometry in non-neoplastic haematology diagnosis. Illustrations are provided throughout with worked examples.
LeBoit: Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Skin (Volume 10)
By Philip E LeBoit, Gunter Burg, David Weedon and Alain Sarasin
2006, 360 pages, 700 illus, $110 list
This volume covers keratinocytic, melanocytic, appendageal, haematopoietic, soft tissue and neural tumours, as well as inherited tumour syndromes.
Lebwohl: Treatment of Skin Disease
By Mark Lebwohl
2009 (3rd ed), 860 pages, $199 list
Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies has been thoroughly revised to give you the latest treatment options for dermatologic conditions. Mark G. Lebwohl, Warren R. Heymann, John Berth-Jones, and Ian Coulson present an intuitive and easy-to-use, definitive treatment reference that covers the full range of choices for each condition so that you are prepared even when your patients do not respond to primary or secondary therapies. With new chapters on today's hot topics-methocillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, atypical nevi, autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, and more-and new contributions from international experts, you'll have a global and current perspective on therapeutic options. Offer your patients the full range of choices and be prepared when your patients do not respond to primary or secondary therapies.
Lee: Color Atlas of Cutaneous Excisions and Repairs
By Ken Lee
2008 (1st ed), 186 pages, 400 illus, $130 list
This full-color atlas presents an in-depth pictorial display of cutaneous surgery designed for all those interested in improving their surgical skills, from students and residents to experienced surgeons across a wide range of medical specialties. It provides step-by-step instructions through a series of detailed color photographs and illustrations. The excisions and resulting defects featured within cover a variety of locations. The repairs vary in type and size in order to provide multiple options in reconstruction. The chapters are separated into anatomic regions to allow the reader easy access to specific anatomic defects.
Lee: Inherited Bleeding Disorders in Women
By Christine Lee
2009, 208 pages, $130 list
Inherited bleeding disorders have an adverse effect on the quality of life of afflicted women. Management of these women and their conditions is challenging and close collaboration between professionals in different specialties is needed. International experts and leaders of clinical research including haematologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, an anesthetist and those involved in patient advocacy show you how in this practical guide for clinicians.
Lee: Textbook of Hemophilia
By Christine Lee
2010 (2nd ed), 428 pages, $250 list
This book is a definitive reference on all aspects of hemophilia including diagnosis, management and treatment. It covers the molecular basis of the disease, the role of factors in coagulation, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, treatment inhibitors and musculoskeletal aspects of the disease.
Leestma: Forensic Neuropathology
By Jan Leestma
2014 (3rd edition), 811 pages, 325+illus, $152 list
Reflecting the latest research, this edition includes expanded sections on multiple trauma, one punch/one hit arterial injuries, and the physiology of respiratory control. It presents new perspectives and rules regarding expert testimony and evidence admissibility occasioned by Daubert and related Supreme Court cases. The book explores how these rulings affect forensic pathologists, neuropathologists, and other potential experts as well as how they interact with the legal system.
Leestma: Forensic Neuropathology
By Jan Leestma
2008 (2nd ed), 768 pages, 300 illus, $149 list
This updated text comprehensively reviews all aspects of neuropathology that may have forensic or medical-legal import. The book presents significant coverage of the role of the neuropathologist in a legal setting before delving into specific forensic aspects of neuropathology, including comprehensive discussions of various syndromes and conditions affecting adults and children. It discusses intracranial equilibria and physical injury to the nervous system and contains entire chapters devoted to neuropathology perspectives on child abuse, gunshot and other penetrating wounds of the nervous system, and the forensic aspects of complex neural functions. This timely revision maintains the breadth and depth of the benchmark first edition while replacing outdated information with the newest developments in these complex areas.
Lefkowitch: Anatomic Pathology Board Review: with Online Pathology Board Review
By Jay H. Lefkowitch MD
2014 (2nd ed.), 616 pages, 835 illus, $179 list
Featuring hundreds of multiple-choice questions and full-color illustrations, Anatomic Pathology Board Review serves as a comprehensive resource for both certification and recertification exams. This fully updated medical reference book contains chapters covering general pathology, the major organ systems, and ancillary diagnostic techniques, as well as important topics including immunohistochemistry, cytopathology, and molecular diagnostics. It's the perfect tool to help you be as prepared as possible for the Anatomic Pathology boards.
Lefkowitch: Scheuer's Liver Biopsy Interpretation
By Jay Lefkowitch
2015 (9th ed), 440 pages, $165 list
For more than 40 years, Scheuer's Liver Biopsy Interpretation has been the pathologist's go-to resource for help in solving diagnostic problems at the microscope. The 9th Edition brings you fully up to date in the field, with coverage of new diagnostic tools, new information on drug-induced liver injury and cytopathology, and many new high-quality illustrations.
Lehmann: Pediatric Informatics
By Christoph Lehmann
2011, 508 pages, $90 list
Pediatric Informatics: Computer Applications in Child Health is a current digest of the important trends in pediatric informatics, written by leading experts in the field. This book explores how the management of biomedical data, information, and knowledge can optimize and advance child health. The contributors investigate the specific importance of pediatric informatics is derived from the biological, psychological, social and cultural needs that the distinguish children from other populations. These distinctions create complexities in the management of pediatric data and information that make children a vulnerable population and require the development of a new body of knowledge in pediatric informatics.
Leonard: Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
By John Leonard
2013, 488 pages, $219 list
In recent years a dramatic increase in knowledge of the biology of the lymphomas has been accompanied by the emergence of new treatments offering improvements in efficacy and reduction in toxicity. In this volume an internationally recognized group of experts review relevant aspects of the biology, diagnosis and management, with particular emphasis on the emerging data available for this disease.
Leonard: Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice
By Debra G B Leonard
2006 (1st ed), 624 pages, 189 illus, $189 list
Molecular Pathology In Clinical Medicine is an authoritative, comprehensive textbook that provides the general pathologist in clinical practice, as well as residents and fellows during their training, with the current standard in molecular testing.
Leonard: Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice: Genetics
By Debra Leonard
2008 (1st ed), 250 pages, 67 illus, $80 list
Molecular Pathology Testing in Clinical Practice: Genetics is an authoritative and comprehensive guide that provides the general pathologist in clinical practice, as well as residents and fellows during their training, with the current standard in molecular genetic testing. The book integrates the latest advancements in the field with the basic principles and practical applications.
Leonard: Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice: Infectious Diseases
By Debra Leonard
2008 (1st ed), 200 pages, 26 illus, $80 list
Molecular Pathology in Clinical Practice: Infectious Diseases is an authoritative and comprehensive guide that provides the general pathologist in clinical practice, as well as residents and fellows during their training, with the current standard in molecular infectious disease testing. The book integrates the latest advancements in the field with the basic principles and practical applications.
Leonard: Quick Compendium Companion for Clinical Pathology
By George Leonard
2009 (1st ed), 352 pages, 1000 illus, $105 list
This book provides hundreds of questions covering each of the areas of clinical pathology, ideal as a study tool for the board exam. Best of all, each question s answer is keyed to the page of the Quick Compendium of Clinical Pathology which the material is discussed.
Leonard: Quick Compendium Companion for Molecular Pathology
By George Leonard, Frank Zuehl, Daniel Mais
2009, 208 pages, $83 list
As molecular pathology continues to become a growth industry, it is more important than ever to keep pace with advances in this expanding field. The original Quick Compendium of Molecular Pathology is an essential resource for board exam preparation and for maintaining competency in molecular pathology.
Leong: A Color Atlas of Comparative Pathology of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
By Franz Leong
2010 (1st ed), 236 pages, $126 list
An annual death toll of 2 million, coupled with rising drug resistance, highlights the need for the development of new drugs, better diagnostics, and a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. Addressing these key issues, A Color Atlas of Comparative Pathology of Pulmonary Tuberculosis introduces TB histopathology to the non-histopathologists, students, scientists, and doctors working, learning, and teaching in the field of TB. It contains 100 color photographs and illustrations that bring clarity to the information presented.
Leong: A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis
By Anthony S-Y Leong
2010 (1st ed), 290 pages, $189 list
A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis demonstrates that a systematic approach to lymph node examination can be achieved through recognition of morphological patterns produced by different disease processes. It presents a combination of knowledge-based assessment and pattern recognition for diagnosis covering the major primary neoplastic and non neoplastic diseases and metastatic tumors in lymph nodes. This volume demonstrates that lymph node compartments can be recognized histologically especially with the aid of immunohistological markers and how this knowledge can be employed effectively to localize and identify pathological changes in the different compartments in order to facilitate histological diagnosis. It also defines histological features that, because of their pathological occurrence in lymph nodes, are useful pointers to specific diagnoses or disease processes.
Lesk: Introduction to Bioinformatics
By Arthur Lesk
2008 (3rd ed), 432 pages, $49 list
An Introduction to Bioinformatics introduces students to the immense power of bioinformatics as a set of scientific tools. The book explains how to access the data archives of genomes and proteins, and the kinds of questions these data and tools can answer, such as how to make inferences from data archives and how to make connections among them to derive useful and interesting predictions.
Leslie: Practical Pulmonary Pathology
By Kevin Leslie
2011 (2nd ed), 864 pages, $254 list
With its award-winning, innovative approach, the new edition of Practical Pulmonary Pathology, by Kevin O. Leslie, MD and Mark R. Wick, MD, provides comprehensive, practical guidance in the accurate identification and interpretation of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs. Lavishly illustrated in full color throughout, this "one-stop" resource captures key morphologic patterns for a full range of common and rare conditions and assists in the interpretation of complex diagnostic puzzles.
Lester: Diagnostic Pathology: Introperative Consultation
By Susan Lester
2014, 432 pages, $237 list
Diagnostic Pathology: Intraoperative Consultation is designed to be the best resource when pathologists need assistance. No time is wasted looking for information because each chapter is directed to a specific question posed by a surgeon, such as "Does this patient have pancreatic cancer?", "Is there an intrauterine pregnancy?", "Does this patient have lung cancer?", or "Are the margins free of carcinoma?". The clinical setting and what the surgeon needs to know - and why - are explained.
Lester: Manual of Surgical Pathology
By Susan Lester
2010, 608 pages, 39 illus, $152 list
Dr. Lester's Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition offers complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, from its arrival in the department to preparation of the final report. Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on specimen processing, tissue handling, gross dissection technique, histological examination, application of special stains, development of a differential diagnosis, and more. This thoroughly revised New Edition integrates cutting-edge procedures well as the latest staging and classification information. Coverage of the latest standards and procedures for the laboratory and handling of surgical pathology specimens are valuable assets to pathologists, pathology assistants, and anyone working in a pathology laboratory. Plus, with Expert Consult functionality, you'll have easy access to the full text online as well as all of the book's illustrations and links to Medline.
Leventhal: Medical Parasitology
By Ruth Leventhal
2011 (3rd ed), 272 pages, $52 list
Rely on this concise, systematic introduction to the biology and epidemiology of human parasitic diseases. Explore an extensive series of photographs, line drawings, and plates that aid in the recognition of parasitic diseases and help to build a solid understanding of the fundamentals of diagnosis and treatment.Updated and enhanced, the 6th Edition features an expanded art program-now in full color. You'll also find more case studies and new interactive exercises online at DavisPlus.Makes the perfect laboratory manual for all disciplines and specialties.
Levine: Principles of Forensic Toxicology
By Barry Levine
2010 (3rd ed), 471 pages, $92 list
This third edition of the classic, best-selling textbook -- ideal for the classroom and the reference shelf -- includes new chapters on non-narcotic analgesics and antihistamines, as well as a number of updated chapters, including mass spectrometry, cannabis, and opioids. Since the publication of the first edition in 1999, Principles of Forensic Toxicology has been used extensively for teaching students taking a one-semester course in forensic toxicology. It has also proven to be an invaluable reference for laboratorians.
Levinson: Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
By Warren Levinson
2012 (1st ed), 710 pages, 68 illus, $55 list
Essential for USMLE and medical microbiology course exam preparation, Review of Medical Microbiology, 12e provides a high-yield review of the basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and immunology. The book emphasizes the real-world clinical application of microbiology and immunology to infectious diseases and offers a unique mix of narrative text, color images, tables and figures, Q&A, and clinical cases.
Levy: HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS
By Jay A Levy
2007 (3rd ed), 750 pages, $100 list
This important text, thoroughly updated and rewritten, continues to offer a unique overview of the field of HIV pathogenesis. Comprehensive, lucid, and extensively annotated, this book presents the most current knowledge on the many aspects of HIV infection and control.
Levy: Pediatric Dermatology
By Moise Levy
2013 (1st ed), $99 list
Moise Levy is guest editing this issue of the Dermatologic Clinics devoted to Pediatric Dermatology, which focuses on the evaluation of newborns, infants, children, and adolescents. The disease are genetic, infectious or developmental in origin. This issue has articles that discuss connective tissue disease, relcalcitrant dermatitis, hemangiomas in infants, and sever pediatric psoriasis. Imaging and dermoscopy are also covered.
Lewin: Tumors of the Esophagus & Stomach (Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 3rd Series, Vol 18)
By Klaus Lewin
1996, 467 pages, $50 list
Discusses precursor lesions, nomenclature problems with Barrett's esophagus and dysplasia, H. pylori and its relationship with GI adenocarcinoma and lymphoma, MALTomas, stromal tumors, gastric mucosal polyps.
Lewis-Jones: Paedeatric Dermatology
By Sue Lewis-Jones
2010 (1st ed), 592 pages, 300 illus, $90 list
Paediatric Dermatology is an indispensable and highly-accessible guide for all healthcare professionals faced with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children with skin diseases. Subdivided into 37 comprehensive chapters written by experts in both dermatology and paediatrics, the book is organized according to presentation and body site rather than diagnosis, making it ideal for quick reference in the clinical setting as well as general study.
Liapis: Pathology of Solid Organ Transplantation
By Helen Liapis
2010 (1st ed), 480 pages, 300 illus, $309 list
The book focuses on the pathology of transplantation in the following organs: kidney, liver, lungs, heart, pancreas and small intestine. An introductory section addresses common entities that may complicate all transplant recipients such as infections, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease and graft versus host disease, followed by 6 sections with detailed manifestations of rejection in each organ. This comprehensive, well-illustrated book serves the needs and meets the requirements of pathologists in training and those practicing in centers with limited volume of transplant biopsies in daily practice.
Lichtman: Williams Manual of Hematology
By Marshall Lichtman
2011 (8th ed), 756 pages, $73 list
Williams Manual of Hematology, 8e is a concise and easy-to-navigate compilation of the pathogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic essentials of blood cell and coagulation protein disorders. Referenced to the classic Williams Hematology, 8e, this handy, easily transported reference has been carefully edited to deliver only the most clinical point-of-care facts.
Lieseke: Essentials of Medical Laboratory Practice
By Connie Lieseke
2012 (1st ed) 512 pages, $65 list
Understand the most common laboratory techniques, tests, and procedures performed in a physician s office. Two dedicated laboratorians offer a simple and clear look at what MAs do in a physician s office laboratory.Inside, you ll find a wealth of inform
Lin: Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions
By Fan Lin
2015 (2nd ed), 748 pages, 461 illus, $265 list
In a conceptually current, quick-reference, Question & Answer format, the second edition of Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions continues to provide a comprehensive and yet concise state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to the field of immunohistochemistry. With links to the authors Immunohistochemical Laboratory website, this volume creates a current and up-to-date information system on immunohistochemistry. This includes access to tissue microarrays (TMA) of over 10,000 tumors and normal tissue to validate common diagnostic panels and provide the best reproducible data for diagnostic purposes.
Linden: Plasma Cell Neoplasms: A Morphologic, Cytogenetic and Immunophenotypic Approach
By Michael A. Linden and Robert W. McKenna
2015, 152 pages, $129 list
This textbook will provide a comprehensive, state-of-the art review the field of diagnostic hematopathology as it’s applied to patients with plasma cell neoplasms. Particular emphasis will be placed on immunophenotypic data – immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry – as well as cytogenetics. We will also discuss how these ancillary data can predict prognosis and chemotherapeutic response. Plasma Cell Neoplasms will serve as a very useful resource for physicians and researchers interested in the plasma cell myeloma diagnosis, therapy, and research. It will provide a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts. All chapters will be written by experts in their fields and will include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.
Lindberg: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors
By Matthew Lindberg, M.D.
2015 (2nd ed), 800 pages, 2,000+ illus, $300 list (Els.)
Part of the highly regarded Diagnostic Pathology series, this updated volume by Matthew Lindberg, MD, is a visually stunning, easy-to-use reference covering all aspects of soft tissue pathology. Outstanding images - including gross pathology, a wide range of stains, and detailed medical illustrations - make this an invaluable diagnostic aid for every practicing pathologist, resident, or fellow. Packed with even more high-resolution images than the previous edition - more than 2,000 images in all - it clearly depicts not only the key features of each tumor, but also the wide array of histologic variants.
Litt: Litt's Drug Eruptions and Reactions Manual
By Jerome Litt
2010 (16th ed), 712 pages, $319 list
In its 16th Edition, this widely acclaimed book has evolved and expanded into the 'Drug Eruptions and Reactions Manual' (D.E.R.M.) - an authoritative guide to adverse drug reactions and reaction patterns. With improved adverse-events listing and a new classification system for reaction patterns, Litt's D.E.R.M. is a valuable resource for anyone dealing with drug prescription. The intuitive look up format and comprehensive coverage make it a helpful diagnostic aid for medical practitioners and an important reference tool for educators, lecturers, pharmacists and students. In retaining its unique focus on drug eruptions, which is much beloved by dermatologists, this edition is also essential for anyone researching, teaching and practicing cutaneous medicine.
Liu: Molecular Detection of Human Parasitic Pathogens
By Dongyou Liu
2013 (1st ed), 895 pages, $200 list
The large number of original and modified molecular protocols that have been developed over the years creates a dilemma for those attempting to adopt the most appropriate protocol for streamlined identification and detection of human pathogenic organisms of interest. Part of a four-volume collection, Molecular Detection of Human Parasitic Pathogens provides a reliable and comprehensive resource on the molecular detection and identification of major human parasitic pathogens.
Llombart-Bosch: New Trends in Cancer for the 21st Century
By Antonio Llombart-Bosch
2010 (1st ed), 420 pages, $179 list
This volume contains the lectures held at the International Symposium on Cancer "New Trends in Cancer for the 21st Century". Fundamental researchers, politicians and representatives from patient coalitions share their knowledge and interests as well as their concerns and experiences. Not only do these papers provide state-of-the-art information on cancer, they are also an opportunity to look at the problem from different points of view.
Lloyd: Endocrine Diseases (Vol 1)
By Ricardo V. Lloyd, Bruce R. Douglas, William F. Young
2002, 315 pages, $120 list
The purpose of the Atlas is to provide surgical pathologists with ready expert reference material most helpful in their daily practice. The lesions described relate principally to medical non-neoplastic conditions as exemplified by our first three Fascicles on endocrine, pulmonary, and skin diseases. Many of these lesions represent complex entities and when appropriate, we have included contributions from internists, radiologists, and surgeons. This has led to some increase in the size of the monographs but the emphasis remains on diagnosis by the surgical pathologist. Previously, the Fascicles have been available on CD-ROM format as well as in print. In order to provide the widest possible advantages of both modalities, we have formatted the print Fascicle on the World Wide Web. Use of the Internet allows cross-indexing within the Fascicles as well as linkage to MedLine. Our goal is to continue to provide expert information at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, marked reductions in pricing are available to residents and fellows as well as to staff purchasing on a subscription basis. We believe that the Atlas of Nontumor Pathology will serve as an outstanding reference for surgical pathologists as well as an important contribution to the literature of other medical specialties.
Lloyd: Endocrine Pathology
By Ricardo Lloyd
2010 (2nd ed), 607 pages, $229 list
Each of the chapters is liberally illustrated with black-and-white photomicrographs, and many of the chapters also include useful diagrams and line drawings. Twelve pages of color plates are grouped in the center of the book. In summary, Lloyd and his collaborators have provided a useful and well-organized resource designed not only for the endocrine pathologist and the general surgical pathologist, but also for the clinical endocrinologist and the endocrine surgeon.
Lo: Clinical Applications of PCR
By Y.M. Dennis Lo
2006 (2nd ed), 210 pages, $149 list
In this updated second edition, leading researchers apply molecular diagnostics to the many recent advances that have occurred in polymerase chain reaction( PCR)-based technologies. Highlights include real-time PCR, which allows the technique to be performed in a quantitative manner with improved sensitivity, robustness, and resilience to carryover contamination, mass spectrometric analysis of nucleic acids, and circulating cell-free nucleic acids in plasma. The authors apply these innovations to a broad spectrum of applications, including gene expression, methylation, trace molecule, gene dosage, and single cell analysis.
Long: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
By Sarah Long
2012 (4th ed), 1744 pages, $280 list
In print, online, or on your mobile device, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease provides the comprehensive and actionable coverage you need to understand, diagnose, and manage the ever-changing, high-risk clinical problems caused by infectious diseases in children and adolescents. With new chapters, expanded and updated coverage, and increased worldwide perspectives, this authoritative medical reference offers the latest need-to-know information in an easily-accessible, high-yield format for quick answers and fast, effective intervention!
Lopez-Beltran: Rare Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions in Urological Pathology
By Antonio Lopez-Beltran, Carmen Menendez, Rodolfo Montironi and Liang Cheng
2015, 437 pages, 490 illus, $155 list
This book is a comprehensive guide to rare tumors and tumor-like conditions of the urinary system and male genital organs. It comprises five chapters, devoted to the kidney, bladder, prostate, testes, and penis. Each chapter begins with a brief overview of "common" tumors and tumor-like conditions and with a section on the classification of both common and rare entities. The main clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular findings for each rare tumor or tumor-like condition are then described and discussed.
Lotti: International Dermatology, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics
By Torello Lotti
2008 (1st ed), 240 pages, 50 illus, $99 list
This issue of Dermatologic Clinics focuses on three aspects of international dermatology: 1) selected concepts in international dermatology, 2) regional dermatology in the global village, and 3) global dermatology for developing countries. Some key articles included are on dermatology in the stream of human mobile population tragedy; international exchange programs in dermatology; paracoccidioidomycosis; skin tuberculosis in children; and dermatovenereology in the post-communist era.
Louis: Non-Neoplastic Diseases of the Central Nervous System (Vol 8)
By David N. Louis, Matthew P. Frosch, Hernando Mena, Elisabeth J. Rushing, Alexander R. Judkins
2010, 444 pages, $145 list
Of the various subspecialty areas in anatomic pathology, neuropathology tends to be one of the least familiar to general pathologists. Most surgical pathologists at institutions with neurosurgical practices gain quick familiarity with the common tumors of the central nervous system. Non-neoplastic diseases of the central nervous system, however, continue to remain a mystery to surgical pathologists, since non-neoplastic diseases of the nervous system represent a wide spectrum of relatively uncommon diseases that are not often biopsied. This Fascicle has been biased toward diseases that may be encountered in surgical pathology practice. Moreover, the authors have tried to illustrate as many entities as possible with surgical material, and have used autopsy brains primarily to illustrate key macroscopic features of some diseases. Readers will find the book of use and comfort as they realize that the brain biopsy in front of them is not from a familiar neoplasm, but from one of the sometimes challenging and always fascinating non-neoplastic diseases of the central nervous system.
Louis: WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System (4th Ed, Vol 1)
Edited by Louis, D.N., Ohgaki, H., Wiestler, O.D., Cavenee, W.K.
2007 (4th ed), 312 pages, $147 list
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System is the first volume of the 4th Edition of the World Health Organization series on histological and genetic typing of human tumours. This authoritative, concise reference book provides an international standard for oncologists and pathologists and will serve as an indispensable guide for use in the design of studies monitoring response to therapy and clinical outcome. Diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and symptoms, pathology, genetics, and predictive factors. The book, prepared by 73 authors from 19 countries, contains more than 400 colour photographs, numerous X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) images, charts, and more than 2,500 references.
Love: Greenfield's Neuropathology
By Seth Love, Arie Perry, James Ironside and Herbert Budka
2015 (9th ed), 2,456 pages, 1,000+ illus, $635 list
Greenfield's Neuropathology, the world's leading neuropathology reference, provides a comprehensive account of the pathological findings in neurological disease, their biological basis, and their clinical manifestations. The book's detailed advice on pathological assessment and interpretation is based on clear descriptions of molecular and cellular processes and reactions that are relevant to the development of the nervous system, as well as its normal and abnormal functioning.
Love: Neuropathology
By S. Love
2012 (1st ed), 294 pages, $99 list
This book is concerned with practical aspects of neuropathology and is aimed at practising general pathologists, forensic pathologists and neuropathologists. The emphasis is on subjects that are not well covered in standard pathology texts. The chapters provide guidelines on the investigation of head injury (including suspected non-accidential injury in children), sudden unexplained death in adults, prion diseases, infections and vascular diseases of the nervous system, CNS lymphomas, dementia, and disorders of nerve and muscle. All of the chapters include guidelines on the conduct of autopsies in these disorders and the book contains an appendix with clear diagrams and advice on the sampling of brain tissue at autopsy.
Lowe: Stevens & Lowe Human Histology
By James S. Lowe and Peter G. Anderson
2014 (4th ed), 448 pages, 900 illus, $70 list
Master the latest in the ever-evolving field of histology with the in-depth and visually engaging Stevens and Lowe's Human Histology. Intended as a complete introduction to the subject, this updated medical reference book incorporates clinical correlations and case studies with the basic information that's essential for students to thrive in the medical environment.
Lucena: Clinico-Pathological Atlas of Cardiovascular Diseases
By Joaquin Lucena, Pablo Garcia-Pavia, M. Paz Suarez-Mier and Luis Alonso-Pulpon
2015, 362 pages, 635 illus, $189 list
The objective of this Atlas is to contribute to the knowledge of morphological findings of the main cardiovascular diseases among the various specialists who deal with people affected of heart diseases: cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons, clinical and forensic pathologists, coroners, sports medicine doctors. The interest in cardiovascular pathology, neglected for years in many countries, is increasing worldwide and we are witnessing the revitalization of a discipline, which, in collaboration with clinicians, is making great contributions to the fight against heart diseases and sudden-unexpected deaths.
Lumerman: Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology
By Harry Lumerman
2012, 256 pages, 400 illus, $169 list
The Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology is a quick, user-friendly diagnostic reference text on Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology for general pathologists, dermatopathologists, and ENT pathologists regarding oral and maxillofacial disorders. Comprised of six compact chapters, the Atlas contains the most common as well as unusual entities that are submitted by surgeons working in this anatomic area. The defining diagnostic histopathology is presented by means of carefully selected images and captions, in addition to a brief outline of the demographic information and histopathologic differential diagnoses. Pitfall problems in diagnosis are also discussed and resolved.
Lupski: Genomic Disorders: The Genomic Basis of Disease
By James R Lupski and Pawel T Stankiewicz
2006 (1st ed), 426 pages, $145 list
A grand summary and synthesis of the tremendous amount of data now available in the post genomic era on the structural features, architecture, and evolution of the human genome. The authors demonstrate how such architectural features may be important to both evolution and to explaining the susceptibility to those DNA rearrangements associated with disease.
Lutio di Castelquidone: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
By Elisabetta de Lutio di Castelquidone
2010 (1st ed), 128 pages, 80 illus, $139 list
This book aims to provide a complete overview of the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). It has been conceived to be both a detailed guide for clinical practice and an updated reference for all those involved in the evaluation of GISTs imaging. The publication provides comprehensive descriptions of the full range of common imaging and nonimaging techniques used in the diagnosis and followup of GISTs.
Lutz: The Rise of Experimental Biology: An Illustrated History
By Peter Lutz
2002, 216 pages
Traverses the major milestones along the evolutionary path of biomedicine from earliest recorded times to the dawn of the 20th century. With an engaging narrative that will have you turning "just one more page" well into the night.
Lyon: Abdominal Stomas and Their Skin Disorders
By Calum Lyon
2009 (2nd ed), 280 pages, $250 list
This innovative handbook bridges the gap between the colorectal surgeon, the stoma nurse and the dermatologist. It addresses the questions of what pathology is involved, what can be done by nurses, when to refer to a dermatologist, and what can be done by a dermatologist. Now in its second edition, the book has been revised throughout and contains new information on nutrition and child stoma patients.
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